The Cheronenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe of Southampton County, Virginia is inviting educators to bring students to visit their Native Palisade Fort called Cattashowrock Town on November 14, 2018. Students will see demonstrations of Native American arts and crafts, experience drumming and dancing, and learn about the Tribe's history and culture. The event aims to educate students about the Tribe's traditions in a culturally authentic way through firsthand experience on the 100-acre tribal land.
The Cheronenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe of Southampton County, Virginia is inviting educators to bring students to visit their Native Palisade Fort called Cattashowrock Town on November 14, 2018. Students will see demonstrations of Native American arts and crafts, experience drumming and dancing, and learn about the Tribe's history and culture. The event aims to educate students about the Tribe's traditions in a culturally authentic way through firsthand experience on the 100-acre tribal land.
The Cheronenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe of Southampton County, Virginia is inviting educators to bring students to visit their Native Palisade Fort called Cattashowrock Town on November 14, 2018. Students will see demonstrations of Native American arts and crafts, experience drumming and dancing, and learn about the Tribe's history and culture. The event aims to educate students about the Tribe's traditions in a culturally authentic way through firsthand experience on the 100-acre tribal land.
The Cheronenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe of Southampton County, Virginia is inviting educators to bring students to visit their Native Palisade Fort called Cattashowrock Town on November 14, 2018. Students will see demonstrations of Native American arts and crafts, experience drumming and dancing, and learn about the Tribe's history and culture. The event aims to educate students about the Tribe's traditions in a culturally authentic way through firsthand experience on the 100-acre tribal land.
The Perception of The Fulani Nomads On Land Ownership in The Sub-Saharan African Region: Case Study of Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Benin Republics
The Perception of The Fulani Nomads On Land Ownership in The Sub-Saharan African Region: Case Study of Nigeria, Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Benin Republics