This document summarizes the development of the Missile Datcom handbook and computer program. It describes the types of aerodynamic methods investigated and the process used to select methods for predicting the performance of missile configurations with circular, elliptic, or arbitrary cross-section bodies and fins. Comparisons with experimental data are included. The selected methods can predict static and dynamic stability derivatives for subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow regimes.
This document summarizes the development of the Missile Datcom handbook and computer program. It describes the types of aerodynamic methods investigated and the process used to select methods for predicting the performance of missile configurations with circular, elliptic, or arbitrary cross-section bodies and fins. Comparisons with experimental data are included. The selected methods can predict static and dynamic stability derivatives for subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow regimes.
This document summarizes the development of the Missile Datcom handbook and computer program. It describes the types of aerodynamic methods investigated and the process used to select methods for predicting the performance of missile configurations with circular, elliptic, or arbitrary cross-section bodies and fins. Comparisons with experimental data are included. The selected methods can predict static and dynamic stability derivatives for subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow regimes.
This document summarizes the development of the Missile Datcom handbook and computer program. It describes the types of aerodynamic methods investigated and the process used to select methods for predicting the performance of missile configurations with circular, elliptic, or arbitrary cross-section bodies and fins. Comparisons with experimental data are included. The selected methods can predict static and dynamic stability derivatives for subsonic, transonic and supersonic flow regimes.
MISSILE DATCOM VOLUME I - FINAL REPORT STEVEN R. VUKELICH STAN L. STOY KEITH A. BURNS JOSEPH A. CASTILLO MARVIN E. MOORE McDonnell Douglas Missile Systems Company Saint Louis, Missouri 63133 DECEMBER 1988 FINAL REPORT FOR PERIOD SEPTEMBER 1981 - DECEMBER 1985 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED. DTIC J U L 1 2 1389 FLIGHT DYNAMICS LABORATORY U AIR FORCE WRIGHT AERONAUTICAL LABORATORIES AIR FORCE SYSTEMS COMMAND - WRIGHT PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, OHIO 45433-6553 ,.I',. .. .4..-. NOTICE When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely related Government procurement operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the goverraent may have formulated, furnished., or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be re- garded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. This report has been reviewed by the Office of Public Affairs (ASD/PA) and is relea.-able to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). At NTIS, it will be available to the general public, including foreign nations. This technical report has been reviewed and is approved for publication. JERR E. JENKINS DAVID X. BOWSER, Chief Project Engineer Control Dynarmics Branch Control Dynamics Branch Flight Control Division Flight Control Division FOR THE COMMANDER z'- H. MAX DAVIS, Assistant for Research and Technology Flight Control Division Flight Dynamics Laboratory Zf your address has changed, if you wish to be removed from our r. *ling list, or if the addressee is no longer employed by your organization please notifyWRDC/FIGC W-PAFb, OH 45433 to help us maintain a current mailing list. Copies of this report should not be returned unless return is required by security considerations, contractual obligations, or notice on a specific document. SECUITYWI.ASS0(AlION OF THIS PAGE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE INCa.EOTSSCUITYE CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION / AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 2b. ECLSSIFC~rON DOWGRAING CHEULEApproved f or public release; dist~ribution 2b. ECLSSIIC~tON DOWGRADNG CHEULEunlimited. 4. PERFOIrMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) ___________________________________ AFWAL-TR-86-3091,_vol i 6a. NAME OF PLRFOHMING ORGANIZATION 6b OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION McDonnell Douglas Missile (if applikable) Flight Dynamics Laboratory (AFWAL/FIGC) Systems Company ________I_ Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories 6.ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 7b ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) P.O.Box516Air Force Systems Comm~and St. Louis, MOD 63166 Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6553 8a. NAME OF FUNDING/ISPONSORING 8b OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER IF33615-81-C-3617 a c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) 10. SOURCE OF FUNDING NUMBERS PROGRAM IPROJECT ITASK ~ WORK UNIT ELEMENT NO. 5NO. 5NO. ACCESSION NO. 62201F 2403 105 50 11 TITLE (include Security Classuification) MISSILE DATCOM VOLUME I - FINAL REPORT 12 PERSONAL AUTHOR(S) S. R. Vukelich, S. L. StoX, K. A. Burns, J. A. Castillo, M. E. Moore 13a- TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month, Day) I1S. PAGE COUNT Final Technical ItI-ROM09/81 TO 12185 188 December 134 616- SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION * 17. COSATI CODES 18 SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessa and identif by block number) FIELD GROUP _SUB-GROUP Computer Program Sq=u ajCk)) Missiles so ic.) -Iypersonic, V Dynamic Derivatives LTranfson~ic ~'Aerodynamics Arbitrary Bodies 19 ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessa a\nd identify by block number) Development of a Missile DATCOM Xandbook and computer program is described. The type of [methods investigated as well as a ethod selection rationale is discussed. Methods were selected for predicting the aerodyn 'Iics of missile configurabons made up of circular, 5elliptic or arbitrary bodieb with .IOr \ ... 'out- fins and inlets. These methods predict static comparisons of many results with experipiental data is included. 210. IS1 RIBI I ION/ AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 121 ABSTRACT TECUTIRIY LLASSI:ICAIION IMUNICLAS'.111IIDAtINUIVIIILD) L SAME AS RPI L~fiiiIC USERS IUNCLASSIFIED 2 22a NAME OF RLSI'ONSIOL F IND)IVIDUI.AL I22b I ELEPHONE (Includo Aiea Coe 41cOFCE SYMBOL Williami Blake 1513) 255-8485 -FG DD FORM 147 3. 84 MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhauste~d. SECURfITY CLASSIFICATION OF -HISPAGE All other editions are obsolete.UNLSIFIE UNLASIIE PREFACE This report was prepared for the Flight Dynamics Laboratory of the Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratories, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, under Contract F33615-81-C-3617. The work was performed by McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, St Louis, Missouri (MDAC-STL), a division of McDonnell Douglas Corporation. The initial development of Missile Datcom was initiated in September 1981 and completed in December 1985. Mr. Jerry E. Jenkins (AFWAL/FIGC) was the Air Force project engineer. Mr. Steven R. Vukelich was the principal investigator for the period September 1981 to February 1985. Mr. Stanley L. Stoy assumed the responsibilities of Principal Investigator in February 1985. The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the AFWAL/FIGC staff, whose guidance was instrumental for the successful completion of the study. The encouragement and support from numerous professionals from the aerospace community were significant to the effort. AFWAL is committed to the continuing development of Missile Datcom. This development is dependent to a large extent on user feedback. Questions about the program or suggestions for future improvements to the program should be directed to the current Air Force project engineer, Mr. William Blake, at (513) 255-6764. Volume I of this report summarizes the method selection philosophy and method selection criteria for the Missile Datcom development program. Volume II is the program User's Manual. Aeesslon For ZNTIS CRA&I *'~ DTIC TAB 0 lUannounce [I Justificatio DiStriblitton/ Availab[ ty Codes . AvzIj. and/or D s pucini iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION .............................................. 1 2.0 METHOD SELECTION PROCEDURE .............................. 3 2.1 Feasibility Study Screening .......................... 3 2.2 Development Study Preselection ....................... 9 2.3 Method Incorporation and Validation .................. 9 2.4 Code and Handbook Method Selection ................... 15 3.0 BODY ALONE METHOD SELECTIONS .............................. 17 3.1 Bodies with Circular Cross Sections .................. 17 3.1.1 Axial Force Coefficient ........................ 22 Skin Friction ......................... 22 Subsonic Pressure Drag ................ 23 Transonic Pressure/Wave Drag .......... 23 Supersonic Wave Orig .................. 24 Boattail Pressu-e/Wave Drag ........... 26 Flare Pressure/Wave Drag .............. 28 General Nose Shape Pressure/Wave Drag. 29 Base Drag ............................. 30 Jet Exhaust and Proturberance Effects. 30 Angle of Attack Effect ................ 30 3.1.2 Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient... 30 Potential Normal Force and Pitching nouiierit .................................. Viscous Normal Force and Pitching Moment ....................... ........ 45 .... 3 Lateral--Directional Coefficients ............... 49 3.2 Bodies with Noncircular Cross Sections ................ 51 3.2.1 Bodies with Elliptic Cross Sections ............ 52 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page Axial Force Coefficient .............. 52 Skin Friction ............. 53 Subsonic Pressure Drag.... 53 Transonic Pressure/Wave Drag 53 Supersonic Wave Drag ....... 53 Boattail Pressure/Wave Drag 53 Flare Pressure/Wave Drag... 55 General Nose Shape Pressure/ Wave Drag.................... 55 Base Drag ............. ...... 55 Angle of Attack Effect ...... 55 Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient ............................ 55 Lateral-Directional Coefficients ....... 56 3.2.2 Arbitrary Bodes with Nonelliptic Cross Sections. 56 Axial Force ............................ 58 Skin Friction ............... 58 bressure/Wave Drag ........... 59 Normal Force Coefficient ............... 60 3,2.2.3 Pitching Moment Coefficient ............ 67 4.0 FIN ALONE METHOD SELECTIONS ............................... 69 4.1 Fins with Straight Taper .............................. 69 4.1.1 Axial Force Coefficient ......................... 73 Skin Friction .......................... 73 Subsonic Pressure Drag ................. 75 4.1J1.3 Transonic Pressure/Wave Drag ........... 75 Supersonic Wave Drag ................... 75 Leading Edge Bluntness Drag ............ 76 Base Drag .............................. 76 Angle of Attack Effect ................. 76 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Ii! 4.1 2 Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient.... 77 Airfoil Section Characteristics ........ 77 Potential Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient ..................... 79 Nonlinear Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient .................... 80 4.1.3 Lateral-Dlrectional Coefficients ................ 83 4.2 Fins with Nonstraight Taper ........................... 83 5.0 INLET METHODS ............................................. 85 5.1 Methodology Used ................................... 85 5.2 Results and Improvements .............................. 89 6.0 CONFIGURATION SYNTHESIS .................................... 93 6.1 Equivalent Angle of Attack.......................... 99 6.2 Carryover Interference ................................. 102 6.3 Vortex Tracking and Strength .......................... 103 6.3.1 Body Vortices ................................ 103 6.3.2 Lifting Surface Vortices ..................... .. 103 7.0 DYNAMIC DERIVATIVE METHOD SELECTION ........................ 105 7.1 Body Alone .......................................... .105 7.1.1 Normal Force Due to Pitch Rate .................. 105 7.1.2 Pitching Moment Due to Pitch Rate .............. 107 7.1.3 Normal Force Due to Rate of Change and Angle of Attack ....................................... 107 7.1.4 Pitching Moment Due to Rate of Change of Angle of Attack ....................................... 107 7.1.5 Side Force Due to Roll Rate ..................... 107 7.1.6 Yawing Moment Due to Roll Rate ................. 109 7.1.7 Rolling Moment Due to Roll Rate ................. 109 vii TABLE OF COWJTENTS (CONTINUE-D)- 7.2 Fin Alone ............................................. 110 7.2.1 Normal Force ;_ad P'tching Moment Oje to Pitch Rate .. ........................................... 110 7.2.2 Normal fcrce a.4d Ptching Moment Due to Rate of Change of Angle of Attack ....................... III 7.3 Cotifiguration Synth sis ................................ 'ill J 8.0 COMPUTER PROGRAM ............................ ........ 5 REFERENCES ........................................................ 117 Viii I LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Page 1 Range of Geometric/Flight Conditions .................. . 5 2 Assessment Criteria ................................... 6 3 Approaches to Aerodynamic Predictions ................. 7.-- 4 Top Level Executive Overlay Structure ................. 11 5 Derivation of Accuracy Criteria ....................... 13 6 Mach Sweep Checks Methods Compatibility ............... 14 7 Axisymmetric Body Alone Aerodynamics ................... 18 8 Component Build-Up Applicability ...................... 21 9 Skin Friction Method Results .......................... 23 10 Spherically Blunted Nose Drag Results Using Devan's Method ........................................ 24 11 Nose Cylinder Geometry Limitation Transonic Speeds ..... 25 12 SOSE Does Poorly at Supersonic Mach Numbers ........... 27 13 Boattail Geometry Limitations ......................... 28 14 Flare Geometry Limitations ............................ 29 15 Regions of Applicability - Supersonic Theories ........ 32 16 Missile DATCOM Computed Pressure Comparisons .......... 33 17 Configurations Tested by Landrum ...................... 34 18 SOSE Pressure Coefficient Distribution Over a Cone Cylinder ......................................... 35 19 SOSE Pressure Coefficient Distribution Over an Ogive Cylinder ........................................ 36 20 SOSE Pressure Coefficient Distribution Over an '"'v Cl 4 inder at A ngl of Attc .. 3 21 SOSE Pressure Coefficient DistribUtion Over a Blunted Ogive Cylinder at Angle of Attack .............. 38 ix LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (CONTINUED) F ureae 22 SOSE Pressure Coefficient for a Circular-Arc Circular-Arc.. 39 23 SOSE Pressure Coefficient Distribution Over an Ogive- Cylinder-Boattail ......................................... 40 24 SOSE Pressure Coefficient Distribution Over a Circular- Arc, Circular-Arc, Flare ................................... 41 25 SOSE Average Error-Normal Force Slope ..................... 42 26 SOSE Average Error-Pitching Moment Slope .................. 43 27 Prediction Error of Potential Slopes Using SOSE ........... 44 Prediction Error for Tangent Ogive-Cylirder Configurations, CN ................................ 4 29 Hybrid Versus SOSE Predictive Error Cm .................... 46 30 Subsonic/Transonic Flare Method Verification ............... 47 31 Comparison of Cross-Flow Drag Models Available ............ 48 32 Modification of Cross-Flow Drag ........................... 50 33 C versus Eccentricity (A/B) for Varying Fineness Ratios 54 AW' 34 Correction of Viscous Cross-Flow for Elliptical Cross 1ections in Subcritical Flow .............................. 57 35 Effect of K on Constant Ellipticity Body Predictions .... 51 n 36 Comparison of Wave/Pressure Drag and Axial Force for Various Cornfigurations ..................................... 61 37 Comparison of Added Mass Values for Various Rounded Cross Sections ................................................... 62 38 Comparison of Added Mass Values of Various Flat Sided Cross Sections............................................. 63 39 Extension ol Slender Body Theory for Nose/Centerbody Configurations Using the Equivalent Radius ................. 65 40 Comparisons of C Data for Various Nose/Centerbody Configurations ov Fineness Ratio 10 ...................... 66 X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (CONTINUED) F Figure Page 41 Fin Alone Method Summary ................................. 70 42 Component Build-Up Applicability ......................... 72 43 Fin Drag Methods ......................................... 74 44 Fin Alone Normal Force Methods ........................... 78 45 Aspect Ratio.Taper Ratio Matrix of Mach Numbers For which Fin Alone CN Predictions were Evaluated ............ 81 46 Fin Alone C Data Comparison for an Aspect Ratio 0.5 Fin 82 I N 47 Geometry Construction Procedure .......................... 86 48 Inlet Configuration Models Showing Quadrilateral Modeling. 88 49 Missile DATCOM Inlet Predictions Compared to NASA TN 84558 Data, Mach = 2.5 ................................. 90 50 Relative Importance of Wing Vortex Contribution to a Cruciform '"+'" Missile Configuration ...................... 95 51 Relative Importance of Wing Vortex Contribution to a Cruciform "X" Missile Configuration ...................... 95 52 Configuration Synthe-is Methods .......................... 96 53 Component Build-Up Applicability ......................... 98 54 Axisymmetric Body Configurations Investigated ............ 99 55 Longitudinal Aerodynamic Predictive Accuracy ............. 100 56 Comparison of Wing in Presence of the Body Predictions with Experiment at Mach 3.36 ................. 100 57 Transoniic Panel Load Predictions Good .................... 101 58 Effect of New Vortex Core Model .......................... 104 59 Su.mmary of Dynamic Derivative Methodology 106 60 Body Alone Pitch Damping Comparisons ..................... 108 61 Limit of Yawing Moment Due to Roll Rate Method ........... 109 62 Missile DATCOM Comparisons of Pitch Damping with Side- winder Missile Body-Canard-Tail and Body-Tail "+' Configuration ............................................ 112 63 Cone-Cylinder Tail Pitch Damping Comparison .............. 113 Xi LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Body Alone Methods .................................... 19 2. Fin Alone Methods ..................................... 71 3. Comparisons of Static Coefficients for Body with 2-0 Inlet at Mach 3.95 .................................... 91 4. Synthesis Methods ..................................... 97 II xii NOMENCLATURI B DEFINITION Lower Case d Body diameter f Fineness ratio 1 Body length, length p Roll rate q Pitch rate req Equivalent radius x Longitudinal distance xc Body planfom area centroid UDger Case A' Apparent area AR Aspect ratio LRef Reference length M Mach number RN Reynolds number per foot Sp Body planform area SRef Reference area Coefficient2 CA Axial force coefficient CAf Total (average) skin friction coefficient CAp Axial force due to pressure drag CAw Axial force due to wave drag CD Drag coefficient Cdc Cross flow drag coefficient C 1 . Lift coefficient C 1 Section lift coefficient Cm Pitching moment coefficient Cm, Pitching moment curve-slope CN Normal force coefficient CNa Normal force-curve-slope CNoa Second derivative of normal force curve with angle of attack Cn Yawing moment coefficient Derivative of yawing moment due to sideslip angle Cy Side force coefficient Cya Derivative of side force due to sideslip angle CnA Pitching moment due to pitch rate Cnmj Pitching moment due to rate of change ef angle of attack xiii NOMENCLATURE (Continued) COEFFICIENTS DEFINITION Ci~q Normal force due to pitch rate CN, Normal force due to rate of change of angle of attack Cyp Side force due to roll rate Cnp Yawing moment duL to roll ratE Clp Rolling moment due to roll rate Greek Angle of attack Qeq Equivalent angle of attack CL Rate of change of angle of attack Angle of yaw, Mach similarity parameters 6 Fin deflection/incidence angle 6 fin deflection rate n Cross flow drag proportionality factor Roll angle 1 Aerodynamic bank angle General Subscript A Afterbody AC Aerodynamic center CG Center of gravity N Nose NT Newtonian theory 0 Zero lift condition P Potential SB Slender body theory V Viscous Nondimensional Factors - All forces and moments are nondimensionalized by the free-streum dynamic pressure and the reference area. The reference area is the maximum cross-sectional area cf the body. In addition, the moments are nondimensionalized by the body maximum diameter. The reference area and length are constant for both longitudinal and lateral-dire tional aerodynamic coefficients. The dynamic derivatives are nondimensionalized by the free-stream dynamic pressure, the reference area and the reference length. In addition, the rate derivatives are non-dimensionalized using the free-stream velocity and the reference length. For example, the dynamic derivative Cm is nondimensionalized using qLref V 00 xiv 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the methods selected for use in Missile DATCOM. Since the preliminary design of missiles requires the use of rapid and accu- rate methods, it became clear from the Feasibility Study (Reference 1) that extremely sophisticated paneling codes would be incompatible with the design environment. Although codes exist which provide the quick and inexpensive tool desired, each has major limitations which reduce design productivity. Every effort was made to produce a method collection which encompasses a wide range of configuration geometries and flight conditions, however, there remain many areas which cannot be addressed with a preliminary design code. These limitations result from the lack of applicable methodology and are identified throughout this report. The lack of applicable methods may be due to either a lack of any known accurate methods or to a lack of sufficiently simple methods to fit the preliminary design environment. 2.0 METHOD SELECTION PROCEDURE r The methods for Missile DATCOM were selected in four stages: Stage 1: Feasibility Study methods screening Stage 2: Development Study preselection Stage 3: Method incorporation and validation Stage 4: Method usage in a Handbook or computer code These four stages permitted a wide range of method types to be evaluated and allowed the methods being evaluated to be selected based upon range of appli- cability (Stage 1), ease of use and automation (Stage 2), accuracy when com- pared to experiment (Stage 3), and computational time (Stage 4). The following paragraphs summarize the types of analysis performed during each stage. K 1 2.1 FEASIBILITY STUDY SCREENING The purpose of the Feasibility Study (Reference 1) was to: (a) Determine the range of geometric and flight conditions for which methodology should be specified, (b) Survey the literature for applicable nethodology and determine those areas lacking in appropriate methods and needing further development, (c) Det.rmlne the structure of a Handbook and/or computer program which allows rapid and accurate use of the available methodology in the missile design environment, and (d) Assess the feasibility, or probability of success, of developing a Missile DATCOM and recommend a Handbook and/or computer program format. 3 The ranges of geometric and flight conditions were determined from analy- sis of existing experimental data and existing operational missiles world- wide. The results, shown in Figure 1, were categorized by Priority. Priority I were the ranges of which at least 75 percent of the configurations and their corresponding flight conditions would be placed; Priority 2 encompasses more than 90 percent of the total configurations studied. The available methods were assessed using the eight criteria given in Figure 2. Generally, methods were sought which were: (a) Theoretical or semi-empirical, so that the more "unusual" geometries could be accurately evaluated and, hence, limit empirical data base extrapolations, (b) Require minimum geometry detail, (c) Demonstrated to be accurate for the design environment, (d) Currently used in industry and thuught to be good, reliable tech- niques, (e) Applicable to a wide range of geometries and flight conditions, and (f) Generally traceable in origin and compatible with other selected techniques. After studying more than 315 individual methods, it became clear that com- ponent build-up methods were better suited to tultilling the eight selection criteria. It was also demonstrated that in spite of deficiencies in some areas, sufficient "good" methedology existed to develop a design tool appli- cable to preliminary design. A qualitat've assessment of the two approa-:hes (component build-up and panel methods) is shown in Figure 3. In general, the cost of using component 4 PARAMETER SYMBOL PRIORITY 1 PRIORITY 2 SOURCE ANGLE OF ATTACK, DEG. -20-a,0 -18Q50_'180 AEROMECHANICS ANGLE OF YAW, DEG. 2 -2 04(20 -180<-p3kI8O SURVEY AND AERODYNAMIC ROLL, DEG. OL-10I-45 O-II4-1O WORLD'S MACH NUMBER M OM/o_6 OILM/-_ 10 MISSILE BODY FINENESS RATIO (1/d)B 6b-(l/d)B20O 1(-i,/d) -e.3O SYSTEMS NOSE FINENESS RATIO (i/diN .S-(l/d)N- 5 C.-_(I/d) -_/ FIN EXPOSED SPAN TO DIAMETER b/d 1b/d_56 O_b/d1O FIN ASPECT RATIO AR 0.6!AR!4 O.1!-AR_5IO FIN PLANFORM TRIANGULAR ALL TRAPEZOIDAL WING/TAIL ORIENTATION IN-LINE ALL CONTROL METHOD ALL MOVEABLE ALL FIN REYNOLDS NUMBER/FT R 3x105R /-2xlO 1O3.R .R3x1O MACH-ALTITUDE I RENOLS NMBE/FTN -N_ FIN DEFLECTION/INCIDENCE, DEG. & o03_30 0--c&,60 BOUNDARY ROLL RATE, RAD/SEC. p O-Ip i--l 0p[z8 MISSILE SYSTEM PITCH RATE, RAD/SEC. q O-IqI_-1.5 O--jqi-j3 ANALYSIS YAW RATE, RAD/SEC. r OIri.-l.5 0}-r:i3 FIN DEFLECTION RATE, RAD/SEC. S O_4f5_10 081_28 * FIGURE I RANGE OF GEOMETRIC/FLIGHT CONDITIONS L 5 1. METHOD APPROACH - Theoretical - Sem,-Emprical - Empirical 2. EFFICIENCY (HANDBOOK, COMPUTER) - Number Computations - Complexity of Logic - Number. Type of Inputs - Iterative - Datail of Geometry Required 3. ACCURACY - Existing Validation - Compatibility with Accuracy Requiremtnts - Sensitivity of Output to Input Accuracy - Derivation Assumptions - Theoretical - Range of Data - Empirical - Geometric Model 4.STATUS - Current Use in Industry - Handbook Method Available - Method Coded and Used Locailv - Doe it Need Modification - Is Modification State-of-the-Art 5. RANGE OF APPLICABILITY - Flight Conditions (Mach. a, 0, 01 - Geometry S. UTILITY OF OUTPUT PARAMETERS - Compatibility with Other Methods - Thoroughness 7. GENERAL UTILITY - Understandability - Trceability - Modifiability a. VALIDATION STATUS -stingVaidation t- CompEts Vah ;dado n FIGURE 2 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 6 -IL ~2: LI- on- LU L) uiJ o- 04 Co (D CD Ixwu- -. LO 13 build-up methods are far less than panel type methods, due to the i.ocrease in required configuration detail for panel methods. Although computer costs can be a factor in selection, the cost in labor hours is far more significant; paneling codes can require as much as ten times more labor for the same con- figuration shape. Paneling-type methods are better suited for more arbitrary configura- tions. The majority of component build-up methods have been developed for conventional missfle shapes (circular or elliptical bodies with straight- tapered fins, and planar or cruciform fin arrangements. Component build-up methods are fairly accurate for conventional configurations and easily lend themselves to parametric analysis. For these reasons and because most near term missiles will continue to have conventional shapes, component build-up methods are the best choice. Another plus is that with the build-up approach it is easier to substitute experimental data which allows for more detailed analysis. The development of Missile DATCOM was found to be feasible and methodology available to perform preliminary or conceptual misrile design. No comprehen- sive collection of missile design methods is available, and the assembly of a nmethods Handbook would fill this important void. Existing computer programs were available, but were often limited in ap-- plicability, poorly programmPd, too complex, or substantially undocumented. To overcome these problems, Missile DATCOM was to be developed as follows: (a) A Handbook and its companion computer program were to be developed in par ll l. Th~ auuu-" wo ld include" I'll -a brilefl u" +,t t ... I JIrou,, -S ,.11 c l _ IpaliGI Il. ThIe 'flaritu U. r WI lu Il IUU. %I/ J ~ IL IIUU~I I)U sion of the physical phenomena being modeled, (2) a description of the selected method, including all equations, tables, arid charts necessary for its use, and (3) a bibliography. 8i (b) The computer program, developed :oncurrently with the Handbook, would reflect, as a minimum, the same capability as the Handbook. The program was to be written with the following characteristics: (1) to conform with American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard FOPTRAN language for ease of use on a wide variety of computer systems, (2) structured code using the concept of structured programming for code readability, (3) liberal internal documentation to aid code development and increase its utility, (4) modular method subroutines, so that they can be easily ex- changed for better techniques in the future without the need for extensive code revisions, .(5) inputs were to be structured to minimize the number and type of inputs required, (6) designed to minimize computer execution time and memory, and (7) a User's Manual which defines the inputs required and the output%. available. * 2.2 DEVELOPMENT STUDY PRESELECTION In many cases, the Feasibility Study showed that more than one technique was available to compute a particular aerodynamic parameter. Hence, it was necessary to select one for use. One way of accomplishing this task was the use of a methods development tree where the assumptions made in deriving the techniques could be directly compared, and a method with the least simplify- ing assumptions could be given more weight in the selection process. Preselection also considered the currently available status of the methods. Since the primary analysis tool was expected to be the computer code, the availability of a well coded and documented procedure was important for overdll development efficiency and future code maintenance. 2.3 METHOD INCORPORATION AND VALIDATION This third stage of method selection is meant to automate the selected methods, verify they provide accurate results, and then compare their accuracy to experimental data or theory, w~ichever is most appropriate. In many cases the selected methods already existed in automated form, making conversion into the Missile OATCOM code simply one of interfacing the inputs and outputs. In other cases, new code had to be written. Whenever computer code is used to represent an analytical technique, it typically takes months of testing to reduce programming error. In order to shorten the time needed to make this code operational, a "Top-Down Design" and "Structured Progranming" technique was used. in addition, to make the code as transportable between machines as possible, ANSI standard FORTRAN-66 language (ABSI X38,01966) was selected. The concept of "Top-Down Design" means that the code is designed in a tree structure, where the main program is the root, and each task is assigned to a separate branch. Each branch, or task, is independent of others; that is, the type of method incorporated has no bearing on the type of method selected for other tasks in the system. Hence, individual methods can be replaced at will without influencing the remainder of the code. The basic tree structure of the code is illustrated in Figure 4. A significant by-product of this tree structure is well defined tasks which can be overlayed to reduce the needed computer core required for execution. The second concept, Structured Programming, defines the way the code is to be written, with emphasis on internal documentation. A large number of romment cards are incorporated in the program to determine the logic and func- ional processes. Both concepts resulted in the successful development of the code. Over 40,000 lires of code were implemented in less than three years, with few iain- tenance tasks identified. As mentioned earlier, a method must be verified as being coded correctly before its accu ay can be correctly determined. This was performed by parametrically varying the method Subroutine inputs and plot- ting the outputs as a function of the parametric variable. By comparing these results with theory, or experiment, each method was verified as being an ena- lytical model of the method selected. 10 Lbl dOOl HOVW 0.. ce ujVI- C9- Lii UA- ismE~ 11C To evaluate the accuracy of the individual methods an accepted accuracy criteria was employed. The accuracy criteria selected was the one developed by Krieger 3nd Williams (Reference 2). It is based on the idea that the ac- curacy to which an aerodynamic coefficient needs to be predicted should be a function of what the coefficient is going to be used to compute. If it is I used to compute obtainable load factor then it may not be required to be as i accurate as if it was being used to compute the range. Therefore, the uses to be made of the different aerodynamic coefficients must be determined follow- ed by a determination of accuracy required for the performance parameters. The accuracy required in the prediction of the aerodynamic coefficients is then backed out of the equations for the performance parameters. This process is outlined for the longitudinal coefficients CN, C and C in Figure 5. From this accuracy criteria it is found that it is acceptable to predict C N and Cm within +20 percent while CA is often required to be predicted N -- to within +10 percent. Application of this method allowed for a quantitative assessment of the accuracy of the individual methods. In addition to individual method accuracy, it was necessary to insure that they were compatible as a function of Mach number. As illustrated in Figure S6, it was desirable that there be no predictive discontinuities at the limits of method applicability. Even though this was not practical, the differences at method switchover were kept at a minimum. Method switchover occurred at the following conditions: CONFIGURATION MACH NUMBER COEFFICIENTS BODY 1.2 ALL 2.0 ALL F INS 0.8 ALL 1.4 ALL l The reasons for the switchover are defined in the method selections described i in Section 3 and Section 4. 12 m~ 0 C)( 'AJ Li -K0 us +4 + 1.1 XJ z E IL u u- -ar -J LJ cr_ z-- MiW z 0 o cc c u uj 0 CL Z 0 cc m u Z D 0 IL w ), cc u c -a 13 Lam =D 0 ...... .. o.... . o.. .. ..... ........ .... ...... 0.o... ..... ... i.. ..........u., ............ .~ ..... ........... ......... ............................ .................. .. .......... r ...... . . .... ............. ..... . ............ -.......... ........... . ........... S......a ...... -,...... a ....... a ...... ....... " ............ ------- ........ .. ....... .................. .. ............ . . ............ .. . . . e.o... . ._ .; N " - - l -- _ .................. .................. ~ .'i 14 2.4 CODE AND HANDBOOK METHOD SELECTION The goals for the Missile DATCOM program were to have the computer code and the Handbook complement each other, yet be independent so that either could be used without requiring the use of the other. In some cases, the Nbest" methodology could be efficiently used on computer equipment and not be easily solved by hand in a methods Handbook. It w,,u.ld have been possible to use the code to generate Handbook design charts, which was ultimately done for the skin friction calculation method, but this approach was avoided since it does not lend itself to a thorough understanding of the method. By avoid- ing this, the Handbook and code methods are independent checks of one another, and in some instances are from different method snurces, so the methods in the Handbook could be kept as simple as possible. Where there are method differences between the Handbook and the computer code, those differences are described in the method description sections of this report. 15 3.0 BODY ALONE METHOD SELECTIONS This section summarizes the methods selected for body alone aerodynamics. It is divided into two sections: bodies with circular cross sections (axisym- metric bodies) and bodies with noncircular cross sections. Each section is further subdivided by aerodynamic coefficient. It should be noted that a significant number of "easy to apply" methods for noncircular bodies have been used for bodies with elliptically-shaped cross sections. Although methods can be extended to handle more arbitrary shapes, this has not been done due to the limited amount of information avail- able for extending these techniques. The method used in the computer code for bodies with arbitrary cross sections is numerically intensive, therefore no hand calculation methods are presented. 3.1 BODIES WITH CIRCULAR CROSS SECTIONS This section summarizes the body alone methods investigated for inclusion into the Missile DATCOM methods compendium. Approximately 108 individual methods were identified during the Missile DATCOM Feasibility Study as either recommendations or alternates Method selection began with the Feasibility Study results. Each of the recommended techniques were again studied using the assessment criteria shown in Figure 2. The final selections arR given in Figure 7, and a summary com- parison with the Feasibility Study recommendations is given in Table 1. In nearly all cases, the Feasibility Study recommendations were the final method selections. As shown in Figure 8, component build-up methods remain questionable for some configurations. For example, the subsonic/transonic axisymmetric methods included are only applicable to conical or tangent ogive nose shapes attached to cylindrical bodies, whose lengths are at least six body diameters. The reasons for the configuration limitations are as follows: 17 ___----_ _ 11- 4788 1-20-84 SUBSONIC TRANSONIC SUPERSONIC M <,.0.8 o.8 .- M <_ 12M>M1.2 CN INOSE-CYLINDER) MBB TN WE 2-97/69 AND WE 12 88/70 cm a (20) C Na (BOATTAILS) NSWCTR -81-156 NSWCTR-81 156 (HYBRID/SOSE) raG (FLARES) C Na AMCP 70x 280A Cm a Cm(13) (21) "MODERN DEVELOPMENTS (VALUE OF UNITY IN FLUID AEDC TR-75-124 ALUEOU DYNAMICS' A (GOLDSTEIN) (22) (23) (11) C A Cd NASA TN-D'6996 AND AEDC TA-75-124( 4 A SKIN FRICTION BLASIUS + TRANSITION fVAN DRIEST II PRESSURE DRAG - "FLUID DYNAMIC DRAG" (HOERNER) NOSE-CYLINDER (6) PRESSURE DRAG - A BOATTAI LS DTNSRDC/ASED-80/10 (11) (NOT APPLICABLE) PRESSURE DRAG - 0 A FLARES AMCP '06-280 (13) WAVE DRAG NOSE - CYLINDER NSWC TR-80-346 (8) a NSWC TR-81-156 WAVE DRAG-BOATTAILS (NOT APPLICABLE) OTNSRDC/ASED-80/10 (HYBRID/SOSE) WAVE DRAG - FLARES AMCP 706_-280 (in)i ,zi BASE DFAG CYLINDERS NASA TAI-R100 (14) BASE DRAG - BOATTAILS NSWC TR - 81 -156 (21) BASE DRAG - FLARES AMCP /06--280A (13) EMPIRICAL METHOD )REF. NUMBER FIGURE 7 AXISYMMETRIC BODY ALONE AERODYNAMICS 18 _ _i LJ.J LA oA 0o 2C Q) 4,I I I El 4-) 4L- > sL >9( 0 a 0U (a 44' V o ) L- 0 S- 0 .0 U 4. LL. M - -% = - ( C - 0)~ ~ ai ) U -E (:n 0 U L . U4-j c CT U4.) s- - LV O7 o r C (aE to Q' (1 cc (a V) uA U>1 a) Q c to to (a E > *-4- c+-j (0i cc -- -L L- S. 1. A (a CL C) 0 j-.-- d(EU r LA.) U U () lW V a 0 u 0) T) 4-( +j mE u .4-j to .4-1 4-j 4~J 0 +- >) > :3 0 o 0 4-1 a-) 4j +j4-j(L) 0 4.(4.J Cl' - 0 (oE 04-' C) 00 4) 4- U.) cc = ) 0) o 4- - e- Ix "a 'a C..) -y .-.- Con 4J 1.) V) 40 C>. -0Qoo 0) L&.I 0 Q) C) 0> 0 ~ 2N co X)C kn 4-j 4-. ' c V) L.. LA5 VQ. LA 0 0 L. I Ix O Cl) 0a U ) 0 'oJ 40 tD I oQi ). U 0j- X CD' '0r K) 'Li 0) *~~, F. -4 I ~ I= I-- m c c a 41- cm cl 4-0 Q IC0 Q.) w o LUJ Li ro to a - CLC. < C-) r_ C c Q ) > > -0 a >11 qo a .. U01 ) 0 0 to ' 0 w)0 OU EU f M 0 to' Li.) cCD w- w - - 4 - C- 4 CU4 to V 0 0 LU. > (A ... 4) ). S - E -- c 0_ 4- EU wi 0 0 0 cu - 0" Ci- 5- 4~ 4-- - U *1 4-) ao -j 0.3 c) w )4 0 '-4 - w- )C i E m) SU< CACA 5-. t" a ) <: c~ Q) t O> )W > LL =I ,- I-n ~ 0) ) ~ ... ) ) -cc <C a C <. <. <4- c C c 19 Li _ _ _ _ _N vi "LA < 4- 4- UQ 0 CL)U or >U- V) 0) S-S.V) mc L 34- o7 (V(W1 U I.J C fl -- . f 4- 4j () 4... to w1J~* cu C.) 7: O+ ) .04U C0 S- 0 n V)' 4-- C C cu 'a(U oI- X0 w (U Il I) W - >., -l -- cm V r- S V c anI0 . W4 .- j ca) CUU u S- be -j b cc) toi 0 0 ' 0 - :0 A Ul C *- U.) .- U. 2ro vi toLe IS A 20 IN I M -pui Axisymmetric Bodies 11 -4792 7-20-84 SUBSONIC TRANSONIC SUPERSONIC N1 <0.8 0,8 <M < 1.2 M >1.2 NOSE SHAPE CONE V TANGENT OGIVLS '/ OTHER ? ? NOSE BLUNTNESS SHARP SPHERICAL BLUNTNESS ? V TRUNCATED X X V OTHER X X CONFIGURATION NOSE - CYLINDER 'V NOSE - BOATTAIL ? NOSE - FLARE ? NOSE - CYLINDER - BOATTAIL I ./ 1 NOSE -CYLINDER FLARE ? ? FINENESS RATIO 2 <VJd <28 IIS ANGLE OF ATTACK r <a<30,. /, APPLICATION SUITABLE ? APPLICATION QUESTIONABLE/LIMITED X DOES NOT APPLY 1 TANGENT OGIVFS:%/ FIGURE 8 COMPONENT BUILD-UP APPLICABILITY (a) In the subsonic and transonic Mach regimes no easy to apply method is available to analyze general nose shape contours. Although design charts exist for selected nose shapes, the methods require substantial input de- scription and user intervention. Therefore they are not included in the Missile DATCOM code. Parametric results in the form of design charts have not been published and are therefore unavailable for incorporation. (b) Methods to c0mpmnte the effect of spherical nose bluntness is only available for CA at zero angle of attack. The blunted cone method used is weak. (Design charts are available for blunted cones, but are not in the public domain.) (c) Elliptically shaped nose bluntness was not addressed in any litera- ture sources searched. 21 (d) The extreme dependency of the nose flow field on the afterbody for short cylindrical afterbodies prohibits the generalization of a method for arbitrary afterbody shape or nose-flare geometries. (e) The existing flare methodology at subsonic and transonic speeds is limited to conical flares whose surface slope angle is small. The following paragraphs detail each of the aerodynamic coefficient methods selected and their limitations. 3.1.1 Axial Force Coefficient In general, the methods recommended during the Feasibility Study were found to be acceptable during method selectfon. Each of the following para- graphs summarize the results observed during the method implementation and validation. Skin Friction - The method of Van Driest (referred to as Van Driest IT) was found to produce acceptable skin friction drag characteristics for turbulent boundary layers at all speeds (Reference 3). The method of Blasius, for laminar boundary layers, and the MDAC method for laminar boundary layer transition completed the scope of the skin friction calculations (References 4 and 5 respectively). Since skin friction is difficult to extract from a ma- Jority of experimental results for bodies, the absolute magnitude of the method's predictive accuracy cannot be determined. However, based upon total drag comparisons with experimental data, it was deduced that the skin fric- tion calculations are quite adeqi te for preliminary design purposes. Since the Van Driest II method is iterative, it cannot be easily computed by hand using a methods handbook. However, since it includes the effects of wall temperature, Mach number, Reynolds number, and surface roughness it far surpasses the available simple techniques. Hence, the production of design charts for the methods handbook was considered the best compromise; an example is shown in Figure 9. In the computer code the free stream temperature is used as the wall temperature. 22 -jam - N ZERO SURFACE ROUGHNESS 11 -3803 -.. FULLY TURBULENT -MACH NUMBER I,. .. ,, o "FULLY 5 LAMINAR ... F " ' 6 II _ _ _ .... _ _ _ _ _ " I ! " -" "" ' 'i TRANSITION .... ::10 106 106 107 log 109 REYNOLDS NUMBER FIGURE 9 SKIN FRICTION METHOD RESULTS Subsqnti Presure -Drag - The method of Hoerner, which correlates pressure drag to skin friction drag was retained from the Feasibility Study results (Reference 6). There were no subsonic (Mach numbers less than 0.6) predictive comparisons which demonstrated that this approach is inappropriate. Transoni.c PreSsure/Wave Drag - For ogive-cylinder configurations the method of Chaussee (Reference 7) was initially selected because of its basis in transunic flow theory. However, after the Feasibility Study was completed, it was determined that the Chaussee results were substantially in error for selected nose fineness ratio combinations. These discrepancies were corrected by Devan (Reference 8) and form the basis of the final method selected. Com- parison with experiment has shown that this teuhnliuo gives excellent results (Figure 10), although it was required to be coded as a multivariable table lookup. The original Lagrange interpolation was replaced with a linear inter- polation to reduce interpolation error. 23 S-- FIGURE~ 10 SPERCLL BU ITE COEDAP EUT 0..44lp4 USN DEVANSMETHNODI C t q . 5' o.81.6 :L4- 21 4,o MAC Numm FIGURE 10 SPHERICALLY BLUNITED NOSE BRAG RESULTS USING DEVAN'S METHOD The recomiended approach for cone-cylinder pressure/wave drag was develop- ed by MDAC. It covre& a wide range of cone fineness ratios and nose blunt- ness ratios. Although this technique is probably one of the better approich- es, the method is considered propietary and was not used. The alternative approach was one derived by Devan from experimental observations, which indi- cated a very small effect of nose bluntness. Since this approach is not en- tirely accurate, nor does it cover a sufficiently wide range of nose fineness ratios, it is recommended that it be replaced with a better technique when available. The coded method's limitations are summarized in Figure 11. Supersonic Wave DraM - Two techniques were selected for body wave drag, the i, i d Second Order ShoLk Expaimior (SOSE) me...d of QF,o ofu Wea rr, ette (Reference 9), and the Van Dyke hybrid theory method as automated by NSWC for the Aeroprediction Code (Reference 10). Both techniques were selected so that the entire supersonic Mach regime could be adequately covered. 24 f-L C.,,J LA ~ L LO L viC L.)* VI - ~VI I.- -nifL LLJ-m LU. uii w - LU OLD 04 r4 I U,~~- LD(% -4 LJ La.J vi -I w 4 VI VI V) 2O nU- O I.. LL.L LU~2M L= 25 At Mach numbers below approximately 2.0, there is a tendency for SOSE to overpredict way. drag by approximately 20 pe,'cent (See Figure 12). Since this approach models geometry as a series of cone f~jstrums, this type of error can be expected at low supersonic speeds for some shapes. At a Mach number of ap- proximately 1.4 or less, the SOSE code will compute subsonic flow behind the shock, with large nose tip pressures being a result; hence, the axial force will climb to extremely high values. The flow expands to supersonic speeds with no noticeable effect on CN and C curve slope near zero angle of Nm attack. To avoid this problem at low supersonic speeds, the Van Dyke Hybrid method was incorporated. Its use eliminated the large wave drag characteristic of SOSE, but at the expense of comlputational time. Although Hybrid Theory im- proved the prediction accuracy at lower speeds, it does not compute the effects of spherical nose bluntness accurately, and for this reason is not recommended for blunted noses at any speed. The effect of nose bluntness at low supersonic speeds Is a noticable methods problem area. It is recommended that a new method be incorporated in the Mach range from 1.2 to 1.5 for blunted noses. The easiest approach would be to extend the transonic methods from the current Mach 1.2 to Mach 1.5; sufficient data exists in the transonic method data tables to permit this extension. Boattail Pressure/Wave Drag - The Payne correlation of boattail drag at subsonic and transonic speeds is comprehensive and is restricted only by the limitations detailed in Figure 13 (Reference 11). It was found to be suf- ficiently accurate for preliminary design. However, it does assume that suf- ficient distance exists between the nose and the boattail to minimize nose flow field coupling (approximately six calibers). Shorter cylindrical after- bodies should not be investigated using this technique, and no other' method is available that can be substituted. Hence, the derivation of a new subsonic/ transonic boattall drag model is required. A recommended approach would be to use the code RAXBOD to generate parametric results which could be interpolated for the computer code, and used to create a design chart for the methods hand- book (Reference 12). 26 S. _- -" . ... " _ ,_ Z % z - ,- -_ . . --.--.. -...- -'- ___ _.---_r-_- " '-m '- . . LI. __ _ _ _ _ ...---- 0~CI ....-- .-.-. __--. < f) "". - -i -- . - -. -- n LU wJ ... ...... T -- ..... .... .... ..... ........... .t _ CQ .c .. ..... _ tq _Q L.J / - - - - - - -- - - - - - -' iC ;KO WOO...O& l S. . ....................... . ... ........ T ..... n c'". I -- 27 I~~2 TRANSONIC CA CONICAL OG I VAL I.D 1BMAX =16 DEG. OMAX = 28 DEG. FIGURE 13 SMTTAIL GEOMETRY LIMITATIONS Comparisons with experimental data at supersonic speeds have shown that the SOSE and/or Hybrid methods are sufficiently accurate for preliminary de- sign since they inherently include nose/afterbody coupling. Flare Pressure/ayv Drag - The Feasibility Study did not ident- ify a method for flares In the subsonic/transonic regime since It was thought that their usage was limited to projectile shapes. Subsequent information revealed that there exists much more interest than first helieved; sn two methods were later selected for stuty. The first was an empirical data base of a wide variety of flare fineness raios; it was rejected because of the extremely short cylindrical centerbody separating it from the nose. The second, a U.S. Army correlation, seemed to be a reasonable alternative al- though it only addressed conical flares (Reference 13). The limitations placed on the geometry are described in Figure 14. Since no Other method exists it was selected. It is recommended that an improved new technique be developed. 28 TRANSONI C CA CONICAL OGIVAL W 10 DEG. MAX 10 DEG. (USING CONICAL DATA) FIGURE 14 FLARE GEOMETRY LI1ITATIONIS At supersonic speeds, flares can be analyzed quite easily using either the SOSE or Hybrid methods described above. Comparison with experiment has shown the pressure distributions calculated to be quite accurate at lower angles of attack (less than etgh, degrees). General Nose Shape Pressure/Wave Drao - The only nose shapes cur- rently being addressed at subsonic/tran5onic speeds are tangent ogives and cones. There is ar urgent need to develop methods for other shapes, such as 1Haa sr4es, Awerlaw, and sca-nt onglve noses. The approach recommended is to use the code RAXBC T ) and parametrically vary the nose fineness ratio to develop design charts. The supersonic speed regime is once again adequately covered by the SOSE/Hybrid combination. 29 I--.-__ - -- _ Base Draa - The method selected by the Feasibility Report was slightly changed simply due to automation convenience. The use of NASA-TR-R- 100 is thought to be slightly more advantageous due to the wide range of flight test results used in derivation of the method (Reference 14). The method was modified using a U. S. Army method so that the base drag due to boattails and flares could be accommodated (Reference 13). Jet Exaust and Protuberance Effects - Although methods were ident- ifiad in the Feasibility Study for the effects of jet exhaust and protuber- ances, they proved to be too limited in application or too general to be useful. Hence, neither set of techniques were incorporated. An le-of-Attack Effect - The recommcnded Allen and Perkins plus Jor- gensen method was incorporated (Reference 15). Prediction comparisons showed that the techniques were adequate to approxittely 30 degree angle of attack. However, in the transonic Mach regime the discrepancy with experiment was largest between 15 degrees and 60 degrees angle of attack. Some predictions followed the experimental results quite accurately, while others were signi- ficantly in error. It is not known whether this effect is Reynolds number, nose shape, or total body fineness ratio dependent. Analyses which are more dependent upon results in this angle of attack range will require a signifi- cantly improved axial force due to angle of attack model. 3.1.2 Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient The methods selected for configuration normal force and pitching moment are far superlor to those origlnally OIc miluvnded -1, the FeasLbility "tu"y. This is due to the discovery of methods not previously available in the open literature and the improvemert of the selected siepersonic techniques. 30 It is assumed that the normal force and pitching moment coefficients can be approximated as the sum of potential and viscous contributions: C cc + c N Np NV IC -C + C C m Cp CmV_ where, C - 0.5 C sin(Sa) cos (&/2) Np Spsn &/ CNV - Cdc Sp sref C - 0.5 Cn sln(2a) cos(a/2) Cm nC SC sPin'(a)/Sref(X:g-X )Lref PotepntiAl 1rmal Ferce and Pitching Hmpent - Two separate methods wer. Implemented: the Second Order Shock Expansion (SOSE) method and the Van Dyke Hybrid Theory. As illustrated in Figure 15. a significant methods overlap region exists for the most comnonly used noses. It would appear ad- vantageous to include only the SOSE method at all supersonic speeds and sim- plify the code. At Mach 2.3, the SOSE pressure coefficient distributions over a 3:1 tangent ogive at eight degrees angle-of-attack, compare favorably to the more complex Hybrid and Shock Capturing codes, Figure 16. Other SOSE compari- sons to the configurations shown in Figure 17 were also quite satiSfectory (Figures 18 through 24). Using a large data base of experimental results, the accuracy of the SOSE method was assessed. The results, shown in Figures 25 and 26, divided by nose shape, shows that a large percentage of the configurations (over 65 per-- cent) can be predicted with 10 percent error or less, and over 75 percent can be predicted with less than 15% error. The average error on normal force and pitching moment coefficient slope, summarized in Figure 27, is far below the + 20 percent allowable using the accuracy criteria developed in Section 2. 31 L 4 4 AT SWJIFACAI_ S 1- (3 f I =4 I FI'IE15R$I O PL AIIY- 'MACISNIC 11It I ..... HCK E~ In Figure 28Ho the r ter e dirde bo the most cowsn geamatrn cr2- teria: (1) c/fN<0.4 - an assumed poor SOSg application region, 1(2) N < 2 - an assumed lower tMach l1it for SOSE, 13 fA o - no cylinder added to the nose, and_, (4) N > 2, fA > 0 - the best SOSE application region. As assumed, criteria 4 was the best demonstrated operating region for SOSE. However, the aver'age error for the other regions was a scant 2.0 per- cent to 3.4 percent greater. Go' iii LAJ 8 0t Cio 0o. IIl I'4 01 -4 C' 'd/ld'AnS~d 3wimn 33/ Ioi IFl RA I I 34 U- 0 L L OwJ 0L V) "4C -Jo.J IL- CD- I.N9IIAA33 3ussLU 35~ LAJ I-- LU a-I zz -j r oLUJ CLI, LUA 0 LII -AO4 0N1I-A0 3wn0S0 36 LL) c2 I- 0L C~j CD I-j 0D -Ji - - ___ 0 L-. Ln Ln LA - C2 C _ _ _ _ _ _ iNII0A 0 __ ___ ~ LU e-J Ln 4 - - civi '4 - LU cl Ln _ _ _ -:4000p -4 LiU CDA IN-DIIJA33 38sS30 38/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - -- --- -f - . I - O z ie ____ ____K~ 1-cr _ _ _ _ 0 __ _ _ -~ - - O 5 0- __ __ z z j Lii CD CD C IN3IIAA30 AusS30 39I CLU CD LL. o - --- A.--- A Il -4C 1-4 0.0 I LUJ cc: ce C3 _i * 0 LA- 4 __ __ LI 414 I40 10 40 COB 0 .~ ~ L~. ~ II TASUNWT OUW.II FIGURE 25 SOSE AVERAGE ERROR--NORMAL FORCE SLOPE 42 iU 40 10 110 Il I10c m II I!0 10 _* ,'T iaI- - 6% 10% 10% W% 30 I'I WWA) TANGEN FIGURE 26 SOSE AVERAGE ERROR--PITCHING MOMENT SLOPE 43 CONFIGURATION CNa AVERAGE ERROR CM, AVERAGE ERROR SHARP CONE-CYLINDER 9,2% 6.4% SHARP TANGENT OGIVE-CYLINDER 6.2 7.6 FIGURE 27 PREDICTION ERROR OF POTENTIAL SLOPES USING SOSE CONFIGURATION SELECTION CRITERIA AVERAGE ERROR O/fN<O,.4 7.7% M<2.0 7.0% fA=O. 8.4% M>2, fA>O. 5.0% FIGURE 28 PREDICTION ERROR FOR TANGENT OGIVE-CYLINDER CONFIGURATIONS, CNa 44 The same data base was used to demonstrate the accuracy of the Hybrid Theory. As shown in Figure 29, the Hy'jrld Theory was shown to be approximate- ly twice as accurate as SOSE. Because of the increased accuracy of this method, it was advantageous to include it; its retention also provided a solu- tion to the wave drag problem experienced with SOSE at lower supersonic speeds (see Figure 12). The subsonic/transonic incremental normal force slope for a flare is assumed by the selected method to be dependent upon the cylinder diameter to flare base diameter ratio, and is insensitive to a flare angle for angles up to ten degrees (Reference 13). This theory gives acceptable results for pre- liminary designs as shown in Figure 30. No systematic trend in the experi- mental data could be found which would allow a more accurate method to be developed, nor were data for higher flare angles found in the open litera- ture. Hence, the selected methcG appears to be the best available for the range of configurations anticipated. However, a better technique should be sought which includes the effect of larger flare angles and the influence of ceiiterbody length since these are significant effects. Viscous Normal Force and 9 itchinq Moment - The effect of angle of attack is modeled by assuming that the drag of an infinite cylinder normal to the flow can be linearily superimposEd upon the configuration potential normal force or pitching moment. Since there are at least nine different cross flow drag models available, it is necessary to pair the potential model with its corresponding viscous model to obtain a correct method. This "pair- ing" is required since an empirically derived correction factor, is applied to the viscous model in the subsonic/transonic Mach regime. The correction factor, is the cross flow drag proportionality factor; it specifies how two- diriensional the flow around the body becor,es. The choices for cross flow drag were reduced to the three shown in Figure 31. The Jorgensen model is, perhaps, the most "empirically correct" of the three, since two-dimensional cylinder cross flow data was used and not ddta "corrected" to match the potential model employed. Jorgenson Lised a 45 2'4 20 S16 1' 0 Cc SOSE 0 S12 BETTER HYBRID BETTER LUJ 0~0 0 0 0 0 A 0A&0 o o /A A 0 0 0 4 0 0 Oo jA Al 0 4 8 12 16:20 24 PERCENT ERROR (SOSE) FIGURE 29 HYBRID VERSUS SOSE PREDICTIVE ERROR--CM, -4I 46 4 J.A 0'00 4~ ~LLII I 000 0= ala -LJ o L NKOV 03 '4- IV 47& L)J LA- -F-- 'C U- - (. I I -J 0 F- 4RIT I4i - -C LA- 483 nose-cylinder normal force coefficient slope of two per radian to derive his cross flow drag coefficient. Moore and Baker relied on experimental nose cy- linder nor~nal force coefficient slope to define the cross flow drag coeffi- cient as a function of cross flow Mach number. In Figure 32, experimental data for the cross flow drag coefficient of infinte cylinders as a function of cross flow Mach number is shown. This data was then used to compute the viscous normal force and pitching moment coeffi- cient. The dotted line labeled "old fairing' is the cross flow drag coeffi- cient variation first assumed. Extensive correlations with experimental data showed that this model tended to overpredict C N from 10 to 20 percent for typical missile angles of attack and Mach number ranges. By adjusting the cross flow drag coefficient variation to the curve labeled "new fairing" the Prror in most predictions was held to 10 percent or less. This modification is a methods calibration. A different choice of a normal force coefficient slope prediction method would probably not yield the accuracy level observed with the current method. Calibrating the method does not violate any method derivation assumptions or theoretical base. The assumption that the normal force and pitching moment can be estimated by summing potential and viscous contributions is based on the assumption that the longitudinal and normal force vectors can be vector- ally summed. This is a basic assumption of linearity for a physical phenome- non which is not completely accurate, but is a reasonable approximation to a complex analysis. 3.1 3 LaterAl--nr-etinnal Cnofficients The methods described in Section 3.1.2 for normal force and pitching mo- ment are directly applicable to side force and yawing moment. The angle of attack used by those methods is really the total body angle-of-att;ck. Any directional effect arises from the axis system employed, ignoring the effect of asymmetric vortex shedding. If C ' and C m' represent the body normal force and pitching moment coefficients, respectively, as a function of total 49 UL Wc1 _ I * LO - V- ac0 1H L Y-"-J 50 angle-of-attack, then the body axis normal force, side force, pitching moment, and yawing moment are respectively: I:C - CIc~ s N N cos( ) C --C Y N' sin (+') C C ' cos(*') m m C n -C ' sin(,") n m where, -1 ' tn (tan s/tan cA) Methods for estiating the effect of "phantom yaw" or asymmetric vortex shedding have not been included into the handbook or the code due to the com- plexity of the solution and the uncertainty of such flow parameters as Mach num~ber, Reynolds number, and angle of attack. 3.2 BODIES WITH NONCIRCULAR CROSS SECTIONS The methods for noncircular bodie. are variants of the circular body method-. Not only are these types of methods commonly used to estimate the aerodynamics of noncircular bodies but they are, for the most part, the only easy to apply techniques available. At subsonic speeds one could model noncircular bodies using a potential code, where the geometry is modeled as a matrix of sources and sinks; 3-D Neu- mann (Reference 16) is an example of such an approach. However, the costs for such a solution are extremely high, and the setup time to prepare the inputs are highly labor intensive. Both of these disadvantages make their use in the preliminary design envirnoment questionable, and perhaps unnecessary if a "simple" approach produces results of sufficient accuracy. 51 At transonic speeds, the accurate prediction of aerodynamics for noncir- cular bodies must rely on very complex codes, such as the implementation of a Navier-Stokes solution. These types of analyses are inappropiate for prelim- inary design. At high supersonic speeds, the Supersonic/Hypersonic Arbitrary Body (S/HABP) code (Reference 17) is a reasonable alternative for noncircular bodies due *to the less complicated analyses performed. Although this approach was selected to model airbreathing inlets, the complexity of user preparation was extensive. Results using the Jorgensen approach, which modifies the po- tential and viscous components of normal force and pitching moment, was found to be highly successful for elliptically shaped geometries, making the use of a S/HABP analysis unnecessary. An extension of slender body theory using apparent area calculations was found to be useful in predicting the longitud- inal aerodynamics of bodies with many arbitrary cross sections. While the method implemented can handle bodies not normally thought of as slender it does have serious limitations. These are discussed in Section 3.2.2. The following paragraphs sumarize the method changes applied to the cir- cular body methods, described in Section 3.1, for application to bodies whose cross section can be represented by an ellipse. Following the description of the elliptic body methods are paragraphs describing the arbitrary cross sec- tion methods used. 3.2.1 Bodies with Elliptic Cross Sections Axial Force Coefficient - The methods selected for computing the axial force of bodies with noncircular cross sections are those selected for circular bodies, as described in Section 3.1.1. The complexity of the flow field makes accurate solutions extremely costly due to the complex analysis codes required. Hence, the use of circular body methods, with appropiate cor- rections to account for cross section shape, is the most economical approach. The methods and cross section correction factors are described below. 52 Skin Friction - The method described in Section is used for noncircular bodies. Even though the local skin friction coefficient could approach flat plate values over some portions of the configuration, the three- dimensional correction to flat plate frictioi is used to approximate the skin friction over the whole wetted surface of the geometry. Subsonic Pressure Drag - Subsonic pressure drag for circular bodies is computed using the drag due to skin friction and a "form factor" adjust- ment. This "form factor" was empirically derived and is a function of body fineness ratio. It is assumed that the noncircular body fineness ratio (based upon an equivalent circular body diameter) can be used to estimate the pres- sure drag of noncircular bodies. This approximation is adequate for prelim- inary design. Transonic Pressure/Wave Drag - Estimating the transonic drag char- acteristics of circular bodies is extremely difficult since the methods avail- able are limited to a small number of geometries. The prediction of noncir- cular bodies is even more uncertain. It is assumed that the pressure/wave drag characteristics would be the same as those for a circular body with the same longitudinal cross-sectional area distribution. Supersonic Wave Drag -- This is the only component of axial force for which a method specifically intended for elliptical bodies exists. The method derived by Van Dyke using second-order slender body theory, does not predict a significant variation in wave drag for typical major to minor axis ratios, as shown in Figure 33. The Van Dyke method is complex, and the effect of cross section shape on wave drag can be assumed to he second order in pre- liminary design, and is ignored in Missile DATCOM's elliptic body methods. Boattail Pressure/Wave Drag - It is assumed that the influence of boattails are similar to those for circular bodies. An equivalent circular body has been assumed. 53 M =2.0 .. ............. ...... . . ............... . ....... ............ ...... ..... . . ....... . ....... ..... ............ . ............ j............. .. .. ~~~ ~~.......... ,.... ....... *.. ....... ........... *....... ... .. ...4 .... * ....... .... * .. .... .1.. ....... .... ..... ....... ... _ _ _ __.._ _ _ -- - - - - - .. . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . ft 4tf tftf t ........ .................. ......................................... r..... . .. ---- ... ... f 4 - ----------- o ft 0t f. ft a/., + b E 33 fW VS ET ( ) FR VRT 54, I'. ftft . , y~ft4 - ~ f fto CI . ft f .. ftf 9 ft _ ftI 'tft *t * 'f ;;*f ft a ft 'f e 1 ft ft f ......... ....... i..........I.........-..... ............ 1-.. 4........... ..... s..... ....... ...... 0 ftf ft ot ft 4 =- ftfft ,t S.. .. . . . . . "t.. . . . . . . . * t... . . h ai f1 . . - . . . . " . .. ,t=I I S.f.t -ifr :7 -------------------------------------..... . ~ ...... ~- - - -f 041 : . .O I, 1.4 1.6 If.= 2.0 a/b FIGURE 33 CAW VS ECCENTRICITY (A/B) FOR VARYING FINENESS RATIOS 54 Flare Pressure/Wave Drag - It is assumed that the influence of flares are similar to those for circular bodies. An equivalent circular body has been assumed. I. General Nose Shape Pressure/Wave Drag -- As described in Section, few easy to apply methods exist tor predicting the effect of arbi- trary longitudinal variation in the nose shapes of circular bodies. Being able to analyze non-circular bodies is more difficult. The methods implement- ed are described in Section 3.2.4. Base Drag - Refer to Section for the circular body methods since they are applied to noncircular geometries. Angle of Attack Effect - The methods for circular- bodies, described in Section, are assumed to be applicable to noncircular geometries. Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient - The circular body nmethods described in Section 3.1.2 are assumed to be applicable to noncir- cular geometries, provided that the effect of cross section is accounted for using correction factors: CN \ Np +v IN 0 'CN0/NT NO) ~ Ir Sb V .ON LCn /C (11)SB NT A slender body theory (SB) correction is made to the potential component of each coefficient, and a Newtonian theory (NT) correction is made to the viscous component. For bodies whose cross section shape varies along its 55 length, the constants can be replaced with integrals along the body length. It is this form of the equations which are referred to as the Jorgensen method in this report. The Newtonian correction factor is only valid in the Hypersonic Mach re- gime. Some limited empirical results, ratloed to Newtonian values, are avail- able and plotted in Figure 34. This ratio, K , is included as a multi- plier to the viscous component of both the normal force and pitching moment coefficients. The accuracy of this correction factor is demonstrated in Figure 35. The dashed lines represent the use of the integral form of the equations, given above; the solid lines represent the same predictions with the correction term added to correct the Newtonian theory. The latter method is demonstrated to be superior. Lateral--Directional Coefficients - Since the Jorgensen method is used for predicting CN and C , the same approach was selected for C and C . The slender body and Newtonian theory correction terms become roll n dependent. Hence, the selection of the proper roll attitude and axis system is required to obtain the correct coefficients. 3.2.2 Arbitrary Bodies with Nonelliptic Cross Sections The capability to predict the linear portion of the longitudinal stability coefficients of bodies with arbitrary cross sec:tions has been included in the code. The methods selected for predicting normal force and pitching moment curve slopes are based on slender body theory since it allows for rapid pre- dictions without requiring the user to panel the configuration. Slender body theory also has the versatility of being Mach number independent. To predict the pressure drag of arbitrary bodies, a panel model of the body is created from the user inputs. The code employed is based on the Supersonic/Hypersonic Arbitrary Body Program (S/HABP). 56 - ~i 1-4 !lJ 11 -4.-9J 1.1 --- 9-8 SEXPERIMENT 1.0 0.9 Kt 0.8 0.7 0.6 01 2 3 4 56 FIGURE 34 CORRECHION OF VISCOUS CROSS-FLOW FOR ELLIPTICAL CROSS-SECTIONS IN SUBCRITICAL FLOW 11-4798 MACH - 2.0 10-7-83 10 8- 0 0 6 4 2 1 20 - .1 a/b = 2.0 15 4 a/b = 1.0 Z 10 - 4~...a/b = 0.5 0. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ANGLE OF ATTACK - DEG FIGURE 35 EFFECT OF Kq ON CONSTANT ELLIPTICITY BODY PREDICTIONS 57 Even though the approach selected did allow for the analysis of a wide array of body cross sections, the basis in slender body theory resulted in some limitations on the types of geometries which could be accurately ana- lyzed. It was found that the nose finess ratio had to be greater than five. The body base cross-sectional aspect ratio had to be less than five. The base cross-sectional apect ratio was defined as the base width squared and divided by the base area. The final restriction is that the bodies can not be boat- tailed or flared. The following sections describe the methods used to predict the indivi- dual coefficients. Currently methods are available to predict C., C, Cy, C and C . Notably no simple methods such as those described in previous sections have been found for estimating the values of CNo' CNo' Yo CA CYo, CAm' Axial Force - The axial force methods implemented in the code vary with the free stream Mach numbers being evaluated. There is one combir-tion of methods for the subsonic/transonic regime and another combinati of methods for the supersonic regime. The CA predictions are limited to zero degrees angle of attack and consist of a sKin friction and a pressure drag component: C =C + C Ao Af AP The CAr term is the skin friction component which is proportional to the wetted area. The pressure term is proportional to the body fineness ratio. Skin Friction - The skin friction portion of the axial force co- efficient is computed using the circular body skin friction methods. These methods compute the flat plate skin friction coefficient for the free stream Reynolds number. The flat plate skin friction coefficient is then corrected for curvature and non-dimensionalized by the ratio of the wetted area divided by the reference area. 58 Quadralaterals are computed using the S/HABP geometry package to approxi- mate the surface. The wetted area is the sum of the area of the quadralater- als. Pressure/Wave Drag - At a free stream Mach numbers of less than 1.4, a subsonic/transonic pressure drag method is used. This method uses the simple expression for three-dimensional pressure drag presented in the feas- ibility study. CA - 7(t/C) 3 Cf Sc P 7'Ref where: t - body's equivalent axisymmetric diamuter C - body's length Cf - skin friction coefficient Sc - cross sectional area SRef - reference area The accuracy of this method has not been checked for a wide range of con- figurations. It was developed for ellipsoid type bodies which as a class of shapes which have low cross sectional aspect ratios. The small number of corn- parisons is due to a lack of subsonic arbitrary body data. The lack of data may, however, reflect a lack of interest in arbitrarily shaped subsonic con- figurations. Further method validation and development is necessary. For free stream Mach numbers greater than 1.4, the pressure drag is com- puted using S/HABP methods. 'The nose, which is described by the user using the nose tip avid base cross section shapes, is broken up into quadralaterals. The pressure coefficients on each of these panels is computed using the ACM empirical equations for leeside panels and the Dahlem-Buck equations for wind- ward panels (Reference 18). The pressure force on each panel is then com- puted and resolved into the axial force direction. The resulting axial force is then nondimensionalized to compute the portion of the axial force coeffi- cient which results from the pressure forces. 59 L . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ._.. . The pressure forces are computed only for the nose in the arbitrary body methods. This is because the body is assumed to be at zero degrees angle of attack. Since the centerbody sides are parallel to the centerline, it will not contribute pressure forces in the axial direction. Comparison of the axial force coefficient results obtained using this method with data showed an overprediction trend. The median of the predicted values was found to be 25 percent above the data (Figure 36). Therefore, a correction factor was applied to reduce the predicted axial force uy 25 per- cent. Normal Force Coefficient - The methods coded to predict the normal force coefficients (CN) of arbitrary cross section shaped bodies are based on slender body theory. Methods have been coded to predict only the normal force coefficient slope. The normal force at zero-angle-of-attack is not currently computed. Currently no methods are included to predict the viscous contribution to normal force coefficient. The accuracy of the selected method is based on tti ability to accurately evaluate the apparent area of the cross section at the base of the nose. A modified method of Hess and Sm h, (Reference 19) was used to calculate appar- ent area. The nose cross section is divided into 100 segments, each with a distributed source strength. The results of this method have been checked against analytical solutions. With 100 test points the numerical results were within three percent of the analytical results for all cross sections except thin vertical shapes. Figure 37 shows comparisons of the method used to the analytical closed form solutions for rounded stapes, and Figure 38 shows the same comparisons for flat sided shapes. Once the apparent area of the cross section has been computed, the normal force coefficient is computed from the equation: CNI = 2 A' where: A' - apparent area of base cross section of the nose SRef - reference area 60 CD ,.-4 c 0 = 4- C 00 Lo Ln -.) -U 4 V"01C C) CD 0 DC to M' r- CO' w- a.D C) 0- CD C '-4 0 U- (a LZL 0 C L) C) CD I;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ln r-4 CU - ~0. LL CL 0~ 0 .~ o EU mto 00 Ul 00 w- 61A .r .. VM 16 . LAJ + S Id. L k I' C4IYcc G "r rI-TV V) C4 M0s .. 4 %.. * YA U SW' 00 LnD 62 C-) UAJ &n in0%94C S S S S S. I-I N C,) LiJ C~f -Y L.) V) *i U UU U I La6 C;- C C; C C; C .1) a-I t'scm s63 The simplicity of this equation means that the value of normal force co- efficient is Mach number independent and only a function of the nose base cross section. However, there are some limitations placed on the configcra- tions for which accurate results can be obtained due to the methods basis in slender body theory. Comparison with data have shown that the fineness ratio of the nose should be greater than five. The aspect ratio of the cross sec- tion: ARC.S. = WIDTH 2 must be less than five. These two limiations keep the configuration from be- coming too blunt or flat. To calculate the contribution of the centerbody which includes the pres- sure carryover from the nose an equivalent circular body method has been em- ployed. An equivalent axisymmetric body radius is computed based on the maxi- mum arbitrary body cross section. The rel-ationship used is: 2 S ' %r2 REF eq Using the value of req, the C NI of a circular cone-cylinder configura- tion with the same nose and centerbody fineness ratio- as the arbitrary body is computed using the Missile Datcom axisymmetric body methods. This process is outlined in Figure 39 for a rounded triangular body. After the equivalent cone-cylinder C is computed, it is scaled based on the ratio of the ap- parent areas of the arbitrary body to that of a cone. The equation that re- sults is: CN.ARB.BODY " A' ARB.BODY CNo (ONE/CYL A' CONE The results of this method have been checked against data and the results of a comparison with one extensive data base are presented in Figure 40. The configurations in this data base were tested at five Mach numbers from 2.5 to 4.5. Figure 40 presents the error in the prediction of CN for each 64 Cf. 00 UU zc Lii ui - LLjJ C-, Lii 651 LO (NJC- 4 ljc.,J ar * c cc14 - Cl-I I +4 Li ++ cc U.J LnU I" M c o 0- (I x 66 configuration tested at a Mach number of 2.5. The worst case is the 2.5 to 1 horizontal ellipse with an error of 16.2 percent. From this figure it can be seen that the accuracy is acceptable for preliminary design. This method Is considered conducive to preliminary design since it is both quick running and allows for the body cross sections to be changed easily. These features allow for the types of parametric studies commonly performed in the preliminary design environment. Pitching Moment Coefficient - As with the normal force, only the linear component of the pitching moment is computed. There are no methods are included for computing either zero angle of attack pitching moment or the nonlinear component. The method Incorporated into the code for computing C is based on the apparent area, A', calculation used to compute C Using slender body theory the value of C is found from the integral equation. base Cm f 2 - X dA' SRtfLRef nose were C is measured about the nose tip. This equation is automated by breaking the nose up into nine longitudinal stations for which the apparent corss-sectional areas are computed. The C contribution of each segment is computed using the equation: (mai .2 (kXcg - xi)(Ai' - Ai-l) SRefLRef 67 ur where: A'i - apparent area of segments base cross section As - apparent area of segments front cross section LRef - reference length (usually base diameter) SRef - reference area (usually base area) X- longitudinal center of gravity position Xt - centroid of ith segment The contributions of each segment to the nose C is then summed. The pitching moment curve slope value that is computed for the nose is corrected to include the effect of an afterbody by using a method analogous to the normal force curve slope correction. The method employed uses the com- putation of an equivalent axisymmetric body C to provide the nose to afterbody ratio of C effects. Data comparisons of nose alone results have shown sufficient accuracy for preliminary design analysis. 68 (_________ __________----~____ __i_ 4.0 FIN ALONE METHOD SELECTIONS The method summary for fin alone aerodynamics is shown in Figure 41. Un- like the method selected for body alone aerodynamics, most of the subsonic/ transonic methods are theoretical or i'emiempirical. These types of methods maximize the panel shapes that can be addressed. Table 2 summarizes the methods selected compared to those recommended in the Feasibility Study. Note that most of the methods implemented are those recommended during the Feasibility Study. The three methods changed were due to ease of use, extended capability, or additional accuracy through use of a theoretical method. Figure 42 indicates those fin method applicatiorn areas as a function of Mach regime and panel shape. Note that the area with the most questionable or limited application is that of ton--straight tapered fins. Although airfoil section results are not generally available at supersonic speeds, this is not a major problem area since the methods at these speeds assumed that the fins are thin. Supersonic fins usually are thin to minimize drag. The following paragraphs describe the method selections for straight tapered and nonstraight tapered fin panels. 4.1 FINS WITH STRAIGHT TAPER There are far more methods for predicting the aerodynamics of straight tapered fins than there are for other panel shapes. This is particularly true at transonic and supersoUic speeds. In fact, there are more .heore-ical methods for fins than for any other component of the configuration, and this is probably due to the amount of work performed to analyze airplanes, parti- cularly commercial aircraft. 69 11 -4786 7- 20 --84 SUBSONIC TRANSONIC SUPERSONIC M <0.6 0.6 -M !C1 4 M >1.4 AIRFOIL SECTION WEBER ANALYSIS (CONFORMAL MAPPING) (NOT REQUIRED) AERODYNAMICS ARC R & M 2918. ARC R&M 3026 ________________________ (33,34) ___________ CN OATCOM 4..3.2 (30) R.A.S. DATA SHEETS (32) OATCOM C II DATCOM 4 1.4.2 (30) CN DATCOM, 4.1 3.4 Cm(a ENGINEERING METHOD (NONLINEAR AT PLANFORM CENTROID) (35) SKIN FRICTION BLASIUS 4 THANSITIONA + VAN DRIEST II (4.5.3) PRESSURE DRAG "FLUID DYNAMIC DRAG" (HOERNER) (6) (NOT APPLICABLE) LINEAR WAVE DPAG (NOT APPLICABLE) FAIRING FROM M 1.06 FAIN FNWL TR- 3018 () (USED TO LEADING EDGE DATCOM ( MUSED T BLUNTNESS DRAG (30) (29) TRAILING EDGE DRAG NWL TR -2796A( (36) CA(aI DATCOM (INVARIANT) A EMPIRICAL M.THOU I (REF. NUMBER FIGURE 41 FIN ALONE METHOD SUMMARY 70 LUJ 2: 0 .11 0 U.. <U (0S- 0 (1) (1J 0.U 0) 0) M~ u : a) 7n0) o') o to 4.J u ci) toS ;o to %I- 'U ' .10 )t-C.0 0 0 ) 0 0 C') 00 LU _ 0.' L/) ' LM C) * 4 I-0 C) Vi5 E 0 0 V =CC LU A C) 4- (1 0 L- ( < L Q'~C (-j L ) ' U LU ' 'U ~, ' 'U U 1 Fin Alone 11 -4791 7-20-84 SUBSONIC TRANSONIC SUPERSONIC _ M__0._8 0.8 "-.M :.__1.4 M > 1.4 PLANFORM rIIAPFrOirAI (JOJBLE [)FLI A,CIANKL[) OTHER x TAPER RATIO ASPECT RATIO 0.5 <A ;4 AIRFOIL SECTION SUPERSONIC NACA X OTHER ,X SPHERICALLY BLUNTED L.E. V V ' NON-SHARP T.E. ANGLE OF ATTACK '' APPLICATION SUITABLE ? APPLICATION QUESTIONABLE/LIMITED X DOES NOT APPLY FIGURE 42 COMPONENT BUILD-UP APPLICABILITY 72 (I. The following paragraphs describe the methods selected for straight taper- ed fins, typical of those used on conventional missile configurations. Note that methods were selected which were applicable to panels with aspect ratios from 0.5 to 4. Although panel aspect ratios greater than 4 have been predict- ed with the selected methods yielding excellent results, they have not been verified for a wide variety of panels. Therefore, these methods can not be used with a high degree of confidence for high aspect ratio panels. 4.1.1 Axial Force Coefficient As with bodies alone, the axial force of a fin is assumed to be comprised of a zero-lift component and a component due to angle of attack. However fins can be cambered, which can result in the zero-lift component of axial force not occuring at zero angle of attack. Therefore, the methods for fin alone aerodynamics are more complex. and often require a method change as a function of Hach number and angle of attack. Figure 43 illustrates the variation in fin drag (or axial force) at zero- lift. The subsonic pressure drag method assumes that it is almost invariant to a Hach number of 1.05, and then linearily decreases to zero at Mach 1.2 Wave drag is assumed to begin at Mach 0.8, when local shocks first appear in the flow, increasing to a maximum near Hach 1.05, where the flow is all supersonic. Leading edge bluntness drag varies nearly monotonically ac:ro.s the Hach spectrum. Skin Friction - The skin friction of fins can be calculated using the method described for body alone, except that a two-dimensional to three-dimen- sional correction factor to account for surface shape is not used. This is due to the fact that the skin friction methods are based upon flat plate data correlations and theory. Although experimental data for skin friction is dif- ficult to obtain, the accuracy of the method used has been implied from numer- ous correlations with axial force data across the Mach regime. 73 LL&J C> IN 000 00 Octi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __74 Subsonic Pressure Orag - The subsonic assumption implies that no shocks are present in the flow field region being analyzed. In the transonic flow, a particular fin panel can have both subsonic and supersonic flow occurring simultaneouslt over different portiors of the panel. For bodies, it was assumed the subsonic pressure drag was a function of the body length to diameter ratio, and was correlated to the configuration skin friction coeffi- cient. This scheme is used for fins as well, except that the correlation is not based upon overall length, but rather the thickness to chord ratio. Transonic Pressure/Wave Drag - This nomenclature is used for that portion of fin drag which exists due to presence of shocklets in the flow field. This occurs near Mach 0.8 and increases until the fin flow is entirely supersonic (except perhaps blunted leading edges where shocklets may be pre- sent at lower Mach numbers). The method used is a potential flow method, (Reference 6), and is solved by calculating the potential flow about the fin at Mach 1.05, and then linearily reducing that value as a function of Mach number to zero at Mach 0.8. Although this approach is approximate, the re- sults have been observed to give accuracies consistent with preliminary design. Supersonic Wave Prag - The methods available for calculating fin supersonic wave drag have been developed for thin airfoil sections. Correc- tions are available to extrapolate the method to surfaces with small to mode- rate thickness to chord ratios. The extripolation is developed primarily frum experimental observations. The method selected was developed for the NSWC Aeroprediction code (Reference 29), where the surface of the fin is transformed into a computational grid, and a potential flow solution is applied. This method is very powerful. and permits the accurate calculation of the drag characteristics of straight-tapered surfaces, but has the dis- advantage that no source or sink line placed on the airfoil surface can be swept forward; this condition is easily violated if the surface has a forward swept trailing edqe. Hence, both this method, and that f-om the U. S. Air (7 Force DATCOM (Reference 30) which allows for swept forward trailing edges, are incorporated Into the computer code. The potential flow method is more accurate than the DATCOM method. Leading Edge Bluntness Drag - The supersonic source/sink method described in Section has the capability to compute the effect of spherically blunted leading and trailing edges on fin panels. At subsonic and transonic speeds, however, there is no easy-to-apply accurate method avail- able. Hence, the empirical correlation from the U.S. Air Force DATCOM, which is a function of leading edge projected area, Mach number, and leading edge sweepback was selected. There was insufficient data to completely evaluate the accuracy of the technique, but it is betieved to be sufficiently accurate for missile preliminary design. "_fiDe_. - The method selected for fin base drag is based on two- dimensional base drag data. This method could not be totally validated since the base drag of fins is normally such a small contribution to total drag. However, the data used in deriving the method is believed to be accurate and since this component is small, it does not warrent a high degree of valiOItion. Angle-of-Attack Effect - As mentioned earlier, the drag of a fin at angle of attack has been extensively studied, both theoretically and empiri- cally, for aircraft configurations. The method selected for Missile DATCOM is that of the U. S. Air Force BATCOM. The plot of drag versus lift is assumed to have a parabolic shape and to be dependent of fin panel lift, airfoil sec- tion shape, and aspect ratio efficiency (Oswald's efficiency). Results com- puted using this method have agreed quite well with experiment for a wide variety of missile configurations. However, the method seems to fail when the angle of attack approaches 30 degrees; the drag due to lift curve shape de- parts significantly from the parabolic shape. This method discrepancy becomes more noticeable for missiles, where the required angle-of-attack range is much higher than for airplanes. It is recommended t{at a new method be developed which addresses the higher angle-of-attack requirements of missiles. 76 4.1.2 Norall Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient Figure 44 illustrates the method used to compute fin normal force as a function of angle of attack and Mach number. The normal force is, analagous to that for bodies alone. It is assumed to be comprised of a potential and a nonlinear contribution: CN - NP + CNN where, C - C sin(c) NP Na and 2 CNN . CN sin2(c) The potential normal force is computed from the fin panel CN which is Mach dependent. The nonlinear effect is analagous to the viscous effect for bo,.lies, except that it is assumed to be a stall or post stall effect. An alternate method considered uses a "true" viscous model where the effect of angle-of-attack is assumed to be is obtained at 90 degrees angle of attack, adjusting for cross flow Mach number. This idea was not implemented since it ignores the effect of stall. A key input into the angle-of-attack analysis is the angle of attack for stall arl shock detachment. As shown in Figure 44, the method used is depen- dent on Mach number, angle-of-attack, the airfoil's thickness to chord ratio, and lift. Airfoil Section Characteristtrs - At subsonic and transonic speeds, the airfoil section characteristics are required in order to accurately model fin panel lift and drag. The method selected for incorpuration into the com- puter code is the Airfoil Section Module from the Digital DATCOM computer code, which is used for the prediction of aircraft aerodynamics. It has been validated for a wide variety of airfoil shapes and is a relatively simple 77 SUSSONIC IM 4I 0.- I a STALL CONDITIONS FROM EMPIRICAL CORPILATIONS CN CN~ PROM'IMPIRICAL CN amCOMPEILATIONS FNa PROM LOWRYPOLHAMUUS ANGLIS OP ATTACK TRAN*ONIC (O$<M <1.4?) PAIRED BETWEEN STALL AND SHOCK DETACHMINT CONDITIONS CN CNA IRD ETWIEIN M - OA AND M 1.4 RESULTS CM FROM R. .A. DATA SHUNTS ANGLE OF ATTACK SUPERSONIC (M ;b 1.4) SHOCK DETACHMENT PROM NACA 1136 I _ FROM1. EIMPIAICAL CORRELATIONS CNFMOM SUPERBONIC WING THEORY /C~a ANGLE OF ATTACK CN -O-6CN SIN 1 2 a) +CN IIIN 2 (Q) aa FIGURE 44 FIN ALONE NORMAL FORCE METHODS 78 i i i. .. -. .s.. technique to apply. However, it is not amenable to hand calculation, and the Handbook user must rely upon data from an airfoil section handbook to obtain the airfoil's aerodynamic characteristics. ihe airfoil section characteris- tics of the fins ara not required at supersonic speeds, since those methods assume thin airfoils, and a limited correction for thickness to chord ratio ii used. Potential Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient - Since the potential pitching moment coefficient is computed using the potential normal force coefficient, it is important that the potential normal force be as accu- rate as possible. In order to insure accuracy over the greatest range of planform shapes, results from theoretical methods were selected if possible at all Mach numbers. At subsonic speeds, the most reliable method is the Lowry- Oolhamus correlation for straight tapered surfaces (Reference 31). It is a theoretical method which had been adjusted to correlate with experimental data. It has been validated over . wide range of panel aspect ratios, down to an aspect ratio of one half. Its accuracy is unknown for aspect ratios smaller than 0.5; no upper limit has been noted in the method validation. At transonic speeds, the only theoretical results available are those from the R.A.S. data sheets (Reference 32). The curves from the R.A.S. com- pendium represent results for panels with aspect ratios that cannot be accu- rately evaluated in the transonic regime, but are "best" estimates based upon experimental data results. To use a true theoretical method at transonic speeds would be cost prohibitive, hence an interpolation of this data base is the best compromise of cost and accuracy. The predictions coincide with the- oretical results at both subsonic and supersonic speeds for method compat- ibility. At supersonic speeds, supersonic wing theory was selected. The results have been shown to be accurate for a wide range of thin wings which makes the method a powerful missile aerodynamic prediction tool. S7'9 Nonlinear Normal Force and Pitching Moment Coefficient - The non- linear variation in normal force is based upon the method of the U.S. Air Force DATCOM. The method is an empirical correlation for wing normal force coefficient with angle-of-attack for a wide variety of wing shapes. Although the form of the method is the same at all speeds, the phenomena modeled are quite different. At subsonic speeds, the wing stall angle of attack and wing maximum lift coefficient (at stall) are required; these are obtained using the U.S. Air Force DATCOM methods as well. The stall characteristics dominate the post stall behavior of the wing lift coefficient. Since this post stall behavior is based upon empirical data correlations for "typical" subsonic airfoils, the characteristic shape of the wing stall will not necessarily be that experienced for thin, missile airfoils. Since no other method is readily available, this method was selected. Beyond stall, the wing lift for missile wings closely follows results typical of aircraft. At supersonic speeds, the concept of stall is not directly applicable. Instead, the wing lift will vary almost linearily until the angle-of-attack is great enough for the leading edge shock to become detached. The shock detach- ment angle of attack is a function of the Mach number and the semi-apex angle of the airfoil leading edge. Above shock detachment, the U.S. Air Force DAT- COM methods for wing lift variation is used. The shock detachment angle is determined using the DATCOM method. At transonic speeds there is no suitable method for determining the angle of attack for which wing lift no longer remains linear. An approximate method was implemented. It assumes that the maximum lift angle of attack in shock- fre floW (sushcnni. speed) And the chock detaChmhnt angle nf attrk (at supersonic speeds) can be linearily interpolated as a function of Mach number at transonic speeds. Results obtained using this procedure have been found to have adequate accuracy for preliminary design. Figure 45 presents the range of planform shapes and Mach numbers used in the validation of fin alone normal force methods. The aspect ratios investi- gated where from 0.5 to 4.0, the taper ratios from 0.0 to 1.0, and the Mach 80 1~.! N . I o )1) 2 86 0 80 2 8 ,i ) d P 2 8 I 21 ]1 (0 1 20 3 O I do J 00 1 'Q I "l|( 1 U j 50 i "0 So h: 16 j 16 AR I 0 HO 2( 8b 080 266 060 2 .') 1)0 1 20 J 00 1 21 300 1 O 6 ) 50 160 3 50 1 00 3 50 200 460 200 480 200 460 .116 2 16 216 AR 20 1 0 080 286 160 2 I6 I 20 3.00 2 to 26660 350 28W .836 100 460 350 4 0 2.1s 460 A4 1 ( 60 2(6 2M 3"SO 4 J FIGURE 45 ASPECT RATIO/TAPER RATIO MATRIX OF MACH NUMBERS FOR WAICH FIN ALONE !N PREDJrTIONS WERE EVALUATED numbers from 0.80 to 4.60. Typical results are shown in Figure 46 for an as- pect ratio 0.5 panel with a nonswept trailing edge. The four Kach num.ers shown include a subsonic/transonic, a low supersonic, and two supersonic con- ditions. Up to 300 angle of attack, the prediction method follows the ex- perimental data closely. Similar results were obtained for all of the fin panels illustrated in Figure 45. The potential pitching moment is computed using the linear center of pres- sure, which was obtained using theoretical methods similar to those used for normal force coefficient. The nonlinear center of pressure was assumed to be at the panel area centroid at 900 angle of attack for all speeds. The center of pressure was assumed to vary linearily as a function of angle-of- aitack from the linear center of pressure at zero angle of attack to the area 81 ,1.n n .I | I MACH 0.3 1.4 MACH 1.2 . z 1.2 1.2 0- . 0.48 0.6 0. 0.60 0 IQ 20 30 40. so 60 lo 20 30 40 50 so ANGLE OF ATTACK - 014 AC4GLE OF ATTACK - 020 1.6 1.6 I- ".4 - 1.4 - 1.2 1.2 - Sb .0 a 1.0 O.A - 0.4 0.6 0.w 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 L 0 10 20 30 40 0 060 20 30 40 5o w ANGLI OF ATTACK - D0G ANGLE OF ATTACK - OEG TAPER RATIO - 0.0 "REFERENCE ARIA 21:11 IN 2 -- PREOICTION O OATA I ACCURACY CRITERIA FIGURE 46 FIN ALONE CN DATA COMPARISON FOR AN ASPECT RATIO 0.5 FIN 82 centroid at 900 anglie of attack. This method is an engineering approxima- tion since no theoretical method which can be easily applied is available. 4.1.3 Lateral-Directional Coefficients Specific methods for computing the lateral-directional characteristics of fin panels alone were not selected for application in Missile DATCOM. The lateral-directional coefficients are computed for complete configurations using a concept called the "equivalent angle-of-attack" method which uses the panel normal force and center of pressure normal to the panel. This is ad- justed to account for panel deflection and roll angle about the fuselage. This method yields the panel loads normal to the panels which are then re- solved into body axis components. Therefore, in the calculation of configura- tion normal force and pitching moment, the loads for computing side force, yawing moment, and rolling moment are directly available. This method, does not require another method dedicated to the calculation of lateral-directional coefficients. 4.2 FINS WITH NON-STRAIGHT TAPER The methods for non-straight tapered fins are essentially those for straight tapered fins. The exceptions are the calcuation of normal force coefficient and aerodynamic center. For normal force and normal-force--curve slope, an effective straight tapered panel is computed. This effective panel has the same aspect ratio tar t tke nonstranlht panel but uses an effective h "f-chord and taper ,a.Lo as ... . ... U ..... sweep angle. This angle is computed as: n Cos(Ac/2)eff COs(Ac/2)i SFi i81 83 1,i_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. ... . . .. ... . .... . .. ....- -_ where N is the number of panel segments SF is the total panel area (Acl2)i is the half-chord sweep angle of each panel segment is the area of each panel segment Normal force and normal-force-curve slope coefficients are then computed using this effective straight-tapered panel. To compute the panel aerodynamic center for nonstraight tapered fins, the fin is divided into two fin panels. The individual lift and aerodynamic center for each panel are then used to establish the aerodynamic center for the complete fins. 84 .I. 84 5.0 INLET METHODS The inlet methods incorporated into Missile DATCOM are designed to provide the capability to analyze the external aerodynamics of general inlet geome- tries without the need for complex inputs, This capability had been developed In a pilot program written by Krieger, Williams and Hood (Reference 37). The pilot program was restricted to the analysis of axisymmetric and 2-0 inlets operating on vehicles flying at supersonic speeds. Only the external forces on the inlet are predicted and the assumption is made that the inlet is operating at its design mass flow. No spill drag or body inlet interference effects were included in the metheds. This pilot program was used as the basis for the Missile DATCOM methods. No methods were identified that provided accurate subsonic or transonic pre- dictions. As a result, no capability to analyze inlets operating in subsonic or transonic flow was incorporated into Missile DATCOM. The contributions of the inlets to the full configuration aerodynamics are treated as incremental additions. Up to four axisymmetric or 2-D inlets mounted on diverters can be positioned around the missile body at user-defined roll angles. The contribution of the body surface covered by the diverter is subtracted from the body coefficients in which it had been included. Both the skin friction and pressure forces are accounted for on the surfaces of the inlet. No other body-inlet interference effects are included. 5.1 METHODOLOGY USED The inlet and diverter geometri~s are input separately in a coordinate system attached to the inlet. This process is shown as steps 1 and 2 of Figure 47. Figure 47 describes the process by which the inlet model is con- structed and then its position is located relative to tht body. 85 I~ ... . a .. A.r~f.~....-- LL.L I-. - Ih- ---- 4A c LA- 04- ;o, IIN 86- IL.m C Once the inlet and diverter geometries have been described, a panel model of them is created. This model consists of S/HABP quadralaterals constructed by geometry package described in Reference 37. The corner points of the quad- Irilaterals are defined using the inlet diverter inputs. A description of these inputs and assumptions made by the code are included in Volume I of the Misile DATCOM User's Manual. The paneled geometries are shown in Figure 48. The axisymmetric inlets are paneled circumferentially while the 2-0 inlets are constructed of longitudinal panels. Both are attached to a diverter which is attached to the missile body. The coefficient contributions resulting from the surfaces of the diverter that attach to either the inlet or the missile body are subtracted out of the aerodynamic calculations when the inlet increments are computed. This is done to negate the contributions computed for the hidden surfaces of the inlet and body. A single inlet is constructed in the horizontal position then transformed into the body aAis system. This process includes the rotation of the inlet about the body centerline and the reflection of the inlet through the vertical plane if twin inlets have been prescribed. Special consideration is given to twin inlets that are input at a rotated position of 90 degrees. For this con- figuration, the two inlets are placed on the top and bottom of the body. After the quadrilaterals are transformed, their outward normals are com*- puted. The angle between the outward normals and the free stream velocity vector is determined. This 'is used to compute the impact angle of the free stream velocity on each panel. The pressure coefficient is then computed for each panel individually based on the impact angle. For windward impact angles the Dahlem-Buck equation is used, while for leeward pariels the ACM empirical equation is used. These two equations are described in Reference 18 including a plot of their values with variation in impact angle. The pressure forces on the inlets are computed by multiplying the area, the pressure ciefficient and the unit vector of edch quadrilateral then adding the product to obtain the total aerodynamic coefficient. The panel moment arn about its reference center of gravity is included in the product for pitching moment coefficient. 8B FIGURE 48 INLET CONFIGURATION MODELS SHOWING QUADRALATERAL MODELING 88 The skin friction conmponent of the inlet forces is accounted for by com- put 4 ng the average skin friction coeffirient for an equivalent flat plate hav- ing equal length and area of the inlet. The method of Van Driest II is used for the skin friction coefficient. The resulting shear force is then correct- ed for three dimensional effects. Skin friction effects are only included in the axial force coefficients. 5.2 RESULTS AND IMPROVEMENTS The inlet method's prediction capabilities were checked against a data base which includes four axisymmetric inlet configurations and four two-dimen- sional inlet configurations. This data base is documented in References 38 and 39. Comparisons were made for all eight configurations at flight Mach numbers of 2.5 and 3.95. The inlets were designed to operate at a Mach number of 3.00. An oil flow analysis of the inlets, reported in Reference 40, con- cluded that the axisymmetric inlet was unstarted at Mach 2.5 which agrees with the design operation conditions. The CN comparisons showed good agreement at both Mach numbers and for all configurations. Figure 49 shows a representative datd comparison. It presents the comparisons for the twin axisymmetric configuration at Mach 2.5. The C values were found to be acceptable for the higher Mach numbers and Ao most lower Mach numbers, but the change in CA with angle of attack was underpredicted for most cases. The pitching moment prediction accuracy was found to be very dependent on Mach number. The higher Mach number comparisons were good (Table 3). However, at the lower Mach number of 2.5 the predictions were very poor. Figure 49 shows a comparison with data that fails to match both the magnitude and trend of the data. The results of these data comparisons indicate that the inlet methods are acceptable for supersonic Mach numbers but only marginally for low supersonic Mach numbers. The poor predictions at the low Mach numbers are explainable by the fact t:iat the inlet methods do not include shocks, vortices or the effects of the body flow field. The poor pitching moment comparisons combined with the good normal force predictions indicated a local pressure distribution problem. A need for improved inlet methods is evident. 89 * a0 +L V-) LaJ I 0000 vI: a ~ui IL- 6h) -i i 0 90 L-U I(-) V)C. UF0 -)~ CCl U-- CAU 'Ii ___ _ _ rz CM C4-4 u Lu . F-I- IIt LU = U-- CD, CD I c-J I- LLJu LuJ 0- LLJ C) UL) C0 'O C) 91 6.0 CONFIGURATION SYNTHESIS The purpose of configuration synthesis is to take the body and fin alone aerodynamic characteristics and combine them to obtain the total configuration aerodynamic characteristics. There are many ways to synthesize a configura- tion. The most common approach is to take the panel alone normal force co- efficient, multiply it by a carryover interference factor, obtained using slender body theory, and then add the result to the body alone normal force. Tnis can be represented mathematically, for a fin-body configuration, as: CNFE m CNB + [KF(B)+KB(F)]CNF The disadvantage of this method is that it assumes that the angle of attack range to be analyzed is within the linear lift range and that the panels are in the planar (or +) orientation. It has been customarily used at angles of attack where nonlinear lift effects occur. But with a significant overprediction of the total configuration characteristics. Hence, it is not completely suitable for missile applications where the angle of attack regime required is above 20. An alternative approach, and that selected for use in Missile DATCOM. is the "equivalent angle of attack method" developed by Nielsen, et al (Reference 43). This method assumes that the panel loading for a given panel angle-of- attack is unique. With this method the panel angle of attack is computed in- cluding the effect of panel roll orientation with respect to the free stream velocity vector, panel proximity to the fuselage or to other panels, and ex- ternal vortex flow field effects. Then the isolated panel characteristics are interpolated at the panel !quivalent angle of attack to yield the panel load when mounted on a body in combination with other surfaces. This concept works extremely well. It inherently includes the nonlinear panel loading with angle-of-attack, from the isolated panel characteristics and makes the synthesis of the complete configuration aerodynamics an easy to 93 apply process. The difficult task is the computation of the panel equivalent angle-of-attack, but this is greatly simplified since most of the methodology is directly derived from the original method described above. Figures 50 and 51 illustrate the relative importance of component inter- ference on total configuration aerodynamics. These figures demonstrate that the body, lifting surfaces, and carryover interference effects (neglecting the influence of vortices) tend to overpredict configuration normal force 6y 15 percent. The effect of body and wing vortices on the tail surfaces are to reduce total normal force, since they decrease the tail surface local angle- of-attack. Figure 52 summarizes the methods selected for configuration synthesis of missile configurations. Note that only the body vortex st;.ength and tracking methods are empirically based; this is due to the complexity of this phenome- non and the ready availability of data correlations for a wide range of mis- sile body shapes. Table 4 summarizes the method differences between those selected from the Feasibility Study and those eventually incorporated into the methods compendium, and Figure 53 illustrates the applicability of the compo- nent build up methods. The carryover interference method originally selected were those documented in NACA 1307 (Reference 44); they were replaced by the AIAA Journal methods (References 45-47) since they are (1) closed form solu- tions as a func~ion of afterbody length (which was not included in the origi- nal reference) and (2) adjusted to account for panel trailing-edge sweep (which the original method did not address). The panel-panel interference correlation developed by Nielsen was retained for use, but is limited to planar or cruciform fin panels; it is not applicable to multi-paneled shapes or for fin sets where the f4ns are not an or apart. The A-"A__1-C 4 method proposed by Darling (Reference 48) is not appropiate for the "equiva- lent angle of attack method" and was not incorporated. Instead Nielsen's method has been extended to fin sets with three or more fins by mapping the Hins adjacent to the panel being analyzed into a four fin geometry. 94 S... .. . . _.: '- tT. ..fl -,. .- *-__ - -v-- ...... . . . . . .. OIDCREASI Du TO 14 WING vORTIC12 Il aPULL CO#4PIPlATIOM PULL CONPIGURATION NO WING VORTICES WITH VoodICes 10 ,OOV *WING * INTERFERINCE 2O - PULL COdPIIORATION TEST DATA a a 4 a !12 isl 30 34 30 ANG OF ATTACK FIGURE 50 RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE WING VORTEX CONTRIBUTION TO A CRUCIFORM h"+' MISSILE CONFIGURATION SI.-Am' 1 11-1--41 14 DECREASE OUR TO INmG VORTICES 1 PULL CONPIGATION PULL CONPIGURIATION I tNo l IoGncATIN 0 WITH VORTICES 900Y + WING * INTUNPUNUIRNCII OPTY o - PULL CONPIOURATION L4 9F [ TEhT OATA ANMOI OF AT?"1" FIGURE 51 RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF THE WING VORTEX CONTRIBUTION TO A CRUCIFORM "X" MISSILE CONFIGURATION 95 11 4784 7 -2n - 84 SUBSONIC TRANSONIC SUPERSONIC M <0.08 0.8 <M < 1.2 M >1.2 CARRY-OVER NACA 1301 AIAA JOURNAL. INTERFERENCE (44) JUN/AUG 1982 (45,46,47) BODY VORTICES NWC TP-5761A STRENGTH/TRACKING CP5) WING VORTICES NACA 1307 STRENGTH/TRACKING N44) PANELLOADS AIAAPAPER77 1153 _(4). A EMPIRICAL METHOD I REF. NUMBER FIGURE 52 CONFIGURATION SYNTHESIS METHODS 96 w I hI _ galb IE ClCO 2 cr 0 O~ C, z 0 ILO 0 cc I L 97 Configuration Synthesis - 4790 1-20 -84 SUBSONIC TRANSONIC SUPERSONIC M<0.8 0.8<M<14 M .14 PANEL COMBINATION PLANAR CRUCIFORM , OTHER ? WING-TAIL ORIENTATION IN-LINE INTERDIGITATED OFFSET OTHER \ APPLICATION SUITABLE APPLICATION OUESTIONABLE, LIMITED FIGURE 53 COMPONENT BUILD-UP APPLICABILITY No methods were selected for the effect of fin gaps since those influences have been demonstrated to be small. Some available experimental data indi-- cates that the resulting error is less than 10 percent of the configuration normal force coefficient. There are currently no methods that enable the culation of this effect for a wide range of fin panels; the limited empirical data correlations cannot be extended to handle a wide variety of fin-body com- binations that one would experience in the missile design environment. There- fore, no method is included to predict the effect of fin panel "unporting" although a methods development task should t? undertaken to correct this de- ficiency. The accuracy' of the methods impleoient.!d were demonstrated by comparison to the configurations shown in Figure 54. As shown in Figires 55 and 56, the prp~dltlve accuracy of the methods is excellent. No that predictive accu- .. . .. .. , ,,.,, predictive accura y o-h m t .UIL racy was determined by comparing the prediction to test data and then applying the accuracy criteria defined in Figure 5. 98 "" ' I I , . , ---- dfli F 5TMILLIONd 1 AJL22 I 0 GRAVIES LIIGATED * H4ARPOONd 0 AIM-S 11 MINERVALIED NGNASA TOFAX.2T31 IS MAVIRICK F D 0 7 CON4FIGURATIONS FROM THF ARMY HIGH ALPHA DATA SASE S FIGURE 54 AXISYMMETRIC BODY CON'FIGURATIONS INVESTIGATED 6.1 EQUIVALENT ANGLE OF ATTrCK The advantage of the equivalent angle-of-att,;ck method is that the aero- dynamics for isolated fin panels, including any nonlinearities, are used in the prediction of total configuration aerodynamics. The isolated fin panel data is interpolated using the fin local, or equivalent angle-of-attack. This angle-of-attack includes the effect of fin d'flectlon, presence of a body, presence of adjacent fin panels, fin roll angl position about the body, and any external vortices. The accuracy of this method is illustrated in Figure 57. The panel loads for a fin are plotted versus roll angle (measured from top vertical enter) at two angles of attack. These plots show excellent pre- dictions even in the transonic regime using the equivalent angle of attack method. 99 11 -4 785l CONFIGURATION NUMBER WITHIN COMPARISONS ACCURACY FIN ALONE 78 91% HARPOON 14 71% ARMY GENERALIZED 6 83% NASA TMX-2531 3 100% AIM-9L 10 100% LFRED 43 69% MAVERICK 7 43% HIGH-ALPHA B-T 84 95% [ GOMILLION 111 86% TOTAL/AVERAGE 356 86% FIGURE 55 LONGITUDINAL AERODYNAMICS PREDICTIVE ACCURACY .1 4 pan A 4 /s 0.2 A 2 */~ 0.2 A - 1012to 1."0o5 2 , - 0 "A C .0 0 00 .4 0 .2 A-I rl 0.4 A 213 di - 0.4 A = 3/8 r - 0.4 .2 7ow. .~N w .0g) .0 0 5w-O0 bw-O0 .6 0 w" o0 .4 00 0 00 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 Is 2028 ANGLE OF ATTACK - DI G ANGLE OF ATTACK - DEG ANGLE OF ATTACK - DEG FIGURE 56 COMPARISON OF WING IN PRESENCE OF THE BODY PREDICTIONS WITH EXPERIMENT AT MACH 3.36 xoO ( - . . . I 1jI - ' I .... .. II _ _ __--_I_ _.. .... _ _ _ _ _1 r- ]_ .. . .... ...... ............. . ....... .............. ....... oLID U:C _ _ _ _ 0 C* Q - . ..................... 4... ......... ............ . II-- 3 ...... ............. ...... ............. T...... o 0 cP ...... ...... ..... ....... . ...... .............. - b-4 .............. ........ .. 101....... _ _ _ _ _ _ ..... .... ... ........ 6.2 CARRYOVER INTERFERENCE Carryover interference accounts for the change in panel angle of attack due to the presence of a body, since the body produces a flow field which varies across the fin span. The method selected for Missile DATCOM ere those developed in NACA 1307 (Reference 44). They have been modified to reflect empirical corrections due to fin trailing-edge sweep, since the NACA 1307 methods are for nonswept trailing-edge panels. The carryover interference due to angle-of-attack nethod employed at supersonic speeds are those develop- "ed by Fan and Vira, Reference 46. They include the effect of fin afterbody length. The methods are a collection of closed-form equations which reproduce the NACA 1307 results for no afterbody and full afterbody. The effect of panel incidence on carryover interference are exactly those developed in NACA 1307. No other method was found that enables the prediction of this effect other than empirical data correlatlcas. The effect of roll angle (combined pitch and yaw angle-of-attack) are com- puted using the method developed by Nielsen (Reference 43) from slender body theory. Unfortunately, the method addresses only planar or cruciform fin panels. Although one could interpolate between the planar and cruciform re- sults to model equally spaced triform fin arrangements, other fin combinations are not addressed. A method should be developed to accommodate these types of general fin arrangements. There is need for further method development of an angle-of-attack correc- tion to body-wing carry-over for geometries where the body is dominant (Refer- ence 50). This is illustrated in Figure 57 which shows normal force coeffi- *J cient in presence of the body versus angle-of-attdck for various aspect ratios and body radius to span ratios (Reference 50). This figure illustrates that the error increases with a decrease in aspect ratio, and decreases with a decrease in body radius to span ratio. 102 fl 1_E;'.. -=sv.-.'.' . - '* .... _.-''~ ' - - --,, - .. 6.3 VORTEX TRACKING AND STRENGTH Two vortex sources are Included in the Missile Datcom analysis of the com- Dlete configuration aerodynamics. These are (1) vortices which are shed from the body nose, and (2) vortices that are shed from any forward lifting sur- faces. Methods for vortices which originate from the afterbody have not been included. This was done to simplify the analysis since complex flow calcula- tions are required to adequately model these vortices. The influence of these vortices on aft mounted fin panels are minor and can be ignored in preliminary missile design. It is hoped that an easy to apply technique will be develop- ed to completely model the vortices remaining in the flow field. 6.3.1 Body Vortices The body vortices are tracked using a method developed by Nielsen, (Reference 51). It relies upon an extensive empirical correlation, and has been observed to be adequate for preliminary design. The strength of the I, vortices are computed using the lift generated by the body. 6.3.2 Lifting Surface Vortices The fin vortices are computed using the methods outlined in the U.S. Air Force DATCOM. The vortices are tracked assumming that they follow the path of the free stream velocity vector. This technique showed good predictions ex- cept when the vortex core generated by a forward fin impinged upon an aft fin. A new model was developed which established a vortex core radius of .255 of the fin span generating the vortex. The vortex is then tracked along the free stream unless it impinges on a trailing fin in which case it is offset by the core radius. Figure 58 shows the improvement of this method over the original method. The vortex strength is computed from the fin lift. Note that fin lift is dependent upon panel local angle of attack, which in turn is dependent upon any external vortices. Hence, in order to accurately compute 103 L ..... _ _. _-_ _,, panel lift, and, vort,x strength, the panel loads for each panel on the con- figuration must be calculated starting from the nose of the vehicle and work- Ing aft. Ther.-fore, the effect of vortices originating ahead of a fin set is included in the calculation of that fin set's equivalent angle of attack. GOMILLION B-W-T, 'X' CONFIGURATION i4 2 o S~00( 8_ 0 UL LN -2 o -14 ANGLE0 OFATALDT). 1040 -12 -8 -11 0 Li 8 12 16 20 24J 2R ANGLE OF ATTACK, DEG FIGURE 58 EFFECT OF NEW VORTEX CORE MODEL 104 7.0 DYNAMIC DERIVATIVE METHOD SELECTION This section summarizer the methods selected for dynamic derivatives. It is divided into three parts: body alone methods, fin alone methods and con- figuration synthesis. Each section is further subdivided by coefficient. The available methodologies are for conventional missile shapes at low angle of attack. The methods were not as numerous as those for the static coefficients, and no methods were found that specifically address the effect of body incidence. Longitudinal dynamic derivative methods for both body- and fin-alone, and Magnus coeffi1ient methods for body alone were selected. Figure 59 summarizes the methods selected. 7.1 BODY ALONE The available body-alone methodology suitable for preliminary design is derived from slender body theory, or correlations of large amounts of test data. The large effects of viscosity over slender bodies at anything but small angles of attack make slender body results applicable only in the linear angle-of-attack range. Although viscous effects such as boundary layer tran- sition have been shown to have significant effects on dynamic stability, the mathematical complexity involved in these solutions renders them unsuitable for preliminary design. 7.1.1 Normal Force Due to Pitch Rate The method selected is that of the United States Air Force Stability and Controi OATCOM. The method used subsonically, transonically and super- sonically were derived from slender body theory. Also there is a hypersonic method derived from simple Newtonian theory. 105 0- ; 0 co U- V)- ( . a -- 1 C4 6-.J Cc Kx u tij ~I a+ U- C-)c -- V)c = n C ac 2r- cr~ Li cr. I- cm - C L 1 : cc 0 w Laa CD Lii C- KL. 8i 8 . J CL 0- < -)L 0O U LAJ- V) -C ---- --- --- --- - - - 4 Lk- 0 2c V)J L3~j L II0 9 a a 0-4 C4i C I- C. ~C. 0. 'S--L UP)C LUJ 0 SOaC Ayr C- r -I .. I-- - - ~ C'~106 ~ MMWL 1IN 11111UMlw N 7.1.2 Pitching Moment Due to Pitch Rate As recommended in the Missile DATCOM Feasibility Report, the method of Ericsson was chosen (Reference 54). Ericsson extended the simple slender body theory and Newtonian theory to more properly account for Mach number. The method computes the total damping in pitch derivwtive C + C m. These two are computed as their sum in both the handbook and tha computer code. Figure 60 shows good comparisons for body alone pitch damping. For the hand- book a less mathematically intensive method than that of Reference 55 was chosen to compute C supersonically. The method is that of DATCOM for supersonic body alone Cm If C alone and not the total pitch damping derivative is desired the method P DATCOM may be used in all Mach regimes. For hypersonic Mach numbers, the method of DATCON was selected which applies simple Newtonian theory to calculate Cm of cones with or without spherical nose caps and conic frustums. 7.1.3 Normal Force Due to Rate of Change of Angie of Attack The method chosen is that of DATCO0 which was derived using slender body theory. This method is applicable to all Mach regimes. 7.1.4 Pitching Moment Due to Rate of Change of Angle of Attack As mentioned in Section 7.1.2, the method selected is that of Ericsson which gives the total damping in pitch derivative C + C m. For the handbook, a different method was selected for Mach number gr iter than one, which is better suited for hand calculations. The method is that of DATCOM Ci ^. t.o,, l =1 C. a .lone 'is d....e sid u- not the oLtaL Ilt.h damping derivative the method of DATCOM may be used in all Mach regimes. 7.1.5 Side force Due to Roll Rate An empirical method was selected from Reference 56. The method is derived from wind tunnel and ballistic range test on spin stabilized projectiles. 107 -m m 00 '4 91- cu c OAJRJG6udWG40[dLP0 - b z U Li This method is good for bodies whose length is between 2.5 and 10 calibers, whose nose length is between 1.2 to 5.5 calibers and whose boattall length is between 0 to I caliber. 7.1.6 Yawing Moment Due to Roll Rate The method selected, which gives C /sina, is an empirical method np based on wind tunnel and ballistic range test of spin stabilized projectiles (Reference 56). Caution should be taken using this method since Cno .sinw versus sina does not continue to behave in polynomiial fashion at higher angles of attack (see Figure 61). This method should not be applied beyond the second positive maximum (counting the one at a-O as the first). Addi- tional limitations on this method are listed in Section 7.1.5. 7.1.7 Rolling Moment Due to Roll Rate The roll damping derivative method selected is that of Reference 57. The method is empirical and was derived from correlations of wind tunnel and ballistic range test. Limitations on this method are listed in Section 7.1.5. Cnplsina C~gsi no FIGURE 61 LIMIT OF YAWING MOMENT DUE TO ROLL RATE METHOD 109 7.2 FIN ALONE The only available methods suitable for use in Missile DATCOM to compute fin alone dynamic derivatives are the methods of the United States Air Force Stability and Control DATCOM. The methods are based on lifting surface theory for subsonic speeds and on linearized theory for supersonic speeds. The methods are thus limited to conditions for which the flow is attached over the surface of the fin, i.e., the linear lift range. These methods were developed for airplanes which generally have larger aspect ratio lifting surfaces. There are some limits on AR (where is the Mach similarity factor) for the supersonic methods. In the supersonic regime the methods were developed for beta times aspect ratio greater than four. For typical missile aspect ratios at low supersonic Mach numbers beta times aspect ratio is commonly less than four. For sample cases, however, the trends beyond this limit look reason- able. However the accuracy of this method for lower aspect ratios cannot be determined because only a small amount of experimental data is available, and that data is for subsonic Mach numbers. 7.2.1 Normal Force and Pitching Moment Due to Pitch Rate The methods selected are from DATCOM. The method used depends upon Mach regime and planform geometry. In the transonic regime a linear fairing is used between the value of the coefficient at Mach equal to 0.8 and 1.2. Supersonically, when the leading edge is subsonic, there are methods for fins with taper ratio of 0 or taper ration between 0.25 and 1, there are no methods for taper ratio between 0 and 0.25. In the computer code a linear fairing is used between the value of the coefficient at a taper ratio of 0 and of 0.25. There are separate methods for subsonic and supersonic leading edges. During the method change over when the leading edge is sonic or slightly higher the methods do not match, and the supersonic leading edge method yields unrealis- tic results. 110 7.2.2 Normal Force and Pitching Moment Due to Rate of Change of Angle of Attack The methods selected are from DATCOM. The subsonic method is applicable to fins with triangular planforms. Supersonically, when the fin has a sub- sonic leading edge, there are no methods for taper ratio between 0 and 0.25; methods are available for a taper ratio of 0 and taper ratios between 0.25 and 1. Supersonically when the fin has L supersonic leading edge, the computer code uses a table look-up on design charts to compute these coefficients. 7.3 CONFIGURATION SYNTHESIS Configuration synthesis is done by determining the contribution of each component using the body alone and fin-alone methods previously discussed. The contribution of each fin to a fin set is determined by taking into account the fin's position on the body. The contribution of each fin is then summed to compute the contribution of a fin set. Body on fin and fin on body inter- ference factors are computed using slender body theory. Then the coefficient for the total configuration is the body contribution plus the product of the interference factor and the fin set contribution. Figures 62 and 63 show comparisons of two configurations. The Sidewinder comparisons (Figure 62) for the body-canard-tail in 0+4 configuration show errors between 19 and 27 percent. Both the body tail configurations (Finner and Sidewinder) over predict damping n pitch. The error for the sidewinder body-tail configuration ranges from 8.6 to 20 percent. ill L) LLJ O( x Hjj 0m IL M I:- 0> 'I WI 9urj + Uri 11 T- u T LA, '.0 0 I- I 2eI m F5 0. fD OM I 0r ~~ - 0 inn 00E 0 0 0 0 0r U oU) - r ow 0 0 00 113 8.0 COMPUTER PROGRAM The Missile DATCOM computer code was written in ANSI FORTRAN using struc- tured programming techniques including in-code documentation. Input to the code is accomplished by namelist inputs and control cards that are read by a namelist emulator which is part of the code. The namelist, emulator was developed because not all machines have FORTRAN namelist and the code is not easily converted to fixed field inputs. Once read, the inputs are checked for valid variables and major errors. If an input error is found, a diagnostic message Is written to the output file describing what the error is and were It is. The computer code can be run either in "un-overlayed" or in *overlayed" mode. In mun-overlayed" mode, the required core memory is approximately 277,000 octal words on CDC machines. If the program is "overlayed' the core requirement on CDC machines is 76,000 octal words. On the virtual memory VAX machine the core requirement is 735,744 bytes. The code can be easily con- verted from FORTRAN IV to FORTRAN V. The user is referred to Volume 2 of the Program User's Guide for more details. The 'omputer code was developed in parallel with the handbooks. Most of the metnods in the handbooks are incorporated into the computer code. In some instances a more accurate but mathematically more-intensive method was In- corporated into the code. The methods selected were coded into individual subroutines Gr in the case of complex methods into a group of subroutines called method modules. To re- place a method, a new method is coded into a subroutine and inserted in place of the old subroutine. In the case of method modules the substititior is a little more complex but is still easily accomplished. Because the code was developed using top-down design, most of the control logic is in the upper level of the code and would not require a change, 115 The computer code also has two additional capabilities which allow for more detailed analysis of a configuration, experimental data substitution and configuration incrementing. Experimental data substitution allows the user to input experimental data for any part of the configuration (body, fin set 1, etc.) or any partial con- figuration (body + 1 fin set, etc.). For example the user may input body alone experimental data and/or body + 1 fin set experimental data for a con- figuration having a body + 2 fin sets. The experimental data is substituted into the appropriate common block and replaces the computed theoretical co- efficients. The substutited coefficients are then used in configuration syn- thesis. Configuration incrementing allows the user to input experimental data for a confituration in the first case of a run and then vary some components of the configuration. In subsequent cases, correction factors are applied to the static aerodynamic coefficients. When incrementing all cases of a run must be for the same configuration (i.e., if the first case is a body + 1 fin set then the following case must also be a body + I fin set). In the first case, ex- perimental data is substituted for the configuration being run. Comparisons are then made between the experimental and theoretical coefficients, and correction terms are calculated. In subsequent cases of that run, the correc-- tion factors are used to increment the theoretical coefficients of the con- figuration. 116 REFERENCES 1. Vukelich, S. R., *Development Feasibility of Missile Datcom,', AFWAL-TR- 81-8130. 2. Krieger, R. J., and Williams, J. E., 'Accuracy Criteria for Evaluating Supersonic Missile Aerodynamic Coefficient Predictions,* AIAA Paper 81-1894. August 1981. 3. Van Driest, E. R., "Turbulent Boundary Layer in Compressible Fluids,' 3. Aero. Sct., Vol. 18, March 1951, pp 145-160. 4. Schlicting, H., "Boundary Layer Theory," McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. 5. Clutter, 0. W., "Charts for Determining Skin Friction Coefficients on Smooth and Rough Flat Plates at Mach Numbers up to 5.0 With and Without Heat Transfer," DAC Report ES-29074, April 1959. 6. Hoerner, S. F., "Fluid Dynamic Drag," Published by Author, 1965. 7. Chaussee, 0. S., "Improved Transonic Nose Drag Estimates for the NSWC Mis- sile Aerodynamic Computer Program,' NSWC/DL TR-3830, April 1978. 8. Devan, L., 'Aerodynamics of Tactical Weapons to Mach Number 8 and Angle of Attack of 1800," NSWC TR-80-346, October 1980. 9. DeJarnette, F. R., Ford, C. P., and Young, D. E., 'Calculations of Pres- sures on Bodies at Low Angles of Attack in Supersonic Flow," AIAA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp 526-536. 10. Van Dyke, M. D., 'First and Second Order Theory of Supersonic Flow Post Bodies of Revolution,' JAS, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp 161-169. 11. Payne, P. R., Hartley, R. M., and Taylor, R. M., "Afterbody Drag," DTNSRDC/ASED-80/I0, May 1980. 12. Keller, J. D., and South, J. C., "RAXBOD: A FORTRAN Program for Inviscid Transonic Flow over Axisymmetric Bodies,' NASA TMX-72331, 1976. 13. Army Material Comiand, "Engineering Design Handbook: Design of Aero- dynamically Stailized Free Rockets," AMC Pamphlet 706-280, July 1968. 14. Stoney, W. E., "Collection of Zero-Lift Drag Data on Bodies of Revolution from Free-Flight Investigations," NASA TR-R-!0O, 1961. 15. Jorgensen, L. H., "Prediction of Static Aerodynamic Characteristics for Space-Shuttle-Like and Other Bodies for Angles of Attack from 00 to 1800,' NASA TN-D-6996, 1973. 117 16. Smith. A. M. 0., and Pierce, J., "Exact Solution of the Neumann Problem. Calculation of Non-Circulatory Plane and Axially Symmetric FlowS About or Within Arbitrary Boundaries," DAC Rpt. E526988, 1958. 17. Gentry. A. E., Smyth, 0. N., and Oliver, W. R., "The Mark IV Supersonic- Hypersonic Arbitrary Body Programs," AFFDL TR-73-159, 1973. 18. Gregoire, J. E., and Krieger, R. J., "Aerodynamic Prediction Rationale for Advanced Arbitrarily Shaped Missile Concepts," AIAA Paper 80-0256, January 1980. 19. Kuchemann, 0., Progress in Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 8, Pergamon Press, 1967. 20. Messerschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm GmbH, "Data Sheets for the Determination of Normal Force, Moment, and Tangential Force Characteristics of Slender Nose-Cylinder Configuration in the Transonic Speed Regime," MBB Reports TN WE 2-97/69 and TN WE 12-88/70, 1970. 21. Mason, L., Devan, L., Moore, F. G., and McMillan, 0., "Aerodynamic Design Manual for Tactical Weapons," NSWC TR-81-156, July 1981. 22. Goldstein, S., (Editor), "Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics." The Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1938. 23. Baker, W. B., "Static Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Series of Gener- alized Slender Bodies With and Without Fins at Mach Numbers 0.6 to 3.0," AEDC-TR-75-124, 1976. 24. MOAC-West, "Aerodynamic Design Handbook," M8.00O-CD, 1972. 25. Syverston, C. A., and Dennis, D. H., "A Second Order Shock Expansion Method Applicable to Bodies of Revolution Near Zero Lift," NACA Report 1328, 1957. 26. Payne, P. R., Hartley, R. M., and Taylor, R. M., "Afterbody Drag,' DTNSROC/ASED-80/lO, 1980, ASED-80/12, 1980. 27. Allen, H. J., and Perkins, E. W., "A Study of Effects of Viscosity on Flow over Slender" Inclined Bodies of Revolution," NACA Report 1048, 1951. 29. Klopfer, G. H., and Chausee, D. S, , S., '. .. ,,o_ Ie-o- sional Transonic Flows Around Axisymmetric Bodies at Angle of Attack," NEAR TR-176,1979. 29. Moore, F. G., "Aerodynamics of Guided and Unguided Weapons," NWL TR-3018, January 1975. 30. Hoak. D. E., et al, "USAF Stability and Control Datcom," AFWAL TR-83-3098, October 1960, Revised 1978. 118 S . . . . .... . ... . ... -.. _ _ _ _ ___ .. ; - : : - m " : -- 31. Lowry, J. G., and Polhamus, E., "A Method for Predicting Lift Increments Due to Flap Deflection at Low Angles of Attack in Incompressible Flow," NACA TR 3911, 1957. 32 Royal Aeronautical Society, "Data Sheets," 1966. 33. Weber, 3., "The Calculation of the Pressure Distribution ove the Surface of Two-Dimensional and Swept Wings with Summetrical Aerofoil Sections," ARC R&M 2918, 1953. 34. Weber, 3., "The Calculation of the Pressure Distribution on the Surface of Thick Cambered Wings and the Design of Wings with Given Pressure Distri- bution,' ARC R&0 3026, 1955. 35. Krieger, R. 3., et al, "Aerodynamic Standard Routine Handbook,* HDC Report E2630, January 1977, Revised March 1978. 36. Moore, F. 6., 'Body Alone Aerodynamics of Guided and Unguided Projectiles at Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Mach Numbers," NWL TR-2796, ;972. 37. Krieger, R. J., Williams, 3. E., and Hood, R. F., 'A Component Buildup Aerodynamic Prediction Approach for Airbreathing Missiles," AIAA-83-0461, January 1983. 38. Hayes, C., "Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Series of Single-Inlet Air- breathing Missile Configurations,* NASA TM-84557, 1983. 39. Hayes, C., "Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Series of Twin-Inlet Air- breathing Missile Configurations: I - Axisymmetric Inlets at Supersonic Speeds." NASA TM-84558, 1983. 40. Stoy, S. L., Dillon, 3. L., and Roman, A. P., "Correlation and Analysis of Oil Flow Data for an Airbreathlng Missile Model," AIAA 85-04f2, January 1985. 41. Hayes, C., 'Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Series of Twin-Inlet Air- breathing Missile Configurations: II -- Two Dimensional Inlets at Super- sonic Speeds,' NASA TM-84559, 1983. 42. Hayes, C., 'Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Series of Twin-Inlet Air- L _. , _ 4, , nf- -I....... .. Ulrea" gII Mi i le IOfluratiOI .. 1 - MxliyhNlerlic d Two-D01mers- sional Inlets at Subsonic-Transonic Speeds,' NASA TM-84560, 1983. 43. Hemsch, M. J., Nielsen, J. N., Smith, C. A., and Perkins, S. C., 'Com- ponent Aerodynamic Characteristics of Banked Cruciform Missiles with Arbitrary Control Deflections,' AIAA Paner 77-1153, January 1977. 44. Pitts, W., Nielsen, J., and Kaattari, G., "Lift and Center of Pressure of Wing-Body-Tail Combinations at Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Speeds," NACA Report 1307, 1957. 119 45. Vukelich, S. R., and Williams, 3. E., "Wing-Body Carryover at Supersonic Speeds with Finite Afterbodie,", AIAA Journal, M?y 1981, pp 661-664. 46. Vira, N. R., and Fan, D., "Closed-Form Solutions of Supersonic Wing-Body Interference," AIAA Journal, June 1182, pp 855-857. 47. Vira, N. R., and Fan. 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Vukelich, S. R., "Aerodynamic Prediction of Ellipticially Shaped Missile Configuration Using Component Build-Up Methodology," AIAA-85-0271. 54. Ericsson, L. E., "Effect of Mach Number on Slender Vehicle Dynamics," AIAA Paper 80-0362, 1980. 55. Ericsson, L. E., "Modification of Aerodynamic Prediction of the Longitud- inal Dynamics of lactical Weapons," LMSC-0646354, 1979. 56. Whyte, R. H., "Spin-73 an Updated Version of the Spinner Computer Pro- gram," Technical Report 4588, 1973. 57. Whyte, R. H., "A Revised Cl1 Algorthim for Spin-73," December 1979. 120 U.S. GOVERNMET PRINTY OFFICE: 1989-648-056 ( -