4 Digit Subtraction LP
4 Digit Subtraction LP
4 Digit Subtraction LP
College of Education
Lesson Plan Template
Teacher Candidate: Jessica Register Date and Time of Lesson: 10/9/14 at 8:40 a.m.
School: Ninety-Six Elementary Subject/Grade Level: Math/3
Description of Lesson: The student will be able to perform 4-digit subtraction with regrouping.
Students will understand that addition and subtraction are related operations that can be used
to check the accuracy of their work.
Lesson Title or Essential Question that guides the lesson:
How are the operations of subtraction and addition related?
Curriculum Standards Addressed:
CCSS 3.NBT.A.2-Fluently add and subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on
place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and
Lesson Objective(s): Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
The student will be able to perform 4-digit subtraction
with regrouping. Students will understand that
addition and subtraction are related operations that
can be used to check the accuracy of their work.
Pre: I will ask students what they
remember about regrouping and place
value (ones, tens, hundreds).
During: I will walk around and check
progress, and conference with students
about their work.
After: Students will complete
Independent practice and I will walk
around to check for correctness before
going over the answers.
Materials/Resources: My Math book, pencils, dry erase markers, dice, place value worksheets
Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge):
Social-How to interact and listen to other students
Cognitive- Be able to perform the operations of subtraction and addition with multiple digits.
Emotional-Be able to communicate and interact with other classmates and teacher.
Physical- My Math book, pencils, dry erase markers, dice, place value mats
1. I will begin by reminding students what we have been talking about the last few days.
Subtraction with regrouping. When we are performing subtraction, in what place value
do we begin? Ask for a volunteer to give a 3-digit number. Ask what number is in the
ones, tens, and hundreds place. Ask for another volunteer to give a smaller 3-digit
number. Then have class walk through how to perform the subtraction problems. How
Revised 9.03.14
do you know this is the correct answer?
2. Next, I ask the student materials helper to assist me in passing out one place value mat,
one dry erase marker, and one die to each pair of students. I will then model how we
will use all the materials for our introduction to four digit numbers and subtraction.
Before we begin the activity, I will ask students to label their place value mats
appropriately with ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. I will explain that one
partner will be in charge of rolling and one in charge of writing on the place value mat.
The one partner in charge of the die will roll it four times. Each time you roll the die,
you will write the number rolled in the place value chart. After the first roll, you will
write whatever number you get in the ones column. Second roll, in the tens, third in the
hundreds and fourth in the thousands. So, you will be rolling it a total of four times for
the first number. The person who is not rolling the die will be writing the numbers in
the chart after each roll is completed. After the first 4-digit number has been
completed, the partners will switch jobs. Repeat the process for the second number,
only this time we will only do a 3-digit number. After you and your partner set up your
problem, you will work together to solve. Students will check their work by adding from
top to bottom. This activity will be repeated 3-4 times. After this activity has been
completed, I will again ask the student materials helper to help me pick up the materials
used for the activity.
3. Students will complete example problems 1 & 2 on pages 165-166 in Math in My
World as a class on the Promethium board.
4. I will pass out place value worksheets and students will complete the guided practice on
page 166 together. Students will copy the guided practice problems onto the place
value worksheets. We will work through them together, and check with addition.
5. I will then ask students to take out their math books, and complete the Independent
Practice numbers 2-7 on page 167. I will walk around and monitor student progress
then go over the correct answers.
6. We will then complete numbers 10, 11, and 13 on page 168.
7. Students will then tear out pages 165-170 to be stapled for their homework and placed
in their red homework folder.
Activity Analysis:
The activity with the place value mats and dice goes hand-in-hand with the standard, Fluently add and
subtract within 1000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of
operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. Students are using the
dice to create numbers, that way they play an active role in the math lesson. They are also working
together to complete the problem.
Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increases in Rigor
Accommodations will be made for students with visual impairments by having the text projected on the
Promethium board, and allowing them to move closer to the board if needed. Group work and
discussions will be used rather than just individual work.
For students who demonstrate mastery, I will give them extra problems. These will all be subtraction
problems and will consist of two, four-digit numbers.
Revised 9.03.14
References: Mrs. Reynolds, http://ed.sc.gov/agency/programs-