The document discusses different insulation materials, providing their thermal conductivities, environmental ratings, and common applications. It includes a chart detailing this information for various materials like vacuum insulated panels, aerogel, polyurethane, polystyrene, wool, hemp and more. The document is intended to help with specifying insulation materials and considers their thermal performance as well as fire, moisture and environmental credentials.
The document discusses different insulation materials, providing their thermal conductivities, environmental ratings, and common applications. It includes a chart detailing this information for various materials like vacuum insulated panels, aerogel, polyurethane, polystyrene, wool, hemp and more. The document is intended to help with specifying insulation materials and considers their thermal performance as well as fire, moisture and environmental credentials.
The document discusses different insulation materials, providing their thermal conductivities, environmental ratings, and common applications. It includes a chart detailing this information for various materials like vacuum insulated panels, aerogel, polyurethane, polystyrene, wool, hemp and more. The document is intended to help with specifying insulation materials and considers their thermal performance as well as fire, moisture and environmental credentials.
The document discusses different insulation materials, providing their thermal conductivities, environmental ratings, and common applications. It includes a chart detailing this information for various materials like vacuum insulated panels, aerogel, polyurethane, polystyrene, wool, hemp and more. The document is intended to help with specifying insulation materials and considers their thermal performance as well as fire, moisture and environmental credentials.
environmental ratings CE71 78446 EST CE71 EcoBuild 4pp-V3:EST 20/08/2010 09:32 Page 1 Domestic insulation materials 03 Insulation materials chart The performance of insulation materials is key to any low energy homes strategy, whether designing, specifying and building a new house, or refurbishing an existing dwelling. Fabric insulation measures should always be considered before services and renewable energy generation. The domestic insulation market has recently seen the development of innovative high performance aerogel and vacuum panel insulants, as well as multifoil products 1 . Alongside these developments more traditional products have continued to evolve, with grey EPS and soy-based Polyurethane offering higher thermal performance and greater environmental sustainability respectively. Monolithic insulants such as hemp-lime or straw bale construction offer alternative options to those wishing to meet the heightened thermal requirements of national building regulations. Insulation materials chart This chart details the thermal conductivities, environmental ratings and typical applications of insulation materials available in the UK. It is designed as an aid to specification. Note that the coloured cells indicate only the most common uses the fact a cell is blank does not necessarily mean that the type of insulation is not used for the application. The properties of any selected product should be checked prior to final specification. When selecting an insulation material consideration should be given to the materials fire, acoustic, moisture and environmental credentials along with the thermal performance of the product within the construction context. Insulation materials chart 02 Key: coloured cells indicate common uses. 1. Multifoil products work by reflecting radiated heat back into the internal space, and unlike other insulants are not assessed via a hot box test. For this reason their thermal conductivity is less crucial as a performance characteristic. Total wall thickness to achieve U=0.25 W/m 2 K is 380mm and includes 85mm supplementary PU (pentane) insulation. 2. The environmental ratings of different types of insulation (with A+ being the best) have been taken from the latest assessments in BREs Green Guide to Specification. Using Life Cycle Assessment, the impacts associated with extraction, manufacture, transport and disposal sometimes referred to as embodied impacts have been evaluated. The comparison between materials is on the basis of similar thermal resistance, rather than mass or volume. 3. U-values calculated based on 9 solid brick wall, internally applied insulation (with battens and/or air gap where appropriate) and 12.5mm plasterboard. Fixings and air movement accounted for in calculated figures. All thicknesses rounded to nearest 5mm. 4. The thermal conductivity ranges are the minimum and maximum obtained from the thermal conductivity values declared by UK manufacturers (or suppliers) and those given in the European Thermal Values publication. (Final report to the Thermal Values Group (March 1999) submitted to DG XII of the European Commission). 5. The effect of low emissivity surfaces has been included in U-value calculations. 6. Monolithic insulant thicknesses quoted exclude external render and internal plastered finish. 7. Flexible thermal linings are thin layers designed to be applied directly to a solid wall, prior to finishes. A solid wall with 10mm flexible thermal lining will achieve a U-value of approximately 1.5W/m 2 K. Insulation Materials Chart Range of Thermal Conductivities 4 (W/mK) Lower numbers indicate better thermal performance Typical Applications Roofs Walls Floors 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Highest performance Vacuum Insulated Panels - 30 0.008 Aerogel - 50-55 Polyurethane (PU) Polyurethane with pentane up to 32kg/m 3 A 105-115 0.027 0.03 Polyurethane soy-based - 100-145 0.026 0.038 Foil-faced Polyurethane with pentane up to 32kg/m 3 A 75 5 0.02 Polyurethane with CO2 - 130 0.035 In-situ applied Polyurethane (sprayed or injected) - 80-100 Polyisocyanurate (PIR) Polyisocyanurate up to 32kg/m 3 A 95-105 Foil-faced polyisocyanurate up to 32kg/m 3 A 80-85 5 In-situ applied polyisocyanurate (sprayed) - 80-100 Phenolic foam (PF) Phenolic foam - 80-95 Foil-faced phenolic foam - 75-85 5 Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Expanded Polystyrene up to 30kg/m 3 A+ 115-165 0.03 0.045 Expanded Polystyrene with graphite (grey) - 115-120 Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) Extruded Polystyrene with CO2 - 95-140 0.025 0.037 Extruded Polystyrene with HFC 35kg/m 3 E 110-120 0.029 0.031 Wool and fibre Glass wool [up to 48kg/m 3 ] A+ 135-180 0.03 0.044 Glass wool [equal/greater than 48kg/m 3 ] - 155 0.036 Stone wool [less than 160kg/m 3 ] B to A+ 150-160 Stone wool [160kg/m 3 ] C 160-170 0.037 0.040 Sheeps wool [25kg/m 3 ] A 150-215 0.034 0.054 Cellulose fibre [dry blown 24kg/m 3 ] A+ 150-190 0.035 0.046 Alternative - 165 0.039 Polyester fibre - 150-180 0.035 0.044 Wood fibre (WF) - 145-225 0.039 0.061 Hemp lime (monolithic) - 260 6 0.067 Cotton - 165-170 0.039 0.04 Cork [120kg/m 3 ] A 155-200 0.041 0.055 Vermiculite - 235 0.039 0.06 Perlite (expanded) board - 190 0.051 Celular glass (CG) C-D 140-185 0.038 0.05 Flexible thermal linings - n/a 7 0.04 0.063 Strawboard [420kg/m 3 ] C 295 0.081 Straw bale (monolithic) A 175-235 6 0.047 0.063 E n v ir o n m e n t a l
R a t in g 2 ( B R E
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tim b e r 0.034 0.038 0.03 0.032 0.020 0.023 0.020 0.025 0.023 0.028 0.022 0.023 0.025 0.028 0.023 0.028 Hemp fibre 0.013 0.014 Monolithic Monolithic 78446 EST CE71 EcoBuild 4pp-V3:EST 20/08/2010 09:32 Page 2 CE71 Technical terms explained Also known as Lambda [], or as k-value A standardised measure of how easily heat flows through any specific material, which is independent of material thickness. The lower the number, the better the thermal performance. Provides a quick way to easily compare to thermal performance of different insulants. Units are Watts per metre Kelvin W/mK. Example The thermal conductivity of Aerogel insulation is 0.013 W/mK. The thermal conductivity of brick is 0.077 W/mK. Also known as R-value A measure of how much heat loss is reduced through a given thickness of any specific material. The thermal resistance of a material is calculated from: To compare two insulants with different thicknesses and thermal conductivities, calculate the R-value for each. The higher the number, the better the thermal performance. For materials in series, these thermal resistances (unlike conductivities) can simply be added to give a thermal resistance for the whole. Units are metres squared Kelvin per Watt (m 2 K/W). Example The thermal resistance of 9mm Aerogel insulation is 0.0009/0.013 = 0.69m 2 K/W. The thermal resistance of a 220mm solid brick wall is 0.022/0.077 = 0.29m 2 K/W. The total thermal resistance of the two materials together is 0.69 + 0.29 = 0.98m 2 K/W. Also known as thermal transmittance A measure of how much heat is lost through a given thickness of any specific material, which includes conduction, convection and radiation. The U-value of a material (or several materials in series, e.g. brick and insulation in a wall) is calculated by taking the reciprocal of the R-value (i.e. 1/R-value), and adding convection and radiation heat losses. Repeating thermal bridging (e.g. wall ties) is also included. In practice this is a complex calculation, and so using U-value calculation software (most SAP software packages, e.g. Build Desk, have a U-value calculator included within them) is recommended. The lower the number, the better the thermal performance. Units are Watts per metre squared Kelvin (W/m 2 K). Example The thermal transmittance of 9mm of Aerogel insulation on a 220mm solid brick wall is 1/0.98 + convection and radiation losses + repeating thermal bridging losses from fixings. Using U-value calculation software, the thermal transmittance was calculated as 0.94 W/m 2 K. R = l where l is the thickness in metres and is the thermal conductivity in W/mK Thermal Conductivity Thermal Resistance U-value Energy Saving Trust, 21 Dartmouth Street, London SW1H 9BP Tel 0845 120 7799 Fax 0845 120 7789 CE71 Energy Saving Trust April 2004. Revised August 2010. E&OE The Energy Saving Trust Housing programme is grant aided by the Department of Energy and Climate Change. This publication (including any drawings forming part of it) is intended for general guidance only and not as a substitute for the application of professional expertise. Any figures used are indicative only. The Energy Saving Trust gives no guarantee as to reduction of carbon emissions, energy savings or otherwise. Anyone using this publication (including any drawings forming part of it) must make their own assessment of the suitability of its content (whether for their own purposes or those of any client or customer), and the Energy Saving Trust cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or other liability resulting from such use. So far as the Energy Saving Trust is aware, the information presented in this publication was correct and current at the time of the last revision. To ensure you have the most up to date version, please visit our website: The contents of this publication may be superseded by statutory requirements or technical advances which arise after the date of publication. It is your responsibility to check latest developments. 78446 EST CE71 EcoBuild 4pp-V3:EST 20/08/2010 09:32 Page 4