Fill out this form if you are requesting organic certification for maple sap collection and maple syrup production. If you only process maple syrup and related products, but do not harvest sap, please complete the Processor/Handler Organic System Plan. Use additional sheets if necessary. Attach current map(s) detailing all sugar bushes with numbers. On the map(s), identify land use of adjoining fields (i.e., conventional crops, residential area, etc.). If you are applying for re- certification, please use the Maple Annual Update Form. Section numbers refer to National Organic Program regulations (7 CFR, Part 205). Organic Maple Syrup Production Plan SECTION 1: General Information 205.201 Name:
Farm/Business Name:
Todays Date:
List names, job titles, and phone numbers of all persons authorized to discuss certification matters with PCO:
Legal Status: Sole Proprietor Partnership Business Corporation Non-profit Corporation Trust or Association Other (Specify):
Check the statement that applies to your operation: Collect maple sap, but do not further process the sap. Collect maple sap and process the sap to produce maple syrup and/or other processed maple products.
List all products requested for organic certification. Attach an Organic Product Profile for each product. If you just harvest sap and do not further process the sap, indicate this in the below section. Product Name Brand Name Co-Pack or own company product?
Please check any of the following countries to which you intend to export organic crop or crop products in the next 18 months: Canada European Union Taiwan Japan If you intend to export any of your organic products to Japan, European Union, Taiwan or Canada, complete Section 8 of this form.
Office Use Only Received: Organic System Plan Maple
Page 2 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 SECTION 2: Production Information Please complete the table below and attach sugar bush history sheets that show all tapped areas, [organic (O), transitional (T), or conventional (C)], sugar bush numbers, acres and inputs applied for last 3 years. NAME OF AREA SUGAR BUSH NUMBER TOTAL ACRES TAPPED
1. Are all areas requested for certification located at the main address listed above? Yes No If no, provide address of additional location(s):
2. Did you plant all of the maple trees to be tapped, or were some trees naturally established? Planted all trees to be tapped Tapping naturally established trees (may include some trees that were planted) 3. Have you managed all collection areas for 3 years or more? Yes No If no, include a Prior Land Use Statement (form available from PCO) or equivalent document signed by the previous owner/manager of the land.
4. When was the last time a prohibited material was applied to the tapped areas?
SECTION 3: MAINTENANCE OF ORGANIC INTEGRITY A. ADJOINING LAND USE: USDA standards require that organic production areas be protected from contamination by prohibited substances (i.e., pesticides). Buffer areas may change annually, depending on contamination potential from adjoining land uses. 5. Are there any potential sources of contamination in or near the collection area? Yes No If yes, how is contamination prevented?
List specific buffer areas you maintain: (Show all adjoining land uses on your field maps.) N/A LOCATION/FIELD NUMBERS TYPE OF BUFFER (I.E. TREELINE, HEDGEROW, WILDLIFE PLANTING, GRASS STRIP, CROPLAND*)
* If crops are harvested from the buffer zones, describe their harvest, storage and sales:
6. What additional safeguards do you use to prevent accidental contamination? None Written notification to: Highway departments Electric companies Aerial spray companies/airports Drainage commissions Farm service office Other (specify):
Adjoining Land Use Agreements with neighbors Organic System Plan Maple
Page 3 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 7. Have you posted Do not spray signs along roadsides that adjoin organic collection areas? Yes No B. SPLIT PRODUCTION: To prevent contamination by non-organic products, USDA standards have additional rules for farmers who are farming conventionally as well as organically. The farm operator must demonstrate the ability to keep crops separate in storage. Storage areas should remain organic and not be switched back and forth. Specific records must be kept to document all crops, inputs, harvest, storage and sales. 8. Which category best describes your current operation? All organic production Organic and Conventional Production In Transition Organic and Transitional production C. EQUIPMENT 9. Is your equipment maintained so that fuel, oil and hydraulic fluid do not leak? Yes No N/A 10. Do you use a sprayer (owned or custom)? Yes No N/A If yes, what type?
If yes, used for: Organic only Organic and conventional Conventional only 11. If the sprayer was purchased is it new or used? New Used 12. If used for organic and conventional or if purchased used, describe the cleanout method. NOTE: Equipment cleanout must be documented.
13. Could any other equipment you use including contracted operators/equipment have been contaminated by previous uses? Yes No If yes, describe:
SECTION 4: Sugarbush Management 14. What methods do you use to preserve the natural resources of your sugarbush? Minimize disruption of priority species and/or sensitive areas Avoid erosion Allow natural re-establishment of maple trees Plant maple trees from external stock Transplant maple seedlings within the collection area Removal of non-native plants
Thinning existing plants Harvest from stable population Monitor water quality
15. Are there any rare, threatened, or endangered terrestrial or aquatic plants or animals that occur in the sugarbush area? Yes No If yes, list:
16. If yes, describe methods used to prevent any negative impacts to these plants and/or animals, including how you monitor to verify lack of impact:
17. How do you manage and monitor the health of tapped trees? Removal of competing trees/plants Only tap healthy trees Monitor leaf canopy during growing and non-growing season Prune trees Use fertilizers or soil amendments Visually monitor for presence of pests and/or disease Use pest and/or disease management material Irrigate Organic System Plan Maple
Page 4 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 18. Do you experience any pest problems in the collection area? Yes No If yes, how are pests managed?
19. Are there any disease problems in the collection area? Yes No If yes, how are diseases managed?
SECTION 5: Sap Collection Refer to PCOs Maple Guidance Document for specifics regarding tapping and sap collection restrictions. 20. Total number of taps on all sugarbushes? On buckets:
On tubing:
21. Tubing is: taken in after season left in sugarbush N/A If left in sugarbush, when is tubing removed?
How is tubing disposed of once removed? Recycled Waste disposal service 22. If sap is collected in buckets: a. What are buckets made out of?
b. Are they new or used?
c. If previously used, how were they cleaned prior to use in organic production?
23. What criteria do you use in determining the number of taps to establish per tree?
24. What is the maximum number of taps per tree you could use?
25. If multiple taps are used per tree, how are the taps spaced?
26. Depth of tap:
27. When are taps removed?
28. Do you double tap (i.e. previously tapped tree during the same year)? Yes No Organic System Plan Maple
Page 5 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 29. Do you ream or freshen taps (i.e. establishing a previously drilled tap during the same year)? Yes No If yes, describe when and how you freshen:
30. Do you use a vacuum pump to gather sap? Yes No If yes, what is the pressure at the pump and at the taps?
If yes, how do you monitor to ensure that you use as low of a pressure as possible?
31. Describe how sap is moved in the sugar house (pump, gravity and/or manually fed):
32. Describe the cleaning process of all collection equipment including lines, taps, pumps and storage tanks. Include any materials used in your description:
*Note: All materials used must be listed on your Materials Used Form Processor.
SECTION 6: Processing Procedures, processes, storage and equipment must not present contamination risk to organic products from co-mingling with other non-organic products, sanitation products or pest management products. Procedures used to maintain organic integrity must be documented. A. Product Flow: Attach a schematic product flow chart that shows where and how product is received, stored, processed, packaged, and warehoused, identifying all pieces of equipment, storage areas and where ingredients are added or processing aids used. B. Equipment: List all equipment used for processing. Name of equipment How is it cleaned? When is it cleaned? Cleaning Material Used
C. Processing: 33. Is the processing area and equipment used for organic products only? Yes No If no, describe how you prevent commingling with non-organic products and contamination with prohibited substances:
Organic System Plan Maple
Page 6 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 34. How do you store sap? Include size, location, and what storage vessel is made out of:
35. When is sap filtered?
36. What type of filter is used: Screen Paper Felt Pressure filter Diatomaceous earth Other (specify):
How are these filters cleaned?
37. Is a reverse-osmosis machine used? Yes No If yes, what product is used in the storage of the machine?
Describe your procedure for flushing reverse osmosis machine prior to use:
38. Provide details regarding the size of evaporator(s) and what it is made out of?
39. List de-foaming agents used:
40. Is a finishing pan used? Yes No If yes, list make and size:
41. Describe the type of equipment used to package syrup:
42. Check types of packaging material used: Bulk Glass Tin Plastic
Boxes or other packaging Other(specify):
43. If you market both organic and non-organic syrup, do you maintain sales records that differentiate between them? Yes No 44. If you blend different grades of syrup, do you maintain records of the blend amounts and resulting grade amounts? Yes No
Organic System Plan Maple
Page 7 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 SECTION 7: Facility Pest Management Plan Complete this section to describe pest control practices and materials used in any facility where organic maple or maple products are produced and/or stored, including but not limited to storage and packing areas. 45. Does this operation use any facilities, such as those stated above, in the production or storage of organic maple or maple products and have pest problems in those facilities? Yes No 46. Describe the facilities and the products produced or stored in those facilities:
47. What type of facility pest management system(s) is used in the facilities? In House Contracted pest control service 48. Name and phone number of person responsible for facility pest management:
49. Check all pest problems in any of the facilities you generally have: Flying insects Crawling insects Spiders Birds Rats Mice Other (specify):
50. Check all the facility pest management practices that apply. Note: All materials used for facility pest management must be listed on your Materials Used Form. Non-synthetic substance consistent with National List (e.g. pyrethrum) Synthetic substance consistent with National List (e.g. vitamin D3 bait) Synthetic substance NOT on the National List (e.g. most commercially available rodent bait) Cleanup of spilled product Dogs Physical barriers Electrocutors Repair of holes, cracks, etc. Good sanitation Sticky traps
Screened windows, vents, etc. Mechanical traps Ultrasound/light devices Cats Removal of exterior habitat/food sources Mowing Other (specify):
51. Describe monitoring (including frequency) used to determine the effectiveness of management practices above:
52. If pest control materials are used where are they stored?
53. What records do you maintain to document pesticide use and measures taken to prevent contamination of organic maple and maple products?
Organic System Plan Maple
Page 8 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 SECTION 8: International Export: Canada, European Union, Taiwan, Japan Please provide the following information even if you do not currently intend to export any organic products to Canada, European Union, Taiwan, or Japan in order for PCO to review this information. This will expedite any export verification needs you or your customers may have in the future. However, this information is not required for your Organic System Plan to be considered complete. A. CANADA: N/A 54. Are any crops produced hydroponically or aeroponically? Yes No 55. Has Chilean nitrate (sodium nitrate) been used on any sap collection areas? Yes No If yes, in what area and on what date(s) was it applied?
56. Are you using any labels for products exported to Canada other than labels already approved by PCO? Yes No If yes, attach labels for PCO to review. *Note: The 100% Organic Label is not permitted in Canada. Labels must be bilingual (English and French).
Maple Products Requested to Ship to Canada Area Name/ Number Total Acres / Crop Projected Yield to Export to Canada
B. EUROPEAN UNION: N/A 57. Have antibiotics (streptomycin and/or tetracycline) been used to produce any crops? Yes No 58. Are you using any labels for products exported to the European Union other than labels already approved by PCO? If yes, attach labels for PCO to review. *Note: The 100% Organic Label is not permitted in the European Union. Yes No
Maple Products Requested to Ship to European Union Area Name/ Number Total Acres/ Crop Projected Yield to Export to European Union
C. TAIWAN: N/A 59. Are any crops produced using any materials prohibited by the NOP National List? Yes No If yes, list.
Maple Products Requested to Ship to Taiwan Area Name/ Number Total Acres/ Crop Projected Yield to Export to Taiwan
D. JAPAN: N/A 60. Do you have verification from ingredient suppliers that the following inputs were not used in the ingredients production? a. Alkali-extracted humic acid? Yes No b. Lignin sulfonate (used as a floatation agent) Yes No
Organic System Plan Maple
Page 9 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 61. Do you use crop inputs that contain alkali-extracted humic acid? Yes No
62. Do you use crop inputs that contain lignin sulfonate (used as a flotation agent)? Yes No
Maple Products Requested to Ship to Japan Area Name/ Number Total Acres/ Crop Projected Yield to Export to Japan
SECTION 9: Marketing 205.303 LABELING / MARKETING 63. How do you market your organic products? Yes No If yes, check all that apply: Farmers market Wholesale Direct to retail Wholesale to processor CSA/subscription service Contract to buyer On-farm retail Other (specify):
64. How do you use a label on products or packing materials? Yes No N/A If yes, attach a sample of each label. (Retail labels must identify Pennsylvania Certified Organic as the certifying agent.) a) Do your labels identify Pennsylvania Certified Organic as the certifying agent? Yes No b) Do you use or plan to use the PCO logo on the label? Yes No c) Do you intend to use the USDA logo on the label? Yes No
*Enclose samples of existing or intended labels/ marketing materials using the term Organic or Pennsylvania Certified Organic or PCO or the USDA Organic seal, and note whether they will be used for retail, non-retail, or export packaging. Labels must be approved by PCO prior to using. Submit any updated/new labels/marketing material (if not already submitted to PCO).
SECTION 10: Conflict of Interest 205.501 65. Have you used any organic production consultants for your operation in the last 12 months? Yes No (This does not refer to your inspector, certification specialist, or other PCO representative involved with your certification review.)
If yes, list the name and contact information for the organic production consultant(s) your operation has used in the last 12 months (7 CFR 205.501(a)(11)(ii):
SECTION 11: Previous Organic Certification 205.401 66. List current organic certification by other agencies and dates:
If currently certified by another agency, submit a copy of your current certificate and verification of the items you are certified to produce/sell.
67. If currently certified organic, has your operation received a non-compliance(s) or been issued a proposed suspension or proposed revocation that has not yet been resolved? Yes No If yes, submit a copy of any adverse action notice of non-compliance issued to you and a description of any actions taken by you to correct the non-compliance(s) noted in the including: notification of noncompliance, notification of proposed suspension or proposed revocation issued to you and a description of any actions taken by you to correct the non-compliance(s) notes in the adverse action notice, including evidence of such corrections an resolution letter from certifier, if any. 68. If previously certified, list names of agencies, dates, non-compliances and reasons for surrender or termination of certification:
Organic System Plan Maple
Page 10 of 10 CERT A12 OSP Maple V1, R4, 1/22/13 69. Have you ever been denied organic certification or has your organic certification ever been withdrawn, surrendered suspended or revoked? Yes No If yes, submit a copy of any adverse action notice, including suspension, revocation or denial of certification issued to you and a description of any actions taken by you to correct the non-compliances noted in the notification, including evidence of such corrections and resolution letter from certifier or the National Organic Program Administrator, if any. If certification was withdrawn or surrendered, provide reason:
70. Gross organic sales of organic crops in previous calendar year: $
If none sold, enter 0.
SECTION 12: Affirmations Information provided on this application is held in strict confidence and will be used only for certification purposes. I affirm that all statements made in this application are true and correct. To the best of my knowledge, no prohibited materials have been applied to any of my organically managed fields during the three-year period prior to projected harvest. I understand and agree as follows: 1. My operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for residues at any time as deemed appropriate to ensure compliance with the National Organic Program. 2. Acceptance of this questionnaire in no way implies granting of certification by the certifying agent. 3. Failure to comply with the applicable regulations, policies or procedures, or giving false information may result in denial, suspension, revocation or termination of certification. 4. Payment of all certification fees is a condition of certification. As required by the National Organic Program, and as conditions of certification I agree to: 1. Cooperate with the certification process by completing all documentation requested. 2. Make every effort to ensure that no prohibited products have been used, applied or otherwise allowed to compromise the integrity of the organic crops or products produced or sold by me. 3. Provide access to all areas and parts of my operation, including records, products and personnel. 4. Comply with the National Organic Program Rule (7 CFR Part 205) and Pennsylvania Certified Organic certification policies and procedures. 5. Make appropriate certification claims, which accurately reflect the type of certification granted 6. Ensure that my certificate or certification report is not used in a misleading manner and does not harm PCO. 7. Only use certification claims, or the PCO name and logo, to indicate that products are in compliance with PCO standards, and use them correctly on advertising, marketing and packaging materials. 8. Discontinue use of certification claims, and PCO name and logo, upon surrender, suspension, revocation or termination of certification, and return any certification documents or materials required by PCO. 9. Notify PCO of any significant changes to my operations organic system plan. 10. Notify PCO concerning any application, including drift, of a prohibited substance to any field, production unit, site, facility, livestock, or product that is part of an operation. 11. Comply with all conditions of certification listed on Certification Reports or other certification documents.
I understand that failure to abide by the above requirements may result in denial, suspension or revocation of my organic certification, prosecution for fraud or misrepresentation, or any other remedy allowed by law. I give permission for PCO to release information from my file to other recognized certification organizations for purposes of document review. I understand that PCO will obtain a confidentiality statement from the requesting certifier before releasing any information. PCO has my permission to obtain information, documents, or materials related to certification or de-certification from other certifiers. Your signature(s):
If applicable: Signature of Contracted Grower:
Required attachments: These records must be returned with your application or it may be returned to you resulting in a delay of the certification process. General Information Form Maps of the operation (including area #s, acreage, buildings and adjoining land use) Field and Pasture Records (with prior land use statements if not managed by you for the past three years) Materials Used Form Labels used on your organic product(s) (if applicable) Product Profile (if applicable)
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