This document describes the 12 cranial nerves in the human body:
- It lists the 12 cranial nerves and provides a brief description of each one's function, including which muscles and sensory regions they innervate.
- Several nerves like the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves have both motor and sensory components, innervating muscles and sensing temperature, touch, and other stimuli from the face and body.
- The document also discusses the nuclei and pathways that the axons of each nerve follow, from receptors to target regions in the brain. This provides details on the anatomy and pathways that allow the cranial nerves to perform their roles.
This document describes the 12 cranial nerves in the human body:
- It lists the 12 cranial nerves and provides a brief description of each one's function, including which muscles and sensory regions they innervate.
- Several nerves like the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves have both motor and sensory components, innervating muscles and sensing temperature, touch, and other stimuli from the face and body.
- The document also discusses the nuclei and pathways that the axons of each nerve follow, from receptors to target regions in the brain. This provides details on the anatomy and pathways that allow the cranial nerves to perform their roles.
This document describes the 12 cranial nerves in the human body:
- It lists the 12 cranial nerves and provides a brief description of each one's function, including which muscles and sensory regions they innervate.
- Several nerves like the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves have both motor and sensory components, innervating muscles and sensing temperature, touch, and other stimuli from the face and body.
- The document also discusses the nuclei and pathways that the axons of each nerve follow, from receptors to target regions in the brain. This provides details on the anatomy and pathways that allow the cranial nerves to perform their roles.
This document describes the 12 cranial nerves in the human body:
- It lists the 12 cranial nerves and provides a brief description of each one's function, including which muscles and sensory regions they innervate.
- Several nerves like the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves have both motor and sensory components, innervating muscles and sensing temperature, touch, and other stimuli from the face and body.
- The document also discusses the nuclei and pathways that the axons of each nerve follow, from receptors to target regions in the brain. This provides details on the anatomy and pathways that allow the cranial nerves to perform their roles.
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dr. Hadi Raharjo Wibowo
NERVI CRANIALES N. I -> olfactorius N. II -> opticus N. III -> oculomotorius N. IV -> trochlearis N. V -> trigeminus N. VI -> abducens N. VII -> facialis N. VIII -> octavus / vestibulocochlearis N. IX -> glossopharyngeus N. X -> vagus N. XI -> accessorius N. XII -> hypoglossus NERVUS OLFACTORIUS Sifat special viscerosensoris Receptor (sel olfactory di meatus nasi suprema=neuron I) -> neuron bipolar di bulbus olfactorius (neuron II) -> tractus olfactorius -> uncus + parahypocampus (primary olfactory complex=neuron III) -> entorhinal cortex (area 28/olfactory assosiation cortex) NERVUS OPTICUS Sifat special somato sensoris Receptor (rod & conus cell=neuron I) -> neuron bipolar (neuron II) -> lapisan ganglioner retina (neuron III) -> n. opticus - > chiasma opticus ->neuron IV Corpora genitulatum laterale -> area 17 Ncl. pretectalis -> reflex consensual Colliculus superior-> reflex somato-optik NERVUS VESTIBULOCOCHLEARIS Nervus cochlearis Bersifat special somato sensoris Receptor (organon Corti) -> ggl. cochlearis (neuron I) -> n. cochlearis -> ncl. cochlearis ventralis & dorsalis (neuron II) -> colliculus inferior (neuron III) -> corpora geniculatum mediale (neuron IV) -> auditory radiation -> gyrus temporalis lateralis (area 41 + 42 & asosiasi area 22) Nervus vestibularis Receptor (crista ampullaris -> reflex stato- kinetis & macula -> reflex stato-tonis) -> ggl. vestibularis/Scarpae (neuron I) -> n. vestibularis -> ncl. vestibularis -> fasciculus longitudinalis medialis -> nuclei nervi III, IV, VI, XI dan cornu anterior medulla spinalis. NERVI III, IV & VI Bersifat somatomotor -> mm extrinsik bola mata N III -> visceromotor + mm intrinsik bola mata Nervus oculomotorius Bersifat somatomotor, visceromotor, somato sensoris Nucleus somatomotor -> m. rectus medialis + superior + inferior, m. obliques inferior & m. levator palpebrae Nucleus visceromotor (Edinger-Westphal) -> m. sphincter pupillae + m. ciliaris Nucleus Perlia (somatomotor) -> penting untuk convergensi bola mata Nervus trochlearis Merupakan satu2nya n. cranialis yg menyilang Minnervasi m. obliques superior Nervus abducens Merupakan nervus intracranial terpanjang Menginnervasi m. rectus lateralis NERVUS TRIGEMINUS Bersifat somatosensoris & special visceromotor T.d -> n. opthalmicus + maxillaris (somatosensoris) & n. mandibula N. opthalmicus -> dahi, mata, hidung, meningen, sinus paranasalis & mucosa hidung N. maxillaris -> gigi maxilla, bibir, pipi (kulit), palatum durum, sinus maxillaris & mucosa hidung N. mandibularis (somatosensoris) -> gigi mandibula, pipi (mucosa), lidah, sebag. MAE, proprioceptive + SVE mm. pengunyah Ggl. Gasseri (N I) -> ncl. Principalis (suhu, raba) + n. tractus spinalis (N II), ncl. Mesencephalicus (proprioceptive, N I) -> lemniscus trigemini -> thalamus (N III)
NERVUS FACIALIS Bersifat SVE, GVE, GSA, GVA + SVA Special visceromotoris -> otot mimik, m. stapedius, m. biventer venter posterior, m. auricularis posterior Visceromotoris -> gl. Lacrimalis, sublingualis & submandibularis Spesial viscerosensoris -> pengecap 2/3 bagian ventral lidah Somatosensoris Sebagian MAE Telinga sebelah dorsal Viscerosensoris Gl. Submaxillaris Gl. Submandibularis Pembuluh darah bagian muka NERVUS GLOSSOPHARYNGEUS Bersifat GSA, GVA, AVA, GVE & SVE Ggl. Nervus IX Ggl. Superior -> somatosensoris Ggl. Petrosum -> viscersensoris + special visceromotor) Nuclei motoris pd n. IX Ncl. ambiguus (SVE) ->m.stylopharyngeus Ncl. Salivatorius inferior -> gl. parotis Axon sensoris n. IX 1/3 bag. dorsal lidah -> pengecap Receptor proprioceptive m. stylopharyngeus Mucosa -> tonsil, pharynx & cavum timpani NERVUS VAGUS Bersifat GSA,GVA, SVA, GVE & SVE Axon nuclei motoris n. X Ncl. ambiguus -> m. pharynx, m. palatum molle, m. cricothyroid Ncl. Dorsalis n. X -> colli, thorax, abdomen Axon somatosensoris -> meatus acusticus externus Axon viscerosensoris -> mucosa oesophagus-2/3 bag. dextra colon transversum Axon special viscerosensoris -> mucosa epiglottis sebagai pengecap NERVUS ACCESSORIUS Bersifat SVE + GSA (proprioceptive) Ramus bulbaris dari ncl. ambiguus -> musculi intrinsik larynx kecuali m. cricothyroid Ramus spinalis -> m. sternocleidomatoideus & m. trapezius NERVUS HYPOGLOSSUS Bersifat somatomotoris & somatosensoris (proprioceptive) Menginnervasi M. intrinsik lidah M. extrinsik lidah kecuali m. palatoglossus