Code of Ethics Dispositional Essay

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Code of Ethics Dispositional


Antiqua Johnson

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What are ethics?

Some may wonder, specifically what is considered to be ethical? Some may also wonder
what determines ethical behavior. Ethics refer to the right and wrong behaviors of people based
on principles, standards, laws, and morality. Ethical behavior may vary based on an individuals
position in society. For example, a teacher is held to specific standards and expectations because
of his/her roles and responsibilities. Take a moment to visualize your idea of a teacher, whether
male or female, exactly what are some qualities that come to mind? Many may visualize a
teacher as appropriately dressed, well groomed, and well behaved. Furthermore, a teacher may
seem to have a specific elegant and confident presentation. It is almost as if this person is
flawless. Think about it, it is shocking to see any individual that make up the school system
being broad casted on the news for breaking the law according to Georgia Code of Ethics for
Educators (2014).

Wesleyan College Conceptual Framework

As a student teacher we are too held to these standards in addition to Wesleyan College
expectations. According to Wesleyan College Education department Conceptual Framework, we
are to be gradually shaped into the ideal teacher. In addition to our studies and field experiences
we are to conduct ourselves in a professional manner. The professional ideal teacher in terms of
instructional practice place values on the students intellectual abilities. As student teachers we
are held to the accountability of thinking in such manner, therefore we should obtain expectation
for students independence in critical thinking skills, problem solving, and innovation.
Additionally, it is apparent that we consider the whole child in our practice. Focusing on the
whole child refers to the intellectual, physical, and emotional well being of the students. This

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includes providing safe and productive environments, achievable goals and expectations, diverse
instructional material, and caring relationships. These qualities make up the ideal ethical teacher
that the world desires.

The Code of Ethics for Educators

Specifically what does the code of ethics outline? The code of ethics is a set of rules, laws,
and expectations that individuals in the education community are to follow specifically.
According to the code of ethics these individuals are to:
1. Maintain healthy and professional relationships
2. Refrain from the use of alcohol and drugs
3. Obtain honesty, accuracy, and responsibility
4. Obey the law and be in legal compliance
The common day individual may have the ability to not abide by these specific expectations,
however not professionally assuming these roles and responsibilities are not acceptable for

1. Maintaining Healthy and Professional Relationships

Your most admired teacher was more than likely one who was kind, loving, protecting,
caring, and one who held high expectations and beliefs in your success. This meant that this
individual created strong professional teacher-student relationships. Within the Code of Ethics,
the teacher is expected to create and retain such conduct with students both in and outside of the
classroom. In such case, no teacher shall be found performing any acts of child abuse, sexual
activity with students, permitting inappropriate behavior amongst students, providing alcohol or

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drugs, nor refraining students from partaking in illegal actions in their presence. Have you ever
heard someone say, a teachers job is never done? Well this is quite true, as many may come to
realize teachers are to not only placed in a classroom to teach students the phonics of language
arts, inquiries of science, history of social studies, nor the facts of math, but they too teach and
exemplify appropriate behaviors. As an educator, we are to lead by example. Not only are
educators expected to consume and conduct professional and appropriate relationships with
students, but parents, colleagues, and patrons as well. Everyone enjoys rewarding their teacher
for their hard work and dedication from time to time, and this is acceptable. However, it is
unethical for a teacher to solicit students and parents and/or tutor and provide other educational
services for personal benefit without the consent of the board of education.

2. Refraining from the Use of Alcohol and the Use of Drugs

Reflecting back on your visualizations of a teacher, would this image of a teacher remain
positive if that individual was to be witnessed or observed under the influence? More than likely
no, such images would differ drastically in addition to the level of respect held for that
individual. In fact, this may change your entire perception of that teacher forever. I firmly
believe and understand that teachers are also human, however I do believe that they are not to
loosely conduct themselves as the common day human. As my grandmother always says, there
is a time and place for everything. In such case, standard 3 of the Code of Ethics states, an
educator shall refrain from the use of alcohol or illegal or unauthorized drugs during the course
of professional practice (2014). According to Davis, while public drunkenness is not a crime,
teachers are not permitted to use such products on school premises or at school related activities
(Moral Turpitude, 2000).

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3. Obtaining Honesty, Accuracy, and Responsibility

Another expectation held for educators, is that they are to obtain and exemplify honesty.
As we all may know honesty simply means to be truthful. This means that educators should not
provide false information in reference to investigation, absence or leaves, evaluations, or
professional qualifications. Furthermore, when given other responsibilities such as public funds,
teachers are to assure that they do not misuse school-related funds, fail to account for funds, or
provide fraudulent request or documentation. Educators are also expected to obtain and keep
information confidential in reference to students personal records and standardized test material.

4. Obeying the Law

To be in legal compliance means that the educator abide by the laws enforced. Specific
laws may vary by state and local authorities. Failure to comply with any of the laws and
standards enforced can and will result in some form of punishment. Punishments for such actions
include complaints, warnings, monitoring, reprimands, and/ or revocation, denial, and or
suspension of ones certificate. As we have witnessed in some news casting, education is a highly
demanded and respected profession in which individuals are held to even higher expectations. It
may be disturbing to hear that someone committed murder opposed to a simple robbery, however
just as such it is a bit devastating when personnel that make up the education community fail to
abide by the laws placed before them.

An Ethical Educator
In conclusion, some may think that people tend to overreact when it comes to terms of
punishing such individuals for disobeying the law, but in all actuality they are not. Take a
moment to visualize that teacher once more as the person who has the ability to touch America,

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provide footsteps that lead to the future, and bridge every gap through the children around us. It
is not only the duty, but a demand for teachers to take pride and integrity in the professionalism
of their career to shape their daily lives. You never know who may be watching you, is an old
wise saying, in such case teachers should consistently be precarious of their actions and
presentations because they are role models for many individuals.

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Georgia Professional Standards Commission. (2014). 505-6-.01 THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR

Wesleyan College Education Department. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK CONTRACT:

Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions

Davis. (2000). Handbook of Criminal Evidence. Retrieved from

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