Stage Directions
Stage Directions
Stage Directions 1/3
Lesson Overview
Unit Description
Lesson Description for Day
State Standards
Theatre Types and Stage Directions
Title: Theatre Types and Stage Directions
Author: Alex Saint
Subject: The Arts
Grade Level(s): 912
Duration: 90 mins
At the end of the Intro to Theatre Unit, students will be able to demonstrate and discuss the basics of
Theatre Etiquette, Types of Theatre/Stages, Stage Directions, and basic theatre vocabulary.
After a warm-up, students will learn about the different types of stages, and will be able to see the layout of
each by forming the "audience" of each stage type.
Then, students will be given an introduction to the 9 stage directions, as indicated on the floor by a grid.
Then students will be put into groups of 3-4 and be given a scene made up only of stage directions and
asked to make a "silent scene" to perform for the class.
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the different types of theatre stages (Proscenium,
Alley, Thrust, and Arena), as well as demonstrate the correct locations of various stage directions, and the
ability to read and follow stage directions.
2.1-Students will apply the elements of character and plot.
2.3-Perform in Solo and Ensemble.
2.6-Rehearse, Perform, and Critique performances.
3.5-Apply and Understand stage directions and ground plans.
Unit Goals:
Students have a basic understanding of Theatre Etiquette, stage directions, basic acting terms.
Lesson Goals:
Students can discuss the differences between various types of stages.
Students can demonstrate a knowledge of stage directions and basic script reading.
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Anticipatory Set:
Have students play a warm-up game.
Talk about different types of theatre stages. Talk about the stage in Sentinel, which is a proscenium stage,
Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
Have students sit on the edge of the stage, modelling the audience for a proscenium stage.
Have students then move to each of the audience areas for the other stage types, after explaining what
they are.
Alley-Audience on 2 sides
Thrust-Audience on 3 sides
Arena-Audience on 4 sides
Afterwards, talk about proscenium stage directions. Using a pre-placed grid on the stage, show students the
different areas of the main stage.
Provide Guided Practice:
Have students all stand in the Center Stage block. Then, give opinion-based questions along with a stage
direction, such as "If you like sweet food, go to Down Center, if you like sour food, go to Up Stage Left. Have
the students run this a few times to make sure the at least have a basic grasp of the stage areas.
Provide Independent Practice:
Once the students have a basic grasp of stage directions, hand out the "Silent Scene" script. Have the
students get into groups of 3 or 4. Within those groups, inform students that each group needs to perform
the scene following the stage directions written in the script. Tell students that even though there are no
words, they should come up with a story to go with the motions. Allow the students to rehearse these scripts
within their groups.
Have students sit on the edge of the stage, and have each group perform their scene. After each scene,
have the other students take a guess at what the scene was about. Then, have each group explain the
story behind the scene.
Talk to students about stage directions as a wrap-up, asking them to think about why stage directions are
important for scripts and performance.
Formative/Ongoing Assessment:
Check in with students during rehearsal and the opinion game to see that they are understanding stage
Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment:
The end of class performance serves as the Summative Assessment.
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Other Resources
"Silent Scene" Script.