Lesson Plan

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Fall 2014

Immersion I Lesson Plan Format

Teacher: Kylee Williams
School: Fort Lewis College
Grade Level: 4th
Number of Students in Class: 10
Unit: Impressionism and Neo- Impressionism
Lesson Duration: 1 Hour and 15 minutes; two
class periods as needed
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson: Wednesday, December 2, 2014
Objective(s): The students will be able to create a work of art that demonstrates understanding of
Impressionism and the techniques associated with the art movement.

Colorado Academic Standards: Visual Art: Standard 3.1- Use media to express and communicate ideas
about an issue of personal interest.
Visual Art: Standard 3.2- Materials and processes can be used in a traditional, unique, and inventive
NETS-S (Technology Standards):
1. Basic Operations and Concepts: Students:
a. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
b. Are proficient in the use of technology.
3. Technology Productivity Tools: Students:
a. Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
b. Use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing
Publications, and producing other creative works.

Learning Target(s): Students will work individually to create works of art using Impressionist techniques
with paint and Bristol board and in a program on the iPad to email to me, with 80% accuracy.

Assessment: The students will show focus to complete the task and by the end will produce a picture on
an iPad and using traditional material to share with the class and turn in to me a physical copy or
emailed image.
Key Vocabulary: iPad care and use will be reviewed with the students to keep the tool in good shape
and well taken care of.

Kylee Williams

Fall 2014

Prerequisite Technology Skills:

Students will need to know:

How to use an iPad

How to be able to send work from the app by email
Be able to demonstrate proper care and use of the iPad

Materials: Paint, Bristol Board, Colored Pencils, Brushes, Projector, iPad and accessories

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: Students will walk into class to a center set up with materials in place.
Then I would gather students around the teacher station and begin demonstrations of the projects we
will be doing in class while reviewing artists that we had talked about in previous classes.

Essential Questions or Big Picture Statement:

- How would we be able to apply what weve learned about Impressionists into our own work?
- How can this be applied in medium other than paint and paper?

Step by Step Lesson Process:

Review: Begin the class with a demonstration of Impressionist techniques with

traditional material (paint and Bristol board) and in a drawing app on the iPad.

Introduce Assignment: Students will work on individual project with the material of
their choice, needing to provide two products at the end of the assignment (one digital,
one traditional).

Work Time: Students will work individually on the project. They will use the materials
made available to them.

Circulate: I will circulate around the room to guide students on their ideas for their work
and to assist them with technique if they are struggling.

Wrap Up: Students will show off their work and we will hang the traditional pieces
around the room and the digital pieces email to me.

Kylee Williams

Fall 2014
Teacher: Kylee Williams
School: Fort Lewis College
Grade Level: 4th
Number of Students in Class: 10
Unit: Line, Shape, and Color
Lesson Duration: 1 Hour and 15 minutes
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson: Wednesday, September 16, 2014
Objective(s): The students will be able to create three pieces of art on the computer, based off line,
shape, and color and will be emailed to me upon completion.

Colorado Academic Standards: Visual Art: Standard 3.1- Use media to express and communicate ideas
about an issue of personal interest.
Visual Art: Standard 3.2- Materials and processes can be used in a traditional, unique, and inventive
NETS-S (Technology Standards):
1. Basic Operations and Concepts: Students:
a. Demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems.
b. Are proficient in the use of technology.
3. Technology Productivity Tools: Students:
a. Use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity.
b. Use productivity tools to collaborate in constructing technology-enhanced models, preparing
Publications, and producing other creative works.

Learning Target(s): Students will work individually to create three pieces of art on the website,
http://www.onemotion.com/flash/sketch-paint/, demonstrating line, shape, and color with 80%

Assessment: The students will show focus to complete the task and by the end will produce three art
pieces demonstrating line use, shapes, and color. These works will be emailed to me for observation and

Kylee Williams

Fall 2014

Key Vocabulary:
Related to the tools of the site for students to complete the task:

Pressure sensitivity
Color Picker

Prerequisite Technology Skills:

Students will need to know:

How to use a computer and mouse

How to save files
Be able to email files to teacher

Materials: Computers, projector

Introduction/Anticipatory Set: Students will come to class at the computer lab. I will then play around
the world, seeing what students remember about line, shape, and color, and then go straight to
demonstrating the task for the day on the projector and work with students on how to use the website.

Essential Questions or Big Picture Statement:

- How is working on the computer different than working with pencil and paper?

Kylee Williams

Fall 2014

Step by Step Lesson Process:

Review: Play a game of Around the World to review what students know about line,
shape, and color.

Introduce Assignment: Students will work individually on three pieces of art

demonstrating line, shape, and color. Before they begin, they will be given a small object
to draw from (from a cup, to a plastic fruit, etc.).

Work Time: Students will work on the task for three rounds of 20 minutes.

Circulate: I will circulate around the room to guide students on their ideas for their work
and to assist them with technique if they are struggling.

Wrap Up: Upon completion of the assignment, the class will discusses the project, from
what they liked and didnt like, to how they approached each task. Students will then
email the digital pieces to me.

Kylee Williams

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