Rigging Guide 2005
Rigging Guide 2005
Rigging Guide 2005
A guide to rigging
Edited by David West Expert advice from Des Highfield, Ivan Bignold,
Phil Court, Chris Turner, Barry Haines, Roy Cullen and Jack Campbell
Occupational health and safety
This publication may contain occupational health and safety and workers compensation information. It may include some of your obligations under
the various legislations that WorkCover NSW administers. To ensure you comply with your legal obligations you must refer to the appropriate
Information on the latest laws can be checked by visiting the NSW legislation website (www.legislation.nsw.gov.au) or by contacting the free hotline
service on 02 9321 3333.
This publication does not represent a comprehensive statement of the law as it applies to particular problems or to individuals or as a substitute for
legal advice. You should seek independent legal advice if you need assistance on the application of the law to your situation.
WorkCover NSW
This competency guide has been developed jointly by the WorkCover Authority of NSW and the Victorian
WorkCover Authority.
It is a major revision of the old and widely respected NSW publication, A guide for riggers. It has been
structured to reflect the nationally uniform certificate classes for rigging and conform to the standards
for rigging set out in the National OHS Certification Standard for Users and Operators of Industrial
Equipment. The text is also consistent with the nationally uniform assessment instruments used by
certificate assessors and a range of Australian Standards which cover equipment and work involved
with rigging.
This guide is designed to be a useful reference for trainee riggers, certificated riggers, leading hands and
rigging supervisors, training providers, certificate assessors, and government inspectors.
General Manager
Chief Executive
WorkCover Authority of
Steel erection
Tilt-up panels
Demolition rigging
Suspended scaffolds
Tables of masses
Rigging is work involving the use of mechanical load shifting equipment and associated gear to move,
place or secure a load including plant, equipment or members of a building or structure and to ensure the
stability of those members and the setting-up and dismantling of cranes and hoists.
There are four certificate levels involved in rigging:
Basic rigging
Intermediate rigging
Advanced rigging.
This guide outlines the competency based skills needed to carry out basic, intermediate and advanced
rigging safety. Basic rigging incorporates the skills needed for dogging. Refer to A guide for dogging,
WorkCover Authority of NSW.
Basic rigging
Those qualified in basic rigging must know how to carry out work associated with:
steel erection
particular hoists
mast climbers
Intermediate rigging
Those qualified in intermediate rigging must know how to carry out work associated with all basic rigging
competencies and:
all hoists
tilt slabs
dual lifts.
Advanced rigging
Those qualified in advanced rigging must know how to carry out work associated with all basic and
intermediate rigging competencies and:
employers must provide and maintain equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk
to health
employers must provide the correct equipment so that rigging work can be carried out safely
employees must take care for the health and safety of themselves and fellow workers and cooperate
with their employer while at work.
This guide
This guide aims to:
prepare readers to pass an examination for basic, intermediate and advanced rigging certificates
provide the basic knowledge to help the reader to carry out rigging work safely
In addition to covering all rigging competencies there is a Glossary of Terms, a set of Sample Assessment
Questions and an index to assist the reader.
Part one
General rigging principles
The braking mechanism is connected to either the drum or the gearing which is joined to the driv
The wire passes over the head sheave of the crane and then down to the load.
There are many different types of lays and construction of FSWR to combat fatigue and abrasion,
the two
destructive forces which occur whenever FSWR is bent over a system of sheaves.
Wire flexes as it bends over sheaves and drums. As the wire bends over the sheave fatigue takes
The outer wires are stretched and the inner wires are crushed against the sheave groove or drum.
Wire never lays straight into the groove of a sheave because the load swings slightly or the rope vibrates.
This causes friction or abrasion between the side of the sheave and the wire, wearing the outer wires of
the strands.
The tensile strength of wire ranges from 1220 megapascals (MPa) to 2250 MPa. The most commonly
used tensile strengths are 17770 MPa and 1570 MPa.
A 6/19 (six strands of 19 wires each) is the minimum FSWR construction that can be used for slings.
The size of a rope is determined by its diameter. The smallest diameter FSWR that can be used for lifting
is 5 mm.
Lay is the direction the wires are formed into strands and the strands are formed into the finished rope.
The strands can be laid either left or right around the core. In left hand lay the strands are laid
anti-clockwise and in right hand lay they are laid clockwise.
Ordinary lay is where the wires are laid in the opposite direction to the strands.
Langs lay is where the wires are laid in the same direction as the strands. There is therefore:
Right hand ordinary lay RHOL
Lay does not affect the working load limit of the rope but it does determine characteristics such as the
spin of the rope.
Langs lay is used where both ends are fixed to prevent rotation such as for luffing. It must not be used for
lifting. (Inspection for birdcaging at the anchorage point must be done regularly.)
Most general purpose ropes are right hand ordinary lay.
Pre- and post-forming
Flexible steel wire ropes that are used as crane rope and for slinging are either pre- or post-formed.
Pre-formed ropes have the spiral (helix) put in the individual wires before the wire is laid into the strand.
Post-formed ropes are put through a series of off-set sheaves to bend the spiral into the individual wires
after the rope is laid into the strand.
Both pre-formed and post-formed ordinary lay ropes are more resistant than unformed or Langs lay to
unlaying when cut.
Langs lay FSWR
Langs lay is more flexible and harder wearing than ordinary lay ropes. It is used as excavator, dragline,
and pile driving ropes where severe abrasion occurs. It is harder wearing because more of the individual
wires are exposed to the sheaves.
Langs lay has a tendency to unlay if it is used as a single fall crane rope because both wires and strands
are laid up in the same direction into the rope. Pre- and post-forming make the rope easier to handle but
it will still unlay under load.
Ordinary lay FSWR
Ordinary lay ropes are used extensively for slinging.
They are more resistant to unlaying and have less wire exposed to sheaves because of the opposite spiral.
They are also more resistant to crushing and kinking because of the very short length of exposed wires.
Ordinary lay ropes are less resistant to abrasion than Langs lay.
Left hand lay FSWR
A manufacturer may make up a FSWR with left hand lay strands on request. Left hand lay ropes are
usually made for a special purpose. They will kink and twist when laying up into a purchase or system of
sheaves if they are not laid up in the opposite direction to right handed lay.
Non-rotating ropes
Under load all FSWRs have a tendency to unlay including pre- or post-formed and ordinary or Langs lay.
To prevent unlaying a left hand lay rope is layed inside a right hand lay rope. This is called a non-rotating
ordinary lay rope and is usually used as crane rope. Under strain the opposite spiral in both the inner and
outer layers are counter balanced and the rope does not twist.
Core slippage
Non-rotating ropes require careful handling. If the outer strands slip or unlay slightly the core will protrude
from the end of the rope. This is called core slippage.
Core slippage can occur if the ends of the rope are not properly whipped before making a cut. Whippings
of annealed wire must be put on either side of where the cut is to be made.
The whippings should be put on with a serving mallet very tightly for a distance of at least 1 to 2 times
the rope diameter each side of the cut for ropes to 24mm diameter and 4 times for ropes over 24mm
Core slippage can occur as a wire is rope around a thimble for splicing. The outer wires may birdcage
or open up as the rope is bent around the small diameter thimble. It is preferable to use large diameter
The rope should be tightly served (bound) with marlin or spun yarn for the distance of the length around
the thimble, plus twice the length of the annealed wire flat throat seizing.
The seizing should be put on both parts of the rope immediately after securing the thimble into the served
eye of the rope. The length of the throat seizing should be equal to at least 3 times the rope diameter.
Severe core slippage can occur when bending non-rotating ropes into wedge socket anchorages due to the
small radius of the wedge.
If a wedge socket is used on a non-rotating hoist fall the rope should be frequently inspected.
Non-rotating ropes are counter balanced to stop the tendency to twist or spin either way. However they
are very pliable and bad handling can put turns into the rope.
As turns are put into a rope the outer strands become shorter and the inner core slips along and protrudes
from the end and the outer strands bulge into birdcaging. The inner core therefore takes all of the load
and may break.
Non-rotating ropes can be used successfully as single and multi-fall crane hoist ropes. However birdcaging
at the anchorage is a common fault when they are reeved up as luffing ropes.
There is a danger of kinking or putting turns into the uncoiled rope when uncoiling it from the
manufacturers spool or reel.
If a loop forms in the slack rope a kink will form as the rope is drawn tight, or wound on to a drum.
Therefore this section of the rope should be discarded.
Mount reels or spools onto a shaft so that the reel will revolve when the rope is pulled off. Care should be
taken to brake the spool to keep tension on the rope as it is removed.
Non-rotating constructions
Three common multiple strand, non-rotating ropes are:
17 x 7 N.R 11 (strands) of (6/1) over 6 (strands) of (6/1) over hemp core.
18 x 7 N.R 12 (strands) of (6/1) over 6 (strands) of (6/1) over hemp core.
34 x 7 N.R 17 (strands) of (6/1) over 11 over 6 of (6/1) over hemp core.
Non-rotating ropes prevent spin in nearly all circumstances.
17 x 7
18 x 7
34 x 7
Construction types
Traditionally, round strand Langs and ordinary lay FSWR have been constructed of:
Four strand ropes are also being used in newer cranes and hoists which have the same numb er of wires
as six and eight strand ropes.
Most FSWR are parallel or equal laid with the inner wires in the strand laid in a longer spiral so that the
top wires do not cross the inner wires.
To prevent a different spiral in the inner and outer wires of strands and to obtain parallel lay, different siz e
wires are laid into the same strand. The standard constructions which use this method are:
Large diameter wires are laid up on the outside and smaller wires are laid up on the insi de over a
central core wire. The large wires resist abrasion and the small wires give flexibility.
Alternative large and small wires are laid up on the outside of the strand combining flexibility and
resistance to abrasion.
A number of wires are laid over a central wire and an equal number of very small wires
6 x 19 Seale
6 x 19 Warrington
(6 & 6/6/1)
6 x 21 Filler Wire
with I.W.R.C
(10/5 & 5/1)
x 19 fI2:6/1}
6 x IlS
19 W
~8:'811! I.C.
& 6 6/ I)
6 2$ W 17 & 7;7,4, I}
19 ~12/6IJ.'
(> "
6 21 f.W.
W S.C.
19 S :9/9/lj
(> x
2J S. !IOjIO/6'1)
6 x 25 F N. '1216
195 (9/9/',
19/1 x 37 1.5 C.
I) "
21 f.W. (10:'5
/.W II.C
(> "
+ SlIj
<I x 26 S.W.
6 " 25 F.W.!I
" 41 F.S.C.
~ 37
(18/ 12;6! I j
6 , 37!J
x 61
4S.r. (14/14i7
+ 7/1)
11 S ;1!/12i7;
t C.
6 49 Sf.
6 37 S fI';jlSi6/1;
6 ,
s.w. (1116
& 6/6/1)
6 , ~6 S W. '1Bi9
r.c .
& 9.'9/1j
6 49 S.W. (1618
S/8/S! I)
6 x 41 F.W. (l6i8
6 41 F W.
(16/8 .j lliS,lj
8 19S (9;9/1,
f C.
8 ~I F.'N. flO!~/Silj
F C.
8 x 19 W (6 & 6ioi I)
Rope inspection
When inspecting ropes inspect the whole system not just the FSWR. Ropes can be affected by:
physical and mechanical factors such as abrasions, fatigue, reverse bends and so on
environmental conditions such as the weather, salt air, freezing conditions, extreme heat, steam,
acid vapours, dust and so on.
Broken wires
As the rope lays into a sheave friction occurs and the outside of the wires wear and become flat. Langs
lay ropes are much less prone to outer wire wear than ordinary lay.
As outer wires wear and the wire rope is bent over sheaves the fatigue will start to break them.
The maximum number of broken wires allowed in a FSWR is 10 per cent of the total number of wires
over a length 8 times the diameter of the rope.
For example: 25mm diameter / 6 x 19 Seale.
Diameter = 25mm
25 x 8 = 200mm length
Total wires in 6 x 19 = 114 wires
10 per cent of 114 = 11.4 wires
Maximum number of broken wires allowed in a length of 200mm
= 11
Condemn any FSWR showing broken wires in the valleys between the strands (an indication of
extreme fatigue).
Condemn a FSWR where there is one broken wire at the start of any anchorage. This is a sign of
localised fatigue.
Crane or luffing pendant ropes should be checked for broken wires. Although they do not pass over
sheaves they are subject to fatigue due to vibration.
If there are three or more broken wires in eight rope diameters the pendant should be inspected by
a rope expert.
Reduction in diameter
External wear on the individual wires is caused by friction on drums and sheaves.
Where the rope diameter has reduced to 85 per cent or less of the original diameter, the rope should be
discarded even if there are no broken wires.
Fibre rope cores can be crushed and broken if the rope is bent over sheaves while the core is frozen.
Under these conditions the FSWR can eventually lose its shape with serious internal corrosion.
When first reeved up and put to work a wire will show considerable wear because it is bedding in to the
sheave and drum grooves. After bedding in the outer wires will slowly continue to wear and the wearing
surface will increase, although on crane ropes the rate of wear will slow down. Consider condemning
FSWR when wear on the individual wires starts to exceed one third of their original diameter.
Before re-roping a thorough inspection should be made of the whole sheave system with special attention
given to the sheave and drum grooves. A sheave which has been damaged by a previous rope will
seriously damage a new rope.
The anchorage should be inspected. One broken wire at an anchorage condemns the rope at that point.
Also check for:
chafing of wires
worn pins
worn clevises
worn thimbles
corrosion rust
crushed or jammed strands especially where the rope may have jumped off the sheave and jammed
between the sheave and cheek plate
wear on the outside wires when the individual outside wires are worn to more than one third of the
original diameter
bird caging in Langs lay or non rotating ropes especially at the anchorage
overloading which can usually be seen by the elongation of the lay. (A normal lay takes approximately
8 diameters for a complete spiral.)
When laying the rope onto an ungrooved drum, use a mallet or a piece of timber (to prevent damage to
FSWR) to tap the turns together as they wind onto the drum to ensure that there are no gaps between
the lays.
Manual uncoiling
If it is not possible to remove the rope from the reel by using jacks, stands, a turntable or by rolling the
reel use the following procedure:
with the reel resting on its flanges, unwind several wraps of rope to accumulate sufficient slack
backup the rope to make a loose loop on the spool, slip one loop off the right flange and lie this loop
on the floor
slip a similar loop off the left flange and also lie it on the floor. The rope on the floor will then be in
the form of a figure eight
repeat this procedure first on the right, then on the left, until the required length has been unreeled
roll the reel back off the accumulation of rope on the floor, and pull away the end of the rope. Watch
out for any loops thrown out to prevent kinking.
Where the same situation exists with a coil of rope (eg where there is no turntable), the coil should be
stood on edge and unrolled as previously described.
If as a last resort the rope must be laid on the ground and uncoiled, extra precautions must be taken to
prevent kinking:
the coil should be laid down so that the outside end of the rope finishes or spirals clockwise for right
hand lay or anti-clockwise for left hand lay
the stops or ties securing the coil may then be removed and the outside end carried along in a straight
line, allowing the rope to revolve in the hands as the turns or loops are lifted carefully from the coil by
another person and thrown or straightened out immediately as the rope is stretched along.
Rope that has been coiled with underturns by an experienced rigger, will pull away without kinking.
At all times care should be taken to prevent wire rope from running in sand, ashes, clinker, earth, mud
and so on.
Hand splicing
A splice is a join in a rope or on to another rope by the interweaving of the separated strands of one part
into another part, or into those of another rope.
For an eye splice made on the end of a rope, a short end of the rope is bent back on its own part to
form the eye. The strands in the short end are separated, then secured into the main part of the rope by
interweaving the strands into those of the main part.
Eye splices, short splices, and cut splices must be made by passing the strands over and under against
the lay of the rope. Splices must be tightly drawn and neatly made.
Where a thimble or dead eye is inserted in an eye it must be a tight fit. To achieve a tight fit use a
mild steel annealed strand flat or round seizing applied at the throat of the splice before beginning
the splice.
Thimbles must be used where ropes are spliced to hooks, shackles, rings, swivels, pins, eyes, and
similar fittings.
Hand splicing can only be learned under experienced supervision and with the correct materials. This
section is designed to be referred to by those learning to hand splice.
at least two marlin spikes, sufficiently large for the rope being s pliced, (one may be smaller than the
main spike). They should have a knob at the butt end to grasp,be round for two thirds of the length
before tapering gradually to a slightly oval section, and finish w ith a blunt chisel point at the tip.
The use of flat spikes with a flat T handle is not recommended as they can jar fingers or wrists if they
slip after being turned at right angles. The chisel point and oval section of the spike described permit
easier insertion, while the rounded section opens strands enou gh to tuck.
Making a splice
Before commencing an eye splice whip the rope at the point where
the splicing allowance of 1m for each 24mm has been made.
Position the whipping level with the throat of the thimble and
apply rope yarn or marline seizing to secure the rope to the thimbl e.
Bend the rope around the thimble and place it in a vice with
the throat of the thimble above or at the end of the jaws. Screw
the vice tight, being careful not to damage the rope (on small ropes
lash a folded strip of canvas to the vice jaws).
Throat seizing
Then drive a spike between the two parts of rope at the throat of the thimble. This drives the thimble
up and seats it tightly in the rope. Apply seizings to the throat and to the crown of the thimble (for large
wires, use seizing wire).
If a flat throat seizing has to be applied, the rope around the thimble and for 12mm beyond the length of
the seizing should have been served with tarred marline. The seizing is now put on by neatly tapping a
thimble held in a vice.
Grip the rope in the vice ready to commence splicing. (Some splicers prefer to have the rope vertical and
others prefer horizontal). The rope is now ready for splicing.
Remove the endbinding and unlay the short end of the rope to provide the tails for splicing, and remove
the crutch seizing.
The fibre main core is tucked with tail number 1 for the first tuck. It is then cut off where it emerges from
the main part.
Wire cores must never be cut from the rope. The core must be split up and the wires or strands
distributed among the tucking tails then tucked with them for at least three tucks.
If the rope is not pre-formed it is advisable to whip the ends of each tail separately.
In all splices the spike must be entered as near as possible to the thimble or end fitting, and the tucking
tail must enter into the portion of loop which is nearest the thimble or end fitting, ie under the spike. All
tucks must be pulled down hard.
To break out wires when reducing the number of wires per strand, take each wire separately, snatch back
to the point where it emerges from the rope and then twist the wire (handle fashion) reversing direction if
necessary and the wire should part at the gusset.
Six strand rope Five tuck splice
The inexperienced splicer should only learn firsthand from the expert splicer and use the description above
as a guide. Only an experienced person can teach a novice the art of holding a spike, of taking a half a
turn out of the strand end before inserting, the dipping of a tucked strand around the spike and
so on.
The method described here is just one standard method of splicing. It is not possible here to describe all
the splices, seizings and so on that are used. Use the steps below as a guide:
thimble in vice. Rope vertical. Main part of rope on right hand. Tail strands on left hand
for the first series of tucks a fibre main core should be tucked with Tail number 1 and then cut off.
A wire main core must be split up, distributed among the tails, and tucked with them for at least
three series
after the third series, the wires of a wire main core may be broken off and the number of wires
in each of the main tails reduced to half of the original number, preferably by breaking out. The
remaining wires must be twisted to a rough strand formation, and at the same time enclosing cut
ends in the centre
remove the splice from the vice and hammer down the taper, starting from the eye end and working
down the taper. This is to tighten up the tucks and to round up the taper. Remove the protruding wire
ends, preferably by breaking them out, and again round up over the broken off ends. The taper or
at least that portion containing the wire ends of the tails should be served with wire strand or spun
yarn to give protection to the user when handling
each strand must be pulled down as tightly as possible. The tails should be pulled down in line with
the centre of the thimble
to get the tuck tight and short, it should be beaten with a mallet or hammer. One object is to get the
tuck as near as possible at right angles to the axis of the rope. Working the tucks with a mallet or
hammer forces any slackness out of the tucking tails through the loop, and the beating should start
on the position of the tail before its entry into the rope, and continue on the tuck itself. The strands of
the main rope where they had lifted are beaten down to hold the tuck in place.
First Series
Out at
Tail no.
In at
In at
Second Series
Third Series
Out at
Tail no.
In at
Fourth Series
Out at
Fifth Series
Tail no.
In at
Out at
Tail no.
In at
Out at
Splices in multiple strand ropes subject to constant handling should be properly parcelled and served with
marline, spun yarn or annealed strand seizing wire, preferably for the full length of the splice, to the throat
seizing to prevent laceration injuries.
The sheave groove sides should have a flare angle of a minimum of 42 and a maximum of 52.
The grooves should be slightly larger than the nominal diameter of the rope. Grooves which are too la rge
will flatten the rope. Grooves too small will pinch the rope and the extra friction can cut it to pieces.
Sheaves should have a smooth finish with flared edges which are rounded off.
Sheave diameters
The table below gives sheave diameters and safety factors for types of work:
Caution: Modern cranes and hoists are complex engineering equipment, and many have special
construction luff and hoist ropes. It is essential that the sheaves which were designed for a particular
crane or hoist are used for that purpose.
It is also essential that when a rope is replaced, the replacement is the same diameter and construction
and that the sheave system is thoroughly checked to ensure that any damaged or worn grooves likely to
ruin the new rope are repaired or replaced.
Large capacity cranes have several parts to the main hoist fall, making the main hook very slow.
When reducing the number of parts to give a faster hook ensure that the falls are not reduced from one
side of the boom head sheaves and the main hoist block.
All sheaves should be checked for lubrication. Badly lubricated sheaves cause extra friction in the system
and wear on the sheave pin and bearing.
The pin should be prevented from rotating with the sheave. Some sheave pins only have a small cotter pin
which fits into a recess on the cheek plate. The cotter pin sometimes shears and allows the pin to turn
with the sheave. Rotating pins are dangerous as they turn and can cut through the cheek plate.
A jockey sheave is sometimes used as the first diverting sheave to reduce the fleet angle.
This sheave fits on an extended pin to allow it to slip from side to side reducing the fleet angle. The jockey
sheave pin should be kept well greased and free from grit and dirt to allow the sheave to slide across
the pin.
Drums are the pulling mechanism which rotates, hauls in and stores surplus wire. The brakin
is connected to either the drum or the gearing which is joined to the drive mechanism.
Drums are measured from the centre to the inside of the flange. A drum which measures 1m
to flange is therefore a 0.5m drum.
g mechanism
from flange
The rope should lay neatly on the drum and not be bunched up. There should be a minimum of two full
turns on the drum at all times.
The rope must be anchored to the drum with a fixed mechanical anchorage. Be aware of the danger of
not properly tightening an anchorage. Do not rely on the frictional grip relayed by the two turns on
the drum.
Comply with the crane manufacturers recommendation about whether drums are overwound or
underwound. If a drum is wound up incorrectly it can affect the anchorage, brake and drive mechanism
to the drum, resulting in mechanical failure.
The lay of the rope and whether the drum is overwind or underwind determines where the rope is
to be anchored.
Be especially careful when raising very heavy loads to a great height such as with long boom mobile
cranes. The amount of turns on the drum determines the drum diameter. As the diameter increases the
torque to the drive mechanism and brake increases. As a result the higher the load is raised the faster it is
raised, and the more difficult the load is to control.
Operators should ensure that the hoist brake is adjusted to take the extra torque when the load is raised
to its maximum height. A brake which holds the load near the ground may fail when the load is high.
The top layer on a multi-layered drum must not be closer than two rope diameters to the top of the flange
when the drum is full.
Fleet angles
The maximum fleet angle is measured from the centre of the drum to the centre of the first diverting
sheave then back to the inside flange at the middle of the drum.
The maximum fleet angle for a grooved drum is 5 and for an ungrooved drum is 3. To achieve these
angles the distance from the drum to the first diverting sheave must be a minimum of:
Example 1:
Width of the grooved drum = 1 metre
12 x 1 x 0.5 = 6
Therefore the sheave must be 6 metres from the drum.
Example 2:
Width of the ungrooved drum = 1 metre
19 x 1 x 0.5 = 9.5
Therefore the sheave must be 9.5 metres from the drum
ave is
If the fleet angle is too large or the distance between the drum and the first lead or diverting she
too short, the rope will not lay neatly on the drum and will create severe wear on the rope and he
sheave flange.
Note: The above masses must not exceed those marked on the blocks as being the safe mass that may be
lifted. Most blocks are limited by the size of hooks and other components and not the number of falls of
rope. A factor for friction has been added.
the safe masses shown in this table are for rope of 6 x 24 construction.
the working load limit together with any conditions of loading deemed necessary for safe use is to be
stamped or otherwise marked on each block.
sheave diameters measured at the bottom of the groove may be as follows (temporary use only):
For power operated blocks: 15 x rope diameter
For hand operated blocks: 10 x rope diameter
the beckets of blocks should be steel, preferably of drop forged or wrought construction. If welded
they should be to an engineered design and strongly made.
the locking pins of hook nuts, where used, should be closely adjacent to the nut top surface.
snatch blocks should incorporate a locking pin of positive type not requiring the use of any tool for its
effective positioning. A drop nose pin used as a hinge pin is recommended and the locking device
must be strongly made and suitable for the intended use of the block.
formula for calculating the load in lead rope: LL = BL + (BL x No Sheaves x % Friction) better
formula is below as usually know winch capacity.
formula for calculating a particular load in lead rope: BL = LL + (1 + sum of (sheave x % friction))
and can have different friction on each sheave if wanted.
A wire rope reeved through sheaves to obtain a mechanical advantage is known in rigging as a purchase.
Purchase and lead blocks should have the close fitting cheeks pattern, or be the dished type where the
sheave is recessed into cheeks.
Self lubricating sheaves are recommended, but if reservoirs are used they should be filled periodically, and
leathers and set screw washers checked for tightness.
Snatch blocks
Snatch blocks can be dangerous and should always be carefully watched. The gate must be properly
closed and the split pin inserted and split open.
As the winch takes the weight, lead blocks stand up and lay into the strain. As snatch blocks stand up
the split pin must be facing down and must be spread. There have been many fatal accidents because the
split pin has been inserted face up and then dropped out, the gate opening allowing the hoist rope to drop
out of the sheave.
The eyebolt and shackle type of block is preferable to the hook type. If the hook type is used it is
important that the hook is placed into the sling with the hook facing down. If the hook faces up, it can
drop out of the eye of the sling as the winch takes the strain. The hook must be properly moused to
the sling.
Sheave blocks
Sheave blocks should be pulled apart, inspected and greased before each new set-up with particular
attention given to the pin. If sheaves are not properly greased, friction increases dramatically through the
system as the load is raised. This can overload the hoist rope at the winch.
Ensure that all cotters, nuts and bolts are tight. Lead blocks should be supported at the becket to prevent
the block from twisting. Twisting would cause the rope to jam or ride on the rim of the sheave, and slip
between the sheave and the cheek plate, jamming and destroying the rope.
The anchorage at the standing part of a purchase must be made at the becket at the bottom of the top
block. If the becket is defective the eye of the standing part should be shackled to the head sling of the
top block. Do not secure the end to the upper eye or shackle of the top block because the rope may cut
where it passes over the cheek plate.
The screw pins of D or bow shackles should be moused where used on standing rigging, and running
rigging where the pin can become unscrewed, causing a serious accident.
When lifting loads by bridle or cock billing, make sure that lifting slings are stopped and packing and
lagging is lashed on. Head slings must not render or slip during fleeting operations.
The lead from the head block of any purchase must not foul its own block or any part of a structure. Head
slings must be prevented from slipping by a stopper lashing. Prevention from slipping must be against
the pull from the load in the lead or from any fleeting action.
Where any fleeting action takes place the load must be kept as low as possible to the ground or any
supporting structure.
During fleeting do not stand in the line of pull from either set of blocks. Many people have been seriously
injured because they were in the way of a surging load.
Timber packing or dunnage should be used if slings are likely to jam when landing a load.
= 2 (7 sheaves in total)
= 10t
Becket load
= 10 5=2t
2.7 x 5
1 + (7 x 0.05)
= 13.5
= 10t
The above calculations do not allow for sudden impact, acceleration and deceleration which can cause
very high loads in the rope. These should all be avoided.
Where the angle in a lead rope is less than 90 degrees, the strain on the lead block is double the strain
on the lead rope.
If the lead block is shackled to, or hooked into a sling which is reeved, the sling has to have a capacity
which is four times the load in the lead rope.
Reverse bends
Avoid reverse bends because they cause much greater fatigue than if all bends were made in the
one direction.
A rope running in one direction over one sheave and then in a reverse direction (ie S fashion) over
another sheave will suffer early fatigue and deterioration. As the rope passes over a sheave it is bent, and
as it leaves the sheave it is straightened, two distinct actions causing fatigue. This is made worse if the
rope after being bent in one direction is then straightened, and again bent in an entirely opposite direction
over another sheave after which it is again straightened.
Multiple layers on drums
If a load is to be lifted to a height where multiple layers must be layed onto a drum, there are several
safety precautions that should be taken.
Independent steel wire cored ropes should be used to prevent crushing. Do not use 6/37 construction
ropes because the small wires will suffer badly from crushing.
The drum must have the capacity to take the amount of rope. The bottom layers must be tightly and
neatly laid onto the drum.
In the absence of any test certificate it must be assumed that the rope is made from 1570 MPa and the
safe working load should be calculated accordingly.
The capacity of drums and storage reels
There is a rule of thumb formula for determining the amount of rope that can be stored on a storage reel.
This formula can be used when determining whether the winch drum has sufficient capacity to take the
amount of rope needed in a purchase.
Length of rope that can be stored on a reel
Capacity L in metres = (A + D) x A x C 1000 x K
L = Length
A = Depth of reel flange in mm
D = Diameter of reel in mm
C = Distance between flanges in mm
K = A multiplying factor for various rope diameters (see table)
Rope diameter
in mm
Multiplier K
Rope diameter
in mm
Multiplier K
the depth of the groove in a fibre rope tackle block should be not less than half the diameter of the
rope used
the depth of the groove in a wire rope purchase block must not be less than 1.5 times the diameter
of the rope used
the diameter of a fibre rope block is much less than that of a wire rope block for the same size rope
pins and beckets are heavier and stronger in wire rope blocks.
They are especially useful where the boom head, luff drum, and hoist winch of tower cranes are high
above the ground.
A fibre rope is reeved and attached to the drum, and then is attached to the rope which is fitted with a
cable pulling stocking. The rope is then pulled through the system by the fibre rope.
Cable pulling stockings must not be used for load lifting purposes.
Cut the eye splice or metal clamp from the end of the old wire rope in the crane.
Remove grease from the cut end of the old wire rope for a distance of approximately one metre. Also
remove grease from the new wire rope for a similar distance.
Slide one cable pulling stocking on to the end of the crane wire rope. Place a short seizing on the
wire rope (using a mallet) so that it is under the cable pulling stocking about 50mm from the stocking
end caps. Place a second secure seizing, using a stout cord or copper strand around the end of the
stocking between the first seizing and the stocking end caps.
Repeat step three with the second cable pulling stocking on the end of the new wire rope.
Join the eyes of both cable pulling stockings with a sufficient number of turns of nylon cord which
is then securely tied. The use of nylon lacing to connect the two stockings lessens the likelihood of
snagging at sheaves and other points where clearance is at a minimum.
The winch of the crane then hauls the new wire rope into the crane. When the join of the new and old
rope reaches the winding drum, the new rope is disconnected from the old rope and anchored
temporarily to a suitable part of the adjacent structure. The old rope is then removed from the drum
and then the new rope is anchored to the drum and wound on. Cable pulling stockings allow the rope
joint to pass smoothly around the sheaves.
The sequence of rope construction:
For right hand lay hawser rope a number of fibres are twisted into a right hand lay, or spiral (helix) into a
yarn. A number of yarns are twisted in a left hand spiral into a strand. Three strands are then twisted in a
right spiral into a right hand lay hawser laid rope. Left hand lay rope is laid up exactly the opposite.
The thickness of the rope depends on the number of fibres that are laid up into the yarn and then the
number of yarns laid up into the strand. The opposite lay is put in to stop the rope from unlaying and
pulling apart.
Marline is used extensively in rigging for seizings. Three or four yarns are spun together in an opposite
spiral and tarred.
Natural fibre rope is made from dried vegetable fibres and is subject to many deteriorating factors.
The whole rope should be inspected in a good light. Look at and feel the rope along the entire length.
Open and inspect the lay and the interior every metre.
Look for the following defects:
the effects of heat. If the rope has been exposed to more than 65C the rope could be brittle,
charred, powdery or brown on the outside
sunrot. The natural colour of the rope will turn to a dirty grey, the outside fibres will turn very brittle
and the rope will be much lighter than normal
mildew. Open the lay and smell the inside of the rope and examine it. A musty smell is a sign of
mould/mildew. There may be no outside signs of mildew
effects of acid and other corrosives. The outside will be faded yellow to brown colour and powdery
overloading. The fibres will be shorter, the diameter will decrease and the lay will increase in length
overworked over sheaves. When the lay is opened there will be fine powder in the centre of the rope.
The powder is fine particles of the inside fibres worn and abraded away and locked inside
high stranding. One strand standing out above the others. It can be caused by faulty splicing
or whipping
kinks. Fibre rope will kink especially if it is wet. The outer fibres will be broken in one spot. This
defect can be very hard to detect
cuts. Fibre rope snotters should not be reeved around loads with sharp edges. Cuts are easy to detect
but can be avoided by packing sharp edges
defective splice. The eye splice in snotters should be carefully inspected. There should be three full
tucks against the lay. The inside of the splice should be checked to ensure that there is no wear or
broken fibres.
Fibre ropes which have defects should either be destroyed or if the defect is localised such as a cut, the
rope should be severed at that point.
To maintain ropes in good condition free from attacks by mould and bacteria:
coil handlines and snotters and store on large wooden pegs above the ground
keep rope dry and stored out of direct sunlight and never in an airtight box
store away from any heat source, such as steam pipes, flame, sparks from welding or oxy cutting etc
store away from acids or other corrosives, such as ashes, clinker, coke, oils, grease, steam, batteries
keep vermin away from ropes. Natural fibre ropes are prone to attack from insects which thrive on
cellulose. The most common are clothes moths, beetles, ants, termites, silverfish and cockroaches.
A trapped rat will gnaw through a rope to escape but in general rats are not attracted to rope for food
or for bedding
store ropes away from grit, rust, sand, dirt or other abrasive substances
protect from adverse effects of weather such as sunlight, (sunrot) and mildew, caused by storing wet
rope away in a toolbox or other area where there is no breeze to dry it out.
When a new coil of rope is delivered to the site it is covered with hessian bagging. Do not remove the
cover. The coil is also tied with twine to keep it together.
If there is a turntable to uncoil the rope it can be unwrapped and lengths cut as required.
Do not remove the hessian covering if there is no turntable. The best way to uncoil the rope is from the
inside. Turn the coil so that the loose end is on the bottom. Cut the inside holding twine and pull the
loose end out through the top of the coil. The rope will then be uncoiled left handed.
A rope that is uncoiled right handed will uncoil full of kinks and twists. If this happens, turn the coil over
and push the loose end back through the centre and start again.
To remove kinks and twists re-coil the rope left handed or anti-clockwise on a piece of dunnage dipping
the end through and under the coil and then re-coil. This may have to be repeated two or three times
before all twists are removed (reverse for a left hand lay rope).
Do not disturb frozen rope until it has completely thawed because frozen fibres can be easily damaged
when handled.
Factors for assessing the capacity of fibre rope
For safe use as lifelines, slinging and general lifting gear in factories and workshops where not subject to
rough usage, the working load limit (WLL) is the guaranteed breaking strain (GBS) divided by six.
Do not use fibre rope of less than 12mm diameter for load carrying purposes.
Fibre rope hauled by hand under load must not be less than 16mm diameter.
Fibre rope must not be subject to heat greater than 65C.
Rope which has been shock or impact loaded or stretched by overloading must not be used for load
carrying purposes.
The included angle between the legs of a sling attachment should not exceed 120.
Whippings are put on the end of a rope to prevent the rope from unlaying. They are made by using waxed
twine or rope yarn. The length of the whipping should be at least equal to the diameter of the rope.
Whippings are preferable to back splicing on the ends of tackle falls because they will pass through the
blocks when reeving the tackle. A second whipping should be applied nine rope diameters from the end
for permanent whippings.
Types of whipping:
the Common whipping is used to prevent the rope unlaying while measuring or splicing
the West-Countrymans whipping and American whipping are alternatives to the Common
the Palm and Needle whipping is difficult to apply and is usually only made when a permanent
whipping is required.
Seizings are used to bind or seize two or more ropes together. They are made with machine cord, light
mackerel or cod line. The four types are flat, round, square, and racking seizings.
The racking seizing is applied after a thimble is inserted, to seize the two parts together b efore making an
eye splice.
Types of splices:
eye splice. Can be either bald or with a thimble inserted. A fibre rope with an eye spliced either end
for use in slinging is called a snotter
cut splice. For joining two ropes leaving a loop between the splices
short splice. For joining two ropes, or for joining two ends of a rope to make an endless rope strop
long splice. For joining two ropes where the rope passes around a sheave. It should not be used
where the rope supports loads or people. It may be used safely where a jockey, pilot, or dummy
gantline is required to reeve off a FSWR purchase or similar use. Caution: It is possible for the tucked
ends to come unlaid in use
back splice. For preventing the end of a rope from unlaying. Back splicing is used when whipping
twine cannot be found. Do not use if the rope has to be reeved into a tackle because the splice is too
thick to pass through the sheaves. It is made by tying a crown knot then two or three tucks against
the lay.
The short, cut, and eye splices can be used for suspending loads or people, but cannot pass through the
sheave cheek plates. They should have at least three full tucks against the lay. After the three full tucks
the ends of the strands can be reduced and tapered and the splice served.
However when a load is applied to the rope and the splice stretches, the serving will become loose. It is
better, stronger, and safer to dog knot half the strands with a neat seizing after completing the splice.
A thimble should be spliced into the eye of the standing or becket eye of a tackle. Thimbles are solid
round, split round or pear shaped split. They are split to enable them to be opened and fitted to the
anchorage and then closed before splicing.
There should be no points on the throat of the thimble that could bite into the rope. Thimbles should
be large enough to allow the rope to seat well into the score with the rope supported for half of its
circumference without the groove edges biting into the rope. A small thimble can cut the rope and do
more damage than ordinary wear and abrasion.
The wooden IIB block has beech cheeks and partitions, with a forged eyebolt and forked steel plates
morticed into the cheeks and drilled to take a steel pin. The sheaves are usually bronze or gunmetal and
the pin is secured by a steel keeper plate over a square head.
Steel blocks are made of mild steel cheek plates secured to a yoke drilled for an eyebolt or a forged hook.
Reinforcing plates often run down outside the cheek plates to the bottom, where they are drilled to take
becket, spreader bolts and ferrules.
The sheave pin fits into holes drilled through straps, cheeks and partitions and is usually of mild steel
with a flanged end and a spigot with a cotter retainer at the other end. Lifting hooks or eyes are the swivel
type (not upset or riveted type).
Care must be taken when maintaining and inspecting to look for worn pins, sheave bushes, insecure
fastening of the hook yoke to cheeks and yoke crosshead, securing of sheave pin, becket and pin and
general soundness of the whole frame.
Types of tackles:
whip upon whip two moveable and one fixed single block
The above masses must not exceed those marked on the blocks as being the safe mass that may be lifted.
Most blocks are limited by the size of hooks and other components and not the number of falls of rope. A
factor for friction has been added.
The safe masses shown in this table are for natural fibre rope 3 strand hawser laid.
The working load limit together with any conditions of loading deemed necessary for safe use is to be
stamped or otherwise marked on each block.
Sheave diameters measured at the bottom of the groove may be as follows (temporary use only):
For power operated blocks: 10 x rope diameter
For hand operated blocks: 5 x rope diameter
The beckets of blocks should be steel, preferably of drop forged or wrought construction. If welded
they should be to an engineered design and strongly made.
The locking pins of hook nuts, where used, should be closely adjacent to the nut top surface.
Snatch blocks should incorporate a locking pin of positive type not requiring the use of any tool for its
effective positioning. A drop nose pin used as a hinge pin is recommended and the locking device
must be strongly made and suitable for the intended use of the block.
Fibre rope should not be less than 16mm diameter when held under load by hand.
The diameters of sheaves used with fibre ropes must be at least five times the diameter of the rope
when hand operated. For power operated appliances the sheave diameter must be at least ten times the
rope diameter.
The sheave diameter is measured from the bottom of the groove. If a rope sits too tightly in the bottom of
the groove it can become damaged when wet or swollen. The depth of the groove should be at least half
the rope diameter.
A tackle for right hand laid rope must be reeved right handed (clockwise from left to right) starting
from the bottom. Lay the blocks down with the becket at the top and finish the reeve with a splice or a
buntline hitch at the becket.
Tackles when rove should be left block against block with a tail rope for overhauling on the lower block.
As the tackle is overhauled the fall rope should be kept free of turns allowing the tackle to run free of
turns and twists.
When tackles are rove off left handed and turns are not shaken out of the running end, the tackle will spin
full of twists. A lower block which has toppled will cause turns and twists so care should be taken to dip
the lower block back in the correct direction.
Shortener for single part rope or snotter to join rope to hook of tackle, etc and does not damage the
rope. At least two full turns of the standing part are to nip the two bights before the bights are pl aced
on the hook.
Overhand knot to m
ake a
stop on a rope, to pre
ends from fraying or ot
prevent it slipping through
a block.
ouble shortener each of the two parts of the bale sling or strop is turned back on itself, so that
wo bights are formed at a suitable length. The bights are then turned about each other as in a simple
verhand knot and place on the hook.
Direction of pull on spike
NB When shortening synthetic rope slings it is usually advisable to twist the bights twice about each
other because of the slippery nature of many synthetic ropes.
The whole length of synthetic fibre ropes should be inspected for signs of defects that may make the
rope fail and therefore condemn the rope. Manufacturers information and advice on inspection should
be followed.
Conditions and tools for inspecting rope properly:
a 300mm length of rope for comparison that was cut from the end of the line at the time
of purchase
a good light
The entire length of the rope must be inspected at intervals of not more than 300mm. The rope strands
should be unlaid slightly to inspect the inside. Care should be taken to return them to their original
position after inspection.
Look for:
external wear due to dragging over rough surfaces which causes a general reduction of the crosssection of the strands. This is the most visible cause of weakness. The strands can become so worn
that the outer surfaces are flattened and the yarns are severed on the outside. In ordinary use, some
disarrangement or breakage of the outside fibres is unavoidable and harmless if not too extensive
local abrasion as distinct from general wear. It may be caused by the passage of the rope over sharp
edges while under tension and may cause serious loss of strength. It is usually intermittent in the
form of tearing of the fibres, yarns or strands. Slight damage to outer fibres and an occasional torn
yarn may be considered harmless, but serious reduction in one strand or less serious damage to more
than one strand could merit rejection
cuts and contusions from careless use may cause internal as well as external damage. They may be
indicated by local rupturing or loosening of the yarns or strands
internal wear caused by repeated flexing of the rope particularly when wet, and by particles of grit
picked up. It is indicated by excessive looseness in the strands and yarns
heavy loading may result in permanent stretching so that the extension available in an emergency is
reduced. If the original length of the line is known exactly, a check measurement made under exactly
the same conditions will indicate the total extension of the line, but may not reveal local extension in
part of the line. Measurement of the distances between indelible markers on the line may help reveal
local stretching. The local extension should not exceed 10 per cent for synthetic ropes. Immediately
after severe loading causing permanent extension, a line may be unusually stiff although flexibility
may return
sunlight Excessive exposure to sunlight will weaken all synthetic fibres. Unnecessary exposure
should be avoided. However, sunlight will degrade polyolefin fibres (polyethylene and polypropylene)
more rapidly than others. Degradation is shown by breakage of the fibres into small pieces which
gives a hairy appearance as a result of the broken fibres tending to stand up as they break down into
a coarse powder.
These symptoms are more readily observed on polypropylene than on polyethylene ropes at similar
stages of degradation. The effect extends progressively below the surface of the rope, but because it is
primarily a surface effect, small ropes will become unserviceable and unsafe quicker than large ropes.
Work to develop suitable protecting agents, pigments and ultraviolet absorbers has been in progress
for some time. Carbon black at a concentration of at least one per cent has proved successful for
prolonging life. Other compounds show promise and are still being evaluated.
heat may, in extreme cases, cause charring, singeing or fusing which all merit rejection. Caution: A
line may be damaged by heat without showing any obvious signs. The best safeguard is proper care
of the line in use and storage. Never drag a line in front of a stove or other source of heat.
internal wear which is often indicated by a thickening of the sling or the presence of grit and dirt
where the sling is covered by a sleeve, the sleeve must cover the sling for the full length from
eye to eye.
a polypropylene sling comes into contact with an organic solvent such as paint, coal tar or paint
NB: A nylon sling will lose more than 10 per cent of its strength when it is wet.
After six months continuous exposure to sunlight send a sling in for testing.
Synthetic slings must be stored:
The working life of synthetic slings will be shortened if exposed to any of the above.
ecognise the types of chain used to safely lift loads and
Lifting chain
Lifting chain is uncalibrated, proof tested, short reduces the tendency to twist and provides better reeving
greater force to bend, provides greater strength,
ive times the diameter (of the link material) and the
he link
the welding
the outs
welding flash
flash is
is removed
from all round the weld area.
of t
esignation is then stamped or embossed on the chain. In some cases every link is marked, but all
hain must show grade marking at least every metre or every 20 links, whichever is less.
Grade d
nk chain can also be calibrated to ensure uniform link pitch for running over a pocket sheave
lifting c
sometimes called a gypsy. Calibrated chain gives a constant and uniform pitch throughout the
Short li the chain and improves its lay (it does not twist as much as uncalibrated chain).
which is
length of
Gypsies are used to raise or lower the chain in a chain block. They can be driven by hand, pneumatically
or electrically. Although most manufacturers today produce chain for chain blocks of similar size and
shape, it is important to obtain replacement chain from the manufacturer of the chain block to ensure 55
correct fit.
If the chain does not fit neatly into the gypsy it will jam, ride out of the wheel pockets, or suffer wear or
link damage. If this occurs it could lead to premature failure of the chain, damage to the gypsy pockets
and possible accidents from the chain riding out of the pockets under load.
Unpocketed sheaves and drums designed to take chain must be at least 24 times the diameter of the
chain. Link length should not exceed 6 times the diameter and the width should not exceed 3.5 times
the diameter. Welds must be smoothly finished and the diameter of the weld must not be less than the
diameter of the material in the chain.
Types of lifting chain
Higher tensile, quenched and tempered chain branded T, 8, 80, A, 800, PWB, or CM and
HA800 alternately.
Very high tensile, quenched and tempered chain branded 100, Vor 10.
little low
High Tensile and Very High Tensile (Grade T. 80 and 100) are used extensively for lifting. Very
(Grade T
grade chain is used for lifting. Most, if not all, chain components are also High Tensile strength
or 800) and are branded to show grade and chain size.
If riggers do not understand the grade marking of a chain, they should check with the manufacturer or the
manufacturers supplier for clarification.
Caution: Industrial lifting chain is not normally sold through general hardware outlets. Chain from general
hardware outlets is usually unsuitable for industrial lifting.
Stud link chain. A special purpose marine chain with a stud across the centre of each link to prevent
the chain from jamming when coming out of ships chain lockers. Do not use for lifting.
Stud link chain lacks the flexibility of a lifting chain. Under test, it shows no elongation, w hereas open
link chain shows considerable elongation.
Bush roller chain. Including Reynolds, Morse, and Coventry types. It is used as the drive chain on
bicycles, motorcycles or the load chain on fork lift trucks. It has no sideways flexibility, so should not
be used for suspending loads unless the load is in between guides.
Proof coil chain. Is not made for load supporting. It is used as load binder chains, skid ch ains, hand
chain on chain blocks, or general purposes other than load lifting. Proof coil chain is usual ly not
branded and not made to any standard. It is not made for lifting purposes and should not be used as
lifting chain.
Grade 65 is a high tensile load binder chain and is branded 65. It is not a lifting chain and should
not be used for lifting.
Grade 70/75 is a high tensile load binder chain and is branded 70, 7, HI-FRT, or HiLlTEand is
sometimes supplied gold coloured plating. It is not a lifting chain and should not be used for lifting.
Long link chain is made in various grades from mild steel to Grade 80 and is used on con veyors, as
ship cargo chain and for lashing. It is not a lifting chain and should not be used for lifting.
Inspection of chain
To prepare for inspection, clean the chain thoroughly, and lay it out in a good light on a table. Use a
magnifying lens with a built-in light and examine every link. If the chain is made up into a slin g, examine
all of the parts of the sling assembly and look for the following defects:
Stretching. Stretched links are a sign of overloading. Chain should be condemned if links show
obvious signs of any stretching.
High tensile Grade T, Grade 100 and Grade 800 chain has been proof tested to 2.3 times its working
load during manufacture. If chain has stretched in use it has been loaded more than 2.3 times its working
load. Grade T, Grade 100 and Grade 800 chain only stretches a significant amount as it approaches its
breaking strength, so stretched chain should never be used.
Oblong links or rings have been proof tested to twice the working load and stretching indicates
overloading. If oblong links or rings have stretched more than 5 per cent, they should be scrapped.
Chain hooks have also been proof loaded to twice their working load prior to supply, so if the hook has
opened it is a sign of overloading or incorrect use. Hooks which have opened more than 5 per cent should
be scrapped.
Bent links. Links can be bent by reeving chain around square objects which are not properly packed.
If the chain is bent at the link weld, the chain should be inspected very closely to ensure th
at the
weld has not begun to fail.
Damaged links. Reeving around sharp edges without proper packing will gouge the chain link.
Dragging chain along workshop floors can wear chain. Chain which is worn, nicked, cut or gouged to a
point where the metal in the link diameter is reduced by 10 per cent or more should be condemned.
Rust. Most chains will develop discolouration meaning some surface rust. This should not be
confused with deep rust which will make the chain unsafe to use.
Cracks. To find cracks soak the chain in a light oil, wipe dry and apply a coating of powdered
chalk or whiting to the surface. Leave for several hours and then examine.
If a crack exists, the chalk will draw up the oil from the crack and
become discoloured, showing up the shape of the crack. There are
also special preparations available which can be used for showing
up or locating cracks.
Wear. Where links seat on each other they wear. This wear is most
prevalent in load chain in chain blocks. When the chain passes
over the gypsy the links are subject to extreme friction. The links
wear very quickly if the chain block is being worked continuously
near maximum loading.
If the tension cannot be released from the chain it should be checked for wear. Caliper across two
links and divide by two to obtain the diameter. Then check this against an unworn part of the link.
The chain must be replaced if wear exceeds 10 per cent of the diameter.
Inspection records of slings and sling leg lengths should be commenced when chain is new and
maintained to give a reference check. The length of used sling legs may be greater than their original
length due to wear, but caution should be taken to ensure no stretching has occurred.
do not use a chain with locked or stretched links or which has links that do not have free movement
do not use an excessively pitted, corroded, unduly worn, deformed, chipped, nicked, cracked, or
otherwise damaged chain
do not snatch or jerk loads being handled by chain slings, especially in cold weather. Sudden lifting
can have the effect of doubling the load in the sling. Chain and chain slings should not be used in
temperatures below 20C as this extreme cold could make chain brittle
do not use a chain over sharp edges without proper packing on the edges. Hessian bagging is not
good enough. Use cut lengths of rubber car tyre, half rounds of tube or timber. All packing should be
secured when sending loads aloft. When the load is landed the slings go slack and the packing can
drop out
do not use lifting chain at temperatures over 400C without consulting the manufacturer. Lifting chain
used at temperatures over 200C requires derating. Refer to table for the reduction factor
Temperature range C
Up to 200
200 300
10 per cent
300 400
25 per cent
Over 400
Do not use
do not place the links of a chain so that they bear on the hook of a crane or hoist (except an
endless chain sling)
when not in use all chain lifting gear should be stored on racks or pegs, under cover
any screw thread used in connection with chain blocks must be securely locked
chain links and load chains of chain blocks should be frequently inspected and lubricated between
uses, or more frequently for repetitive lifts at near capacity
Avoid making up slings from different grades of chain or fittings. Try to use only one grade of chain
throughout the workplace. This will prevent confusion about the WLL of slings for given diamet er chain
slings, especially if a WLL tag is missing.
The chain, large oblong link, hammerlocks or couplers, and hook should all be of equal capacity or grad e.
Riggers should have the knowledge and expertise to inspect a chain sling to ensure that the grade and
safe working load of all components match.
The working load limit tag must be fixed on all chain assemblies The tag must detail the SWL under all
conditions of loading.
If a tag is missing the sling should be taken out of service, unless the necessary information is marked on
the master link. Once the tag is replaced the sling can immediately be returned to service. The tag should
be replaced by a competent person.
Coupling links, often branded Hammerlok or Kuplex are used to connect alloy chain to alloy rings and
hooks. Make sure that the pin connecting the two halves is firmly in position and that there are no cracks
running from the inside corners of the forked part of the links.
Twist the spacer in the centre of the link to ensure that it is free. A jammed spacer is a sign that the chain
has been overloaded.
Four leg chain slings should be fitted with two intermediate links on the main ring.
A ring must be strong enough to safely handle the WLL of all attached chains or slings.
Rings must be inspected frequently. Do not use a ring which has stretched more than 5 per cent of its
mean diameter.
Do not place a ring on to a hook unless it hangs freely over the bow of the hook.
There are many dangers associated with wedge type sockets and riggers should ensure that they are set
up correctly.
The rope diameter must be equal to the diameter inside the socket, and when the wedge is pulled tight
the wedge must not protrude beyond the socket body.
The hoist rope must be reeved into the socket body so that there is a straight line between the live rope
and the anchorage.
If the rope is reeved in the opposite direction so that the live end is on the sloping side of the wedge, the
wire will fail at the point where the rope enters the socket.
Do not place rope grips (bulldog clips) across both live rope and the dead end because it can lead to
severe damage to the hoist wire. Wedge rope sockets may be used when spliced eyes are difficult to reeve
or they would have to be made after the rope is in place.
The wedge rope socket must be properly set up and used, and properly designed and accurately made.
They must be designed so that when no rope is fitted the wedge will not pass through the socket.
The advantages of using wedge rope sockets as anchorages are simplicity, ease and speed of applying and
detaching, and that they do not damage the rope to any appreciable extent.
Sharp edges must be rounded off at the point where the load bearing rope enters or leaves the socket.
The angle of the wedge should be slightly greater than that of the socket, so that it does not tend to nip
the rope as it leaves the socket. The angle of the socket is important and should not be greater than
19 degrees.
Do not set up wedge sockets where a block being raised can hit and dislodge the wedge.
Socket bodies and wedges must be frequently inspected for excessive wear at the point the wire rope
strands are jammed into them. Do not use wedge rope socket anchorages where they cannot be
easily inspected.
The dimensions of the wedge and socket must be such that when a wedge rope socket with rope is
assembled, the narrow end of the wedge does not protrude outside the end of the socket. Do not use
wedge rope sockets where moving loads can force the wedge out.
A wire rope grip should be applied to the tail (only) of the rope below the socket to prevent dislodgment of
the wedge.
In earthmoving equipment such as drag lines and pile drivers the rope is usually initially much longer than
required so that shortening can be carried out several times, quickly and easily, without recourse to
splicing. The wedge is punched out of the socket, the bad rope cut off and re-reeved through the socket,
the wedge replaced and pulled tight. The rope end should always be visible, protruding 150-250mm from
the socket so that rope slippage will be evident.
A thimble is a fitting used in the formed eye of a rope and is designed to protect the bearin g area inside
the crown of the eye from chafing and distortion.
Therefore cut off this damaged section periodically even if it looks sound. About one third of the estimated
life of the rope is a good interval.
When socketing or inspecting existing terminals examine closely for corrosion. Corroded wire is very
susceptible to fatigue.
After constant vibration, a tensile pull test performed on a sample of the rope which looks so und may
disclose a large reduction in its original strength.
A broken rope can kill and can cause severe damage to equipment or plant. Therefore, cond uct regular
inspections, cropping or renewing wherever vibrational fatigue occurs.
Do not use bulldog grips on any load hoisting ropes. When connecting a lizard to a stay or guy make
sure that the crowns of the U-bolts press upon the lizard. Although they will damage it, they are
easily replaced.
Correctly applied, bulldog grips may form an eye with 80 per cent of the breaking strength of the rope. If
not correctly applied they may have no reasonable safe value.
Do not use a grip that is the wrong size or that has been strained or damaged.
Do not use a bulldog grip to directly connect two straight lengths of rope. If this is necessary, join two
thimbles and then use the grips to make two thimble eyes.
Long double base clamps which are not commonly available extend at least 6 rope diameters in length
offering a greater purchase on the rope without causing damage and provide 95 per cent of the strength
of the rope. Rope life and safety increase accordingly.
Bordeaux connections
Bordeaux connections are used for connecting wire ropes to chains where the connections must pass
over sheaves.
There are many different shapes and sizes of hooks. They range from mild steel to very high grade alloy
steel. The common factor is that th ey are all designed to support loads.
Hooks used with chain to make chain assemblies are usually Grade T or Grade 800 strength. Very few,
if any, other grades are readily available. Hooks used on chain must not have a WLL marked on them as
it will lead to confusion when slings are used. The tag is the only reference to loading of a sling. Chain
hooks are marked with their chain size and should be matched to the same size and grade of chain.
Hoist hooks and crane hooks must be marked with the WLL. Some hooks, particularly crane hooks, are
also marked with the weight of the hook block.
Use a safety hook if there is a chance that the load can become unshipped or displaced.
Caution: Using some spring loaded safety hooks does not guarantee that slings will not be
displaced in some circumstances.
Crane or hoist hooks must be able to freely rotate under all conditions of loading. If the load exceeds 2t,
they must have a ball or roller thrust earing
between the trunnion and nut. Make sure that no dust or
other foreign matter accumulates in the thrust bearing.
Replace any hook that has the bow wo rn more than 10 per cent.
Do not place multiple eyes of slings directly on the hook. They should be placed on to a bow shackle, and
the pin of the shackle should be placed on the hook.
To avoid excessive forces on the bill of he hook place slings which are at a wide angle on a bow shackle
and not directly onto the hook.
It is safer to back hook to the main lifting ring. Taking the chain sling hooks back up to the main hook
can be dangerous if the chain slings do not sit properly on the main hook.
Shackles are a portable link, used for joining various pieces of lifting equipment. The two main shapes for
load lifting are the dee and bow shackles. Almost all shackles are made of round bar and have circular
eyes. The pin of the common shackle screws directly into one eye and should preferably have a collar. In
some shackles, the pins pass clear through both eyes and are secured by a splitpin forelock (ie split flat
cotter pin) or nut and splitpin.
Shackles are made to AS 2741 Shackles. The grades range from grades L and M for small dee and bow
shackles to grades S and T for large dee and bow shackles. In order to eliminate projections, shackle pins
are sometimes counter sunk flush with the eyes.
The pin and forelock shackle is a safe shackle but is mainly used for standing rigging such as guys.
Always use the correct size shackle pin. Do not use a nut and bolt in place of the proper shackle pin. A
bolt that does not fit tightly is likely to bend and break.
Condemn a shackle which is worn either in the crown or on the pin by more than 10 per cent of its
original diameter.
Do not use a shackle or pin which is bent, strained, deformed or damaged. Tiny microscopic cracks
may have developed during deformation. These can extend under quite small loads and lead to
complete failure.
Screw shackle pins should be tightened then loosened very slightly, so that the shackle pin can be
unscrewed when the weight is released. If the pins are tightened and the strain is taken on the shackle
the pin often jams and is difficult to unscrew.
Where shackles are subject to vibration such as on luffing bridle pendants, mouse the shackle pin to
prevent the pin from unscrewing.
Shackles are designed to take vertical forces only. Diagonal forces will strain the shackle and lead to
eventual failure.
If any small object such as a single sling or another shackle is placed on the pin the shackle will cock
bill or cant. To stop this happening, pack the shackle pin with washers or ferrules to keep the load in the
centre of the pin.
When using multiple slings, always use a bow shackle large enough to accommodate all of the eyes safely
on the bow. The pin of the shackle should rest on the hook.
Do not use an unmoused screw shackle where the pin can roll under load and unscrew.
Shackles must be branded with the WLL. Do not use a shackle without the WLL clearly marked,
for load lifting.
Knocking and leverage can cause vibration which works the pin out of the shackle. To prevent this use the
forelock, or the pin with the nut and cotter pin.
Plate shackles are a special shackle made from steel plate with a hole drilled in either end. Two plates
are joined by placing bolts through the holes. Plate shackles are used extensively for joining crane
luffing bridle pendants. Make sure that the nuts have split pins and that the split pins are spread to
ensure safety.
Eyebolts are used extensively as lifting lugs on set pieces of equipment. The safest eyebolt is a collared
eyebolt. Uncollared eyebolts should only be used where the pull on the eyebolt is vertical.
Only collared eyebolts should be used where the pull is inclined from the vertical. The underside of the
eyebolt should be machined and the seating upon which the eyebolt is tightened should also be
machined. The eyebolt should be tightened so that both faces meet in a neat tight fit. If both faces are
apart the collar is of no use.
Any diagonal tension applied to an eyebolt should be in line. The pull should never be across the eye.
Do not insert a hook into an eyebolt. Always use a shackle.
Where two eyebolts are used to lift a load, a pair of slings should be shackled into them. Do not reeve a
single sling through two eyebolts and then put both eyes on the hook.
Where eyebolts cannot be kept in line with each other when tightened, insert thin washers or shims under
the collars to allow the eyebolts to be tightened when in line.
Do not tighten an eyebolt using a heavy hammer. Use a light hammer or a podger bar. After tightening
check the solid feeling which indicates a properly fitted eyebolt.
Loads can spin when lifted with a single eyebolt causing the eyebolt to unscrew from the load. Mouse the
eyebolt to the load to stop unscrewing.
Eyebolts are often put on large motors or similar to lift the casing off. It can be dangerous to lift loads with the
eyebolts that are provided on the load. If no information is provided about an eyebolt sling the load with
If rings are provided with the eyebolt depend on the WLL of the ring or screw thread, whichever is
the weakest.
Where a nut is fitted to the end of screwed thread ensure that it bears evenly on the surface around
the hole.
lnspect the brake lining material for signs of wear and have it replaced if necessary, ensuring the retaining
rivets (if any) are well countersunk.
Check the pawl for sharpness and alignment, the pawl spring for effectiveness, and the ratchet teeth for
sharpness and wear.
Check the bearing bushes for wear and have them renewed if necessary.
Remove the gear case and inspect the gears for wear on the shafts, and also for bending, breakage, wear,
and misalignment of teeth.
Check the load chain for wear and for stretch and the load sheaves for excessive wear. If the load chain
does not fit accurately it should be replaced before using the block.
lnspect the load chain guide for movement. This guide should be the fixed type not a small roller. The
purpose of the guide is to guide the load chain, free of turns, on to the gypsy. If a roller guide is fitted,
hang the block up and while lowering the empty hook, gently twist the ascending chain as it approaches
the guide roller. If it jams, a new guide must be fitted.
Check the hooks for opening out due to overloading or misuse. Examine the hook yokes, ball bearing
swivels and anchorages of chain to clevis pins.
Where a chain block needs major overhaul or repair, advice should be sought from the supplier about the
work to be carried out, and should be done by people who are competent.
Chain blocks must be lubricated lightly. If too much grease is pumped into a chain block the grease could
cover the brake and the chain block would fail.
Do not leave a chain block soaking in oil. The oil will saturate the brake.
Pull lifts
There are two types of lever operated chain pullers:
chain puller
The drum type has a safety ratchet and pawl. The pawl must be held by hand when lowering. Do not tie
the pawl back because this can cause control to be lost.
The FSWR used in these winches must be the type recommended by the manufacturer.
The inspection of the FSWR and the anchorages must be done daily to ensure that the winch is safe to
hold the load. A complete inspection must be done monthly, with particular attention to the hoist rope.
rope lever
Creeper type lever operated pullers have an advantage over drum type pullers because they have
unlimited drift.
Without gears, pawls and ratchets, the design enables the rope to pass through the unit in a straight line
and is not wound on a drum.
Two pairs of forged steel jaws control the lifting and lowering of the load by a hand lever. The weight of
the load actuates the jaws. The wire rope is at all times eld by one pair of jaws while the other pair
h having been opened by cams, is moved by the lever forhe next gripping or pulling motion. This method
t draws a wire rope of any length through the unit.
Caution: The rope can slip through these types of pullersbecause of the constant diameter in the cam
gripping mechanism and because FSWR reduces in diam eter under constant loading.
Place the hook on the ground, hold the machine at n angle and push down on the clutch release P
towards the anchoring hook until it is seated in the otch.
Close clutch P.
ength is reached.
Spreader beams
Spreader beams are devices which spread the load evenlyrane or lifting medium, and have two or more
a particular job. Most have a central lifting point for the c
lugs underneath to take the load slings.
All spreader beams must be suitable to lift the particular ear (slings, shackles etc).
WLL must include the weight of the load plus all lifting g
For example, there are types of spreader beams used in plong the spreader until the rotor is level.
the rotor into the stator. This is done by sliding the lugs a
ch are
There are loads such as pre-stressed concrete beams whi the
designed to take downward forces only. This is opposite to
forces imposed by lifting in the centre.
There are two methods of overcoming this problem:
to lift
Equalising gear
Equalising sheaves are load supports, which transfer the load from one single point to two others by
means of FSWR. Chain and fibre rope are rarely used. There are several different types of equalising gear,
which all do a similar job.
Equalising sheaves transfer the weight on the single point equally to the two points which take half the
load each.
If the two points are of unequal capacity, the load on the single point should never exceed double the
capacity of the weakest of the two other lifting points.
If one of the two lifting points remains stationary and the other hoists up, the sheave is then a hauling
sheave not an equalising sheave. Friction must then be taken into account when working out the weight
on the hauling part.
If the capacity of the crane is equal to the load imposed on the crane then the capacity could be exceeded
by the additional load due to friction in the sheave system.
Equalising sheaves are often used on bridge or gantry cranes which have a four part purchase with
two hauling parts attached to the hoist drum. The opposite or stationary side passes over an
equalising sheave.
The function of the equalising sheave is to move as the hoist block swings sideways. The part of FSWR
that passes over the sheave has abrasion and fatigue. It takes half of the weight of the hoist block at all
times. It also takes half the weight of the load, plus half of the weight of the hoist block when the
crane is lifting. It is the hardest working piece of rope on the crane and must not be overlooked by
maintenance personnel.
Jacks are used when it is not suitable to use a crane or hoist to raise or lower a load.
Car jacks have no rated WLL and should not be used as load lifting jacks.
Packing under jacks should be independent of other packing. All wedges should be driven home well, and
spiked in position if they are left for any time.
To prevent a load that is higher than it is wide from overturning make sure it is supported by side guys or
toms. Adjust the guys and toms as the load is lifted.
Do not exceed the WLL branded on jacks. Where possible use a jack that has a larger capacity than is
needed to allow for a possible malfunction.
Jacks should be placed on a timber pad and have a timber pad placed on the head to prevent slipping.
Load point
Load cap -Rack bar
Housing -.
auxiliary lo,!d
\-rJJt,I,.:)/~~\ /
j,-("n' '1i
I!,'-.... I .
~ i i- I
pom t
r: it ;~
Lever socket
The head of the jack is designed to take the greatest load. Lift on
the head when the load can be lifted either on the head or the toe
of the jack.
Care should be taken when lifting with geared, or platelayer jacks. Lifting on the head should not be
carried out with this type of jack unless special precautions are carried out to ensure stability. When
lifting on the head a 600mm to 1m space is needed to place these types of jack in position.
Look out for the head making contact with projections or the jack kicking out when lifting on the toe ,
especially when lowering.
Make sure the load is kept steady while raising the load. Do not lift both ends of the load simultaneo usly.
Use the lowest gear when lifting a load near to the maximum capacity of the jack.
The lift must be vertical. If the jack shows signs of tilting, pack the load, release the jack and reset.
Do not extend the jack handle to increase leverage because this will overload the jack.
Take care when releasing the ratchet from the pawl during lowering. Control can easily be lost with the
likelihood of injury.
Hydraulic jacks
Use the correct oil and make sure the oil reservoir is full and free from dirt or grit.
Make sure the plunger rubbers and ram rubbers are a good fit, softened in neatsfoot or hydraulic oil, and
immersed when not in use.
The release valve should operate satisfactorily or be adjusted by a competent person.
All worn rams, pistons, plungers, gears, ratchets, etc should be discarded and replaced.
= W x P :; uplift
Inboard distance
'Ii x P x SF = counterweight
Weight to be lifted
= 2 tonne
::: 2 metre
= .2..1U_
:; 1 tonne uplift
counterweight == W x p x SF
W == 2 tonne (t)
= 1.15 tonnes
The above equation can be reversed to calculate the diameter (D) in millimetres of FSWR needed to lift a
given load. To do this divide the load (L) in kilograms by 8 and find the square root of the result.
Formula: D (mm)
For example: Load
= L(kg)
= 1152kg
D (mm) = 1152 8
= 144
= 12 (mm)
Therefore an FSWR sling of at least 12mm is required to lift a 1152kg load for a straight lift.
Working load limit of chain
The WLL of chain is determined by the grade (G).
Do not use a chain to lift if it does not have a manufacturers tag that gives details of the WLL. Return it
to the manufacturer for WLL assessment and retagging.
To calculate the WLL of 80 grade lifting chain in kilograms square the diameter (D) in millimetres (mm)
and multiply by 32.
= D (mm) x 32
= D (mm) x D (mm) x 32
= 10 x 10 x 32
= 3200kg s
= L (kgs) 32
= 3200kg
D (mm) =
3200 32
= 100
= 10 (mm)
Therefore a Grade 80 chain, 10mm in diameter is required to lift a load 3200kg for a straight lift.
Warning: The above formulas must not be used for any other load lifting chain which is less than
Grade 80 (t).
To calculate the WLL of grade 30 or 40 lifting chain in kilograms, square the diameter (D) in
millimetres (mm) and multiply the grade (G) by 0.3.
= D (mm) x G x 0.3
= D (mm) x D (mm) x G x 0.3
= 10 x 10 x 30 x 0.3
= 900kgs
WLL (t)
= 0.9 tonnes
= 0.625 tonnes
The above equation can be reversed to calculate the diameter (D) in millimetres of fibre rope needed to lift
a given load. To do this find the square root of the load in kilograms.
Formula: D (mm)
= Load (kgs)
= 200kgs
D (mm) = 200
= 14.14 (mm)
Therefore a 15mm diameter fibre rope sling is required to lift a 200kg load for a straight lift.
The lifting capacity decreases as the angle between the legs of the sling attachment increases. Different
methods of slinging will also alter the lifting capacity.
For example, a reeved sling around a square load will halve the lifting capacity of a sling. This gives a
load factor of 0.5.
Riggers must know the load factors for each method of slinging shown below.
A simple rule of thumb for a good safe working angle is to make sure that the horizontal distance between
the points of attachment of the load does not exceed the length of the slings.
This will ensure that the angle between the two legs of the sling does not exceed 60. At 60 the slings
will lift only 1.73 the WLL of one sling.
The recommended maximum angle between the two legs of a sling is 90. The recommended maximum
angle between the vertical and any leg of a sling is 45. At 90 the slings will lift 1.41 times the WLL of
one sling.
When slinging a rigid object with a multi-legged sling it must be assumed that only two of the sling legs
are taking the load. Additional legs do not increase the SWL of the sling assembly. Therefore each leg has
to be capable of taking half of the weight of the load.
The SWL of a multi-legged sling assembly is assessed on the diagonally opposite legs, which have the
largest included angle.
The SWL of slings decreases as the angle between the slings increases or if the slings are nipped or
reeved. All factors must be considered when determining which sling is the correct one to lift a given load.
Remember that the rule of thumb method of working out the SWL of slings is not completely accurate. For
an accurate SWL refer to the manufacturers load charts.
Common sling arrangements
Sample calculations
In the examples below all the load and reeve factors are for FSWR. The arithmetic is set out so that
calculations can be easily worked out on a calculator.
To calculate the maximum weight of load that can be lifted multiply the WLL of the sling (s) by the
angle factor by the reeve factor.
Formula: Max load = WLL (of sling) x angle factor x reeve factor.
For example: The WLL of each leg of a two legged sling is 8 tonnes, the angle between the two
is sling legs
gle and
60 and they are reeved around a square load. This means a load factor of 1.73 for the an
another factor of 0.5 for the reeve.
Sling WLL
8 tonne
Angle factor
Reeve factor
Max load
= 8 x 1.73 x 0.5
= 6.92 tonnes
6.9 tonnes is the maximum weight that can be lifted
To calculate the WLL of multi-legged slings needed to lift a load divide the weight of the load by the
load factor.
Formula for a calculator: WLL = weight load factor
Formula can be written: WLL =
load factor
For example: The weight of the load to be lifted is 20 tonnes and the angle between the legs of a two
legged sling is 60. This means that the load factor is 1.73 for the angle.
20 tonnes
Load factor
= 20 1.73
= 11.56 tonnes
Therefore, use a sling with a lifting capacity greater than 11.56 tonnes.
To calculate the WLL of a sling needed to lift a load divide the load by the angle factor and divide by
the reeve factor.
Formula for a calculator:
WLL = weight angle factor reeve factor
Formula can be written:
angle factor x reeve factor
For example: Two slings have a 60 angle between them and are both reeved around a 4 tonne squ are
load. This means a load factor of 1.73 for the angle and 0.5 for the reeve.
4 tonnes
Angle factor
Reeve factor
= 4 1.73 0.5
= 4.62 tonnes
Therefore, use a pair of slings each with a lifting capacity greater than 4.62 tonnes.
To calculate the WLL of the sling needed to lift a load divide the load by the angle factor and divide
by the reeve factor.
Formula for a calculator:
WLL = weight angle factor reeve factor
Formula can be written:
angle factor x reeve factor
For example: Two slings have a 60 angle between them and are reeved around a 20 tonne round loa d.
This means a load factor of 1.73 for the angle and 0.75 for the reeve.
20 tonnes
Angle factor
Reeve factor
= 20 1.73 0.75
= 1541 tonnes
Therefore, use a sling with a lifting capacity greater than 15.41 tonnes.
To calculate the diameter (D) in millimetres (mm) of FSWR needed to lift a load (L) of 5 tonnes as a
straight lift, convert tonnes into kilograms, divide by 8 and then find the square root of the answer.
D (mm) =
5000 8
= 625
= 25
Therefore, a 25mm diameter FSWR is needed for the lift.
Timber for example, can be 50 per cent heavier when wet. In foundries when large castings are raised
from a mould there can be suction created by the sand adding substantially to the weight. Pipes are often
weighed down by sludge.
Fuel and water tanks may not always be empty. Check for this. When lifting a load for the first time watch
the lifting equipment carefully for signs of strain in case the stated weight is incorrect. The operator can
confirm the weight of a load using a crane load indicator, if one is fitted.
See Areas and Volumes page 215, for the formulas for calculating the volume of varying shaped objects
and the Tables of Masses on page 219.
Direct lifting
Direct the crane operator to position the head of the boom, jib or the bridge directly over the load. The
load hook must be positioned directly above a load before slinging and lifting.
Always lift vertically. If the boom, jib or bridge is not directly over the load, the load will begin to swing
dangerously as soon as it is raised.
Dragging a load can put undue strain on the lifting gear and crane boom especially if the load is dragged
from the side.
General slinging
Make sure that there is suitable packing or lagging at all sharp edges of steel beams, and other
hard materials.
Use packing to prevent the sling from coming into contact with sharp edges. This will lengthen the life of
the sling and prevent damage to the slings.
Make sure that packing or lagging is secure so that it will not fall out when the slings go slack. Before
lifting a load make sure that it is not caught or trapped in some way.
Do not bash the eye of a sling down at the nip point. This practice will decrease the SWL and damage
the sling.
Structural steel
Loads of structural steel (universal beams, RSJs) on trucks must have restraining spikes fi tted in the truck
to prevent them from falling out. Removing the chains or straps if there are no restraining spikes in place
is very dangerous. Structural steel can be very dangerous. When a load arrives on site wal k around the
truck and check that the steel has not shifted into a dangerous position for lifting after the load binder
chains were secured.
Many serious accidents have occurred as load binding chains were removed from steel beams. Deep
beams that are narrower in width than height are unstable and can inflict especially severe injuries.
Always lift bundles of steel reinforcing, beams, pipes and purlins level. Do not lift it vertically or at a
slope. It is not possible to make the inside section in a bundle tight enough to prevent them falling out if
the bundle is at an angle. Steel reinforcing can kill if it falls.
As the load is lifted keep hands well away. Steel beams tend to snap together or roll up as the sling bites
into the nip.
Loose items
Loads of loose items such as scaffold clips must be raised in properly constructed boxes branded
with the SWL.
Do not lift loads of this kind in 200 litre drums unless they are in a properly constructed lifting frame with
a solid metal base, because:
it may not be possible to know the condition of the base of the drum (they have usually been
discarded because they are unfit to hold liquid)
the holes cut into the sides for the sling or hooks can pull hrough under the weight
Rubbish bins
Rubbish bins should have proper lifting lugs and be branded
overloaded must not be lifted. Where rubbish can be blown out or spill from a bin, secure the load before
lifting (especially in windy conditions).
Sling rubbish bins with a four legged sling. To tip the bin, release the two front slings and raise the bin
with the two back slings.
Do not stand behind a bin when tipping rubbish out. It will wh ip back suddenly as soon as it is clear of
the ground.
Use a spreader beam if the angle between the two legs is likely to be more than 60
Steel plate can be lifted vertically or horizontally.
Lifting vertically:
always make sure that the tension remains in the slings until
the plate is in place.
Lifting horizontally:
it is recommended that a minimum of four plate clamps and a spreader beam areused for lifting steel
plate horizontally. For horizontal lifts use appropriate plate clamps. Use a spreader beam for long thin
plates to prevent dangerous flapping, sagging and vibration.
A wide variety of loads are delivered on pallets. Before a palleted load is lifted from a truck check that:
The WLL of a standard hardwood pallet is 2000kg. The WLL can be dramatically reduced if there are any
missing boards or any other defects. Note: Some pallets are designed for packaging not lifting.
Do not lift a pallet that has defects. To lift a load on a damaged pallet raise the load just enough to slide
an undamaged pallet underneath. Then lower the load and sling properly before lifting and moving the
load to the desired place.
If no spare undamaged pallets are available send the load back to the supplier to be re-palleted.
Always raise palleted bricks inside a brick cage to prevent loose bricks falling.
Loading formwork
When placing concrete out of a kibble onto formwork spread the flow out. Dumping the whole load in
one spot can overload the formwork especially if it is also taking the weight of workers and vibrating
equipment. Formwork is only designed to take concrete spread out evenly over the whole area.
Make sure that the concrete is poured gradually. The sudden release from a kibble attached to a mobile or
tower crane can cause a whip back and the kibble will bounce dangerously.
for powerlines
blind corners
traffic flow
underground services.
Always check grassy surfaces for potholes hidden by long grass. Walk over the whole area before guiding
a crane across.
Make sure spring lockouts (where fitted) are set before mobiling a load.
Do not direct the operator to slew unless the surface is firm and level. Booms are not made to withstand
sideways forces.
Slewing can be very dangerous if the crane is attached in any way to another crane or tackle. (The whole
operation must be under the control of one person.)
The load should be connected to the crane by a tail rope to prevent sway that could cause the crane to
overturn. Do not mobile heavy loads with crawler cranes unless the ground is firm and level.
Take extreme caution walking a load into position with the load high and close to the boom. The load can
swing back and hit the boom causing it to collapse as the crane moves forward.
When a crane is used as a winch make sure that the crane is secured in position and immobile.
All mobile cranes with wire rope luffing gear must have a luffing overwinding limit device.
The load must be secured in a fore and aft position unless the load is too long. Long loads must be
secured in a diagonal position with the boom fore and aft.
Warning lights (where fitted) must be turned on when the crane is moving.
Travel slowly to prevent excessive swing.
Always carry the load as close to the ground as possible.
Do not direct the load higher until it is almost in position.
Avoid travelling the crane over potholes, depressions, soft ground or across a slope, road cambers or
shoulders, rail tracks, or any objects or dunnage wood, which could destabilise the crane or load.
Take the
at near
maximum capacity.
Observe traffic rules, watch intersections, and avoid pedestrians. Instruct the operator to use the warning
horn or whistle when approaching pedestrians or workers.
Warn everyone in the area of your intention before moving the load. A person can be easily knocked from
a structure or crushed by a moving load.
General rules for mobiling up and down slopes:
take the slope and angle of the boom into account when moving up or down a slope
when mobiling on a slope with the boom facing uphill ensure that the boom angle does not become
too close to vertical. This is to prevent the boom toppling over backwards
crawler cranes are very dangerous on sloping ground. Direct the operator to boom down before
mobiling a crawler crane up a slope. Once the crane reaches the top the operator must boom up
to compensate
where necessary use another crane to steady heavy crawler cranes when they are travelling downhill.
Crane safety
Make sure that the WLL of the hook is at least equal to the maximum load that can be safely lifted by the
crane at the given radius and boom position.
Check the hook block for corrosion in the shank and for distortion, cracks and wear in the hook.
Make sure that the hoist rope is completely without twists and turns before lifting where the hook block is
supported with multiple falls of rope.
Keep well clear of the lower hoist block sheaves to prevent fingers or hands from jamming in the sheaves.
Make sure that all tyres are inflated to the correct air pressure.
When lifting heavy loads the boom will pull down as it takes the weight thus putting a forward swing into
the load when it is raised. To allow for this, take the strain then boom up or alternatively position the hook
slightly closer to the crane.
Make sure that when lifting broadside with a mobile crane on a slope, the downside wheels are raised by
solid packing so that the crane chassis is level.
Always stand clear of loads being lifted or handled.
Make sure that slewing cranes are clear of all obstacles, loads and people. Bystanders can become
jammed between cab, counterweight and chassis.
For cranes of less than 5 tonne capacity, the lower hoist block must be safeguarded to prevent injuries to
hands or fingers.
When lifting a load on a floating vessel carry out the operations quickly and cleanly. When placi ng a load
onto a floating vessel inch the load slowly into place to prevent the vessel surging.
Crane hoist falls must not be secured to floating vessels for towing or mooring purposes.
Electrical hazards
Always maintain a safe distance from electrical wires when travelling with the boom raised.
The head of a long boom will spring up when the load is released. Make sure there is a safe distance from
any electrical conductors or other obstructions before releasing the load. Do not set cranes up close to any
electrified equipment or apparatus unless there are safeguards to ensure the safety of persons using the crane.
All types of crane must not approach closer than:
Always use a 16mm dry natural fibre rope as a tag line. Some synthetic fibre rope can conduct electricity
in some circumstances.
; 3m
(a) Distribution lines on poles
Outriggers are hinged or sliding beams that are usu ally secured with locking pins or check valves. They
must be secured when they are retracted.
Outriggers should be packed to keep the crane level and stable
when in use. General rules for packing under outrig gers:
make sure that the ground under the packing is firm and can
bear the load
the packing should be hardwood free from defe cts. Where ght
Oregon is used, beware of cracks
Consult the load radius (or boom angle) indicator and load chart to find the maximum load that
can be lifted:
The load chart on the crane must display the maximum load that can be lifted in all are as of operation.
These may typically include:
during mobiling.
To tighten packing under non-hydraulic outriggers, raise the boom high and slew the boom broadside,
then tighten the packing under the boom. Repeat for the other side.
Slewing must be carried out slowly. Slewing places great strain on the boom, clutch, pinion and races.
The strain is greater still if the load develops excessive swing.
It is important that the area of the base of the outrigger packing is large enough to safely take the load. To
make an estimate of the area needed use the formula below.
The formula for calculating the area of each outrigger base of lattice boom cranes in squ are metres:
Area of base = W x R
For a calculator:
Area of base = W R B N
W = Load plus half the mass of the boom in tonnes
R = Distance from load to back wheel support in metres
B = End of outrigger to back wheel in metres
N = Number of outriggers on the loaded side
V = Bearing pressure of soil
Use the table below for estimating the load bearing pressure (V) of different soil types.
Pressure (V)
Tonnes per sq metre
For example:
A load of 10 tonnes on a 2 tonne boom is to be lifted 7 metres from the back wheel support. There are
two outriggers four metres from the support. The soil type is soft clay.
Area of base =
11 x 7
4 x 2 x 10
11 x 7 4 2 10
= 0.96 sq m
NB: Where the boom is used over one outrigger the area of the packing must be increased by 40 per cent.
Locomotive cranes
Always chock the wheels and apply the travelling brake when operating locomotive cranes on a slope,
however slight.
Make sure that the outriggers are fully extended and properly packed before lifting.
Use running lights and warning flags.
Fit a derailing stop at the front and back of the crane, or open any suitably located switch points to divert
run-away trucks.
Make sure that the crane is as level as possible. If necessary, the crane outriggers (where fitted) should
be packed.
Watch out for indications of possible derailment.
Do not use the crane boom to assist rerailment in the event of a derailment. Severe overloading may
result. Instead use mechanical or hydraulic jacks and packing, or another crane of suitable capacity.
Do not use rail clamps in place of outriggers to prevent the crane overturning, as they are only suitable for
preventing the crane from moving along the track. If the crane overturns the rails and sleepers may also
overturn if rail clamps are used.
Please note: For lengthening or shortening the boom on mobile cranes see Chapter 20 Rigging cranes
and hoists. For multiple crane lifting see Chapter 18 Multiple crane lifting.
Pigsties or cribbing
Pigstying is an effective method of supporting a load with criss-crossed timber packing. Each laye r is set
at 90 to the layer below.
The footing base must be large enough to support the load and the main load support bearers mu st be at
right angles to the load.
Sleepers which are all slightly different sizes are often used for pigstying. To ensure there is no movement
the second layer must be packed with wedges or thin packers (gluts).
Parbuckling is a method of using two parts of rope to unload drums or cylindrical objects from tru cks, or
to roll them up or down inclines.
NOTE: For heavy loads it is recommended that one or two completed turns be taken round the object
with the parbuckling rope. For exceptionally heavy loads two separate parbuckling ropes and purchases
should be used, one at each end of the object.
Attach one end of each part to an immoveable object. Take a round turn around the cylinder and secure
the free end to another suitable anchorage for slackening away as the load is allowed to move away. To
maintain control over heavy objects use a purchase or tackle.
When using only one parbuckle rope make sure that the load can be lowered evenly. If two parbuckle
ropes are used both must be slackened evenly.
Use parbuckle rope in the centre to start the load moving and also to act as a restrainer when the
load is rolling.
Please note:
the rope must be strong enough and long enough to do the job
all persons must be kept away from both front and rear of the load.
Rolling objects
Rollers can be used where the loads are bulky or heavy, and there is no room to lift the load into position
by crane. The surfaces underneath should be level and hard. Sole planks may be used to provide a level
surface if the ground is uneven.
Types of rollers:
Timber bearers should be placed on the rollers and the load landed on bearers giving the rollers two
even surfaces. The bearers must be of sufficient thickness to clear any projections from under the load.
Alternatively, a special cradle may be used.
Use at least three rollers to ensure that the load does not become unbalanced and topple off. Place rollers
at an angle to change direction of movement.
Hands and feet must be kept clear from the rollers while the load is moving.
Skidding is where the load slides into place on skids set up on rails. To skid a heavy load set up well
greased rails strong enough to support the load on sleepers.
Loosely bolted fish plates must be used to join the rails together. Each rail must be packed above the next
rail in the direction of movement.
The sliding shoes should be constructed of steel channel sections slightly turned up on the ends of the
web and slightly turned outwards on the ends of the flange.
Timber bearers should be placed across the rails on the shoes at various positions to suit the balance of
the load. The bearers must be strong enough to support the load in the centre.
When the load is in motion care must be taken to ensure that the shoes and bearers travel evenly.
Skids should be packed level to prevent the load from working or toppling sideways.
Where necessary, a restraining purchase should be fitted to the rear to obtain better control of the load.
Steel wedges
When driving steel wedges take care that follow up packing is inserted, as the wedges can fly out.
When driving wedges keep well clear of the rear of the wedge as they fly out with extreme force. Secure
the wedge with a lanyard, especially when working at a height.
When driving more than one wedge try to synchronise the blows on each. If steel wedges are fixed,
extreme care must be taken when withdrawing them, as they fly out with great force.
Be careful of the fingers when placing or removing wedges or packings. Hold packing by the end and keep
fingers well clear.
Grind off all burrs or mushroom heads on steel wedges as they fly off and cause serious injury.
Skates are a method of moving heavy loads with a set of small rollers fixed into a solid frame which are
set in bearings and run very freely. They are built to hold a specific safe working load which should not
be exceeded.
Prior to use:
sweep clean the area in the direction of travel so that there are no obstructions to jam the skates
ensure that the surface is strong enough to take the weight of the load displaced over the small area
of the skate, or skates, and that the skates will not damage the surface
ensure that the skates are placed under the load in a position so that there is even loading on every
skate and that the load is level. If this cannot be done bearers must be placed under the load to
ensure even loading
ensure that there are personnel to keep watch for the load shifting dangerously while it is moving
ensure that all skates run freely and that there is no damage to them.
Do not move a load on skates quickly. Use a restraining purchase at the rear to ensure that the load does
not get away.
Skates can be reversed so that the skates remain stationary and the load runs over them. During this
procedure make sure that the load does not run off the skates and topple over.
Part two
Basic rigging
Those engaged in (or directly supervising) steel erection must hold a Basic Rigging certificate or equivalent
old certificate.
Where steel erection involves multiple crane lifting operations or the use of load equalising gear, the
Intermediate Rigging certificate (or equivalent old certificate) is required. The erection of permanently
guyed structures (such as some communications towers) requires the Advanced Rigging certificate (or
equivalent old certificate).
Trainee riggers who can produce a properly maintained logbook which details at least 25 working days
of practical rigging experience in the erection of steel structures greater than 4m in height, are entitled
to a major reduction in the amount of practical skills assessment needed to qualify for the Basic
Rigging certificate.
Riggers must be familiar with the common erection methods and be able to recognise the typical hazards
associated with this type of work. They must be able to read and understand construction drawings and
specifications. They must also have the skills necessary to use the tools and equipment needed to erect
steel and they must be able to work safely and confidently at heights.
Steel erection
Structural steel is basically a skeleton, designed to support a building. The first section must be fully
plumbed and wind braced to ensure stability for the rest of framework.
As erection progresses, the wind bracing must be fitted. In some A-Frame or Saw tooth type buildings,
which are long and narrow, the building may have to be guyed for support until each wind brace bay
is erected.
Columns should be guyed to prevent the holding down bolts from pulling out causing the column to
collapse. The concrete in the plinth that the column stands on is usually green.
Guys that are left on overnight must be FSWR guys. Fibre ropes shrink when they are wet and stretch
when they are dry, and are therefore dangerous to use as guys.
The foreman or a competent person should ensure that every column base is level using a theodolite or a
dumpy level before starting to erect the columns. Bush jobs could use a spirit level.
There should be a packer (elevation pad) underneath every column. If the column bases are not level the
steel will not be plumb. It can be very difficult to wedge up steel especially if the steel is heavy.
Steel packers approximately the same height as the elevation pad should be placed adjacent to each
holding down bolt. Use steel wedges if necessary for plumbing purposes.
The mass (weight) of any steel must be known for lifting into
place. When ordering cranes to raise columns, a second crane
Steel packing
and wedge
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Heavy columns which are erected and spliced in the air must have scaffold brackets or bearers fitted
before erecting the column.
Tapered drifts should be held by hand when being driven in to stop them being driven right through.
Hammers should have a restraining lanyard to stop them from being dropped from aloft.
Spliced columns have to be aligned directly above one another when being positioned.
When landing a beam experienced riggers will push a drifting beam across and drop their podgers in.
To lift a beam at the centre by two cranes with a mass greater than the capacity of either crane, use a
properly rigged, equalising bridle or equalising beam.
The WLL must be stamped on all lifting gear including equalising beams, shackles, rings and hooks.
Before lifting bowstrings, turnbuckles and rigging screws should be fitted to long beams which may flex
excessively. The screws must be fitted with a locking device or preventer lashings.
Small truss
Large truss
Roof trusses or lattice girders must not be left standing unsupported in an upright position. They should
be secured by lashing or tomming to a building column or another suitable anchorage.
Lifting puts a force on a roof truss that is the opposite to those the truss was designed to take. The
bottom chord is only designed to take tension.
When lifting by the top chord, the bottom chord is in compression and can buckle and bend. To stop this
strengthen the bottom chord with a strongback or bow strings. Bending in saw tooth trusses which are
used mostly for short spans is not as great.
Trusses should always be lifted at the panel points. Make sure that the slings are protected by packing to
stop them being cut by the sharp edges of the gusset plates.
Principal high pitched gable trusses should be slung directly at the apex.
Flat pitched gable roof trusses are particularly dangerous to lift. They should be bridled and slung with
a central vertical sling. The mass should be evenly distributed to the slings and the crane must have a
greater drift.
To maintain control, attach the holding down bolts and fit tag lines to the ends before lifting the truss into
its final position.
Fit temporary guys to the apex of the first truss. Four guys should be fitted if the truss exceeds 10m in
length. Do not remove the guys until the wind bracing is fitted.
Finish the first bay completely before continuing erection of the rest of the building.
When pulling up the purlins and braces by hand, pull up the purlins first so that the braces can then be
fitted underneath. Braces which are fitted first get in the way when trying to pull up the purlins.
Fit the bottom girts first to allow standing room. The girts can be lifted using a gantline or tackle slung off
the eaves girder.
Wedge open the angles with wooden wedges to help the top hands enter the braces onto the gusset plates
when using double angle knee bracing. The wooden wedges should be lashed to the bracing so that they
cannot fall if they drop out.
Do not use both hands to force or podger any steel into place when working aloft.
Structural bolts are generally categorised by their nominal diameter, overall length and thread length. The
nominal bolt diameter in millimetres is designated with the letter M followed by a number. For instance,
an M 16 bolt has a nominal diameter of 16mm.
High strength structural bolts have their heads marked 8.8 (for the steel property class). They also carry
three radial lines and the manufacturers identification or trademark.
Bolt marking
Nut marking
Washer marking
High strength structural nuts can be identified by the three arcs indented or embossed on the non-bearing
faces. With some brands of double chamfered nuts, the markings may appear on both faces.
Washers can be either flat round or square taper. Flat round washers designed to be used with high
strength structural bolts and nuts are manufactured with three protruding nibs around their perimeters.
Square taper washers are used less frequently in modern structural design, but are still generally available.
They are usually manufactured with taper angles of either 5 (for use with taper flange channels) or 8
(for use with taper flange beams or RSJs).
Further information
Further information on the specifications and allowable tolerances for structural bolts, nuts and washers is
given in AS 1252-High strength steel bolts with associated nuts and washers for structural engineering.
Working aloft
In the past, steel erectors were often expected to work at heights with nothing to protect them from falling
except a sense of balance and a lot of luck. Shinning up and sliding down steel columns, walking the top
flange of narrow beams, running purlins up roof trusses and riding crane lifted loads were often regarded
as standard work practices.
Not surprisingly, this lead to high fatality and injury rates among steel erectors.
Since the introduction of modern occupational health and safety laws by the Australian States and
Territories, the old methods of working at heights are no longer acceptable.
Minimising the risks
Careful planning can and should reduce the amount of work needed to be carried out at heights. Where
space permits and cranes of sufficient capacity are available, entire sections of the structure can be
prefabricated on the ground. Using remote release shackles wherever possible can also reduce the
need to work at heights.
On large scale industrial projects and bridges, it is often possible to fix scaffolds to structural members or
sections of the structure before they are lifted into position. Despite these and other measures, many of
the riggers tasks need to be carried out at heights.
Wherever working aloft is necessary, the work method and means of access should minimise the risk of
falling, and the risks to other people in the vicinity.
The area below the work should be barricaded or cordoned off to prevent unauthorised access by other
workers or the general public. Where this is not possible, overhead protection decks such as temporary
gantries, covered ways, cantilevered catch platforms, perimeter safety screens or debris nets may be
All hand tools (such as podgers, ring-spanners, drifts and hammers) should be securely stowed on a
purpose designed riggers belt constructed from sturdy leather, canvas webbing or synthetic webbing.
Where safety harnesses are used, these generally incorporate loops for the stowing of tools. Bolts, nuts
and washers should be kept in a pouch attached to the belt. One handed flogging hammers should be
fitted with wrist straps.
There are many ways of providing steel erectors with a safe working platform and safe means of access
which can prevent dangerous falls.
These include the use of:
elevating work platforms (EWPs) such as scissor hoists, travel towers and boom lifts
portable ladders
Safety line systems require a high degree of planning, training and supervision and rely heavily on the
steel erector always doing the right thing and not taking short cuts. For these reasons, they should only
be used where none of the other methods are practicable.
Note: With the introduction of the nationally uniform certificates, some States and Territories have allowed
a phase-in period for this certificate class. If in doubt, check with the local certifying authority.
Observe the following rules when using an EWP:
make sure the supporting surface has enough load-bearing capacity for the EWP
do not use the EWP on ramps or inclines which are steeper than the suppliers recommendations
where fitted, outriggers should be fully extended with pads bearing evenly and the EWP levelled
before being elevated
for self propelled EWPs, make sure the area of operation is free from obstructions and traps such as
holes, penetrations, drains or upstands. Where these cannot be removed make sure they are securely
barricaded or guarded
whenever you are elevated, make sure another person who is competent to operate any override
controls is always in the immediate area so you can be quickly retrieved in an emergency. Never work
in total isolation from another person
do not try to gain extra height by climbing up the guar drailing, placing planks on the guardrailing or
placing ladders, trestles or boxes on the platform
do not use the EWP as an anchorage for lifting gear un less it has specifically designed attachments
for this
or object could fall more than 4m must be carried out or di
supervised by a person holding the appropriate scaffolding c
However, fabricated hung scaffolds and suspended scaffolds
may also
be erected by persons holding the Advanced Rigging certific
ate (or
equivalent old certificate).
There is a wide variety of scaffold types ranging from simple
scaffolds to highly complex tube and coupler arrangements.
They are
all capable of providing a stable and safe temporary working
provided the right type of scaffold is selected for the particu
lar work.
Steel erectors can often make use of scaffolds which have been set up for other work tasks such as wall
cladding, bricklaying, concreting, roof work or services installation.
Scaffolds can also be provided specifically for the setting of steel and associated consolidation tasks such
as welding, insulation and sheeting. These may include bracket scaffolds attached to large structural
members, perimeter safety screens, formwork shutters or large storage tanks, trestle scaffolds for low level
work, cantilevered or spurred scaffolds projecting from the face of the structure, purpose designed hung
scaffolds, and suspended scaffolds such as swing stages, work cages and boatswains chairs. One of the
most common forms of scaffolding used during the erection of low rise portal frame buildings and modern
structural design multi-storey construction is mobile prefabricated tower frame scaffolds.
Observe the following rules when using scaffolds:
make sure the scaffold has been completed and is ready for use. Carefully read all tags or notices
attached to the scaffold. Make sure it has been provided with properly secured means of access such
as single ladders or temporary stairways
on a mobile scaffold, make sure the lower access ladder is clear of the supporting surface
make sure the operational area for a mobile scaffold is a hard, flat surface free of penetrations or
obstructions which could destabilise the scaffold during relocation
do not place a mobile scaffold closer than 1m to a slab edge, penetration or step down unless a fixed
barrier is in place to prevent it crossing that point
if the supporting surface for a mobile scaffold is sloped, make sure the scaffold is fitted with
adjustable castors with brakes and use the adjustment to level the scaffold before use. Where the
surface gradient exceeds 50, separate adjustable baseplates or similar must be used to take the load
off the castors while the scaffold is in use
make sure all approaches, access points and platforms have effective lighting without glare or deep
do not interfere with a scaffold by removing ties, braces, guardrailing, platform planks, toeboards or
other members. Any alterations needed to the scaffold must be carried out or directly supervised by a
person with the appropriate certificate of competency
apply the wheel brakes to the castors of a mobile scaffold before use. Do not release the brakes while
anyone is on the scaffold
do not climb up the framework of the scaffold. Use the access provided
make sure the access ladder of a tower frame scaffold is always on the inside of the scaffold with the
access opening in the working platform protected by a hinged trapdoor, sliding hatch or similar
make sure that, wherever a person or object could fall more than 2m, rigid guardrails, midrails and
toeboards are securely fixed to the edges of all platforms and ladder landings
do not attach shade cloth or other sheeting to a scaffold unless you know it has been designed for the
extra deadloading and windloads
do not use the scaffold as an anchorage for lifting gear unless it has been designed for the
additional loading
do not overload the working platforms. If you are unsure of the scaffolds duty classification, assume it
is light duty. The maximum allowable light duty loading is 225kg per platform per bay. This includes
the weight of persons and materials
any materials and equipment deposited on working platforms should be positioned to maintain clear
unobstructed access along the full length of the platform at all times
maintain platforms in a tidy condition by frequently removing surplus material and debris
where platform decking units are constructed from aluminium gridmesh and the material or tools you
are using could fall through the gaps in the gridmesh, cover the platform surface with non-slip sheets
of plywood
do not try to gain extra height by climbing on the guardrailing, placing planks across the guardrails or
placing a step ladder or trestle on the working platform
do not move a mobile scaffold while anyone is on it unless the scaffold has been specifically designed
to allow for this
when relocating a scaffold by crane, make sure it is slung from the base and that the slings are long
enough to enclose the scaffold. Additional scaffold tubes may need to be fixed to provide suitable
lifting points. For large scaffolds, a purposedesigned lifting frame may be required to prevent the
scaffold from distorting during lifting. Make sure all members are secure against dislodgment and all
loose materials have been removed from the platforms.
Further advice on the selection, use and inspection of scaffolds is given in AS 4576 Guidelines for
Scaffolding. Guidance on the erection of fabricated hung scaffolds and suspended scaffolds is given in
Chapters 21 and 22 of this Guide.
Portable ladders
Portable ladders should be designed and constructed to meet the minimum requirements set out in
AS 1892 Portable ladders.
Portable ladders are available in two grades Industrial and Domestic. Never use a domestic grade ladder
for industrial use because it is not required to be as robust and strong as an Industrial Grade ladder.
Ladders can be constructed from steel, aluminium, timber or reinforced fibreglass and are generally
classified as being one (or a combination) of the following types:
Extension ladders, in two or more stages and available in maximum working lengths of up to 15m.
Trestle ladders, used to support scaffold planks and available in lengths of up to 5m.
Trestle ladders are not generally suitable for steel erection but the other types of portable ladders can often
be used for unslinging beams and for bolting up structural members.
Ladders can be checked for serviceability by:
taking each end of the ladder in turn and trying to push the stiles apart and then together. Movement
indicates insecure rungs or loose tie rods
laying the ladder flat, raising one end and attempting to push one stile while pulling the other. If the
stiles move relative to each other, the rungs are loose
tapping timber rungs with a mallet. A dull sound indicates a defective rung.
Damaged or unsound ladders should not be used until they have been repaired and passed re-inspection.
Do not use a ladder with any of the following faults:
metal stiles twisted, bent, kinked, crushed or with cracked welds or damaged feet
rungs, steps, treads or top plates which are missing, worn, damaged or loose
timber members which, apart from narrow identification bands, are covered with opaque paint or
other treatment that could disguise faults in the timber.
place single and extension ladders at a slope of four to one, and set up step ladders in the fully
opened position
do not handle or use ladders where it is possible for you or the ladder to make contact with power
lines. In particular, metal or metal-reinforced ladders must not be used in the vicinity of live electrical
single and extension ladders should be footed by another person or secured top and bottom
do not use a step ladder near the edge of an open floor or penetration. If the ladder topples, you
could fall over the edge
always have two hands free to ascend and descend the ladder. Any materials or tools which cannot
be safely stowed on your belt should be independently transferred or hoisted to the work location
your feet should never be higher than 900mm from the top of a single or extension ladder, or the
third tread from the top plate of a step ladder
do not have more than one person on the ladder at any time
make sure there is no danger of crane lifted loads trapping or striking you
do not overreach. Your belt buckle should be within the ladders stiles throughout the work
do not use a ladder for work involving restricted vision or hot work (such as welding or oxy-cutting)
the use of power tools on a ladder should be limited to tools which are easily operated one handed
when working from a single or extension ladder, make sure you can brace yourself at all times.
Further advice on the selection and use of ladders is given in AS 1892.4 Selection, safe use and care of
portable ladders.
Crane lifted work boxes
Crane lifted work boxes are often suitable for very high work or isolated parts of the project where it is
difficult or impractical to provide scaffolds or EWPs.
The work box must be specifically designed for the purpose of lifting people. The work box design must be
registered with a State or Territory regulatory authority.
The work box must be stamped or be provided with a stamped metal data plate, securely and
permanently attached to it in a prominent position, and providing the following information:
identification reference.
The work box must also be marked permanently and legibly with letters and numerals not less than
25mm high in a colour contrasting with the background, with its safe working load in kilograms.
The work box must be painted in high visibility colours. The lifting slings must be permanently attached to
its lifting lugs with moused shackles, or similar. An access door, if fitted, must only open inwards and be
provided with a means to secure it shut.
The number of people supported in the work box must not exceed the number specified on the side of the
box and, in any event, should not be more than three.
At least one person in the work box must hold a dogging or rigging certificate (or equivalent old
Any crane used to lift people in a work box must be:
equipped with controls that return to neutral and stop the crane when released
fitted with a downlimit switch where the work box is to be lowered below the cranes
supporting surface.
The following rules must be observed when using crane lifted work boxes:
use the work box solely for lifting persons and their equipment. Structural members are to be
independently lifted into position
the crane operator must remain at the controls throughout the operation
when the work box is at the maximum intended radius, the cranes SWL must be at least twice the
total load of the work box, or 1.5t, whichever is the greater
there must be an effective means of instant communication between the dogman or rigger in the work
box and the crane operator
where a mobile crane is used, it must not travel while anyone is in the work box
every person in the work box must wear a safety harness which is attached to the crane hook or hoist
rope termination or to purpose designed anchorages within the work box
where it is necessary to carry oxyacetylene cylinders or any flammable liquids, these should be in the
minimum necessary quantities, correctly secured and housed in a compartment separate to the work
box. Make sure a suitable fire extinguisher is carried.
Climbing in and out of work boxes at heights can be a dangerous practice. However, where there is no
alternative the work box must be securely attached to the structure before anyone enters or exits.
Safety nets
Industrial safety nets are suitable for some types of structures such as bridges and very high portal
frames. They can provide an effective means of fall protection while allowing the steel erectors freedom
of movement on the structural framework. Guidance on the installation and maintenance of safety nets is
given in Chapter 14.
Safety line systems
Safety line systems involve the use of safety harnesses and can include various methods of anchorage
including static lines, life lines and fixed anchorage points for inertia reels or lanyards.
The use of these systems as a primary means of fall protection is not generally recommended and should
only be considered where none of the other methods mentioned previously are practical. Guidance on the
installation and use of safety line systems is given in Chapter 15.
The installation and dismantling of CCLPs must be carried out (or directly supervised) by a person
holding either the Basic Rigging certificate or the lntermediate Scaffolding certificate (or equivalent
old certificates).
Whenever a CCLP is located or removed by a crane, the slinging and load direction must be controlled by
a person with a Dogging or Rigging certificate (or equivalent old certificate).
The propping of CCLPs with adjustable building props and scaffold tubes and couplers or other types of
scaffolding equipment must be controlled by a person with an lntermediate Scaffolding certificate.
The platform
The platform needles should be positively secured against lateral displacement.
A minimum of two signs stating both the maximum uniformly distributed load and the maximum
concentrated load that the platform can carry must be in clear view on the platform.
The platform decking should be flush with and abutting the floor slab, otherwise suitable ramps
should be fitted.
There should not be any gap between the platform and the site handrails.
Platforms located on the side of a building facing a public roadway should not extend beyond the line of
the overhead protection provided for the public.
Before the platform can be used:
all props must be plumb and have the rear ties in position
Gates must be closed at all times except for long loads. All platforms must be kept clean and clear of
loose materials.
Platforms should only be used in the manner for which they were designed. Any alterations or different
use of the platforms should be to an engineered design.
Rolling platforms
Rolling CCLPs are platforms which can be rolled inside the building and back out again for ease of loading
and unloading.
The two braces at the front of the platform, and the two locking pins on the left and right side must be in
position and secured at all times for lifting, transporting and use as a loading platform.
The tie bar at the rear of the platform is to be used at all times when lifting or transporting the platform.
The spreader bar under the platform is to be secured and in position at all times.
Move the platform deck forward until it connects with the end of the beam. Secure the left and right
side locking pins. Close the gates and place the left and right brace in position. To move the platform
backwards, reverse the procedure.
Further information
For further information on the installation of CCLPs, refer to the suppliers design specifications and
recommendations for the particular type and model.
The general guidance for the erection of cantilever scaffolds given in AS 4576 Guidelines for Scaffolding,
can also be applied to CCLPs.
The installation, dismantling and maintenance of cantilevered platform materials hoists and mast climbers
must be carried out or directly supervised by a person holding either a Basic Rigging certificate or an
Intermediate Scaffolding certificate.
The Basic Scaffolding certificate can only be used where the WLL of the hoist does not exceed 500kg .
A Basic Rigging or Advanced Scaffolding certificate is needed where the WLL is over 500kg.
3 m max.
overhang ifno
end support
1.8 m height of
meshed gates.
Effective ties
to support
mast at not
more than
6 m spacings
Hinged quadrail In
lieu of gates
where platform
serves only below
the 4th floor
Notice on hoist
platform advising:
(a) Load capacity etc
(b) No riding
If the hoist goes past any window or opening in the building, the pening must be blocked off to prevent
people leaning out and being struck by the platform. Two barrier hains or gates must be in place on
c either end of the platform.
The tower must be guyed or tied every 6m and have no more than 3m free standing above the top tie,
irrespective of the working height of the platform. The guys must e xtend diagonally from the four corners
of the tower and the platform must not foul any guy rope. Guy ro pes must be at least 9mm in diameter
for hoists to 500kg capacity and at least 12mm for more than 5 00kg (and 6 x 19 construction).
Ties must be at least the same strength as the guys and rigid eno ugh to stop the tower flexing. Fibre rope
guys must not be used because they shrink when wet and stretch when dry.
If the electrical power lead from the main box is loose it must be
tied up clear of the ground. There have been many serious and fa tal
accidents because of leads lying in wet ground becoming entangl ed in,
or severed by, equipment. All electrical equipment must be protected
against water.
The wire hoisting system
All materials only hoists (cantilevered platform and tower) use a
make sure that the hoist ties are in place and the tower has secure foundations. Check that the tower
is vertical
the lead from the power source must be secured well clear of the ground and in good order
the WWL and NO PERSONS RIDING signs must be in place and readable
the attachment points for the barrier must not be bent or damaged.
Mast climbers
Design and construction
Mast climbing work platforms should be designed and constructed to comply with AS 1418-10
Elevating work platforms. The design must be registered with the local regulatory authority.
Mast climbing work platforms are available for use as either freestanding single or multiple tower units
tied to the supporting structure as they are erected.
The suppliers information for a particular mast climber should:
confirm that the design has been registered with the local regulatory authority
include sufficient instructions to enable the rigger or scaffolder to erect, alter and dismantle the unit
safely within its design limitations
The manufacturers manual should be carefully studied before erection starts.
Loose fitting clothes or ties should not be worn as they could be entangled in the moving parts.
Platforms must not be erected or dismantled in high winds.
Base units are fitted with lifting lugs which must be used according to manufacturers recommendations
for the various lifting methods used for cranes, fork lift trucks etc.
The base can be either placed with mast outwards for free standing or with the mast inwards where the
mast is tied to the building.
The outriggers must be extended and locked as per manufacturers recommendations for the actual setup
of the machine. Packing must be placed under the screw jack feet to distribute the load required for local
ground conditions.
The manufacturers recommendations should be checked for the free standing height and jack loadings of
various models.
A free standing mast should not be used in high winds. The mast must be anchored at the top to ensure
stability because high winds can occur suddenly. The building must be checked to ensure that it can
withstand the forces of reaction that may occur in high winds.
If the building is not strong enough to support the mast at the top tie position, the anchor (tie) should be
lowered to a point where there is enough strength to provide adequate support. The top anchor is usually
designed so that it can be removed and turned over the top of the mast if the platform is to be driven to
the top.
The platform should be lowered to the lowest position when it is not in use.
Anchoring of masts
Masts which exceed the maximum freestanding height must be tied to the building. When ties are used
the base must be placed so that the mast is toward the building.
Tie spacing must be according to the manufacturers specifications or engineers design.
The building must be capable of taking the forces imposed by the mast climber at the anchoring points.
The base does not have to be set up on a mobile frame, it may be set up anywhere to suit a
particular need.
If the machine is to be set up on needles on the outside of a building, the set up must be done according
to an engineered design.
The installation or dismantling of industrial safety nets must be carried out or directly supervised by a
person with either a Basic Rigging or a Basic Scaffolding certificate or old equivalent.
Although safety nets can be attached to, or supported from scaffolds, they are often secured directly to the
structural framework of buildings, bridges, towers and similar structures.
The advantages associated with safety nets include their ability to provide a comparatively inexpensive
means of protecting people from injury due to falling or falling debris without adding considerable loads to
the supporting structure.
Their advantage over individual fall arrest systems such as safety harnesses is that they allow unrestricted
movement for workers.
The disadvantages are that safety nets can suffer from damage or misuse and are vulnerable to
cutting, chafing and damage from sparks. Nets should not be used where they are likely to be
exposed to chemicals.
Safety nets should comply with the design, manufacturing and test requirements of BS 3913, Industrial
Safety Nets.
They are manufactured from synthetic fibre knotted lines with a 100mm mesh size. These lines are
attached to perimeter cords. Safety nets are usually available in sizes of 4m x 3m or larger, and nets can
be joined to cover larger areas.
The label attached to each net will state a maximum fall distance for which the net has been designed.
This will be either 1m or 6m.
Prior to the installation of a safety net, the intended configuration, method of attachment and strength of
the supporting structure should be verified as adequate by a competent person such as an engineer
experienced in structural design. The verification should be in writing and retained on site until the net has
been dismantled.
In particular, where nets are to be cantilevered from scaffolds, the scaffold must be designed for the
additional loads and additional ties to the scaffolds supporting structure may be required.
The installation design should include detailed information regarding the exact positioning of the net, the
fixing and tensioning methods and the erection and dismantling procedure.
Where possible, fabrication of the net assembly should be carried out on the ground or on an adjacent
floor and lifted into place with a crane, hoist or purchase.
Nets should be installed as close as possible to the working levels and in no case further below than the
maximum fall distance stated on the nets label.
Typical arrangement of outrigged or perimeter nets
The gap between a net and the building or structure should be as small as practicable, but never greater
than 200mm.
Nets should not be stretched taut when erected. They should have an unloaded sag of between o ne
quarter and one fifth of the length of the shortest side.
Sufficient clearance should be maintained at all times below the net to allow for stretch when a person
falls into the net. This clearance should be at least two thirds of the length of the shortest side or 2m,
whichever is greater.
When erected, nets should project beyond the outermost working point a horizontal distance of at least
two fifths of the maximum fall height plus an extra 2m.
Nets should be sited so that a person who has fallen can be quickly rescued. For example, nets erected
adjacent to a working platform, floor or other access point are easily accessible. Where this is not
possible, it may be necessary to cut the net to quickly and safely retrieve a fallen person. Where there is
any possibility of debris falling into the net, the installation design should allow debris clearance which
does not require walking in the net.
Nets should be securely attached to the supporting framework using tie cords, hooks, rings or thimbles
equally spaced at intervals not more than 750mm along each side and at the corners. They should be
fixed to the border cords and adjacent mesh cords of the net.
Where cords are wrapped around sharp edges they should be packed to prevent damage.
sparks or flame from welding or oxy-cutting, hot gases from blow torches and hot ashes from
chimneys or furnaces
chemical attack
Expert advice from the supplier or a competent person should be sought where there is any doubt
regarding the suitability of the net following contamination or severe shock loading. Expert advice should
also be sought on the serviceability of any net which has been in use for two years or more.
Damaged nets should be repaired only by specialists.
When they are not in use, safety nets should be stored under cover where they are protected from the
weather and strong sunlight.
The installation of safety line systems may be carried out or directly supervised by a person with either a
Basic Rigging or a Basic Scaffolding certificate or old equivalent.
The safety line system may be purpose designed or the following specifications may be used.
Single spans
For single spans of four to six metres, where no more than two people are on the line at any one time,
and both persons are using lanyards with energy absorbers rated at 600kg (6kN) or less the specifications
Multiple span
The specification for multi-span systems are the same as a single span system with the
following exceptions:
sag for two or three continuous spans approximately 30mm per meter, ie 6m spans = 180mm sag
sag for four or more spans no minimum sag required but the line should not be over tensioned
corner supports or intermediate supports where the FSWR is not free to slide through the support end
anchorages (ie they should be capable of supporting an imposed load of 4t).
terminate one end with a thimble and three double saddle clamps and allow a 200mm tail
the second line should be passed through using a second thimble and three evenly spaced double
saddle clips allowing a 200mm tail and shackle between each rope end
double saddle clamps with a minimum of three equal spaces with a minimum 200mm tail past the
last clamp
Lines and fittings may be secured directly to anchorage points with dee or bow shackles which should
have a minimum WLL of 2t. The pin of the shackle should be moused (lashed) to the shackle.
Cast-in anchors (in situ). A wall tie (shee bolt) purpose designed. An engineer designed anchorage
Chemical and friction type anchors. Chemical and friction type anchorages should be positioned so
the load from a fall is taken in shear. They should be proof tested in tension to at least one third of
the design load prior to use. Collared eye bolts should be used.
Only framed turnbuckles of an open type design which allow visual inspection of the condition and
extension of the threaded sections should be used.
The frame should be locked or moused to the eye bolt to prevent slackening due to vibration, shock or
spin in the line attached. Hook type turnbuckles should not be used. Only clevis or eye type should be
used on lifelines.
If a life line and rope grab device is used on steeply sloping surfaces, the user needs to have the device
located in front. This will allow safe manual operation of the mechanism.
Do not connect into a single D-ring on the side of the harness belt. Both side D-rings may be used for
pole straps if a fall of 600mm or more is not possible. Do not use waist type belts.
Safety harnesses should be selected and used in accordance with AS 2626 Industrial safety belts and
harnesses Selection use and maintenance. Always follow the manufacturers information and advice,
if available.
There should be a minimum of slack in the lanyard between the person and the attachment to the
anchorage. The length of the lanyard should restrict the fall distance to a maximum of 1.8m.
Where an anchorage point is above the harness connection point a 1.8m lanyard will achieve this result.
Where the anchorage point is below the harness connection point a shorter lanyard, or other means of
restricting the fall distance may be required.
Do not use home made lanyards. Do not join lanyards together. If extra reach is needed use an inertia reel
or similar equipment.
Do not connect lanyards with inertia reels. Snap hooks or other connectors should have a locking device
and be compatible with all anchorages.
Those using safety harnesses should not work alone. In the event of a fall it is vital that the person is
rescued as soon as possible to prevent further injury by the harness restricting blood flow.
To reduce injuries caused by a fall, energy absorbers should be used as part of the lanyard.
Equipment used with static lines should be compatible with the original system specification, such as
manufactured travellers or energy absorbing lanyards.
Inertia reels
Inertia reel systems can be used to arrest falls where workers are required to carry out their work near an
unprotected edge. They must comply with AS 1891.3 Fall arrest devices.
Inertia reels are not designed for continuous support but become effective in the event of a fall. They
should not be used as working supports by locking the system and allowing it to support the user during
normal work. Inertia reels may be less effective for certain applications, eg stopping a person from sliding
down an inclined surface.
When inertia reel anchorages are located lower than head height or a person is located at a horizontal
distance from the anchorage, the line of the iner tia reel will strike an edge if the person falls from the
structure. The damage this may cause to the line could result in its failure. To avoid this, inertia reels
should be used in accordance with the manufa cturers instructions.
Inertia reels may be connected to a static line
Pendulum effect
This is a potential hazard connected with the se of individual fall arrest systems. The pendulum effect
u may also occur if the positioning of the eel allows for a significant length of unsupported line
inertia connected to the user.
Swing down can occur if an inertia reel is exte nded out diagonally so that the line makes an extreme angle
with the perimeter edge of the structure. In this situation, the forces generated in an arrested fall over the
edge will cause the line to rotate back along the perimeter edge until it reaches a position directly in line
with the inertia reel and at right angles with the perimeter edge.
As the line moves back in this way, the unsupported section lengthens, dropping the attached worker
further than the original (arrested) fall distance. If the length of the unsupported line equals the height of
the building then the worker will hit the ground. Even if the worker does not reach the ground they may
collide with obstructions on the side of the building.
To eliminate the pendulum effect place the inertia reel anchorage point square to the position of the line at
the perimeter edge. A mobile anchorage helps here.
The placement of pre-cast concrete must be carried out or directly supervised by a person holding a Basic
Rigging certificate or old equivalent.
Work associated with tilt up panels is covered under the Intermediate Rigging certificate but excluded from
the Basic Rigging certificate. For tilt up panels see Chapter 17.
Transfer beams
A different hazard applies to a special class of post-tensioned pre-stressed beams known as transfer
beams. These are usually located at the first floor level of multi-storey buildings and are designed to
transfer loads from the upper storeys to more widely spaced supports below to create large open spaces
at ground floor level.
During the construction phase, the tendons in these beams are partially stressed in progressive stages to
balance the loads as they increase over the construction period. Final stressing and grouting occur when
the building reaches full height.
If no action is taken to reverse the effects of this procedure during demolition, the beam will tend to bow
upward an increasing amount as the load from above is reduced. This can lead to local failure of the
structure at, or just below, the working level. A reverse bending failure and collapse of the beam well
below the working level can cause a collapse of the entire structure.
Riggers must be extremely careful when choosing the slings and lifting equipment because of the dangers
associated with handling pre-stressed concrete beams.
The beams should be lifted by their ends, and from as near as possible to the position where they are to
be placed.
It is recommended that a spreader beam is used to lift the beams to avoid having slings at an excessive
angle. Spreader beams should be properly designed by an engineer to the length required and the weight
of pre-stressed concrete beams.
Part three
Intermediate rigging
The rigging of tilt up panels must be carried out or directly supervised by a person holding the
lntermediate Rigging certificate (or equivalent old certificate). The use of load equalising gear, which is
also frequently applied during tilt up panel erection, is also covered by the lntermediate Rigging certificate.
Rigging gear
Rigging gear used in the erection of tilt up panels includes lifting inserts, lifting clutches, spreader beams,
equalising sheaves, slings, bracing inserts, panel braces, bracing anchors and shims.
Riggers involved in tilt up erection need to know the following:
the minimum safety factor on the WLL of lifting inserts and bracing inserts is 2.5
the locking pins of adjustable panel braces must be fitted with retaining devices to prevent them
being knocked out
the information available on site regarding panel braces must include their WLL at zero extension and
their WLL at their maximum possible extension
the maximum load on any expansion anchor used to secure a panel brace must not exceed 65 per
cent of the first slip load (or 0.65 x first slip load)
deformation controlled expansion anchors are not recommended to fix braces to the floor
where chemical anchors are used to fix braces, they must all be individually proof tested to
their WLL
when spreader beams and equalising sheaves are used, the minimum lengths of the slings must
comply with the formulas shown in the following illustrations
the maximum height of shims under a panel edge should not exceed 40mm
the minimum width of shims under a panel edge should be 1OOmm or the thickness of the panel,
whichever is the lesser.
Shop drawings
Carefully examine the shop drawing for the panel before it is rigged. The shop drawing should indicate the
type of rigging configuration needed, the position of lifting inserts, bracing inserts and fixing inserts and
floor to panel connection points. The drawing will also specify where strongbacks or additional bracing is
needed during lifting and erection.
Riggers must be able to read and understand shop drawings. In particular, riggers must know the
following symbols used on shop drawings:
Job planning
Before lifting tilt up panels, observe the following rules:
make sure the crane is fitted with a load weight indicator which has been calibrated in accordance
with the manufacturers instructions
confirm that the cranes supporting surface will take the erection loads
make sure the site is cleared for crane access and mobility, with sufficient room for the cranes
outriggers and for the panel bracing, and sufficient clearance from overhead powerlines
confirm that the concrete has been cured to reach its specified strength
refer any wrongly located lifting or fixing inserts to the certifying engineer
check that shims have been set to the correct height and location
check that the rigging configuration is as specified on the shop drawing and check that the slings are
the correct length for that configuration
Lifting panels
When calculating the total load on the crane, allow for the weight of the panel, the weight of any braces
and strongbacks and the weight of spreader beams, equalising sheaves and other lifting gear.
The effect of suction will increase the load on the crane when a panel is being lifted from its casting bed.
Therefore, multiply the dead load of the panel by 1.4 in loading calculations for the start of the lift.
The centre of gravity will be at a greater working radius when a panel is face lifted than when it has been
secured in position. To allow for this, add at least 1.5m to the final panel position when calculating the
cranes working radius. This may need to be increased for very tall panels.
Make sure all site personnel are at a safe distance from the panel when it is being lifted from the
horizontal to the vertical. When taglines are used to control panel swing, work well clear of the panel
edges because it may slew sideways.
Make sure the lifting and placing method will not endanger the crane operator or the crane if a sudden
failure of the panel or the rigging gear were to occur.
Panels have a large surface area which can catch the wind. Do not attempt to lift a panel if the wind
conditions will prevent control of the panel during all stages of erection.
Fixing panels
Braces should be fixed to the panels before lifting. Where this is not possible, make sure the panel is held
firmly and safely by the crane while braces are attached.
Each panel should have at least two braces of equal capacity at right angles to the panel face.
At regular intervals during the erection process, re-check the tightness and security of the braces and their
Do not remove the braces from a panel until it has been fully incorporated into a self supporting structure.
Unless otherwise specified in the drawings, the maximum tolerance on the alignment of a panel fixed in
its final position is 5mm.
use the main winch to rotate the panel by raising the hoist rope, not lowering
make sure the included angle between the main hoist rope and the auxiliary hoist rope is not more
than 45 degrees
rig the crane so that in its final position the panel is fully supported from the main winch
make sure the combined weight of the auxiliary hook block and lifting gear is not more than 200kg
make sure the distance from the auxiliary winch ropes lifting point to the end of the panel is not
more than one quarter of the panel length.
Make sure there are no cut outs in the half of the panel closest to the main winch ropes panel
lifting point.
The person with direct responsibility for coordinating and directing a multiple crane lift must hold an
Intermediate Rigging certificate or equivalent old certificate.
For very complex lifts, the advice of an experienced structural engineer may be required to properly plan
the operation, but the certificated rigger must maintain immediate supervision at all stages.
when two cranes are used 20 per cent greater than the share of the load
When three cranes are used 33 per cent greater than the share of the load
when four or more cranes are used 50 per cent greater than the share of the load.
Crane siting must be carefully considered so that crane movements are reduced to the minimum
necessary. The crane siting can be limited by the nature of the worksite, the position of obstructions and
powerlines, or the existing position of tower cranes.
Wherever possible, site the cranes to avoid slewing motions. Always use luffing up in preference to luffing
down. Luffing down is dangerous because it can easily lead to the load swinging one or more of the
cranes outside the safe operating radius. Wind loading adds to the dangers of luffing down.
Where the cranes are required to pick and carry, they must be aligned in the same direction. If they are
out of alignment, the movement of one crane can push or pull the other cranes and stability may be lost.
Find the next designated lifting point away from crane A. For the purpose of this example the
lifting point is 3m from crane A.
To ensure that each crane is lifting its correct share of the load calculate the actual load on each
crane without the 20 per cent factor.
Crane A = load x distance from crane B
total length
= 20 x 5
= 12.5 tonnes
Crane B = load x distance from crane A
total length
= 20 x 3
= 7.5 tonnes
Use the load gauge check to ensure that each crane is lifting its correct share of the load.
Crane A
(SWL 16t)
Crane B
(SWL 8t)
Column (19t)
assess the weather conditions and make sure the lift is conducted during stable low win d conditions
ensure that all crane hoist ropes remain vertical at all stages
where available, use appropriate instruments to monitor the angle of the load, how verti cal the rope
is, and the force in each hoist rope
in pick-and-carry operations, make sure the axis of each crane remains fully aligned wit h each other
where you cannot observe all necessary locations, post dogmen or riggers to observe an d report on
the progress of the lift.
The person carrying out, or directly supervising rigging work in connection with the demolition of
structures must hold an Intermediate Rigging certificate (or equivalent old certificate).
to allow for unusual centres of gravity, use long slings so that they can be fixed as far apart as
possible while maintaining a narrow angle between the sling legs. Alternatively, use a spreader beam
when a crane is used, position it so it can take the load at the minimum possible radius. This will
help to prevent a swinging beam taking the crane out of its safe operational radius
before a beam end is cut free, it should be secured with temporary guys (such as fibre ropes and
tackles) to control unexpected springing or shifting out of level
make sure the crane or other lifting devices have slowly taken up the slack on the slings before the
beam is cut through. This will reduce impact loading and uncontrolled movement
make sure everyone who is not needed during the operation is kept out of the area. No one should
ever be below the beam during the cutting and removal
make sure the person cutting the beam is safely supported, has the necessary PPE and is positioned
so that if the beam springs, they will not be struck or jammed
after the first end is cut, make any necessary adjustments to the rigging system before directing the
second end to be cut. Never cut both ends at the same time
keep a close check on the adjacent structural members throughout the operation for any sign of
unexpected movement or overstressing. If this is apparent, cease the operation immediately,
remove everyone from the area and immediately report the situation to the person supervising
the demolition project.
Make sure the collapse will occur well clear of all site personnel and will not be fouled by any
Check that the winch is correctly aligned to the load so that it will pull the structure in the
intended direction.
Check all winch anchorages and fixings to ensure they will safely take the estimated loads and prevent
movement of the winch. Vehicle mounted winches should be set up on a hard, level surface. Vehicle
brakes should be applied and wheels chocked. Additional means of securing the vehicle may also
be needed.
Never fell structural members by snatch loading. Always apply the tension gradually.
Make sure all sharp edges are covered to prevent damage to hauling ropes and slings.
Make sure the horizontal distance from the winch to the demolition work is at least 1.5x the vertical
distance from the winch to the highest part of the structure to be felled.
Once pulling has started, no one must be closer to the sides of the rope or chain than three quarters of
the horizontal distance from the winch to the load.
Once the collapse has been completed, make sure the slings, hauling rope and other gear involved in the
operation are carefully inspected for signs of overstressing or damage.
Reinforced concrete columns
The following procedure should be used for freestanding square or rectangular reinforced
concrete columns:
secure the ropes or chains around the top of the column. Use a fixing method which will ensure they
dont become dislodged at any stage of the pulling
remove the concrete cover on all sides of the base of the column and enough to expose the vertical
reinforcing bars
cut through all exposed reinforcing bars, except those closest to the direction of fall
steadily apply tension to the felling ropes or chains so the column hinges over on the uncut reinforcing
when the column has been felled, cut the remaining reinforcing bars.
Masonry walls
The following procedure should be used for long masonry walls:
where necessary subdivide the wall into separate panels small enough for the capacity of the winch
and rigging equipment. This can be done by cutting vertical slots through the wall
the felling ropes or chains should be attached to the wall panels at a height no more than half the
unsupported height above the intended cut off level. Strongbacks such as C-section channels may be
needed to ensure that all of the panel is felled in a single operation
attach felling ropes or chains to all of the subdivided panels before starting to demolish any of them.
Make sure all free ends are left at a safe distance from the wall. This avoids the need for anyone to
approach the wall once the demolition of the panels has started
once all panels have been felled, remove the ropes or chains.
Concrete walls
Cast-in-situ reinforced concrete walls of 200mm or more thickness usually have two reinforcing grids; one
in each face. Walls with two grids can be felled in the same way as reinforced concrete columns.
Walls less than 150mm thick generally have only one reinforcing grid. This may be centrally located or
towards one face. For walls with one grid, its location should be determined at the cut off level.
Walls with only one grid should be felled in the same way as masonry walls, with the reinforcement cut
after the wall is lying flat. Walls with a single grid which is close to one face should be felled towards the
reinforced face.
Tilt up panel structures
Buildings which have reinforced precast panel walls, including tilt up panel types, should be dismantled in
the reverse sequence to their original erection.
Do not commence the dismantling and removal of wall panels until the nature and condition of their
fixings to the rest of the structure and of the jointing between panels has been determined.
Where the wall acts as bracing to other parts of the structure, temporary replacement bracing must be
installed prior to removal of those wall panels.
If the original inserts are intended to be used to lift and lower a wall panel, a careful examination of their
condition and the condition of the surrounding material must be made. If there is any doubt regarding
their adequacy, use another slinging method or provide back up slings.
Multistorey buildings
During the demolition of multistorey buildings, rigging may be needed to provide temporary support
or bracing to parts of the structural framework to maintain stability at particular stages of the
demolition process.
In general, free standing columns and walls above floor levels are to be demolished before demolition of
the floor.
support the lift car by shoring or other suitable means so that it is independent of its hoisting cable
check that electrical power to all areas of the lift machinery has been disconnected
do not allow lift counterweights to free fall from the upper levels. Where applicable, lower
counterweights to a convenient level before disconnecting them
before removing lift machinery and lift cars, make sure protection decks have been installed in the lift
shaft at not less than the two levels immediately below the work.
Unbonded tendons usually have provision for retensioning or releasing the load in the tendons. Where
pavement slabs and footing beams are directly supported on the ground the ducts may be packed with
grease, which means they remain unbonded.
Recognising pre-stressed members
Pre-stressed members can often be easily identified by their length, slenderness or camber.
Most concrete beams with spans greater than 9m and slabs with spans greater than 8m will be
prestressed. Suspended pre-stressed members are usually more slender than normally reinforced
members. Precast floor sections that have been pre-stressed will often have a slight upward camber.
Post-tensioned members generally have a surface recess on one or both ends to allow the tendon
anchorages to be protected with a mortar covering. This covering is usually a different colour to the
concrete and hairline cracks are frequently visible around the recess.
The cut ends of pre-tensioned tendons are usually covered with a protective cement render. Light
scabbling of the rendered face should reveal their presence.
The demolition of structures incorporating pre-stressed members can be very hazardous. The rigger
responsible for the slinging and removal of pre-stressed members must be aware of the potential problems
so that the rigging method selected can prevent them from occurring.
Post-tensioned members with unbonded or badly bonded tendons are the most dangerous. If a tendon is
cut or an anchor plate is damaged, the member may suddenly lose its strength and collapse. This can be
prevented by propping under the entire length or area before any tendon is cut.
There are also several other dangers which are often beyond the riggers competence to identify and
control. Therefore, ungrouted post-tensioned members should never be demolished without consulting a
structural engineer or the supplier of pre-stressing equipment.
Maintain the orientation of the beam when pre-stressed beams are removed. The beam has been stressed
to take load, including its own selfweight, in a particular direction. If the beam is turned over or upside
down, the forces in the beam will be acting in a different way. This may be enough to cause sudden and
catastrophic collapse of the beam.
The structure above any post-tensioned transfer beam should not be demolished without consulting a
structural engineer or the supplier of pre-stressing equipment. Unless special counter measures are taken,
the demolition and removal of the upper floors and the consequent reduction in the imposed loads can
cause the transfer beams to fail and may even trigger a collapse of the entire structure.
Unattended free standing structural members
The stability of partially demolished structures can be severely affected by high winds and heavy storm
conditions. Therefore the planning and control of the demolition sequence must ensure that freestanding
elements of the structure are not left in a hazardous condition when work ceases.
The following general rules should be observed:
a freestanding masonry wall must not be left outside working hours without lateral support if its
height is greater than 15 times its least overall plan dimension
a freestanding reinforced concrete column must not be left outside working hours without lateral
support if its height is greater than 20 times its least overall plan dimension
a freestanding uncased steel column must not be left outside working hours without lateral support if
its height is greater than 25 times its least overall plan dimension.
Further information
Further information can be found in AS 2601 The demolition of structures and AS 2550.1 Cranes
Safe use, Part 1: General requirements. Codes of practice dealing with demolition work may be approved
for use in some States and Territories. Specific regulations dealing with demolition may also apply. If in
doubt, check with the local regulatory authority.
tower cranes.
When the cage is at the top landing there must be no less than 1.5m to the top of the rack. When the
cage is stopped by the final stopping devices there must be no less than 1.2m to the top of the rack.
The final section (or tower module) must be fitted above the top section of rack and must not be less than
1.5m in height. The final section must not be fitted with a rack.
When the cage is sitting at its lowest point on fully compressed buffers there must be at least 600mm
between the underside of the cage and the floor of the pit.
The landings and the inside of the cage must have effective protective mesh fixed to a steel pipe or angle
iron frame work.
Door entrances must have at least 2m overhead clearance. Doors must have 9mm square, 2.5mm wire
mesh over a steel frame. The doors must not deflect more than 25mm under forces exerted in normal
2.5mm . All earth wires must return to one place and be clamped together.
If an earth fault does occur the control current wiring must be arranged so that the power to the
hoist is cut off.
The control fuse must have the maximum current capacity clearly marked. Fuses must be replaced by a
qualified electrician.
Roof controls
Roof controls must be used by riggers or other authorised persons only. Hoist controls must be shrouded
to prevent accidental activation of the manual reset emergency stop button.
The controls inside the cage must be inoperative when the roof controls are in use. When the hoist
is operated from the roof for maintenance or repairs the controls must be switched over to the
installation setting.
Prior to operating a hoist for repairs or maintenance carry out the following pre-checks:
make sure that there are no obstructions such as pipes in the path of the hoist platform
make sure that the lift car alarm and communication system are functioning
take the hoist on a check run to check the operation of the stopping limits. Show caution when
approaching the top or bottom landings
test the operation of all gates including the trap door. Make sure that the hoist will not operate while
the trap door or any of the gates are open
make sure that the rack and pinion are well greased and that the teeth are in good order
the switch that controls the operation of the cage must be inside the cage and return to the stop
position when it is released, although control may be switched to an alternate switch on the roof
for rigging uses.
The platform is hoisted and lowered inside the tower and held in position by two timber or steel guides.
The platform is hauled up and down by a wire rope that runs up the tower over a sheave system and
down to the platform.
The tower is encased in wire mesh to prevent people being hit by the moving platform. There are openings
at each floor to gain access to the platform which are guarded by gates or barriers. There is a signalling
system so that people on other levels can communicate with the driver.
Tower set up
The tower must be tied to the building or guyed to the ground every 9 metres. There must be no more
than 6m free standing between the top guy or tie and the top of the tower.
Guys must extend from the corners of the tower. They must be at least 12mm diameter and 6 x 19
construction FSWR. Fibre rope must not be used.
There must be access to the top platform for maintenance of the rope sheaves. The area must have
securely fixed closely boarded 38mm planks and be enclosed by a 1m high handrail.
An inclined ladder must provide access to the top platform. Ladders between the landings must not be
more than 6m.
The tower must be completely enclosed by 1.2mm wire 50mm mesh up to 1.8metres in height, 20 mm
closely boarded timber or light gauge steel sheet.
The gap between the edge of the platform and the inside of the tower must not exceed 50mm. The timber
runners or guides must be at least 100mm x 75mm oregon or hardwood. They must be bolted to each
horizontal brace and to the cat head bearers.
The runners and corner posts must rest on a steel plate of at least 300mm x 50mm. It must be secured
with countersunk bolts.
If the hoist is serving higher than three storeys, gates and lights must be installed on each floor. Gates
must be at least 1.8 metres high and made of 2.5mm wire, 50mm mesh.
Gates can hinge outward or slide horizontally or vertically. They must have a fixed stop to prevent them
closing beyond the correct position and an effective latch to make sure that they remain closed.
All gates must be wired so that when any gate is open, two red lights will show at the driving station and
when all the gates are closed, one green light will show.
Hoist winch
The hoist rope runs from the winch drum under the first lead sheave at ground level up to the top of the
tower and then down to the platform.
The rope will not lie neatly onto the winch drum unless the correct fleet angle is formed from the foot
diversion sheave to the outside of the drum from the centre of the drum. (The first lead sheave on a tower
hoist is called the foot diversion sheave.)
There must be a covered guard-rail on both sides of the length of hoist rope between the winch drum and
the first lead sheave. When the hoist takes the strain the rope can whip violently.
The nip point of the lead sheave must also be guarded to prevent a person in contact with the rope being
drawn into the sheave. The anchor point for the foot diversion sheave must not put bending forces on
the tower.
The winch must be secured to a frame to prevent it slipping forward. Alternatively two 150mm x 100mm
shores can be placed between the winch and the tower.
Concrete hoppers should not be supported by the hoist tower.
Warning lights
The warning light system is the same as for other types of materials hoists. (See cantilevered platform,
materials only)
There must be a level indicator at the driving station where the platform rises to 15m or six floors above
the driving station.
Hoists operating with jibs or buckets only do not need a level indicator.
Where long loads have to be hoisted a jib attachment can be fitted to a tower. Jibs for tower hoists
are usually nine metres long with a fixed radius of 6.4 metres. The jib slewing motion is controlled
by a handline.
Do not use the jib when there is a load on the platform or bucket or when the platform is off the g round.
Do not use a jib to drag or snig loads.
Single tower (2.4m x 1.9m) WLL
A single super duty tower hoist can raise 2.5 tonnes up to 150 metres.
The platform weighs 600kg.
Therefore the SWL = 1.9 tonnes.
Dual tower (4.8m x 1.9m) WLL
Where both towers of a dual tower hoist are in use the SWL of each is 1.2 tonnes.
Do not stand under the boom to insert or remove pins. This is very dangerous. Do not permit any person
to stand under the boom.
Before raising the boom check every pin, bolt, and shackle connection on the boom and jib pendants and
rope anchorages. Make sure that all fittings are in good order, tight and secure.
Tower cranes
Tower cranes are widely used in the construction of multi-storey buildings and high rise industrial projects.
There are two main types of tower crane:
luffing boom
Both of these can be climbing, fixed or rail mounted. Climbing tower cranes can be internal or external to
the building structure. Fixed and rail mounted cranes do not climb.
The most common type of tower crane used in Australia is the luffing boom type which can be either rope
assisted hydraulic luffing type or entirely rope luffing. They are usually powered by diesel motors mounted
on the machine deck at the top of the tower.
The hammerhead crane which has a horizontal jib is less common in Australia but widely used in Europe.
They are usually powered by electric motors and have a crab which travels along the jib t o achieve the
required radius.
Tower crane design should comply with AS 1418.4 Tower cranes and designs must be registered with a
State or Territory regulatory authority. Each individual tower crane must also be registered.
The addition or removal of sections of external climbing tower cranes must be carried out by riggers with
an Intermediate Rigging Certificate (or old equivalent). The complete erection and dismantling of tower
cranes is done by rigging crews who have undertaken specialist training in particular types of crane.
General safety
Tower cranes consist of a square tower which is bolted to a concrete foundation, support beams or a rail
carriage. The slewing platform, hoist, mast and jib are mounted on the tower. For external climbing the
climbing frame is fitted around the top of the tower. For internal climbing the rams and beams are fitted
within the base of the tower.
All potential hazards should be considered before erecting a tower crane on site. The installation of
the crane should be well planned and carried out in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
The sequence of installing the jib (or boom) sections and counterweights is critical. Using an incorrect
sequence could result in a collapse.
Engineers consider the type of soil and rock under the crane, the cranes capacity and various radii before
deciding on the exact site.
There is a maximum free standing height which is designed by the manufacturer. This should not be
exceeded without the manufacturers and engineers approval.
During the erection, climbing or alteration of a tower crane the following rules should be observed:
use barricades or other effective means to prevent unauthorised access to the operational zone
make sure the each boom connection pin is fitted with chain or wire rope attached to both th e boom
and the pin head
the effects of windloading must be taken into account including the funnelling effects between
adjacent buildings. Large sections of tower cranes should only be handled in calm conditions
the sequence of erection and dismantling must be carried out in strict accordance with manag ements
tower erection bolts must be of the type specified by the manufacturer and be correctly torque d to
their recommendations
all loose tools, nuts and bolts must be removed from the crane or effectively stored after erecti on and
before operation.
when adding sections unload and place sections close to the crane at the foot of the tower so there is
no need to slew the crane to pick up another section
connect the climbing hoses from the climbing control on the machine deck to climbing rams in
climbing frame. Take directions from the fitter as it may be necessary to stop the engine.
Slewing motions may not be available during the climbing process, because some cranes use the slew
pump to supply the necessary oil pressure for the climbing rams. This is a simple matter of taking the
slew hoses off the slew motor and fitting them to the climbing rams controlling the oil flow with the
slew control
lift the section and hang it on the monorail by transferring from the crane hook onto a four legged
sling attached to the trolley on the monorail. Ensure that the sling legs are the correct and equal
length so that the section can run freely when pulled into the aperture at the correct height
lock the counterweights and make sure that the jib is right up
remove the tower section bolts and ensure that the fitter has connected hoses before trying to climb
the rigger in charge must direct the driver to balance the crane by luffing the jib out or travelling the
crab. The driver should make note of the radius or crab position so it is possible to return to this point
the crane is now ready to climb. The rigger in charge, the dogman controlling the climbing valve and
the driver in the cabin in charge of the throttle must all be in radio contact
at the signal, rams down the crane will start to lift. The tower sections may jam in the climbing
frame. It may be necessary for riggers to adjust the guides in the climbing frame several times during
climb to ensure the frame slides freely over tower sections. Do not simply increase pressure to force it
10. once the crane has reached the full extent of the rams (full climbing height), the section can now
be pulled into the space and bolted into place. Please note: on some cranes raising the tower to the
required height will need four climbing cycles of the rams
11. the rams are then retracted to protect the piston shafts, keep them out of the way and return oil to
the reservoir
12. once retracted, disconnect the hoses if necessary and coil them out of the way on the machine deck
(usually under hoist drum)
13. counterweights can now be reconnected and the limits reset if necessary
14. the mono-rail may have to be removed, depending on design.
Removing a section is essentially the reverse of the above sequence.
Engineers certificates must be checked to ensure that floors are of sufficient strength to take the total
weight of the crane, the support structure and all loadings imposed by the crane working.
If the lift shaft is not used, the floor reinforcing is left protruding through the cut out section of the floor.
The hole can later be formed up and poured, sealing the hole after the crane is raised higher.
The tower sits inside the building (typically 5 or more sections in the building) as the building is erected
around the crane. The crane is jacked up from the floor it is sitting on by extending the climbing rams
pushing the completed crane up. When the bottom of the tower reaches the required height (usually the
next floor or a level cast into the lift well), flippers (feet) are pushed out and the crane is settled on to its
new level. Rams are then retracted and settled on to the same floor ready for next climb.
When the crane is sited in the lift well, holes to take the flippers and beams are cast into the walls of the
lift or stair well as part of the design of the building.
Internal climbing cranes are usually taken down from the roof or top slab by a special recovery crane or by
large mobile cranes. Removal of the tower crane should be planned before erection begins.
Please Note: As a result of a tower crane fatality on 5 August 2001, WorkSafe Victoria has issued two
Alerts setting out additional requirements to be observed for the jumping of luffing boom tower cranes that
incorporate sliding counterweights. These are:
The information contained in these Alerts is additional to the advice provided on tower crane rigging on
pages 174 to 178. They can be accessed at www.workcover.vic.gov.au
Part four
Advanced rigging
The installation and dismantling of fabricated hung scaffolds must be carried out or directly supervised
by a person holding either an Advanced Rigging certificate or an Advanced Scaffolding certificate (or
equivalent old certificate).
Hung scaffolds which are not fully fabricated, such as those constructed from tubes and couplers, require
the Advanced Scaffolding certificate (or equivalent old certificate).
The written verification should specify the duty classification of the working platform and specify the
method(s) of anchorage to the supporting structure.
Before installing the scaffold, make sure you have sighted the written verification and have carefully read
any of the limitations and conditions attached.
Duty classifications
Fabricated hung scaffolds are classified as:
light duty with a maximum allowable live load of 225kg per platform per bay and a minimum
platform width of 450mm
medium duty with a maximum allowable live load of 450kg per platform per bay and a minimum
platform width of 900mm
heavy duty with a maximum allowable live load of 675kg per platform per bay and a minimum
platform width of 1m
special duty with a maximum allowable live load as specified in the design verification (but greater
than heavy duty) and a minimum platform width as specified (but at least 1m).
Platforms used for through access of person and materials must be designed to at least heavy duty
specifications, but the platform width can be reduced to 450mm (for persons and hand-tools only) or
675mm (for general materials movement).
Platform construction
The platform of a fabricated hung scaffold must be closely decked with an even, slip resistant surface
which is free of trip hazards. The platform must be secured so as to prevent uplift or dislodgment.
As a general rule, the platform should be horizontal. In some cases, the scaffold may be designed to have
a sloping platform (such as for continuous access under sloping structural beams).
The maximum allowable slope on a working platform is 7 (1:8). For access platforms, the slope may
be increased to 20 (1:3), provided that the full width of the platform surface is cleated to prevent
people from slipping. Cleats should be 25mm thick by 50mm wide and should be secured at intervals of
Edge protection is required at the open sides and ends of all platforms from which a person or object
could fall more than 2m. Edge protection includes guardrailing and toeboards.
Guardrailing must be constructed from rigid components. Fibre rope, chain and steel wire rope is not
permitted. The height of the guardrail must be not less than 900mm and not more than 1100mm above
the platform surface.
Toeboards may be timber or metal kickplates. They must extend at least 150mm above the platform
surface and any gap between a toeboard and platform must not exceed 10mm.
The gap between the guardrail and the toeboard must be protected by either a midrail or infill such as
meshed screens or construction grade plywood sheets.
Where a midrail is used and material stacked near the platform edge extends past the toeboard, additional
infill (such as extra toeboards fixed above the existing toeboards) must be fitted to prevent the possibility
of any material being knocked over the platform edge.
Traversing track
3. Through bolted stop
to prevent trolley from
leaving track
4. Trolley
5. Rigid tie bar
6. Suspension rope
7. Traversing rope
8. Scaffolding hoist
9. Cradle
10. Tubular suspension rig
The erection, alteration and dismantling of a suspended scaffold must be carried out or directly supervised
by a person holding either the Advanced Rigging certificate or the Advanced Scaffolding certificate (or
equivalent old certificate).
The erection, alteration and dismantling of suspension rigs for a suspended scaffold constructed from tube
and coupler scaffolding requires the Advanced Scaffolding or the Intermediate Scaffolding certificate (or
equivalent old certificate).
details of the FSWR to be used, including rope diameter, grade and construction
The WLL of a suspension rope intended for use with a hand operated scaffolding hoist must not be more
than one seventh of its GBS. The WLL of a suspension rope intended for use with a power operated
scaffolding hoist must not be more than one tenth of its GBS.
Suspension ropes and secondary ropes should be each marked with a recorded identification number.
They should have a swaged and thimbled eye at one end and no part of the rope construction should
be removed to facilitate swaging. Ropes used with climber type hoists should be bullet-headed to
help reeving.
Item Description
1 Supporting beam
2 Anchor bolt
3 Anchor plate/bracket
4 Lock nuts
5 Packing
6 Suspension shackle
7 End stop
8 Primary suspension rope
9 Secondary rope (optional)
10 Scaffold hoist
11 Protective device (internal or external)
12 Load limiting device (internal or external)
13 Suspension stirrup
14 Central control box (optional)
15 Electric cable collection bin (optional)
16 Cradle
17 Castors for ground manoeuvrability
18 Wire rope winders (optional)
19 Wall roller (optional)
For drum type scaffolding hoists, make sure there are at least three full turns of rope on the drum when
the scaffold is at its lowest point. The flange of a fully loaded winch drum should extend at least two rope
diameters above the built up rope to prevent the rope jumping over the drum flange.
There should be at least 1m of spare rope when climber type scaffolding hoists are at the lowest point.
Excess rope should be carefully coiled and tied to hang freely below the scaffold, or inserted into a rope
winder to avoid kinking. Do not fix the rope ends back to the scaffold as this may cause kinking or
birdcaging and can lead to rope failure.
Do not use bulldog grips on suspension ropes or secondary rope because they can damage the ropes.
The internal width of a cradle must not be less than 450mm.
As a general rule, a swing stage cradle should not exceed 900mm in width. Cradles for double rope
systems should have a width not less than 900mm and not more than 1.7m.
Work cages should have a width not less than 750mm and not more than 1.5m. Stabilising sheaves
mounted on workcages for suspension ropes and secondary ropes should be at least 2m above the
cage floor.
A sign clearly displaying the WLL must be fixed to the inside of the cradle. Articulated cradles should have
a WLL sign on the inside of each bay. Multi-tiered cradles should have a WLL sign on the inside of each
bay at each level.
Safe access should be provided between the levels of a multi-tiered cradle. Such access should be:
installed in a manner which provides clear access at least 450mm in width along each working
Where access between the levels of a multi-tiered cradle is not provided, each scaffolding hoist must be
capable of being operated from each level, including the operation of the manual descent facility on power
operated hoists.
Where netting is used to prevent debris falling from a cradle, it should be galvanised wire mesh with wires
at least 1.5mm thickness spaced at no more than 25mm apart. It must be securely fixed between the
guardrail and toeboard on all sides and ends of the cradle.
Electrical equipment
All electrical equipment and controls should comply with AS 3000 Electrical installations. Central control
boxes, where fitted, should be fully enclosed, lockable, shatterproof and weatherproof and should include:
a power on light
a Type I or Type II residual current device complying with AS 31 90 Approval and test specificationResidual current devices.
All operating buttons and levers should be the spring loaded dead-man type.
The control box should be removable for safety and security. When in use, it should be securely attached
to the inside of the cradle guardrails on the side of the cradle away from the working face.
Electrical cables should be purpose designed and should only be suspended from built in thimbles. Do not
use electrical cable with an outer covering damaged so that the insulation covering the wires is exposed.
The main supply cable should be plugged into the control box with separated yokes leading to the
scaffolding hoists.
Pneumatic equipment
Pneumatic equipment and supply hoses, where used to power the scaffolding hoists, should be the
type and capacity recommended by the hoist supplier. Air hoses should only be suspended from built in
thimbles with an effective bending diameter of at least 8 times the nominal internal diameter of the hose.
Incoming air should pass through a suitable filter and lubricator fitted as close as possible to the hoists
air motor. Each motor must have its own filter and lubricator set and a second motor must not be able to
draw air through another motors filter and lubricator.
Oil used in lubricators should be the type recommended by the lubricator manufacturer and should be
maintained at the recommended level.
General construction
Suspended scaffolds and suspension rigs should be erected or altered according to their design
specifications. At the completion of the installation or alteration, the competent person in control of
the work should issue a written statement of completion to the person in charge of the workplace. The
statement should be retained until the scaffold is further altered or dismantled.
To protect those passing below, install a catch platform that has been designed for a uniformly distributed
load of not less than 500kg per square metre and is long and wide enough to trap any falling debris, or a
guardrail or fence.
Take precautions to prevent damage to the suspended scaffold or its supporting structure by traffic, cranes
or other plant.
Where there is any likelihood of debris falling from above the cradle, install overhead protection.
Independently supported catch platforms may be used. Meshed or solid overhead debris protection fixed to
the cradle should be used only where debris would not cause instability of the suspended scaffold.
Install safe entry and exit points for persons using the suspended scaffold. The approaches to the
suspended scaffold should be illuminated by either natural or artificial light.
Where access and egress is not at the ground or from a protected landing, safety harnesses and lanyards
should be provided for all those entering and leaving the cradle. Where harnesses are used during entry
and exit, a suitable tying method should be used to secure the cradle against movement. Anchorage points
for harnesses should also be provided and be capable of withstanding a force of at least 1.5t.
Those working on a suspended scaffold must be protected from coming into contact with unprotected
electric wires or dangerous plant or substances.
Use lateral restraints to prevent instability of the cradle during use. Instability may come from the work
procedures or from wind.
Restraints include:
removable ties
fan units
suction units.
There should be a reliable and efficient communication system between the cradle and outside.
Communication systems include persons being in sight of the cradle or chair at all times at a distance
from which hand signals, whistles, bells or radio can be used effectively.
There should be means of rescuing those in the cradle in the event of an emergency, such as crane safety
boxes or rescue services.
Materials or equipment in the cradle must not be in excess of the rated load of the suspended scaffold.
The cradle should be maintained in a tidy condition with unobstructed access along the entire length.
Suspension ropes and secondary ropes should not be contaminated with construction materials resulting
from work activities.
Purpose made weatherproof covers should be fitted to all scaffolding hoists when not in use to minimise
contamination of the hoist mechanism by construction materials.
Counterweights should be secured to the suspension rig in such a manner that they cannot be displaced
or removed without the use of a tool. Counterweights should be placed directly on the needles or on the
innermost supporting components to the needles.
A beam that spans between only two supports is often used to support a suspended scaffold in a shaft,
boiler or chimney, or through grid mat flooring and like situations. The supporting beam should be fixed or
located to prevent the possibility of dislodgment or slippage.
The built up framework on a suspension rig should be purpose built to engineering principles or
constructed from scaffold tubes and couplers tied together with braced ledgers and transoms, to form a
rigid and stable structure under working conditions.
Overhead fixing
The maximum rope tension applied to a shackle, strap, bolt, sling, chain, trolley, beam clamp or other
device used to attach a suspension rope or secondary rope to overhead support should not exceed
80 per cent of the WLL.
The maximum rope tension applied to a choked sling should not exceed 40 per cent of the WLL.
Where a strap is used around a needle or supporting beam it should be made to an engineered design.
Shackles may be used to secure suspension ropes and secondary ropes to suspended scaffold tubes,
beam clamps and various other devices. The pin should be moused to the body of the shackle with wire
to prevent accidental unwinding.
Chains or slings supported over a beam with sharp edges should be protected with beam chaffers.
A positively fixed stop should be fixed at the end of each needle to prevent ropes from sliding off.
A check coupler should be fitted on either side of the suspension point of suspended scaffold tube needles
to prevent movement.
In the case of a steel or aluminium beam, a bolt not less than 12mm diameter should be fitted through
the needle with pipe washers.
Traversing tracks and trolley
Traversing tracks are suspended beneath needles or simply supported beams to help horizontal movement
of a suspended scaffold. The ends of the traversing track should be fitted with through bolted stops to
prevent any trolley running off the track.
Trolleys to support suspended scaffolding must have a rated working load hoisting of at least 500kg.
Trolleys supporting a swing stage should be connected with a spacer tie at the same centre to centre
distance as the suspended scaffolding hoists to prevent spreading.
Trolleys supporting a double rope suspended scaffold should be rigidly connected longitudinally and
transversely, and plan braced to prevent twisting.
To prevent cradles from colliding on the traversing track or excessive load on the rig and structure, fit a
buffer zone with intermediate stops to the traversing track.
Ropes used for horizontal movement of a suspended scaffold should be at least 12mm diameter
fibre rope.
Calculating maximum rope tension
For electrically powered suspended scaffolding hoists the maximum rope tension should be assessed
as the sum of:
the rated working load of the scaffolding hoist as limited by the load limiting device.
For pneumatically or manually powered suspended scaffold hoists, the maximum rope tension should be
the sum of:
the rated live load of the cradle taking into account grouping of live loads.
the sum of the moments acting on the inboard portion of the suspension rig, divided by
the sum of the moments acting on the outboard portion of the rig.
The formula for calculating the number of counterweights needed on each needle of a cantilevered
suspension rig is:
No of counterweights
For a calculator:
3 x rope tension x outboard inboard counterweight mass
For example: Counterweights
= 25kg each
= 700kg
= 900mm
= 3600mm
3 x 700 x 900 3600 25 = 21 counterweights per needle
Include these factors in calculations of the inboard moments:
the self-weight of the inboard portion of the suspension rig, including any counterweights
the distance between the fulcrum and the inboard distance to the centre of the counterweights
in position.
the self-weight of the outboard portion of the suspension rig, including trolley tracks and trolleys
the mass of secondary ropes, traversing ropes, electrical cables and compressed air cables
the distance between the fulcrum and the suspension rope attachment points
where suspended scaffolds incorporate trolley tracks the most adverse horizontal position of the cradle
should be considered when calculating the ratio of stability.
Each protective device should be returned to a maintenance shop for a thorough inspection and
maintenance program at periods nominated by the manufacturer and not exceeding six months. The
program should include a test where the device is loaded with a static load equal to the rated working
load of the scaffolding hoist, plus a factor of 1.25, to allow for the effect of impact. It should show no
sign of change.
The rigging of gin poles, guyed derricks and sheer legs must be carried out or directly supervised by a
person holding an Advanced Rigging Certificate (or old equivalent).
Set up
The greatest advantage of the derrick pole is the simplicity of rigging.
Timber poles are square or sometimes circular oregon or other suitable timber varying in cross section
Single or twin reversed head slings are rove around the mast above this bar. The edges of the pole are
protected by corner battens. A bolster is secured below this bar. Headslings hang over the bolster and are
shackled into the headlock of the purchase. The bolster prevents the headlock from binding into the pole.
The pole is fitted with one front guy or stay, one each side, and one or sometimes two, backstays.
It is recommended to fit five stays, so that one stay can be used as a lazy guy when shifting the position
of the others for the purpose of tracking the pole.
The stays or guys should have an eye splice at the top end. A round turn is taken around the pole head
and the guy shackled in position. A rope yarn seizing is then fitted to prevent slackening.
A single block and gantline is also fitted to the pole head for a boatswains chair to provide access in case
adjustment and greasing is necessary.
The lead from the top block of the main purchase is taken through a lead block which is shackled to a
sling rove around the heel of the pole.
Heel lashings are fitted to the pole to secure it in position. At least one of these lashings must be opposite
the direction of pull on the lead rope.
If the pole is to be leaned forward a front heel lashing is fitted and if it is leaned sideways a side heel
lashing should also be fitted.
If the pole is to be leaned sideways the guy opposite the lean will take the strain/weight.
Make sure that the pole is set up in the position for a lift on firm packing and footing.
For tracking purposes set the pole up on one or more planks or timbers. A steel dished tray should be
fitted under the heel of the pole and hooked to a tracking purchase. Sometimes a wooden slide is used.
The pole must lean in the direction of the tracking purchase, and a controlling rope must be secured to
the heel as a follower.
As the pole is moved along, the guys and follower are slackened and adjusted in order to keep the pole as
near to vertical as possible. Maintain complete control over the rear stay when it is being slackened for the
purpose of tracking the pole.
Make allowance for the additional compressive loads placed on the pole by the pull in the lead rope and
the pull in the backstays.
To calculate the total compressive load on the pole:
estimate the load on the lower block, which includes the load to be lifted and the mass of the block,
shackles, slings, packing, etc
calculate the load or pull in the rope leading from the top block to the first lead sheave, as follows:
Becket or static load
The load in lead rope = Becket load + (Becket load x No of sheaves in purchase x 5% friction)
= B.L. (B.L. x No of sheaves) x 5/100
= B.L. (B.L. x No of sheaves)
add 1. and 2. together to get load applied to pole by purchase, ie Purchase load = Load on lower
block + load in lead rope
total load on pole is approximately 1.125 x the purchase load. (0.125 or 1/8 of the mast head load
is added to compensate for the weight of the back guy).
Where excessive bending or whip of the pole could develop due to age or excessive length, a set of three
bowstrings should be fitted at the back and sides to strengthen the pole.
Guy loads
To calculate the loads in the back guys of derrick or gin poles:
divide the above result by the shortest radius measured from the heel of the pole to the back guy. The
shortest radius is perpendicular (at right angles) to the back guy and is found by running a square
along the back guy on the sketch until it meets the heel of the pole.
where the distance from the back guy anchorage to the heel of the pole is equal to 1.5 x the pole
height, the load in the guy is approximately 1/8 of the total pole head load
where, measuring horizontally, the backstay anchorage is less than 1.5 x the height of the pole from
the base of the pole, engineering calculations must be obtained for the pole and guy sizes
wire ropes must be at least 6x19 construction and have a breaking tensile strength of not less than
1570 Grade
if more than one back guy is used make sure that the load is equalised
all stays, guys, lashings, windlasses, etc, which are secured or led over sharp edges or hard
materials, or secured to columns and piers should be properly lagged. Wrapping a bag around the
rope itself is useless.
Lapped joints may be used with clamp plates for light loads. For heavier loads an additional tom should
be fitted.
Timber poles should only be painted with clear transparent paints, varnishes or oils, so that defects are
not hidden.
The splicing of steel lattice frame poles should be calculated by an engineer.
NOTE: This table assumes maximum slope of pole one in ten (1:10) from vertical, and that the
horizontal distance between foot of pole and anchorage of back guy shall not be less than one and
one-half times the length of the pole.
A sheerleg is where twin timber poles form an A-frame with the base measurement of approximately onethird of the height. A pair of sheerlegs should lift approximately double the load of a derrick or gin pole of
similar size and length provided the head lashings or bolt, headslings and guys are of adequate strength.
The timbers are crossed at the head, leaving 600mm to 1m projecting beyond the cross which may be
bolted, or lashed with a FSWR round lashing.
The headsling should be draped over the cross, one eye hanging on either side. The two eyes are shackled
together attached to the top block of the purchase.
The lead from the top block of the purchase is taken through a strongly secured lead block clear of the
hook and load, and then to the winch. Caution: The sheerlegs can dislodge if the lead block is attached to
the heel of one leg.
A rope is sometimes fitted across the base between the heels of the legs to prevent spreading. A more
usual method is to set the heels in shoes secured to a soleplate, or on a substantial footing.
Heel lashings secured in both directions are necessary. At least one of the heel lashings must be opposite
to the direction of pull on the lead rope.
One front guy and one back guy should be fitted, and if necessary, a purchase shackled to each.
It is unsafe to fit more than one guy to the front or back of the sheerlegs as one guy may receive more
load than the other, resulting in one leg lifting and losing its footing.
Sheerlegs may be tilted forward or backward as required, but the angle of tilt must not exceed 15 from
the vertical.
It is clear that the greater the angle of lean, the greater the thrust on the heel tackle and thus all heel
tackle must be soundly secured to prevent kicking.
Permanent sheerlegs must be fitted into special base pivots.
This table assumes:
the distance from feet of poles to anchorage of back guy is not less than one and one-half
times the length.
Tripods are used for loading materials into trucks, or pipes into trenches and so on. A properly set up
tripod can raise loads up to three times that of a derrick or gin pole of similar size and length.
Two legs in the form of an A-frame, often with hand winch and bearers bolted across the base, are
splayed at the head to take the third leg between. A heavy bolt is fitted completely through the three legs
at the apex. A purchase or chain block is hooked into a U-shackle suspended from this bolt.
Steel caps must be fitted above or stitch bolts below
the main bolt to prevent the timbers from splitting
under the load.
Make sure that:
This table assumes that the distance between the feet of the poles does not exceed half the height w here
the height is the distance between the heel and the crutch.
Guy derricks
Guy derricks are rarely used in building work. They can be used where ample space is available to set up
and to move.
They are usually constructed of steel lattice or tubular steel but may be of timber.
The mast is rotated on a ball and socket footing which must be safely anchored in position to prevent
movement in any direction.
The derrick is usually fitted to a hinge at the base of the mast although in some cases to a hinge very
much higher up the mast.
A guy pendant and rope tackle is fitted to each side of the derrick to control its movement. Frequently a
bullwheel is provided, and slewing carried out by means of a power winch.
A swivel is fitted to the mast head to which the stays are attached by means of a spider. This allows the
derrick and mast to revolve as one unit.
Six stays (often eight), fixed at equal angles are used to plumb the mast. The stays are rigidly anchored,
and fitted with turnbuckles to enable constant adjustment to take up slackness. The turnbuckles should be
locked to prevent slackening. The anchorages should be properly lagged if they are of steel.
Anchor the stays 1.5 x the height of the mast, from the footing. Mast stays should have the strength to
support the mast loads.
The luffing gear from derrick head to mast head is a several part purchase. The number of parts is
determined by the hook load. The lead together with the hoist rope lead is taken to the base of the
mast (usually through a hole in the ball and socket joint) to the lead sheaves and then to the winch. In
temporary rigs the hoist lead is sometimes taken direct to the lead sheaves at the base of the mast and
then to the winch.
The main defect of the guy derrick is the tendency of the stays opposite the derrick to stretch under load.
This results in the mast being thrown out of plumb, placing heavy loads on the stays, and making slewing
difficult. Therefore stays must be continually kept taut in order to keep the mast plumb.
The derrick may need to be lowered and dipped under the nearest stay, or the stay let go and reset before
slewing. The heel of the mast must be set up on a support with the strength to support the mast load
plus the weight of mast and derrick with side thrust.
Another type of guyed derrick has the derrick hinged two-thirds of the way up the mast. These require
particularly strong masts because of the bending forces.
In building construction the building framework is erected as high as the crane can reach. The crane is
then lifted up several floors and re-set in position.
Stays must be of adequate strength, kept taut and kept clear of all obstructions and the mast must be
kept plumb.
Correct procedure for the erection of derricks is to make the stays complete with spliced eyes to a length
equal to 1.25~the height of the mast. Additional lengths may then be shackled on as required.
The stays are too large in diameter to be bent around rectangular stanchions and similar anchorages
without sustaining serious damage. For this reason only lighter bowsing ropes or slings should pass
round anchorages.
Insert heavy straining screws between the bowsings or slings and the eyes of the stays. If necessary use
heavy wedge sockets to shorten the main stays.
Do not use single base bulldog grips on the stays.
When using a wire rope luffing purchase, care must be taken to ensure a free and true lead to the lower
lead block at all positions of the derrick.
A natural fibre rope luffing purchase may be used only if it has the strength to sustain the load plus the
weight of the derrick, and if a FSWR preventer topping lift is used and permanently secured.
The boom must never be left under load supported only by fibre ropes as the ropes may be damaged by
sparks, acid, weather etc or become unstranded.
The lifting purchase must be able to safely sustain the hook loads.
The boom head should be protected, shackles moused and lead blocks hung up. Guys, pendants and
tackles must be properly secured and of sufficient number to enable proper control of the derrick.
In the table below the maximum ratio of length to diameter does not exceed 60.
The rigging of flying foxes and cableways must be carried out or directly supervised by a person holding
an Advanced Rigging certificate (or old equivalent).
The natural curves and slopes of the main cable make it necessary to control the fox by an endless rope
or equivalent device. The endless control or traverse rope should only be omitted upon the advice of
an engineer.
This is partly because the pull of the hoisting rope tends to move the fox into unexpected positions. This
movement can be sometimes offset by reeving the hoisting rope to relieve the fox of forces which move
it along.
The main cable bends under the wheels of the fox as the load travels. If there are too few wheels the
bending action may become localised greatly reducing the safety of the cable. Foxes usually have four or
more wheels so that the bend in the main cable is spread over a considerable length.
When measured at the bottom of the treads the diameter of the wheels should be eight times the
diameter of the main cable, though in large foxes carrying loads of 10t or more they may be as
small as six diameters.
In most applications there should be no more than about 2.5t of load on each wheel although in bridge
building, loads of double this figure are quite usual.
The no load sag of the main cable, measured vertically at half span from a straight line joining the
respective ends of the span should be about one-twentieth of the span, when the unloaded fox is at half
The pull or tension in the main cable under maximum working load should not exceed one-sixth of the
breaking strength of the cable.
For large permanent cableways such as those used in dam construction a maximum working load of
one-quarter (or even less) is common, but this is not recommended for rough temporary cableways.
Where the span exceeds about 200m, fit carriers, in the form of steel links or loops to support the
hoisting rope from the main cable. Without the carriers the unsupported hoisting rope will sag and
interfere with the control of the lifting hook, and may make it impossible to lower an empty hook.
Flying-fox (bridge erection type)
Main cable at pole head
Pole mortised out about 225 rnm
deep to receive main cable
Lashing securing
pole to cab/~._;"'~~~.~
! stitch
for luffing
To anchorage
To anchorage
The carriers have a wheel running on the main cable. As the fox traverses the span it leaves behind a
carrier at each of the points the hoisting rope is to be supported. The carriers are unshipped from the fox,
and located where required by an overhead rope known as a button rope because of the various stops or
buttons attached to it for engaging carriers.
The fox collects the carriers on the return trip and transports them until they are ne eded again.
Where spans are less than about 200m the bottom block (hook block) is made hea vy enough to overcome
the pull and drag of the ropes whilst being lowered without any burden.
In bridge work it is often necessary to raise and lower loads not directly below the m ain cable. The poles
supporting the main cable should be inclined sideways to bring the fox immediately above the load.
Preventer ropes must not be clamped to operating ropes by bulldog grips, but by pr operly constructed
double-seated clamps.
Span ropes
Span ropes must have a minimum safety factor of six allowing for reeving, sharp be nds at anchorages and
point of load attachment.
The sag should never be less than five per cent of the length of span. The greater th e sag the less the
tension in the rope.
The span should be securely anchored at both ends and if standing guys are used, these should be of
sufficient strength to match the span rope and suitably protected and anchored.
Sheaves of fox block should be at least ten times the diameter of the span rope, with close fitting cheeks.
Running control lines should lead as close to line of span as possible.
Safety helmets
Safety helmets with chin straps must be worn wherever there is a risk of objects falling from above and on
any work site where the hard hat sign is displayed.
Helmets should comply with AS 1801 Industrial safety helmets.
Riggers should wear close fitting pigskin gloves to protect hands from:
molten metal
sharp edges.
Special purpose gloves may be required for protection against chemicals including acids, alkalis, solvents,
fats and oils.
Eye protection
Wear eye protection that conforms to AS 1337 Eye protectors for industrial applications if you are likely
to be exposed to:
Respiratory protection
Riggers should wear a face mask that conforms to AS 1716 Respiratory protective devices if you are
likely to be exposed to:
Inhalation of some chemical vapours and gases can cause death or a wide range of unpleasant symptoms
including narcosis and headaches.
Common dusts such as silica can cause lung disease later in life and is found wherever there is
excavation, ie building sites, road works, tunnelling and mining.
Hearing protection
Hearing damage is likely if you are exposed to long periods of industrial noise above 85 decibels. This is
the noise level of a large truck or loader.
A chainsaw for example has a noise level of about 92 decibels.
If you think it is likely that you are being exposed to dangerous noise levels ask your employer to provide
you with hearing protectors complying with AS 1270 Acoustics Hearing protectors.
Riggers should be careful to choose footwear which are comfortable, gives maximum grip and provides
protection from pinching, jamming and crushing.
A range of lightweight flexible boots with steel or plastic caps is available that comply with AS 2210
Safety footwear.
Sun protection
Riggers spend a great deal of time exposed to direct sunlight. To prevent permanent damage caused by
ultra violet rays always wear a hat, long sleeves, long trousers and use UV cream when working outside.
First aid
Riggers work in a high risk industry. Not only are there many minor injuries but there are also serious
injuries where the injured person will need first aid to restore breathing, heart beat or to stem blood flow.
Know the location of the first aid room and the nearest first aid kit. There should be a first aid kit on every
alternate floor of a multi-storey building site or within 100 metres of any part of the workplace.
The standard first-aid symbol in Australia is a white cross on a green background.
First-aid kits on construction sites should have a carrying handle. There should be a notice near to
the first-aid room with the name(s) of those in the workplace who hold an approved occupational
first-aid certificate.
It is recommended that riggers take the time to do an approved first-aid certificate course.
Conventional radio
Great care is taken when allocating frequencies to make sure that there are no other operators using the
same frequency in the area. It is not possible, however, to control radio users in the field who may be
using a frequency in the wrong area.
Always use a good quality system from a reputable company with a properly allocated frequency for
the area.
Interference on your frequency can be a safety hazard. Stop using the system if there is interference, until
the system is checked or a new frequency allocated.
Trunked radio
Trunked radio is a computer controlled two way system that locks other radio users out of your frequency.
No other operator can cut in and overpower your signal.
With trunked radio it is possible to have several separate groups on one site communicating by radio
without interfering with each other. Trunked radio is recommended for large sites.
Boom Movement
OK to raise
All clear
Do not move
Speak clearly and say the name of the part of the crane to be moved first then the direction
of movement.
Volume of a cube = length x height x width
For example:
3m x 3m x 3m = 27 cubic metres
Aluminium, cu m
Aluminium ingot
Ashes, coal, cu m
Gypsum, cu m
Gypsum, 1 bag
Blue metal, cu m
Hermatic ore, cu m
Hemp, bale
Ice, cu m
Iron, cast m
Iron, ore, cu m
Bronze, cu m
Jute, bale
Cast iron, cu m
Cast steel, cu m
Clay, cu m
Lead, cu m
Cement, 1 bag
Cement, 1 bag
Coal, 1 cu m
Concrete, cu m
Lime (stone), cu m
Copper, cu m
Nails, case
Earth, 1 cu m
Fat, tallow, etc (44 gal barrels) 200 litre
Fencing wire, coil
Fibrous plaster, sq m
Fibre board, sq m
4.5mm thick, sq metre
100mm 55m
150mm 32m
225mm 20m
standard, sq metre
300mm 15m
100mm pipe
150mm pipe
200mm pipe
84kg /m
225mm pipe
300mm pipe
10 N.B.O.D. 17mm
Screws, case
15 N.B.O.D. 21mm
Shale, cu m
20 N.B.O.D. 27mm
Sisal, bale
25 N.B.O.D. 34mm
32 N.B.O.D. 42mm
40 N.B.O.D. 48mm
Steel, galvanised
8 N.B.0.D. 13.5mm
50 N.B.O.D.
13g internal
diameter approx.5.3kg/m
12.7mm O.D.
16mm O.D.
25mm O.D.
38mm O.D.
50mm O.D.
Plywood 6mm, 2m x 1m
Terracotta, cu m
Tin, cu m
Tin, ingot
Timber, ironbark, cu m
Timber, softwoods, cu m
Water, fresh, 1 cu m
Zinc, cu m
Zinc, ingot
Weatherboards, rusticated
Hardwood, 180mm x 25mm x 200m
Woolpacks, pack average
BODY BELT: A safety belt designed to be worn around the waist and which does not have shoulder straps
or leg straps.
BOOM: A member attached to and cantilevered from the crane structure from which the load is
suspended. Can be luffed or sleeved while the crane is handling a load.
BOOM BUTT: The end of the boom nearest to the crane.
BOOM HEAD: The end of the boom furthest from the crane.
BOOM LIFT: See boom type elevating work platform.
BOOM TYPE ELEVATING WORK PLATFORM: A powered telescoping device, hinged device or articulated
device or any combination of these used to support a platform on which personnel, equipment and
materials may be elevated to perform work. Also known as cherrypickers.
BORDEAUX CONNECTION: A fitting used to connect a chain to FSWR where the connection is required to
pass over a sheave.
BOTTLE SCREW: See rigging screw.
BOW SHACKLE: A shackle with bowed sides.
BOWSING: See frapping.
BOWSTRING: A rope tensioned to a structural member to prevent it from distorting during lifting.
BREAKING FORCE: See guaranteed breaking strain (GBS).
BRIDGE CRANE: A powered crane consisting of one or more bridge beams mounted at each end to an end
carriage that can travel along elevated runways. It may be cabin controlled or remote controlled (such as
pendant control).
BRIGHT WIRE: Uncoated steel wire used in the construction of FSWR. Also known as black wire.
BRITISH DOCKS SPLICE: Orthodox 5 tuck eye splice in FSWR.
BUSH ROLLER CHAIN: Chain constructed with parallel flat links and cylindrical rollers, such as bicycle
and motorcycle drive chains.
BUILDERS HOIST: A hoist incorporating a mast or guides which is used on building and construction
projects. It includes a cantilever platform materials hoist and a personnel and materials hoist.
BULLDOG GRIP: A wire rope grip consisting of a U-bolt, two nuts and a saddle.
CCLP: Cantilevered crane loading platform.
cm: Symbol for centimetre.
CABLE LAID ROPE: Three hawser laid fibre ropes laid up together in an opposite lay to form one rope.
Cable laid ropes are often used for moorings.
CABLE PULLING STOCKING: A device used as a temporary join for two ropes where the join needs to
pass over a sheave. It is used to haul a new rope onto a crane.
CALIBRATED CHAIN: Short link chain with parallel link sides constructed to very exact link lengths so it
can ride smoothly over a gypsy. Commonly used on chain blocks. Also called pitched short link chain.
CANTILEVER: A beam, structural member or similar which is anchored at one end and which is free at
the other end.
CANTILEVER PLATFORM MATERIALS HOIST: A powered builders hoist which has the lift platform
cantilevered from the hoist tower. It moves materials only, up and down the face of a building or structure.
Also called a barrow hoist.
CANTILEVERED CRANE LOADING PLATFORM: A temporary loading bay cantilevered from the face of a
building or structure to land or lift crane-handled loads.
CAPSTAN WINCH: See warping drum.
CAT HEAD: The sheave assemblies on the top mast section of a builders hoist or the top of the A-frame
on a tower crane.
CENTIMETRE: A unit for measuring distance. 10mm equals one centimetre. 100cm equals 1m.
CHAIN BLOCK: A geared portable appliance used for hoisting a load suspended on a chain.
CHAIN PULLER: A geared portable appliance incorporating a load chain which is operated by a
lever handle.
CHERRY PICKER: See boom type elevating work platform.
CHOKE HITCH: A method of securing a load to a sling or a sling to an anchorage by reeving the sling
back through its eye, or fixing the eye back to the sling leg with a shackle.
CIRCUMFERENCE: The distance around the outside edge of a circle.
CLEVIS: An eye with a removable pin.
CLIMBING FRAME: An internal or external frame used to lift the crane from the tower sections of a tower
crane for climbing up or down.
COME-ALONG: See chain puller or creeper winch.
CRADLE: The part of a suspended scaffold that incorporates the working platform.
CRANE: An appliance intended for raising and lowering a load and moving it horizontally, but excluding
industrial lift trucks, earthmoving machinery, amusement structures, tractors, industrial robots, conveyors,
building maintenance equipment, suspended scaffolds and lifts.
CRANE CHART: See load chart.
CRAWLER CRANE: See track mounted crane.
CREEPER WINCH: A portable manually operated winch for hoisting or haulage where an FSWR is moved
through the winch by a gripping jaw mechanism.
CRIBBING: See pigsty.
CROSBY CLIP: See bulldog grip.
CUT SPLICE: A splice joining two fibre ropes which incorporates an eye.
DEAD END: The tail of a rope which does not take load.
DEAD LOAD: The self weight of a crane, hoist or scaffold before it is loaded.
DEBRIS NET: A fine mesh net usually laid over an industrial safety net in order to catch small light items
of falling debris.
DEE SHACKLE: A shackle with parallel sides, resembling the letter D on its side.
DERRICK CRANE: A slewing strut-boom crane with the boom pivoted at the base of a mast which is
either guyed (guy-derrick) or held by backstays (stiff-leg derrick). Can luff under load.
DIAMETER: The distance across a circle measured through its centre.
DIVERTING SHEAVE: A sheave set up to change the direction of the lead rope between the winch and the
head sheave.
DOG KNOTTING: A method of finishing a splice in a fibre rope by halving each strand and knotting each
half to the adjacent half strand. It prevents the splice from loosening during use.
DOGGING: The application of slinging techniques, including the selection or inspection of lifting gear,
or the directing of a crane or hoist operator in the movement of a load when the load is out of the
operators view.
DOMESTIC GRADE LADDER: A portable ladder designed and manufactured for light loads and intended
for use by home handymen. It is not intended for industrial work.
DOUBLE BASE CLAMP: A wire rope grip with two or more bolts along a split barrel to minimise damage
to the FSWR.
DOUBLE ROPE SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD: A scaffold where the cradle is suspended using two hoists and
two suspension ropes at each support point.
DOUBLE THROAT WIRE ROPE GRIP: A wire rope grip which uses a saddle on each side to minimise
damage to the FSWR.
DOUBLE WRAP: A method of slinging where the sling legs are passed twice around the load with the eye
choked back to the sling. Often called a round turn.
DRAGLINE: A crane fitted with a bucket or scoop which is thrown outwards and retrieved by a drag
cable arrangement.
DRIFT: 1. A steel handtool consisting of a tapered shaft which is used to align bolt holes in structural steel
connections. It is sometimes driven in with a flogging hammer to drift the bolt holes into alignment.
OR 2. The distance between the upper and lower blocks of a tackle or purchase. The drift determines the
maximum height a load can be lifted.
DROlT: A brandname for excavators and loaders.
DRUM: The cylinder of a winch around which the rope is wound and stored. It may be plain or grooved.
DUAL COVERAGE: Work which can be performed by someone who holds either the appropriate class of
rigging certificate or the appropriate class of scaffolding certificate, because the work is within the scope
of both types of certificate.
DUAL LIFT: See multiple crane lift.
DUCK: A light canvas material similar to calico.
DUNNAGE: Packing under loads to allow the removal or placing of slings.
EOHTC: Electric overhead travelling crane an electric powered bridge or gantry crane.
EWP: Elevating work platform.
EGG RING: The main (or master) ring to which the legs of a chain sling assembly are attached.
ELEVATING WORK PLATFORM: A telescoping device, scissor device or articulating device used to support
a working platform.
END SPLICE: See back splice.
EQUALlSlNG BEAM: A lifting beam which can be used with two cranes to ensure that each crane is
supporting its correct portion of the load.
EQUALlSlNG SHEAVES: Sheaves used to equalise the load.
EXTENSION LADDER: A portable ladder constructed in two or more stages which can be adjusted to vary
the height of the ladder.
EYE SPLICE: A splice in the end of a rope which forms an eye.
EYEBOLT: A lifting ring fixed to a threaded rod which can be screwed into a load or anchorage.
FC: Symbol used to indicate a fibre core in the construction of an FSWR.
FSWR: Flexible steel wire rope.
FW: Filler wire. It is used in some FSWR constructions to space and support the main wires in a strand.
FABRICATED HUNG SCAFFOLD: A pre-assembled scaffold hung from another structure but which is not
capable of being raised or lowered when in use. It is sometimes used for large steel erection projects.
FACTOR OF SAFETY: The ratio of the minimum breaking load (or GBS) to the WLL or actual working load.
For example, an FSWR with a safety factor of five has a WLL which is one fifth of its GBS.
FALLS: The separate parts of rope in a purchase or tackle.
FELLING: Various methods of demolition where a winch or earthmoving equipment is used to drag over a
part of the building or structure.
FERRULE: A metal collar used in an FSWR eye splice to hold the rope parts together.
FLEET ANGLE: The angle formed from the centre line of the drum to the centre of the first lead sheave
then back to the inside centre of the drum flange.
FLEETING: A method of moving an object by using two hoists, purchases or tackles to lift, haul and
lower the load.
FLEMISH EYE: A method of forming an eye in FSWR by separating and re-marrying the strands
without tucks.
FLOGGING HAMMER: A hammer designed to be held in one hand for driving drifts, cold chisels and the
like. Commonly used in steel erection.
FLY: A secondary jib mounted at the head of the cranes main boom or jib, increasing the cranes
operating radius and drift. Also called a goose neck.
FLYING FOX: An arrangement where a rope is suspended between two tower structures and which
supports a carriage (or fox) from which a load may be raised, traversed and lowered.
FRAPPING: A lashing where several turns are passed around parts to pull a rope tighter. Also called a
bowsing lashing.
GBS: Guaranteed breaking strain.
GANTLINE: A fibre rope reeved through a single sheave block.
GANTRY CRANE: A powered crane with one or more bridge beams. The beams are supported at each end
by legs mounted on travelling end carriages. They have a crab with one or more hoisting units that are
able to travel across the bridge beam or beams. Used where there is no supporting building for the crane.
GEARED JACK: A geared mechanical device used to raise or lower loads.
GERMAN JACK: See geared jack.
GIN POLE: A guyed derrick without a pivoted strut-boom. It can raise and lower a load and a limited
amount of slewing can be achieved by adjusting the guys.
GIN WHEEL: A purpose designed single sheave tackle block often used as a gantline during the erection
and dismantling of scaffolds.
GIRDER CLAMP: An appliance designed to be fixed to the lower flange of a universal beam or RSJ to
provide an anchorage for a sling, suspension rope, purchase or tackle.
GIRT: A horizontal structural member in a wall of a steel structure which supports the wall
cladding sheets.
GOOSE NECK: See fly.
GUARANTEED BREAKING STRAIN: The load (or force) stated by the rope manufacturer as the ropes
breaking load when tested to failure in a new condition. The ratio between the GBS and the WLL is the
factor of safety.
GRADE: Indicates the strength of chain, FSWR or other items manufactured from steel. The higher the
grade of steel, the higher the tensile strength.
GROMMET: An endless sling constructed with a single rope strand layed up onto itself.
GUN TACKLE: A fibre rope tackle which uses an upper block with two sheaves and a lower block with
two sheaves (two double blocks).
GUY: A tensioned rope fixed at one end to a mast, tower or structure and anchored some distance from
the base to stabilise the structure.
GUYED DERRICK: A derrick (or derrick crane) stabilised by guys.
GYPSY: A sheave with pockets formed into its groove to take a load chain, such as on a chain block.
HAMBONE: See wedge socket.
HAMMERHEAD CRANE: A tower crane with a counterweighted horizontal boom which supports a
traversing crab for hoisting.
HAMMERLOCK: An attachment for joining hooks or rings to a chain.
HANDY BILLY: A fibre rope tackle where one block has two sheaves and the other block has three sheaves
(double and treble blocks). It is also called light gin tackle.
kg: Kilogram.
kPa: Kilopascal.
kN: Kilonewton.
KERNMANTLE CONSTRUCTION: A method of constructing synthetic fibre rope where a plaited sheath is
layed over a parallel or twisted core. Kernmantle ropes are used with abseiling equipment and emergency
rescue lines.
KIBBLE: A crane lifted vessel normally used for hoisting and pouring wet concrete.
KIDNEY BELT: See body belt.
KINKING: Damage to a rope indicated by a sharp permanent twist.
KILOGRAM: A unit for measuring mass (or weight). One litre of water weighs one kilogram. There are
1000kg in a tonne.
KILONEWTON: A unit for measuring force. One kilonewton is approximately equivalent to a weight
of 100kg.
KILOPASCAL: A unit for measuring pressure or stress. One kilopascal is approximately equal to
100kg per square metre.
KNEE BRACE: A diagonal brace used to stiffen a column in a steel structure.
L: lndicates Grade 30 mild steel chain.
LH: lndicates left hand lay in a rope construction.
LL: lndicates Langs lay in an FSWR rope construction.
LANGS LAY: A construction method for FSWR where the rope strands are laid in the same direction as
the wires.
LANYARD: A short length of synthetic fibre rope used to attach a safety harness or body belt to
an anchorage.
LATTICE BOOM CRANE: A crane with an open-web boom, usually in sections. It does not telescope.
Sometimes called a pin-jib crane
LAY: The way a rope is constructed.
LEAD BLOCK: A block which diverts the line of pull in a winch hauling rope.
LEAD ROPE: The portion of rope between the lead block and the winch drum.
LEFT HAND LAY: A method of rope construction where the strands are laid up in an anti-clockwise
direction. Sometimes called an S twist because the strands run the same direction as the central part of
the letter S.
LEVER HOIST: See Chain puller.
LIFELINE: A vertical, or near vertical rope to which a safety harness can be attached using a device that
will grab the lifeline if the wearer slips.
LIFTED LOAD: See live load.
MAST CLIMBER: A hoist with a working platform used for temporary purposes to raise personnel and
materials to the working position. It has a drive system mounted on an extendable mast which may be
tied to a building.
MATERIALS HOIST: A builders hoist used for raising and lowering materials (not personnel) including a
cantilevered platform materials hoist.
MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: Manufacturers or suppliers information about a substance, including
any hazards associated with its transportation, storage and use.
MECHANICAL LOADSHIFTING EQUIPMENT: When used in connection with rigging, this term includes
specified cranes, hoists, cableways, flying foxes, winches, blocks and purchases which incorporate
sheaves, jacks and airbags.
MEDIUM DUTY WORKING PLATFORM: A platform on a scaffold with a duty live load capacity of 450kg
per bay. This is twice the capacity of a light duty platform.
MEGAPASCAL: A unit for measuring pressure or stress. 1000 kilopascals equals 1 megapascal. 1
megapascal is approximately equal to 100 tonnes per square metre.
MOBILE CRANE: A crane which can travel over a supporting surface without the need for fixed runways or
railway tracks and which relies on gravity for stability.
MOBILE SCAFFOLD: An independent free standing scaffold mounted on castors.
MOBILING: Moving a mobile crane over its supporting surface while it is under load.
MULTI-LEGGED SLING: A sling assembly with more than two sling legs.
MULTIPLE CRANE LIFT: The movement of a load where the load is suspended from two or more cranes.
NR: Symbol used to indicate non-rotating rope.
NEEDLE: A cantilevered structural member that supports a scaffold or load.
NIP: The point at which a rope or sling is gripped by a hitch.
NON-ROTATING ROPE: FSWR in which adjacent layers of strands are layed in opposite directions,
ie alternatively right hand and left hand, to prevent the rope from spinning under load. Commonly
used as a crane hoist rope.
NON-SLEWING MOBILE CRANE: A mobile crane which has a boom or jib that cannot be slewed. It
includes an articulated type mobile crane and a locomotive crane.
OL: Symbol used to indicate ordinary lay rope construction.
ON RUBBER: The operation of a truck mounted or rough terrain mobile crane without the aid
of outriggers.
OPEN WEDGE SOCKET: See wedge socket.
ORDINARY LAY: A method of FSWR construction where the strands are laid in the opposite direction to
the outer layer of wires. Referred to in North American manuals as regular lay.
OUTBOARD: The portion of a needle or other cantilevered beam between its fulcrum and its outermost
attachment point.
OUTRIGGER: A stabilising extension for a mobile crane.
REEVE: To thread rope through lifting gear such as sheaves or put one eye through the other for slinging.
REEVE FACTOR: The factor by which the WLL of a sling is adjusted to give its SWL for a particular
manner in which the sling is reeved.
REGULAR LAY: See ordinary lay
REMOTE-RELEASE SHACKLE: A purpose designed shackle with an operating rope enabling it to be
disconnected by a person standing below the lifting point. Often used to lift columns during steel erection.
RIGGING: The use of mechanical loadshifting equipment and associated gear to move, place or secure a
load including plant, equipment or members of a building or structure and to ensure the stability of those
members, and for the setting up and dismantling of cranes and hoists, other than the setting up of a crane
or hoist which only requires the positioning of integral outriggers or stabilisers.
RIGGING SCREW: An enclosed device with an anchorage point and a threaded rod in each end. Used to
tension an FSWR or to provide fine adjustment to a sling assembly.
RIGHT HAND LAY: A method of rope construction where the strands are laid up in a clockwise direction.
Sometimes called a Z twist because the strands run in the same direction as the central part of the
letter Z.
ROLLED STEEL JOIST: A structural steel member with an I-section, now largely superceded by universal
beams (UBs) and universal columns (UCs).
ROOF RIG: See suspension rig.
ROOSTER SHEAVE: The head sheave for the auxiliary winch on the top of the boom head of a hydraulic
boom crane.
ROUGH TERRAIN CRANE: A mobile crane designed to operate on unimproved natural terrain and
disturbed terrain of construction sites.
ROUND SLING: An endless synthetic fibre sling constructed with a circular cross-section.
RUNNING GEAR: Flexible ropes which run over sheaves or drums and the gear used with such ropes.
S: The symbol used to indicate seale construction in an FSWR.
S TWIST: See left hand lay
SF: The symbol used to indicate seale filler wire in the construction of an FSWR.
SW: The symbol used to indicate seale warrington construction in an FSWR.
SWL: Safe working load.
SAFE WORKING LOAD: The maximum load which may be applied to a crane, hoist, rope, chain or sling
for particular conditions of use.
SAFETY HARNESS: A body harness to which a lanyard or inertia reel can be attached to protect a person
from falling or arrest a fall.
SAFETY HOOK: A hook provided with a safety latch across its throat intended to prevent a sling being
accidentally dislodged.
SAFETY LINE: A horizontal rope or webbing anchored to two or more points of a building or structure and
tensioned to provide an anchorage for a person wearing a safety harness to attach a lanyard or inertia reel.
SNATCH BLOCK: A sheave block with a drop side to permit the bight of a rope to be placed or removed
without reeving it through.
SNATCH LOADING: The sudden application of power to lift a load, causing large impact forces on the load
and the running gear.
SNIGGING: Dragging a sling or dragging a load.
SNOTTER: A fibre rope sling.
SPANISH WINDLASS: A dangerous method of twitching tight the parts of a rope by placing a bar between
them and taking several turns.
SPREADER BAR: A rigid member used to connect two trolleys from which a scaffold is suspended. It
keeps the suspension points aligned when the cradle or working platform is traversed.
SPREADER BEAM: A beam with a central lifting attachment and with slinging points at each end. Used to
reduce the angle of slings or to sling loads with large surface areas or to reduce the strain on a load.
SPECIAL DUTY WORKING PLATFORM: A platform on a scaffold designed for live loads greater than
675kg per bay.
SOCK: See cable pulling stocking.
SOFT EYE: See bald eye.
STANDING GEAR: Ropes such as guys and stays which do not run or work over sheaves or drums, and
the gear used with such ropes.
STATIC LINE: See safety line.
STEP LADDER: A self-supporting portable ladder of fixed length having flat steps or treads and hinged
back legs.
STIFF-LEG DERRICK: A derrick crane stabilised by rigid backstays and sleepers.
STOCKING: See cable pulling stocking.
STRAND: A number of wires or fibres layed in a spiral which are then layed up with other strands to
form a rope.
STRETCHING SCREW: See turnbuckle.
STRONGBACK: A temporary member fixed to a load to strengthen or stiffen it during lifting.
STROP: An endless sling.
STUD-LINK CHAIN: Chain constructed with a stud across the centre of each link. Commonly used
for marine purposes, the stud prevents the chain from jamming when it comes out of ships lockers.
Unsuitable for general lifting purposes.
SUPER DUTY HOIST: A materials tower hoist with a WLL greater than one tonne. It is sometimes
constructed as a dual tower with a materials platform in one tower and a concrete bucket in the other.
SUSPENDED SCAFFOLD: A scaffold incorporating a suspended platform which can be raised and lowered
in normal use, including a boatswains chair.
SUSPENSION RIG: The portion of a suspended scaffold (including a trolley track) which is mounted at a
higher level than the cradle and which supports and positions the cradle. Sometimes called a roof rig.
SUSPENSION ROPE: A rope used in a suspended scaffold to support a cradle.
SWAGED FITTING: A metallic fitting attached to FSWR using radial pressure to form an eye.
SWING STAGE: A suspended scaffold with a single row of suspension ropes.
SWIVEL: A rotating item of lifting gear which can rotate without spinning the rope, hook or load.
SYNTHETIC FIBRE: Manufactured fibre used in the construction of fibre ropes and slings, such as
polyamide (nylon), polyester, polyethylene, polypropylene, etc.
T: Symbol indicating Grade 80 chain.
t: Symbol for tonne.
TFB: Tapered flange beam
TACKLE: Fibre rope reeved through sheaves to form a mechanical advantage.
TAGLINE: A fibre rope attached to a suspended load to control the load during lifting.
TAPERED FLANGE BEAM: A largely obsolete type of steel I-beam. UBs are now generally used.
TARE WEIGHT: The unloaded weight of a crane, lifting box or other container. It is also called the
TELESCOPING: The extension or retraction of a cranes boom or jib by the movement of the boom or jib
sections during normal operation. A feature of most hydraulic boom cranes.
THIMBLE: A grooved piece of metal, circular or pear-shaped, used to protect an eye splice. It forms a
hard eye.
TONNE: A unit for measuring mass (or weight). 1000kg equals 1 tonne.
TOWER CRANE: A boom or jib crane mounted on a tower structure.
TRACK-MOUNTED CRANE: A mobile crane mounted on a crawler track base. It is not usually fitted
with outriggers.
TRAVEL: Movement of a complete crane along a surface or track.
TRAVEL TOWER: A boom-type EWP mounted on a truck tray.
TRAVERSE: Movement of a crab or other part of a crane along runways forming part of the crane
structure, or horizontal movement of a scaffold platform hung from or suspended from a trolley track.
TRAVERSING ROPE: A fibre rope used with a suspended scaffold or hung scaffold supported from a
trolley track to provide controlled horizontal movement of the platform. Also the rope used to traverse the
fox across the main cable of a flying fox.
TRESTLE LADDER: A portable hinged self-supporting ladder designed and intended to support
scaffold planks.
TRUCK-MOUNTED CRANE: A mobile crane mounted on a truck-type chassis and cab system, with the
crane base forming part of the truck chassis.
TUCK: A rope strand tail passed under a strand in the construction of a splice.
TURNBUCKLE: An open framed attachment with an anchorage and threaded rod at each end used to
tension a rope or to provide fine adjustment.
UB: Universal beam.
UC: Universal column.
UNDERWOUND: Rope winding on and off the underside of a winch drum.
UNION SCREW: See turnbuckle.
UNIVERSAL BEAM: An I-section steel beam commonly used in steel structures.
UNIVERSAL COLUMN: An I-section steel column commonly used in steel structures.
VEHICLE LOADING CRANE: A powered slewing crane mounted on a vehicle for the principal purpose of
loading and unloading the vehicle.
W: Symbol used to indicate a warrington construction in an FSWR.
WLL: Working load limit.
WALKING: Mobiling a load with track mounted cranes.
WARPING DRUM: A powered winch with a dished drum used with a fibre or wire rope which is turned
around the drum using friction to lift or haul a load. Also called a capstan winch.
WARRINGTON: A multi-layered strand construction method for FSWR where the strand is laid up parallel
with alternate large and small wires in one layer.
WEBBING SLING: A flat woven synthetic fibre sling.
WHIP UPON WHIP: A fibre rope tackle with two moveable single blocks and one fixed single block.
WHIPPING: A method of preventing the end of a rope from unlaying by securing yarn, marline, twin or
wire around it. Forms of whipping used with fibre ropes include Common whipping, American whipping,
West-Countrymans whipping and Palm-and-Needle whipping.
WINCH: An appliance which provides a means of hoisting or hauling a load.
WIRE: A single continuous steel filament. In FSWR, a number a wires make up a strand, and several
strands form a rope.
WIRE ROPE GRIP: A removable device incorporating nuts and bolts designed to be fixed to FSWR.
WORK CAGE: A suspended scaffold cradle supported by a single suspension rope. Usually designed for
one person.
WORK BOX: A crane lifted box designed to carry personnel and provide them with a working platform.
Often used to service tower crane booms and during large-scale steel erection.
WORKING LOAD LIMIT The maximum load which can be applied under general conditions of use to a
crane, hoist, rope, chain, sling or item of lifting gear.
WORMING: The laying of lengths of spun yarn into the valleys between the strands of a rope to make the
rope completely circular before it is served.
Z TWIST: See right hand lay.
What type of tagline would you use operating near powerlinesnatural fibre rope or synthetic
fibre rope?
Which type of two-way radio is recommended for dogging on large city building sitesa trunked radio
or a conventional radio?
Are the strands of a right hand lay rope laid clockwise or anti-clockwise around the core?
When a three legged sling is used to lift a rigid load, how many legs are assumed to be taking
the weight?
How would you protect a sling from damage caused by the sharp edges of a load?
What minimum clearance around stacked loads would you keep for truck access?
What is the minimum diameter FSWR you would use for two vertical slings fixed to a spreader for
lifting a tank filled with water where:
the tanks tare weight is 200kg
the tank diameter is 850mm
and the tank height is 1600mm?
If you are using a 13mm Grade (P) four-legged chain sling with an included angle of 60 degrees
between the diagonally opposite sling legs, what is the maximum load that can be lifted?
If you are using a pair of 14mm reeved FSWR slings with an included angle of 90 degrees to lift a
universal beam which weighs 147kg per metre, what is the maximum length the beam can be?
Basic rigging
Is a person with a Basic Rigging certificate allowed to carry out dogging work?
What identification marks would you find on the head of a high strength structural bolt?
What type of shackle can be used from a lower level to release the running gear from a column?
Would you sling a roof truss away from the panel points or at the panel points?
What type of damage is caused by sheaves where the groove is too large for the rope?
On what side of an underwound winch drum would you fix a left hand lay rope?
What are the two maximum fall distances you might find marked on the label of a safety net?
What maximum spacing would you use between ties along the border cord of a safety net?
What is the maximum distance you would use between lateral ties or guys of a cantilevered platform
materials hoist?
What is the minimum distance from the lead block to a plain winch drum which is 900mm wide?
Allowing 5 per cent per sheave for friction, what is the load in the lead rope when a purchase with
5 sheaves is used to lift a total load of 8t?
lntermediate rigging
Is a person with an lntermediate Rigging certificate allowed to plan and direct a multiple crane lift?
Is a person with an lntermediate Rigging certificate allowed to use load equalising gear?
Is a person with an lntermediate Rigging certificate allowed to erect and dismantle a cableway?
How often are proof tests required on lifting clutches used for tilt-slab erection?
What is the maximum recommended height of packing under the edge of a tilt up panel?
What type of indicator must be fitted to a crane used for lifting tilt slabs?
When lifting a tilt slab panel from its casting bed, what increase in the dead load would you allow
for the effect of suction?
If you are using a 2 x 2 rigging configuration with equalising sheaves to raise a tilt-slab and the
distance between the anchor points for each sling is 2.4m, what is the minimum length of the slings
you need?
Does a crane used for demolition work require a hoist limiting device?
How close to the sides of a felling rope can a person stand during demolition work?
If you are demolishing reinforced concrete columns, what is the maximum allowable freestanding
height if they are left without lateral support outside working hours?
What is the minimum number of temporary guylines needed to control the felling of a steel column?
An equalising beam which is 8m long with lifting points located at each end and at every metre
along its length will be used in a dual lift. The total load to be lifted is 40t. One crane has an SWL
at the working radius of 25t.
How far along the equalising beam from this cranes lifting point would you sling the load?
What is the minimum required SWL of the second crane at the working radius?
Advanced rigging
What is the maximum duty live load per bay for a medium duty fabricated hung scaffold?
What is the minimum width of a heavy duty working platform on a fabricated hung scaffold?
What is the minimum distance a toeboard must extend above the top surface of a working platform
on a fabricated hung scaffold?
What is the minimum and maximum height from a scaffold platform to the guardrail?
At the edge of a scaffold platform, what must be provided between the guardrail and the toeboard?
What are the minimum and maximum slopes at which a portable ladder can be pitched to provide
access to a scaffold?
What is the minimum cradle width for a double rope suspended scaffold?
Where two trolleys are used to support a swing stage, how would you stop them spreading?
When a drum type scaffolding hoist is at its lowest point, how many full turns of rope should remain
on the drum?
When a climber type scaffolding hoist is at its lowest point, what is the minimum length of
spare rope?
What type of scaffolding hoist must be fitted with a load limiting device?
A swing stage cradle of one bay is set up with two electric scaffolding hoists. Each hoist has a rated
working load of 500kg using 50m of suspension rope weighing 30kg per 100m. The cantilever
needles have an inboard of 3m and an outboard of 500mm. Each counterweight weighs 30kg.
Calculate the minimum number of counterweights needed at the inboard end of each needle.
A chain block is set up on a span rope fixed between two beams which are 25m apart. The load to
be lifted is 600kg and the weight of the lifting gear and load in the hauling part is 70kg. When the
span rope sag is at the recommended minimum, what is the tension in the span rope?
A 6m gin pole has been set up at the maximum recommended lean with the guys anchored at the
minimum recommended distances from the pole foot. The lead rope is parallel to the pole. When a
6t load is lifted there is a 1.2t load in the lead rope.
Calculate the distance between the pole heel and the back guy anchor.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations
abrasion, of flexible steel wire rope, 8, 16, 16-18
American whipping, 40
Bordeaux connections, 66
becket, 32
becket load, 33
eyebolts, 70-1, 71
becklet hitch, 46
hooks, 68-9, 68
birdcaging, 11, 16
shackles, 69-70, 69
turnbuckles, 66-7, 67
Bordeaux connections, 66
bottle screws, 66
Australian Standards
bolts, 116
bowline running, 46
bowline single, 46
chain slings, 59
bowsing lashing, 45
cranes, 163
bridle billing, 32
buntline hitch, 46
C hook, 68
cable laid rope, 38
cable pulling stockings, 35, 35
calibrated chain, 73, 73
cantilevered beams, 78-9, 78-9
cantilevered crane loading platforms, 125-7
cantilevered platform materials hoists, 128-31,
129, 130
cantilevered platform personnel and materials
hoists, 164, 164-7
car jacks, 76
carbon black, 50
cargo hook, 68
back splice, 41
cordage, 37
cotton ropes, 37
coupling links, 61
levels of, 5
Coventry chain, 57
crane hook, 68
crane ropes, 24
Grade 65 chain, 57
172-3, 172-3
handling, 58-9
mobiling, 93-5, 94
rings, 61
chain hooks, 57
crawler cranes, 95
dacron-terylene ropes, 48
clove hitch, 46
demolition rigging
coir ropes, 37
certification, 156
certification, 181
overview, 156
Fibre Core, 9
dog knot, 41
fibres (rope), 37
dogging, 5, 237
double shortener, 47
fishermans bend, 46
drag lines, 63
function, 28
measurement of, 28
52, 54, 83
flax ropes, 37
electrical wires
size, 9-10
31, 31
uncoiling, 19, 20
eyebolts, 70-1, 71
pre-formed ropes
footwear, 212
slings, 24
frapping, 45
standing ropes, 24
tools for, 21
GBS, 39
certification, 195
hemp ropes, 37
hitches, 46
hoist brake, 29
tripods, 201-3
hooks, 68, 68
girts, 115
gloves, 211
gluts, 103
gunning-up, 116
129, 130
demolition of masts, 160, 160-1
jute ropes, 37
knots, 46-7
Kuplex links, 61
Hammerlok links, 61
kuralon ropes, 49
lifelines, 45
lifting, see slings and slinging; spreader beams
Liverpool hook, 68
loading formwork, 92
construction, 37-8
handling, 39-40
maintenance, 39
long splice, 41
parcelling, 41
seizings, 40, 40
serving, 41
shorteners, 47
manila ropes, 37
marine type derrick, 203-4, 204
marlin spike hitch, 47
marlin spikes, 21
marline, 37
masonry walls, demolition of, 159
masses, table of, 219-20
mast climbers, 131-3, 132
mast frapping, 45
masts, demolition of, 160-1, 160
mobile cranes
electrical hazards, 97-8, 97-8
lengthening of the boom, 172-3, 172-3
locomotive cranes, 102
slings, 42
splicing, 41
storage, 39
thimbles, 41
uncoiling, 39-40
whipping, 40, 40
working load limit, 82
worming, 41
needle suspension rigs, 191, 191
needles, 78
new rope, see flexible steel wire rope
non-rotating ropes, 11-12, 11-12
nuts, 116, 116
nylon ropes, 48
overhand knot, 47
Plastic Core, 9
reverse bends, 34
Reynolds chain, 57
rigging, defined, 5
certification, 164
lengthening mobile crane booms, 172-3,
tower cranes, 174-8
rigging for hoists
cantilevered platform (personnel and materials)
certification, 143
certification, 164
167, 167-70
super duty tower hoists, 170-2, 171
rigging screws, 66-7, 67
pre-formed ropes, 10
rings (chain), 61
rolling hitch, 46
defined, 32
reverse bends, 34
sheave blocks, 32
rubbish bins, 90
snatch blocks, 32
table of safe loads for, 31, 31
purlins, 114-5
saddle grips, 66
safe working load (SWL), 83, 84-5, 89, 156
see also working load limit (WLL)
rachet jack, 76
radios, 213
ramshorn hook, 68
rattle-guns, 116
safety hook, 68
scaffold clips, 90
scaffolding hoists, 185
scaffolds, 119, 119-21
see also fabricated hung scaffolds;
suspended scaffolds
scissor hoists, 117
screw jacks, 76, 77, 77
Seale construction, 15, 15
Seale-Filler, 13
secondary ropes, scaffolds, 185-6, 186
seizings, natural fibre rope, 40, 40
serving, 24, 24, 41
shackles, 69-70, 69, 117
damage to, 18 diameters,
25, 25-6 equalising
sheaves, 75, 75
flare angle and groove depth, 25, 25
for purchases, 32
function, 25
inspection of, 27-8, 27-8
reeving, 26-7, 26-7
sheave blocks, 32, 42-3, 44
sheerlegs, 200
snotters, 42, 47
sheet bend, 46
snubber turn, 46
shims, 147
short link chain, 55
short splices, 20, 41
shorteners, 47
shortening clutch, 60
shroud laid rope, 38
signals, 213, 214
silver rope, 49
single base clamps, 66, 66
single ladders, 121
single leg tag, 60
single slings, 84, 84, 85
single snotter shortener,
47 sisal ropes, 37
skates, 107
skidding, 105-6, 106
sling hook, 68
slings and slinging
beams and girders, 113-4
common sling arrangements, 85
direct lifting, 88
steel erection
advantages of, 49
construction, 48
certification, 111
tackle blocks, 35
stepladders, 121
stopping, of slings, 32
strands, 8, 37
taniklon ropes, 48
screws, 66 strongback
terminal link, 60
from, 89-90, 89
core slippage, 11
tilt up panels
suspended scaffolds
certification, 147
fixing, 151
overview, 147
191, 191
of, 194
safety, 188-9
185-6, 186
tripods, 201-3
jacks, 76
pallets, 92
shackles, 69-70
union screws, 66
spreader beams, 74
static line spans, 140