Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (A Joint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Delhi) Advt No: DMRC / Om / HR /ii/ 2014 From 17/12/2014 (1800 HRS)
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (A Joint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Delhi) Advt No: DMRC / Om / HR /ii/ 2014 From 17/12/2014 (1800 HRS)
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. (A Joint Venture of Govt. of India & Govt. of Delhi) Advt No: DMRC / Om / HR /ii/ 2014 From 17/12/2014 (1800 HRS)
18/12/2014 to 12/01/2015
09/01/2015 (23.59 hrs)
14/01/2015 (23: 59 hrs.)
Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), a joint venture company with equity participation from Govt. of India and Govt. of National Capital
Territory of Delhi has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of the rail based Mass Rapid Transit System for Delhi, NCR &
other metros.
Applications are invited from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for the following category of Executive & NonExecutive posts in DMRC : SECTION A Executive Category posts to be filled up on direct recruitment basis
Part - I
Name of Post
(IDA) in `
No of
Education Qualification
No of
Education Qualification
Name of Post
Grade (IDA)
Asstt. Manager/HR
Age between as
on 01.07.2014
18 to 28 Years
(i.e. born not
earlier than
2.7.1986 and
not later than
Part II
in `
Asstt. Manager/IT
Asstt. Manager/Fire
Age between as on
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18 to 28 Years
(i.e. born not
earlier than
2.7.1986 and
not later than
& Minimum Physical
Standards Height-165
cms, Chest-81 cms & 86
cms expanded.
Name of Post
Asstt. Programmer
Grade (IDA)
in `
No of vacancies**
reserved categories
Education Qualification
(UR-15, OBC07,SC-04, ST02, ExS*-03)
ST-02,OBC07, ExS*-03)
Age between as on
Medical Standards as
Medical Manual.
medical standard are
available at DMRCs
Web site)
18 to 28 Years
(i.e. born not
earlier than
2.7.1986 and not
later than
SECTION C Non-Executive Category posts to be filled up on Contract basis for a period of three years.
Name of Post
(Civil)- to be filled
on contract basis for
a period of three
(Electrical )- to be
filled on contract
basis for a period of
three years for
Kochi Office of
DMRC Project
(Signal & Telecom
)- to be filled on
contract basis for a
period of
years for Kochi
Office of DMRC
Grade (IDA)
No of vacancies**
reserved categories
Education Qualification
in `
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Age between as on
18 to 28 Years
(i.e. born not
earlier than
2.7.1986 and not
later than
Medical Standards as
Medical Manual.
medical standard are
available at DMRCs
Web site)
Legal Assistant
-to be filled up on
contract basis for a
period of three
Qualification:-As prescribed above. Candidates who are appearing at the qualifying exam, passing of which would make them educationally
eligible for these posts but have not yet been informed of the results, will also be eligible for applying for these posts. Such candidates will be
admitted to the examination, if otherwise eligible, but their candidature would be deemed to be provisional and subject to cancellation, if they do not
produce proof of having passed the eligibility qualification on the date of Group Discussion/Interview/Skill Test, which is likely to be
held/declared tentatively by March/April2015. The proof of passing/result should have been declared in public domain through
newspapers/websites etc.
Asstt. Manager/HR
OA : One arm affected (Right or Left) (a) impaired reach (b) weakness of grip (c) ataxic, OL : One leg affected (Right or Left)
(a) impaired reach (b) weakness of grip (c) ataxic, HI : Hearing Impairment" i.e. loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear
in the conversational range of frequencies. N.B.: Extant rules regarding relaxation in standards of examination etc. shall be
intimated on DMRCs website
Job Profile:
The Job profile of Asstt. Managers (Electrical/S&T) pertains to management of various Maintenance Systems & processes, in connection with
operation & maintenance of Metro Trains/tracks/works etc, and also for installation/ execution of various systems in DMRC Project etc.
The Job profile of Asstt. Company Secretary, pertains to managing company affairs, contract management/tender, general administration etc.
The Job profile of Asstt.Manager/HR, pertains to HR management, staff grievances redressal, SAP/ESS, Staff/Labour welfare etc.
The Job profile of Asstt.Managers/Finance pertains to Finance management, SAP/ESS, pay & allowances etc.
The Job profile of Asstt.Managers/Operations pertains to Station/Train/staff management, Roster preparation, commuter grievances redressal etc.
The job of Asstt.Manager/IT pertains to IT system management including programming language, data base concept, IT security, project
management, system design & development, ERP system etc.
The Job profile of Asstt.Managers/Fire pertains to fire management in DMRC stations/offices/depots etc.
The job of Asstt.Programmers entails looking after diverse works of Signalling/Telecom/Automatic Fare Collection Systems including hardware &
software maintenance of various Electronics systems and maintenance etc. in shift duty including night shift.
The job of Stenographer entails taking shorthand, providing secretarial assistance, record management etc.
The job profile of Jr.Engineers include construction & maintenance of various Electrical system (Rolling Stock/Lift/Escalators/Power supply, OHE,
stores etc), Civil (P. Way & Works) and S&T systems, Mechanical systems and train maintenance, handling/operating Tower Wagon/Shunting etc.
in shift duty including night shift.
The job profile of Legal Assistant is attending court cases, preparing legal brief, liaisoning with advocates and legal authorities,
attending arbitration and other legal/quasi legal matters in various courts/tribunals etc.
Selection process:
for all posts notified under part-I of Section-A
The selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process Written Test (two papers), Group Discussion & Personal Interview followed by
Medical Examination in Executive/Technical category.
for all posts notified under part-II of Section-A
The selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process Written Test (two papers), Group Discussion & Personal Interview followed by
Medical Examination in Executive/Technical or non technical category as mentioned against each post.
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The selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process Written Test (two papers), Skill Test, Personal Interview followed by Medical
Examination as mentioned against each post.
The selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process Written Test (two papers), Personal Interview followed by Medical Examination as
mentioned against each post.
Medical Examination: All candidates shall have to undergo the medical fitness test(s) and meet the medical standards prescribed by DMRC for
various posts. Expenses for the first time medical examination of the candidate will be borne by DMRC. However, in case a candidate seeks
extension for joining, then for the second time medical examination, if need so arises, the expenditure for the medical test/s will be borne by the
candidate himself/herself. Candidates having undergone lasik surgery are not suitable for any posts except Asstt. Programmer & Stenographer.
The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, comprehension, aptitude and physical fitness. Candidates will have to pass
through each stage successfully (including Medical examination), before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Candidates, who fail in the
prescribed medical test, will not be given any alternative employment and decision of the Corporation is final on this issue. Dates of written
examination, result of written examination and all recruitment related information shall be available only on Web site: and candidates must remain in constant touch with it.
Written Test: The written test will consist of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-II, to be held on the same day in the same centre). Paper-I will
consist of multiple-choice objective type questions, bilingual (Hindi/English), on General Awareness, Logical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and/
knowledge of the discipline/trade. There will be a total of 120 questions, each carrying equal marks. There will be negative marking. For every
wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted. The Paper-I shall be of 1.5 hours duration.
Paper-II will consist of objective type questions on General English to judge the knowledge of English language. There will be a total of 60
questions, each carrying equal marks. There will be negative marking. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted. The Paper-II shall be of
45 minutes duration.
Candidates who qualify in Paper-I and rank high on the merit list within the zone of consideration, as decided by the DMRC, will only be evaluated
for Paper-II. Successful candidates based on the Written Test (Both Paper-I & Paper-II put together) shall be called for Personal Interview/GD/skill
test, at Delhi/NCR.
Skill Test in Stenography: The skill test will be of Qualifying Nature. The candidates will have to appear for the stenography test. The candidates
will be given one dictation for 10 minutes in English at the speed of 100 w.p.m. . The matter will have to be transcribed on computer only. The
transcription time will be of 40 minutes (English).
For post codes E01 & E02 - Candidates having valid GATE -2014 score will only be called for written test and subsequent GD/Personal
Interview. Only GATE-2014 score is valid for this recruitment process. The score is valid only if the candidate obtains more than or equal to the
qualifying marks as fixed for the above papers by GATE-2014. The qualifying marks for GATE examination shall be as per the criteria adopted by
the conducting authority of GATE-2014 examination. The departmental candidates will also be required to have valid score in the corresponding
papers of GATE-2014.
Candidates (for all category of posts) to be called for GD/Personal interview/Skill Test and Medical examination, as the case may be, at Delhi and
shall be paid to & fro sleeper class Railway fare for journey by the shortest route between Railway Station nearest to hometown & Delhi. No
reimbursement shall be made to the candidates appearing for the written examination.
Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment unless the corporation is satisfied after such an
inquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for
appointment to the service.
Surety Bond: The candidates selected for posts under Executive Cadre will have to execute a surety bond of ` 1,50,000/- plus service tax & Cost
of training (` 43,000/- plus service tax) to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three years (exclusive of the period in which one remained
on LWP or EOL) and also a three months prior notice with service tax, will be required before seeking resignation from the corporation.
The candidates selected for posts in Non-executive Cadre will have to execute a surety bond of ` 75,000/- with service tax & Cost of training
(`22,000/- with service tax in case of Asstt.Programmer, Jr.Engineers & Legal Assistant(contract)and `15,000/- with service tax in case of
Stenographers) to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three years (exclusive of the period in which he remained on LWP or
EOL) and also a three months prior notice with service tax, will be required before seeking resignation from the corporation.
Training & Probation: The selected candidates other than on contract, on appointment will be on Probation for a period of two years (including
period of training), where they will undergo intensive training for prescribed duration. The Corporation has the right to enhance or reduce the training
period at its discretion for any or all the trainees. During the probation period, candidates shall be required to pass various examinations. The service of
the candidate during probation period can be terminated by the corporation if the performance of candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, in accordance
with the terms & conditions of offer of appointment.
Pay & Emoluments: The pay & emoluments for direct recruits and contracts employees shall be as per pay scales under the IDA (Industrial DA)
as applicable from time to time and other benefits which include Perks, HRA, Medical benefit, EPF, Gratuity, and Insurance etc. as per extant rules
of the Corporation as applicable to Direct Recruit and Contract employees from time to time.
Upper age relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates (of Central List) (Formats are available on DMRCs website),
for reserved posts.
Upper age relaxations by 5 years for candidates belonging to Jammu & Kashmir who had ordinarily been domiciled in that state between
01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989.
Upper age for Ex-servicemen will be length of service + 3 years, subject to a maximum age of 40 years. The Ex-servicemen are those who are
covered in the definition, as per extant rules of Ministry of Defence/Govt of India.
Reservation for Ex-Servicemen, wherever applicable, shall be treated as horizontal reservation, i.e., reservation to Ex-Servicemen belonging
to any category (UR/SC/ST/OBC) will be adjusted within the category to which the selected Ex-Serviceman candidate belongs.
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Existing DMRC employees who have completed at least 3 years/5years continuous service in DMRC as on 1.7.2014, will be given age
relaxation to the extent of 3 years/5years as on the date of reckoning of age limit for i.e. 1.7.2014 for posts in Non-executive Cadre and
Executive cadre respectively i.e. 3 years upper age relaxation for non-executive posts & 5 years upper age relaxation for executive posts.
Upper age relaxation by 10 years for PWD Unreserved candidates, 15 years for PWD SC/ST candidates and 13 years for PWD OBC
candidates (of central list) for posts where reservation for PWD is admissible.
UR & OBC (including Ex-servicemen) candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable fee of ` 400/- (inclusive of bank charges plus service tax) and
SC/ST/PWD candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of ` 150/- (for processing fee only, inclusive of bank charges plus service tax).
Application Fee including Bank transaction charges once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to
verify their eligibility, the closing date for submission of online application before paying the application fee plus bank transaction charges.
How to apply
Candidates are required to apply online through website only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted.
Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment process. In case a
candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying online. Under no
circumstances, he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to/of any other person.
Candidates are first required to go to the DMRCs website and click on the link Career.
Thereafter, he/she may open the recruitment notification titled DMRC/OM/HR/II/2014.
He/she should thoroughly go through the vacancy notification first to let him/her know the eligibility, age criteria etc.
Candidates are required to click the link generation of the BANK CHALLAN (fee payment voucher) and enter necessary details like Name,
Date of Birth, Mobile No. and Amount.
A bank Challan with Bank Reference Number (the reference number will be unique) will be generated.
The Bank Challan will be generated only upto 09/01/2015 (upto 23.59 hrs) from the date of issue of advertisement.
The system generated Bank challan will be in triplicate (1 st copy Bank Copy, 2nd copy Candidates Copy and 3rd copy DMRCs Copy).
Candidates are required to take a print out of this system generated Bank Challan and deposit the requisite Written Examination Fee (for fee details
see para Payment of application fee) in any branch of State Bank of India (SBI) after a minimum of 24 hrs of generation of the Bank Challan.
Only, State Bank of India (SBI) has been authorized by DMRC to collect the application fee, in a specially opened DMRC Account No.
i) For payment of fees, candidate has to approach the nearest SBI branch with the system generated bank challan only, with a unique Bank
Reference Number in triplicate (1st copy Bank Copy, 2nd copy Candidates Copy and 3rd copy DMRCs Copy) downloaded from
DMRC website
ii) The system generated challan printed from the DMRC website should only be used for depositing the fee for proper crediting amount
in the allocated account.
iii) On receipt of the money, the bank will issue a unique Journal Number and a Branch code of the bank collecting the money. Candidates
are required to collect the Candidates Copy and DMRC Copy from the bank. They are also required to ensure themselves that
these bank challans contain i) SBI Journal number ii) Branch Name iii) Branch code No. iv) Date of deposit v) Amount.
iv) DMRC will not be responsible in case the candidate deposits the fee in a wrong account. There will not be any other mode of payment
of application fee.
v) Application fee is to be paid between 18/12/2014 to 12/01/2015 only.
vi) Demand Drafts, Cheques, Money Orders, Postal Orders, Pay Orders, Bankers Cheques, postal stamps, etc., will not be accepted,
towards application fee.
Candidates are now ready to apply Online, only after a minimum of two working days of depositing the fee in the bank, by re-visiting the
career link i.e. DMRC/OM/HR/II/2014 on DMRCs website and by going to sub link titled Apply Online and
follow the instructions given therein carefully for Online Registration.
The Online registration will remain active from 18.00 hrs of _17/12/2014 to 23.59 hrs of 14/01/2015 only. In order to avoid last minute
rush, the candidates are advised to apply early enough. DMRC will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem of this
nature in submission of online application during last days due to heavy rush etc.
Select the post applied and fill in the requisite details in the online application format. All the fields in the online application format should be
filled up carefully. There will be a pre-view of the applications filled in by the candidate before submitting the application, so that it can be
edited. After submission of the application, no modification will be permitted.
Candidates will have to upload scanned copy of GATE-2014 Score card, passport colour photo, signature scan copy, prescribed
qualification/marksheet, OBC/SC/ST certificates. The size of these scanned copies should be within 100 kb and in .pdf files only.
Once you submit your application, the system will generate a unique Registration No. and generate a Registration Slip, which will have
unique Registration number, your basic details like name, category, and post applied for.
General: Most Important
While applying for these posts, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above on the specified
dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate
does not fulfill the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material fact(s),
his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable to be
The validity of the Selection Panel is for two years from the date of its approval.
The selection of candidate by DMRC does not confer any right to the candidate for appointment.
Candidates employed in Govt. Dept. / PSU/ Autonomous Body must produce NOC from the present employer on the date of
Community/Caste Certificate in Central formats (SC/ST/OBC), for seeking age relaxation etc. with the registration slip. (All these formats
are available on DMRCs website No other format will be acceptable.
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A candidate who claims to belong to one of the Other Backward Classes has to submit in support of his claim an attested copy of a certificate
in the prescribed form issued by the competent authority specified by the Central Govt. in their O.M. No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SC) dated
08.09.93. OBC certificate should be current & issued within one year of the closing date of the application.
Candidates should keep sufficient numbers of same Photograph in reserve for future use, which they are using in the registration slip.
Request for change of mailing address or e-mail address will not be entertained under any circumstances.
Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Delhi only.
10. DMRC reserves the right to fix the minimum standard/qualifying marks for each component of selection for all posts.
11. Candidates must remain in constant touch with DMRCs website for information regarding dates of written test,
result of written test, schedule of Interview/GD/Skill test, standards of Vision for Medical test etc. The eligible candidates, whose applications
are available on the Master list may download the admit card through DMRCs website as per schedule & instructions notified on DMRCs
website in advance.
12. The admit card for written test will NOT be sent by post or email. It will only be downloaded from DMRC website
13. The issue of an Admit Card or result notification to appear in the Written test/Skill Test/Interview/GD//medical fitness test or the fact of having
passed these tests or having been placed on the final merit list, will not be a proof of any candidates eligibility. Candidature will be purely
provisional subject to eligibility and other verifications before or after appointment in DMRC. The onus of ensuring that candidate meets all
the eligibility requirements will rest on the candidate himself/herself all through the recruitment process. Candidates will be allowed to appear
in written test/Skill Test /interview/medical fitness test purely on provisional basis and no candidate will have a right to appointment or any
compensation only on the ground of having appeared in or passed the written or any other screening test.
14. DMRC is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.
15. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
16. Bringing mobile phone/Communication device in the examination Hall will be deemed GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT & suitable
actions including immediate expulsion of candidate from the examination hall will be taken.
N.B.: Candidates should refer to advertisement given in the Employment News or on DMRCs website only, for the purpose of applying for the
jobs. DMRC has not authorized any other agency/vendor to publish the instant advertisement and application form. The only and accepted
mode of submission of application has exhaustively been explained from para 1 to 14 under title How to apply. In case of any
discrepancy in advertisements published in various newspapers/Employment News etc, the contents as put on DMRCs website i.e., will prevail.
Any update, corrigendum etc. of this advertisement will be posted in our website only. Hence, candidates are requested to keep in
regular touch with our website, i.e.
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