"Trytobea Rainbow in Someone's Cloud." Dr. Maya Angelou

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“Try to be a

rainbow in
Dr. Maya


Making Time vs Finding Time

Monday 1/12/2015: Week of Grade Level Mtgs & Begin MOY
-DLP in Raleigh (TINA GONE)
-5th grade CASA (Key’s Room-2:50)
-NO STAFF MTG. January Staff Mtg Date….TBD
–BOE Mtg 6pm: SIT Members please attend if your schedule allows. BOE Members may
have questions prior to voting on our SIP. THANK YOU!

Tuesday 1/13: *Review procedure for Tornado Drill*

-DLP day 2 in Raleigh (TINA GONE)
-3rd grade GL (Owens’ Room-2:50)
-4th grade GL (Jones’ Room-PLANNING)
-Mrs. Massey at Dillard ALL DAY

Wednesday 1/14: Leave Forms DUE for 1/20 & 1/21 TWD
-1st Grade GL (Strickland’s Room-Planning due to SSMT)
–Kindergarten GL (Knight’s Room-Planning due to SSMT)
-Grade K-2 SSMT 3pm (Triche’s Room)

Thursday 1/15: Classroom Group Picture Day

-Instructional Coaches Mtg at SCORE (LISA GONE)
–2nd grade GL (Gentry’s Room-2:50)
-GO FAR 2:30-3:45

Friday 1/16: HAPPY FRIDAY….Grading Period Ends!

- K-2 Jan. Special Events Permission Slips DUE….NO EXCEPTIONS 
-K-5 Principal Mtg at CO (TINA GONE)
- Hallway Huddle 3pm
- Have a safe & restful weekend……….

Upcoming Events
-1/19Holiday, 1/20-1/21 Teacher Workdays
-1/22: K-2 Special Event
-1/23: World’s Finest Celebration 1:30 MP.Room
-1/26 SIT Mtg

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