"Try To Bea Rainbow in Someone's Cloud." Dr. Maya Angelou
"Try To Bea Rainbow in Someone's Cloud." Dr. Maya Angelou
"Try To Bea Rainbow in Someone's Cloud." Dr. Maya Angelou
be a
rainbow in
Dr. Maya
Tuesday 1/5:
- Media Meeting: JST (Heather GONE AM ONLY)
-GL Mtgs: 1st (Stevensons room), 2nd (Ashes room)
-SSMT; Guidance 2:45 (see 12/18/15 email from Shirley for agenda)
Wednesday 1/6:
- GL Mtgs: K (Lands room), 3rd (Newnams room); 4th (Howells room)
Thursday 1/7:
-K-5 Principals Meeting at CO (Tina GONE ALL DAY)
-GL Meetings: 5th (Schenkels room)
-Event Planning Committee Mtg: Media Ctr 2:30
-STEM Mtg 3:30(Leslie GONE)