Sacramentary of The RoseCroix PDF
Sacramentary of The RoseCroix PDF
Sacramentary of The RoseCroix PDF
Sacralisations - Exorcisims
Defense Et D'Action
<Certa bonum!>
(St. Paul)
Translated by:
Ronald Cappello
R. Ambelain
Sacralisations - Exorcisms
Defense Et D'Action
Translated by: Ronald Cappello
<Certa bonum!> (St. Paul)
The purpose of translating this work of Robert Ambelain was to afford the English speaking
population of the world an opportunity to understand and use this sacramentary for the
betterment of mankind. Also this will become a true working tool for those truly seeking to
follow the spiritual path and bring all humanity back to the bosom of God.
The author, Robert Ambelain, curator in Europe of many strains of the Esoteric schools has
attempted to present this work as an authentic manual for the serious student of mysticism,
especially that of the Rose+Croix. He was received as an Apprentice Mason on the 25th of
March, 1939, where the G... M... Constant Chevillon presided within the Rite of MemphisMisram. Within five years of his reception as an Apprentice, Robert Ambelain was elevated to
the 95th degree within the same rite. All this was accomplished due to his performance of a
valuable service to mankind by saving from the hands of the Nazis all the archives of the
esoteric orders in France. In fact, the Grand Master Chevillon was indeed executed by the Nazis
through the Vichy Government for not revealing to them the where about of the archives. Mr.
Ambelain was threatened with death and having his wife and daughter sent to a concentration
camp. They held meetings in his home and retained all the necessary equipment to hold
meetings so that the brothers could travel without concern for police raids and searches of their
briefcases. As a result of this effort by Robert Ambelain and his wife and daughter, these
brothers had nothing to fear when traveling on the subway, or in the streets. Had all this failed he
and his family would have suffered the consequences of the Nazi wrath.
Much of the work during the War was done under the veil of the Kabalistic Order of the RoseCroix of Stanislas de Gautia which had not been dissolved. On March 25, 1944 the then Grand
Master Chevillon was assassinated and he was succeeded by Henri Dupont. As the war ended it
was of little effort for Robert Ambelain Grand Master Adjoint (Deputy Grand Master) along with
the then Grand Master Henri Dupont to re-establish the work in France, as they had maintained
the archives due to Roberts effort. In 1960, Robert Ambelain replaced Dupont as Grand Master
of the World for the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis-Misram and remained as such until
1985, but he still maintains the title of Grand Master of Honor due to his tireless efforts.
In 1909, the Grand Master Worldwide John Yarker conferred on Brother George Lagrze, the
90th degree, then the ultimate Degree in practice. Do not forget that Robert preserved
throughout the years of the occupation with his personal archives of George Lagrze, this patent
in its original. This document is now in the hands of a Mason of the Grand Orient of France at la
Rochelle, but Robert still maintains a photocopy of it and its translation. Lagrze had declared to
Robert that he had not wished to utilize this patent of 1909, when Thodore Reuss (successor to
Yarker thereafter), had invested Papus (Dr. Grad Encausse) with the charge of Grand Master of
Memphis-Misram for France. The reason for this he had been invested by Papus with the
charge of Grand Inspector General of lOrder Martiniste in its famous Supreme Council, and he
liked Papus immensely.
Afterward, at the International Convent in Brussels in 1936 at the time when the Grand Master
Troilo (representing about sixty Lodges...), was named Grand Master Worldwide
of the Rite and Brother George Lagrze was named Deputy Grand Master Worldwide, and
Surrogate Grand Master Worldwide of the Rite.
Finally, on the 15th of August 1944, Lagrze designated Robert Ambelain as his own Surrogate,
and invested him with the 95th Degree of the Rite. And on the 13th of August 1960, Henry
Charles Dupont, became the successor of the Grand Master Chevillon, who had in turn received
his power from Jean Bricaud, designated the same Robert Ambelain as his successor. Thus the
split that had separated France from all the other provinces of the Rite (it was not represented
at the Convent of 1936 in Brussels), was ended. After several International Convents were held
in Paris with other Grand Lodges (France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Venezuela, Chile,
Madagascar, and Canada) this was confirmed.
In 1985, Robert Ambelain had named Grard Kloppel as his successor, and became Grand
Master of Honor and retained the title of President of the Supreme Council of the Confederated
Rites of France maintaining the Patent for the separate Rites of Memphis and of Misram. In
1991 Brother Robert Ambelain as well as certain other High Grade members of MemphisMisram definitely quit the Rite under Kloppel due to certain discrepancies and this was
communicated to the author of this translation by Robert Ambelain by a letter dated July 9th,
With this Work completed, the author and the Brothers who truly wanted to remain on the path
of service to humanity began to work this Rite of Misram and petitioned Robert for further help.
This great Sage Robert Ambelain, than gave permission to Mr. Cappello to translate and in turn
to copyright and publish the Sacramentary of the Rose+Croix, the work you are about read and
hopefully will use as a manual for your esoteric works. The Ancient and Primitive Oriental Rite
of Misram was transmitted to Mr. Cappello by Mr. Robert Ambelain and Mr. Albert Cools (just
before he died). As they maintained separately this Rite from among the combined Rites. Mr.
Robert Ambelain did so in his capacity as President of the Confederated Rites of France.
When reading this translation keep in mind that many of the Biblical references, come from both
the King James Version and the New Catholic (Confraternity - Douay Version) Versions.
Mr. Cappello would like to take time to thank, Mr. Robert Ambelain for his trust and guidance;
his wife Mary Lou without whose support and love none of this work would ever have been
completed; and, Brother Dominick Carlucci knows that he always remains a trusted and valuable
Brother at all times. Finally, to all the Brothers who had the courage to persevere in the work
when the road got rocky, the reward for service can only be the betterment of humanity. For all
those who aspire to God continue the Great Work, for they know the Time is near.
Regardless of these particular goals, it is obvious that this formulary is also a breviary,
and the Rosicrucian can use it as such. The daily reciting of all or part of these chapters, if done
by thousands of Brothers, is able, in the long run, to modify the happening of tritely predictable
events. "Faith is the substance of things hoped for..." said St. Paul (Epistle to the Hebrews, 11:1).
But the publishing of this formulary is above all for those who will be able to practice the
methods given in the first tome of our work, The Spiritual Alchemy, and particularly for all those
who will be able to apply the special techniques explained in the second tome. We are not
publishing, however, certain orisons and very occult formulae, true procedures of action, and
some of which constitute dreadful spiritual weapons in the hands of the Rose+Croix. Those keys
and formulae will be subsequently given by us to a very small circle of Brothers, duly chosen
according to the general Doctrine and the Plan of the Order. Those Brothers will not be chosen
by us, but by those who, on the other side of the Veil, continue to watch over Mankind and the
World, in a word, by the Masters of the Past, the only and veritable Unknown Superiors.
All Saints, 1963
R. A.
One will notice that Rosen (which means prince), gives a close meaning: Prince-Herald,
with Rosen Koroz. As for Freemasonry's Prince of the Royal Secret, (Rite of Heredom and the
Scottish Rite),which has been the source of so many fine jokes by the anti-masons, there is an
obvious connection with the primitive rosicrucian goal and its political realizations.
* *
This Sacramentary is particular to one of the general Rose+Croix branches, the one
called the Rose+Croix of the Orient. We touched upon the subject in a previous work and will
limit ourself to referring the reader to certain chapters which will be read again fruitfully, such as
those on Elias Artiste, the Rose on the Cross or the Secret of Symbols, and the Rose+Croix, in
which we recalled the influence exercised by the Rose+Croix Irenee Philalethe, on Henry IV
inspiring in him his great project of defeating the House of Austria and the creation of a kind of
European league.
Gerard Heym, in the publication Initiation and Science (1963, n. 57) mentioned (p. 47)
the Order of the Asiatic Brothers, also called the Knights of St. John the Evangelist, reorganized
around 1750, and again around 1780, and whose source was located at Thessalonia. Actually
they are the brothers of the Rose + Croix of the Orient. Papus (Doctor Gerard Encausse)
received, before 1914, from a member of the Supreme Council of the Martinist Order, who had
himself received it in Cairo, the filiation of the above-mentioned Rose + Croix of the Orient. No
one else besides Papus possessed it, not even Teder, his successor, within the Martinism of that
It is furthermore appropriate to note that Asia has nothing to do with this Order of
Esoteric Knighthood. Actually, what we have here is the contraction of letters pertaining to the
title in such a way as to form an acronym, an abbreviation.
Effectively, the candidate upon his reception into the Order, received the ordination of
Eques A Sancti Joannis Evangalistae; the initials of these words give EASIE. The mantle of the
Order was black, the inside lined in white, the whole in wool, reaching a few inches from the
floor. The black, on the outside, meant according to the classical tradition: prudence, wisdom,
consistency in adversity and perils, humility, hidden knowledge. The color of mourning, it meant
that the initiate was dead to the world. On the inside, the white meant the light within, the
absolute truth, the regeneration in and beyond the afterlife, the purity of the soul. On the
shoulder, the mantle had a red crimson, the primitive crimson, cited by St. Jerome and which
presents itself as an X superimposed to a capital I. Under the mantle the eques wore a collar and
a particular jewel.
According to a document in our private records, and which comes from the one who
transmitted this ordination to Papus, it is the Rose+Croix of the Orient that would be linked to
the particular ordination that was conferred by Don Martinez de Pasquallis to his Reau+Croix, in
the xviii century. At the same time, this movement, gave rise to the method of the inner way,
diffused by Louis Claude de Saint Martin, and which rests upon material alchemy transposed on
the spiritual plane. We can mention two cities that were particularly important for the Knights of
Saint John the Evangelist: in Italy: Venice, and in France: Marseille. Still today, the crypt of St.
Victor and its famous Black Virgin play an eminent role for what is left of the Order, and very
few people suspect anything! Because the Black Virgin of St. Victor besides, is the Patroness of
the Order.
This Sacramentary comprises prayers, some of which date back to the first centuries of
the Christian era. Others are more recent. The majority of these orisons rely upon an occult law
that Aggripa evoked in his famous "Occult Philosophy". The Holy Scriptures are a compilation
of historical facts, which have their roots in the world of archetypes. To make any orison more
efficient, it is then necessary to link it to the fact to which it might refer, and thus to its celestial
archetype. So for a peaceful marine journey the prayer should evoke (this word speaks...) the
crossing of the Red Sea by the Israelites led by Moses. Because that crossing is not only an
historical fact, but also the Permanent Image of the journey of human souls, crossing the
mysterious "waters" of which Genesis speaks, and going toward the Celestial City.
Strangely enough, certain of these orisons have appeared at a relatively recent date (xvi
century) in the Sacramentary of certain great churches. Communication? Indiscretion? Who
The original of this Sacramentary (a student note book) was written in Greek. It had to
be translated, and then, from the literal translation, brought to a more literary form, and adapt
certain orisons to modern life. That is why the blessing of the mount of a traveler becomes that
of a vehicle. Nevertheless, we hope that, this formulary as it is will be welcomed with favor by
the Kabbalists, Gnostics, Martinists, and all the Christian mystics of a heterodox character and
not dependant on a big Church.
Finally, we thought it appropriate to complete this work with some formulae or particular
exorcism orisons that were not in the original manuscript and that the reader will be happy to see
added to the primitive work.
As we have said in the preliminary note on the Rose+Croix, being familiar with all occult
knowledge, they used them, in the xvii and xviii centuries, to successfully begin the
implementation of their plans. It is therefore not surprising to see the present Sacramentary
completed by an ensemble of ritual forms. Let the reader not reject these, under the fallacious
pretext of a simplicity of good taste! Rites are the conductors and the amplifiers of the power of
the human word.
It is customary, according to the tradition which was handed down to us, that the
Operator be stripped of a maximum of profane clothes, as well as all metallic objects. He then
wears a white linen robe and a girdle of the same color. He wears sandals which are kept
exclusively for this purpose.
For the Orisons, he operates bareheaded. For the exorcisms he covers his head with a
hood attached to the robe, or of a linen amice. He operates in front of an altar made up of the
following: a golden yellow silk table cloth, on which is laid the Gospel according to St. John,
opened at the first chapter, flanked by two candlesticks with beeswax candles. The original did
not mention incense, but we think that this is due to an omission by a copyist, and that incense
burner or a perfume burner, furnished with live charcoal, will permit the creation of a more
mystical and more efficient atmosphere.
We will add that the habit of honoring the Gospel and making it assume the role of
condensator of the presence of Christ, was already known in the times of the Oriental emperors.
At Byzantium, the emperor had at his right a richly embellished chair on which was resting, half
unrolled, a parchment on which was written the Gospel of St. John. On the Gospel itself was a
lit candlestick. The whole was supposed to represent Christ, invisible but present. This was
adopted by the Cathars.
b) Summary of the Doctrine
The doctrine of the Rose+Croix of the XVII century (not to be confused with the modern
systems so-called Rosicrucian) is that of Martinism, as much Louis Claude de Saint Martin's as
Martines de Pasqualles'. In fact it is that of the Christian Kabbalists of the Middle Ages and the
Renaissance. It seems essential to give a summary, which alone is thus capable of making
understandable a great number of the operations and prayers comprising this formulary, of
justifying them, and of underlining their importance.
It is, in fact, the esoterism of the Judeo-Christian tradition,
stripped of childishness and classical imagery.
* *
1. ----------- Of Creation
GOD, Essential Being, Eternal, existing by Himself and in Himself, without needs and
variations, infinitely good, infinitely wise, because infinitely perfect, is also Almighty.
Being Almighty and Eternal, his Almightiness has necessarily exerted throughout eternity
on creatures:
"The Lord possessed me when in the beginning of His way, before His works of old..."
(Proverbs, VIII, 22)
"For behold I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be
remembered, nor come into mind."(Isaiah, LXV, 17.)
"And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, from one Sabbath to
another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith the Lord." (Isaiah, LXVI, 23.)
"My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." (John the Evangelist, V, 17.)
"And now, O Father, glorify thou Me with thine own self with the glory I had with Thee
before the world was." (John the Evangelist, XVII, 5.)
"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them..." [succeeded
creations, the universes succeeded universes, probably separated by periods of non-being,
analogous to the famous, "seventh day", during which "God rested". (Genesis, II, 1.)
When the beings integrated into one of those creations have freely manifested by their
acts, by a sort of self determination, when arrives at the end of that creation, they remain fixed in
the final state which they arrived at. And it is a sort of mysterious fire that fixes them, that
hardens them for the role that they will play in the following creation.
Thus, fixed in evil, they will in the new creation remain means of temptation, corruption,
and destruction. They will be demons.
Fixed in good, they will remain in the new creation, means of liberation, purification, and
creation. They will be angels, or chosen souls set aside, according to the happy expression of St.
2. ----------- Of the Preexistence of the Souls
The word Adam does not designate a carnal being, but a collectivity. One might say
Adam as one says regiment or the marines. The First Man was an egregor, or a co-stewardship,
and it was the central spirit of that egregor which was the true Adam, the driving cell. Hence the
word of Origen: "Souls have preexisted, like a kind of people..." the Scriptures confirm this
"And as I may say so, Levi also receiveth tithes, paid tithes in Abraham."(Paul, Hebrews,
VII, 9.)
"So death passed upon all men, for that all ahve sinned:" (Paul, Romans, V, 12.)
"Neither with you only do I make this covenant. But with him that standeth here with us
this day before the Lord our God, and also with him that is not here with us this day." (Deut.,
XXIX, 14,15.)
"For I will not contend forever, neither will I be always wroth: for the Spirit should fail
before me, and the souls which I made." (Isaiah, LVII, 16.)
"Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the
womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations." (Jeremiah, I, 5.)
"Wherefore I praised the dead which are already dead more than the living, which are yet
alive. Yea better is he than both they, which had not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work
that is done under the sun." (Eccles. IV, 2,3.)
"I was a child full of intelligence, I received from god a good soul, and becoming better,
more and more, I came then in a pure body." (Wisdom, VII, 19,20.)
"Thereis one body and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;"
(Paul, Ephesians, IV, 4.)
Most of the biblical citations pertaining to the preexistence of souls were often and
wrongly used for arguments in favor of the reincarnation of souls by those who believe it, the
confusion being easy.
3. ----------- Of the Temptation and the Original Fall
The notion of temptation (by the Principle of Evil and by the Beings that it attracted
within its orb), for the preexistent souls, is an integral part of Judeo-Christianism. To deny that
there was a fall and a spiritual degradation is to deny the incarnation of Christ; and to remove all
value from Redemption is equally to deny the value of His sacrifice. All this is unthinkable for a
We can then understand this fall as a burst of the egregor that we spoke of earlier, the
dispersion of the collectivity, its corruption, analogous to the one that follows physical death.
And since this fall is caused by spiritual degradation, it implies a descent in the corresponding
planes of existence, that is in the most inferior ones by the effect of a progressive materialization
leading towards animality, and even beyond.
"And they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons." (Genesis, III, 7.)
"Unto Adam also his wife, did the Lord God make coats of skin and clothed them."
(Genesis, III, 21.)
4. ----------- Of the Redemption of Man
As a perverse intelligence had darkened the preexistent souls to the extent of making
them fall, so it will be a pure Intelligence that will re-illuminate them:
"I considered all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that I shall
stand up in his stead." (Eccles., IV, 15.)
Several verses of the Old Testament speak of the Messiah, of his coming, and of the
circumstances surrounding it. The messianic prophetism is one of the most considerable (and
also most striking) elements in the Holy Scriptures.
An image will better explain the process of Redemption. If one imagines a necklace, one
will observe that it is never called otherwise: one says "the necklace". Lets break the thread.
The pearls escape, fall on the floor and go in all directions. Henceforth, there is no longer a
notion of a necklace; one looks for "the pearls".
Some of them will get lost under the furniture and in dark corners. One will have to wait
for a long time before finding them, despite the search, and often by chance. Others will be
quickly found, for they will never have gone far from the point of the fall nor from the eyesight
of the necklace owner. For each pearl carries within itself its proper fate as the preexisting Souls
carry in them their own fate, by the effect of their Predestination. For the pearls are, also,
subjected to their own destinies, according to the time of their individual creation.
When the owner of the pearls will have recovered them all, he will thread them again on
a new thread, into the order of their original placement, which was according to their size and
their orientation. And when this reconstitution is over, we will again talk about the "necklace"
and we will not say "the pearls" any longer.
If some are missing, the cause of that absence will be the imperfection of the means used
for the search, or the carelessness of the searcher, or the insufficient time for that research. But if
the owner is perfect, if he has all the means required to search for his pearls, and if he has all the
time required without any impatience, he will recover them all.
Let us replace the pearls with the Souls, the necklace with Mankind, and the owner with
God. The whole problem of the final restitution is resolved, and the Apocatastase is then
5. ----------- Of the Redemption of Nature
The degradation of the first Adam has raised the one of the entire original creation of
which he was the ordonnator and guardian element. It constituted the Ideal Image containing the
prototypes of all Creatures (plants or animals) according to the Platonic doctrine. This is why in
the famous "Garden of Eden" (in reality the ideal world, purely spiritual and non-material) the
animals and plants mentioned in Genesis are only essential Archetypes each containing all the
preexistent Souls of the beings of its species. Eden was, therefore, the world of Essence. After
the Fall, all that it contained degraded and became the world of Substance, the result of this
That is why the redemption (effected) and the reintegration (progressive) of Mankind, the
work of Christ, must necessarily be followed by that of the whole of Nature. And this work is the
task of Man, although his own redemption has already brought a purification in principle to the
fallen Creation. Let one read again the famous passage in the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter X,
verses 9 to 16, and one will then understand the esoteric meaning of the phrase: "What God has
cleansed, that call not thou common." (Op. cit X, 15.)
This reintegration of the souls, other than the human souls (vegetative and sensitive souls
scattered in nature), is echoed in the Old Testament itself:
"Who knoweths the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth
downward to the earth?" (Ecclesiastes III, 21.)
"The man and the animal, indeed, the Lord saves them!" (David, Psalms XXVI, 3. ???)
"And said unto him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Jerusalem shall be inhabited
as towns without walls for the multitude of men and cattle therein:" (Zachariah II, 4.)
6. ----------- On the Apocatastase or Final Reintegration
There is no eternal hell, there are only sojourns in a Creation; sojourns corresponding to
the ultimate state in which the creature found itself fixed at the end of the universe to which it
took part. It is the same, therefore, with the paradise which, based upon this type of reasoning,
will be not permanent and transitory, the creature being able, by its mildness, to again be
demerited and to fall. In fact, this second point is not susceptible to be retained, because the
degree of perfectibility which is accessible to the Creature should permit it to be beyond the
reach of any temptation. Furthermore, the period of self-determination being over, God, by the
effect of His Grace, does not anymore lead him into temptation, to paraphrase the prayer par
excellence, the "Pater Nostra" (the "Our Father"). He will withdraw from dark entities all power
on the Creature having finished its cycle of probationary manifestation.
The Holy Scriptures give us a lot of testimonies about this final fixation in Good:
"That in the dispensation of the fullness of time he might gather together in one all things
in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even him:" (Paul, Ephesians I, 10.)
"Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto Me, O Children of Israel? said the Lord.
Have not I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? and the Philistines from Caphtor, and the
Syrians from Kit." (Amos IX, 7.)
In the esoteric study of the Holy Scriptures, the names of the tribes that are the enemies
of Israel are emblematical of demonic races. The Cappodocians, called Caphthotim in Hebrew,
from the word designating the apple and "grenade", are fallen angels, the apple being the symbol
of knowledge of Good and Evil (a pun on the Latin word malum) and the "grenade" symbolizing
the underworld. It is because she swallowed six kernels of "grenade" that Persephone will not
come back next to her mother Demeter in the world of the living, after her kidnaping by Hades.
Just as Israel (in Hebrew: "man of God"), is nothing but Mankind, the whole of the human Souls.
And Egypt, the Cappadocia, Cyrene, mean different creations, other universes.
"From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughters of my dispersed,
shall bring mine offering." (Zephaniah, III, 10.)
Ethiopia (in Hebrew: Chus, darkness) esoterically means the blacks, that is, the fallen
"For lo I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations like as corn
is shifted a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth..." (Amos IX, 9.)
We know that in the sacred writings the grain of corn and the grain of wheat are the
symbols of Souls, particularly in the New Testament where the Christ is at the same time the
divine Sower, and the Harvester par excellence, just as the evil is the sower of the tares.
"At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you: forI will make you
a name and a praise among the people of the earth, when I turn back your capitivity before your
eyes, saith the Lord..." (Zephaniah III, 20.). It is Christ who speaks and addresses His Father.
He talks about a return which is an argument in favor of the preexistence of the Souls.
Let's not imagine however that God, by weakness, indulgence and weariness, will forgive
the rebels without these repenting and atoning for all the evil they will have caused. In Him,
Justice balances Mercy. In Him, no harshness, no weakness, but give the devil his due:
"The Ethiopians shall prostrate themselves before Him, and His Enemies shall have the
earth..." (David, Psalms LXXI, 9.)
"The wolf will sleep with the lamb..." (Isaiah LXV, 25.)
To see is to behold. These are the wonder of the Lord. (Daniel IV, 28-34.)
One should observe particularly the following:
1.) When fighting, repelling, or exorcising, hold the sword in the left hand, horizontally,
and the sacramentary in the right hand. Face North.
2.) When asking, trying to obtain, or wishing, one addresses God. Hold then a taper in the
left hand, vertically, and the book remains in the right hand. The Operator faces East.
3.) When laying hands, hold them palms down on the subject's head or over the sick part
of the body where applicable, or over the ritualistic object to be blessed or consecrated. The
hands are extended and joined by the index fingers touching one another. The thumbs are spread
out forming a square with the hands and joined at the root. The Operator faces East.
4.) During exorcisms that aim to free a living entity, human or animal, the Signs of the
Cross (+) that are marked are executed with the Oil of Exorcism, and not with water.
5.) Incense for Exorcism must burn during the whole duration of any such Operation. The
same goes for the Taper.
6.) All Orisons end with a sprinkle of the Water of Exorcism, in four gushes forming a
cross before oneself: from top to bottom, and from right to left (in the Churches of the Orient, the
sign of the cross is still done as in the older times from the right shoulder to the left).
Lord Jesus Christ, Bread of the Angels, Living Bread who gives eternal Life, please bless
this bread as you have blessed the five loaves of bread in the desert. And, Lord, allow that all
those who will nourish themselves with it receive health of the body and salvation of the soul.
You who lives and reigns forever and ever. AMEN. +
Almighty and Eternal God, You who sanctifies the oil and gives it for the holiness of
those who use and receive of it, You who, by it conferred the unction to the Kings, to the Priests,
and Prophets, allow that it procures as well consolation to those who taste of it, and health to all
those who will use of it. AMEN. +
Be praised, our Eternal God, King of the Universe who created the fruit of the Vine, thanks be
given to You, O Our Father, for this holy vine of David Your servant, and moreover, thanks be
given to You for the One that You made us know through Your only Son, our Lord and Master,
Jesus Chris. And You, Lord Jesus Christ who is named the True Vine, and who has compared
your holy Apostles to the vineshoot of that same vine, please bless this wine and infuse in it the
virtue of Your Blessing so that whoever drinks of it may, by the intercession of St. John, Your
Servant, escape disease and poisons, naturally or criminally composed, and recover by drinking
of this wine, if he is sick or afflicted, health of body and joy of the soul. May the benediction of
God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, descend upon this wine and remain in it forever.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord and Master, and by Saint John His servant. AMEN +
Almighty God, celestial and living Bread, genuine food of the whole Universe, You who
descended from heaven to bring life to the world, deign to protect our life from Above, O
Merciful Lord. Grant us the goods to come, bless as of now our food and drink, and make us
worthy of sharing them in righteousness with all Beings, while giving glory and thanks to You,
Lord, sole dispensator of all goods. AMEN +
and all the life of my organs be protected from all traps and all invading evil, as well as all
temptations of sin. And finally, teach me to give thanks to You, O Merciful Lord .... AMEN +
We think that it is appropriate to include in this work a prayer taken from of the Breviary of
the Reaux+Croix, the highest grade, sacerdotal and theurgic, crowning the hierarchy of the EluCohen of the XVIII Century. This prayer was composed, as were all the rituals and their
invocations, by Don Martinez de Pasqualles, their initial founder. It gives a formal denial to the
insinuations of certain ill-intentioned critics to the effect that the operative Martinism
(also called Martinezism) be the leading way to pride. Moreover, it contradicts a similar
allegation according to which Louis Claude de Saint Martin represents the New Testament, and
his master, Don Martinez, the Old. This prayer is taken from the, The Prayers at Daybreak. This
theurgic breviary concerns Dawn, Midday, Evening, and Midnight. The Reaux+Croix, therefore,
as can be seen, prayed for a long time every six hours. These two following Orisons may suffice
as a little daily ritual, at this time, where modern man has little time for isolation and spiritual
Grant me, O Lord that I, your servant, may always enjoy health of Soul, and also health of the
body, according to Your Will and through the intercession of the Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and
that I may be delivered from present sadness to experience eternal joy. May I experience Your
Mercy at this hour of having tasted all day long the sweetness of Your Law, I may end it with the
most humble acts of grace. Preserve me from all accidents throughout this day. Bless all the
works I will undertake to fulfill my worldly needs, keep from me all motives of greed, ambition
and vain glory. Protect me from the danger of riches and the ills of poverty. Keep me in modest
mediocrity for fear that either of the two extremes may corrupt my heart. Give me, O Father, my
daily spiritual and worldly bread, and above all, may Your Holy Will be accomplished in me. I
know, O God, that the life of a sinner must be a life of humiliation and sorrow. Knowing this I
submit myself to those whom it would please You to subject me today. I am ready to suffer
without complaining the rebuff, the scorn, the insults and injustices of man. I also offer to You,
O God, the task to which you have subjected me because of my sin, the constraints and
inconveniences of my profession, caring for my needs and all the anxieties of Life. Help me,
Lord, to fulfill all these duties faithfully; May Your Grace accompany and lead me all day that I
may make the most of every hour, and when I give account of them to You, may they be full of
works worthy of You. I ask You all these graces through the intercession of Mary. AMEN +
O Divine Spirit! Spirit of Strength, Wisdom, and Light! Powerful Being with whom I desire
to have the closest unity! I call You and invoke You! Come to my aid, guide me throughout this
day along the path of salvation. Kindle me with that divine love with which You are aglow;
send me constantly Your intellect, give me the weapons I need to conquer my spiritual enemies.
Guide my steps in truth, I surrender myself with the greatest confidence to Your direction. O
Divine Word, who has sent your angels to protect and guide us, grant that I may benefit from
their powerful Operations and be protected from all sin this day. May I get to know intimately
this spirit to whom You have assigned me particularly. I ask this Grace through Your Most
Precious Blood which has become the seal of my atonement with You. AMEN. +
Blessing of a book
or a spiritual formula
Almighty and Eternal God, You who saved from destruction and oblivion the holy book
of Your Law during the Babylonian Captivity so that it reached the hands of Your servant, the
scribe Ezra, we beg You so that this book be protected by your Holy Angels and Your Saints
against any attack or damage as well as any destruction by the powers of evil, and thus, through
the merits of Your prophets, Your doctors and Your saints, it may be abundantly researched and
studied by all men of desire. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through St. John his
servant. Amen. +
Blessing of an Icon
(or any Holy Image)
Almighty and Eternal God, You who condescended to prescribe to Your servant Moses to
place consecrated images into the Tabernacle as a representation of the Seven Angels always in
the presence of Your Holy Face, through the symbol of the Candlestick with Seven Lights; who
prescribed the sculpting on the Holy Ark of Your Alliance with Israel the dual image of two vital
Seraphim; and who ordered that same Moses to erect in the desert the image of the Serpent of
Aaron, prefiguring the Sacrifice of Your Divine Son on the Cross; You who, in this way, defends
not at all the one who paints, sculpts, and erects the Images of Eternal Archetypes as well as the
face of Your Saints, so that in contemplating with the eyes of the Body, we may also meditate
with those of the Soul, and may their actions and the holiness of their lives in order to the best
imitate, we ask You to condescend to bless + , to hallow + and to consecrate + , this Image, done
in honor and in the memory of Your Only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ (or "of the Very Holy and
Blessed Mary, mother of Your Son the WORD.." or "of Your servant the Blessed Saint N...").
Condescend therefore, O Almighty Sanctificator, to make all those who will apply before this
image honor it, meditate on it, and take it for the rule of his life, so that they may obtain from
You, through Your merits and Your intercession, the material protection in the embrace of the
present life, grace in the conduct of the moral life, and salvation and eternal glory in the other
World. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master. Amen. +
Blessing of a Rosicrucian Rosary
(of 144 beads)
Almighty God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, He who loved us passionately and
because of us sinners had wanted to be beaten with wands and whips, assume the Crown of
Thorns, and die on the cross by the most odious torture, we beg You, in Your Infinite Mercy, to
sanctify one by one the sweet-smelling beads of this Rosary so that by each one of them the
grace coming from the knots of the whip and the thorns of the Holy Crown forever by reflected
and inserted. And You, O Lord Jesus, Our Savior, You who assemble around You the Twelve
Apostles, chosen among all men for the faith and for their faithfulness, You who gave them
afterwards seventy-two Disciples and sent them by groups of thirty-six to the lost sheep of the
house of Israel, may You send, O Merciful Lord, Your Holy Angel to lay in this sweet-smelling
Rosary the suave perfume of Your Grace and Divine Love. And as You revealed to John, Your
Beloved Disciple, the symbolic number of 144 thousand Just Ones as inheriting the City of
Above, may You give to the rector number of this Rosary such a virtue that the one who will
count his beads, wear it, or keep it piously in his (her) house be henceforth, everywhere and
forever, in this World of Darkness sheltered from the Adversary and his plots so that at the time
of his departure he deserves to be presented before You, rich in his good deeds and merits. And
You, O Holy Spirit, Illuminator and Inspirer of all Virtue and Knowledge in Your turn, may You
give to the sweet-smelling beads of this Rosary the strength and power to illuminate the Soul and
Spirit of anyone who will use it accordingly. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and
through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of the Oil and the Water of Healing
Almighty God, Eternal Consecrator, Source of all Sanctification, it is in the Name of
Jesus Christ, Your Only Son, Our Lord and Master, that we bless these offerings. We thus
invoke on this Oil and Water He who suffered, He who was crucified, He who was raised from
the dead, and He who is seated at Your Right Hand, O God. O Lord of Mercy, may You allow
this Oil and this Water the Virtue to heal Your creatures so that they eliminate all fever, illness,
and all ghostly demons. May they bring to those who receive them, in the name of your Only
Son, Jesus Christ, Our Master and Lord, recovery and health. And through Him may love, glory,
and power be rendered, by the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. +
Blessing of the Healing Oil
(Same prayer as for the Water)
Lord God, You who gave us the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Beneficial Name, the
Immovable Spirit, hidden to the foolish but reserved to the wise, Christ, who sanctified us and by
whose Mercy raised up Your servants, chosen in Your Wisdom, He who sent us the science of
Your Spirit which heals all illness and suffering, He who gives the charisma of Healing to those
who are worthy of this gift, may You send, Lord, to this Oil (or to this Water) which is in the
image of the Fruitfulness, the plenitude, of Your Benevolent Mercy, so that it frees those who
suffer, may it heal those who are sick, and sanctify those who return to the true faith. Because
You are strong and glorious now and forever, O Lord our King. Amen. +
There is no sprinkling of Water for the candle (connected to the Fire element), one draws
a cross on the candle with the thumb, impregnated with saliva and then one imposes his hands,
thumbs united in a square, above the cross during the pronunciation of the Prayer.
Blessing Of The Water Of Exorcism
I exorcise you, Creature of Water, by the living God +, by the true God + , by the holy God +
, so that henceforth purified you serve against all sickness, against all traps of the devilish
powers, and that, in any type of dwelling or place where you will be sprinkled, that dwelling or
place be under the protection of the Eternal and Almighty God, defended like in the past have
been defended by the mark of the blood of the Lamb of Easter, the dwellings of the Hebrews in
Egypt. And thus be defended, Lord Jesus Christ, the dwellings and the goods of Your servants.
I therefore exorcise you, Pure Water, in the name of the One + who had the children of Israel led
through the Red Sea, I exorcise you in the Name of the One + whose sanctified feet walked on
you in the Sea of Galilee, I exorcise you in the name of the One + who John has baptized with
you. Let, therefore, all invasion of Satan be pushed away from you, may the power of the devils,
our enemies, disappear anywhere where you will be sprinkled, may they be called ghosts,
whirlwinds, lightning, thunderbolt, calamity of storm, fire, or earthquakes. Almighty and Eternal
God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, deign to pour + on this water the invincible force of Your
power and to grant it this just as great Grace of purifying by and in the name of Jesus Christ
Your Son, our Lord and Master, everything that will be touched by it. May it expel from the
dwellings of Your servants, of their bodies and of their Souls, all action of the evil spirit. May it
destroy the witchcrafts, dissipate the obsessions, free the places and dwellings haunted by the
evil spirits, and joined associated to the sign of the Holy Cross of Your Son Jesus Christ, our
Lord and Master, may it supply a powerful help to all those who will use it in Your Name.
One casts blessed salt in the blessed water four times and does this in the sign of the
Cross saying:
May this mix of salt and water be then intimately made in the Name of the Father + , of the
Son + and of the Holy Spirit +, and by the virtue of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, to Whom
glory and honor be given, world without end. AMEN. +
One blows by the Sign of the Cross on the surface of the water, when the salt and water
are mixed saying:
And by the power of the name of the Eternal, by the power of the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ,
Instrument of our salvation, and by the blessing of God the Father Almighty, be sanctified + ,
this mix of salt and water. AMEN. +
One dips in three successive and progressive steps the shaft of the blessed and lit taper in
the water thus blessed while saying:
Almighty and Eternal God, Father of Jesus Christ our Lord and Master, Light of Light,
Living water of eternal salvation, deign to sanctify + this water of wisdom and strength,
associated to Your Divine Fire. Give him, Lord, the power to subjugate, enslave and drive away
evil spirits, destroy their prestige and their malevolent acts, appease the sorrow and the anxiety
of Your servants, cure their physical and spiritual illnesses, wash their spirits and their souls of
the dirt of sin. And thus by it be given to You all glory and honor, world without end. By Jesus
Christ our Lord and MAster and by St. John His servant. AMEN. +
Blessing Of The Oil Of Exorcism
Almighty and Eternal God, we pray You, O You who holds all virtue and all power,
Savior of all men, Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we beseech and we implore You
so that from Heaven, Your Son deigns to pour on this oil the Holy power + of healing. May
those who receive the unction take of this element, be delivered of all evil and all infirmity, in
order to stop the satanical power, to remove all impure spirits, expel all bad intelligences, to
extirpate all fever, heal all chills, all weakness, grant the Grace and remission of sins, receive the
remedy of life and salvation, procure health and integrity to the soul, the body, and the spirit, the
fullness of strength. May all devilish enterprise, Lord, all satanical power, all ambush of the
adversary, all wound, all suffering, all torment, all penalty, all hidden or bad shadow, fear Your
Holy Name that we are invoking, and the Holy Name of Your Only Son, may they be removed
from the interior and from the exterior of Your servants, so that be sanctified the Name of the
One who, for us, was crucified and resurrected, took upon Himself our pains and infirmities, our
Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, who will come on the last day to judge the living and the dead.
And may by Him be given to You all glory and honor, world without end. AMEN. +
Blessing Of The Incense Of Exorcism
It is by the intercession of the Blessed Archangel Michael, who is standing at the right of the
altar of perfumes in the new Jerusalem, that the Almighty and Eternal God, Father of our Lord
and Savior, Jesus Christ, gives His Holy Blessing to this Incense and its soft smell of sweetness.
May this Incense be for your servants whose Precious Blood they have, O Lord Jesus Christ, our
Master and Lord, an armor against the actions of Spirits of Evil, against every incantation,
prestiges, infestation, or diabolical possession. May its perfume be forever an everlasting
expulsion of evil spirits, and wherever the smell of this Incense spreads, no charm, evil spell,
suggestion, or diabolical presence will substitute or stay. On the contrary, may they be chased
away and disappear in the face of this aromatic Incense through the immensity of Your Power,
your Strength, and the Sign of Your Holy Cross, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the
Father in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever, AMEN. +
bodies and souls, and view the eternal life. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master, and
through Saint John, His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the blessing
of the Sword of the Thurgical ceremony
We beg You, Lord, to bless + this sword which Your servant (N.....) dedicates henceforth
to the expulsion of the evil Invisibles, be they evil Angels or their accomplices, the damned
Souls, so that (N.....) be now placed under the care of Your Love. May the blessing of Almighty
God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - spread and infuse on and in this sword and on the
hand which will firmly hold it, so that (N...), who will take it to defend himself against all visible
and invisible enemies, be defended and protected by You and Your Holy Angels. Almighty
God, You who gave Your servant David the necessary strength to kill Goliath the rebel, we beg
You, in a humble prayer, to give this sword a mysterious force so that (N...) may be able to expel
and defeat the evil Spirits and their damned Souls. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master,
and Saint John, His Servant. Amen. +
This prayer can be used with a simple ritual dagger, for the same uses as the sword, but
which is less cumbersome and more easily transportable .
The use of the sword in Theurgy and in an Exorcism may surprise some readers. It is not
very well explained in the Gospels. But it certainly had a role because how can we otherwise
explain these lines in which real swords are talked about? Such as:
"I come to bring (implying: "to the Powers of this World"), not peace, but the sword..."
(Matthew, x, 34)
"Now...may the one who has no sword sell his coat and buy one...They answered: Lord,
here are two swords. He said: It is enough..." (Luke, xxii, 36-38)
Benediction for the Dwelling
Almighty and Eternal God, Merciful Father, Giver of all goods in this world, I beg You
very humbly in the name of all the people in this dwelling and of all life in it, deign to bless +
this house, sanctify it, and fill it with all sorts of goods. Lord, by Your undying mercifulness,
give to the people who live here the abundance of the dew of the sky, the substance of life
through the richness of the earth, and the accomplishment of their legitimate desires. As You
blessed in the past the dwellings of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless + and sanctify + also, O
God, the dwelling of Your servant. May Your holy Angels of light inhabit these walls to guard
it, protect it, and thus assure the health, the safe-keeping, the good feeling, and the happiness of
its occupants. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Holy Angels of God, by the divine Mercifulness come down on this dwelling and its
surroundings, defend and protect it, take care of it forever, keep out the Evil Spirits and their
damned Souls, and prevent their evil deeds. May Peace and Divine Benediction be upon this
place. May this dwelling be a place of scorching fire for the demons so that they forever flee it,
ashamed and confused, never to come back or hide in it, be it day or night. May all the
occupants of this dwelling live secure from now on, may they sleep with no trouble, no fear, and
without dread of diabolical evils, as well as all their plants, animals, minerals, and all various
objects. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen.
Blessing for a Clock (or watch)
Almighty and Eternal God, You who created the two great luminaries of the Sky, the Sun
and the Moon, to mark Man's days and to make him unceasingly think of the end of this very
life, I beg You to bless + and to sanctify + this Clock (or watch) so that its hands resembling the
two Celestial Luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, observe with steadiness the passing of hours
each day, and that the life of its movements do not stop before the time and its duration.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
who waited for the movement of the water because an Angel descended from time to time to
agitate the water in the pool. He who went into the pool first after the water was agitated was
healed whatever his sickness was. (v, 1-4).
Almighty and Eternal God, who instilled with Your infinite Mercy, the water of this
spring, the power to heal like in Bethesda...(name the sickness)...we beg You to pity Your
servant N... who has faith and confidence to give him the completeness of his healing with the
reinforcement of his faith. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John
His servant. Amen. +
Blessing for the Stick of a Dowser
Almighty and Eternal God, You whose Light sanctifies all our actions, purifies our
smallest thoughts, deign, Lord, we beg of You, spread Your holy blessing + on this double stick
created for finding waters useful to the life of all Your creatures, and may Your servant N..., here
present, who will gratefully and respectfully use it according to Your beneficial Will and Your
holy Law, obtain from You, who solely can give it with Goodness, and with the invocation of
Your Most Holy Name + , the health of the body, the salvation of the soul and all the necessities
of the research of the water will make him ask it with devotion, trust, and a great faith.
Through Jesus Christ Our Master and Lord, and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Deign O Lord, to bless + this double stick so that it becomes a beneficial tool for Your
Creature redeemed by Your Precious Blood. And may You, Almighty Sanctifier, by the
invocation of Your Most Holy Name, by Your prophets, Your Angels, and Your saints, N..., who
will use it, always obtain truthful and sure responses and that the Evil Spirits never tempt or
induce him into error. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through St. John His
servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the lawful discovery
of a sunken treasure
Almighty Lord God, Creator of all Beings, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, we beg of
You to remember Your promise that You made us by Your servant, Isaac: "Here is what the
Lord said to Cyrus, his oil, that I took in the hand for him to subdue the Nations, to make Kings
flee, to open in front of him all doors without anyone of them closing. I will walk in front of
you, I will humiliate the powers, I will break the brass doors, the iron hinge-pins, I will give you
the hidden treasures and the secret and unknown riches so that you know that I am the Lord, the
God of Israel, who called you by your name..." (Isaiah, xlv, 1-3).
O God, whose Light sanctifies all our actions, purifies our smallest thoughts, deign, Lord,
we beg of you, spread your holy blessing on the beginning researches made by N..., Your servant
here present, and may they end well, without prejudice, hurt, sickness, or violence for anyone
who will participate in it or be connected to it near or far. May N..., Your servant, who, because
of You, Lord, will have accomplished it well, discover what he is looking for with so much
legitimate ardor and may he use it respectfully and gratefully according to Your beneficent Will
and Your holy Law, may he obtain from You, who solely can give with Goodness and by the
invocation of Your Most Holy Name, the health of the body, the salvation of the Soul, and all the
necessities of Life that he could ask for with devotion, trust, and great faith. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John, His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the discovery of a Spring
A reading from the holy book of the Exodus - A group of the children of Israel went from
the desert of Sin, according to the directions that the Lord gave them. They camped in
Rephidim, where the people couldn't find any water to drink. They then tried to pick a quarrel
with Moses. They said: "Give us water to drink. Moses answered them: "Why do you want to
quarrel with me?" Why do you tempt the Eternal? The people there were thirsty, and murmured
against Moses. They said: "Why did you lead us outside of Egypt only to leave us to die os thirst
with our children and our herd?" Moses then cried to the Eternal, saying: "What can I do for
these people? They are close to throwing stones at me." The Eternal said to Moses: "Take the
lead of the people and take with you some elders from Israel. Take also in your hand the stick
with which you struck the river and march! Listen, I will be standing in front of you on the rock
of Horeb, you will strike the rock and water will come out of it and the people will drink." And
Moses did so in front of the elders of Israel... (Exodus, vxiii, 1-7).
Almighty and Eternal God, You who established with and on the water Your greatest
Sacraments, You who, through Jesus Christ Your Son, taught us that we had to ask in order to
receive, knock in order to be opened, we beg You with Your supreme goodness and Your
endless mercy to give us the grace to find the necessary water for the life of men, animals (their
servants), and plants, without which life would be impossible here. Make possible, Lord, like
Your servant Moses on the rock of Horeb, that the spring water shoot forth in this place and that
everyone who will drink it avail themselves of the promise that Jesus Christ Your Son made at
the well of Jacob in Samaria: "He who will drink water given by me will never be thirsty again,
and this water will become in him a source which will spring up bringing him Eternal Life."
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the blessing of a mine,
of a quarry, of a foundation, of a pit,
of a new but dry well.
Almighty and Eternal God, from whom all good originates and progresses, may You
grant, Lord, our supplications to fully conduct thanks to the inspiration of Your Holy Spirit, and
the protection of Your Holy Angels, the deed that we are stating here and now, to the glory of
Your Holy Name. Eternal God, You who, when Israel came out of Egypt protected with the
sword of the Exterminating Angel the houses marked by the blood of the Paschal Lamb,
prefiguring Christ, our Redeemer, may You send again in this day and place Your holy Angel so
that he keeps, visits, comforts, protects, and defends all those who are joined together for a
common task. I exorcise you + , Spirits of the world below, Powers of Darkness, in the Name of
the Father + the Son + and the Holy Spirit +, so that you come out of these places and that you
don't have the audacity anymore, thus adjured and conjured up, to molest or infest whomever is
in this place. May the holy Archangel Raphael, who sent Tobiah and Sarah, his wife, away from
you, cast you far away from this place towards the depths of the earth, your domain. Through
Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John, His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of a ship, a fishing-boat
Almighty and Eternal God, Father of Our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, we beg You to
send Your holy Angel so that Your holy benediction comes down on this ship and on all those
who will lawfully use it. May You bless + it, Lord, as in the past You blessed Noah's Ark on the
waters of the Flood, and on those who will use it. Give them Your hand, Lord, as You did in the
past to the blissful Peter, walking on the waves of the Sea of Galilee. May You send on that
ship, Lord, Your holy Angel to guide it, conduct it, prevent it from any danger as well as anyone
who will be in it. May Your servants, Lord, be triumphant over all obstacles, accomplish
peacefully their voyage, and reach easily, safe and sound, their destinations and homes. Through
Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John, His servant. Amen. +
(Any blessings of the premises relevant to the sacralization of the Space, of same than the
blessing of the Clock or of the Watch, given on page 44, to replace the sacralization of Time.)
Prayer against poverty
A reading from the Book of Job - "Why can't I be like I was in months past, like in the
days when God kept me, when His light shone on my head and guided me in the darkness! Why
am I not like in the days of strength when God looked after me like a friend, when the Almighty
was still in me, when my children were around me, when my feet bathed in milk, and the rock
near me produced rivers of oil... I realize, Lord, that You can do all and nothing comes against
Your thoughts. Who can foolishly think that they can obscure Your plans? Yes, I spoke without
understanding of the riches that are beyond me and that I cannot understand... Listen to me and I
will talk; I will question You and You will teach me. My ear heard of You and now me eye sees
You. It is why I condemn myself and I repent on the dirt and the ash..." (xxix, 1-6; xlii, 1-6).
Almighty and Eternal God, You who made us know by the voice of David Your servant
and prophet, that "the Eternal listens to the poor..." (Psalms, lxix, 34), we beg of You, in the
name of N..., Your servant, as You did Your servant, Job, exercise in favor of N... Your mercy
and Your Forgiveness, so that like in the time of the past trial, we could say than, as Job, "N...
was returned to his first state by the Eternal when he prayed for his friends and thus the Eternal
granted him twice what he had possessed..." (Job, xlii, 10). Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and
Master, and through Saint John, His servant. Amen. +
Merciful Lord, we need You always, and whatever circumstances we find ourselves in,
You are the only one we look for, because You are our strength and only shelter when we are ill.
You know our need before we do. You know when N..., Your servant, needs You. He can't do
anything without YOU, but he can do all if You strengthen him because You are all power. Use
it, Lord, in favor of N... You told us to come to You when we are poor or sad. You promised to
grant our prayer when we pray to You. Lend Your ear, O Merciful Lord, and listen to N...,
because he is poor and in bitter sadness. He has no more strength and is oblivious to what he has
to do so he only has to look at You. Lord, pity him, help him, and aid him quickly. Through
Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John, His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of a beggar or the poor
Almighty and Eternal God, who made us know through Moses, Your servant, that there
couldn't be any poor or needy in Israel, (Deuteronomy, xv, 4) and who endlessly took Your
defense during the centuries by the ministry of Your Judges, Your Prophets, and your Saints, we
beg You, in favor of the sad one, who is before our eyes. Give him, Merciful Lord, the end of
his misery and suffering, give him a home, decent clothing, and a job suitable for him, so that,
after being a free man, he can serve You and pray to You, O Lord of Mercy and Good, in this life
and beyond. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John, His servant.
Amen. +
Blessing of the handicapped
Almighty and Eternal God, Physician of Souls and Bodies, He who, through Your
servant, the apostle Paul, taught us that: the corruptible can become incorruptible; the
contemptible body can become glorious; the handicapped body can become strong; the animal
body can become spiritual; we beg You to pity this sad creature, wounded, weak and sick in its
flesh. If it justifies the word of Your servant, Ezekiel: "the fathers ate unripe grapes and the sons
had toothaches..." (Ezekiel, xviii, 2), or that of Your servant, Moses: "Each one of us will die
only by his own sin..." (Deuteronomy, xxiv, 16), we beg You, nonetheless, to pity him. Give
him, for the lack of his healing, the courage to endure good fortune, and especially, O Merciful
Lord, give to everyone coming near him pity, compassion, and love. May his material life be
easy and full of joy; may his health be strong, and his work be fruitful . Through Jesus Christ,
Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John, His servant. Amen. +
Prayer against grief and sorrow
O Great God, through which all Your Creatures have been freed, free me, Lord, of all
evil. O Great God who gave Your comfort to all Creatures, deign, Lord, to comfort me in my
sorrow. O Great God who helped and assisted all Creatures, help me and assist me in all my
necessities, my miseries, my sorrows, my dangers. Free me from all opposition and obstacles of
my enemies, visible as well as invisible, in the Name of the Father who created the World + and
in the Name of the Son who redeems + and in the Name of the Holy Spirit who accomplished the
Law in all its completeness. Lord, I put myself in Your arms and put myself entirely under Your
divine protection.
+ May the blessing of God, the Father Almighty, who, with His Word, created all things,
be always with me. Amen. +
+ May the blessing of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, be always with me. Amen. +
+ May the blessing of the Virgin Mary and that of Her Divine Son, be always with me,
N..., their servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the freedom of a prisoner
A reading from the book of Acts - "The day before Herod was to try him, Peter, tied with
two ropes, slept between two soldiers. Sentinels in front of the door kept vigil. And Angel of
the Lord came and a light shone in the jail. The Angel woke Peter by hitting him on the side and
said to him: "Get up quickly..." The chains fell from his hands. The Angel told him: "Put on
your belt and your sandals..." and so he did. The Angel said again: "Put on your coat and follow
me." Peter went out and followed him not knowing if what happening with the Angel was real
or a vision. When they passed by the first guard, then the second, they arrived at the iron door
leading to the city and it opened by itself before them..." (xii, 6-10).
Almighty and Eternal God, You who freed Peter from his prison thus saving him with
Your supreme Wisdom from the same fate Herod, inflicted on John's brother. We beg You to
pity N..., Your servant, captive and sad. May you send, O Merciful Lord, Liberator Supreme of
all Souls, the Angels so that N..., by the mystery of all Your Almighty protection may at last be
free. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. +
Prayer to obtain the pardon
of one condemned to death
Almighty and Eternal God, You who are infinitely Merciful, we beg you in favor of N...
who by a severe judgement must die. You redeemed in the past the people of Nineveh, You
helped Israel to obtain the pardon of the Egyptians before the Exodus to the Promised Land.
You also helped Tobit and his wife Anna to obtain the mercy of the king Shalmaneser, to
Jeremiah who You helped free from Nebuzaradan the Babylonian, and Daniel from
Nebuchadnezzar, and, through Your supreme Wisdom, You granted pardon to the brigand
Barabbas, and in his place Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, was crucified. That is why we beg
You to pity N..., and to send Your holy Angel so that he inspires and suggests to the one who
keeps him prisoner to free him. O Merciful Lord, may you make N... conceive the repentance of
his mistakes, the ardent desire and the possibility of repairing them so that one day, N..., will be
in Your Holy City Above, and have Life Eternal. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master
and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for a happy love
or the end of a grief of love
Almighty and Eternal God, You who united Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca,
Jacob and Rachel, in an unique and immutable love, who unite again Boaz and Ruth so that Ruth
also, like Sarah, Rebecca and Rachel, was an example to Israel, who have in Your Infinite Mercy
and Your Sovereign Clemency given in marriage to David Your servant, Your handmaid
Abigail, and forgave his adulterous union with Bathsheba, wife of Urie, who by Your Son, the
Christ Jesus, Our Redeemer, forgave the adulterous woman and put off from Mary Magdalene all
her transgressions, who, through Light and Your Sovereign Clemency, wanted truly to reform
the harsh law of Israel and we say that, because Magdalene like many, had loved much and
forgave much, we pray for Your servant N.. and Your handmaid N..., so that a love as enduring
and as profound unites them forever. However, Lord, God of Mercy, Prudence and of all Justice,
make them than void of all suffering, grief, and pain, for none of Your Creatures, oh Lord, that
create scandal and disorder can disturb Your people. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master,
and through St. John His servant. Amen. +
This prayer doesn't have as its object to facilitate the conquest the following day. But it
could be utilized to the same purpose as one used in other prayers against despair.
As for the absent sick person, this prayer can be said facing the direction where the
subject is at this instant.
Prayer to protect the fidelity of a wife
or the chastity of a young girl
Almighty and Eternal God, You who through Your servant Solomon made us know that
"the virtuous wife is the crown of her husband" (Proverbs, xii, 4), we beg You to condescend,
through Your Sovereign Goodness, to protect and defend Your handmaid N....., exposed so much
in her flesh that through the malice of men and the hate of Your Adversary and ours, from
dangerous temptations, That Your holy Angel accompanies her footstep, and spares all threats to
her and all dangers to which her senses or her heart would risk succumbing. As You
condescended to cause Your servant Daniel to protect the honor of Suzanne, daughter of
Helchais, and wife of Joachim, that both desired of the ancient of Israel, do the same in favor of
Your handmaid N....., condescend, Lord, to extend Your ministering right so that N.... remain in
the way of purity and of chastity. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint
John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of Fiances
Almighty and Eternal God, You who associated Souls for men and women in all Eternity,
who proclaimed that it was not good for Man to be without a Companion, thus underlining the
Eternal association of Your Son, the Word Jesus, with His Church, we implore You, for this boy
and girl who come before You to unite as one. O Merciful Lord, may their mutual love survive
despite the traps and storms of this life. Give them the joy of a shared and lasting tenderness and
that they can both justify the word of Your prophet Isaiah: "As a young man joins a virgin, so
your sons will join you, and like the fiance is the joy of her mate, so, Israel, you will be the joy of
your God." (Isaiah, lxii, 5). It is why, Lord, we ask You to give them Your holy and Almighty
Blessing now and when they will be united. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and
through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of a Wife's Ring
Bless this ring, Almighty and Eternal God, that we bless in Your Holy Name, so that N...,
who will wear it, thus being entirely faithful to her husband N..., will be at peace in Your Holy
Will. May she live, grow, and age in Your Love, and may she multiply for a long time. Through
Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
marvelous Incarnation; You who filled John the Baptist, the bearer of Your Holy Spirit, and
made him tremble at the breast of Elizabeth, his mother, may You receive the sacrifice of a
repentant heart and the ardent desire of Your servant N....., here present, who humbly begs You,
O Merciful Lord, to keep until its final term the fruit that You permitted her to conceive. Guard
her, Lord, and defend her against the tricks and wickedness of the cruel Enemies of our Human
Race. May Your Almighty Righteousness deliver her on the day of her pain; may her child come
into Your Light in good physical and moral health; may she be protected and guarded by Your
holy Angel to be born one day to the Eternal Life; may she serve You always during her life, and
may she, at the end of it, through Your Divine PLEROMA, enjoy the eternal joys prepared by
Your Elects. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through St. John His servant.
Amen. +
Prayer before the Birth
Almighty and Eternal God, Sanctificator of all things, condescend to visit this home and
take away from your handmaid N..., lying on this bed of pain, all pitfalls and all perils of the
Enemy of our race. Condescend, Lord to send here at this very instant Your Holy Angels, so that
they protect this home and this woman in the pains of giving birth. That they guard, in peace,
her and her child, and that Your Holy Blessing is ever on them. We pray therefore, oh Merciful
Lord, and that through You and Your Holy Blessing, they attain eternal life. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through St. John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of a small child
at its birth
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, begotten not made before all centuries, You
have nonetheless wanted in the past to become as a little child. You who called to Yourself the
little children and than blessed them with so much tenderness, deign, O Lord Jesus, to pour on
this young child's head, the sweetness and softness; and, the power of Your blessing. O Merciful
lord, make sure that no mischievousness deviates this young intelligence, make him grow in age,
in wisdom, and in grace, to never cease to please You, who lives and reign with God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen. +
Prayer for the unborn child to be born
under happy aspects of the Stars
and to protect it against bad influences
Almighty and Eternal God, You who, according to the word of Your servant, Job, heard
and saw at the dawn of Time the Stars in the Heavens sing in a chorus for the glory of Creation
and cry for joy before Your Work, You who put a seal on the Stars of the Heavens, material
figures of Your Holy Angels, and identified the immeasurable people of the Stars of the Heavens
as those of the sons of Your servant Abraham , we beg You, Lord, through your Supreme
Goodness, to delay or advance the coming on this earth of this child so that he only comes to life
under the warm protection of Your Holy Angels like under the happy influences of the Stars as
they travel their paths in the Heavens. That is why we ask, Lord of grace, that You give to this
unborn child according to the fruit of you promise to Your servant, Daniel: "Those who would
have possessed the divine knowledge will shine brightly in the Heavens, but those who would
have given it to Man according to the ways of Justice will shine like the Stars in all Eternity."
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Almighty and Eternal God, we know through the word of Your servant, Paul, that in this
World "Even if there are Beings who are called gods, in the heavens of this world or on earth,
and there truly exist numerous gods and numerous Lords, for us there is only one God, the
Father, from whom all things come, and one Lord: Jesus Christ, through whom are all things
made and through whom we live..." (I Paul, Corinthians, viii, 5-6). We also know through this
same Paul, Your servant, that in the past, without knowing God, we served gods who were not so
by their own nature. Now that we know God, or rather we have been known by Him, we can't go
back to those poor and weak principles to which some people still want to enslave us and who
obscure like a veil those illusory gods and for them again, observing their days, months, seasons
and years... (Paul Galatians, iv, 8-10), because we don't have to fight against flesh and blood but
against denominations and powers, against the Cosmocrateurs and the Princes of this universe of
darkness, against the Evil Spirits who are in the heavens, and according still to the word of Your
servant, Paul, (Paul, Ephesians, vi, 12). This is why, Almighty and Eternal God, Creator and
Lord of all Beings, we beg you to delay or advance the coming onto this earth of this child so
that he lives outside the evil influences of those same Powers. May they never succeed in
enslaving him, he who was redeemed by Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ. May the obscure Stars
to which to which they are tied by virtue of their spiritual downfall never by their dark rays
deviate this Soul from the right and shining path which must be his on this earth and beyond.
May glory be rendered unto You, O Eternal and Almighty, now and forever. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to say before and after a Psalm
for a particular aim (except a healing)
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Welfare who told Your Apostles and Those, their
successors, to chase away the demons and thus bring, in the world formerly under Satan's rule,
equity, purity, and goodness, we beg You, by the mysterious virtue of Your Very Holy Name
IESHOUAH and by the nature of this Psalm that the Holy Spirit inspired David, His servant, to
give to my words the same mysterious virtue you gave to David. O Lord Jesus, grant the request
of Your servant, N..., and thus Glory be rendered to You now and forever. Amen. +
Prayer to say before and after a Psalm
for a particular healing
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Welfare, who told Your Apostles and those, their
successors, to chase away the demons and to heal all sickness, we beg You, by the mysterious
virtue of Your Very Holy Name, IESHOUAH, and by the virtue of this Psalm, to give to my
words the same healing power given to your seventy-two Disciples. Heal him Yourself, Lord
Jesus Christ, through my words and my hands, and may Glory be rendered to You, now and
Amen. +
Blessing of a hermetic medicine
(or any remedy)
Almighty and Eternal God, Sanctifier, You who created Man so admirably and reformed
him even more admirably, You who helped us with various remedies against sickness and
handicaps, against which struggles a painful humanity, be favorable to our prayers and from
Zion, Your Holy Celestial City, may You spread Your holy blessing on this remedy so that the
person who takes it recovers the well-being of the Soul and the body. This is why, Lord, You
who created Life but did not create Death, we beg Your Goodness to sanctify + this medicine,
created to chase away sickness, diabolical forces, evil manifestations, and the Evil Spirits
themselves far away from man's body. Lord, in Your Name and in the Name of Your Holy
Angel Raphael, I sanctify + and bless + ; this remedy be also sanctified + and blessed + by You,
Almighty and Merciful God. May you burn down, for Your sick servant, N..., who must take
this remedy, the scorching fever, the stomach aches, the headaches, the heartaches. Dispel, Lord,
all his sufferings, take away the heavy burden of his sins, chase away all manifestations of each
part of his body, be present in all Your Glory in front of the dangers created by the threatening
demons, and order Your holy Angels to forever keep an eye on him. May this medicine eject the
sickness. May the Demons flee with their associates, their works, and means of attack. I
exorcise you, remedy, in the name of Jesus, so that there is no trace in you of the evil power, but
on the contrary, to keep your natural virtue. I beseech you, in the Name of Jesus Christ Our
Master and Lord, to receive and keep a supernatural power by the ministry of the Holy Angels of
God. O Lord, bless this remedy and instill into it the virtue of the Holy Ghost, so that it can
destroy, annihilate, evacuate, and pull out of the human body any sickness and any evil. I, N...,
God's servant, I exorcise, I bless, I sanctify, I exert myself and I give to you, o remedy, all
blessings of the Servants of God, and more particularly that of His appointed servant to
medicine, the Holy Archangel Raphael. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through
Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of a "Healing Shirt"
(or similar clothing)
When saying this prayer, the Healer puts his hands, thumbs in a square, on the shirt or
clothing. This blessing can be used for any bandage, besides, with very interesting results.
Lord Jesus Christ, he who, with the simple touch of your dress healed a woman afflicted
with loss of blood and who, by the same virtue, with the belts and other clothes of Your holy
apostle Paul, chased away from the sick, all listlessness and evil Spirits. We beg you, O
Merciful Lord, for the one wearing or covered with this healing shirt (or clothing), blessed in
Your Holy Name, to make him recover the well-being of the body and the salvation of the soul.
You who lives and reigns with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever and
ever. Amen. +
*** Continue to impose the hands, in silence, for a long moment. ***
Prayer for the healing of burns
or against their dangers
A reading of the Book of the Prophet Daniel - Afterwards, Nebuchadnezzar came close
to the opening of the fiery furnace and said: "Shadrach, Meshach, Abed-nego, servants of the
Supreme God, come out!..." And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego came out from the fire.
The satraps, bursars, governors and councilors of the king then assembled. They saw that the
fire had not had any power over the bodies of those men, and that their hair wasn't burned...
(Daniel, III, 93-94). Almighty and Eternal God, You who spared Lot, Your servant, and
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, companions of the Prophet Daniel, from the cruel bites of
the flames and the excruciating pain of the fire, we beg You in favor of N..., Your servant, so
that by the merits of Your saints and more particularly by those of Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abed-nego, as well as the diligent protection of Your Holy Angels, that it be the same for N...,
and may he (or she) thus escape all dangers by fire and flame. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord
and Master and by Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer against the sterility of women
A reading from the Holy Book of Genesis - The Eternal remembered what He had said to
Sarah and the Eternal did what He had promised. Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to the
son of Abraham during her old age, just as God said she would. (xxi, 1-3)
God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, You who in Your supreme clemency
made the sterile Sarah fruitful by giving her the grace to give birth to Your servant, Isaac; who
did the same for Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, by allowing her to give birth to Your servant, Jacob;
who made fruitful the sterile Rachel, Jacob's wife, by conceiving Your servant, Joseph; who sent
Your Holy Angel to Manoah's wife to announce her conception of Your servant, Samson; and
who also did the same for Elizabeth, wife of Your servant Zechariah, to allow her to give birth to
John the Baptist, precursor of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior; we beg You to help N..., Your
servant, who is upset because she can't have children. Deign, O Merciful Lord, to heal her from
her sterility, and like You did before to Your servants Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, the wife of Your
servant Manoah, and last but not least to Elizabeth, wife of Zechariah, give her the grace to
conceive and give birth to the child she asked You for with so much faith and love. O Lord,
carry out the promise You made to Your servant, Abraham, to give him a posterity as numerous
as the stars in the sky and thus, O my God, remember N..., Your servant, who expects from You
only, Supreme Creator of All Beings, to bring her the joy of being a mother. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Preparatory prayer for a difficult birth
A reading from the Holy Gospel according to the Apostle Luke -Joseph went from
Galilee and the city of Nazareth to go to Judea and the city of David, called Bethlehem, because
he was of the house of David, in order to register with Mary, his wife, who was with Child.
While they were there, Mary's time to give birth came and she gave birth to her first-born son.
She covered him and laid him down in a crib because there was no place for them in the inn.
There were, in the same part of the country, some shepherds in the fields keeping watch over
their flocks at night. Then, an Angel of the Lord appeared in front of them and the Lord's Glory
shone around them. They got frightened but the Angel told them: Don't be afraid, because I am
giving you good news which will be a great joy for all people. Today, in the city of David, a
Savior was born who is Christ, the Lord. (ii, 4-12)
Immaculate Mother of our Lord, Sacred Temple, Spiritual Paradise, Golden censor,
dazzling Lamp, Vase of Light where is the celestial manna, Arch of Truth, Inextinguishable
Bush, open Garden, verdant Palm of Aaron, we beg You to look at N..., wife of N..., to pity her
at the onset of the pains of giving birth. O Merciful Virgin, pray for N... to the Lord, our God,
Your Divine Son, so that the initial sentence, "You shall give birth in pain" be postponed.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing for the sick
Almighty God, Lord and Giver of all graces and mercies, may You extend Your Divine
Hands to heal all sick people. Make them healthy, release them from their present sickness.
May they be healed in the Name of Your Only Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master. May this
sacred Name be the remedy that will make them safe and sound. And by Him, may glory and
power be rendered to You by the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. +
Here are placed healing oil and water on the patient's forehead, heart, and the hands and
feet, followed by a laying on of hands.
Blessing of a sick child
Eternal God, by whom all things grow and all that grows is strengthened, may You
extend Your Almighty hand on Your young servant N..., sick at this tender age, and give him
Your blessing. Lord, after he recovers his strength, make him reach the fullness of age, and may
he show an endless faithful and grateful submission each day of his life. That is why, Father of
Mercies and Lord of all consolations, You who support Your creature by the endless
manifestations of Your goodness, You who spreads with gentleness the grace of Your healing
not only upon the body but also the soul, may You, O Merciful Lord, make this child get up from
his sick bed and get him healthy for Your Church and his family, so that, growing in grace and
wisdom before You and men, he can serve You every day of his life and render to Your Divine
mercifulness the actions of grace he is due. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and
through Saint John His servant. AMEN. +
O God, You who distributes with admirable order the functions of Angels and men, O
Lord, by the effect of Your helpful goodness may the life of this child be protected on this earth
by those who, in the Heavens, are around You endlessly and who serve you. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through St. John His servant. Amen. +
May the blessing of Almighty God, the Father + , the Son + , and the Holy Spirit + ,
descend upon you, N....., may it look after your heart, lead your intelligence, heal your sick flesh,
and be eternally in you. Amen. +
Unctions of Oil and of Water like telling cidessus.
Prayer during the laying on of hands on the sick
Almighty God, Lord and Giver of the World, Foundation and Creator of the Body and the
Soul, You who molded man, administer, govern, and sustainer of the whole Human Species, You
who reconciles and appeases in accordance with Your infinite Goodness, look favorable upon us,
O Merciful Lord, may You help all poor sick people, order the illnesses and lift up those who are
down, glorify Your Holy Name, through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, And who, by Him,
may glory and power be rendered to You by the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. +
Prayer for healing an Illness at a distance
This prayer is said facing the direction of the sick person. The distance is not important.
As Jesus entered Capernaum, a Centurion came up to Him, begging Him: "Lord, my
servant is lying down in the house, paralyzed and suffering greatly." Jesus said to him: "I will
come and cure him." The Centurion replied: "Lord, I am not worthy of you coming under my
roof, but say only one word, and my servant will be healed"...Jesus then said to the Centurion:
"Go, and may it be done according to your faith." (Matthew, viii, 5-8; 13)
Lord Jesus Christ, Word of God made flesh, we implore from Your infinite Mercifulness
a grace similar to that which was given to the Centurion. Lord, do not pay any attention to the
words coming from our lips but to our unshakable faith and to the trust we put in Your Divine
Gospel. O Merciful Lord, say a word again and N..., who we put before You, will be healed. As
You did for Your servant, the centurion, O My God, send Your Holy Angel to the ill N..., and
N... will be healed. May the prayers we are saying today for N..., Lord God, be as efficient as if
N... was near us and by this instant, by the power of Your Holy Name, N... be healed. May the
graces be rendered for, and in the name of, N..., and in our name also, to the Almighty Father,
the Merciful Lord, and the helpful Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen. +
Prayer for the healing of troubles of the heart
During the prayer, place the hands on the heart, chest naked.
Almighty and Eternal God, Merciful Savior of men, You who, by the voice of Your Only
Son Jesus Christ, sent the holy Apostles to heal all illness, we beg You for Your servant N..., ill
and laid on his sick bed. Allow us, O Merciful Lord, to take up again the prophetic words of
David, Your servant: "O Eternal, You hear the wishes of the unhappy, that is why you will
strengthen their hearts..." (Psalms, x, 17). We thus beg You, O Almighty God, to send Your
Holy Angel so that he manifests and carries out in favor of N... the promise you made us through
the voice of David. O Merciful Lord, give him the grace of a rapid and total healing so that N...
may render You grace in Your Holy Temple, in the present time, and later on, forever and ever.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
A reading from the book of the prophet Daniel - This is what happened to King
Nebuchadnezzar. Twelve months later, as he was taking a walk in the royal palace at Babylon,
the king took the stand and said: "Haven't I built here in Babylon the Great the royal residence
by the power of my strength and for the glory of my magnificence?" The word was still in his
mouth when a voice descended from the heavens: "King Nebuchadnezzar, we are going to take
your kingdom. We will dismiss you from among men, you will live with the beasts in the fields,
you will eat grass like an ox; seven times will pass you by until you learn that it is the Almighty
who reigns over men and does as he pleases." At that moment, what was said accomplished
itself. Nebuchadnezzar was dismissed from among men, he ate grass like an ox, his body was
soaked by the sky's dew until his hair grew like eagle's feathers and his nails like those of birds.
After the time indicated, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes to heaven and reason was restored to
me. I blessed the Almighty, I praised and glorified the Eternal One, the one whose domination is
eternal and whose reign goes on from generation to generation. (iv, 25-31).
Almighty and Eternal God, whose Reign, Power, and Glory belong to the cycles of
Eternity, You who are Almighty, who dominates the reign of men and does as He pleases, we
beg You to look over N..., Your servant, hit by madness as was in the past Your creature, King
Nebuchadnezzar. O Supreme and Eternal Wisdom, may You give back to N... his/her reason,
memory, and recollection to what he/she once was, and is going to become. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to preserve the beauty of a young girl
or a woman
Surround the face of the subject with open hands (like a horseshoe) thumbs joined at the
extremities. This prayer is to treat an injured face and not to replace the tricks of make-up.
Almighty and Eternal God, You who created the first perfect woman of beauty and
whose perfection was perpetrated by Your servants Sarah, wife of Abraham, Rebecca, wife of
Isaac, Rachel, wife of Jacob, Abigail, wife of Solomon, and Esther, wife of King Ahasuerus, we
beg You in favor of Your servant N..., O Merciful Lord, may You spare her with Your hands.
May Your servant N..., painfully wounded in her flesh, keep the harmony of her face and body,
and like the Sulamite she can very soon sing the song of the Hymn of Hymns: "I am black but I
am beautiful, O girls of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the pavilions of King Salmon."
(Song of Songs, i, 5). Through Jesus Christ Our Master and Lord and through Saint John His
Amen. +
Preparatory prayer for the transfer of a disease
on a plant
Prayer said towards the East, in front of the plant, generally a tree.
Almighty and Eternal God, You who prescribed to Your servant Moses to redeem by the
sacrifice of a lamb the life of all newborns as well as the involuntary sin, the purification of a
young mother, the leprosy, and who substituted the life of Isaac to that of the ram offered by
Your servant Abraham, You who made Israel foreshadow the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus Christ
by that of the paschal lamb at the exit from Egypt, we beg You, O Merciful Lord, accept that this
humble plant becomes the offering of atonement in place of Your servant N.... Lord, make the
disease which dangerously afflicts your servant N... go away and set on this helpful plant for
good. In exchange, O Redeeming and Savior God, when it will be time for him to breathe his
last breath, O God of Clemency, may you reintegrate his spirit in his initial archetype among the
Divine PLEROMA. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master who lives and reigns with You,
Father, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. +
Incantation to the vegetable soul
living in the chosen plant
Almighty God, Master of the World, creator of all plant and tree, Master of life and
death, You who gave everyone certain elements of the Visible Creation in order to have an equal
power in the beings created, and who established the disagreement between their elements not
without obtaining by their alliance and union a temperate mixture obvious sign of Your
greatness, I beseech you, Merciful Lord, for the transfer of the illness of Your servant N.. to this
humble plant that You put in touch with the star (name of the star) , may me actions and prayers
be powerful, efficient, and useful in order to divert the illness crushing N..., Your servant. May
the star itself and with Your order give its assistance and virtue to my operation. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
And you, vital Spirit of this (name plant or tree), You who travels from lives to lives,
from existences to existences, I offer to You by your sacrifice, freely consented, the possibility to
shorten your long path and your return towards the initial archetype which took you from the
dawn of time. The God of Clemency and Mercy, your Creator and mine, offers you through my
person N..., His humble and obeying servant, the grace of an immediate reconciliation. I looked
for you in the name of the Creator Father, I found you in the name of the redeemer Son, and I
chose you in the name of the Preserver Holy Spirit. Tell me by a sign or a presage that you
accept to receive in place of N... the illness which afflicts him at the present time. I thus beseech
You, in the name of the Creator, Eternal and Almighty God, to give me Your answer. Do not
follow the example of the fig-tree cursed by the Christ; on the contrary, like the fig-tree in the
Song of Songs which "perfumes its fruit" to forever exhale the sweet perfume of Your sacrifice
and redemption. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
First, circle the plant in order to take possession of it in an occult manner. This circle is
traced with a special sword (or ritual knife) on the ground around it. While turning, the operator
must keep the plant on his right side. If a tree is used, the bark will be cut in a St. Andrew's
cross, and at the same height as the human heart. The bark is pulled out and the sick person's
"witness" is placed inside; the bark is put back with five copper nails (in memory of the five
wounds of Jesus Christ) to close the opening. The "witness" is a piece of fabric impregnated by
the sick person (sweat, blood, saliva, etc.). The plant must wither instead of the sick person.
Prayer after the sign and the response
are confirmed
I, N..., servant of the Living God, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, by virtue of the power of the
keys given to the Apostles and the Disciples by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, transfer on (name of the
plant) the disease dangerously afflicting N..., and in return loosen the vital spirit of this (name of
the plant) from its debt. I give him back everything he did against the Divine Providence during
his long stray from lives to lives, and I pray Almighty God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - to
sanctify + it, to bless + it, and to welcome + it among the Divine PLEROMA, in its initial
Archetype. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Prayer to prevent nightmares
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Well-being, You who told the Apostles and their
successors to chase away the demons and thus bring in the World previously subject to Satan,
purity, equity, and goodness; we beg You, by the mysterious virtue of Your Most Holy Name
IESHOUAH, and by the virtue of the Psalm that the Holy Spirit inspired in David, Your servant,
we beg that You give to my words the same mysterious virtue You gave to David's words. O
Lord Jesus, grant the request of Your servant N..., and thus grace be rendered to You, now and
forever. Amen. +
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I
will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.' Surely He will
save you from the fowler's snare and from deadly pestilence. He will cover you with his feathers
and under His wing you will find refuge; His faithfulness shall be your shield and your rampart.
"You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the
pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. A thousand may
fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. You will only
observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. For you have made the Most
High your stronghold - even the Lord who is my refuge.
"Thus no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will
command His Angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. They will lift you up in
their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. You will tread upon the lion and
the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
"'Because he loves me,' says the Lord, 'I will rescue him, I will protect him for he
acknowledges my name. He will call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in
trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my
(Psalm 91, King James version)
Repeat here the Prayer:
"Lord Jesus-Christ, God
of our Salvation..."
Prayer against cancer, lupus, and elephantiasis
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Well-being, who told the Apostles and their successors to
chase away the demons and thus bring in the world previously subject to Satan equity, purity,
and goodness, we beg You, by the mysterious virtue of Your Most Holy Name IESHOUAH, and
by the virtue of the Psalm that the Holy Spirit inspired in David, Your servant, give to my words
the same mysterious virtue you gave to David's words. O Lord Jesus, grant the request of your
servant N..., and thus grace be rendered to You now and forever. Amen. +
"O Lord, do not rebuke me in Your anger or discipline me in Your wrath. For Your
arrows have pierced me and Your hand came down upon me."
"Because of Your wrath, there is no health in my body; my bones have no soundness
because of my sin. My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear."
"My wounds fester and are loathsome because of my sinful folly. I am bowed down and
brought very low; all day long I go mourning."
"My back is filled with searing pain; there is no health in my body. I am feeble and
utterly crushed; I groan in anguish of heart."
"All my longings lie open before you, Lord, my sighing is not hidden from you. My
heart pounds, my strength fails me; even the light has gone from my eyes."
"My friends, my companions avoid me because of my wounds; my neighbors stay far
away. Those who seek my life set their traps; those who would harm me talk of my ruin; all day
long they plot against me. I am like a deaf man who cannot hear, like a mute who cannot open
his mouth. I have become like a man who doesn't hear, whose mouth can offer no reply."
"I wait for you, O Eternal, You will answer, O Lord my God! For I said, 'Do not let them
gloat or exalt themselves over me when my foot slips. For I am about to fall, and my pain is ever
with me. I confess my inequity; I am troubled by my sin.
Many are those who are my infamous enemies; those who hate me without reason are numerous.
Those who repay my good with evil slander me when I seek what is good. Do not forsake me, O
Eternal! My God, be not far from me! Come quickly to help me, Lord, You who are my
(Psalm 38, King James version)
The eyelids of the sick person are signed with the Oil of Healing by tracing a cross on
each one of them, the right eyelid first, and then the left, a third cross being traced above,
between the two eyebrows, as you say:
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant, N..., may
the Holy Archangel Raphael heal your vision as it was in the Ancient Days for the pious Tobit.
Amen. +
Prayer to obtain the favor
of seeing a sick person during sleep,
and of obtaining his healing
Before this special sleep, say the Prayer for healing an Illness from a distance (p. 72).
This is followed by the usual prayers for the Night and for Sleep. After having said the prayers,
a bath having been taken that day, put on a long white gown, and have clean bedsheets. The
Electuary will be drunk before eating soon after its being made sacred. Then you say the
following prayer.
A reading from the Holy Book of the Acts of the Apostles, chapter VIII - An Angel of the
Lord said to Philip: "Go south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza, the desert road."
So he started out and on his way he met an Ethiopian eunuch, an important official in charge of
all the money of Candace, queen of the Ethiopians. This man had gone to Jerusalem to worship
and on his way home was sitting in his chariot reading the book of Isaiah the prophet. The Spirit
said to Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it." Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard
the man reading from Isaiah the prophet. "Do you understand what you are reading?" Philip
asked. "How can I," the man replied, "unless someone can explain it to me?" So he invited
Philip to come up and sit with him
.................................................................. .
As they traveled along the road they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look,
here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?" Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you
may." The official answered, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." and he ordered the
chariot to stop. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized
him. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away and
the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at
Azotus, and traveled about, preaching the Gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.
(Acts, viii, 26-31, 36-40).
Almighty and Eternal God, You who lifted in spirit by Your Angel the deacon Philip,
carried him from Samaria by the road from Jerusalem to Gaza in order to heal from the spiritual
darkness the eunuch of Candace, queen of Ethiopia, made Philip baptize the eunuch, then was
carried in Spirit by Your Angel to Azotus where he returned in his body, I humbly beg You to
grant me the request to visit during my sleep Your servant N..., ill and afflicted, to implore You
for his healing. Lord, grant me the request to remove myself from my body to better serve You.
Keep my soul and body from obstacles and traps from Beyond, from demons and damned Souls,
from all their wicked plots, and the threats of perverted men. Accord me, O my God, Peace and
Strength, the sense of Your Justice, in the accomplishment of my mission and Your
Commandments. Let me come back in this body safe and sound, wealthy from the works that
You would have allowed me to accomplish. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and
through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Electuary formula for the Bilocation
There exists a formula for the bilocation in the state of vigil. It is dangerous for an
uninitiated person and we won't reveal it here.
You will use the one for sleep, exclusively.
1. Prepare first an infusion of flowers, bark and berries of Hawthorne, all picked up in
May and with the moon rising. Put in a bowl of spring water (or mineral) 3 to 5% of this
concoction (leaves, bark, berries), add honey to sweeten it, and boil it. At the first bubbles, stop.
Cover, let it steep and cool. Add to the infusion a tablespoon of orange flowers, the same
amount of lime-blossom, and three flowers of Roman Chammomile. Boil it again, stop, cover,
let it steep and cool. Add afterwards to this mixture 3 to 5% of flowers and calkins of willow.
Boil it and let it steep after covering it. Add 1 to 2% of fresh flowers of Lily of the Valley or 10
drops of dye from this plant. If the flowers are used, boil, stop, and let it steep. If the dye is
used, do the same. Drink a bowl of this physiologically harmless electuary before going to sleep.
2. But say the following prayer before: Sacralization of the Electuary for the
Almighty and Eternal God who carried by spirit Your servant, the deacon Philip, from
Samaria to Gaza, and then to Azotus to heal the soul of the eunuch of Ethiopia, I beg you to send
Your holy Angel to infuse in this electuary of soothing herbs such a virtue that during my sleep,
I, Your servant N..., can leave my body of flesh and visit N..., Your sick and afflicted servant to
help him and heal him with Your permission and the assistance of Your Holy Angels, O
Merciful Lord. Lord, may You bless this electuary, infuse in it the virtue of the Holy Spirit so
that it will allow my soul to leave this body which afflicts me so that I can go far away from
where I am in order to destroy, annhiliate, pull out from the human soul and the body of Your
Creatures, O my God, all sufferings, illness, bodily or spiritual, all evil of any sort. This is why
I, N..., servant of the Living God, I exorcise, I bless, I sanctify, I exhort myself, I put upon you,
O blessed electuary, all blessings of God's servants and more particularly, that of Your servant,
the Holy Archangel Raphael, and Your servant, the deacon Philip, my protector in this nightly
journey. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen.
* *
For the Ritual of the Transfer of an illness on a Plant (see pages 77 to 79), this is on a
plant or a tree of the same planetary tonality as the illness itself when the transfer is done. The
treatises of Astrology generally give these correspondences. It is therefore necessary to erect the
astrological theme of the sick person. Here are now the Hebrew names of the Planets, to use in
the passage on page 79, eighth line:
Fixed Stars............................................Masloth
Prayer for a general Blessing
Brothers and Sisters, may the Almighty and Eternal God, Father of Jesus Christ Our Lord
and Master, give you all Grace and Peace. May God + be blessed, Father of Jesus Christ, Our
Lord and Master, Father of all Mercy and all consolation, who comforts us in all our trials so that
we can do the same for others with the Comfort we receive from God. Amen. +
Blessing of the People
O Lord, Almighty God, it is in Your Name that I will raise my hand over the people and I
will ask You to reach out the hand of Truth on this assembly. May it be blessed by Your
Goodness, O Merciful Lord, and by the Holy Mysteries that You revealed to us through Your
Divine Son, Christ Jesus, Our Lord. May the hand of Your Prudence and Your Power, the hand
that corrects and purifies, the hand of all holiness, bless this assembled people by giving it the
strength to amend itself and profess through Your Only Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. +
Prayer for the re-enlightenment of Souls
darkened by atheistic Materialism
Almighty and Eternal God, You who saves men and won't let any of His Creatures
perish, look with favor, Lord, upon the Souls fooled by the tricks of Satan, our Adversary, so that
having left all maliciousness, these Souls will feel sorry about their mistakes and one day come
back to the Unity of your Holy and Blessed Truth. Merciful Lord, answer my prayer so that the
Peoples who have forgotten Your Holy Name open their eyes, and after having seen the Light
which is Christ our Redeemer, they can be pulled out from the darkness. O Lord, You who do
not seek the Death of men but rather Life for the sinner, may You, Lord, welcome my prayers for
those Peoples. Free the nations lost in the cult of Idols, and re-unite them in Your Holy Church,
Eternal and Universal, far from this World of pain, and for the greater glory of Your Holy Name.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the sick, the afflicted,
and for prisoners in general
Almighty and Eternal God, we humbly beg You to grant to the disabled, the sick, the
afflicted, and to prisoners, health and freedom so that, free from their sickness and captivity, they
can render graces to Your Mercy, O Lord of all Graces. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and
Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the Leaders
and the Heads of the Christian States
Almighty and Eternal God, You who have in Your hands all power and authority over all
kingdoms of the earth, we humbly implore Your Holy Name so that You can confirm in Peace
and True Harmony the Heads of Christian States and inspire in them the strong resolution to free
the entire land of the plague of Discord and War, as well as the devastations of fratricidal
Combats between all men. Answer our prayer, O Merciful Lord, through Jesus Christ Our Lord
and Master and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Prayer for the Leaders
and the Heads of the non-Christian States
Almighty God, You who have in Your hands all power and authority over all kingdoms
of the earth, we humbly implore Your Holy Name to inspire the Leaders and Heads of the nonChristian States and people, failing the actual Grace of a conversion of Your Holy law and the
Cult of Your Divine Son, Christ, Our Lord, the favor of a behavior that is pacific and proud as
well as wise and enlightened, kind and tolerant, and may the Angel You select to lead each one
of these peoples and Nations maintain them always on the path of Peace, Harmony, and
Tolerance, and may they thus be accorded the respect of Your faithful Elect, O Merciful Lord.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the abolition of monarchies
and tyrannies, and for the establishment
of a Universal State as decided by the Rose+Croix
of the 17th Century
Almighty and Eternal God, Liberator of Israel, You who made the Egyptian Pharaoh to
bite the dust as well as all of those who wanted to enslave Your people, You who brought down
all potentates of the earth pretending to be Your equal, You whose Only Son, Our Lord Jesus
Christ, has decisively overthrown the Prince of this World and who is, according to Your
prophets, our sole and Unique King, You who showed us by the incredible vision of the Apostle
John, Your ultimate Prophet, how the Kings of the Earth trembled on the last day of Your Anger
along with their animals, their lewdness, and their extortions and their final punishment, we beg
You, Lord of Mercy and Justice, according to the message You left with Your servant Moses,
that "Liberty be proclaimed throughout the land..." (Leviticus, xxv, 10) because it is "In Liberty
wherewith that Christ hath made us free..." (Galatians, v, 1); according to the word of Your
servant Paul, "...where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty..." (II Corinthians, iii, 17). That is
why, Unique Lord and Only King of the World, we remind You of the promise reported by
Haggai, Your Prophet: "On that day, I will overthrow the Kings, I will destroy the strength of
Kingdoms and their Nations, I will knock down the chariots and those in them, horses and
horsemen will be killed by their own swords..." (ii, 22) so that at last You Word is carried out:
"And only one People will celebrate the Eternal." (Psalms, cii, 19). Through Jesus Christ Our
Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the establishment in the World
of the Spiritual and Mystical Synarchy
projected and announced by the Rose+Croix
Lord Jesus Christ, You who told Your Disciples: "I tell you truthfully, a wealthy person
will enter the Kingdom of Heaven with difficulty and I repeat that it is easier for a camel to fit
through the eye of a needle than for a wealthy person to enter the Kingdom of God...", we pray to
You so that there would be among men a social organization based on the merits of its citizens
and not solely on the possession of wealth and Gifts from Mammon, Your adversary as well as
Lord Jesus Christ, You who told Your Disciples: "No one can serve two masters at the
same time, because he will end up either hating one and loving the other, or get close to one and
despise the other; you can't serve both God and Mammon...", we pray to You so that there would
be among men a government in which the leaders put in this position by the mysterious ways of
Your Providence be worthy of this trust, zealous directors of this organization, may they
maintain it against all attempts of deviation or destruction, and may they carry it through under
Your kind protection, O Lord Jesus Christ, who is Order, Liberty, and Life.
Almighty and Eternal God, Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Distributer Just and Wise,
You who ordered through Your servant Moses the Sabbath Year, thus defining the very
principles of the Celestial City and forcing men to give up unequal riches and unjust profits,
declaring that "If your brother becomes poor and his arm becomes weak, you will support him.
You will do the same for a foreigner living in the country so that he lives with you. You will not
use him, you will not loan him money bearing interest. You will not loan him wearable
provisions. If your brother becomes poor before you or sells himself to you, you will not give
him the works of slaves and he will stay free.....", we pray to You, O Almighty God, so that there
would be among men a form of government based solely on the merits of its citizens and not on
the possession of wealth and gifts from Mammon, Your Adversary as well as ours. May birth
and fortune never allow anymore the usurpation of responsibilities and places in the leadership
of the City but be given to the best and most able by Your kind protection and that of Your Holy
Angels. By Your Grace, O Almighty Lord, may the Terrestrial City gradually take the one
above as a model, as would the first man made of all Souls modeled himself around his Divine
model, Christ Jesus. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His
servant. Amen. +
Prayer against religious War
Almighty and Eternal God, Eternal Giver of Well-being, we pray to You and we beg You
to soften the hearts of the enemies of our Faith , may they calm their furor and leave Your
servants in peace, O my God. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint
John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the Peace of the World
O Eternal God, through whom our desires become good, our plans become right, and our
works become just, may You, Lord of Mercy, give to Your servants this Peace that the World is
unable to give him so that our hearts be submitted to Your Holy Will and may our days be
without the terror of our Enemies, become tranquil under Your Protection and that Your Angels
chosen to lead the Nations. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John
His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the Brothers of the Order
their close relatives and all Past Masters
O Eternal God, You who dispenses forgiveness and who desires the well-being of men,
we beg Your Holy Clemency to give the Brothers and sisters of the Order, their parents and close
relatives as well as our Past Masters who left this century, to abide with Your saints and Your
Angels, the Eternal Bliss by their return to their celestial origins and the Original Unity
reconquered at last. May You give these Souls, O Lord of Mercy, Eternal Rest for time
immemorial, and may the everlasting light shine its rays upon them. Through Jesus Christ Our
Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for one's Country
Eternal God, Master of the Universe, You who from Your throne above look towards the
depths of Heaven and Earth, You who have Power and Strength, You who enlarge and
strengthen everything by Your Holy Will, from Your Holy House, O Lord, bless and protect my
country. Cover it with Your protecting wings and spread Peace. May the rays of Your light
shine and guide its inhabitants and may Your Mercy and Grace be their armor. May they enjoy
security and an endless prosperity and may my words and thoughts coming from my heart find
Grace before You, O Almighty and Eternal God, my rock and Liberator. Through Jesus Christ
Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
words the same mysterious Virtue as the words of David. O Lord Jesus, grant the request of
Your servant N... and thus may Grace be rendered to You, now and forever. Amen. +
"O lord save the king! Answer us when we call! O Lord, the king rejoices in Your
strength. How great is his joy in the victories You give. You have granted him the desires of his
heart and have not withheld the request of his lips. You have welcomed him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold upon his head. He asked you for life and You gave him length
of days forever and ever. Through the victories You gave, his glory is great. You have
bestowed upon him splendor and majesty. Surely You have granted him eternal blessings and
made him glad with the joy of Your presence. For the king trusts in the Lord; through the
unfailing love of the Most High he will not be shaken..." (Psalm xxi)
"May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the Name of the God of Jacob
protect you. May He send help from the Sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May He
remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings. May He give you the desire of
your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and
will life up our banners in the Name of our God. May the Lord grant all requests!"
(Psalm xx)
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Well-Being, who told the Apostles and their successors to
chase away the demons and thus bring into the world formerly submitted to Satan equity, purity
and goodness, we beg You by the Virtue of Your Most Holy Name IESHOUAH, and by the
Virtue of this Psalm, which the Holy Spirit inspired in Your servant David, to give my words the
same mysterious Virtue as the words of David. O Lord Jesus, may You grant me the request that
I present to You, I, Your servant N..., in favor of (name the beneficiary of this prayer and specify
the duty and the State for which he is responsible) and thus Grace be rendered to You now and
forever. Amen. +
Sprinkle into space and in the
direction of the beneficiary.
Prayer against all epidemics
Almighty and Eternal God,, You who Your servant Malachi described as "The Sun of
Righteousness arising with healing rays..." (Malachi, iii, 20), we beg You to pity Your Creatures.
Merciful Lord, look at the devastation that the epidemic, brought upon by the Evil Spirits, Your
Adversaries and ours, bring to Your people. Lord, remember the promise You made to Your
servant Ezekiel: "How much more when I send my four sore judgements upon Jerusalem - the
sword, the pestilence, the famine, and the wild beasts - to cut it off from man and beast? Yet
behold therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth, both sons and daughters;
behold, they shall come forth unto you and you shall see their ways and their doings, and you
shall be comforted concerning the evil I have brought upon Jerusalem, even concerning all that I
have brought upon it. And they shall comfort you when you see their ways and doings, and you
shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done to it..." (Ezekiel, xiv, 21-23).
Lord and God of all help, I beg You to remember once more the mission Your Only Son, Our
Lord Jesus Christ, entrusted to His Apostles and the seventy-two Disciples: "Heal the sick, raise
the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out all demons..." (Matthew, x, 8). And more,
O God of Clemency, this is why You have to stop the deadly epidemic devastating Your
Creatures and allow those afflicted to be spared from death and become healthy again, physically
as well as mentally. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His
Amen. +
Prayer for the destruction of harmful insects
Almighty and Eternal God, Giver of all Justice, You who, by the voice of Your Angel as
told by Your servant, the Apostle John, ordered the crickets not to destroy the grass, nor anything
green, but only Men who did not carry the sign of well-being par excellence, we beg You, O
Lord of all things, to make all harmful insects disappear, may they go away from this place, this
house, this bedroom, this garden, these fields, and may they go far away to those desert places
without harming man, animals, and plants. And if they persist or have ill-will and desire to harm
man, or have Evil Spirits, we then beg You, Lord, to send Your Angel of Extermination so that
the sword of Your Anger will make them disappear forever. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and
Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
sky will instantly fall down to drown the last flames. Almighty and eternal God, by multiplying
the number of our intercessors to You, may You make us increase the number of Mercies You so
wish for. And may Glory be rendered to You, Lord, now and forever. Amen. +
O Lord, may all Your Saints and Your Angels assist us everywhere and always, and
particularly in this instant so that the fire which is destroying the earth which You put under the
guard of Man, Your servant, calms down quickly and be put out forever. I, a sinner, servant of
Jesus Christ Our Master and Lord, although very shameful and not counting on my strength, nor
do I put any trust in it, but only in the sole Name and sole Authority of Jesus Christ Our
Supreme Lord, I command you all, impure and evil Spirits which inspired, lit, and stirred up this
fire, I order you, by the virtue and strength of the Ineffable Name of Jesus Christ, in virtue of all
knees bend on earth, in the sky, or in hell, by His Holy Incarnation, His Holy Nativity, His
Baptism, His Fast, His Passion, and His Holy + Cross which put him in concrete form, by His
Holy Resurrection, His admirable Ascension, His formidable Advent in the latter days, by the
merits of the Holy and Pure Virgin Mary, His Immaculate Mother, by the merits of Saint
Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, and by those of all Saints, to go away from this place and to take
refuge in the desert regions without woods, without waters, without living beings, by putting out
here, in this instant, the flames created by your wickedness as well as that of the men you lost or
took by surprise. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, who will come in the latter days to
judge the living and the dead, and purify the world by Fire. Amen. +
Demons who stirred up the flames, it is He who commanded you. Here is the Sacred
Sign of the Most Holy + Cross. Flee, Hostile Powers, because He has vanquished you and the
world, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Race of David, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Word of
the father. Amen. +
On making the Sign of the Cross, you throw into the fire Water and the Salt of Exorcism.
Blessing of a mount or a vehicle
for travelling
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who put Your servant Joseph on the Chariot of Egypt by
the hand of Pharaoh, who also gave to Solomon through David, his father, the model of the
Chariot that You had in Your Wisdom reserved to receive the Holy Arch of Testimony, and who
also made the clouds of the sky become the celestial Chariot of Your Divine Majesty (Psalm
104, 3), we beg You to bless and protect by You Holy skill this carriage and these horses
(replace today by the name of the vehicle). May they never deviate from their paths, may no
obstacle harm them or those they transport. May the path and the way be for them easy and
comfortable, and may ruts never engulf the wheels. May the rapidity of their run never be a
cause of injury or death for any living creature, and may blood never soil them. And as You did
for the sons of Israel when You helped them walk through the sea on the way to the Promised
Land, and saved Your servant Abraham, from the city of Ur in Chaldea, and kept him safe and
sound on the paths of his long journey, who did the same for Tobiah and lead him to Sarah, his
destined wife by the hand of Your Holy Angel Raphael, may You, O Lord our God, protect,
guide, and lead to a safe harbor whoever will take this carriage and these horses (replace with
"this vehicle") so that he reaches the end of his journey without any damage or harm done to any
of Your Creatures nor to himself. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint
John His servant. Amen. +
This prayer can be written on parchment, sewn into a bag, and placed permanently in the
Prayer before travelling
O God, our Path of Truth and Life, You who went along with Your servant Joseph, drive
me also, O Lord, Your Servant who confides in You. Guard me from ordeals, from bad times,
traps and hostile machinations; allow me Peace and Strength, give me a sense of Justice in the
accomplishments of Your Holy Laws, and make me come back one day to my home, wealthy in
the possessions of Earth and Heaven, for my happiness, and that of my fellows. Because You
alone, Lord, are the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and
forever and ever. Amen. +
(It is evident that this prayer can be utilized, in our time, to drive a vehicle that is not
animal-powered, as well as to acquire the art of how to drive it.)
Prayer for the abundance of fishing
Almighty and Eternal God, Christ Jesus, You, who on the shores of the lake Gennesaret,
ordered Simon to go back to the open sea and cast his net once again, allowing him to take such
a quantity of fish that the net broke, we beg You to bless the work of these humble fishermen.
Make, O Merciful Lord, their fishing abundant, fruitful, and profitable, and may the importance
of their merits increase before Your eyes like the product of their fishing nets. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Blessing for Bees, Beehives,
Beeswax and Honey
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who created Heaven and Earth as well as all animals
they shelter for the use of men, Your privileged creatures, You who allowed Your servant
Samson to have the strength of a young lion by eating the honey that bees shielded in their hides,
You who allowed that, by a mysterious alchemy, the essence of the three kingdoms of nature be
put in concrete form in beeswax and honey, et qu'ainsi le monde mineral, thus the vegetable
kingdom, by the work of the humble bee, finds itself at man's disposal. We beg You to give
Your Holy Blessing to these bees, these beehives, the honey, and the beeswax. May they be
numerous, fruitful, safe from all evil so that their product be used by us in Your praise, that of
Your Son and the Holy Spirit. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint
John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of a wandering or unhappy animal
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who created all animals and submitted them to man, I
beg You to remember the promise You made to Your servant David: "Here are man and the
beast, the LORD saves them..." (Psalms, xxv,3) Allow, O Lord, this humble and unhappy
animal the grace to find a good home and a good master. May it not suffer anymore from
hunger, thirst, cold, or rain; may no danger harm it, but may it see in an instant the end of its
ordeals. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen.
see what he would call them, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the
name thereof."
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who gave primitively to Man the government and
evolution of Creatures inferior to him, and, particularly, the animals, we beg You and Implore
You, by the merits of Your prophets and of Your Saints, particularly Moses, David, Solomon,
and Zachariah, to remember the promises You made:
"Who knows if the life-breath of Man goes upward, and the life-breath of the beast goes
downward?" (Ecclesiastes, iii, 22)
"The Men and the Beasts, indeed, the Lord saves them!" (David, Psalms, xxvi, 3)
"And Jerusalem will no more be circled with walls because of the multitude of Men and
Animals who will be within them." (Zachariah, ii,4)
That is why, Lord, we beg You and implore You again to give Your protection and that
of Your Angels to this humble animal (or these humble animals) and to free it and protect it from
all evil and harmful effects done by men and by other animals, as well as against any natural
illness. Almighty Lord, through Your Infinite Kindness and Divine Mercy, may no accident,
wound of his body or his soul cause him any suffering. On the contrary, with strong health and a
good life, may he reach an old age at the end of which by a Mystery escaping us but with Your
Divine Providence he will be (they will be) introduced into these Heavens and on this New
Earth, prophesied by Your servant Zachariah. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, who
lives and reigns with You in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever.
Amen. +
You trace a cross on the head or on the back of the animal with Water of Lustration.
Blessing of a sick Animal
a) Blessing of the Oil of Healing for Animals.
I exorcise you, O Creature of Oil, by the Almighty and Eternal God + , who created the
Heavens and the Earth, the sea and all that it comprises. May all the strength of the Enemy, all
invasions and phantasmagoria of Satan and his ministers be removed and chased away from this
Creature of Oil, which came from the fruit of the peaceful Olive tree, so that it gives to the
Animal which will use it health of the body, healing of all illness, wound, and suffering, freedom
from all evil attack, as well as the rejection of all bad instincts. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord
and Master. Amen. +
Holy Lord, Almighty and Eternal King, before whom stands all the Army of Angels
known for their spiritual services and material assistance they give us, may You look, to bless +
and to sanctify + this Creature of Oil which comes from the peaceful Olive tree, so that the
animal (or the animals) anointed with this Oil will be free of all listlessness, sickness, infirmity
and suffering, as well as all spells and/or obstacles of the Powers of Darkness. Through Jesus
Christ, Our Lord and Master, who lives and reigns with You, Eternal God, in the Unity of the
Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.+
You trace with the oiled thumb the sign of the cross on the animal's head or the conductor
of the herd - if there is a great number of animals - and repeat the sign on his back if possible.
Then, put your hands together to form a square, thumbs pressed together, over the Oil for a long
b) Blessing of the Animals
O My God, You, whom everyone here on earth obeys and who, by a wise and kind
disposition wanted for the poor, deaf Animals to be the servants, the help, the companions, and
sometimes the friends of Man, may You, Lord, bless + and heal + this poor Animal so that it
doesn't perish while it is with us. May You heal him of all listlessness, suffering, wound, and
illness, and, remembering Your Mercy towards us, say to Your Exterminator + Angel: "Do not
strike him (or them)..." Through Jesus Christ, Your Only Son, Our Lord and Master, who lives
and reigns with You, Father, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. +
Prayer before the Killing of an Animal
(also good for Hunting and Fishing
or the Slaughtering of an animal at the butcher's)
Almighty and Eternal God, who, by a deep as well as wise disposition, gave to Man all
animals as meat (Genesis, ix,
3), You who primitively gave Yourself the right to sacrifice all newborns of Israel (Exodus,
xiii), and then substituted them with Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master, after
having already substituted them already with the humble, deaf animals (Exodus, xxii, xxxiv), as
it was for Isaac, the son of Your servant Abraham, and the ram of the holocaust on Mount Moria,
I beg You, Lord, to consider in Your Supreme Kindness the humble creature whose life I am
going to take for my livelihood as well as my fellows', O Merciful God. May this blood which I
am going to spill not be attributed to me as a useless and vain cruelty but as the execution, O my
God, of Your own orders. May his death be gentle, painless, and quick, Lord, may the Dark Path
lighten up for it and lead it by Your Supreme Pity towards green pastures, where it will forever
take on its Initial Archetype like during the Blessed Times of the First Eden. And You, ChristJesus, Our Master and Lord, You who purified by Your Divine Sacrifice the entire fallen
Creation along with the Primitive Man as you freed the newborn from death itself (Acts of the
Apostles, x, 9-16), may You, O God, make that innocent being benefit from Your Universal
Restoration sealed with Your Divine Blood. And You, Holy Spirit, Spirit of Love, Leader and
Keeper of all Creatures, may the blood that I spilling allow the soul of this humble animal to
free itself from this World of pain and tears and to reintegrate forever its original form so that the
word of Zachariah the Prophet will come true: "And Jerusalem will be no more circled with
walls because of the multitude of men and Animals who will be within them..." (Zachariah, ii, 4),
because, according to David: "The Men and the Beasts, indeed, the LORD saves them!" (David,
Psalms, xxvi, 3). Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His
servant. Amen. +
You will note that in order for the animal not to suffer, the blade of the sacrificial knife
must not be nicked and that from ancient times in Israel to today the animal was not to feel
anything, no thought of revolt was to enter its sensitive soul and because it (the soul) is in the
blood, Israel ate only bloodless meat. (Leviticus, xvii, 11). Since the sacrifice of Christ, the
mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms, one in the other first, and then afterwards, to finish,
must go through Man, final element of transmutation for the whole of Nature. That is why
Judaism, Christianism, and Islam all reject vegetarianism, although they each take their motives
from different points in the Scriptures.
Prayer for the fruits of the earth
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who created all things for the use of the Human Race,
may You, Lord, spread the benefits so necessary of Your kindness on the surface of this
Temporal World, so that, nourished by Your Gifts and rendering grace to You, we will look for
with more trust the Bread of Eternal Life. To all Your Creatures, Merciful Lord, human, animal,
vegetable, and by a Providential effect of Your Grace, may You give them a daily diet, and may
they be spared from the spectres of Famine, Thirst, Misery, and death. Through Jesus Christ Our
Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of seedlings and the seedtime
Almighty and Eternal God, Creator of all Beings, You, who through Your prophet
Ezekiel made this promise to Man: "The tree from the field will bear its fruit and the soil it
produces, and I will establish a renowned plantation for my herd...", we beg You, Lord of all
Life, in favor of this humble plant. O God of Clemency, may neither drought not cold destroy it,
protect it against destructive insects and violent winds, and may Your Almighty Hand give it the
Celestial Blessing. O God of all Sanctification, may You bless this humble plant and give it life
and fertility. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Blessing of the Harvest
Almighty God, who loves men and keeps an eye on all His Creatures, we humbly beg,
You, to bless + these fruits and crops which were allowed to us by Your Infinite Kindness. May
You also bless + Your servants when they gather for the harvest so that no temptation, illness,
nor physical or emotional wound attacks them or hurts them. Give Your Salvation to all those
who possess these goods in all fairness so that by knowing that all abundance comes from You
alone, they will also exercise to poor men as well as to any unhappy creature Your Infinite
Kindness. And You will thus receive our adoration, now and forever. Amen. +
Blessing of Fruits
We render You Grace, O Almighty God, and we offer You our first fruits which You
gave us for our diet, O You who produced them by Your Word by ordering the Earth to bear all
sorts of fruits for the joy and diet of all men and animals. We praise You, O Almighty God, for
all these gifts and the benefits that You gave us by bringing various fruits in the whole Creation.
Through Your Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, because it is He who renders You glory, now and
forever. Amen.+
Blessing of a tree during its planting
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who made the tree the symbol of Eternal Life and
Knowledge, and who ordered the dry element to produce fruitful trees for the nourishment and
shelter of men, your privileged creature, may You, Merciful Lord, bless and sanctify this plant so
that it never lacks the light of the sky and the waters of the earth. O Almighty God, may anyone
who will taste the fruits obtain by You health of the body and the joy of the soul. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master, and through St. John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the Demoniacal Spirits
to be chased away from the Earth
Almighty and Eternal God, Creator and Defender of the Human Race, You, who created
the first Man and all the Pre-existing Souls in him to Your Image and Likeness, may You, Lord,
consider Your servant who fell in the snares of the Serpent. This old Adversary of the Earth
covers his soul with horrors and numbs his spiritual and reasoning faculties. May You therefore,
Almighty Lord, destroy this Diabolical Power, steer his wicked obstacles away by chasing from
our Universe the Initial Tempter, his Angels and his Ministers. And may Your servants,
Almighty God, by the Sign of Salvation upon their foreheads, be defended and protected in their
Souls and in their Bodies. And for this to be done, Lord, You who disposed in an admirable
order the ministry of Angels and Men, allow us, O Merciful Lord, to protect our terrestrial life
by those who serve You in the Heavens. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through
Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for the Salvation of the Prevaricated Spirits
Almighty God, Eternal Giver, we pray You and beg You, less for Your Justice than for
Your Mercy, for all the Spirits who, in the Beginning, prevaricated. May a ray of Your Divine
Light at last awaken, for a long time, in their essence the painful and sincere repentance of their
inexpiable Crime,O Merciful Lord, so that on the Day of the last Sabbath, destroyed in their
accident, but at least saved in their substance, they return forever to their beginning and proclaim
at last Your Glory, now and forever, O God Eternally fair and strong. Through Jesus Christ Our
Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +i
Prayer for the Spirits degraded and fallen
among the Mineral Kingdom
Almighty and Eternal God, Creator and Keeper of all Beings, we pray to You and beg
You for all Spirits, degraded and fallen, locked among the Mineral Nature because of our own
Fall. To those Souls, as well as those of other Kingdoms, O Merciful Lord, may You free them
and return them to their initial form. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through
Saint John His servant. Amen. +
will be overturned. And now, this is my last word: Jesus Christ tells you to "Shut your mouth,
forced by my Name!"
"O greatest of scoundrels, impudents, and enemies of all who live and believe in Christ
Jesus, you are now going to be confounded and your lies and deceptions will be proved. You
will thus be cursed, enemy and corrupter of the path of the Truth of Christ, who will punish by
the eternal fire the iniquities you have committed, thus you will be in the exterior darkness.
"You took the first man in the nets of concupiscence and you chained him to his past
meanness and to the ties of his body. You are the bitter fruit of the Bitterness Tree and who put
in us such concupiscence. You are the one who pushed Judas to act blasphemously, to betray
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who will punish you, of course. Your are the one who hardened Herod's
heart, who angered the Pharaoh to push to fight against the Holy Servant of God: Moses. You
are the one who gave Caiaphas the audacity to hand Our Lord Jesus Christ over to the iniquitous
multitude, and today, still, you pierce innocent souls with your poisoned arrows. O Scoundrel,
enemy of all, a curse be on you from the Church of the Son of the Holy and Almighty God. Like
a flame rejected from the foyer, you will be put off by the servants of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
May your darkness turn against you and your sons as well as your evil threats, your temptations,
and against your angels. O principle of wickedness, abyss of darkness, may the darkness take
you too. Go away from those who believe in God, go away from the servants of God, and those
who want to be His soldiers. Keep your clothes of darkness. In vain, you knock at foreign doors
which are not yours but Jesus Christ who guards them."
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who by Your Son the Christ Jesus, gave the power to
Your Holy Apostles and their successors to chase away the Demons, and You, Lord Jesus Christ,
who consented to help Your Disciples whom the Spirit of Evil resisted, and You who punished
the demon by the muteness and deafness afflicting the child, we beg You to help us. Allow us,
Almighty Lord, to expel from Your servant N......., the Evil Spirit which is torturing and
degrading him so that N......., free from his clutches will render You Grace for his freedom and
Salvation. O You who reigns with God the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and
forever. Amen. +
Small Exorcism against the phenomenon of
the Incubus and the Succubus
O Lord, God and Father of Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, I call Your Holy Name and
I humbly beg Your Almighty Kindness to help me and support me against all Spirits of Impurity
and particularly against the one which is tormenting As You protected and freed the
young Tobit and his wife Sara by Your Holy Angel Raphael, O Almighty God, may you also
give me the strength to subdue, vanquish, and expel the Impure Spirit which haunts and pollutes
Your servant N....... Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His
servant. Amen. +
I thus exorcise you + , Spirit of impurity, as well as all enterprise of the Enemy. I order
you + , whoever you are, demon or Lost Soul, I order you to your companions, to those who
obsess this servant of God that by the Mysteries of the Incarnation, of Passion, the Resurrection,
and the Rising of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Annunciation of the Holy Spirit and the virginity of
the Happy and Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, you will all flee far away from this
place and you will never in any way attack, tarnish, or infest N......., Servant of God. Through
Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
consume them till they are no more...Then it will be known to the ends of the earth that God
rules over Jacob...(Silence)."
"They return at evening, snarling like dogs, and prowl about the city...They wander about
for food and howl if not satisfied...But I will sing of Your strength; in the morning I will sing of
Your love; for You are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. O my strength. I sing praise
to You; You, O God, are my fortress, my loving God."
Psalm XCI - "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadows of
the Almighty. I will say of the Lord: 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.'
Surely He will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence...He will cover
you with feathers and under His wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield
and your rampart...You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that flies by day nor the
pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday...A thousand may
fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you...You will only
observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked...If you make the Most High your
dwelling - even the Lord who is my refuge - then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come
near your tent...
"For He will command His Angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they
will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone...You will tread
upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent...'Because he loves
me,' says the Lord, 'I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges My Name. He will
call upon me and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor
him...With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."
The Exorcist takes the Sword in his left
hand and the Sacramentary in his right.
I beseech you, ancient Serpent, Evil Spirit, Power of Darkness, by the Supreme Judge of the
Living and the Dead, by the Creator of the World who has the power to push you to Hell, go
away this instant from this human body. He orders you, cursed demon. He is the one who, from
the Heavens, pushed you into the abyss of the earth, He commands you! He is the one who has
the power to make you fall back. Listen, O Satan, and tremble so that silence accumulates on
your head on the great Day of Anger...Get out this instant, vanquished, crawling and adjured in
the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead, and who will purify
the world with the Fire. Amen. +
The Exorcist "pose l'Epee", and sprinkles
again the new Body, or if it has been exhumed, on the Tomb.
Then you begin the "Our Father"iii
"Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will
be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us
our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into Temptation, but
deliver us from Evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory forever and ever.
Psalm CXXX - "Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice! Let Your
ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. If You, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord who could
stand? But with You there is forgiveness; therefore You are feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul
waits, and in His Word I put hope. My soul waits for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the
morning. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is
full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins."
The Exorcist again takes the Sword in his left hand and
the Sacramentary in his right.
"I beseech you again, o you vile Spirit, deceitful Ghost, diabolical Invader, I beseech you
+ in the Name of Jesus of Nazareth, who, after the baptism of John, was led into the desert
where he triumphed over you in your own territory. I beseech you to stop fighting against the
one who God has created from the mud of the earth for the honor of His Glory! Make way for +
Jesus Christ, who, for this man, spilled his Precious Blood. Make way for + the Holy Spirit,
who, through the blessed Apostle Peter + made you fall with Simon the magician, who
condemned you in Annanie and Saphire, who beat you through Herod, refusing to honor God,
who, through his apostle Paul, plunged you into the darkness of blindness along with the magus
Elymas, and who, by the same Apostle, made you go away from Pytonisse + with just one word.
Get out now and + go away, vile impostor. Your journey is the desert and your home is the
snake. Here comes the Lord, your ruler, an ardent fire walks before him and his igneous sword
springs out of the mouth of the One who must come one day to judge the living and the dead and
purify the world with fire. Amen. +
God, who possesses mercy and forgiveness, we beg You for the soul of Your servant,
N....... (or Your female servant N.......). Do not give him to the hands of the Enemy nor forget
about him but order Your Angels to receive him and lead him to Heaven, his country. May he,
after believing in you, not suffer the sorrow of hell but possess eternal joys. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
God, whose mercy procures rest for the souls of the faithful, deign to bless + this tomb
and give Your Holy Angel Doumiel the guard. Freed of all ties with sin, may the souls of all
those whose bodies lie here be forever rejoicing with You and Your Saints. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
The Exorcist puts down the Sword and prepares the Incense which he then blesses. The
Exorcist goes around the tomb and the Body by incensing them both. He then says:
Lord, may You visit, we beg of You, this tomb and this human body and chase away all
obstacles from the Enemy. May Your Holy Angels guard it, keeping the Peace Your Servants,
and may Your Holy Blessing + be always on us and on them. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord
and Master, and through Saint John His servant. +
Lord God Almighty, whose Army of Angels surround with trembling, whose spiritual
and ardent service we all know, Lord, may You look and + bless this tomb and this human body
so that all evil passion, satanic possession, all murderous and bloody madness disappear and
dissipate at the smell of this Incense, and may it have no more hold on Your Creature from now
on, sheltered from the bites of the Ancient Snake and redeemed by the Precious Blood of Your
Son who lives and reigns with You, God the Father, in the Unity of the Holy Spirit, now and
forever. Amen. +
If the Body was in a leaden, wooden, or marble tomb, you then take it from it and the
body is put on the soil of the tomb. You remove the wood or the metal which will be afterwards
put into the fire.
The Exorcist then blesses a great quantity of salt which is sprinkled on the body.
Blessing of the Salt
I exorcise you, Creature of Salt, + by the Living God + by the True God + by the Holy
God + by the God who wanted you to be thrown in the water by the prophet Elisha to heal the
sterility of the water so that you become exorcised Salt for the rest and salvation of Believers.
From all places where you will be sprinkled may all ghosts, prodigies, evil illusions, tricks, and
all wickedness of Evil Spirits to go away and disappear like all Vile Spirits, conjured in the
Name of the One who will come to judge the living and the dead, and purify the world by Fire.
Almighty and Eternal God, we humbly implore Your leniency and Your Mercy to bless +
and to sanctify + this Creature of Salt which You created for man's use so that those who will use
it obtain the Salvation of the Soul and all which will be touched or impregnated by it be from
now on purified of all impurities and of all invasion of the Evil Spirit! Through Jesus Christ Our
Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
The Exorcist sprinkles abundantly the tomb (or the body laying on the ground) and says:
"May this Soul and those of all defunct faithful rest in peace through the Mercy of God.
Amen. +
"Lord, grant to them eternal rest..."
"And may the light which is never extinguished shine on them. Amen. +
If the acts of Vampirism were to continue and need to be burned as was done before in
Central Europe, here is the blessing of the Fire of the stake:
were used by desecrating the names of the Great God or His Angels or by evil doings and
was made with you a tacit and manifest pact even with a solemn sermon; I break, destroy
and annul all things + by the Power and Virtue of God the Father + the Wisdom of the
Son, the Redeemer of all men + by the kindness of the Holy Spirit, in a word, + by He
who accomplished the Law in its whole, + He who Is, + He who Was and + He who will
always Be, + Omnipotens, + Agios, + Ischyros, + Athanatos, + Soter, +
Tetragrammaton, + Jehova, + Alpha and Omega; in a word, may all the infernal power
be chased away and destroyed by making over this creature, N......., the Sign of the +
Cross, on which Jesus Christ died and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
Holy Angels, the Archangels, the Patriarchs, the Prophets, the Apostles, the Martyrs, the
Virgins and the Confessors, and generally by all the Saints who rejoice in the Presence of
God, as well as the Holy Souls who live in the Church of God. Pay tribute to the High
and Almighty God, may they go up to His Throne like the smoke of the fish from the
abyss that was burned away by the order of the Archangel Raphael; disappear like the
vile spirit disappeared in front of Sarah the pure. May all those Blessings chase you
away and never allow you to come near this creature, N......., who has the honor to bear
on his forehead the Sign of the + Holy Cross; because of the command that I am giving
you now is not mine but is from the Ineffable Being who was sent from the breast of the
Eternal Father on order to annihilate and destroy your evil doings which He did by dying
on the Cross. To all those who have been baptized, believe in Him, He gave the power to
command for His Glory as well as for our purpose. We thus forbid you, according to the
Power we have received from Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in His Name, to come near this
creature, N....... Go away and disappear when you see the Cross.
+ Here is the Cross of the Lord!
+ Go away, adverse parties!
+ The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has won! Alleluia! Now and
Forever! Now and forever!
Lord, who, in the past, freed the children of israel from the captivity of pharaoh, to put on
me, N......., Your right hand in order to spread Your Holy Blessing.
You are my God! + Bless me as You blessed Your Angels, Archangels, Thrones,
Dominations, Principalities, Powers, Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim. My Lord Jesus
Christ, may You bless me, N......., Your Creature: bless me in such a way that no vile
spirit or demon can destroy me, that nothing spots me, that neither their evil plans nor
their bad actions nor the malignity of their eyes and their venomous tongues nor any
persecution on their part can touch me. Steer away, Lord, all wicked spirits; may all my
enemies and adversaries, all evil men and women go away from me and have no sort of
power over me. I ask of You, by the Virtue of the Most High; and Lord, if someone
wants to destroy me or harm me, place me under Your Protection, and may You change
the evil into goodness. I ask You by the Virtue and the Merits of Your Holy Angels who
endlessly praise You, O my God, and by all Your Patriarchs, Your Apostles, Your Saints
in Paradise, to free me from the looks of my enemies, and all who would be susceptible
to destroy me. Amen. +
I beg You once more, my Lord Jesus Christ, by all the Holy Prayers said each day
in all Christian Churches, to free me from the malignity of all bad actions, of all evil
which can be done by demons and perverted human beings, and I also ask You in the
Name of the Cherubim and the Seraphim.
I beg You very humbly, O Kind and Merciful Jesus, by Your Annunciation, by
Your Death, and by Your Burial, by Your admirable and marvelous Ascent, by the
descent of the Holy Spirit to the earth, by the Beauty of Adam, by the sacrifices of Abel,
by the freeing of Noah, by the Faith of Abraham, by the obedience of Isaac, by the
innocence of Jacob, by the Religion of Melchizedek, by the patience and humility of Job,
by the Holy Love of Moses, by the Holiness of Aaron, by the Victory of Joshua, by the
Wisdom of Solomon, by the Psalms of David, by the tears of Jeremiah, by the Strength of
Samson, by the contrition of Jeremiah, by the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by the
Voice of the Celestial Father speaking from the top of His Throne and was heard on Earth
saying, "This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased. Listen to him", by the great
miracle by which Jesus satisfied 5,000 people in the desert with five fish and two loaves
of bread, by the one He made by raising Lazarus from the dead and by all His other
miracles; by the brilliancy of the Holy Predictions of the Apostles, by the power of Peter,
by the chastity of John, by the word of the Evangelists, by the prayers of all the Saints, by
the height of the sky, by the depths of the abyss, by the Divine Light, by those who fear
God; I beg You, Lord, to sever all ties formed by the works of the Demons and to
preserve me, N......., Your servant, from the charms of their eyes. I conjure You, Lord,
by all these Holy Actions, by all the written Virtues in the Book of Praise, and in honor of
the Great Living God to prevent the diabolical charms from touching me, N......., Your
servant. May this Great God, who created all things, not
allow all the horrible magic of the Spirits of Darkness, their spells and charms, to have
any power on gold, silver, bronze or iron, on all that is worked, chiseled or uncut, on
silks, wools or linens, and all fabrics and clothing of diverse materials, on all bones,
human as well as animal, on wood or herbs, on books, papers written on virgin
parchment, on stone, water, bread, wine, or other food, on the earth or under, in the
sepulchre of any giant either Jewish, Pagan or Christian, in the hair or on the hair, in the
clothes or on the clothes, in the shoes or on the shoes, ties, or straps, in a word, in
anything and anyplace.
O Great Living God, I ask You once more that all spells of the Evil Spirits stay
without any effects and do not harm anyone, and may I, N......., Your Creature, be always
preserved. Amen.
I beg You, by the merits of Saint Cyprien. Amen. + In the Name of the Father,
+ and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. +
You finish with the following Prayer:
+ Make us feel, O Mary, who are our mother, are making our prayers acceptable
to He who wanted Your Son to redeem us. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master,
and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
because of my foes. Away from me, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my
weeping! The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord has accepted my prayer. May
all my enemies be ashamed and dismayed; may they turn back in sudden disgrace."
(Psalm 6, protestant version)
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I
will say of the Lord, 'He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.' Surely
He will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover
you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness will be
your shield and your rampart. You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow that
flies by day nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness nor the plague that destroys at
midday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand but it will not
come near you. You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the
wicked. If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord who is my refuge then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For He will command
His Angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their
hands so that you will not strike your foot upon a stone. You will tread upon the lion and
the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 'Because he loves me,' says the
Lord, 'I will rescue him. I will protect him for he acknowledges my Name. He will call
upon me and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and
honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my Salvation.'" (Psalm 90,
protestant version)
Repeat here the Prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ, God
of our Salvation..."
Prayer to Question
the Spells of Saint John
This very ancient divinatory procedure uses, in a religious mode, a Key (copper, bronze,
and not iron, if possible), bound in the Gospel of Saint John at the page of the first
chapter. You place yourself in front of the altar, with someone else, the middle finger of
each person supporting the ring of the Key. The question is asked after saying the Prayer
below. Gradually the key turns with the Bible. If the Bible, by turning, shows its edge to
the Altar, the answer is affirmative. If it shows its back, the answer is negative. If you
want to know the name of someone else and you hesitate between many names,
enumerate all possible names; when the Key starts to turn it means that the Spell of Saint
John designates the person you are searching for. There exists a counterfeit of this Spell
in black Magic, they use a sieve, image of Satan (see Isaiah xxx, 28; Amos ix, 9; and
Luke xxii, 31), and Scissors. During the questioning of the Spells of Saint John, it is
better that the fingers and wrists of the people be free of rings and bracelets. The ring of
the Key must clearly go beyond the top of the Book and its lower part the base of the
1. Reciting of the Pater loudly by the Assistants.
2. Invocation of the Sortes Sanctorum Apostolorum:
"I beg you, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I beg you, Angels and Archangels, I beg
you, Lordships and Powers, I beg you, Patriarchs and Prophets, I beg you, Apostles and
Martyrs, I beg you, Confessors and Virgins, I beg you all, O Saints of God, for you to
pray to the Holy Trinity, the Unity of God the Father. Son, and Holy Spirit, for my
direction here on earth.
"By your Holy Prayers and by your past merits, may the Holy Trinity show me the path
of Truth with this Holy Book of the Apostle John and by this way and this Spell, may I
reach true knowledge.
"May the demon not deceive me in my need, by the Invocations and the help of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns now and forever.
"Uncover, Almighty and Omniscient Lord, the uncertain things that are in our hearts by
using the Spell of the Apostle John, and Lord, lead this fate of mine like You led the fate
of all the pilots who were in danger when the spell fell on the Prophet Jonah, as well as
when You led that of Your Apostles when it fell on Mathias."
"Lord, send us, then, the Spirit of truth that You sent to Your prophet when he saw the
whole People of israel scattered like sheep. Lord, give him the power to chase away the
deceiving spirit that You sent to Achab when he fell with all his cavalry. Lord, lead this
spell so that we find in it what we are looking for, by Your Holy name, by Your Merits,
by the Orisons and the prayers of all Your Holy Angels, which govern this Spell, of those
of all my parents and friends who at last rejoice in the Supreme Bliss so that this Spell of
Saint John's Book allows us to know only what is true. Because here is the Spell of Saint
John's Book.
"We beg You, Lord, Father, King of heaven and Earth, Creator of all things, who created
from nothing all the things of this world, who promised to give us Abraham as our father,
who gave the law to Moses on Mount Sinai, who publicly revealed the innocence of the
pure Suzanne, who changed, in joy, Tobit's affliction, who consoled his wife in the
bitterness of her heart and in the abundance of her tears, who freed the prophet Jonah
from the belly of the whale and accepted the tears and the suffering of Simon peter,
accept the, Almighty God, my prayers and my request so that I investigate, by means of
this Spell of the Apostle John, what I am humbly asking You, O You, Lord, who is the
only source of Knowledge, the Eternal Omniscience and who lives and reigns now and
forever in the same and Unique Trinity.
"Almighty and Eternal God who, through Your Son Jesus Christ, told us to ask in order
to receive, knock and the door will be opened, seek and you will find, we beg You to
allow us to know (state the request). Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and
through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
It is better to consult this Spell only for what is susceptible to help the enlightenment and
education of Man. Remember the words of Saint Augustine:
"I would rather like for the Christian people to read the future in the Gospels than see
them consult the demons. The divine Oracles only concern the other life, and it is not
fitting to apply them in the nought of the present Life, and in the affairs of this century."
(Saint Augustine: Letter of January, chap. 37)
This is why it will also be wise to only consult it in front of a Crucifix placed between
two lit Candles, on a white linen table cloth and in the smoke of a Incensor furnished with
embers and pure and Blessed Incense, placed on the floor or in front of the Altar of the
Rose+Croix of the Orient (see page 19).
Prayer to obtain the Intelligence of the Scriptures
Almighty and Eternal God, Christ-Jesus who brought us the Revelation of the Father,
Holy Spirit who gave us Light, Triple Aspect of a Unique Brightness, we beg You to
scatter all clouds, all darkness, which, by our sins, could cloud our vision. Give us this
Holy Wisdom which enlightened Your son Solomon and all Your Holy prophets, make
us attain a Spiritual and wonderful Intelligence of Your Holy Laws according to the word
of the one who wrote: "Open my eyes and I will contemplate the wonders of Your Law,
Lord..." And You, Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Master, as You opened the eyes of Your
Apostles "so that they understood the secret meaning of the Scriptures...", may You
enlighten our Spirit so that with Your help, we reach the Holy Mysteries. Amen. +
Prayer for the establishment of a Spiritual Tie
with the Beyond
"O Eternal, Ineffable God, Sacred Father of all things, You who see and kiss everything,
grant the Prayer of Your servant, prostrated before You. Allow me the necessary
contemplation, fervor and sincerity to express to You my feelings. Be propitious, O
Ineffable Father, to me as well as to those for whom I come to beg You. For my Brothers
in the Order, for my Parents and my Friends, for my Enemies, for the Living and for the
Dead, and for all Your Creatures, O Merciful Lord... Answer me, O my God, give me the
gift to pray to you efficiently. I put myself in Your Holy Guard. Pity me and may Your
Will be done. Amen. +
"And You, my Patrons, Spirits freed from the ties to the Material, who rejoice henceforth
in the fruit of your Virtues, and whom I have to joy to bear the names, I conjure you by
this very Name you yourselves have invoked with such fervor, trust and success, I
conjure you to contribute to my eternal salvation by your holy intercession and by your
protection to the Father of Mercy, the Son Redeemer, the Guardian Holy Spirit. Obtain
for me and for my Brothers the graces of the Divinity, Its favors, Its leniency which
award you today from the battles you had in this sojourn where I still am. By your
helpful assistance, may I live and die like you, in Peace, Joy, and Holiness. Amen. +
"And you, O Pure Spirit, my Guardian, told by the Eternal to keep an eye on me for the
reconciliation of my spiritual being, I conjure you in the Name of the God of Mercy to
come to help my soul each time it desires to fall prey to Evil, each time it calls to you by
its desires, sighs, and meditations, each time it is hungry and thirsty for advice,
instructions and intelligence. Help me then, O my Guardian, to obtain the assistance and
protection of the patrons I have just invoked. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master
and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to obtain in a Dream
the revelation of what is useful for us
to know
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who appeared in the dreams of your servants
Abimelech, Laban and Solomon, who wanted Your Divine Will to be known in the
dreams of Your servants Joseph, Daniel, Jeremiah, and who gave Joseph, Daniel, and
their companions Michael and Azaria the grace of knowing how to explain the visions,
You who in a dream told the Wise Men who came to worship the child Jesus to take
another way in order to go back to their own country, I beg You, Lord, to remember the
promise You made to Your servant Joel: "And it shall come to pass that I will pour out
my spirit on all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall
dream dreams, your young men shall see in signs..." (Joel, ii, 28-29). Thus, allow me,
Lord, to receive tonight, during my sleep and through Your Holy Angel Okmiel, the
answer to what is useful for me to know about: (state the request). I will thus render
grace through Your Wisdom as well as Your Mercy. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and
Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to obtain the gifts of clairvoyance
and clairaudience
God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, admirable revealer who in former times
conferred upon Your prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos,
Adias, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Agee, Zachariah, Malachi, the
precious virtue of perceiving, by seeing or hearing, the unfoldment of the near or distant
future, we implore You, O Admirable God, Almighty Revealer, to confer, in Your
Sovereign Kindness, upon Your servant, N......., here present, the same prophetic gift.
That is why, O Lord of all Wisdom and all Intelligence, we remind You of Your promise
made to Your servant Joel: "And it shall come to pass that I will pour out My Spirit on
all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams;
your young men shall see in signs; and also upon the servants and the handmaidens in
those days will I pour out My Spirit..." (Joel ii, 28-29). That is why, Lord, we implore
You to Bless, Consecrate, and clothe again with your percipient Virtue Your servant,
N......., here present. Therefore, Lord, from now on, through the service of Your Angels
and of Your Saints, may N....... perceive clearly and with neither confusion nor ambiguity
what he will communicate to men, his fellows, for their protection in this world, and for
their Salvation in the other. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through St,
John His servant. Amen. +
Blessing of the Cup of Silver
for the Mirror of Water
God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, Admirable Revealer who conferred, in the
past, to Your servant Joseph the gift to perceive hidden things through a silver cup
(Genesis xliv, 5), we beg You to infuse it with the same virtue so that the sacred water
which will be poured for Your greatest Glory, and for the Salvation of men, Your
Creatures, receive within this chalice such a virtue that N......., Your servant, who will
search for the images, clear or symbolic of the past, of the present, or of the future, will
clearly perceive what Your Angel will manifest in Your Name. Lord, may N....... use it
with caution and moderation, without any vain curiosity and guilty pride, may he only
obtain from it true and wise answers and, Almighty God, may the Spirits of Errors and
the Powers of Darkness never soil it nor project untrue images to mislead N....... or tempt
him. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through St. John His servant.
Amen. +
that Your servant, N......., be delivered from his jail and his chains. And You, O Lord
Jesus, as You passed by, invisible, those who wanted to kill You by throwing You from
the top of a mountain near Nazareth, may You allow Your servant, N......., the possibility
to be among those who watch for him without being seen, to live somewhere without
anyone looking for him. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint
John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to be seen under another aspect
and another face
from the prosecutors and the persecutors
A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Saint John (chap. XX, 11-15) -Mary stood
outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two
angels in white, seated where Jesus' body had been, one at the head and the other at the
foot. They asked her, "Woman, why are you crying?" "They have taken my Lord away,"
she replied, "and I don't know where they have put Him." At this she turned around and
saw Jesus standing there but she did not realize that it was Jesus. "Woman," He said,
"why are you crying? Who is it that you are looking for?" Thinking he was the gardener,
she said, "Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him and I will
get Him..."
A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Saint Mark (chap. XVI, 12-13) Afterwards, Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in
the country. These returned and reported it to the rest, but they did not believe them,
Lord Jesus Christ, Word of the Almighty and Eternal God, You who told Your Apostles,
"I say to you truthfully, if you have faith and never doubt, not only you will do what was
done to this fig tree but also when you will say to this mountain: 'Move away from here
and throw yourself into the sea' it will be done. If you believe, then whatever you ask for
in a prayer, you will receive..." (Matthew, xxi, 21-22), I beg You, Lord, to allow me the
grace to appear in a different form to those who persecute or pursue me. And You,
Almighty and Eternal God, You who deigned to manifest Yourself to Your servant
Moses as a Bush of light and fire,
I beg Your Almighty Majesty to allow me the grace to appear and be seen in another
form by those who persecute and pursue me. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master
and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to obtain the communication
of a rare and useful book
A Reading from the Book of Chronicles (vol. II, chap. XXXIV, 14) - When they brought
out the money that had been deposited in the House of the Lord, Hilikiah the priest found
the Book of the Law of the Lord given through Moses. Then Hilikiah reported it to
Shaphan the scribe, saying, "I have found the Book of the Law in the House of the
Almighty and Eternal God, Supreme Lord of all creatures and things on earth, I beg You
so that I, Your servant, N......., can discover... (describe clearly the book or treaty you
would like to discover and know). And may grace be thus rendered to You, Lord, now
and forever. Through Jesus Christ Our Master and lord and through Saint John His
servant. Amen. +
Prayer to obtain communication
with the Angelic World
Reading of the Book of the Judges, chapter XIII, 15-23 - Manoah said to the Angel of the
Eternal: "I pray thee, let us detain thee, until we shall have made ready a kid for thee."
And the Angel of the Eternal said to Manoah, "Though thou detain me, I will not eat of
thy bread; and if thou wilt offer a burnt offering, thou must offer it unto the Lord." For
Manoah knew not that he was an Angel of the Eternal. And Manoah said the Angel of
the Eternal, "What is thy name, that when thy sayings come to pass we may do thee
honor?" And the Angel of the Eternal said to him, "Why thou ask thus after my name,
seeing it is secret?" So Manoah took a kid with a meal offering and offered it upon a
rock unto the Eternal. And the Angel did wondrously and Manoah and his wife looked
on. For it came to pass, when the flame went up toward heaven from off the altar, that
the Angel of the Eternal ascended in the flame of the altar and Manoah and his wife
looked on it and fell on their faces to the ground. But the Angel of the Eternal did no
more appear to Manoah and to his wife. Then Manoah knew that he was an Angel of the
Eternal and Manoah said unto his wife, "We shall surely dir, because we have seen God."
But his wife replied, "If the Eternal were pleased to kill us, he would not have received a
burnt offering at our hands, neither would he have showed us all these things nor would
he, at this time, have told us such things as these..."
You then put the Incense on the fire in the Cassolette or the Censor, and continue the
prayer saying:
Almighty and Eternal God, who sent Your Angels to Your servants Abraham, Agar,
Moses, Manoah, Elias, Gad, Joshua, Jacob, Gideon, Lot, Israel, David, Joseph,
Zachariah, Daniel, Mary Magdalene, and to many, many, more; and who, by them,
protected, instructed, conducted to the port of salvation, and introduced them to the
eternal joys, I beg You to forgive me for my sins, and to receive with mercy and kindness
the prayer that I am addressing to You in order to obtain from You Your Mercy, the
company of Holy Angels. This is why, Lord, God of Pity, God of Patience, Very kind,
Very liberal and Very Wise, who allows Your graces in a thousand ways, who forgets the
impunities, the sins, and the transgressions of man, in the presence of whom no one has
been found innocent, who visits the lacks of the fathers on their children and nephews
until the third and fourth generation, I know my misery and I am not worthy of appearing
before Your Divine majesty nor implore or pray for Your Kindness and Mercy or the
smallest grace. However, Lord of Lords, the source of Your kindness is so great that it
calls those who are ashamed of their sins and invites them to receive its graces. I thus
beg You, Lord, my God, to pity me and to remove all inequity and wickedness from me.
Cleanse my soul from all dirt of sin, renew my spirit, and comfort it so that it be strong
and it can understand the mystery of your Grace and the treasures of Your Wisdom.
Sanctify me with the Oil of Your Sanctification as You sanctified all your servants, the
prophets. Purify in me with that Oil all that belongs to me so that I can be worthy to
receive to communications of Your holy Angels and through them Your Divine Wisdom,
thus giving me the power that you gave to Your servants, the Prophets, on all Evil Spirits.
Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation, who gave to His Apostles and their successors
the task to chase away the demons and to bring to the World formerly held by Satan,
equity, purity, and kindness, we beg You, by the Virtue of Your Holy Name,
IESHOUAH, and by the Virtue of this Psalm which the Holy Spirit inspired in Your
servant David, to give to my words the same mysterious virtue that You gave to those of
David. O Lord jesus, grant the request of Your servant, N......., and thus grace be
rendered to you now and forever. Amen. +
Lord, I will glorify You with all my heart because you heard the words from my mouth.
In the presence of the Angels, I will sing for You hymns, I will worship facing Your Holy
Temple, and I will glorify Your Holy Name because of Your Mercy and Truth, and
because You elevated above everything Your Holy Name. Whenever I will invoke You,
grant me and You will increase the strength of my Soul. May all the Kings of the earth
glorify You because they heard the words from Your mouth, may they sing in the paths
of the Lord because great is God's Glory, because the Lord is high above, He looks at the
most humble things but for arrogant things He knows them by afar. If I walk in the
middle of trouble, You reach out Your hand and Your Right saves me. (Le Seigneur
retribuera pour moi. Seigneur, Ta Misericorde est pour jamais, ne meprise donc point les
ouvrages de Tes mains...) (Psalm 137, protestant version)
Repeat here the Prayer:
"Lord Jesus Christ, God of our
Prayer to bring the Great Work to a successful conclusion
A reading of the Holy Book of Enoch, chapter LII, 1-9: After four days in that place
where I had seen all the visions of that which is concealed - for I had been taken away by
a vortex of wind and led toward the declining - there my same eyes saw all the secrets of
Heaven, which have to come: a mountain of Iron, a mountain of Copper, a mountain of
Silver, a mountain of Gold, a mountain of Tin, and a mountain of Lead. And I asked the
Angel who walked before me, and said to him: "What are these things that I did see in
secrecy?" And he said to me: "All this that you saw will wait in the power of the
Messiah, so that he is strong and mighty on the Earth." Then, this Angel of Peace,
making the new promise said to me: "Wait yet a little, and all these Mysteries which
surround the Lord of Spirits will then be revealed to you. For, all these mountains that
you contemplated, know that the mountain of Iron, the mountain of Copper, the mountain
of Silver, the mountain of Gold, the mountain of Tin, and the mountain of Lead, will be
all before the Elect like the wax melts before the fire, like the water that falls from on
High on those mountains, and they will soften Its feet. On that day, no one will be saved
not by Gold nor by Silver, and no one will escape. They will have neither Iron for war,
nor material for chest armor, Bronze will be useless, Tin won't be useful for anything,
and the Lead won't be wanted. All those things will be destroyed and annihilated on the
surface of the Earth when the one who is Elect appears before the Face of the Lord of
Almighty and Eternal God, Sovereign Maker and Curator of all things here below and on
High, You who conduct the whole of Creation towards the perfect End to which You
condescended to assign it, I implore You, Merciful Lord, to condescend to accord me the
protection and the assistance of the Angel that You committed to guard the Supreme
Arcanes of the Metallic Art, so that he helps me to comprehend the mysteries of the Great
Work and to lead it to a successful conclusion. When through his aid and through his
protection, I succeed in achieving the transmutation of Lead into Gold and I obtain thus
the grace to participate in the Great Work of the Rose+Croix. Then through his
beneficial assistance, I, N......, Your servant, oh my God may I become an auxiliary to the
prophecy of Your servant Hnoch, and may all that I do by this order "serve in the Power
of Your Messiah, so that he is strong and mighty on all the Earth." Through Jesus Christ
Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
This Prayer says to impose the hands above the prima materia and the first vessel of the
Work. It is more efficacious for the Dry Way than for the Damp Way, less dangerous
than the other.
Prayer to obtain useful revelations
through Dreams
Almighty and Eternal God, who in Your Wisdom gave to Your servants Joseph and
Daniel the grace to know the meaning of dreams which You, in Your Infinite Kindness,
send to men through Your holy Angels, who promised Your servant Joel that "old men
shall dream dreams, your young men shall see in signs; and also upon the servants and
the handmaidens in those days will I pour out My Spirit..." (Joel, ii, 28-29), like You did
so many times to make Your Will known to Your servants Abimelech, Laban, Solomon,
Jacob, as will as the Wise Men, I beg You to grant me the same useful favor. Allow me,
O my God, to receive Your opinions as well as Your advice and orders through my sleep,
or through similar images that Your Angels Thavael, through Saint Joseph, Raphael,
through Solomon, and all those whose Holy Names I do not know, gave when they
transmitted them to men. For I, N......., Your servant, may the word of Your Holy
Prophet Job come true: "For God speaks once, even twice, yet man perceives it not. In a
dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, as they slumber in their
beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals His instructions, that He may turn man
from evil and hide pride from him. He keeps his soul from the pit and his life from
perishing by the sword..." (Job, xxxiii, 14-18). May it be the same for me, N......., Your
servant, O Almighty and Eternal God, I beg You through Jesus Christ Our Lord and
Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to escape all wounds
by arms or projectiles
I conjure you + , multiple and diverse weapons, arrows and bullets, and all that the
firstborn of death himself imagined in his wickedness to make of man the murdered of
his fellow. I conjure you + , multiple and diverse weapons, which the demon put in the
hands of Cain the fratricide. I conjure you + , multiple and diverse weapons, which have,
under the inspiration of the homicide, Satan, contributed to and helped the death of the
Holy Martyrs. I conjure you + and order you to become and stay harmless. I forbid you,
by all the merits of the Martyrs and the Saints who carried the Sacred Testimony, to have
any power on N......., servant of the Living God so that you cannot wound, pierce, cut or
harm him in his flesh or in any part of his body, or cannot spill any drop of his blood, or
make him suffer anywhere on his body. I order you, I, N......., servant of the Living God,
by the Passion and by the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ and by all that He suffered in
his flesh for the Salvation of all men + Cross and Passion of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and
Master, be in his memory and defend N....... against his enemies. + May the Peace and
Blessing of Our Lord be always be with me. O dangerous Weapons and Arrows,
become, in this instant, useless in the hands of his enemies. May you be without any
effect, any range, or any power on N......., servant of the Living God, because I conjure
you by the virtue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by the Blood of Saint John the Baptist, by
that of the Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Virgins, and Widows killed for the Testimony
of God. I conjure you + by the Holy Angels, Almighty and Eternal God, may the
promise You made to David, Your servant, come true for N......., Your servant: "He will
cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge; His faithfulness
will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of the night nor the arrow
that flies by day...A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it
will not come near you..." (Psalm xci). O weapons and arrows, be harmless to N......., by
the Annunciation of Jesus Christ. + O weapons and arrows, be harmless to N......., by the
Crown of Thorns which cut the beautiful face of Our Lord Jesus Christ. + O weapons and
arrows, be harmless to N......., by the wands which spilled the Sacred Blood of Our Lord
Jesus Christ. + O weapons and arrows, be harmless to N......., by the nails which pierced
the hands and feet of Our Lord Jesus Christ. + Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God,
I beg You, by Your Divine Blood which ran on the wood of the Holy Cross, to forgive
the sins of N......., to keep a safe and sound life, and to send Your Holy Angel so that he
keeps an eye on N......., protect him from all attempts to the integrity of his body and soul.
O You who reigns with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, now and forever.
Amen. +
This Orison can be written on parchment and carried with you, sewn into a bag made of
new linen fabric.
Prayer to escape ambushes
and murderers
Almighty and Eternal God, who helped David, Your servant escape the murders sent by
Saul, we beg You to look at Your servant N....... with Your Divine Look, who must go
past the ambush set by his enemies. And You, Lord Jesus Christ, who escaped from
those who wanted to push Him from the top of the mountain by passing among them,
unseen, we implore You so that N....... escape also from those who want him harmed.
May the darkness, O Jesus, blind them and to mark their vileness, may they be bent
towards the earth. Lord, may You spread on them the effects of Your justice and that
Your Anger inspires in them terror and continued fear. May the horror and fear damage
their audacity in the sole idea of Your Strength. Lord, may they become still like stones
until N......., Your servant who confides in You, be safe and sound. Jesus, free him and
save him from all who want to do him harm. O Lord, guard him from the hands of evil
people and free him from the hands of bad people. Save him and defend him from those
who want to spill his blood. Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now
and forever, as it was in the beginning and throughout all eternity. Amen. +
Prayer against Enemies
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, who said to all those who were looking for
You during Your most Holy Passion: "Who are you looking for?" and Your enemies
instantly were knocked to the earth, we beg You, O Lord, to free me in the same way
from my enemies and their evil plans by letting them know, through Your Angels, to: "let
N....... be safe and sound, he is my servant, do not harm him now or ever...". I conjure
You, + O Jesus, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with God the Father in the Unity of the
Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen. +
Prayer to call for help
Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that they comprise, come to my aid
and pity me! Forgive me and save me now and in the future through Our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ. And through Him may Your Glory and Power be rendered to the
Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. +
just, He hates the bad and the one who complies in violence and aggression; charcoal,
fire and sulphur rain on evil; a burning wind, such is the chalice which He gives them to
share. Because the Eternal is just, He loves Justice, and just men contemplate His
Face..." Praise be to the Lord, now and forever. Amen. +
The same Orison as at the start:
"Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation..."
Prayer against Thieves
Almighty and Eternal God, God of the Armies of Heaven, who mends the mistakes of
men, we implore Your Leniency so that after having freed all sinners from the chains of
their mistakes, You will lead them to the paths of Repentance and thus towards the
Eternal Life. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His
servant. Amen. +
A Reading from the Holy Book of Kings, 1o, xxx - Three days after, David and his men
arrived in Ziklag, they found out that the Amalekites, after arriving at Ziklag, took over
the town and burned it. They took captive everyone they found, women and anyone from
the smallest to the biggest. They had not killed anyone. David and his men cried until
they had no more tears. The two wives of David, Ahinoam of Jezreel, and Abigail, the
widow of Nabal from Carmel, were also taken captive. David was extremely sad because
the people wanted to stone him, all full of grief at having lost their sons and daughters.
He put his strength and trust in the Lord his God. He said to the great priest Abiathar,
son of Ahimelech: "Take for me the ephod." Abiathar wore the ephod for David. He
asked the Lord: "Will I go after these thieves and capture them? Or won't I?" The Lord
answered: "Go after them, because you will capture them and you will take back from
their hands all they took."
Almighty and Eternal God, Elohim Gibor, Elohim Elyon, You who, by the ministry of
Your Holy Angels, makes Your Justice reign here on earth, we implore You by Your
Holy Names Caliel, Ierathel, and Asaliah, so that the one (those) who stole from N.......,
Your servant, be quickly caught and apprehended. O Lord, may Your Holy and Supreme
Justice not go unrecognized and scoffed at any longer by Your enemies and their
henchmen but on the contrary, may Your servant, N......., quickly recover his possessions
stolen by those against whom we raise our voices, and may N.......'s health be restored (if
he was harmed). Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His
servant. Amen. +
Prayer to obtain justice in a trial
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation, who told His Apostles and their successors to
chase away the demons and thus bring to the World formerly submitted to Satan, equity,
purity and kindness, we implore You by the mysterious Virtue of Your Most Holy Name
IESHOUAH, and by the Virtue of this Psalm that the Holy Spirit inspired in David, Your
servant, to allow to my words the same mysterious Virtue that You allowed to those of
David. O Lord Jesus, grant the request of Your servant, N......., and thus may Grace be
rendered to You, now and forever. Amen. +
Psalm iv - "Answer me when I call to You, O my Righteous God. Give me relief from
my distress; be merciful to me and hear my prayer.
"Sons of men, how long will you turn His glory into shame? How long will you love
delusions and seek after false gods? Know that the Lord has set apart the godly for
Himself; the Lord will hear when I call to him.
"In your anger, do not sin; search your hearts when you are on your beds, and in silence.
Offer correct sacrifices and trust in the Lord.
"Many are asking, 'Who can show us any good.' Let the light of Your face shine upon us,
O Lord. You have filled my heart with greater joy than when grain and new wine
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."
Psalm lxxv - We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks, for Your Name is near; men
tell of Your wonderful deeds.
You say, "When I choose the appointed time, I, the Lord, will judge with equity. Though
the earth and all who dwell in it quake, I have set firm its pillars." You say to the
arrogant: "Boast no more"; and to the wicked: Do not lift up your horns, do not speak
with insolence and an outstretched neck!"
No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. but it is God who
judges: He brings one down, he exalts another.
In the hand of the Lord is a cup full of foaming wine mixed with spices; he pours it out,
and all the wicked of the earth drink it down to its very dregs.
As for me, I will declare this forever: I will sing praise to the God of Jacob. I will cut off
the horns of all the wicked, but the horns of the righteous will be lifted up.
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation, who told His Apostles and their successors to
chase away the demons and thus bring to the World formerly submitted to Satan, equity,
purity and kindness, we implore You by the mysterious Virtue of Your Most Holy Name
IESHOUAH, and by the Virtue of this Psalm that the Holy Spirit inspired in David, Your
servant, to allow to my words the same mysterious Virtue that You allowed to those of
David. O Lord Jesus, grant the request of Your servant, N......., and thus may Grace be
rendered to You, now and forever. Amen. +
witnesses accuse him before a terrestrial court (or "an iniquitous and corrupted judge is
going to accuse him"). Lord, may the promise that Your Holy Angels made to Your
servant Zechariah receive here, in Your Holy Name, a brilliant justification. May the
false witnesses and wicked judges be harmless to (name the beneficiary) and may grace
be rendered to You once more, now and forever. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and
Master, and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer to defend oneself against adversaries
and hidden schemes
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation, You, who told His Apostles and their
successors to chase away the demons and thus bring to the World formerly submitted to
Satan, equity, purity and kindness, we implore You by the mysterious Virtue of Your
Most Holy Name IESHOUAH, and by the Virtue of this Psalm that the Holy Spirit
inspired in David, Your servant, to allow to my words the same mysterious Virtue that
You allowed to those of David. O Lord Jesus, grant the request of Your servant, N....,
and thus may Grace be rendered to You, now and forever. Amen. +
Eternal, hear, O Lord, and answer me for I am poor and needy. Guard my life for I am
devoted to you. You are my God, save Your servant who trusts in You. Have mercy on
me, O Lord, for I call to You all day long. Bring joy to Your servant, for to You, O Lord,
i lift up my soul. You are kind and forgiving, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call
on You. Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. In the day of my trouble I
will call to You for You will answer me. Among the gods there is none like You, O
Lord; no deeds can compare with Yours. All the nations You have made will come and
worship before You, O Lord. They will bring Glory to Your Name. For You are great
and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God. Teach me Your ways, O Lord, and I will
walk in Your Truth. Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear Your name. I will
praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart. I will glorify Your Name forever. For
great is Your Love toward me; you have delivered my soul from the depths of the grave.
The arrogant are attacking me, O God, a band of ruthless men seeks my life - men
without regard for You. But You, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow
to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness. Turn to me and have mercy on me; grant
strength to your servant and save the son of Your maidservant. Give me a Sign of Your
Goodness, that me enemies might see it and be put to shame, for You, O Lord, have
helped me and comforted me... (Psalm lxxxv)
The same Orison as at the start:
"Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation..."
Prayer to obtain
profitable work or employment
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who by the word of Paul made known to men, Your
miserable creatures, that we had "to work with your own hands.." (I Paul,
Thessalonians,iv, 11) and "if any would not work neither should he eat..." (II Paul,
Thessalonians, iii, 10), after telling us through Your servant Solomon that "laziness
causes a deep sleep" (Proverbs, xix, 15), I beg You to give me the Grace to escape
poverty and find a profitable employment so that those who are under my care can escape
hunger. Lord, may Your Holy Angel, on Your Order, lead me providentially to Your
path and may I be able to take care of those people dear to me. However, Lord,
according to the word of Your servant Solomon, "give me neither poverty nor riches..."
(Proverbs, xxx, 8) but a blissful mediocrity so that I may never be corrupted by pride or
avarice. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Prayer for the reconciliation with an adversary
Almighty and Eternal God, who commanded us by Your only Son, Christ-Jesus, to "first
go and be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift..." (Matthew v, 24),
who through His Sacrifice reconciled us to You (Paul, Romans, v, 10), and "gave us the
ministry of reconciliation..." (II Paul, Corinthians, v, 18), I humbly beg You to send Your
Holy Angel to calm N.......'s resentment towards me as well as my resentment towards
him (her) so that we both become one as commanded by Your Divine Son, Christ-Jesus
through the voice of John His servant: "May they be brought to complete unity..." (John,
Gospel, vxii, 23). I ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint
John His servant. Amen. +
Prayer for wandering Souls
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who saved the sons of Israel from the attacks of burning
snakes during the forty years of wandering in the Desert with the sole condition to lift up
their eyes with trust towards the Bronze Serpent exposed to all eyes, deign in Your
Leniency, O Lord of Mercy, to give to the lost souls wandering in the Darkness of the
Beyond the grace to remember the Name of the Redeemer and thus escape the attacks
and traps of Evil Spirits bent on their destruction. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and
Master, and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Prayer to obtain the grace
to be freed by death
Sovereign Lord, as you promised, dismiss now Your servant in peace. For my eyes have
seen Your Salvation which You have prepared in the sight of all people, a Light for
Revelation to the gentiles and for Glory to Your people Israel... (Luke, ii, 29-32)
Almighty and Eternal God, Liberator of all Creatures, I Your servant N......., beg You to
send me Your Holy Angel so that he can cut the thread of my present existence and lead
me into the Presence of Your Divine Majesty. I know, Lord, that You are Infinite Justice,
Wisdom, Kindness and Mercy. I have thus nothing to fear from the sentence which could
bear on my soul because I know without any hesitation that it only reflects Your Wisdom,
Your Justice, and Your Mercy, all wonderfully balanced. Lord, I know that I can give
you my sinful soul as well as my spirit in all trust. This is why, God of Leniency, I
address this prayer to You so that I may be freed from the suffering and tears of the
present life. Free my soul and spirit from their carnal servitude, Lord, and allow me a
quiet and liberating death. You, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the God of Life, who gave
Your Holy Apostles the power to tie and to untie, free my spirit and my soul from this
painful world, greet the confession of my mistakes with Your Love and Your Mercy, and
give me back the Clothing of Light which was mine elsewhere and in other time. Good
and Merciful Father, may You restore in me all that the human weakness corrupted and
all that the hatred of the Adversary violated. With the definitive unity of the Mystical
Body of Your Son, Jesus Christ, may You link my spirit and my soul. Lord, pity my
cries, my tears, and give me part of Your Mystery of Reconciliation. Through Jesus
Christ Our Lord and Master, who lives and reigns with You, God the Father, in the Unity
of the Holy Spirit, and through Saint John Your servant. Amen. +
Holy Spirit, who spread in you, in the Name of the Holy and Glorious Virgin Mary,
mother of god, in the name of the Angels and the Archangels, in the Name of the
Principalities and Powers, in the Name of the Virtues, Cherubim and Seraphim, in the
Name of the Patriarchs and prophets, in the Name of Apostles and Evangelists, in the
Name of Martyrs and Confessors, in the Name of Monks and Hermits, in the name of
Virgins and Widows, and of all Saints of God. Take your place today in the Eternal
Peace and fix your house in the Jerusalem of Above. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Amen. +
God of Mercy, Kindness, God Savior who, by the assurance of Your pity, erases the sins
of those who repent, and through Your forgiveness, annihilates past mistakes, deign to
look with favor upon Your servant N......., whose body rests here. And because he is
asking for the forgiveness of all his sins, in all sincerity, grant his and my prayer. Good
Father, restore in him all that human weakness corrupted, and all that the wickedness of
the demon violated. Link to the Body of Your Universal Church the member who was
redeemed by the Blood of Your Divine Son, Christ-Jesus. Lord, pity my cries, pity my
bitter tears, and because he only has faith in Your Mercy, give him part of Your Mystery
of Reconciliation. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen. +
N......., I recommend you to the Almighty God, I entrust you to He of who you are the
Creature, so that after your passing and man's debt, you return to your Creator, to He who
created You from mind. At this present hour when your soul goes out of the body, may
the Shining Assembly of the Angels hurry to meet you. May the Supreme Court of the
Apostles come to you. May the Victorious Armies of the martyrs dressed in white come
to you. May the crowd of Saints surround you. May Christ Jesus show you His Divine,
blissful, and happy face and may He allow you forever a place among those who are in
His Presence. May Mary, His Holy Mother, show you Her Very Kind face.
N......., may you never know the horror of Darkness, the crackle of the mysterious Fire,
the atrocious pain of endless despair. May the heinous crowd of Evil Spirits who want to
ruin you flee before you. When you come with the Holy Angels, may they be fearful and
disappear in the eternal Night where they live. May God rise up and his enemies scatter,
may those who hate him flee before His Face, may they disperse like smoke, like wax in
front of the fire. May they disappear before the Face of God and may the just rejoice in
His Presence. Make disorder and confusion take away the Legions of Evil and may the
Spirits of Darkness not have the audacity to block the road.
N......., may He deliver you from Hell, the Christ who was crucified for you. May He
free you from eternal death, the Christ who died for you. May Christ, Son of the Living
God, give you a place in the ever green Pastures of Paradise, and recognize you, He, the
True Shepherd, as one of His sheep. May He forgive all of your sins and put you at his
Right with His Chosen. May you see your Redeemer face to face, always be in His
Presence, and contemplate a blissful vision, the complete Truth revealed. And thus,
placed in the ranks of the Blissful, may You obtain the joy of contemplating God
throughout all Eternity.
This is why, Lord, I recommend to You the soul of Your servant, N......., and I beg you
for it, O Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the World. You who, in Your Mercy, descended to
earth on its behalf, Merciful Lord, do not refuse to place it among the Chosen. Lord,
acknowledge Your Creature, this soul not created by foreign gods, by only by You, the
True and Living God, because there is no other God and nothing equals what You do.
Lord, allow, then, to the soul of N......., Your servant, the joy to contemplate Your Divine
Face. Forget its past sins, acts of violence, or the ardor of its passions. Even though it
has sinned, it hasn't denied the Father, the Son, nor the Holy Spirit. It believed and
remained faithful to its Faith; it worshipped God, Creator of all things. This is why,
Lord, we ask that this soul be allowed eternal rest, and may the Ever-Shining Light shine
on it. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John His servant.
Amen. +
Prayer to delay the time of death
A Reading of the Holy Gospel of the Apostle John, chapter XI, 21-44 - When Mary
reached the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she fell at his feet and said, "Lord, if
you had been there, my brother would not have died." When Jesus saw her weeping, and
the Jews who had come along with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and
troubled. "Where have you laid him?" He asked. "Come and see, Lord." they replied.
Jesus wept. Then the Jews said, "See how He loved him!" But some of them said,
"Could not He who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?"
Jesus, once more deeply moved, came to the sepulchre. It was a cave with a stone laid
across the entrance. Jesus said, "Take away the stone." Martha, sister of the dead man,
said, "Lord, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been dead there four days." Then
Jesus said, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the Glory of God?" So
they took away the stone. Then Jesus looked up and said, "Father, I thank You that You
have heard me. I know that You always hear me but I said this for the benefit of the
people standing here, that they may believe that You sent me." When He had said this,
Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" The dead man came out, his hands and
feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, "Take
off the grave clothes and let him go..."
Almighty and Eternal God, Lord of Life, You, who through Your Son, Our Lord, Jesus
Christ, Our Lord and Master, raised Your servant Lazarus from the dead, we beg You in
favor of Your servant N......., so that his (her) soul still be linked to his (her) body until...(
clearly specify the reason). And You, Lord Jesus Christ, You who, by Your death on the
Cross, too of Your freedom, vanquished the Prince of Death himself, send Your Holy
Angel so that he delays the Angel of Death itself and that the soul of Your servant N.......
still live in this world, naturally associated with his carnal body, until (clearly specify the
And You, Lord Jesus Christ, You who ordered Your Beloved Disciple, the Apostle John,
to stay in his flesh until You came back, order the soul of Your servant N....... not to
abandon the envelope of flesh and to stay in until...(clearly specify the reason). Through
You, O Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Master, and through Saint John Your servant. Amen.
Prayer to keep the corporal integrity
and conscience beyond physical death
A reading of the Gospel of the Apostle John, chapter XXI, 20-25 - Peter turned and saw
that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them (this was the one who had leaned
back against Jesus at the Supper and had said, "Lord, who is going to betray You?").
When Peter saw him he asked, "Lord, what about him?" Jesus answered, "If I want him
to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me." Because of this,
the rumor spread among the Brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not
say to Peter that he would not die; He only said, "If I want him to remain alive until I
return, what is that to you?" And this is the disciple who testified to these things and who
wrote them down. And we know that his testimony is true.
Almighty and Eternal God, Supreme Creator and Keeper of all Beings, You who gives
life in this world and in the other, You who are our sole defense against Death and its
Ministers, visible and invisible, we beg You so that You allow us, as You did for Your
servant, the Apostle John, the Grace not to know the corruption of the tomb, and to keep
the conscience, the memory and the action from beyond the grave. Lord, as You did for
Your servant, the Apostle John, may You make us a posthumous element of protection
for all men and for all Your creatures, O Merciful Lord. And You, Christ Jesus our Lord
and Master, You who vanquished Death and triumphed over the Darkness of the tomb,
You who justified and realized the word that the Eternal God put into the mouth of His
servant David: "You will not let Your Holy One see decay..." (Psalm XVI, 10), You who
made this word reverberate like an echo of the past in the mouth of Your servant, the
Apostle Paul: "Because You will not let Your Holy One see decay..." (Acts II, 27), You
who asserted Your preeminence over Death and its Ministers by Your word, foundation
of our very hope: "I am the Resurrection and the Life..." (John, II, 25), allow to us, Lord
Jesus, the Grace not to know the anguish of posthumous corruption, may we keep the
memory of our missions and duties, and to keep on working, invisible but present, with
our Brothers of the Rose+Cross, on Your Work itself, which is the Salvation of men and
of all Your creatures. And, as on the most glorious day of Your resurrection when "the
tombs broke open and the bodies of many Holy people who had died were raised to life.
They came out of the tombs after the Resurrection of Jesus..." (Matthew, XXVII, 53),
allow to us the Grace, Lord Jesus, not to know the corruption of the tomb, may You free
us from beyond death itself and allow us to continue protecting and guarding not only
those who are dear to us but also all men, Our Brothers, and all Your creatures, Lord. For
it to be done, allow us, Liberator and Savior of all men, that at the fourth day of our
trespass we do as Your servant, the Prophet Jonah, did, and may these powerful words be
ours: "the depth closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped around my head. I
went down to the bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was around me
forever; yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God." (Jonah, II,
6-7). May it be so, Eternal God, according to the word of Your servant Jonah. Through
Jesus Christ Our Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
This Orison is said during the lifetime if it goes with a spiritual life and is consistent with
the imprescriptible rules of the Order. It can allow to obtain the posthumous
incorruptibility and to keep the conscience. In this case, what follows can only be done
by qualified Brothers of the Order, otherwise the following is totally useless. The Ritual
which goes with this Orison, because of its secrecy, can only be communicated orally to
certain Brothers, chosen as said on p. 11. Let us specify that this Ritual and this Orison
are not for the person concerned.
On the fourth day after the death, and on the grave of the Brother who has to be
"awakened" and free, at Dawn:...
A reading from the Book of the Apostle John, chapter XI, and from verse 1 through verse
44 - The present Sacramentary doesn't reproduce these verses because it is the Holy
Gospel which adorns the Altar of the Rose+Croix, described on P. 19, that can only be
Orison for the release from the Tomb
and the liberation of the joint Double and Soul
(The ruah of the Kabbalah must stay together with the Nechamah. These are the true
marriages of the Spirit and the Soul, the Gnostic nous, described in the highly esoteric
Song of Songs)
Almighty and Eternal God, You, who created Life and rejected Death, Christ Jesus, who
gave to His Apostles and their successors the power of the keys because "all that you will
tie on Earth will be tied in Heaven, and all that you will untie on Earth will be untied in
Heaven...", Holy Spirit who is the Comforter and Keeper of all Beings, I beg You in
favor of our Brother N....... May You, O Creator, Liberator and Keeper of Men, allow
N....... the favor to be freed of all carnal hold and to leave the body lying here. May You
give him the Grace not to be corrupted, to keep the conscience and Grace beyond Death
itself, to keep an eye on all Your creatures, and as it is for Your triple aspect, Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit, may N....... remain Spirit, Soul and Body. And You, Christ Jesus, our
Lord and Master, may You allow N....... the Grace You allowed to Lazarus as well as to
Your Beloved Apostle John. It is in Your Name, Lord, that we say once more the Holy
Words of Your Divine Gospel: "N......., get up and come out of your tomb..."
Keep silent. Then say: "Untie N......., and let him go..."
Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Word of the Father, You, who told His Holy Apostles: "In
truth I tell you, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do
even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And whatever you ask
in My Name, I will do..." (John, Gospel, xiv, 12-14), and who taught us to knock for the
door to be opened, to ask so that we might receive, I beg you to give my Brother N.......,
lying in the tomb, the corporal incorruptibility, the marriage of the Spirit and the Soul, the
posthumous conscience, the Grace of Your Divine Presence, and the freedom to act,
beyond Death, for the well-being and the safeguard of all Your Creatures, O Merciful
Lord. Awaken him, Lord, from his dismal sleep, as You awakened in the past Your
servant Lazarus. Give him back his conscience, the corporal incorruptibility, and as You
did for Jonah, Your servant, bring up his life from the tomb to better serve You, O You
who reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and who is Freedom and
Life. Amen. +
There were, in the initial document, two versions of the funeral ritual, a little bit different
from one another.
We now give you the second version, with its commentaries.
a) During the life of the Person
During the course of his life, the person must follow the instructions and rules of the
Order given in our book, "The Spiritual Alchemy". If he wants to be of the True
Invisible Superiors, doubling and guiding that of the Unknown Superiors, he will have to
give up the hope of a posthumous rest. His task will thus continue in the same spiritual
perspectives but he will have a totally different mode of action. He will have to prepare
those possibilities during his terrestrial life. Thus, these Orisons must be said each day at
dawn. They will be said during a series of nine days. The tenth day is free of any
activity of any kind. Resume on the eleventh day for nine days, etc. The fumigation is
made of a mixture of: one part pure incense and two parts of myrrh. The myrrh was in
the ancient World the perfume of funerals and communication with the world of the
Prayer to resume contact
with the Source of Life
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation, who told His Apostles and their successors to
chase away the Demons and thus bring to the World formerly submitted to Satan, equity,
purity and kindness, we implore You by the mysterious Virtue of Your Most Holy Name
IESHOUAH, and by the Virtue of this Psalm that the Holy Spirit inspired in David, Your
servant, to allow to my words the same mysterious Virtue that You allowed to those of
David. O Lord Jesus, grant the request of Your servant, N......., and thus may Grace be
rendered to You, now and forever. Amen. +
Psalm LX - Lord, You have rejected us, and You have been angry! Restore us! You
have shaken the land , You have torn it open, mend its fractures, for it is quaking! You
have shown Your people desperate times; You have given us wine that makes us stagger.
But for those who fear You, You have raised a banner to be unfurled in the cause of
Truth. Save us and help us with Your Right Hand! May those that love You be
delivered. God has spoken from His Sanctuary: "In triumph I will parcel out Sechem and
measure off the Valley of Succoth. Gilead is mine and Manasseh is mine; Ephraim is my
helmet, Judah my scepter. Moab is my wash bin, upon Edom I toss my sand; over
Philistia I shout in triumph." Who will bring me to this fortified city? Who will lead me
to Edom? Is it not you, O God, You who have rejected us and no longer go out with our
armies? Give us aid against the enemy, for the help of man is worthless. With God we
will gain the victory, and He will trample down our Adversaries...
Psalm XVI - Keep me safe, O God, for in You I take refuge. I said to the Eternal: "You
are my Lord! apart from You, I have no good thing!" As for the saints in the land, they
are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight. The sorrows of those will increase who
run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on
my lips, for the Eternal has assigned me my portion and my cup! It is You, Lord, who
have made my lot secure! The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the Lord who counsels me; even at
night my heart instructs me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will also rest secure,
because You will not abandon me to the grave nor will You let Your Holy One see decay.
You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your Presence
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
A reading of the Gospel of the Apostle John, chapter XXI, 20-25 - Peter turned and saw
that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following them (this was the one who had leaned
back against Jesus at the Supper and had said, "Lord, who is going to betray You?").
When Peter saw him he asked, "Lord, what about him?" Jesus answered, "If I want him
to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me." Because of this,
the rumor spread among the Brothers that this disciple would not die. But Jesus did not
say to Peter that he would not die; He only said, "If I want him to remain alive until I
return, what is that to you?" And this is the disciple who testified to these things and who
wrote them down. And we know that his testimony is true.
Almighty and Eternal God, Supreme Creator and Keeper of all Beings, You, who gives
life in this world and in the other, You who are our sole defense against Death and its
Ministers, visible and invisible, we beg You so that You allow us, as You did for Your
servant, the Apostle John, the Grace not to know the corruption of the tomb, and to keep
the conscience, the memory and the action from beyond the grave. Lord, as You did for
Your servant, the Apostle John, may You make us a posthumous element of protection
for all men and for all Your creatures, O Merciful Lord. And You, Christ Jesus our Lord
and Master, You who vanquished Death and triumphed over the Darkness of the tomb,
You who justified and realized the word that the Eternal God put into the mouth of His
servant David: "You will not let Your Holy One see decay..." (Psalm XVI, 10), You who
made this word reverberate like an echo of the past in the mouth of Your servant, the
Apostle Paul: "Because You will not let Your Holy One see decay..." (Acts II, 27), You
who asserted Your preeminence over Death and its Ministers by Your word, foundation
of our very hope: "I am the Resurrection and the Life..." (John, II, 25), allow to us, Lord
Jesus, the Grace not to know the anguish of posthumous corruption, may we keep the
memory of our missions and duties, and to keep on working, invisible but present, with
our Brothers, on Your Work itself, which is the Salvation of men and of all Your
creatures. And, as on the most glorious day of Your resurrection when "the tombs broke
open and the bodies of many Holy people who had died were raised to life. They came
out of the tombs after the Resurrection of Jesus..." (Matthew, XXVII, 53), allow to us the
Grace, Lord Jesus, not to know the corruption of the tomb, may You free us from beyond
death itself and allow us to continue protecting and guarding not only those who are dear
to us but also all men, Our Brothers, and all Your creatures, Lord. For it to be done,
allow us, Liberator and Savior of all men, that at the fourth day of our trespass we do as
Your servant, the Prophet Jonah, did, and may these powerful words be ours: "the depth
closed me round about, the weeds were wrapped around my head. I went down to the
bottoms of the mountains; the earth with her bars was around me forever; yet hast thou
brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God." (Jonah, II, 6-7). May it be so,
Eternal God, according to the word of Your servant Jonah. Through Jesus Christ Our
Lord and Master and through Saint John His servant. Amen. +
b) After Death
What follows can only be done, after the death of a Brother, by two members of the
Brotherhood. The Gospel they use is usually the one put on the Altar, to the exclusion of
all other books. Because of this example, this book gradually becomes a true
Sacramental by itself by its usage, and constitutes through its continued use, a
sacramental. After the reading, say the following Prayer. On the fourth day after death,
the two Brothers go, at dawn, before the Body (or the tomb) of the one who has to be
awakened and freed. The Body (or tomb) is first sprinkled with Holy Water by the
senior, who, turning round the body, says:
First Orison
Lord Jesus Christ, God of our Salvation, who told Your Apostles and their successors, to
chase away the Demons and thus bring to the world formerly under Satan's rule, the
equity, the purity, and the goodness, we beg You, by the mysterious virtue of Your Very
Holy Name IESHOUAH, and by the nature of this Psalm that the Holy Spirit inspired in
David, His servant, to give to my words the same mysterious virtue you gave to David.
O Lord Jesus, grant the request of Your servant, N..., and thus Glory be rendered to You
now and forever. Amen. +
Psalm LXI - O God! Have pity on me according to Your goodness. According to Your
great Mercy, blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my impurity and cleanse me
from my sins. For I know my transgressions and my sin is always before me. Against
You, You only, have I sinned and done what is evil in Your sight. So that You are
proved right when You speak and justified when You judge. Surely have I been a sinner
from birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me. Surely You desire Truth in the
heart; You allow Wisdom to penetrate me. Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean;
wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones You
have crushed rejoice. Hide Your face from my sins and blot out all my inequities. Create
in me a pure heart, O God, and renew the steadfast Spirit within me. Do not cast me from
Your Presence or take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your
Salvation and grant me a willing Spirit to sustain me. Then I will teach transgressors
Your ways and sinners will turn back to You. Save me from blood guilt, O God, the God
who saves me, and my tongue shall sing of Your Righteousness. Lord, open my lips, and
my mouth will declare Your praise. You do not delight in sacrifice or I would bring it;
You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings; the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a
broken and contrite heart. O God, You will not despise. In Your Grace, make Zion
prosper; build up the walls of Jerusalem , then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole
burnt offerings to delight You; then bulls will be offered on Your Altar.
Prions - Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Word of God, You who said: "I tell you the Truth whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth
will be loosed in Heaven. Again I tell you that if two of you on Earth agree about
anything you ask for, it will be done for you by My Father in Heaven. For where two or
three of you are gathered together in My Name, there I am among them." (Matthew, xviii,
18-19), we remind You of Your Divine Promise.
Say again the Orison: "Lord Jesus Christ, God of Our Salvation...", etc (page 87)
Psalm lxi (see page 278)
Psalm xvi (see page 273)
Repeat the Orison: "Lord Jesus Christ, God of Our Salvation...", etc, (page 86).
Read again afterwards in the Gospel, usually put on the Altar, and the only one used for
this circumstance, this chapter of the Gospel of John:
A Reading according to the Gospel of the Apostle John, chapter XI, 17 through 44.
Prions - Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal Word of the Father, who told His Holy Apostles: "In
truth I tell you, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do
even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And whatever you ask
in My Name, I will do..." (John, Gospel, xiv, 12-14), and who taught us to knock for the
door to be opened, to ask so that we might receive, I beg you to give my Brother N.......,
lying in the tomb, the corporal incorruptibility, the marriage of the Spirit and the Soul, the
posthumous conscience, the Grace of Your Divine Presence, and the freedom to act,
beyond Death, for the well-being and the safeguard of all Your Creatures, O Merciful
Lord. Awaken him, Lord, from his dismal sleep, as You awakened in the past Your
servant Lazarus. Give him back his conscience, the corporal incorruptibility, and as You
did for Jonah, Your servant and prophet, bring up his life from the tomb to better serve
You, Lord! O You who reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and
who is Freedom and Life. Amen. +
During the pronunciation of this Orison, the two Brothers have their respective hands
above the Body (or the tomb) as told on page 29. The senior then says with a loud voice:
N......., get out like Lazarus got out at the command of Jesus: "And the dead man came
out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen and a cloth around his face. Jesus
said to them, 'Take off the grave clothes and let him go'..." (John, XI, 44). May it be the
same for Your servant N......., Lord Jesus Christ, as it was for the Blessed Lazarus.
Amen. +
The tomb is sprinkled with Holy Water, then say:
A Reading from the Holy Book of Ezekiel the prophet, chapter XXXVII, 1-4 - The hand
of the Eternal was upon me and the Eternal transported me in spirit, and set me down in
the midst of the valley which was full of bones and caused me to pass by them round
about; and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and lo, they were very dry.
And He said to me: "Son of man, can these bones live?" And I answered: "Eternal Lord,
only You know." Again He said to me: ""Prophesy upon these bones and say to them: 'O
you dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord." Thus said the Eternal to the bones: "Behold I
will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you,
and you shall live and know that I am the Eternal." So I prophesied as I was commanded,
and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold, a shaking, and the bones came
together, bone to bone. And as I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came upon them and
the skin covered them above but there was no breath in them. Then the Eternal said to
me: "Prophesy into the wind; prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind: 'Thus says the
Lord God. Come from the four winds, o breath, and breathe upon those slain so that they
may live'." So I prophesied as He commanded me and the breath came into them and
they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Path of Truth and Life, You who journeyed with Your servant
Joseph, lead also, O Master, Your servant N....... Keep him from the demon's obstacles
and traps as well as the damned souls and the hostile plots from the Perverse Beings. O
my God, may You give him Peace, Strength, and the sense of Justice in his mission, and
the observation of Your Commandments. Make him return one day to Your Holy City of
Above, wealthy in its works and all foods of the Heavens. Because only You possess the
Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, One God, the Father +, the Son +, and the Holy
Spirit +, today and all days, forever and ever. Amen. +
i.. Accident: this is the temporary path proper to the being, in philosophy. Substance: this characterizes
the being, it is particular to its nature. Principle: this is the source, the origin, of the being, in philosophy.
Also its initial archetype.
ii..One will observe how much this Psalm features as actual fact the phenomena of bloodsucking, and
especially the legend of the Vampires, according to the classical tradition.
iii.. The expression "pose the sword" is equivalent, in reality, to a plant tip in the earth, the grip presenting
t,e as a cross, this as it is!
iv.. The arduousness of this exorcism is necessary, the Operator didn't know how to blunt his spiritual
weapons before such a combat. Moreover, the reintegration of the World and its demons, if it is certain at
the End, is not for this Universe here and now, nor for the following, according to the Scriptures, but for
the seventh and last one.