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by William: * Alexander Oribello ANCIENT SECAETS OF MOSES POWEN, NOW REVEALEO FO BENEFIT Of MYSTIC STUDENTS IN THE KEW AGE Table of Contents +1. THE SECRET OF MOSES * WHO WAS MOSES?: « THE ORIGIN OF MOSES' MAGICAL ART: + THE BOOK OF THOTH: + TRUE INITIATES AND FALSE MAGICIANS: + THE MAGIC STAR: + THE NEW AGE: + 2. THE BOOK OF THOTH REVEALED « MOSES' SECRET NAME: «3. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOSES' MAGICAL ART + WHY ARE THE TALISMANIC SEALS EFFECTIVE?: + THE MAGICAL WRITINGS OF THE GREAT MAGICIAN + HOW TO TELL A PERSON'S FORTUNE WITH CARDS + CHARMS, SPELLS AND INCANTATIONS THAT ARE TO BE RESORTED TO AT CERTAIN SEASONS OF THE YEAR, TO PROCURE BY DREAMS AN INSIGHT INTO FUTURITY, PARTICULARLY IN REGARD TO THE ARTICLE OF MARRIAGE + PREDICTIONS CONCERNING CHILDREN BORN ON + ANY DAY OF THE YEAR « ANCIENT METHODS TO KNOW THE WEATHER + SIGNS AND OMENS: AUGURIES AND FOREWARNINGS -HOW TO TELL FORTUNES BY THE MOLES ON A PERSON'S BODY + TO CAST YOUR NATIVITY + HOLY INCANTATIONS FROM THE BIBLE DREAMS How to Receive Oracles by Dreams + FINGER-NAIL OBSERVATIONS + TRADITIONAL WAY TO BAFFLE YOUR ENEMIES THE SEALED MAGICAL BOOK OF MOSES By William Alexander Oribello Copyright ©1986 by William Alexander Oribello All Rights Reserved. INNER LIGHT, BOX 753, NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. 08903 I wish to dedicate this work to the true seekers of the path of Light throughout the planet. May they find within these pages the inspiration and guidance to evolve in the glorious work of Higher Magic. The Great Cosmic Guardians have directed me to eliminate the non-essential elements of magical ritual and get to the heart of one of the power-ful branches of the Great Work. No one book can cover all stages of the Holy Art: this book is a channel to aid the student in the mastery of Moses' Magical Spirit Art, which can be the very source of the student's personal attainment in all matters of life. Should the student wish to pursue even greater mysteries of the Secret Wisdom teachings, and the higher initiations, he or she is invited to write the author for more information concerning the Inner Teachings of Christ. Address such requests to: FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AVAILABLE AT - WWW.CONSPIRACYJOURNAL.COM ISBN: 0-838294-68-7 1. THE SECRET OF MOSES In an ancient age when magic was an everyday occurrence, there was a race of "wise ones" who preserved and taught a higher form of magic that attuned the practitioner with the highest manifes-tation of universal wisdom. Such a wise one was the great Prophet known as Moses. From the grade of mystic adept to mastery, this great soul rediscov-ered a sacred magical system that has never been fully or plainly expounded in writing until now. OTHER MAGICAL BOOKS OF MOSES: In addition to the five Biblical Books that have been attributed to Moses, there is also the belief that Moses authored five more books which revealed the secret of his magic miracle-working power. Some manuscripts have emerged throughout history, which describe mysterious talismans and practices said to have been used by Moses himself to work his great wonders. However, the manuscripts which have come down to us are difficult to under-stand in that they are written in symbolic terms. Furthermore, medieval magicians added many of their own ideas to the manuscripts that emerged during that period in Germany. As any thinking person realizes that even the Bible was added to during its various translations, it is not difficult to believe that the magical works were also changed to suit the trend of thinking at different periods of time. WHAT IS THE SEALED MAGICAL BOOK OF MOSES?: In this book you are now reading the author reveals anew the simple, yet powerful wisdom that Moses originally learned and taught. This wisdom concerns the original use of the different symbols and magical formulas which have become known as Moses! Magical Spirit Art. Mastering this art will give the student power over the forces of nature and create a flow of good fortune, happiness and personal power, when applied correctly. HOW THIS BOOK CAME TO THE AUTHOR: There has never been a time in my life when I was not aware of my divine calling. My memory takes me back to infancy, when in my crib, help-less and unable to communicate. There was always that awareness of a higher knowledge, but alas, my present incarnation in physical matter was a block which I had to overcome in search of the wisdom which would bring about my re-awakening to what I was all about and why I was here. Visions and periods of realization were frequent in my early years. I remember one autumn night, I looked up at the stars and suddenly felt an awareness and kinship with all life. What a glori-ous realization that was! In addition to the visions and awareness of supernatural beings around me, I also began to meet ordinary humans who became a lasting influence on my life. I say ordinary humans; but the people I refer to were more than just ordinary humans. These blessed souls were members of a secret society that has existed since the beginning of life on this planet. When I use the term, secret society, I do not mean any religious denomination or cult. What I refer to is that in all ages there have been groups of people in all nations who have preserved the true Secret Wisdom of God that governs the universal magical laws of mind and nature. One such person was a medical doctor from India. He became friends with my family and came to dinner one evening. As soon as we were alone in the living room for a few moments, he began to communicate with me in such a manner so as to let me know that he was aware of the inner experiences I was having. He said that I was an advanced soul returned to earth for a mission and that I would rediscover and teach lost wisdom to humankind. He also gave me instructions to follow which I cannot reveal here, and assured me that other visitations would follow throughout my life. The next visitor was from Jamaica. This man gave me a document which decoded the Bible. I had begun reading the Holy Bible and realized that there was great wisdom hidden in a carefully de-signed code of stories and symbols. This man gave me the key that unlocked the door of the Biblical Mysteries. Now, concerning the secret of Moses; at the age of eleven I met a certain lady who gave me a copy of a book called "the 6th, and 7*h books of Moses". She told me that when I read this it would awaken a memory locked within my inner mind. This memory was of the different times when I lived on earth before and learned the Secret wisdom of the Ages. However, she admonished me not to take the book literally, for it was not the complete magical book of Moses. She informed me that there was a book which has not been published for thousands of years, and even then was just exposed to a few wise adepts. She said that if I studied the book she gave me for many years, that one day my inner sight would be opened and my memory would go back to the misty past and the complete formula would be revealed again to me so that I could now share it with those who were hungry and thirsty for the true knowledge. That day has come. One of the greatest visions I wish to share is that of the appearance of the Three Wisemen. Materialization is more accurate of a word than vision. It was at the age of seventeen. I was awakened in the middle of the night by three men dressed in the garb of the Magi, as illustrated in the pictures of their visit to the Christ child. These beings were surrounded by a radiant light. They spoke several comforting words concerning the current events of my life and the future. Then the Magi showed me a large, old looking "book. It resembled an aged family Bible. They opened the book and on its pages was written a vast knowledge concerning all the mysteries of life that can be known by a human. It was as though someone wrote with a quill pen on the pages. Throughout the night I read the book with super-human speed, and then the illustrious masters left me with a message: they said that the Word was now in my heart, and that I would remember the wisdom only when it was required to help others. I was also informed that at a later time I would write several books which would reveal the Ageless Wisdom once again in a manner that could -be easily understood by all. That time is now. The wisdom of the true Word can be found in the various books I have written, and the ones that are to come. Since that time I have spoken to countless thousands of people and have communicated to other great beings including Moses. In this manner I am now able to bring you this tome of the Secret Wisdom regarding the original simple magical formula of Moses. WHO WAS MOSES?: According to the Biblical account of Moses' life we learn that he was born during a turbulent period in the history of the Hebrew Nation. The King of Egypt feared the growing population of Hebrews and ordered that all male children be killed, and the females allowed to live. When Moses was born his mother kept him for three months, and when she could no longer hide him she prepared an ark of bulrushes, laid the child in it and set it afloat on the river committing him into the hands of God. Pharaoh's daughter discovered the child in the ark floating on the Nile, and the princess kept and raised Moses as her own son. As Moses grew, he obtained the knowledge of his true nation and set about trying to free his people from Egyptian oppression. He went so far as to murder an Egyptian taskmaster who was beat-ing a Hebrew. Because of this he became the target of persecution from Pharaoh and had to leave Egypt for his own safety. Moses went to the land of Midian where he married the daughter of Jethro, the Priest of Midian. After many years of living in this family and land something happened that changed Moses’ life for all time: one day, as he kept the flock of his father-in-law he saw a vision of a myster-ious fire which turned in a bush, yet did not destroy the bush. Out of this fire he heard the voice of God which gave him a message and power to return to Egypt and liberate his people from bondage. Thus is a portion of the literal account within scripture. But, let us examine this story further as to its inner meaning. All characters and stories in the scriptures are there for a reason; they represent certain processes of inner development which all people experience in the evolution of life and conscious-ness. I am not saying that the Biblical characters did not exist as real people. I believe that they did. However, as an initiate of the Ageless Wisdom I know that the various accounts of these people are symbolic of inner keys of understanding and realization which could only be communicated in this manner. The inner significance of the name Moses means drawing (extracting) from the water. The land of Egypt is known as both the place of wisdom and the land of darkness among the inner circle of initiates. Moses’ nation was in a state of suffering in Egypt when he was born. This re-veals that when we have reached a state of passive being, or darkness, then are we ready to look within that we may extract the true inner power (draw out) to manifest in our daily life. Water represents spiritual thought. Moses! mother pre-pared an ark of bulrushes and set the child adrift on the Nile River. When we have become inactive or negative in a passive sense (as exemplified in the land of darkness-Egypt) we are guided into spiritual thoughts (the river). But to balance ourselves so we are not overwhelmed at the great-ness of the path we must pace our work and stay within the domains of both worlds (the ark). To further illustrate the last statement, let us say that the ark represented something made from the earth. Earth is symbolic of matter, or physical activity, while water is symbolic of thought or spiritual thought. If the child was placed into the water by itself he would have drowned. Therefore the ark of bulrushes was the means by which the child could safely float on the river. Therefore, the inner message of this part of the story is that we should keep ourselves in balance and not try to accomplish too much too quickly in the realm of spiritual thought, but remember that we are still in a body of matter (the ark) and harmonize the two realms that we may ‘arrive safely to our goal of illumination. Pharaoh's daughter is symbolic of the intuition of the subconscious mind. According to the account she extracted the child from the water and protect-ed it. This is symbolic of the early stages of mystical development when we allow our intuition to guide us into the victory of bringing forth that hidden man, or the hidden child which has been brought about by spiritual thought activities. Moses grew and attempted to liberate his people before the time was right. He killed the Egyptian who oppressed his fellow Hebrew. This is symbolic of the fact that we may become zealous without wisdom when we first begin to make progress on the path, and ignore the mental process of constructive reasoning, thinking it to be too mundane. We silence the voice of discipline manifesting in the process of reason (kill the Egyptian), and hide it in the illusions of matter ( we bury the Egyptian in the sand). This leads us to have to learn our lessons the hard way: Moses was driven from Egypt into the wilderness. This is symbolic of what happens when we feel we can advance spiritually without the needed discip-line. We go into what has been termed the dry spell or period of seeming inactivity until we are ready to enter into the kingdom within the right way. Moses means to draw out-to bring forth the power if the inner self into everyday reality. Moses went to the land of Midian and married Jethro's daughter. He also kept the flocks of his father-in-law Jethro for forty years. This is symbolic of when we go within to undergo self im-posed discipline that we cultivate our thoughts (flocks) in the development of correct reasoning (the land of Midian). Forty years is symbolic of mastering the four lower bodies: the physical, vital (etheric double), astral and mental. It also means that we receive a well rounded spiritual education to complete our progress. Are there not four sides to a house? When we train our thoughts to go to the quiet place (the backside of the desert) we reach the region of the I AM or higher mind. It is then that we behold the fire of illumination which burns. Let us examine the mystery of the "burning bush more closely. This is symbolic of the Cosmic Fire resident within each human, but dormant in most. The bush is symbolic of the inner, or Sympathetic Nervous System which is part of the psychic centers in the physical body. The fire has been termed Kundalini by Eastern teachers of the occult wisdom. This fire resides at the base of the spine (the fire is a psycho-physiological energy). As we channel our energy, thoughts and attention into avenues of higher spiritual thought this fire rises up awakening the spinal psychic centers until it reaches the brain and opens the inner eye, causing self-realization and cosmic consciousness. The fire has also been called the serpent. When it is dormant at the base of the spine it is termed the ‘serpent of sin’ or he who eats dust. But when it has risen to the brain it is termed 'the upraised serpent of wisdom! This is why Jesus said, "as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up". St. John 3:14. When this awakening is accomplished the ordinary person (Son of man) is lifted up and becomes a great person (Son of God). I should also add that in normal thinking there is a certain vibration set in motion which uses up nerve tissue (it consumes the bush). But, when we allow our higher mind to think the fire saturates our whole being and we are aflame with the Fire of the Holy Spirit which does not use up or weaken us in any way (the fire_ does not consume the bush). When Moses drew closer to the burning bush he was instructed to remove the shoes from his feet because he was standing on holy ground. Even so, when we approach the higher wisdom we must remove all negative thinking which limits our chances of a more permanent association with the Cosmic Mind. We approach the higher awareness in a state of mental silence-we stand upon the holy ground of the Kingdom of God within, and hear the thunderous voice of the Almighty speaking through a higher portion of our own thinking and identifying himself as "IAM THATI AM". Our consideration of Moses in an esoteric sense-has revealed- what we should strive for in our quest for mastery in the holy magical arts. To master and develop ourselves is the master key which unlocks the door to the revelation of life's mysteries. Another noteworthy reflection is that there are five letters in the name Moses. This reminds us of the five points of the pyramid; the four side at the base, and the apex. The pyramid is a grand example of the building ability of man. Even so, Moses represents the possibilities of every person in their quest for self-mastery. And now, our next consideration will be the origin of Moses’ magical art, and how we can achieve the same results. All that I have said up until now is to prepare you to enter a practical path to achieve the great work in your life. THE ORIGIN OF MOSES' MAGICAL ART: From the misty past come legends of a secret Divine Wisdom which gave its students the keys to Heaven. It is said that this wisdom was first taught to select angels by none other than the Almighty God. Later when the race of spirits, now called humankind, plunged into dense matter (expelled from Eden), the angels taught this wisdom to mankind as a means for the human race to find its way back to the perfection of God. Select individuals became masters and custodians of this secret wisdom and passed it down from teacher to pupil from generation to generation. This powerful teaching was imparted by a graded system termed degrees of initiation, by which the students re-ceived instructions step by step until they satur-ated his or her total consciousness. Ancient tradition reveals that this wisdom reached a golden age of development in the legend-ary Atlantis. The mystical priests of Atlantis guided the population into great advancement of inner, as well as scientific development. Many of our modern day scientific developments would be dwarfed by the technology of Atlantis. However, the greed and corruption of the bulk of the priest-craft of that glorious land caused a decline which led to the destruction of the Atlantean Utopia. The true believers fled to several distant lands and, preserving the sacred wisdom, estab-lished advanced institutions of learning. One of the great institutions, or mystery- schools, was established in ancient Egypt. A mysterious person called Thoth was believed to be the Grand Master of the Universal Wisdom. Thoth was also known as Hermes Trismegistus, or "Thrice Great Hermes’. It was written that Thoth blessed humankind by revealing the secrets of magical philosophy, medicine, chemistry, music, art and other sciences. Thoth received his know-ledge from God and wrote countless books of wisdom. It is believed that Thoth was an immortal, and was later known as Enoch, of whom the Bible says that he walked ‘with God and was translated into the higher realms so that his physical body did not taste of death. To the Greek philosophers he was known as the god Mercury. The mystery schools of all ages regard him as the hidden master of the Universal Divine Wisdom. This is why true mystical knowledge is sometimes referred to as Hermetic. THE BOOK OF THOTH: It is known among true initiates of God's Wisdom that there exists a great book which reveals the mysteries of life. It is written, concerning some of the master teachers, that they read a great book of wisdom:. It is called the Book ' T’ (Book of Thoth). At times it is called the Book 'M’ (Book of Mercury). The true book of Thoth is not some physical book, but the Book of Life which can only he read by one who has been inspired by the Holy Spirit and with the guidance of the Ascended Masters of the Wisdom. This was my experience when the three illustrious visitors appeared and opened the Great Book to me. However, there did exist a physical book which prepared the student to read the higher book of the secret wisdom. It is believed that this book was written by Thoth, and that Moses was one of the humans of that day who read and mastered that book. Later in this work I will reveal the symbols and instructions of the Book of Thoth, which opens the eyes of the student so that he may prepare to read the greater book. This’ was closely "guarded in past ages, except for a select few. But in this hour it can now be taught more openly. This process will open and awaken dormant centers within the student when applied according to the instructions I will give. This awakening gives the student power over the spirits, and the elements. It also gives the inner wisdom needed to compel the forces embodied in the sacred magical talismans to assist us in our work for God, and the good of all concerned. As time passed, the secret wisdom was gath-ered into one body of instruction and termed "the Kabala". This name was used by the Hebrew mystics throughout the ages. The Prophets, such as Samuel and Elijah established wisdom schools and called them the School of the Prophets. The Persian mystic established the Order of the Holy Magi. The Egyptian mystics gave their instructions in the hidden chambers of the Great Pyramid, and the list goes on of the fact of how the mystics of all nations established mystery schools in every century. TRUE INITIATES AND FALSE MAGICIANS: To possess the hidden wisdom gives one certain powers over the laws of nature, to communicate with nature's finer forces in such a manner so as to display what may be called a miracle by the uninitiated. But, not all initiates used their power for the good of all concerned. The magician was given the knowledge of the virtues of certain herbs and roots, the powers within certain symbols and words when inscribed on talismans; and the ability to communicate with angelic beings, spirits of the departed, and the beings of the elements. Most of them wore a dis-tinct garment which identified them and owned a staff or wand inscribed with symbols of power. An example of the magical wand is found in the story of Moses: God gave him the ability to cast down his staff so that the staff become a wriggling serpent. When he performed this wonder in the presence of the King of Egypt, the king's magicians were able to duplicate this wonder-with one excep-tion-Moses' serpent swallowed up their serpents. Moses was a true initiate of God's wisdom, but those who opposed him were among the false magicians who perverted the sacred science to satisfy their own selfish ends. This perversion is often called Black Magic or Sorcery, and we find its roots in the Atlantean Epoch which led to the destruction of the continent. Later, in Egypt, evil magicians worked to hinder the true schools in that land. At one point of Egyptian History, the false magicians were actually the ruling force behind the throne. They blocked the path of wisdom and hid the keys of knowledge so that the way of attainment would be hard to find even by the sincere seeker. This they did to con-trol the masses with dogmatic religious beliefs, fear and superstition which still affects human-kind today. This same perversion prevailed in Israel; after Moses, the great prophet passed from life, certain scribes perverted the Law, making it a burden rather than salvation. Jesus exposed this universal crime when he denounced the priestcraft of his time. Even after the birth of Christianity, false prophets perverted the true message of the Christ so that now, two thousand years later, it has become a theater of conflict between disagreeing sects and denomin-ations. The sacred science of Thoth which was the fountainhead of Moses' great power, was misused by the evil ones who left the true path of Light Many magicians of the middle ages polluted the Magical Art of Moses by introducing rituals of black magic whereby the sacred hieroglyphics and Divine Names were defiled through the invoc-ation of demoniacal spirits to aid the false worker in achieving his selfish ends. This led to making pacts with the devil, diabolical rites involving corpses and horrible rituals of human sacrifice. Furthermore, they changed the meanings of the sacred symbols so that it would be difficult to understand the Divine Formula of Power. Many such magicians became obsessed with the idea of literally turning lead into gold by means of their power. Some lost their minds, and their lives in this quest.’ While the Universal Mind has revealed that it is able to Impart this knowledge of gold making to the blameless disciple when needed, it reminds us that the greatest ability is to trans-mute the lead of a mundane life into the gold of a spiritually vibrant life. Although the forces of darkness have done a great deal to pervert the path of wisdom, there has always been the secret societies of the Light who have worked hard to make the way of attainment open to the sincere seeker of wisdom and knowledge that lead Godward. THE MAGIC STAR: Twenty centuries ago, three members of the Order of the Holy Magi followed a star in search of a newborn child. They knew that this child re-presented the possibilities of all men; all men possess the inner keys to become a self-realized Son of God. All of us have the potential to graduate from hu-man to God-man, that we may manifest the nature of the celestial Adam into our human form, and thus accomplish the true alchemical transmutation of lead into gold. Jesus the Christ was an advanced soul who completed the journey from humanity to divinity, then returned to give us the lost keys and perfect the existing system of the true and higher magic of the soul. In the centuries following his appearance on earth, there has always been the hidden order of brothers and sisters of the Light who preserve the sacred sciences, even during times of spirit-ual ignorance and global tribulation. The magical star "still shines -brightly to guide us to the revelation of the Christ within, if we but turn our gaze to the higher concepts of life. Also, the magic star has been embodied with its concepts in the symbol of the Pentagram, of which I will teach more as we progress in this present work. THE NEW AGE: This is the hour in which these great mysteries shall be revealed in all their simplicity and glo-ry as was intended by God since the beginning. Dear friend, my eyes have beheld the glory of the Lord and his divine messengers, and I will not withhold the truth that must now be given. Therefore, drink deeply of the well of wisdom and be blessed. But, beware-you must use this knowledge to help and not hinder, for they who misuse this power shall come to a horrible end. 2. THE BOOK OF THOTH REVEALED Mystic tradition reveals that Moses was initiated into the secret wisdom of the Egyptian mystery schools, and that wisdom originated from the teachings of Thoth, or Hermes, as discussed in the last chapter. It is believed that Moses read the physical Book of Thoth which prepares the human mind to perceive the greater knowledge contained in God's Book of Life which can never be written by human hands. MOSES' SECRET NAME: The initiates "of the mystery schools (also called wisdom schools) received another name that characterized their degree of progress. Examples of this are found in the Holy Bible: when any person advanced spiritually they would receive a visitation from an angel, see a vision or hear a voice informing them that they have been given a new name symbolic of their advanced progress. Abram's name was changed to Abraham (see Genesis 17:5); Jacob's name was changed to Israel (Genesis 32:28); Saul received the name St. Paul (Acts 13:9); Jesus promised that all overcomers would receive a secret stone, and on the stone a new secret name (Revelation 2:17). Moses was given a secret name of power, and that name could not be revealed until now. The secret name of Moses is SHEMMAH and means a great shining one-like the Sun. It is the time that this should be revealed, and the person who is active in the work of this book should have the Holy Shemmah Medallion; for to wear the secret name of Moses is to in-crease our effectiveness in the sacred magical work. I will teach further of The Holy Shemmah Medallion later in this volume. The first thing we must do is prepare the student's mind to be awakened to the higher mys-teries by revealing the Book of Thoth. The preservation of Thoth's great wisdom was accomplished by inscribing the hieroglyphic symbols into a deck of cards known as Tarot or Taro. It is written that the Magi first preserved the symbols of Thoth in pictures or illustrations. The Gypsies helped to preserve the Taro from generation to generation. While the Tarot cards are generally used as a medium of psychic readings or divination, There is a great deal of hidden knowledge in their symbolism. The Tarot contains pictures of the story of humankind, and if used according to a special formula of observation, can unlock the door to our higher awareness. Special attention should be given to the 22 major arcana to do this. The 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet are in harmony with the 22 cards we shall consider, and I must admonish the student that it is extreme-ly important to follow the instructions set forth in this chapter as it will set in motion the inner abilities of achieving power in life. You may wish to obtain your own deck of Tarot Cards for suggested meditations. However, I have included illustrations of the 22 cards in this chapter for your convenience. If you do purchase a deck, I suggest you obtain the Rider Tarot Deck. You must be relaxed and alone when meditating according to my instructions. Read the 22 words of power, with their prescribed scripture as re-corded in the 119th. Psalm in the Holy Bible. ALEPH - The Fool Psalm 119: 1-8 Aleph means strength of spirit. The Fool walks towards the edge of a cliff but seems obli-vious to danger. He holds a white flower in his left hand under a white sun, and looks towards the sky. This is sym-bolic of man who came from God (the Sun), and is part of God (the flower), ever gazing upward in search of the source of his being. One thing worthy of notice is that he looks in the opposite direction of the Sun (man's present nature inclines him away from God until he is regenerated). The Pool is the true self, stepping out into matter. As the spirit be-gins its long journey into material manifestation, it leaves the high place (notice the white moun-tains). However, it is followed by a white dog which is symbolic of the inner mind, always trying to get our attention, ever ready to serve us. BETH - The Magician Psalm 119: 9-16 Beth means house. The higher self observes the manifestation of his exist-ence: on the table are the four symbolic tools of Magic. The Wand, symbolic of the element of Fire; The Cup, symbolic of the element of Water; The Sword, symbolic of the ele-ment of Air; and the Pentacle, symbolic of the element of Earth. In front of the table is a bush of lilies, and roses. This is symbolic of development through all experiences, for Christ said, "I am the lily of the valley" (low place-the valley), "and the rose of sharon"(high place-sharon). The Magic-ian holds a white scroll which he points to the heavens. This is symbolic of holding on to the Light of higher understanding. With the other hand he points to the Earth which means he re-cognizes the presence of God everywhere, even in physical matter. St. Anthony, upon "being asked what books he read to attain such power, pointed to the heavens and to the earth and said, "these are my books”. Above the magician's head is the number eight written horizontally. This reveals the intended harmony between the conscious and subconscious mind. Eight symbolizes the occult axiom. "As above, so below" as it is in heaven so may it be on earth. Remember, Beth means house. Beth-El (Bethel) means the House of God, and you are the Temple or House of God. GIMEL - The High Priestess Psalm 119: 17-24 Gimel means camel. In this card we see the sym-bolic images of Isis, the Virgin Mary, and Mother God. She holds a scroll on which the word Tora (the law) is written. It is partially hidden, symbolic of the secret wisdom which is hidden within the faculties of the inner mind. The High Priest-ess sits in the temple between two pillars: a black one on her right and a white one on her left. The black pillar displays the letter B for Boaz, and is symbolic of your conscious mind. The white pillar displays the letter J for Jachin and is symbolic of your subconscious mind. The High Priestess in the center tells us that by going within through meditation, we create a condit-ion of harmony between our conscious and subcon-scious levels of awareness. When we think of the camel we visualize two humps, and this symbolism is contained in the two pillars as conscious and subconscious mind. The cross on her chest reveals that, above all, the way of the heart (love) is the means by which we accomplish this balance and harmony. DALETH - The Empress Psalm 119: 25-32 Daleth means door. Again we see the feminine principle in a different way: The Empress (your inner mind) rules over her house, and is symbolic of your subconscious becoming stronger and letting go of negative restrictions. At her right is a heart with the symbol of Venus (love) which again reminds us that the way of the heart is the means to achieve this state of being. She holds the golden scepter of the Divine Kingdom and wears a crown of 12 stars (symbolic of the qualities of the 12 Apostles within you). The Empress wears a string of pearls (as in "Pearls of Wisdom) which is symbolic of adorning ourselves with the beauty of wisdom. To her left is a tree that stands out from the rest; it is in the shape of a pinecone which is an ancient symbol for the Pineal Gland (the physical center for the Third Eye of psychic, vision). This reveals that by training ourselves to become receptive we are blessed with influences from higher levels of life. HEH - The Emperor Psalm 119: 33-40 Heh means window. It has been said, "the eyes are the window of the soul". When we have developed inner sight, we also see things differently in the outer world. The Emperor is symbolic of the conscious mind (masculine principle) awakening to an illuminated awareness. He sits on a throne of stone (symbolic of the Rock of Ages, or Truth). There are four Rams’ heads carved on the throne which reveals that by determination we uncover the mysteries of the elemental kingdom (the physical realm). The Emperor is one who rules the outer and the inner mind. In his left hand is the golden globe (inner mind). In his right hand is the Ankh, ancient Egyptian Cross of Life (outer mind). Meditation on the Emper-or gives power over our thoughts. VAU - The Hierophant Psalm 119: 41-48 Vau means nail. The Hierophant is symbolic of your superconscious mind or High Self. He sits on a throne between two pillars, two per-sons, and his face between two ribbons of gold on either side of his crown. All of the sym-bols just mentioned tell us that the superconscious mind is the prime factor of balance-and harmony between the conscious and sub-conscious mind as we develop on the path. It is also the nail that binds firm all levels of our mental awareness as one. Notice that on the robes of the two persons, one has lilies and the other has roses (review the card of The Magician). At the feet of the Hierophant are two keys which represent faith and love, with the master being hope of a higher life. His heart is crossed with a white strip with three crosses. His white shoes also bear the sign of the cross. This is symbolic of pure emotion and pure action in the physical kingdom. There are also four circles with cross-es at his feet which reveal mastery over the kingdom of the four elements. On the crown are three layers with three nails at the top, and he holds a triple cross in his left hand; We are again reminded of the oneness we must achieve in the expression of the three levels of mental awareness. The hierophant raises his right hand in the salutation of the adepts, symbolic of right action and initiation into the Fraternity of Light. His three upraised fingers are part of one hand and signify the trinity, or three in one. ZAIN - The Lovers Psalm 119: 49-56 Zain means sword. In this card we notice two humans, male and female, with an angel between and above them. The woman looks towards the angel while the man looks towards the woman. Symbolically, the man represents the conscious mind. The woman represents the subconscious mind, and the angel represents the superconscious mind or high self. The con-scious (man) must go within to create harmony with the subconscious (woman), which looks to the superconscious (the angel) to channel inspiration into everyday consciousness. This is the way our mental levels work. The woman is symbolic of the subconscious mind and the sympathetic ner-vous system; this is illustrated by the tree be-hind her: the serpent is raised up on the tree which is a sign of regeneration ("as Moses lifted up the serpent...so must the Son of Man he lifted up" St. John 3:14). There are four fruits on the tree, symbolic of the fact that by creating a state of harmony within, we become our own master in the four worlds (the physical world, the astral or emotional world, the mental world and the spiritual world). Behind the man is a tree with twelve fruits, symbolic of developing the Apostolic Qualities within us ("the Tree of Life, which bare twelve manner of fruit" Revelation 22:2). Since Zain means sword we think of the double edged sword of the word of God ("and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword" Revelation 1:16 ). .When we reach the state of love -between the levels of our mental awareness, we are given the sacred sword "Excalibur" which divides the real from the unreal. CHETH - The Chariot Psalm 119:57-64 Cheth means fenced field. A most interesting feature of this card is the Sphinx. On the right side of the driver is the black sphinx (conscious mind). On the left is the white sphinx (the subconscious mind). The sphinx is a symbol of great wisdom, therefore, this card reveals the state of wisdom which the total mind ascends into. The driver is the high self. On his chest is a square amulet that is symbolic of even balance between our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual natures. On his head is the eight-pointed star, symbolic of regeneration. The red symbol that resembles a top on the front of the chariot is an ancient one that represents the balance of sexual energy. Above is the Winged Sun which is another symbol for regeneration. The blue drape with stars above the driver represents mystic knowledge. This card reveals that the field of mental activity should be protected (fenced field) by the high self. TETH- Strength Psalm 119: 65-72 Teth means serpent. The serpent is symbolic of wisdom, either regenerated or unregenerated. The animal on the corresponding card is not the serpent but the lion. I will reveal why: in the origin-al story of Adam and Eve, the word translated into serpent is Nachash. The word for the Deliverer or Christ is Nechesk. The same wisdom which is evil in an unregenerated state, becomes the Saviour when regenerated. The scriptures do not refer to the serpent as a symbol for evil alone, but also the symbol of wisdom (be wise as serpents) and sacred pow-er (as Moses lifted up the serpent, so must the Son of Man be lifted up). On the card we find the lion, also called the king of beasts. However, the lion is tamed by the woman in white. This is symbolic of allowing the subconscious mind to tame the beastly nature (carnality) of the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is gentle and pure in its proper state. It also has access to the high self so that it is able to channel wisdom and inspiration to the liberated individual. The woman wears white which is symbolic for purity. Around her waist and head are garlands of red and green, symbolic of inner development and refinement of the appetites. Above her head is the num-ber eight in the same position as above the magi-cian's, symbolic of a new beginning through achieving a state of harmony. YOD - The Hermit Psalm 119: 73-80 Yod means hand. A hermit is a person who dwells alone. The symbolism of this card has more than on in-terpretation. For example, the hermit walks on top of a white mountain, which means our soul is moving upward in search for higher consciousness. When we search for God, we may (and often do) walk the path alone, asa hermit. Another way to interpret this card is to see the hermit as the superconscious level of mental awareness, standing at the summit and holding the light of truth to guide our steps upward. In the lantern we see the sacred symbol of the six pointed star which is formed from two triangles: one pointing up, the other pointing down. This symbol represents the unity we must achieve between the lower and higher expressions of our being. The hermit holds the staff, symbolic of control over the flow of energy within the spinal canal. The word hand (Yod) corresponds to this card because the hands, of the hermit seem to be an out-standing feature of action: the right hand holds the light, the left hand holds the staff. KAPH - The Wheel of Fortune Psalm 119: 81-88 Kaph means grasping hand. We will consider this card from its center. The central wheel has four spokes with alchemical symbols: the spoke to the left has the symbol of salt (conscios and physical); to the right is the symbol of sulphur (sub-conscious and emotional); The upper spoke has the symbol of mercury (super- conscious and mental); The lower has the symbol of Aquarius (spiritual flow or secret process). The Alchemists were said to use the three sub-stances of salt, sulphur and mercury (quick silver). By a secret process they would combine these to produce the "Philosopher!s Stone" which would magically transform lead into gold (change the lower nature of man into the higher spiritual state). The four spokes that cross each other like the letter X are symbolic of the physical kingdom. Within the outer circle are four Hebrew Letters that, together, represent the word Tetragrammaton. This word is said to contain ana conceal the unspeakable name of God. Between the Hebrew Letters are the Roman Letters R.O.T.A. They represent a sentence in broken Latin, "Rota Orat'Tora Ator" which means "the Tarot reveals the laws of life". At the top of the wheel sits the Sphinx, symbol of all wisdom in all dimensions, holding the sword which divides the real from the unreal. At the bottom of the wheel a human figure with the head of a Jackal floats in mid air and carries the symbol on its back. To the left of the wheel is the serpent of divine wisdom mani-festing within physical matter. The three symbols also represent the three alchemical substances of salt, sulphur and mercury. In the four corners of the card are the symbols of the four elements: the Ox for Earth, the Lion for Fire, the Eagle for Air, and Man for Water. This card seems to be the sum total of the existence and potential of every person. The words "grasping hand" are associated because it reveals that if we grasp the symbolism of the card, we are blessed. LAMED - Justice Psalm 119: 89-96 Lamed means whip or ox-goad. The common symbol for Justice is a blindfolded per-son with a sword in one hand and scales in the other. However, the person m this card is not blindfolded, which means that this repre-sents the higher justice of the Divine Consciousness that sees all. There are two pillars: the one to his left behind the scales is the pillar of the Uni-versal Law. The one behind the sword is the pillar of the Divine Word. Therefore, divine justice is built upon the law and the word of God. The word "whip" is associated to reveal that divine justice may drive us into situations by which we purge ourselves from past mistakes and karmic debts; we must right all wrongs and heal all wounds in this, or another lifetime. When we go through difficult situations and seem to "be getting a subtle message from it all, it is divine justice helping us to clean the books by reaping what we have sown. The crown has three squares, symbolic of balanced harmony between the three levels of mental awareness. MEM - The Hanged Man Psalm 119: 97-104 Mem means water. The man is suspended from a tree, which appears to have been cut in half, and one half laid in a horizontal position across the vertical other half. This is the symbol of the "Tau Cross", one of the most ancient, versions of the cross. In some of the ancient mystery schools, the Tau Cross -was made on the forehead of new students with oil or ashes. In some ancient cultures, a Tau Cross was handed to a person who found mercy in a court and was forgiven of a crime. The atti-tude of the hanged man is positive, for he has a brilliant light around his head which indicates spiritual thinking. His hair has the appearance of flowing water (Mem). Therefore, the outer symbolism of the hanged man reveals a state of willful submission to hanging upside down, but the esoteric meaning reveals more: If we observe the thinking of mass humanity, we quickly realize that anyone who thinks spiritually, with complete sincerity, is thinking in reverse of the accept-ed way or thinking (upside down). Such a one is often scorned for their beliefs and branded as weird or too old fashioned. However, they are symbolically attached to the Tau Cross (symbol of forgiveness) which means that because of their willful submission to spiritual thinking (symbolized by water), they are pardoned of all past errors. The man's legs are in the form of the Tau Cross ( if you lock at him right side up). This reminds us that he is a willing victim (willingly trains his mind to think in reverse of the masses). His hands are behind his back, which means he has ceased from the mass form of actions in life, and acts in a hidden level unperceived by the average world. NUN - Death. Psalm 119: 105-112 Nun means fish. The reason that the word "fish" was chosen to corres-pond to this card is because the fish is an esoteric sym-bol for change. Another word for death is transition or change. Nothing ever really dies-it only changes form. The figure of the skeleton of death riding on a white horse not a symbol of evil; this card is symbolic of the death of old destructive ideas and beliefs. The dead king with his crown removed from his head is symbolic of the rule of the carnal con-sciousness, being the first thing that must die. The child and the woman kneel, and the woman looks away. This is symbolic of the death of childish pettiness or spiritual immaturity. The woman looking away is symbolic of the subcon-scious mind having to let go of destructive ideas that have been programmed into it by repetition, over a long period of error. She looks away be-cause she does not wish to face death. The sub-conscious mind is reluctant, at first, to release old habits and ideas. The bishop stands, praying for mercy, symbolic of the fact that the last thing to die is a person's false religious convictions. These false concepts are the most difficult to dispose of. In the background is the Sun, rising between two pillars or towers. The rising Sun is symbolic of the truth that with change come the resurrection of a new life. The towers are symbolic of harmony between the two mental levels, conscious and subconscious. The white flower on the black flag is a version of the Rose and Cross, and reveals that we must die out to the limitation of human exist-ence so that we may resurrect to state of purifi-cation. There are three layers of five petals, each which reveal that by the purification of our five senses we also purify our physical, emotional and mental vehicles. Another interesting thought about the word "Nun" is that Joshua was called the son of Nun. The Hebrew name of Joshua means deliverer. He was the helper of Moses, and when Moses died he took over the task of leading Israel to the promised land. The Greek name that corresponds to Joshua is Jesus. With the passing of the first law (the death of Moses), Joshua took over the great task. With the dawning of a new age (the Age of Pisces-the fish), Jesus was the deliverer to initiate true seekers of the path to a higher state of awareness (the Promised Land). It is no accident that Nun means fish and that Jesus the Christ (Joshua in Hebrew) be-gan his work at the dawn of the age of Pisces (the Fish). The symbol of the fish represented change-the introduction of the New Covenant. SAMECH - Temperance Psalm 119: 113-120 Samech means support. On this card we behold a mighty angel pouring water from one cup into another. This is symbolic of harmony and a flowing unity between our conscious and subcon-scious levels of mental awareness (the cups being symbols of these levels). The water is symbolic of spiritual thought. The angel is symbolic of the superconscious level of awareness, which, at this stage of development is in control of the other levels of mind. On the angel's forehead is a golden circle, which reveals the opening of the third eye. On his chest is a white square with a golden triangle that reveals purity of life within the kingdom of the four elements, and the revelation of our individual trinity as body, mind and spirit. In addition, the four sides of the square and the three sides of the triangle add up to seven that is a sacred number. The angel stands with one foot in water, and the other on land-another symbol for balance between our physical and spiritual sides of nature. We experience support from higher realms of life when we use temperance or create balance between our physical and spiritual selves. AYIN - The Devil Psalm 119: 121-128 Ayin means eye. Evil is a reality that exists and endures only by the energy it receives from man's negative thoughts, emotions and deeds. One may ask why the word ‘eye’ is connected to this card. The answer is that man sees things in a distorted con-sciousness. In other words,, he misinterprets what he sees so as to be in a condition of error. The word ‘evil’ spelled backwards is ‘live’. The word devil spelled backwards is ‘lived’. This re-veals that most people live or have lived life backwards. There is an old saying: "believe only half of what you see". Most of us, even after having attained a certain degree of development, may still be confused about the appearance of things. The Greek word for devil is ‘diabolos’, meaning one who lies and throws blocks in the way. I wish to call your attention to an unusual correspondence: In the card of The Lovers the man and woman stand in front of trees with the angel of the High Self between them. Notice that in the card of The Devil, the trees have transformed into tails on the man and woman. This is sym-bolic of falling back into erroneous sense con-sciousness, or negative ways. They have horns, symbolic of misuse of thought. Around their necks are chains that bind them to the seat of the devil and this reveals misuse of the spoken word (the word come through the throat). The devil represents the misapplied power of higher consciousness. At the top of the devil's head is the inverted penta-gram (the five pointed star upside down). The pentagram is a symbol for the Christed man when the one point is pointing up. But when inverted, it becomes the symbol of antichrist, or the misuse of the Universal Life Force. We can sum up the meaning of this card as a warning not to misuse the power of our development. The student must be aware of the possibilities of falling back into negative ways. A person may advance to a great degree on the path, then find themselves going through inner conflicts and problems in everyday life. They will, at this point, be tempted to think, speak and act in a negative manner. The person may even slip and fall back for a time. However, it is very important that one does not remain in this condition. We must realize the illusion of evil and force our-selves out of its grip. PEH - The Tower Psalm 119: 129-136 Peh means mouth. In our consideration of the last card (the devil) we realized how old negative habits may try to reassert themselves. This card of The Tower gives the same re-velation in a different- way. The tower is symbolic of the "Tower of Babel"(confusion). There are elements of con-sciousness within us, which try to force their way into a state of harmony without giving up their grip on negativity. This is revealed in the story of the Tower of Babel, as recorded in the eleventh chapter of the Book of Genesis. The people tried to build a tower to heaven. The tower is symbolic of the illusions of the false ego. It is said that God destroyed the tower and the people were scattered. In this card, the people are symbolic of negative cell consciousness and false concepts. The lightening (the High Self) strikes the tower, casting down its crown (false mental concepts) and the people (negative cell consciousness). Around one person is twelve flames; around the other are ten flames. This totals twenty-two, and is symbolic of overcoming our negative hindrances through consideration of the twenty-two keys of life (which you are considering in this lesson). The word mouth is connected with this card because we achieve this victory over negativity through the power of the spoken word, or by dynamic affirmations of positive faith. TZADDI - The Star Psalm 119: 137-144. Tzaddi means fish hook. The Superconscious mind appears as a woman in this card. She has her right foot- in the water (symbolic of spiritual thought), and kneeling on her left knee upon dry ground. She pours water from two pitchers (symbolic of the conscious and subconscious). This resembles the card of Temperance, and the scene reveals the principle of balance. From the pitcher in her left hand she pours water on the earth and the water breaks up into five streams, symbolic of the purified five senses. From the pitcher in her right hand she pours water into a larger body of water, symbolic of the purified subconscious mind contributing a portion of its developed wisdom to the mass consciousness, or universal subconscious mind. There is a tree in the background that breaks out into three main branches, symbolic of the mind, divided into three levels-yet one, as the three branches come from one trunk. Above the tree is a bird, believed to be the legendary Phoenix-symbol of regeneration. There are seven small eight-pointed stars, which represent the awakened seven psychic centers within man. In the center is a large eight-pointed star, symbolic of us reaching a state of unity with all levels of our being. The eight-pointed star is a symbol of regeneration and immortality. I also wish to mention that her knee upon the earth is symbolic of the virtue of humility in our life. The term ‘fish hook’ is connected to this card because it reveals that by developing the qual-ities illustrated in the card, we may capture the fish (another symbol for Christ) for our own. These twenty-two symbols reveal the same story of human searching for answers to life's mysteries. The same truths are revealed repeatedly through different symbols, until they impregnate all levels of consciousness. Now, let us consider the next card. KOPH - The Moon Psalm 119: 145-152 Koph means back of the head. The moon has a bright side and a dark side. As it rotates we see, at one point, half of the bright and half of the dark; this we eall a half moon. When the dark side faces us, it becomes invisible, yet it is there. As we contemplate the cycles of the moon in a mystic way, we realize that darkness is often symbolic of the hidden wisdom in the studies of occultism (the word ‘occult’ means something that is hidden). Around the moon on the card are thirty two rays of light, symbolic of the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom, as embodied in the twenty two cards that we are considering and the Ten Emanations of God (I reveal the Ten Mani-festations of God in the first chapter of my book "The Final Solution"). Ancient mystics illustrated the Thirty-Two Paths of Wisdom in a symbol called "The Tree of Life”. Therefore, this card reveals that by comprehension of the Tree of Life we awaken the dynamic potentials within the hidden chamber (back of the head) of our inner mind. The moon is symbolic of our intuitive faculties or subconscious mind. The two pillars in this card represent balance between the seen and the unseen: in the foreground is the seen, and in the background is the unseen (illustrated by the mountains). Prom the water (the Universal Consciousness) a lobster emerges. This is symbolic of having a firm grip on both sides of life (the seen and the unseen). The grass is symbolic of development within our physical existence. A bright path leads from the water to the mountains, symbolic of the spiritual path within. On one side of the path is the wolf (a symbol of the devil, or the blocks which sometimes hinder our spiritual progress), and on the other side is a dog (the dog is a symbol of God's power, present with us in physical life). The dog has been called man's best friend. In esoteric teachings, wisdom is sometimes cloaked in obvious symbolism: the reason some teachers use a dog as a symbol of the God-Power is simple: The word ‘dog’ spelled backwards is God. Under the moon are fifteen flames. When you add 1+ 5 you get 6, symbolic of the six days of creation. When you have done your best in developing your full potential you can look forward to the seventh day of rest, when you look upon all the things you have become through your sincere efforts, and see that it is good. There is something else that I wish to point out about the dog and the wolf. Both of them look, and appear to be howling at the moon. This reveals that all experiences contribute towards the awakening of our inner mind. Bad events can be blessings in disguise for they prompt us to pray more and try harder. The positive events give us the added energy and reward for our efforts. RESH - The Sun Psalm 119: 153-160 Resh means face. As the moon is symbolic of the awakened inner mind, the sun is symbolic of illum-inated reason in the conscious mind. The moon has no light of its own but reflects the light of the sun. What this means is that we make conscious effort towards selfmastery, and as we do so the spiritual think-ing of our conscious mind will shine and reflect on our subconscious. As these two levels of our mental awareness work in harmony they eliminate negativity from our lives. The word Resh means face or front of the head (the word correspond-ing to the moon meant back of the head). Resh means the conscious awareness that we are most familiar with. Since the card of the Sun cor-responds to this word, we see that it reveals the glorified or illuminated conscious awareness. On this card the sun has a human face which is a clue that you are to picture your face within the sun. The child on the card is symbolic of reaching a state of the new birth or a transformed life. "Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven" St. Matthew 18:3 On the child's head are six circles, symbolic of the purified five senses and the awakened sixth sense. The feather rising from the child's head represents the awakened cosmic fire of the Holy Spirit. The child sits on horse, symbolic of soberness and tranquility. There are eight layers of masonry upon which are four sunflowers: this symbol reveals that by uniting that which is below with that which is above we develop our power within the four worlds, or realms of exist-ence (Physical, astral or emotional, mental and spiritual). Notice that three of the sunflowers are grouped together-they represent the astral, mental and spiritual worlds. The sunflower by itself to the right represents the physical world. Notice that a flag or banner on a pole comes between this sunflower and the other. This reveals that there is a veil of mystery which separates the seen from the unseen. However, we also notice that the child has his hand on the flagpole, and this reveals that the spiritually minded per-son may lift the veil and see beyond. SHIN - The Judgment Psalm 119: 161-168. Shin means tooth. When an infant begins to develop, it starts cutting teeth. The tooth, causing a great deal of soreness to the gum, emerges (resurrects) and becomes an important faculty of taking food into the body. Remember-Shin means tooth. In the judgment card we behold the scene of the resurrection; this is the resurrection of the righteous because the people raise their hands in welcome and praise. Notice that the coffins float on water. This reveals that by spiritual thought we resurrect the hidden spiritual qualities of our being; they have been hindered (as though dead in a coffin), but now they are free (resur-rected). There is a man, a woman and a child in both the foreground and the background of the scene. This is symbolic of the illuminated conscious mind (father), the illuminated subconscious mind (mother), and the transformed (reborn) personality (child). The pair of trinities reveal that this awakening (resurrection) is taking place in both the physical and spiritual sides of life. There are white mountains, indicat-ing that we are arising into higher realms of consciousness. The angel Gabriel blows his trumpet, symbolic of the "Clarion Call" to ascend into higher consciousness. On his trum-pet is a flag with a cross, revealing that we may achieve victory over death (illusion) even while in the physical world. TAU - The World Psalm 119: 169-176. Tau means mark or cross. In the center of this card, the figure appears to be dancing with legs arranged like the hanged man. The lady is clothed with a violet loin cloth, symbolic of control of the veil that separates the seen from the unseen. She holds two wands of light, sym-bolic of balance between the conscious and sub-conscious mind. A wreath surrounds her. symbolic of the circle of eternity: the number of The Pool is 0 as he represents the eternal past, when man left the high place and descended into lower realms. The person in the card of The World represents the regenerated person, now living within the Lav of the eternal circle from which he departed, and has now returned. In the four corners of the card are the symbols of the four elements. The legs form the Tau Cross, and the upper and lower binding on the wreath form and early sign of the Cross. These reveal the hidden and mysterious symbol of the Rosy Cross, for out of the cross (the limitation of physical existence), the Rose (the True Self) emerges. Frequent meditation upon the 22 symbolic cards and the corresponding letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (the 22 words of power), will bring an inner awakening to the consciousness of the faithful student. You will discover for yourself by personal practice that these cards contain the symbolic keys of the Book of Thoth. It is wise to read the prescribed verses of the 119th. Psalm for each card before you medi-tate on the card. The illustrations on the cards are symbolic of states of conscious through which we pass in the quest for self-discovery and mastery. Therefore, visualize yourself in the cards, acting out the drama of unfoldment in your imagination. We use our conscious mind to look at the cards, but the symbols register on the subconscious, and event-ually our reflections awaken our higher mind to an advanced degree. I suggest that you use these symbols according to the instructions in this chapter three times before doing the following talismanic work, for better results. 3- INSTRUCTIONS FOR MOSES' MAGICAL ART What follows are simple instructions for working with the Magic of Moses intended for the student who wishes to use this power to im-prove his or her life. It is not necessary to perform the complicated ceremonial rituals described in the texts rendered by magicians of the middle ages. Such rituals are only used by individuals who may not be pure in their intent-ions, therefore they take great care to protect themselves, as such people must invoke negative spirits to fulfill their selfish designs. What I teach is the sacred magical work which a person of pure intention may perform in a simple manner. My teaching in the first part of this book was to purify and prepare you for this special work, and you will be working with positive spirits of God. Follow these instructions and you will feel a wonderful power being liber-ated from within you. This power will help you in many ways. The following rituals are simple yet powerful, practical yet sacred. Treat them with reverence and secrecy. To speak of these things to people who do not believe is a waste of time and energy. Furthermore, your work will be more effective if you keep it a secret. Others may hinder you if they know too much of your work. Your secrecy will be the key to your advancement and magnetic personal power. THE BEST TIME FOR THIS WORK: The most important time to observe in this work is that you must absolutely do this only during the seven days before a full Moon or at the time of the full Moon. Other than this, you may perform your ritual work at any time of the day that will afford you uninterrupted privacy. However, it is best to do this work between midnight and dawn as this is a quiet period of time. The most important thing is to work at the time which is best for you. The only thing I insist upon is that you observe the full Moon period already mentioned. SPIRITUAL PREPARATION: Thirteen days of preparation sire required before starting this work. The thirteen day period should be just before the full Moon period so you will not have to wait until the following month. Your spiritual preparation require doing the following things: 1. Prepare an alter. This does not have to be an elaborate alter; it can be the top of a dresser, table or desk where you will work. You will place the required items on the alter when you are per-forming your work, then put them away when you are finished (unless you live alone and can set up a permanent alter). This area must be clean. The important thing is to build your magnetic energy into that area during this thirteen day preparation. Each day you are to devote at least fifteen to thirty minutes at your alter. I will teach you what to do during this time, but first we will consider how the alter should be arranged. Secure and prepare the following items as follows. b

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