Out Door Noise Propagation

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Outdoor sound propagation is affected by source geometry, meteorological conditions, atmospheric absorption, terrain, and obstructions. Models like TNM and ISO 9613 are used to predict propagation over long ranges.

Outdoor propagation is more complex due to changing meteorological conditions, atmospheric absorption, terrain variations, and other environmental factors. Sound can propagate much farther outdoors than indoors.

Factors that affect outdoor propagation include source type, wind and temperature variations, atmospheric absorption, terrain type and contours, and obstructions like buildings and vegetation.


Outdoor Sound Propagation



10.1 Introduction

Have you ever wondered why distant thunder sounds like a low rumble, while close
thunder sounds more like a crackling explosion?

Have you ever wondered why you can sometimes at night, hear distant sounds (like a
train) that you cannot hear during the day?

These are but two interesting examples of outdoor sound propagation. Up to this point in this
course, you have dealt with short range, time invariant propagation in a uniform medium.
However, the outdoor environment is anything but uniform. Changing meteorological
conditions can easily cause fluctuations in sound levels by 10-20 dB over time periods of
minutes. The longer the transmission path, the larger are the fluctuations in levels. Outdoor
sound propagation is affected by many mechanisms, including:
a) Source geometry and type (point, line, coherent, incoherent)
b) Meteorological conditions (wind and temperature variations, atmospheric turbulence)
c) Atmospheric absorption of sound
d) Terrain type and contour (ground absorption of sound, reflections)
e) Obstructions (buildings, barriers, vegetation, etc)
In this lesson, these basic mechanisms will be explained and quantified. After completion of
this lesson, the reader should be able to explain why thunder sounds different at a distance, or the
train can be heard under some conditions and not others. Basic tools and techniques are
provided to predict sound propagation over long ranges outdoors.
The successful outdoor noise consultant needs five things:
1) Measurement equipment (octave band sound level meter, perhaps a long term monitor)
2) Noise control techniques (such as barriers, damping materials, enclosures, mufflers and
3) A goal what is a good level (from regulations, resident opinions, etc.)
4) A good understanding of the physical mechanisms and a basic prediction model (the subject
of this unit)
5) Rain gear

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


10.2 Review of Hemispherical Sound Propagation

You should recall from Section 5, for a point source in a loss-less medium with no reflections,
that the sound intensity is related to power and range by:
p 2 (r )

Equation 1
4r 2

I = acoustic intensity (watts/m2)

p(r) = sound pressure at radial distance r (N/m2)
r = distance from the source in meters
W = sound power (watts)
c = acoustic impedance (rayls)

In terms of sound levels, this translates to:

Wref c
Lp Lw 20 log r 10 log

Pref 4

Equation 2

where: LW = sound power level (dB re 10-12 watts)

LP = sound pressure level (dB re 2x10-5 N/m2)
for c = 400 mks rayls, the last term on the right becomes 11 dB.
(10.83 dB for c = 415 rayls)

Lp Lw 20 log r 11 (dB)

Equation 3

Another useful form of this equation, comparing sound pressure levels at two different ranges, is:
Equation 4
Lp1 Lp 2 20 log 2 (dB)
Using this equation, you can easily show the often quoted result that sound levels decay by 6 dB
per doubling of distance from a point source.
If the source is directional, an additional term, the Directivity Index DI, is needed to account for
the uneven distribution of the sound intensity as a function of direction. The Directivity Index is
the difference between the actual sound pressure, and the sound pressure from a non-directional
point source with the same total acoustic power. It can be determined experimentally, or
calculated for a limited number of analytical cases, such as a piston in a baffle (a decent
approximation of a loudspeaker), a piston in the end of a long tube (engine exhaust). Reference:
Acoustics, L. Beranek, McGraw-Hill, 1954.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


DI Directivity Index (dB) 10 log10 Q

Q Directivity Factor

I mean


where : P rms sound pressure at angle for the directional source

Ps rms sound pressure of a non - directional point source radiating the same total power
For an omni-directional source radiating into free space, DI = 0 dB. If that same source is
situated directly on a perfectly reflecting surface (hemispherical radiation), DI = 3 dB.

Our general purpose propagation equation without reflection is then:

Lp Lw 20 log r 11 DI


Equation 5

10.3 Propagation in a Real Atmosphere Excess Attenuation Model

In a real atmosphere, the sound propagation deviates from spherical due to a number of factors,
including absorption of sound in air, non-uniformity of the propagation medium due to
meteorological conditions (refraction and turbulence), and interaction with an absorbing ground
and solid obstacles (such as barriers). We will now extend Equation 5 to account for
atmospheric absorption and all other effects by introducing the concept of Excess Attenuation,
defined as:
Excess Attenuation, AE - the total attenuation in addition
to that due to spherical divergence and atmospheric

Lp Lw 20 log r 11 DI Aabs AE (dB)

Equation 6

where : Aabs atmospheric absorption, see section 2.2.1 (dB)

r distance from source to receiver (meters)
AE excess attenuation (dB)
The total excess attenuation AE (dB) is a combination of all effects:
AE Aweather Aground Aturbulence Abarrier Avegetation any other effects...

Equation 7

These terms will be quantified in subsequent sections.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


10.3.1 Atmospheric Absorption - Aabs

Sound energy is dissipated in air by two major mechanisms:

Viscous losses due to friction between air molecules which results in heat generation
(called classical absorption)
Relaxational processes sound energy is momentarily absorbed in the air molecules and
causes the molecules to vibrate and rotate. These molecules can then re-radiate sound at
a later instant (like small echo chambers) which can partially interfere with the incoming
These mechanisms have been extensively studied, empirically quantified, and codified into an
international standard for calculation: ANSI Standard S1-26:1995, or ISO 9613-1:1996.
For a standard pressure of one atmosphere, the absorption coefficient (in dB/100m) can be
calculated as a function of frequency f (Hz), temperature T (degrees Kelvin) and molar
concentration of water vapor h (%) by:
1/ 2
5 / 2

e 2239.1 / T
e 3352 / T
11 T
869 f 1.84 10 0.01275

Equation 8
Fr ,O f 2 / Fr ,O
Fr , N f 2 / Fr , N


0.02 h
Fr ,O 24 4.04 10 4 h
Oxygen relaxation frequency (Hz) Equation 9
0.391 h

T 1 / 3

1 / 2


Fr , N 9 280h e
Nitrogen relaxation frequency (Hz) Equation 10


T0 293.15 K (20 C)

To calculate the actual attenuation due to atmospheric absorption Aabs (dB) for a given
propagation range for use in Equation 6:
Aabs r / 100 (dB)

Equation 11

where : absorption coefficent (dB/100m) from Eq. 5

r range (meters)
A plot of the absorption coefficient for air at 20 degrees C and 70% relative humidity is shown in
Figure 1 (ref. ANSI standard S1.26). The predominant mechanism of absorption (the classical
and rotational relaxation) is proportional to the square of frequency. The vibration relaxation
effect depends on the relaxation frequencies of the gas constituents (O and N) and is highly
dependent on the relative humidity. Figure 2 shows the relation of humidity. It is interesting to
note that absorption generally decreases with increasing humidity. The exception is totally dry
air, which has the least absorption.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


Figure 1. Predicted atmospheric

absorption in dB/100m for a
pressure of 1 atm, temperature of
20C and relative humidity of 70%

Figure 2. Sound absorption coefficient in air (dB/100) versus frequency for various relative
humidities at 20C.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


Homework: implement a computer program, or spreadsheet to calculate the absorption coefficient.

Check your program with the following values:
T (C)
Humidity (%)

10.3.2 Meteorological Conditions - Aweather

Effects of Wind
Over open ground, substantial vertical wind velocity gradients commonly exist due to friction
between the moving air and the ground. Wind speed profiles are strongly dependent on the time
of day, weather conditions and the nature of the surface. The wind speed, in the absence of
turbulence, typically varies logarithmically up to a height of 30 to 100 meters, then negligibly
thereafter. As a result of this velocity gradient (and the resulting change in sound velocity which
it causes), a sound wave propagating in the direction of the wind will be bent downward. In the
upwind direction the sound speed decreases with altitude, sound waves are directed upward,
away from the ground, forming a shadow zone into which no direct sound penetrates (Figure
3). This process is called refraction, whereby the path of sound waves curves in the direction of
the lower sound velocity. The radius of curvature of the sound path is inversely proportional to
the velocity gradient. Sound always refracts toward the lower sound speed.

Figure 3. Refractive effects caused by wind

Temperature Effects
A similar refractive effect results from vertical temperature gradients. The speed of
sound in air is proportional to the square root of absolute temperature by the relation:
Equation 12
c 20.05 T e / p
where :

T absolute temperature K
e partial pressure of water vapor (psi)
p barometric pressure (psia)

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


The minor dependence on humidity is usually neglected since large humidity gradients are not a
common event in the atmosphere.
In the presence of a temperature gradient, the effect is to refract sound waves in the direction of
lower sound velocity (in this case, the lower temperature). Typical temperature profiles are
shown in Figure 4. A common atmospheric occurrence is a negative temperature gradient
(temperature decreases with altitude). This is typical of a sunny afternoon, when significant
solar insolation causes high surface temperatures and significant heat transfer from the ground to
the adjacent air. This event is also known in meteorological terms as a superadiabatic or positive
lapse. In this situation, sound waves will be bent upward in all directions from the source,
forming a circular shadow zone. The reverse situation often occurs at night, when a positive
gradient is common. This is caused by the rapid cooling of air at the surface as heat is now
absorbed by the ground. This is called an inversion or negative lapse and the sound waves are
bent downward. This phenomena explains why sound sometimes travels much better at night,
because it is focused along the ground instead of radiating upward.
For completeness of meteorological terminology, a neutral (or statically stable) atmosphere is
defined as one in which the temperature decreases at the dry adiabatic rate (-0.98C/100 meters).
In a neutral atmosphere, buoyant effects are balanced by gravity and there is no upward or
downward convection. It should be noted that this is not the same as a non-refractive medium.
In order to attain straight sound paths (no refraction), the atmosphere must have a constant
temperature (isothermal). Temperature gradients greater than 9.8C/100m are called positive
lapse or superadiabatic, while gradients less than this value are called negative lapse or inversion.

Figure 4. Refraction of sound with temperature gradients a) on left, normal

lapse rate (decreasing temperature with altitude) b) on right, inverted lapse
rate (temperature increases with altitude)

Determining excess attenuation due to refractive effects is not an easy task. Complex models
that allow the user to specify the sound speed as a function of altitude are needed, such as ray
tracing. Refractive effects can cause both increases and decreases in sound levels compared to a
uniform medium. One common approach is to calculate the sound level assuming no refraction,
on the assumption that this probably represents a good prediction of the equivalent, or time
averaged sound level that would be observed.
It is extremely important to understand refraction in order to make reliable sound measurements.
An unscrupulous consultant can take advantage of refraction to make measurements which are
J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


the most favorable to whatever side he or she is representing. If you want the observed levels to
be low, measure on a hot sunny afternoon, or upwind from the source. If you want levels that are
more representative of the equivalent sound level, measure when the refractive effects are at a
minimum on a calm, overcast day or evening.

10.3.3 Ground Interaction - Aground

The surface over which sound propagates can seldom be considered perfectly rigid or totally
reflective (with the possible exceptions of open water, ice, or concrete). Typical soil surfaces
with or without vegetation tend to absorb energy from incident acoustic waves. Accurate
prediction of ground effects requires knowledge of the absorptive and reflective properties (the
acoustic impedance) of the surface.
The ground surface itself also provides a significant path for transmission of acoustic energy,
particularly at low grazing angles and low frequencies. Incident acoustic energy is transformed
into vibrational energy and is transmitted along the surface layer. This vibration disturbance can
propagate for long distances, before dissipating or re-radiating as sound. At long distances, the
transmission of low frequency sound can be dominated by this surface wave mechanism.

Figure 5 Geometry for reflection of sound from level ground with finite impedance

The behavior of sound propagation over ground of finite impedance is derived from analogy to
electromagnetic wave theory. The geometry for this situation is illustrated in Figure 5. When
airborne sound is incident on a locally reacting fluid, the transmitted wave is refracted at right
angles into the surface. The reflected portion of the wave leaves the surface at the angle of
incidence, with its amplitude and phase modified by the impedance of the surface. The reflected
wave propagates to the receiver, along with direct wave from the source. Depending on their
relative phases and amplitudes, they may constructively add or destructively interfere. In the
limit, for both source and receiver near the ground and perfect reflection and no atmospheric
turbulence (coherent addition), the sound level at the receiver will be increased by 6 dB (an
excess attenuation of 6dB). Effectively, the receiver sees two sources, the actual source, and a
reflected or image source and the sound pressure is doubled.
Using the electromagnetic wave theory, the governing equation for the pressure amplitude p at
the receiver, assuming a uniform medium (no refraction), over level ground is: [ref 3]

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation

R p ikrr
e ikrd
(1 R p ) e ikrr
p0 rd


Equation 13

where : R p plane wave reflection coefficient


sin -Z air / Z ground

sin Z air / Z ground

Z air characteristic impedance of air ( c) 415 N - sec/m 3 at 20C

Z ground complex impedance of ground, N - sec/m 3 , for a locally reacting surface,
assuming Delany and Bazley single parameter model (ref 4), where is the flow
resistivity of the surface in units of cgs rayls (dyne - sec/m 3 ) :
real component 1 9.08


imaginary component 11.9


f frequency (Hz)
rd path length for direct wav e

rr path length for reflected wave

angle of incidence and reflection

k wavenumber 2 f/c
p 0 sound pressure at one meter from the source in the absence of ground

p sound pressure at the receiver

F ground and surface wave amplitude factor (see ref. 3 for calculatio n procedure)
The first term in equation 13 is the direct wave, the second term describes a reflected wave, after
its amplitude and phase have been modified by the plane wave reflection coefficient. The third
term accounts for the difference between the reflection of a plane wave, and that of the actual
case of a spherical wave. In the terminology of electromagnetic wave propagation, this last term
is called the ground and surface wave.
This equation (Eq.13) provides an effective method to predict the excess attenuation due to
ground absorption if the surface impedance is known as a function of frequency. Measurements
of the impedance of various surfaces have been made and curve-fitting techniques applied to the
experimental results. While more complex models have been proposed, it has been found that it
is sufficient to use a single parameter, the flow resistivity of the surface, to describe the
absorptive properties of a surface. The flow resistivity model is only valid for surfaces of
constant porosity. Some typical values for different surfaces are shown in Table 1 [ref. 3].

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


Table 1. Flow resistivity values for various ground surfaces

Description of Surface
Dry, new fallen snow
Sugar snow
In forest, pine or hemlock
Grass, rough pasture
Roadside dirt, ill-defined, small rocks up to 10 cm
Sandy silt, hard packed
Clean limestone chips, thick layer (12-25mm mesh)
Earth, exposed and rain-packed
Quarry dust, fine, very hard packed by vehicles
Asphalt, sealed by dust and use

Flow Resistivity (cgs rayls)


Figure 6. Complex ground impedance for grass covered flat ground (ref 3)

10.3.4 Atmospheric Turbulence - Aturbulence

In the derivation of Equation 13, coherent addition of the direct and reflected wave is assumed.
However in the real atmosphere, random fluctuations of wind and temperature cause fluctuations
in amplitude and phase. This may translate into measured sound pressure fluctuations of 10 dB
of more over a period of minutes. This effect was analytically modeled by Chessel [ref 5].
Daigle [ref 6] modified Equation 13 to account for the variance of sound amplitude due to
turbulence to predict the statistical mean value of sound pressure and achieved good agreement
with experimental data. Experimental measurements [ref 7] have resulted in estimated values for
J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


the turbulence parameter (the mean square fluctuation of the index of refraction <2>) as shown
in Table 2.
Table 2. Relation between weather conditions and the turbulence parameter <2>
Turbulence Parameter <2>
9 to 1010-6
15 to 2510-6
8 to 910-6
15 to 2510-6

Weather Condition
Sunny, light wind (< 2 m/s)
Sunny, moderate wind (2-4 m/s)
Sunny, strong wind (> 4 m/s)
Overcast, light wind (< 2 m/s)
Overcast, moderate wind (2-4 m/s)
Overcast, strong wind (> 4 m/s)

Numerical results for the combined excess attenuation due to ground absorption and atmospheric
turbulence using Daigles model, are shown in Figures 7-8 for various ranges and surface types.
A DOS Fortran program which implements Daigles model and which generated the data for
these plots is provided for your use. These plots reveal the general trends of ground absorption
over grass-covered surfaces a pronounced increase in attenuation at frequencies in the 200 to
600 Hz region. More reflective (higher impedance) surfaces result in less attenuation. Increased
turbulence results in lower time-averaged attenuation. Figure 9 shows a comparison of Daigles
turbulence model to experimental data and to coherent theory (no turbulence)

Excess Attenuation (dB)


50 meters
100 meters
200 meters
500 meters
1000 meters
2000 meters





Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7. Effect of range on ground absorption for grass (source and receiver height=1.5m,
=150 cgs rayls, < 2>=3E-6)

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


Excess Attenuation (dB)


snow (30 rayls)

grass (150)
dirt (500)
gravel (1500)
asphalt (10000)





Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8. Effect of surface composition on ground absorption for range of 1 km (source and
receiver height=1.5m, < 2>=3E-6)

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


Figure 9. Comparison of measured sound levels with prediction (ref 6)

Homework: Equation 13 calculates the sound pressure at the receiver for propagation over an
absorptive ground. Derive an expression for the excess attenuation due to ground absorption.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


10.3.5 Vegetation - Avegetation

Vegetation and foliage provides a small amount of attenuation, but only if it is sufficiently dense
to fully block the view along the propagation path. The attenuation may be due to vegetation
close to the source, close to the receiver, or both. Approximate values for the excess attenuation
from dense foliage are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Attenuation of an octave band noise due to propagating a distance df through
dense foliage [ref ISO 9613-2:1996]
distance - df
10 df20
20 df200

Attenuation, dB
Attenuation, dB/m
Attenuation, dB

Octave Center Frequency - Hz
















Alternate approximations for excess attenuation due to vegetation [ref 1] are:

For shrubbery or tall thick grass: Ashrubs 0.18 log f 0.31r
For forests:

A forest 0.01 f 1 / 3 r

10.3.6 Obstructions and Barriers - Abarrier

When the line of sight between a source and receiver is obstructed by a rigid, non-porous wall or
building, appreciable noise reductions can occur. Sound waves must diffract around the obstacle
in order to reach the receiver. This phenomena is used to great advantage in the attenuation of
highway noise by barriers in congested urban areas.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


Figure 9. Geometry of sound propagation over a barrier [ref 3]

An observer in the vicinity of a rigid, infinitely long barrier (Figure 9), for sound from a point
source, will experience an excess attenuation [ref 3] of:
Abarrier 20 log
5 (dB) for N -0.2
Equation 14
tanh 2N
N (A B d)
Equation 15

This equation is based on optical diffraction theory and was developed by Z. Maekawa [ref 8].
The dimensionless quantity N is called the Fresnel number and is a measure of how far below the
line of sight (relative to a wavelength) the receiver lies. A negative sign for N indicates that the
receiver can see the source, while a positive sign denotes that the receiver is in the shadow zone.
Equation 14 is plotted as a function of Fresnel number in Figure 10 along with experimental
measurements [ref 1]. More complex models are needed to account for line sources, finite length
and absorptive barriers. However the general trends which can be observed from this simple
case still hold true, namely that barriers are most effective at high frequencies. The barrier
should be as tall as possible. The effectiveness of a barrier depends on how far below the line of
sight the receiver lies.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


Figure 10. Excess attenuation for a point source by an infinite rigid barrier [from ref 1]
Homework: Show that the excess attenuation for a three-sided barrier is:

Abarrier ,total 10 log 10 Ai / 10

i 1

where Ai excess attenuation for each sound path

(around each side of barrier) by equation 14

10.3.7 Non-point sources

These equations assume single point sources. The noise impact of multiple point sources that are
widely spaced can be treated by calculating their individual noise levels and adding the result
logarithmically. Groups of closely spaced point sources can be approximated as a single point
source if:
the sources have approximately the same strength and height about the ground;
the same propagation conditions exist from the sources to the point of reception;
the distance from the single equivalent point source to the receiver exceeds twice the
largest dimension of the sources
the receiver is located at least one wavelength away from the single equivalent point
A common approach to extended or line noise sources, such as road or rail traffic, or long runs of
piping, is to break the source down into multiple, incoherent point sources.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


10.4 Estimation of Source Strength

Equation 6 requires the user to specify the strength of the source (sound power level Lw). If the
source is a commercial piece of equipment, this information can sometimes be obtained from the
manufacturer, but this is the exception. Most often, you must estimate the source strength from
field data. The most common technique is to measure the SPL at a known distance near to the
source, and use Equation 6 to estimate the sound power level. If multiple sources are present, all
other sources are turned off, or the measurement should be made so close to the source in
question so that its contribution is dominant. This value of SPL and the known range is then
used in Equation 6 and Lw is then calculated. This value of Lw is the effective strength of the
source and is used in subsequent applications of Equation 6 to determine the SPL at other ranges.
The actual measurement locations selected to represent source strength should be chosen with
the receiver location in mind. Because of the complications of directivity, the noise modeler
cannot assume that a single measurement of SPL can quantify a source in all directions. The
assumption of a uniform point source is valid however as long as the measurement of source
strength is along the line from the source to the receiver, regardless of directivity. The
measurement should therefore be taken along this line whenever feasible, but near field effects
and multi-source influences are probably equally important considerations. In order to
approximate a general source of finite size with a point source characterized by a measured SPL
at a distance from the source, the measurement position should be:
(a) at least one wavelength of the frequency of interest f (Hz) from the nearest surface of the
source d 343 / f (meters)
(b) at a distance from the nearest surface of the source at least twice the largest dimension
hmax of the source d 2hmax
For example, if the effective noise source is the vibrating wall of a building that is 5 meters wide
and 3 meters tall, measurements should be taken at least 10 meters from the edge of the building
to satisfy (b) and at least 11 meters from the building to satisfy (a) if the lowest frequency of
interest is 31 Hz. If a group of closely spaced sources or buildings is to be lumped together into
one composite source, the major source dimension becomes the total width of the composite
source. The distance from the receiver to the source is measured from the geometric center of
the group.

10.5 Applicability of Excess Attenuation Model

The calculation procedure described in Section 2.2 is relatively simple to apply and provides data
that is useful for site planning purposes. It can provide an estimate of statistical mean values of
sound levels. It can be used to estimate whether a planned installation will be in compliance
with local noise ordinances. It can be used as a design tool to assess the effectiveness of site
changes, barriers, or changes to source strength (for instance, adding a muffler to an engine). Its
validity is restricted by the underlying assumptions point sources, uniform and level terrain, a
uniform atmosphere (no temperature or wind gradients).

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


10.6 Other Propagation Models

10.6.1 FHWA Traffic Noise Model (TNM)
A specific tool used to predict noise impact from highways is the FHWA TNM (Federal
Highway Administration Transportation Noise Model version 1.0) which is available from the
University of Florida McTrans Center (http://www-t2.ce.ufl.edu/mctrans/featured/trafficNoise/).
Included in this model are many of the outdoor noise propagation effects previously discussed,
including atmospheric absorption, divergence, intervening ground (berms and hills), noise
barriers, buildings and heavy vegetation. The effects of atmospheric turbulence are not included.
The Traffic Noise Model predicts A-weighted hourly equivalent sound pressure levels (LEQ) and
day-night levels (LDN). Sound level contours and the reductions in noise by absorption and
barriers are estimated. The basic equation for the TNM is:
L Aeq1h ELi Atraff ( i ) AD AS

L Aeq1h A-weighted equivalent hourly sound pressure level

Source level for the ith type of vehicle integrated over a passby at 50 ft.

Atraff (i )

Factor that accounts for the number of vehicles and their speeds


Correction for spreading loss and length of roadway (the effective length of the source)


Attenuation due to shielding and ground effects

10.6.2 Other Models

Similar calculation procedures, based on excess attenuation models can be found in the ISO
standard 9613-2:1996, and the commercial program, SOUNDPLAN. More complex models
exist which allow the calculation of sound propagation over non-level terrain with any userspecified atmospheric conditions. Such models are extremely useful for analyzing the
propagation under specific meteorological conditions. The problem is that they yield results for
only those specific conditions and give little indication of statistical mean values of sound levels.
The user must provide substantially more information. This information can be difficult to
generate, such as complete profiles of wind and temperature. These detailed models include Ray
Tracing [ref 10], the Fast Field Program (FFP)[ref 11], and other models based on direct solution
of the wave equation.

10.7 Outdoor Noise Standards and Regulations

Acoustics Description and measurement of environmental noise Part 1:
ISO 1996-1:1982
Basic quantities and procedures
ISO 1996-2:1987
Acoustics Description and measurement of environmental noise Part 2:
Acquisition of data pertinent to land use
ISO 9613-1:1996
Acoustics- attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors- Part 1:
Calculation of the absorption of sound by the atmosphere

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State



Outdoor Sound Propagation


ISO 9613-2:1996
Acoustics- attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors- Part 2:
General method of calculation
ANSI S1-26-1995
Method for the calculation of the absorption of sound by the atmosphere
ANSI S12.18-1994 Procedures for outdoor measurement of sound pressure level

10.8 References

L. Beranek; Noise and Vibration Control, McGraw-Hill, 1971

H. Panofsky and J. Dutton, Atmospheric turbulence: models and methods for engineering
applications, Wiley Interscience, NY, 1984.
3 J.E. Piercy, T. Embleton and L. Sutherland, Review of noise propagation in the atmosphere,
JASA 61(6), June 1977, pp 1403-1418.
4 M. Delaney and E. Bazley, Acoustical properties of fibrous absorbent materials, Applied
Acoustics, Vol 3, 1970, pp 105-116.
5 C.I. Chessel, Noise propagation along an impedance boundary, JASA 62(4), 1977, pp 825834.
6 G. A. Daigle, Effects of atmospheric turbulence on the interference of sound waves above a
finite impedance boundary, JASA 65(1), Jan. 1979, pp 45-49.
7 M. Johnson, R. Raspet and M. Bobak; A turbulence model for sound propagation from an
elevated source above level ground, JASA 81(3), March 1987, pp 638-646.
8 Z. Maekawa, Noise reduction by screens, Applied Acoustics, Vol 1, 1968, pp 157-173.
9 T. F. Embleton, Tutorial on sound propagation outdoors, JASA 100(1), July 1996, pp 3148.
10 J. Lamancusa and P. Daroux, Ray tracing in a moving medium with two-dimensional soundspeed variation and application to sound propagation over terrain discontinuities, JASA
93(4), April 1993, pp 1716-1726
11 R. Raspet, S. Lee, et al., A fast field program for sound propagation in a layered atmosphere
above an impedance ground, J.Acoust. Soc. Am. 77(2), Feb 1985, pp. 345-352.

J. S. Lamancusa

Penn State


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