Colors Storytime

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Kara DeCarlo

LIS 723
Colors Storytime for Pre-K (ages 3-5)
Introduction to Theme: Good evening friends! Good evening grown-ups! Im Miss Kara and
I am happy to see you here today. Before we get started I just wanted to remind you of our rules.
If you need to take a break, the door is open and you can step outside of the room until you are
ready to come back. I also need everyone to put on their good listening ears--did you remember
to bring them today? Can you show me your ears? Wonderful!
Today we are going to be talking about colors, thinking about colors, and playing with colors. I
love colors! Do you have a favorite color? Sometimes its hard to choose, isnt it?
Early Literacy Component: Each week we focus on a different early literacy aspect. Today
we are going to be working on sequencing (being able to recall events in order) and color
recognition, which is important because both of these are a part being ready for kindergarten. 1
Opening Ritual:
Song: Hello, How Are You?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you?
How are you today?
Hello, Neighbor!
Hello Neighbor (wave)
What do you say? (shake hands)
Its going to be a beautiful day! (make a circle with both hands in front of you)
So clap your hands
And stomp your feet,
Jump up and down
And have a seat!
Monsters Love Colors! By Mike Austin
Flannel Board:

Monsters Love Colors

Monsters love colors! (Do you love colors?)

Can you tell me what color this monster is? (Red)
Here comes his friendYellow!
1 School Sparks. (n.d.) Assessment for School Readiness. Retrieved from Ohio Department of Education. (n.d.) Kindergarten
Readiness Checklist. Retrieved from

Here comes a blue monster!

Was that all the monsters in this story? (No)
Who am I forgetting? Do you remember who came next? (Orange)
Here he is!
Is that all the monsters? (No)
Are you sure? (Yes)
Well who else is missing? (green)
Oh yes! Here he is!
I think were forgetting someone. Who could that be? (purple)
Thats right! How could I forget this guy?!
Now were done, right? (no)
We have a red monster, and an (point to the orange) monster, and heres a (point to the
yellow) monster, and a (point to the green monster), a blue monster, and a purple
Are we done now? (no)
Theres still another monster? (yes)
Who could that be? (rainbow!)
Oh my gosh. You guys are right. At the end of the story there was a rainbow monster!
And here he is!
I dont know about you guys, but I really like these monsters.
Art time!
How about we make our own colorful monsters to take home? Would that be ok?
(hold up completed project) This is what we are going to make today. Its a 2 step project
Im pretty sure you guys can handle it. Step one: CRAYONS! Take your crayons and
give your monster some swirlies and loop-d-loops. Step two: PAINT! We have paint and
droppers. The droppers are kind of trickyyou have to pinch them like this.
(demonstrate). Let me see your pinchy fingerseverybody go like this. (pinch-pinchpinch). Thats exactly rightyou guys are totally ready. So tell me againwhats step
one? (Crayons!) and whats step two? (Paint!). Grown ups, if you forget you can ask these
guysthey know what to do. The reason we are using droppers instead of paintbrushes
today is to build up the pincher muscles which will help you hold a pencil when you get
to school or help you when you are buttoning and unbuttoning clothes.
Lets go over to the table and make some monsters!
(Art time) Grown ups, lets talk about what our artists are doing. (Name), I see that you are
using a (color) crayon, and making lots of round lines! (Name), I see that you have put down
some yellow paintwhat color are you going to use next? What do you think will happen? This
is a great way to encourage kids to make predictions and think about what is going on.
Alright! Now that our monsters are so colorful, lets leave them here to dry. We are going back to
the storytime circle and we are going to read another book and sing a song.

Blue Chicken by Deborah Freedman

Have paintbrushes of different sizes (round one for painting small, flat one for
painting medium, and a large one for painting walls) and talk about the different brushes in the
book Blue Chicken.


The Color Song 2 (to the tune of If Youre Happy and You Know It)
If your clothes have any red, any red
If your clothes have any red, any red
If your clothes have any red, put a finger on your head
If your clothes have any red, any red.
Additional verses:
Bluefinger on your shoe
Yellowsmile like a happy fellow
Brownturn your smile into a frown
Blackput your hands behind your back
Whitestomp your feet with all your might
Pinkgive a wink


Red is a Dragon by Roseanne Thong

Literacy Tip: A great way to encourage kids to develop the skills they will need to be great
readers is to have them tell you about events that happened or stories they made up. Telling
things in order: first this happened, then this and finally this; is a great way to build
understanding of the new things they are learning every day.
Closing Ritual:
Fingerplay: Hands Go Up (modified version)
Hands go up, and
Hands go down!
I can turn myself around.
I can stand up
On one shoe.
I can sing,
And so can you!
Closing Song:
Good bye, have a nice day.
Good bye, have a nice day.
Good bye, have a nice day.
And Ill see you all next time!
Works Cited
Austin, Mike. (2013). Monsters Love Colors. New York: Harper Collins.
Freedman, Deborah. (2011). Blue Chicken. New York: Penguin Group.
2 Thayer, Angela. (July 25, 2014). 10 Preschool Songs About Colors [Blog Post]. Retrieved from

Hartley, Regina. (August 21, 2010). Hands Go Up Storytime Song. Retrieved from
Ohio Department of Education. (n.d.). Kindergarten Readiness Checklist. Retrieved from
School Sparks. (n.d.). Assessment for School Readiness. Retrieved from
Thayer, Angela. (July 25, 2014). 8 Songs to Begin a Preschool Day [Blog Post]. Retrieved from
Thayer, Angela. (July 25, 2014). 10 Preschool Songs About Colors [Blog Post]. Retrieved from
Thong, Roseanne. (2008). Red is a Dragon. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

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