Newsletter Feb 3rd

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3rd February

2012 No. 5

Dear Parents and Children


I am delighted to tell you that we are having our Ofsted Inspection next week on Tuesday and Wednesday. This will be our chance to celebrate all the wonderful things that the children have achieved. You will be receiving a questionnaire from the Lead Inspector which needs to be returned after the weekend please. As many of you have already heard on the school grapevine, Mrs. Rayner is retiring and will be leaving at the end of next week. She has requested that a big fuss isnt made and that she is allowed to go quietly. If you want to say your goodbyes to her please pop in to see her on Thursday which is her last day and not before, however tempting that might be! I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Mrs. Rayner for all the work she has done for the school and for the support she has given to so many parents, staff and children, past and present, over the years. She is going to be a very hard act to follow! Mrs. J Anderson
Prayer of St Columba Be, Lord Jesus, a bright flame before me, a guiding star above me, a smooth path below me, a kindly shepherd behind me: today, tonight, and forever. Amen.

Stars of the Week: Margaret Y6; Tara Y5; Leah Y4; Bethany
Y3; Jai-Dee Y2; Anthony and Amelia Y1; Poppy YR. Well done everyone!

School dinners: Monday: Lasagne; Tuesday: Roast Pork; Wednesday: Cottage

paid in full by Wednesday 8th February please.
February and rather than dress up we are going to see which class can collect the most copper coins! You can bring in your pennies and 2ps from Monday 30th January and give them to your teacher. Some classes already have a lot of coins!!

Pie; Thursday: Roast Chicken; Friday: Fish. All outstanding dinner money must be

Go Orange Day is on Friday 10

Thank you to all the children who helped with Mass on Sunday and to the

parents who supported them. We are hoping to involve the children in a Sunday Mass once every half-term so if you would like to help out in March please let Mrs Fox know.

Telephones I must apologise on behalf of BT for faults on the telephone line

this week. We have been assured that it is all fixed now. 6th February at 2pm. Everyone is welcome.

A Musical Performance for parents by years 2 to 6 will be held on Monday Year 2 will be walking to the Isle of Wight Society for the Blind on Thursday

afternoon. This is classed as a walk in the local area for which parents have already given permission. Please see Mrs. R Brown if you have any queries. onwards.

Rain! On mornings when it is raining the children will be let in to sit in the hall or cloakroom from 8.30
Other notices of interest:

Request for buttons and bits of material if you have any spare bits please send them in to Mrs. Caterer c/o Year 2. Thank you.
After School Club If you have booked a place at the after school club and then collect your child at the end of school please let Mrs. Reading or the class teacher know that your plan has changed. Reception Class Parent Activity Afternoons There are still some spaces on the following dates if any
Reception Class parents would like to join the class for some literacy and numeracy topic games: 2 2.45 on 3rd Feb, 10th Feb, 24th Feb, 9th March, 16th March and 23rd March. Please see Mrs. McCraith if you would like to help. Reception Class outdoor equipment In response to a recent government document to support number and calculation in the Early Years we are looking to acquire some of the following resources. If you think you may be able to assist with any of these resources please see Mrs. McCraith. A washing basket; 10 car tyres; Crates e.g. milk/bread; Unwanted telephones (not mobiles) onto the school grounds in the morning to drop off their children. From 8am-4pm NO PARENTS should be bringing their cars onto the school premises.

Car Parking It has been brought to my notice by some very concerned parents that there are parents driving

Advance warning! Come and play African Drums with your child week! Please join your

childs class playing African drums on Monday 12th March, 9-10am Y6 Tuesday 13th March, 9-10am Y3 Wednesday 14th March, 9-10am Y5 Thursday 15th March, 9-10am Y4 Thursday 15th March, 2-2.30pm Y2 No hand jewellery can be worn when playing the drums so all rings, watches and bracelets will have to be removed.

Winter Cricket Coaching Under 11s Any child in; Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 are most welcome to come along on; Friday Evening Starting 3rd March 2012 (4 Weeks) Venue: Carisbrooke College Sports Hall Time: 6.30 - 8pm Cost: 3 All coaching is carried out by qualified ECB coaches who have been CRB checked. For further information contact Newport C.C. Head Coach Andy Long 401022

Community CAMHS has launched an online survey for children and young people on the Isle of Wight to give feedback on what they want from their Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service. The survey can be reached at by using the code IOW001. As part of the survey, we would also like a child or young person from the Island to design our new service logo. This logo would then be used on all our published material, so it's a big deal! The designer of the logo chosen will win an MP3 player. Details of how to enter the competition are included in the puzzledout survey. Please note that the survey is due to close on Monday 20th February so all entries need to be in by then.

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