Camargo 2014 Parent Handbook

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Student-Parent Handbook
2014 - 2015

Welcome to Fifth Grade

Mrs. Camargo

Doral Academy
School Website address
2014 - 2015

Dear Parents,

Welcome to Doral Academy! I am very excited about the opportunity to get to know you, and am
looking forward to a happy and productive school year.
This handbook was put together to help you and your child become familiar with upper elementary
classroom procedures and expectations. I hope you will find this handbook to be useful throughout the
school year. Please take a day or two to read through this information since it will answer many questions
that you may have. This information will be given to your child during the first week of school, and we will
review it as necessary. It would be great if you could review it with your child, too. After you have read and
discussed this information with your child, keep the packet for reference throughout the year, but please fill
out and sign the last 4 pages and have your child return them.
Communicating with your Teacher
Please feel free to email me with any concerns or questions you have. I may be able to quickly and easily
resolve an issue. If you would like to schedule a conference, please send me an e-mail. Please, due to
confidentiality and prior engagements, do not attempt to discuss concerns with the teachers without an
appointment or outside during student pickup. Thank you for your understanding.
Emails will usually be viewed before school or after school. I will respond to your email as quickly as I can,
but please allow 24 hours for a response. If you do not hear back from me within 48 hours please let me
know as technology is not always reliable. Email is the best way to stay in contact with your childs teacher.
If you have an immediate need, please call Doral Academy at
(702) 776-6491.
No School Days

Important Dates

The ending date of each quarter is as follows; report cards

will be mailed the following week.
October 24th
January 16th

March 27st
June 4th

Winter Break: December 20, 2014 January 4, 2015

Spring Break: March 31, 2015 April 5, 2015

Please mark these dates on your calendar. Studies show

that parental involvement in a childs education is one of
the strongest indicators of student achievement. We hope
you will make it a priority this year to attend as many
school-sponsored events as possible.



Labor Day
Prof. Dev.

10/15/14 10/17/14 Prof.

Dev. Days


11/10/14 11/11/14
Veterans Day
11/18/14Thanksgiving Break

Prof. Dev.

12/20/14 1/4/15 Winter

Jr. Day

M. L. King





Walk quietly in line without talking or touching anything or anyone

Raise hand when wanting to ask a question or to answer a question
Homework must be completed and turned in on time
Notes for excused absences should be emailed or turned into the office
Calling for students attention
Teacher will say Give me 5 or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and will use a bell as the teacher counts down
Student will stop anything that they are doing and be still
Student will look at teacher
Student will be quiet
Student will be ready to listen to the teacher and be ready for instruction
Behavior during lessons
Listen attentively and actively participate
Complete class-work in class in a timely manner
Discussions will be limited to the topic
Using the bathroom
Students may use the bathroom before or after school, during lunch, or when the teacher is not conducting
Students will go into the bathroom and use it silently
Students will wash hands and dry them
Students will leave the bathroom neat and tidy
Heading on all papers
Any paper without the proper heading on it will be considered as incomplete and receive no credit. If
there is no heading, I cant determine the name on the paper. Therefore, the paper will not be accepted. There
is a no name bin where the students may locate their assignments. However, if they cannot locate it, they
may take an extra copy and redo them. There are bins for every subject with an allotted amount of extras.
Once those extras are gone, they are gone. I am requesting that all late work be turned in within FIVE school
Students will write in the upper right hand corner of every assignment:

**Water Bottles

Students are allowed to bring a water bottle to keep by their desk. Students need to be well hydrated to
remain focused in the classroom.
Materials and Supplies:

(5) spiral notebooks

(5) folders with pockets
(2) composition notebooks
(2) 1 3-ring binders
USB/flash drive (at least 1 GB)
package dry erase markers
dry eraser
package of colored pencils
package of colored markers

Zipper pouch or pencil box containing:

Pencils/mechanical pencils
(mechanical pencils preferred)
Colored pens red, blue, green,
Glue sticks
Optional personal headphones

Grading Policy
The students grades are based on the following.
1. Homework & daily assignments
2. Tests/quizzes
3. Projects
4. Participation/ Agenda grade
We use a conventional grading scale with letter grades in upper elementary grades. Every day in school
is an important day of learning, so daily attendance is necessary to keep from falling behind.
Of course if a student is ill, he/she should stay at home. Please feel free to email the teachers for any
work that the student might have missed if absent. The student will have one day to make up the work
for each day absent. No work will be accepted after allotted time. Also email the teacher with a brief note
explaining the reason for the absence.

*All graded assignments can be redone once within five days of the assignment being returned to the
student. This does not include tests/quizzes/projects. No work will be accepted after 5 days.

*Grades should never be a surprise as graded assignments coming home should be looked over and redone
if necessary. Keep all graded assignments in a safe place until the end of the quarter.
*Parents should be monitoring grades online weekly.
Extra credit is not given out on a regular base and we encourage the student to complete each assignment
with care and to the best of their ability. If extra credit is given it will occur at individual teachers
discretion. .
Late assignments
Students are responsible for their work and making sure that all assignments are turned in on time.
All assignments are to be turned in when finished unless otherwise indicated.
If a student has a missing assignment, they will receive a score of a zero, unless it is handed in within 5
school days (EXCLUDING tests, quizzes and projects.)
If a student is absent, they will be allowed 1 day for each day absent to turn in missed assignments when
they return to class for full credit.
It is extremely important to turn major projects in on time;

no late projects will be accepted for any reason.

A parent conference will be required if late/missing assignments are becoming a habit
Student Agenda/Planner
Please make sure that your student has an agenda that they can record what their daily homework is.
Parents can help assure their childs success by checking and signing the agenda and monitoring good
homework habits. Students should take responsibility for showing the agenda to their parent/guardian
every night. The agenda needs to be signed every night by the students parent/ guardian.
*Students are responsible for writing the days activities, assignments, and upcoming tests for each subject
in their agenda. However, there is an allotted time at the end of each subject so the assignments can be
recorded. If no homework was assigned that day, the child should write what they did do in class. Parents
should look over the agenda each evening and sign the agenda each day at the bottom of each days
Homework Policy

Homework is expected to be completed and ready for class the next day.

Homework is an important component of a good education. It fosters responsibility and provides for
needed practice of skills learned in the classroom. It also teaches the students to use his/her time efficiently
as most of the homework from upper elementary will be to finish assignments that are not completed
during the school day. Homework includes having the agenda signed each evening by a parent. Parents can
help by checking their childs assignments nightly in the agenda and by providing a quiet place for doing
homework each evening.

Behavior Rules:
In a concerted effort to establish the most positive learning environment possible, the
upper elementary teachers enforce a strict code of conduct in the classroom. I feel that the following rules
provide for a safe and orderly classroom that is conducive to the students doing their best work.
The three basic rules are:
These three basic rules can encompass many more specific rules set by the classroom teacher, such as:
1. Follow directions
2. Have all materials needed for class when class starts
3. Be cooperative with your teacher and classmates
4. Work quickly, quietly, and carefully
5. Always do your best
6. Strive to be successful
I am using an in-class behavior chart where the students will be able to work toward a treat
from the treasure chest. Students will receive one sticker at the end of the day for staying on Ready to
Learn or Good Choices. They will receive two stickers for moving up to Way to Go! or Youre a
Super Hero!. If a student moves down the chart for misbehaving, they will still have time to move back
up. Students who have not moved back up to Ready to Learn will not receive a sticker. Once the student
has received 10 stickers, the student will be allowed to choose a goody from the treasure chest. Students are
also able to work towards a reward of their choosing by behaving in specials.
Students will receive stickers for a job well done. If students receive a warning for behavior they will get
move down a level and they will have a conversation with the teacher. If the student continues to
misbehave, they will move farther down the chart, have another conversation, and parent contact. If the
behavior continues, there will definitely be parent contact or conference, but depending on the type of
behavior a detention or office referral may take place. Misbehavior is managed on a case by case basis and
will be followed by the student handbook. A detention will be given automatically to students for major
offenses such as fighting, disrespect, or bullying per the student handbook. These behaviors will absolutely
not be tolerated.

Fifth Grade Syllabus

Reading- 5th Grade - The Wonders series is used to concentrate on reading skills and strategies,
comprehension, evaluation, and interpretation of text. A focus will also be on building vocabulary and
reading fluency. The Accelerated Reading Program is also incorporated into the reading program this year.
There will be a lot of online participation throughout the year while using this program. Usernames and
passwords will be given out at the beginning of the school year.
Math- 5th Grade - The students will be working through the Investigations Series. Topics covered will be
computation, patterns, measurement, geometry, data analysis, problem solving, and reasoning.
Language & Grammar - Students will be working on writing to inform, persuade, describe, evaluate, or to
tell a story with a clear focus of purpose and audience. The students will learn to write with logical
development, evaluation, revising, and editing for organization, style, tone, and word choice.

Science 5th Students will study Physical Science, Life Science, Nature of Science, and Earth Science
while using the FOSS series.
Social Studies 5th The students will study the history of the United States.
Media Productions, Theatre, Violin, P.E., Music, Spanish, and Art - The students will have some of
these classes once a week throughout the school year.
Please make sure your child is showering with soap and using deodorant daily. Besides good hygiene
practice, we want to keep our room as sweet smelling as possible.
Vacations Because of our hands-on curriculum and classroom discussions, work can really not be made
up efficiently. If at all possible, it is best to plan vacations when we are out of school. Please do not plan
vacations during CRT testing.
Birthdays If you want to bring treats for your childs birthday, please contact the teacher to coordinate
the celebration. Celebrations will usually take place the last 30 minutes of the school day. Please dont
forget to send napkins or other supplies needed. Permissible treats are cupcakes, cookies, doughnuts,
precut brownies or a baggie of small candies. Keep in mind that there may be allergies to various foods.
Please do not bring anything with peanuts in it. Please do not send anything that needs to be cut or served.
PLEASE do not pass out invitations to parties at school unless you are inviting the entire class (or all the
boys/all the girls). We dont want to hurt anyones feelings.
Once again, welcome to Doral Academy. Lets work together to make this
the best year ever!
Mrs. Camargo

Study Strategies
Find the combination of strategies that will work for you!
1. Do the following steps of SQ3R with each lesson on the very same day we read it in class
Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review.
Step 1 - Look at all pictures, maps, etc. and read captions and words in bold print or high
Step 2 - Read all review questions
Step 3 Answer the review questions
2. Reread the entire lesson that we covered in class each evening and answer the questions that
we went over that day. Read the lesson yourself or follow along as someone reads the
information to you.
3. Read your notes/study guide at least five times each evening. Adjust the number of times
you read your notes based on your success on tests.
4. Rewrite your notes on lined paper/index cards or type them on the computer. Draw pictures
after each item of information (bullet).
5. Rewrite your notes in COLOR using colored pencils
6. Draw pictures next to each bullet on your study guide. The crazier your picture, the more
likely you are to remember the information. Add color to the pictures you drew. You may use
colorful bubble letters to represent information.
7. Have someone read the notes to you as you read the notes silently to yourself. Do this
multiple times.
8. Use mnemonics to help you remember specific information. For example, to remember the
Great Lakes, remember the word HOMES. HOMES = Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior
9. You may also try singing the information to yourself and add body movements/dance as you
review the information. The more your tie your senses into studying, the more likely you are to
remember the information.
10. Remember - During a study period (15 minutes is reasonable), your brain remembers the
most during the first few minutes and last few minutes of your study time. After you have
studied 15 minutes for a test, take a five minute break. When you start again, start studying in
a different place than before.
11. Have someone quiz you after you have studied your notes for a couple of days
12. On the day of your test you should review the chapter and study guide once again in the
13. Take the time to research information that will answer the essay questions completely.
Double check that information for accuracy. Read the question carefully. Are you answering
the question?
14. You may have to study a little on weekends too!
15. Find the combination of strategies that will help you experience success. I know you can


(Ways to help Coral Academys students succeed in school and keep your child happy and safe)

REGULAR ATTENDANCE: Make sure your child is at school unless ill or a family
emergency. Contact the office or teacher whenever your child misses and send in a
note upon his/her return.

BE ON TIME: The bell rings at 8:20. Be sure your child knows to be in his/her
class on time.

BREAKFAST: Make sure your child eats breakfast at home

TRANSPORTATION CHANGES: If someone is picking up your child, or if your
child is going home a way other than what you have indicated at open house, please let
the teacher know. They MUST have a note approved by the office before a change
can be made or accepted.

SIGN OUT: Sign your child out through the office if you plan to pick them up
early. Your child cannot be released to you in the building unless s/he has been
signed out through the front office.

VISITORS TAG: When visiting the school, you MUST sign in and get a visitors

ATTEND CONFERENCES: Attend all scheduled conferences and meetings. It is

fine if your child attends with you.

HOMEWORK: In upper elementary grades students go from learning to read to

reading to learn. Please make sure your child reads nightly. Return homework
promptly. Encourage your child and assist them with their homework, projects, etc.
Falcon agendas need to be signed by a parent daily as part of their homework grade
in each class.

ALLERGIES: Let the teacher know if there is any food or other allergies. Also, if
there is any health problems or concerns that we need to make adjustments for at
school. If your child needs medicine here at school, it needs to come with a doctors
note and be kept in the nurses office.

TALK TO the Teacher: Please email or call the teacher if you have any concerns
or questions. We need to know if your child brings home any concerns or is unhappy
at school. They dont always tell us when something is bothering them. Let the
teachers know if you dont understand a note or homework assignment.
If you have any questions please get in touch with your childs teachers.

Please sign and this sheet and return it to the teacher.

I have read and understand the Upper Elementary Handbook.

Parents Signature:


Students Signature:



August 26, 2013

Dear Parents,
It is very important for your childs teachers to get to know your child. What better source
of information is there but you as the parent? We would appreciate it if you would take some time
to answer the following questions and either drop off this paper at the school office or send it in
with your child. All information will be kept confidential. Thank you for your time.
Ms. Dudycha

Name of student: ________________________________________ Age: ________________

Name student prefers to be called by: ______________________________________________
Birth date: __________________________________________________________________
School your child last attended:___________________________________________________
Reason your child came to Doral Academy:___________________________________________
Student wears glasses/contacts? Yes


(when? ________________________)

Does your child have any food allergies? ____________________________________________

Does your child have any physical handicaps? _________________________________________
If so, explain. _______________________________________________________________
Does your child have any medical needs I should know about? (Ex: asthma, inhalers, epi-pen,
Does your child have any learning difficulties, IEP or 504s, or speech? Please explain:
If your child has an IEP or 504 Please give a copy to your childs teacher.

Is your child involved in after school activities outside of school? __________________________
Is so, what activities and days? (I would love to be involved in what the students do in their free
time, please invite me!) __________________________________________________________

Please keep your childs homeroom teacher updated on Doral clubs they will be participating in
throughout the school year.
Does your child have access to a computer that is connected to the internet? ________
How familiar is your child with using the computer? Very ____ Somewhat _____ Not very____
What are your childs feelings about school?
In what academic areas does your child feel successful?
In what academic areas does your child need extra support and encouragement?
What is your childs attitude and approach to homework?
How does your child learn best?
Please use the space below to give me any other information you feel is important to help me meet
the academic, emotional, and social needs of your child while in school.
What else would you like us to know about your child?

How is your child normally getting to and from school?

Pick up/drop off _____

Safe Key ______

Other _______________

Many of our students live in two households and each parent requests a copy of progress reports and
report cards. Will your child need a second copy of behavior/progress reports and report cards
sent to a second household?




Should this parent be included on regular emails regarding students conduct/academic progress?
Name of parent:
Address to send 2nd copy of reports to:
Teachers use email the majority of the time for parent contact in regards to school/classroom
events, newsletters, concerns, or issues that may come up or to answer parent questions and
concerns. Please let us know who should be contacted and at what email and phone number. Please



Name and relationship to child


Ph # _________________________________________________________________

2. Name and relationship to child


Ph # _________________________________________________________________

Signature of parent filling out this form:



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