2019-2020 Pery 1st Grade Open House Packet

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1st Grade
Welcome Packet

Plato Academy Tarpon Springs

Dear First Grade Students,

Welcome to first grade! I am so happy and excited you are in my class this year!
Summer is almost over, but another great adventure is about to begin for you here at
Plato Academy. I have been busy getting things ready for you and all of your new
friends and classmates. I can’t wait for you to see it all! We are going to have so much
fun this year in first grade. We will be reading and writing stories and singing and
dancing to songs. We will be playing some excellent reading and math games. You
will also learn neat stuff in Science and Social Studies. The computer and iPad will be
awesome tools to help you learn new things. You will see some of your old friends in
our class but meet new ones too.

The supply list is online on our school website at tarponsprings.platoacademy.net. Be

sure to bring your supplies with you to unpack in your new desk if you haven’t already
brought your supplies to open house. I will also be waiting for you on the first day of
school when you arrive to show you where to go. We are going to have a GREAT
year! We will be meeting new people, learning new names making new friends, and
helping each other. I am looking forward to seeing you! I hope you enjoy your last
week of summer.

I will see you soon .... bring your smile!

Mrs. Perry

Classroom Management Plan
Our Classroom Rules:
1. Listen when your teacher is talking.
2. Follow directions quickly.
3. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
4. Raise your hand to speak.
5. Be respectful to others and to their property.
6. Be safe, be kind, and be honest.
Plato Academy believes that appropriate student behavior will ensure uninterrupted teaching for all
students, which will be conducive to high student achievement. We strongly adhere to the belief that
students are more successful when their learning environment is one that upholds the tenets of
safety, respect, and perseverance. It is our goal to provide the best learning experience for each
child in our classrooms. In order to achieve this goal, we hold our students to the following
❖ Please RESPECT Yourself, Others, and Materials in the classroom.
❖ Please make choices that PROTECT the SAFETY of all people in the classroom.
❖ Please always be the best you can be, EVEN WHEN it’s difficult to do so.

One of our many goals this year is to help our students become more responsible with their
classroom behavior. We will have a Classroom Behavior Chart. Your child will be able to move up
and down on this chart depending on their behavior choices. Every day, before your child is
dismissed from school; he or she will draw a colored circle of their behavior that day on the calendar
in their blue Take Home Folder. This will indicate what type of overall behavior your child
demonstrated on that particular day. Please check and sign your child’s planner each day under
their behavior indicator. Parent initials will be checked for on the following day.

Rainbow Behavior Color Rating Scale:

● Pink (Super Star!): Above and beyond. Exceptional day!
● Purple (Wow!): Student has met all expectations and then some.

● Blue (Way to Go!): All behavioral expectations are being met.
Your child’s learning is moving ahead without obstacles.
● Green (Ready to learn): Your child had a good day & received two or less warnings.
● Yellow (Make Better Choices): Some behavioral expectations are being met. Your child and
I have discussed the importance of making better behavior choices, and have been given
multiple verbal and non-verbal cues. If behaviors continue, they will block learning for self and
others. They will lose 5 minutes of free choice recess and will be allowed to walk laps around
the track. They will also lose treasure box for that week.
● Red (Office / Parent Contact): Your child’s behavior was disrupting learning for themselves,
as well as, their classmates. Your child may receive a discipline referral resulting in going to
Mrs. Turro’s office or sent to another classroom.

When poor choices are being made…

● 3 Verbal warnings
● Slow Down -redirection is needed, move to green. If inappropriate behavior continues, move to
● Move card to red – Possible office referral and/or sent to another classroom and loss of recess
time and treasure box.
● **Inappropriate hands on behavior will result in an immediate red and may result in an office
referral. Recess will also be lost and the student will not participate in Treasure Box for that

All students start the day on blue. It is their responsibility to move either “up” or “down” the behavior
chart. If the student is making appropriate behavior choices then they will move “up,” if they are
making inappropriate choices then they will move “down.”

If your child had a green or blue day, they had a great day. Students who have moved their card
below green will have the opportunity to “move up” by consistently showing that they are trying to fix
their choices. Please do not expect pink on a daily basis – pink is awarded for an exceptional day.

Student Rewards:

Students receive constant praise throughout each day. We all want to feel we are doing a great job.
I use many opportunities in the classroom to offer positive reinforcement such as affirmations, high
fives, stickers or stamps.

School Attendance & Tardy Policy:

Plato Academy believes that regular school attendance relates directly to success in academic work,
benefits students socially, provides opportunities for important communications between teachers and
students, and establishes regular habits of dependability important to the future of the student. The
purpose of this policy is to encourage regular school attendance. It is intended to be positive and not
punitive. This policy also recognizes that class attendance is a joint responsibility to be shared by the
student, parent or guardian, teacher and administrators. This policy will assist students in attending

Attendance Policy: Regular attendance and punctuality are very important habits that all students
need to acquire. Attendance is important to learning because when a student is absent, they miss the
strategies necessary to master skills being taught in class that are needed to be successful. Plato
Academy puts great emphasis on regular attendance and arriving to school on time. When your
child returns to school please send in a note stating the reason for the absence.
In General:
1. Every three (3) unexcused tardies or unexcused early pick-ups will result in the student
receiving one unexcused absence. An excusable early pick up would be for an emergency -- a
serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action, usually medically
2. Students who have been absent five (5) days or more in a grading period may be required to bring
a certificate of illness from a licensed doctor to the school.
3. Excessive absences may lead to a referral and a parent conference.
4. When a student is absent for three (3) consecutive days, the teacher will call home.
5. Students accumulating more than fifteen (15) unexcused absences per school year may impact the
student's enrollment preference for the following school year and the matter may be referred to the
State Department of Children and Families. 
6. If a student is absent during the school because he or she is ill or if the absence is unexcused,
attendance at after school activities (such as sports, dances, or clubs) may not be permitted. 
7. If a child has a fever, the student MUST be fever free for 24 hours before returning to

Excused Absences Include Those for the Following Reasons with Sufficient Documentation:
- The student is ill or injured.
- Major illness in the immediate family (this means parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents or
others living in the home or who are close relatives). 
- Death in the immediate family of the student.
- Religious holiday of the student's faith. This required a parent's note before the absence. 
- A major disaster as determined by the administration. 
- Any absences, including those for the field trips or other parental requests as judged
appropriate by the Principal, provided that the request is submitted to the principal forty-eight
(48) hours in advance of the absence. A principal may waive the requirement for advance
notice if extenuating circumstances exist. 
Unexcused Absences:
Any absence that does not meet one of the criteria above is an unexcused absence. The
following are examples of unexcused absences (this list is not exhaustive):
- Out-of-school suspensions
- Family vacations
- Students without complete, compliant Certificates of Immunizations.
- Outside of school appointments
C. Tardies: It is imperative that all students are in the classroom and prepared to begin
learning at 8:40 a.m. Students not in their classrooms by 8:40 a.m. will be considered tardy.
Please keep in mind that a tardy student not only distracts from that student's learning, but
from the learning of other students. 
Definition of an Absence: Any student not physically in the classroom at 8:40 a.m. All tardies
are considered unexcused for the following reasons: over-sleeping, too tired, heavy traffic, or
couldn't get motivated. Plato Academy also holds that leaving school early will be counted as a
tardy if there is not a legitimate reason for leaving school early such as a doctor or dentist
appointment. Unexcused early pickups may be counted as a tardy. 

- A tardy slip will be issued after 8:40 a.m.
-A tardy student may be required to document relevant information in a classroom sign in/sign
out sheet in addition to the tardy slip.
- Every three (3) unexcused tardies or unexcused early pick-ups (anything prior
to 3:10 dismissal) will result in the student receiving one unexcused absence. 
- Numerous unexcused tardies may result in the following:
1. Parent or guardian contacted by the school.

2. Detention for the student with parental notification.
3. Parent or guardian contact by other authorities. 
4. Students accumulating fifteen (15) unexcused absences per school year may result
in retention due to lack of attendance and may result in a report being made to the
Department of Children and Families.

 Make-Up Work Policy: 

1. After an absence, a student must arrange with the teacher for any make-up work. Credit for
make-up work may only be given for excused absences. The number of days allowed to make
up the work shall be the same as the number of school days the student was absent. 
2. If a teacher assigns an assignment or long-term project prior to the absence, the project,
assignment, or test shall be completed expeditiously upon returning. 

Parent/ Teacher Communication

Blue Take Home Folder
This 3-pronged folder houses EVERYTHING students and parents need to keep up-to-date with what
is going on at school. 
Gone are the days of wrinkled papers and lost notes, newsletters, or calendars.  No more searching
the house to find paper in order to write a note to school.  Everything you need is in one folder!
Take Home folders are important! They help students to establish good organizational skills - skills
that can carry on throughout their time in school.

Take Home folders will be sent home every night. Please take out all graded classwork each night
from the back pocket and return them signed every school day.

Newsletters, school notes, field trip permission slips, and

Pockets in the blue homework, will be placed the front pocket of the binder. The back
Take Home Folder pocket of the binder will house any papers that are to be kept at
home. Ex: graded papers.

Behavior Log Be sure to check and sign your child’s behavior log each night.
(calendar pages)

This zipper pouch will be used house any money sent to school or
Zipper Pouch sent home. Ex: Field Trip money

Will contain important papers from myself or the office, graded

Pockets classwork, etc. Please take these papers out each night and return
the folder each day.

Red Homework Folder…

Homework will be sent home in the red folder each Friday and will be due back completed the
following Friday. Monthly reading logs for the year will be kept inside of the folder and will be checked
periodically throughout the month. Please do not remove any of the reading logs. New Homework will
be placed in the front pocket and checked homework form the previous week will be placed in the
back pocket.

New Homework packets and graded homework will be sent home in this
Red Homework folder. Students should bring their folder to school every Friday and to
Folder any afterschool homework clubs they may attend, other than that the
folder can be kept at home or in your child’s school bag.
Monthly Reading Be sure to read with your child for 30 minutes and then sign your child’s
reading log each night. Reading logs will be checked the last Friday of
Logs (calendar each month and reading awards will be given to those students, that
pages) have read each night.

New/Current homework packets will be placed in the front pocket of the
red Homework folder. Please place homework in this pocket to be turned
Front Pocket in each week. The students name should be clearly written on each

All graded homework will be placed in the back pocket of the red
Back Pocket Homework folder. Please remove these papers weekly.

As the year progresses we will add resources, that deal with the current
topics of study and that will be helpful to you and your child, when
Other completing their homework. Ex: Reading strategy paper, 100’s chart.
Please leave these papers in their folders.

Your child will soon begin assigned homework to help reinforce what they are learning in the
classroom. Our promise to you and your child is that we will never send work home that asks your
child to do something they have not learned in the classroom. Homework is one way for your child to
get extra practice with the important ideas and concepts learned in the classroom.

Please note that homework may be based on current or prior lessons taught.  Homework should not
take your child longer than 20-30 minutes nightly and parental guidance is appreciated when
necessary.  Each Friday we will send homework packets home. Homework is assigned on Friday and
is due the following Friday. This gives your student enough time to complete all assignments. Each
night your child is also required to read at least 30 minutes in a book of his or her choice.

● Late homework (1 day or more) assignments will receive a 50% reduced score.
● Homework not submitted will receive a 0% score.

● Students with incomplete homework will be required to work on it during recess.
It is each parent's responsibility to notify the teachers if your child is struggling with homework
assignments.  Once teachers receive this notification we will set up a designated time to meet with
you to discuss and create a plan to help your child.   If a student is absent, it is their responsibility to
check with the teacher for missed assignments.

One of the most important ways for you, as the parent, to be an active member of our classroom
community is to spend time each night helping your child with homework when needed, discussing
what they are learning in school, and reading aloud to your child.

Grading Procedures…
Plato Academy Grading Scale

E 100-90%
V 89-80%
S 79-70%
N 69-60%
U 59-0%
All grades will be based on work accomplished during the current grading period. Any assignments
that earn a grade of “N” or “U” will be flagged for parental signature. We ask that you review and
correct this work with your child prior to signing and returning it.

Plato Academy’s Curriculum: Plato Academy Schools utilize Pearson, Spelling Connects, Social
Studies Weekly, Scholastic News, McGraw Hill Science, Istation and e-learning integration curriculum
along with supplemental resources by Pearson for our K-5 and FLVS Global for grades 6-8, in
addition to innovative teaching methods, and the Socratic method of teaching, our students gain a
thorough command of reading, mathematics, science, writing, social studies and language arts
throughout their years at Plato Academy.
Subject Based Grading Policies
Assignment Type Percentage

Tests/Assessments 50%

Classwork & Participation 30%

Homework 20%
Test/ Assessments- Assessments will be given at the end of each topic.
Classwork & Participation– Classwork will encompass any items completed during class including
center work and journals. Students will receive points for participation during whole group and/or
small group time.
Homework – Points will be given for completion not accuracy. Homework will be reviewed whole

Assignment Type Percentage

Tests 50%

Classwork & Participation 50%

Tests & Projects - Includes any assessments & class or home-based projects assigned throughout
the year.

Classwork & Participation– Classwork will encompass any work completed during class including
labs, and journals. Students will receive points for participating during class discussions and

Assignment Type Percentage

Reading Level 50%

*Running Record Level
*Fluency Rate
*Cold Reads

Unit Assessments & Spelling Tests 30%

Classwork & Participation 10%

Homework 10%

Reading Level (Running Record Level) – Running record levels will be assessed quarterly, grades
will be based on first grade reading level expectations

*End of Quarter Reading Level and Fluency Expectations:

Quarter 1: Reading Level 5- 6; Fluency not yet assessed
Quarter 2: Reading Level 8; Fluency 20 words per minute (wpm)
Quarter 3: Reading Level 12; Fluency 45 words per minute (wpm)
Quarter 4: Reading Level 16; Fluency 60 words per minute (wpm)
*Cold Reads: Quarters 1 & 2 cold reads will be completed together. Students will learn how to read
passages, then answer questions based on information given in the text. Students will be expected
to complete passages independently for quarters 3 & 4.

Unit Assessments & Spelling Tests: At the end of each Pearson unit of study students will be
assessed and graded on understanding of topics covered. Students will also be assessed weekly on

Classwork & Participation – Classwork will encompass any items completed during class including
center work and journals. Students will receive points for participation during whole group and/or
small group time.

Homework – Points will be given for completion not accuracy. Homework will be reviewed whole
Social Studies
Assignment Type Percentage

Tests & Quizzes 40%

Projects 40%

Classwork and Participation 20%

Curriculum used will be Social Studies Weekly by Scholastic
Test & Quizzes –these will be given upon completion of lessons taught

Projects – These will be announced 4 weeks prior to their due date. All projects will include a
presentation piece. For every day past the project’s due date an assignment is turned in it will lose 1
letter grade.

Classwork and Participation - Classwork will encompass any items completed during class
including center work and journals. Students will receive points for participation during whole group
and/or small group time.

Conferences & Communication
Parent- Teacher Conferences:
There will be times throughout the year when it will be important for us to meet face to face to discuss
how your child is doing in school. This is a time for us to discuss your child’s successes, areas
needing improvement, and future plans. We will begin sending home conference meeting requests in
a few weeks via email.

All Other Communication:

I love hearing from parents!
I welcome communication from you anytime! In order, to ensure that we are able to provide you with
the time you need, these are the best ways to contact us:
❖ Via Email: perryc@platoacademy.net
❖ A written note: Your child’s blue Take home folder is a great place to jot a note.
❖ Via Telephone at School: As mornings and afternoons can be a bit busy, with getting children
settled into class, these are not the best times to drop in with a concern or comment that will
require time and attention. Thank you for your understanding!
❖ School policy states that no teachers are allowed to communicate with parents via text.
Please call the school or email you teacher when necessary.

I look forward to working with you this year…together as a team!

We Are A Peanut Aware School…
Plato Academy Tarpon Springs is a peanut aware campus.  There are several students, in our
school, with life- threatening peanut allergies, many of which have not only ingestion but also touch
allergies to peanuts. Therefore, as a PATS Teacher and a parent of a child with a life threatening food
allergy myself, I am choosing to personally not bring in any snack, lunch items, or treats that contain
peanuts / nuts or any allergen that students have a touch allergy to.  Although Pinellas County
Schools doesn’t require us to be peanut free, I hope you will join me in being considerate to these
needs. We appreciate your help in keeping your child and all of their fellow schoolmates safe.

● We love celebrating birthdays! On your child’s birthday, she/he gets a special treat from me.
Families may choose to bring in treats to celebrate their child’s birthday. If bringing in treats, there
must be enough for both 1st grade classrooms per Plato Academy policy. You should have
enough for 40 students. All food and refreshments must be purchased through a store or bakery
and delivered to school in the original packaging. Please remember plates, napkins or anything
else your treats may require. Birthday treats will be given out during our lunch time by the parent.
● If you are handing out invitations, please note Plato’s policy is that every child in the class
receives an invitation. Otherwise invitations are not to be handed out at school.

Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks & Water
BREAKFAST: A free school breakfast is available, to all students, in the cafeteria from 8:15am –
8:30am daily.
Breakfast is to be eaten in the cafeteria before arriving to class. No breakfast will be allowed in
the classroom. Please arrive before 8:30 if students are eating a school breakfast.

LUNCH: Students may purchase a school lunch through the school’s website or bring in their own
lunch. Please be sure to include utensils, if needed, a napkin and a drink. To promote healthy eating
habits, we ask that candy and other sweets be avoided. We are a nut and peanut aware classroom.
Please consider not bringing snacks, lunches and/or shared treats that include peanuts or nuts. We
are an allergy aware school with several students that have deadly food allergies.

AFTERNOON SNACK: Please pack a small healthy dry snack for your child each day and place it in
your child’s lunchbox or backpack. The snack should be a dry snack. Please do not send any
snacks that require a utensil to eat it with. Ex: pudding, fruit cocktail container, applesauce,
etc. Students will be eating their snack as they complete class work. Our class will be having snack
in the afternoon. Please indicate the snack by writing their name and PM on it. Please no candy
sweets or nuts/peanuts.

WATER BOTTLE: Your child should arrive at school each day with a full water bottle ( water
only...no juice). This prevents your child from missing instruction while out of the room and the
spread of germs. Choose a water bottle that is spill proof and reusable.

We are a nut and peanut aware classroom.

Please be aware that we have students with life threatening allergies,
some are allergic to even the touch of the residue of a
peanut and/or nut allergen.

Morning Arrival Procedures

Students may be dropped off using the car line or parents may walk their child to the main
gate entrance. Students should be unpacking their own bags and getting settled in for the day on
their own. It is also very important that your child is in their classroom on time. A very important part
of 1st grade is developing more independence and responsibility. The class will be starting their day
as soon as they enter the classroom in the morning. During this time, teachers are focused on the
students coming in and completing the morning procedures they have to do. I am always willing to
speak with and address any questions or concerns you may have, however, in the morning I am
unable to give you the necessary attention needed for this. I ask that you email or send a note in with
your child and I promise to get back to you as soon as possible.

The beginning of the day is the most important part of the day.  It is the part of the day that helps kids
settle into their day and get started on a positive note.  Because of how important our mornings are,
here are some things to note to help make sure your little one gets off on the right start
● Have a Positive Attitude!  
Your feelings about your child starting school will influence his or her feelings. If you are stressed and
nervous your child will pick up on this.  
Try to display a calm, happy attitude.

● Have a plan in place.

Know how your child will be arriving and departing school, and make sure she/he knows this
information.  Have a lunch plan too.  Reassure your child.
● Be on time.
Arrive on time in the morning so that your child feels like a part of the class from the very beginning.
School drop off begins at 8:15 and the classroom doors open at 8:15. Please do not drop your child
off any earlier than 8:15 as they will not be permitted to enter the classroom. Any time after 8:40
is considered tardy.  Also, arrive on time to pick your child up.  Your child will be waiting eagerly to tell
you about his/her day!

What NOT to Bring to School
The following items should not be brought to school:
● No toys of any kind including video games, fidget spinners (unless written in a
child’s IEP) and stuffed animals.
● No baseball hats (winter hats are acceptable).
● No home baked items that are to be shared with the class.
● No type of nut or peanut snacks (birthday, afternoon, shared class snack, etc.)
● No Cell phones or personal iPads (unless it has been school approved).
● No electronics
● No smart watches.
● No trading cards
● No metal pencil boxes – plastic metal boxes only.

Mrs. Perry’s 1B 2019-2020 First Grade Schedule

8:40 – 8:55 Reading/Writing Block 1

8:55 – 9:30 Health / Social Studies / Art (Tuesday) / Music (Thursday)

9:30 – 11:00 Reading/Writing Block 2

11:00 – 11:25 Lunch

11:30 – 12:10 Science

12:10 – 12:40 Greek

12:40 – 1:10 PE

1:10 - 2:25 – Math Block

2:25 – 2:45 Reading / Writing Centers /Afternoon Snack

2:45 -3:00 Recess

3:00 – 3:05 Pack Up

3:05 Sibling and Aftercare Dismissal

3:10 Car and Walker Dismissal

*Schedule is subject to change once the school year begins. *

Helping Your Child Become

A Better Reader
Set aside a regular time and place where reading occurs.
Reading must become a habit for your child, a habit that becomes as natural as eating
and sleeping. Your child should read at home for at least 30 minutes each and every
day. The more practice the child gets reading, the more likely his/her reading will
improve. Make sure your child has a successful reading experience. The reading
materials should not be so difficult that your child must struggle to read it.

Read aloud to your child on a regular basis.

This should be an enjoyable time for both parent and child. This allows your child to
hear language from difficult stories that he or she may not be able to read on his own.
It also allows more opportunities to talk about the stories together.

Discuss with your child what he/she is reading.

Ask him/her to retell what he/she read. Talk about the story together.
From the discussion you will know if he/she understands what is being read. Talking
about a story improves reading comprehension.

Let your child see you reading for pleasure and information.
Children are great imitators. They copy what they see at home. If they see you
enjoying reading, they will be more likely to enjoy reading, also.

Ask your child to read for information.

Point out words on:
Road signs and billboards, cereal boxes, food cans, milk and juice cartons,
advertisements, postcards, special occasion cards, and letters, shopping lists

Make regular trips to public libraries and bookstores.

1. School starts at 8:40am. It is important your child is on time.

2. Please remember to pack a healthy lunch and a separate peanut /nut free dry snack
for your child each day. We are a peanut / nut allergy aware classroom. Try and
eliminate candy and soda in your child’s lunch. Healthy alternatives are juice, water or

3. We are a NUT & PEANUT AWARE CLASSROOM. All snacks and classroom treats
brought in should be peanut free.

4. Make sure your child is well rested and has breakfast every morning.

5. Attendance is important. Please have your child on time at school unless sick,
doctor’s appointment, or emergency. When absent a note is required or it will be an
unexcused absence.

6. Students should read Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for 30 minutes
a night. Parents should then sign their child’s reading calendar, which is located in the
red homework folder.

7. Homework is assigned on Friday and is due the following Friday. If it is a shortened

week, homework will then be due on the last day of the following week. Example: No
school on Friday, homework is then due on Thursday. Please remember to sign their
behavior log and reading log daily.

8.Pack an easy to eat, dry, peanut/nut free snack and a fresh water bottle every day for
your child. No snacks that need utensils to eat, such as, pudding, applesauce, etc.
This should be a light snack that they can eat as we are working.

School Information:
Mrs. Perry Email: perryc@platoacademy.net
Class website: perryc@weebly.com

Campus Address:
2795 Keystone Road
Tarpon Springs, FL 34688

Phone Number: 727-939-6413

School Hours: 8:40 am – 3:10 pm

Students may enter the classroom at 8:15am.
The students must be present IN CLASS at 8:40am and that is when instruction
begins. All students entering after 8:40am will be marked tardy.

After dismissal I have meetings and various duties that need to be completed.
Please be aware that if you would like a conference, it is necessary to email or
call me at least 24 hours in advance to schedule a time.

Plato Academy’s Mission Statement

To assist our students in achieving their full potential by requiring and
nurturing high academic and behavioral standards in a safe, supporting,
challenging and enthusiastic environment fostered by a commitment and
cooperative effort between the schools, parents, guardians and

Thank you for reading the 1st Grade Orientation Packet. Welcome to our school
family and I am looking forward to working with you and your child!

1st Grade Orientation Packet Acknowledgment Form

I have received, read, and understand the information outlined in this First Grade Back to
School Packet.

(Student Name Printed)

(Parent/Guardian Name/s Printed)

(Parent/Guardian(s) Signature)

(Parent/Guardian(s) email address)


Please return this signed form to your teacher

no later than Aug. 21st.

Tell Me About Your Child…

Your Child’s name:
Your Child goes by:
I would like to know more about your child, through your eyes.  The more I know, the
better I can provide an educational and motivational program to fit his or her particular
needs.  Please answer the questions and complete the information below.  Remember, this
is from your point of view.  I deeply appreciate being able to work together as a team to
make this a successful year for your child.  

1. How does your child feel about starting 1st grade?

2. What does your child like?  What is she/he interested in?

3. What motivates your child?

4. What rewards and consequences are you using at home that will apply to choices made
at school each day?

5. What does your child dislike?  Does your child have specific fears?
6. What are your child’s strengths or best qualities?

7. What are your child’s weaknesses or areas of concern?

8. Do you have any concerns about your child’s behavior or social skills?  Are there any
social skills would you like to see developed?
9. Do you have any concerns about your child’s ability to meet academic expectations?

10.Is there anything in your child’s family history that you would like to share? (divorce,

11. As a partner in your child’s education, what kind of support can I expect from you?

12. Does your child have any allergies?

Please share anything else you would like me to know about your child or family.  

Thank you!


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