Newsletter 24 (3:16-3:20)
Newsletter 24 (3:16-3:20)
Newsletter 24 (3:16-3:20)
Pinkhams Class
The Iditaread and Bikes for Books reading incentive programs are continuing this
week. Please encourage your child to read at least 20 min. every night. Each
student should also fill in their Iditaread and Bikes for Books slips and bring them
to school. Our class is halfway through the Iditaread program! Lets get to Nome!
Second Trimester report cards go home today. Please sign and return the
envelope as soon as possible.
Do not hesitate to contact us with comments or questions. You can call the school
(778-3529), send in a note, or e-mail us ( or
Math: We are starting a new unit this week that will focus on addition and subtraction through
200 as well as word problems through 100. Many of the place value skills that students
learned in the last unit will be carried over into this unit to serve as a foundation for new
strategies. We will relate 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, and 10 less to addition and subtraction.
We will also add and subtract multiples of 10 and add and subtract multiples of ten with some
additional ones within 100. Please encourage your child to practice their addition and
subtraction math facts within 20.
Spelling: This weeks focus is on words with ar patterns and one commonly misspelled
word. Please remind your child to study his/her circled words.
Reading: We are continuing to focus on fluency and comprehension skills as well as
responding to stories. Some of the books that we are reading are: Muggie Maggie, The Big
Chase, Barry, the Bravest Saint Bernard, and Charlies Great Race.
Writing: We will write about St. Patricks Day and about Spring this week.
Science: We are now working on a new unit about balance and motion. We will complete our
work with the concept of balance this week. Students should be familiar with the words
balance point, counterweight, and stable. We will begin our study of motion by examining
tops and spinners. Students will be learning about spinning and rotating on an axis.
Social Studies: None for now.
Vocabulary: We will be reviewing some of our previously learned words, and we will
complete several games and activities using some of our prior vocabulary words.