Light and The Electromagnetic Spectrum Completion Notes
Light and The Electromagnetic Spectrum Completion Notes
Light and The Electromagnetic Spectrum Completion Notes
Electromagnetic Waves
- consists of an _______________ field and a _________________ field
- are ________________________
Radio waves
- lowest frequency and longest wavelength
- produced when charged particles move back and forth in an ______________
- we can vary (modulate) either the size (amplitude) or the frequency of the waves
(AM amplitude modulation or FM frequency modulation)
- radio waves can be ___________________ with (mountains , metal structures)
- send out waves and detect them as they bounce off an object
- waves with frequencies just below visible light frequencies
- can be felt as ______________________
- infrared cameras and goggles show images of the heat from an object
Visible light
- these frequencies can be detected by eye nerve _________________
- each color has its own frequency
- ___ ed ___ range ___ ellow ___ reen ___ lue I ndigo ___ iolet
- nearly half the energy from the sun is visible light
- just beyond the violet visible portion
- these rays have a _____________________ and therefore can do more
_____________________ damage
- used to kill ______________________
- some _________________ can "see" this range
- these wavelengths cause _________________ and many _________________
X Rays
- have even ________________________ than ultraviolet so can pass
through many things
- softer material allows them through but denser things (bone) do not
- X Rays are helpful but can also cause ___________________ leading to
__________________ when overused
-- _____________ aprons used to protect parts from exposure to the X rays
during some medical tests
- these have the highest frequencies and therefore ______________________
- they can be used in _________________ (as dyes) to help detect diseases
The Nature of Light
-- electromagnetic radiation such as light have both _______________________