Light and The Electromagnetic Spectrum Completion Notes

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Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Upon the completion of this unit you will be able to:

1. describe the nature of electromagnetic waves
2. state the speed of an electromagnetic wave in a vacuum.
3. relate the frequency of an electromagnetic wave to its energy.
4. explain how radio waves are generated.
5. explain why some objects can interfere with the transmission of radio waves.
6. list several different uses of microwaves.
7. recognize that infrared radiation is heat.
8. list the component colors of the visible light spectrum.
9. list two uses of ultraviolet radiation.
10. explain why ultraviolet radiation is more damaging to human tissue than
visible light.
11. list two health problems caused by exposure to excess ultraviolet radiation.
12. explain how ozone protects us from excessive ultraviolet radiation
from the sun.
13. recognize that excess exposure to X rays may lead to mutations and
cancer and state one way medical personnel protect us from this.
14. explain why gamma rays are the most penetrating rays.
15. define the term photon.
16. recognize that light has both particle and wave properties.

Electromagnetic Waves
- consists of an _______________ field and a _________________ field


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- are ________________________

- do not involve vibrating particles and can _________________ in

a _________________ unlike other waves
- travel at 300,000 km / sec ( the speed of light) in a vacuum
- they will travel at _____________ speeds when going
through ______________________ materials
Electromagnetic Spectrum
- the different electromagnetic waves are arranged according to their
- the amount of energy that is carried depends on the frequency
- ________________________ have _______________________
- only a _______________ section of the spectrum is _______________
to our naked eyes


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Radio waves
- lowest frequency and longest wavelength
- produced when charged particles move back and forth in an ______________
- we can vary (modulate) either the size (amplitude) or the frequency of the waves
(AM amplitude modulation or FM frequency modulation)
- radio waves can be ___________________ with (mountains , metal structures)

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- radio waves can be used in ________________ to create pictures (________)

- astronomy uses ______________________ to "listen" in on space objects
- a special type of ________________________
- microwaves in oven pass through some things and absorbed by others
- used in _______________________ in cell phones etc.
- _________________ - radio detecting and ranging use microwaves as well


- police use _____________ and the ________________ to

register _____________

- send out waves and detect them as they bounce off an object

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- waves with frequencies just below visible light frequencies
- can be felt as ______________________
- infrared cameras and goggles show images of the heat from an object


- ___________________ are special pictures showing hot and cold areas

Visible light
- these frequencies can be detected by eye nerve _________________
- each color has its own frequency
- ___ ed ___ range ___ ellow ___ reen ___ lue I ndigo ___ iolet
- nearly half the energy from the sun is visible light
- just beyond the violet visible portion
- these rays have a _____________________ and therefore can do more
_____________________ damage
- used to kill ______________________
- some _________________ can "see" this range
- these wavelengths cause _________________ and many _________________


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- the ___________________ in the atmosphere protects life on Earth from

most of the ultraviolet rays from the sun

X Rays
- have even ________________________ than ultraviolet so can pass
through many things
- softer material allows them through but denser things (bone) do not
- X Rays are helpful but can also cause ___________________ leading to
__________________ when overused
-- _____________ aprons used to protect parts from exposure to the X rays
during some medical tests
- these have the highest frequencies and therefore ______________________
- they can be used in _________________ (as dyes) to help detect diseases
The Nature of Light
-- electromagnetic radiation such as light have both _______________________


_______________ -- a packet of electromagnetic radiation of definite energy

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