General Decontamination
General Decontamination
General Decontamination
General Decontamination
Floodwaters may be contaminated with sewage and
decaying animal and human remains. Disinfection of
hands, clothing, tools/equipment, and surfaces in work
areas is critical in disease prevention.
Hand Decontamination
Wash hands completely with soap and water.
Rinse completely; dry with a clean towel or air dry.
Clothing, Tool/Equipment Decontamination
It is preferrable to use soap and clean water when available.
If only contaminated water is available, mix 1/4 cup
bleach per gallon of water.
Immerse objects in solution for 10 minutes; if clothing,
gently agitate periodically.
Transfer objects to hand wash solution for 10 minutes;
if clothing, gently agitate periodically.
Allow clothes and tools/equipment to thoroughly airdry before re-use.
Severe Surface Decontamination
Use for decontaminating only the most seriously affected
Mix 11/2 cups bleach per gallon of water.
Douse surfaces with heavy contamination and allow to
sit for 3 minutes.
Wipe the contamination from the surface with a paper
towel and douse the surface again but use the hand
wash solution.
Wipe off residual contamination with a paper towel.
Important Considerations
Use gloves and eye protection.
Prepare bleach solutions daily and allow to stand for
at least 30 minutes before use.
All containers should be labeled Bleach-disinfected
water, DO NOT DRINK. CAUTION: Do not mix bleach
with products containing ammonia.
Do not immerse electrical or battery operated
tools/equipment in solutions; clean exterior with a rag
soaked with soap and water or disinfectant solution.
Safety and Health
OSHA 3264-09N-05