Bhajaho Gobind Bhol Mat Janaa
Bhajaho Gobind Bhol Mat Janaa
Bhajaho Gobind Bhol Mat Janaa
ies dyhI kau ismrih dyv ] so dyhI Bju hir kI syv ]1]
eis dhaehee ko simarehi dhaev || so dhaehee bhaj har kee saev ||1||
Even the gods long for this human body. So vibrate that human body, and think of serving the Lord. ||1||
Bjhu guoibMd BUil mq jwhu ] mwns jnm kw eyhI lwhu ]1] rhwau ]
bhajahu guobi(n)dh bhool math jaahu || maanas janam kaa eaehee laahu ||1|| rehaao ||||1||Pause||
Meditate on the Lord of the Universe,never forget Him. This is the blessed opportunity of this human incarnation.
jb lgu jrw rogu nhI AwieAw ] jb lgu kwil gRsI nhI kwieAw ]
jab lag jaraa rog nehee aaeiaa || jab lag kaal grasee nehee kaaeiaa ||
As long as the disease of old age has not come to the body,as long as death has not come and seized the body
khq kbIru jIiq kY hwir ] bhu ibiD kihE pukwir pukwir ]5]1]9]
kehath kabeer jeeth kai haar || bahu bidhh kehiou pukaar pukaar ||5||1||9||
Says Kabeer, you can win or lose. In so many ways, I have proclaimed this out loud. ||5||1||9||