Grade One Homework April 13 - 17: TH TH

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Grade One Homework

April 13th 17th

Homework will be sent home on Monday and collected on Friday.
Sight Words: pull, off, after, zip, much
RAH RAH!: Read At Home each night for at least 10 minutes from either Raz Kids,
take home book or the Student Biography. Dont forget to color the title of the book you
read. It is okay to have your child read the same book more than once; this can really
help with fluency. Be sure to also practice using your strategies with the tricky
Word Work: Spring is finally here and April is Poetry month! Read the spring poem on
kite (sheet attached) and answer the questions. Write 2 sentences about your favorite
spring activity. Be
sure to add an upper case letter at the beginning of each
and an end mark to the end.
Math: Complete the enclosed math sheet to practice estimating, grouping and
sets to 100.

**Thank you to all who made our Student Led Conferences a success! The children had
a fabulous time being leaders!
**Please ensure your child returns their library book on Friday.
**Mrs. Lewis class and Mrs. Smiths class will be visiting the DECH on Thursday, April
Mrs. Doucets class and Mrs. Greens class will be visiting the DECH on Thursday,
April 30th.
We will be leaving NMES at 8:40 and returning approximately 11:20.
There will be no fee for this trip. Since we missed a skating day in February, we will use
that money to cover the $2.00 cost for bussing to the DECH.
**With the snow melting and puddles forming, the playground is VERY wet! Your child
should have an extra pair of mittens, pants, and socks in their book bag.

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