Counting Principles Summarized

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Principles of Counting

Adapted from the Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics K-3 Number Sense &
Numeration p. 7-8
Correspondence Principle
Stable Order Principle Understanding that each object
Understanding that the being counted must be given one
counting sequence stays count and only one count. It is
consistent. It is always 1, 2, 3, useful in the early stages for
4, 5, 6, 7, etc., not 1, 2, 4, 5, 8. children to actually tag each
item being counted and to move
an item out of the way as it is

Order Irrelevance Cardinality Principle

Principle Understanding that the last
Understanding that the count of a group of object
counting of objects can begin represents how many are in the
with any object in a set and group. A child who recounts
the total will stay the same. when asked how many candies
are in the set that they just
counted, has not understood the
cardinality principle.

Movement is Magnitude
Conservation Principle Principle
Understanding that the count
Understanding that as you move
for a set group of objects
up the counting sequence, the
stays in the same no matter
quantity increases by one and as
whether they are spread out
you move down or backwards,
or close together.
the quantity decreases by one
(or by whatever number you are
counting by as in skip counting
by 10’s, the amount goes up by
10 each time.

Abstraction Principle
Understanding that the Unitizing Principle
quantity of five large things is Understanding that in our base
the same count as a quantity ten system objects are grouped
of five small things. Or the into tens when the count
quantity is the same as a mixed exceeds 9 (and into sets of tens
group of five small, medium when it exceeds 99) and that
and large things, this is indicated by a 1 in the
tens place of a number.

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