01.project Beverage Transportation

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A Heritage of Vision

. A Legacy of Innovation


Beverage transportation system

Team members

under the guidance of


Beverage transportation system is required to provide a computerized system which could be hoisted by plants and
bottle filling factories to manage the inns and outs of the beverages and more efficient use of the resources. This
should help the all the managers to administrate the transportation and employee status.
He should be able to access the information about

Dispatch details of the filled bottles.

Cost of the dispatched bottles.

Details of incoming empty bottles.

(Quantity, type, size of bottles etc.)

Details of product dispatched in bottles.

He should be able to keep track of all the distributors and compare the standard of services provided to
A separate track of all the trucks which are in use or might be required in future of the organization can be
Employee Information about all truck drivers, assistant labors etc can be stored and retrieved as per the

Aim of the project is to provide a software solution for the purpose of management of the transports of a plant and
efficient handling of the beverage items by providing all the above mentioned features.

Scope of the software

The scope of the software depends upon present and future use of the software. It also depends upon whether the
current system could be modified according to

Different future needs

Competitive environment in future

Present scenario
At present not only the system is fully ready it can also perform all needs of the system

It can maintain the records of brands.

Searching, modifying and deleting of the existing records easily.

The search of records of clients.

It can produce a lot of useful Reports.

Administrator can change his password whenever he wants.

Administrator and other users can get their lost password through the system.

Future scenario
System can be modified according to different regions and as per the requirement to fit the system

Project requirement

When the business expands, the number of records grows in millions. Therefore many times the system may

not handle such an overhead of data, sometimes crashes and the whole work stops due to the load of data.

Full dependency on physical records and human being makes the searching and fetching of data very

Everyday records are increasing in multiples so record maintaining is tough.

It does not exhibit the platform independent features.

No protection & authentication is provided so that to control the threats arising from theft of data and
destruction of data.

Technologies to be used
This Software is developed with
Front End as
Asp.net, VB script, HTML.

Back End as
My Sql, IIS web server.

a) Software Interface:

Client on Intranet : Client Software, LAN Connectivity with Server,

Operating System (any)
Web Server
: IIS, Operating System (any)
Data Base Server : Mysql, Operating System (any)

b) Minimum Hardware Interface:

Client Side


Disk Space

Pentium III at 500


128 Mb


IIS web server

Pentium III at 1 GHz



My sql

Pentium III at 1 GHz


2GB(Excluding Data

Internet Explorer 6.0

Server Side

c) Communication Interface:

Client on Internet will be using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.

Client on Intranet will be using TCP/IP protocol.

Feasibility Study
In feasibility study phase we had undergone through various steps, which are described as under:
How feasible is the system proposed? This was analyzed by comparing the following factors with both the
existing system and proposed system:a) What are the users needs and how does a beverage transportation system meet them?
b) What resources are available to give this transportation system? Is the problem worth solving?
c) What is the likely impact of this transportation system on the organization? How well does it fit within the
organizations plans?
Feasibility analysis:It is done so that an ill-conceived system is recognized early in definition phase of software engineering. This phase is
really important as it finds out whether the idea thought is possible or not.
Economic analysis:
As this is an in-house project for the firm, to be used for its own convenience and also it is not that big a project. So neither
it requires a huge amount of money or nor any infrastructure need to be set up for it.
Technical analysis:
During Technical analysis, the technical merits of the system are studied and at the same time collecting additional
information about performance, reliability, maintainability and predictability.
Operational analysis:
The project is operationally feasible. This project is being made for the convenience of the any of the firms users which
are executing beverage transportation and wish to have it managed efficiently.
Working of the Present System:
As always manual systems may seem to be easy at the initial stage but becomes hectic when the system grows. This is true
for the record maintenance and stock verifications handled in various soft drink and beverage plants.
A lot of attention and experience was required to deal with the manual system. As there were bottlenecks that were hurdles
in the smooth and efficient functioning of processing of records, thus there was a need for change in the system.
The idea for change originates from within the organization top management, the user, the analyst. As the organization
changes its operation or faces advances in computer technology, some one within the organization may feel the need to
update existing system or application.
Serious problems in operations, a high rate of labor turnover, labor intensive activities, and high rejection rates of the
products, also prompt top management to initiate an investigation.

Existing system had following bottlenecks and drawbacks:

Various hard copies and registers were maintained for day to day work.

The queries regarding the status of the stock and work order required a lot of manual work, which was an overhead
in the expense of time and money.

The paper work and registers occupy a lot of space.

No security of records as any one can access them and extract the important details.

Reporting was prepared manually in excel or by pen and paper, which is time consuming and tedious job for the

Manual reporting can raise error due to iterative work and human involvement.

Searching records to get any details was very difficult.

A lot of attention and experience was required to deal with the manual system.

Proposed System:

It is a window application and user can work on it using any platform.

Report generation time will be reduced.

It reduces the time for manual errors and their corrections.

Highly secured system, Easy user interface and timeliness

Transportation charges will be reduced.

It requires less Man power.

The cost required in the proposed system is comparatively less to the existing system.

Also the time required generating a report or for doing any other work will be comparatively very less than in the
existing system. Record finding and updating will take less time than the existing system.
In the existing system the number of staff required for completing the work is more while the new system will
require quite less number of staff.



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