Slo Essay

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The author discusses improving their writing abilities through practice and feedback over multiple assignments. Key skills developed include adapting writing to different audiences, incorporating others' work respectfully, collaborating in groups, and self-reflection.

The four student learning outcomes discussed are A, H, C, and F which cover adapting writing to rhetorical situations, incorporating others' work, collaboration, and self-evaluation.

The author discusses collaborating effectively in a group to compose a proposal, providing feedback to other groups, and incorporating feedback to strengthen their final draft.

Lindsey Conklin

English 120-060
Reflective Essay On Student Learning Outcomes
Throughout The Semester
Throughout English 120 there have been three low stakes assignments followed
by three major writing assignments. The first low stake and major writing assignment
involved a rhetorical analysis of an ad titled Campaign For Nursings Future-Pediatric
Nurses. From this ad I analyzed and depicted how the ad demonstrated the appeal to
logos, ethos, and pathos. The second low stakes and major writing assignment involved
composing a position paper. In this assignment, I continued to write about nursing and
addressed the position that registered nurses should be allowed to prescribe medications
alongside doctors and nurse practitioners. The third and final low stakes and major
writing assignment involved composing a proposal with a group to persuade a department
head to allocate $10,000 to the local animal shelter. For this proposal, as a group, we had
to collaborate and compose an introduction, problem statement, step-by-step solution,
cost benefit analysis, and a conclusion to address our problem. Throughout this semester
the student learning outcomes that made the most progress and will be discussed include
outcomes A, H, C, and F.
Student Learning Outcome A
SLO A is best defined as being given a rhetorical situation, to be able to collect evidence
from many sources to analyze, reflect, and compose appropriately. SLO A encourages
students to compose their writing in a way that is in accordance with the rhetorical
situation. The improvement and progression of SLO A is best seen in the composition of

the third and final low stakes assignment. In this assignment I had to collaborate with
peers to finalize a problem to discuss but individually construct a memo regarding that
problem. As a group, we decided to discuss the various problems regarding the local
animal shelter.
Because my theoretical audience was the department chair of biology at the
University of New Mexico, I composed my memo to be semi-formal in order to appeal to
ethos to demonstrate professionalism and credibility. Also, while composing I made the
appeal to pathos by using reasonable claims to essentially persuade the biology
department to allocate their funds to the animal shelter. For example, while talking about
the need of advertisements for the shelter I mentioned it would be a good idea to let the
public know these animals need nothing less than a loving home. By using the appeal to
pathos while stating this claim, it can essentially bring awareness and attention to the
problem to essentially persuade the biology department to allocate their additional
Student Learning Outcome H
SLO H is best defined as the addition of others ideas, quotes, perspectives, and
positions into students work in a way that gives proper credit to where it is deserved and
is represented correctly in the various mediums that can be used. For example, in the
major writing assignment #2 I took a stance on the position that registered nurses should
be allowed to prescribe medications alongside doctors and nurse practitioners. While
preparing for this major writing assignment I used UNMs databases to find two peer
reviewed and credible sources to support my position. Although this topic is not widely
discussed I found two articles in which information was allocated into my position paper

that offered strong support. Because I included other peoples thoughts or statistics that
people had researched and presented I had to give credit to where it was deserved to
present the information ethically and avoid plagiarism.
An example of how I included another persons work respectfully and ethically is
in this sentence from my major writing assignment, In order to understand what the role
entails of being able to prescribe medications Matt Griffiths, a professor of prescribing
and medicines management at Birmingham University defines prescribing as [a]ny act
by which medicinal products are written from one form of direction to administer to
another (30). By clearly stating at the beginning of the sentence the name of whose work
was going to be discussed it allowed for respectful addition of this persons work by
giving them credit. Also by offering a page number at the end of the sentence it signifies
to my reader that I included a work cited page in which more details regarding the article
used can be viewed. Overall, it is a great tool to be able to integrate other peoples work
into my own to support my position. Furthermore to emphasize, it is so important to give
proper credit to a sentence, idea, position, or statistic that is not mine in order to present
other peoples work respectfully and ethically to avoid plagiarism.
Student Learning Outcome C
SLO C is best defined as applying the various processes of writing to compose a
strong, well-written piece. SLO C encourages students to utilize in their work, the various
processes of writing by brainstorming, composing, editing, collaborating, receiving
feedback, finalizing, reviewing, and so forth. For every assignment in English 120, there
was always plenty of time from when it was assigned to when it was due and in between
that period of time there was always time set aside for a peer review. By having adequate

time and time set aside for peer review I was able to utilize the various processes of
writing in order to compose a well written piece, always improving on my progression of
SLO C is best seen in the collaboration of working with a group for the third
major writing assignment of composing a proposal to receive additional funding. First,
we were assigned into groups, in those groups we had to decide on a problem to discuss.
From finalizing on a problem to discuss we had to break up what was going to be
discussed into parts for each group member to complete. In this case, I had the part of
writing out the problem statements, discussing why the problems needed attention and
additional funding. After writing our individual parts we had to collaborate and pull those
parts together to present for our instructor and peers to review. During peer review, as a
group, we reviewed other groups proposals while they reviewed ours, while also
receiving feedback from our instructor.
We received useful constructive feedback and suggestions from the peer review
that we were able to incorporate into our final draft of our proposal to make it detailed
and sharp. Finally, one last time before the final draft was turned in, we as a group
utilized Google docs to review it one more time for errors and clarity and then turned it in
and receive an exceptional grade for all the work put into it. As shown, many processes
were used that exemplified SLO C in this major writing assignment that lead to a wellwritten, strong proposal.
Student Learning Outcome F
SLO F describes the ultimate ability to evaluate ones own writing and apply the
skills gained in English 120 to various situations that may arise in the future in a way that

is appropriate and professional to further progress in goals. As a writer, throughout the

course of the semester in English 120 I have gained many tools, if you will, that I can put
in my tool belt and apply to various contexts and circumstances in my life. Through
evaluation and reflection I have learned that giving myself adequate time while working
on a piece will only imbed a lifelong habit of avoiding procrastination. Furthermore,
progression of the ability to accept other peoples feedback regarding my work as
constructive and useful will only make me a more humble person to recognize areas of
weakness to then make improvements. By also gaining skills of how to collaborate and
work efficiently with others will continue to aid my lifelong career of going into nursing,
which in nursing it is crucial to work well with others. One last takeaway from this
semester is the ability to apply my own unique edge in writing and communicating to
convey understanding of the rhetorical situation. By gaining this skill I will be able to
convey uniqueness, professionalism and clarity in future events that involve writing or
working with others.
The End Of A Great Semester
Although only four of the many student learning outcomes were discussed, all of
the student learning outcomes made progression and improvements throughout the course
of the semester in English 120. Sadly, this will by my last English class while attending
the University because from this point forward science classes will consume my major,
being nursing. However, I am grateful to have ended my English classes with a
passionate instructor and friendly peers that helped me improve as a writer. Also, because
of the skills gained in English 120 I will be able to apply those skills to many
circumstances that arise in the future that will only improve my writing as a whole.

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