English 120
Taylor S Diaz
April 28, 2015
SLO Reflection
Over the course of this semester, we have reflected over the student learning outcomes a
multitude of times and have applied these concepts to many projects within the class. Our
assignments involved many low stakes assignments as well as a few major writing assignments.
These projects included practice with creating arguments, memos, and proposals. The main
SLOs of focus within this particular assignment will be SLOs A, F, C and H. These outcomes
may have shown the most improvement out of all the rest throughout this semester.
The student learning outcome A has to do with that aspect of understanding different
genres and responding to a rhetorical situation through an argument. For example, the memo
(LSA3) was written in a way to express to the reader a situation where there is an opportunity to
make a difference. In the assignment A department here at UNM just received $10,000 in
additional funding in grant money to fund a student run project to help work towards a solution
for any problem or issue facing the University/greater Albuquerque area. We were to then
describe to the department heads a problem that needs to be addressed and can be fixed/begin to
be fixed with this money. By expressing a need and the possible benefits by satisfying that
need I feel I was able to successfully portray this student learning outcome. Writing in this way
can appeal to the needs or requirements in order to reveal techniques such as the use of logos,
pathos, and ethos. Also I honestly feel in the argument within the MWA1 in which we were to
write a rhetorical analysis for an ad or ad campaign for either an educational/training program for
our intended career or for our major. In this assignment, I explain the situation as well as remain
clear to the audience with my purpose for writing. I used language that I felt would appeal to my
audience which was meant to be my peers or fellow students. I also use information from the ad
itself to support my ideas and purposes. It is within these simple observations that may support
my use of the SLO-A within my proposal.
This SLO involves reviewing your own personal development and how using various
technologies can influence your abilities. I feel this SLO has a lot to do with things such as
reflections. Reflection on prior works and improving drafts can be helpful by using saved
documents and being able to see comments from instructors, then going back for corrections and
updates. I feel I am able to do this through peer review and cover letters. Cover letters were to be
written and placed before the actual paper and included an explanation of the choices and
decisions that lead to the creation of the paper as well as requests for specific feedback over
anything within the paper. Also the cover letter contained a reflection section that involved
reflecting over the whole paper. Reflections are a crucial practice within writing when it comes
to improvement. In order to improve, one must constantly revise and reflect over possibilities
and various ideas within a piece of writing. They also allow us to better understand as well as
explain why certain ideas are being discussed and considered. Overall the goal of this SLO is to
advance your skills as a writer through various techniques and technologies dealing with
revisions and reflecting over past work.
confident that they are useful for the purpose that I have used them. It is crucial when portraying
an authentic argument to effectively and accurately display each side of the argument. I feel this
SLO focuses on improving the ability to integrate the position of others within a piece of writing
as well as portraying multiple perspectives on a situation effectively.
In conclusion, I truly feel that throughout this semester I was able to achieve a major
grasp on the overall concept of all the student learning outcomes. The four SLOs focused within
this reflection were SLO A, F, C, and H. Even though only four SLOs were discussed I can say
with confidence that each of the student learning outcomes were practiced and used in some way
throughout the semester. In the future I plan to refer to these outcomes in order to further
enhance and appropriate our writing capabilities.