Compare-Contrast Essay

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Shannon L. Thomas
Chiquita Boyd
English 111
What if an eight year old is allowed to eat whatever they want or watch
whatever they want on television, with no rules and no guidelines? What if an eight
year old only has certain choices of things they can eat or watch on television? Two
types of parenting styles are uninvolved parenting and authoritative parenting.
Many people think that the type of parenting style a child receives can
determine many factors in a childs future, which can be based on their
lifestyle, education, and social skills.
Uninvolved parenting involves no normal routine whatsoever. Children are
allowed to eat whatever they want to and watch what they want to on television.
There are no rules or guidelines that they have to follow. During the 1960s
psychologist Diana Baumrind described three different parenting styles based on
her research with preschool-age children: authoritarian, authoritative and
permissive parenting. In later years, researchers added the fourth style known as
uninvolved parenting. (Genetic Psychology Monographs 75). Uninvolved parents
have little or no relationship with their children. Authoritative parents have
guidelines and rules that their children are expected to follow and abide by.
Authoritative parents want their children to learn the importance of their actions
and choices made that could possibly affect the rest of their lives.

Children raised by uninvolved parents usually end up with bad grades in
school or they may end up dropping out of school. Uninvolved parents are not
involved in their childrens education. Of course, they may make sure they have
clothes and school items that are needed, but involved is not a must. As stated in
What Is Uninvolved Parenting? Uninvolved parents do not attend parent- teacher
conferences or school events. ((Cherry, Kendra, Parenting Styles: What They Are
and Why They Matter. What is Uninvolved Parenting? Kendra Cherry, n.d. Web. 06
Apr. 2015). On the other hand, authoritative parents not only require good grades
but expect them. Being an authoritative parent means that there is more
involvement in their childrens school activities and they are more likely to attend
parent-teacher conferences.
Social skills are a very important part of becoming an adult. The nurturing
that is giving by parents play a vital role. Uninvolved parents basically just provide
their everyday needs that are a must, such as shelter, clothing, and food. No values
or morals are taught, so a lack of self-esteem falls into place and no self-control.
Authoritative parenting is responsive to their children and willing to listen to
questions. Posted in an article When children fail to meet the expectations, these
parents is more nurturing and forgiving rather than punishing, teaching them
responsibility and consequences for their actions in life. ((Cherry, Kendra, Parenting
Styles: What They Are and Why They Matter. What is Uninvolved Parenting?
Kendra Cherry, n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2015).
The way we choose to raise our children is solely up to each individual
whether they are co-parenting or is a single parenting. The reason why it is so
important to use authoritative parenting is because it has so much to do with a
childs outcome in life; however there are more important factors that play an

important part in childrens outcome in life. The Bottom Line: parenting styles are
associated with different child outcomes and the authoritative style is generally
linked to positive behaviors such as strong self-esteem and self-competence.
However, other important factors including culture, childrens perception of parental
treatment, and social influences also play an important role in childrens behavior.
(Cherry, Kendra, Parenting Styles: What They Are and Why They Matter. What is
Uninvolved Parenting? Kendra Cherry, n.d. Web. 06 Apr. 2015.) In the end, it is
important to recognize and appreciate all parenting styles.


Works Cited
Cherry, Kendra, Parenting Styles: What They Are and Why They Matter. What
They Are and Why They Matter. What is Uninvolved Parenting? Kendra Cherry, n.d.
Web. 06 Apr. 2015.
Baumrind, D (1967). Child-care practices anteceding three patterns of preschool
behavior. Genetic Psychologhy Monographs, 75, 43-88.

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