The Carnal Christian
The Carnal Christian
The Carnal Christian
Many who regularly occupy church pews, fill
church rolls, and are intellectually acquainted with
the facts of the gospel never strike one blow for
Christ. They seem to be at peace with his enemies.
They have no quarrel with sin and, apart from a
few sentimental expressions about Christ, there is
no biblical evidence that they have experienced
anything of the power of the gospel in their lives.
Yet in spite of the evidence against them, they
consider themselves to be just what their teachers
teach them that they are Carnal Christians.
And as carnal Christians they believe they will go
to heaven, though perhaps not first-class, and with
few rewards.
doctrine of carnality but reproving a specific outcropping of carnality in one certain respect. When
Paul does state a foundational truth respecting the
position of all Christians it is in such words as, If
any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, and
for all who are in Christ it is also true that, old
things are passed away; behold, all things are
become new (2 Cor. 5:17). There is no place for
two classes of Christians in Pauls letter to the
church at Corinth, and indeed no place for it
anywhere in the teaching of Scripture. To interpret
1 Corinthians 3:14 in such a way as to divide
men into three classes is to violate a cardinal rule
for the interpretation of Scripture, namely, that
each single passage must be interpreted in the
light of the whole. It was a wise saying of one of
the church fathers, If you have one Scripture only
on which to base an important doctrine or teaching
you are most likely to find, on close examination,
that you have none.
temporary faith,
saving faith.
Temporary faith,
historical faith,
miraculous faith,
saving faith.
The carnal Christian teaching ignores much
biblical teaching on the doctrine of assurance,
especially those Scriptures which show that
Christian character and conduct have a bearing on
our assurance. The short First Epistle of John was
written in order that those who believe may know
that they have eternal life; that is, may know that
they are born of God (5.13). Throughout the
Epistle John stresses the marks that accompany
the new birth (3:9; 5:18). He shows that a man
born again is not at home in the realm of sin, and
that disobedience to Gods commandments cannot
be the bent of a Christians life, as the carnal
Christian teaching would lead us to believe. For
whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world;
and this is the victory that overcometh the world,
even our faith (5:4). And hereby we know that we
know him, if we keep his commandments. He that
9. False spirituality
Ninth: This teaching breeds Pharisaism in the socalled spiritual Christians who have measured
up to some man-made standard of spirituality.
There ought to be no professed spiritual
Christians, much less super-spiritual ones!
George Whitefield, a man who lived very close to
his Saviour, prayed all his days, Let me begin to
be a Christian. And another Christian has truly
said: In the life of the most perfect Christian there
is every day renewed occasion for self-abhorrence,
for repentance, for renewed application to the
blood of Christ, for application of the rekindling of
the Holy Spirit.
The effect of believing the truth set out in these