The Old Coat and The New Wine
The Old Coat and The New Wine
The Old Coat and The New Wine
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In its present position the double parable of the Old Coat and
the New Wine 1) is part of the Reply of Jesus to the Question
About Fasting. There are, broadly, two approaches to the double
parable. By some it is regarded as being in its proper historical
position. That is to say, it was spoken by Jesus on the same occasion
to illustrate his Reply to the Question 2) .The other approach is to
regard the double parable as probably authentic, but deriving from
another occasion, and included at this point in the narrative by
the Gospel writers. What these two approaches have in common
is the fact that they both agree on the interpretation of the parable,
that it illustrates admirably the Reply of Jesus to the Question
About Fasting. I believe this conclusion to be false. The parable
has a clear meaning, commensurate with the rest of the teaching
of Jesus, but it does not illustrate the Reply of Jesus.
There are many instances in the Gospels of words of Jesus being
misapplied 3). In fact the ending which Luke adds to his account of
the double parable destroys the meaning of the parable on any
interpretation. "And no one after drinking old wine desires new;
for he says, 'The old is good'." (v. 39) Jesus may well have spoken
these words to illustrate his teaching on some matter, but the
sentence is out of place here. We cannot assume that even if the
double parable is authentic it is appropriately applied when used
in connection with the Reply to the Question About Fasting.
1) Mk. ii 21-22; Matt. ix 16-17; Lk. v 36-39.
2) As in the previous study The Question About Fasting, NT XI, p. I6I ff.,
'Question' with a capital Q refers to Mk. ii 18 and par., whoever asked the
question, and similarly 'Reply' refers to Mk. ii 19-20 whether it was spoken by
Jesus or comes to us from the Church.
3) e.g. Matt. xx I-I6, where the conclusion added by the writer, "so the
last will be first, and the first last", comes from Jesus, but does not in fact
illustrate the preceding parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard. For
further examples see JEREMIAS, The Parables of Jesus, p. 8i.
1) The Gospel According to St. Mark (2nd ed New York, I966), p. 2I3.
2) The Gospel of Mark (London, I937), p. 55.
3) 'The Gospel According to St. Luke', Interpreter's Bible (New York, 1952),
vol. 8, p. Iio.
4) The Gospel of St. Mark (London, 1963), p. 102.
5) op. cit., p. 80, commenting on the Lukan version.
6) The Gospel According to St. Luke (Cambridge, 1912) p. 74.,
7) Evangile selon Saint Marc (9th ed. Paris, I966), p. 50.
to give, nor in the Reply as we have it are there grounds for in-
troducing the term incompatibility. The strongest term which could
be used is 'inappropriateness'. It is a question of timing. In-
compatibility would mean that the old had gone for ever, that the
Kingdom had come, that fasting could no longer take place. But
this is not the substance of the Reply at all. It is more practical
than this. It is inappropriate to fast now, but they will fast later.
It is a question of timing 1). The final argument against incompati-
bility is surely that the evidence of the Gospels is that Jesus and
his disciples did fast during his ministry.
Incompatibility is an extraneous idea introduced into the Reply
in order to find in it the same theme as in the double parable. And
here is the irony, for the theme of the double parable is not in any
case the idea of incompatibility.
The Old Coat and the New Wine-in the Teaching of Jesus
There is no reason why anyone should doubt the authenticity
of the double parable 2). The only question is what did Jesus intend
by telling it. If there had been strong evidence that the context,
the Reply, dealt with incompatibility, then this might be an
argument prima facie that the double parable also deals with this
theme. In the absence of such strong evidence, and not forgetting
what has been said already about the misapplication of authentic
sayings, we may feel free to look at the double parable afresh.
That is to say we shall now examine the parable in isolation from
its immediate context, though certainly not in isolation from the
general teaching of Jesus 3).
The parables of Jesus usually make their point clearly: that is
the purpose of teaching by this method. The point of the double
parable should emerge as we examine it, as long as we do not
prejudge it by imposing some extraneous idea. Even the longer
parables of Jesus focus upon one main point, and this should
be true a fortiori of the short double parable. It should be an
everyday scene, making an obvious point to the contemporaries
of Jesus.
In the double parable of the Old Coat and the New Wine there
is no value judgment on the various elements 1). The new cloth is
not said to be better or worse than the old coat. The fact that this
obvious point has to be made explicit shows at the outset to what
extent our reading of the parable is still dominated by the idea of
old versus new, of incompatibility. Perhaps it would be better to
speak of the parable of The Patch and the Wine, leaving aside the
loaded words, 'old' and 'new'. The terminology, taken over here
simply by convention, already incorporates the very misapplication
we wish to avoid.
If the double parable dealt with the old versus the new, we should
expect to have the old coat and the new coat, old wine and new
wine. Luke does in fact introduce a new coat in his account, but
not with much success. The parables of Jesus begin from ordinary
situations, but in Luke's account a new coat is torn up to patch
an old one. His introduction of old wine in the second half of the
parable is even more disastrous, for then the old wine is preferred!
In the original parable as preserved in Mark (par. Matt.) there is
no value judgment between old and new, and this means no tension
between old and new. The tension has been later introduced by
Luke's additions, and the fact that his additions detract from (if
not ruin) the parable provides further confirmation that originally
the parable did not deal with the old versus the new.
A straightforward reading of the parable therefore, begins with
the point that the old coat is worth repairing, and the patch is to
hand. The new wine requires a container, and the old wineskins
are to hand. And yet such is the dominance of the idea of incompati-
bility, Judaism versus Christianity, that JEREMIAScannot even