Begin With The End in Mind 1

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Habit #2

Begin with the

End in Mind
Based on the work Stephen Covey

I plan ahead and set goals. I

do things that have meaning
and make a difference. I am
an important part of my
classroom. I look for ways to

Journal Entry

What is the end for

you? What do you hope
to be doing ten years
from now? Twenty? Make
a list of things you want
to do in your life.

Before you figure out

the end, you have to
take a look at who
YOU are!
Draw a picture of
something that represents
you. It could be an
animal, plant, machine, a
food, etc. Explain why
you chose what you did.

In ten years a newspaper decides to

do a story about YOU! They interview
four people about you. These could be
friends or family. What would you
want them to say about you?

Mission Statement, Part 1:

Write your name in a circle. Out from the circle, write
words that describe you.




Mission Statement, Part 2:

Now think about what kind of person you WANT to be.
Make a list.

I want to be a:
1.Hard worker
2.Good student
3.Kind person
4.Talented artist

Mission Statement, Part 3:

Use the two lists to write a mission statement. This is a
sentence or paragraph about the person you want to be.
Here are some example:

My mission is to:
Laugh a lot
Learn as much I can
Work hard at home, school and in
my sports
Be kind to others
Take good care of myself.
To get better at my art.

How good are you at

beginning with the end in
I always
the end
in mind.

I only
Why did you
rate yourself
this way?

Journal Entry
How does saying no
sometimes help you
with beginning with
the end in mind?
What things do you
have to say no to?

Finish these sentences:

~If I my future had no limits, I
would choose to be..
~I want to be a person who

This slide show was created by
Rebecca Radicchi
using the following resources.
1. The Seven Habits for Highly
Effective People by Stephen Covey
2. The Seven Habits for Highly
Effective Kids by Sean Covey
3. The Seven Habits for Highly
Effective Teens by Sean Covey

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