Earthsciencesyllabus2015 16

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*** Please sign and return the Team 601 Syllabus Signature form stating that you have

read and understand this Science

Syllabus and Lab Safety Contract. This sheet and the Safety Contract are for you to keep for future reference.

Earth Science Syllabus

Teacher: Selena Hale
Email address:

Web Page address:

Science Course Description

6th grade Earth Science focuses on three main domains: Astronomy, Geology, and Hydrology / Meteorology.
Students will look at the relationship between these areas of science, Earth, and how each relates to human
beings. Students will participate in class discussions, individual and group projects, hands-on-activities and labs
Student work will include classwork, labs activities, tests, quizzes, vocabulary, foldable notebooks, electronic
assignments and more. It is important to review notes and vocabulary daily to prepare for assessments.
Writing Requirements:
We will be writing in Science! Writing across the curriculum is important, and will be done daily in Science in a
variety of ways, such as journaling, lab write ups and more. Formal writing assignments will be required to have a
rough draft and final copy. I will work closely with Mrs. Bowden in Language Arts to coordinate these
assignments. Final copies will be submitted electronically through Schoology. Science discovery/ launch activity
response journals will be completed in class and kept in a sewn composition notebook. They will be taken up
periodically for a classwork grade.
Student Expectation

Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn and DO THEIR BEST.
Students are expected to follow classroom, school, and county behavior and dress guidelines.
Students are expected to actively participate in daily discussions & activities.
Students are expected to complete classwork and homework assignments to their best ability.
Students are expected to take responsibility for securing extra help learning opportunities.
Students are expected to follow classroom procedures for securing assignments when absent.
Students are expected to review notes daily and study for quizzes and tests.
Class Rules
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Prepared

3. Follow Directions-1 st time given

4. Have Fun Investigating Science!!

Rewards / Consequences
We will be utilizing a Positive Behavior Incentive Program through Class Dojo. This app may be used by parents,
teachers & students to see what great things students are doing on a daily basis. Rewards will be given
throughout the year for students who meet certain Dojo expectations. More information will come home! Team
601 will also implement a STRIKE SYSTEM when necessary. Students will receive a warning, followed by 3
strikes for not following any of the above rules. After-school detention will be assigned on the 3 rd strike. Serious or
repeated offenses will result in administrative referral. Disruptions to the learning of others will not be tolerated!
Grading Policy:
Grades are based on the student's performance on items such as assessments, classwork, homework, participation, lab
procedures and writings. Grades may be viewed online by student and parent via the online gradebook at Parents and students are encouraged to take advantage of this resource often. Please contact the

school if you do not have a login and password. There is also a free app (Infinite Campus) for students and parents to
have immediate access to the gradebook. The district code is: SWFPPT
The grading system is based on mastery of content. Grades are weighted as follows:
Mastery 40% (Tests, Quarter Exam, Unit/Chapter Performance Tasks)
Progress 30% (Quizzes, Mini- Performance Tasks, Labs, Self-created Foldables, etc.)
Practice 20% (Teacher-led Foldables, Worksheets, Frayer Models, Workbook, etc., Group Activities,
Class Discussions, Vocabulary Quick Checks, etc.)
Participation - 10% (graphic organizers, homework checks, daily tasks, etc)

Late Work Policy for Homework and Classwork:

1 day late: maximum grade of 85.
2 days late: maximum grade of 75
3 days late: maximum grade of 65
Work may be accepted after 3 days of original due date after making arrangements with teacher .
Parent Teacher Communication: I AM AVAILABLE & look forward to talking with you throughout the year!
The AGENDA is a valuable tool for organization and parent/teacher communication. Students are expected to write their
assignments in their agenda each day. Students should also visit Schoology nightly to check assignments, discussions,
and reminders they may have missed in class. Students and parents may also visit the website regularly to view schedule and beneficial resources. Schoology and Class Dojo are
beneficial classroom tools for parents and students to stay in touch with daily assignments and behavioral progress.
Parents & students may also sign up for Remind 101 to receive text messages (see below).
1st, 2nd & 4th periods: TEXT TO: 81010 MESSAGE: @halea
3rd period: TEXT TO: 81010
MESSAGE: @mrshalee
Additional Help/Tutoring:
Additional help (tutoring) is available Tuesday & Thursday afternoons from 2:30 to 3:15 p.m. Students are
required to get a tutor ticket from the teacher the day before and must have a parent signature. If your child is
unable to make afternoon scheduled tutoring, please let me know and I will work with you to make the other
arrangements. Please encourage your child to take advantage of tutoring if neededI AM HERE TO HELP!!
We will utilize a wide variety of technology in the classroom. Ipads will be used in the Science classroom and are
available for student use before and after school during tutoring hours. Students will have the opportunity to build
web pages, submit assignments online, and demonstrate their creativity with their choice of a wide variety of
assignments using different computer programs or applications. If your child does not have access to a computer,
there are always choices that do not require a computer, or they may stay after school to use a school computer if
they choose. Students may also bring phones or tablets to be used for educational purposes only. Technology
tutoring is available with a signed tutor ticket.

Please bring the following to class each day:

***Notebook Paper / binder
*** Pencils / pens
***Colored pencils, crayons or markers
***(2) sewn composition notebooks (journal & foldable notebook)
***Positive attitude!!
I am looking forward to a GREAT YEAR OF LEARNING!!! Please feel free to e-mail or call if you have any questions or
concerns. Thanks in advance for your support.
Selena Hale
6th Grade Earth Science

Use this Code to find me on the web!

Youth Middle School

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