Earthsciencesyllabus2015 16
Earthsciencesyllabus2015 16
Earthsciencesyllabus2015 16
Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to learn and DO THEIR BEST.
Students are expected to follow classroom, school, and county behavior and dress guidelines.
Students are expected to actively participate in daily discussions & activities.
Students are expected to complete classwork and homework assignments to their best ability.
Students are expected to take responsibility for securing extra help learning opportunities.
Students are expected to follow classroom procedures for securing assignments when absent.
Students are expected to review notes daily and study for quizzes and tests.
Class Rules
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Prepared
Rewards / Consequences
We will be utilizing a Positive Behavior Incentive Program through Class Dojo. This app may be used by parents,
teachers & students to see what great things students are doing on a daily basis. Rewards will be given
throughout the year for students who meet certain Dojo expectations. More information will come home! Team
601 will also implement a STRIKE SYSTEM when necessary. Students will receive a warning, followed by 3
strikes for not following any of the above rules. After-school detention will be assigned on the 3 rd strike. Serious or
repeated offenses will result in administrative referral. Disruptions to the learning of others will not be tolerated!
Grading Policy:
Grades are based on the student's performance on items such as assessments, classwork, homework, participation, lab
procedures and writings. Grades may be viewed online by student and parent via the online gradebook at Parents and students are encouraged to take advantage of this resource often. Please contact the
school if you do not have a login and password. There is also a free app (Infinite Campus) for students and parents to
have immediate access to the gradebook. The district code is: SWFPPT
The grading system is based on mastery of content. Grades are weighted as follows:
Mastery 40% (Tests, Quarter Exam, Unit/Chapter Performance Tasks)
Progress 30% (Quizzes, Mini- Performance Tasks, Labs, Self-created Foldables, etc.)
Practice 20% (Teacher-led Foldables, Worksheets, Frayer Models, Workbook, etc., Group Activities,
Class Discussions, Vocabulary Quick Checks, etc.)
Participation - 10% (graphic organizers, homework checks, daily tasks, etc)