2015-2016 Carver Student - Parent Handbook

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Carver Middle School

Dr. Amber Watkins, Principal

18601 Fieldcrest Road
Laurel Hill, NC 28351
(910) 462-4669

Student/ Parent Handbook

As Carver Middle School Eagles, We S.O.A.R. Above the Rest!


Dear CMS Students and Parents,

On behalf of the staff of Carver Middle School, I am excited to welcome each of you to the
2015-2016 school year! We look forward to a productive year, establishing many partnerships
for student success.
It is the mission of Carver Middle School to provide a nurturing environment of educational
excellence in which students can soar as lifelong learners. In order to accomplish our mission,
we believe that we must form positive relationships, working together in teams, to support your
students academic, social, emotional, and artistic needs.
As partners, parents and school staff, share the responsibility for our childrens success and we
want you to know we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. In order to help your
student reach his/her personal goals, we ask that you guide and support your childs learning by
ensuring that he/she:
1. Attends school daily and arrives on time, ready for the days learning experiences.
2. Completes all homework assignments given by teachers.
3. Reads daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills.
4. Informs you if he/she needs additional support in any area or subject.
5. Provides you with updates about school events and important information on a regular
Please know we welcome your participation. You are always welcome to Carver Middle School.
You are encouraged to become an active member of our parent organization. We will also need
parent volunteers throughout the year. Please check for any notices sent home, listen for all
Blackboard Connect phone messages, and continuously visit our website
(http://cms.scotland.k12.nc.us) and Facebook page
(https://www.facebook.com/CarverMiddleSchoolEagles) for more information.
The policies and procedures contained in this handbook are designed to ensure a safe and
successful school year for all students. Take time, with your student, to carefully read the
information contained in this handbook. Please become familiar with the responsibilities, and
expectations of our school. It is very important that you and your child are fully informed
regarding expectations related to appropriate behavior for a safe and productive school year.
We look forward to a successful school year, and please know that as Carver Middle School
Eagles, We S.O.A.R. Above the Rest! GO EAGLES!

Amber A. Watkins, Ed. D

Principal, Carver Middle School


Table of Contents
Headings... Page
Faculty and Staff List

Student and Parent/ Guardian Rights and Responsibilities

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Student Responsibilities
Civility of Parents, Spectators, Other Visitors and School Employees


Student Attendance
Truancy: Skipping classes/school
Class Tardies
Attendance Explanations and Additions
Checking InLate Arrival
Checking OutEarly Dismissal
Attendance at School Functions
Unexcused AbsencesSchool Procedures


Student Code of Conduct

List of Policies
Dress Code
Use of Wireless Communications Devices
School Wide Behavior
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
General School Wide Rules and Expectations
In The Hall Behavior
Cafeteria Behavior
Care of School Property
Care of personal Property And Theft Prevention
In School SuspensionISS
Transportation: Bus Misconduct/Rules/Consequences


School-Wide Procedures
Morning Arrival
Morning Procedures
Dismissal Procedures
Transportation Changes
Book Bags
Change of Address


Use of School Telephones

Lost and Found
Student Store
Make-up Work
Parent/Student/Teacher Conference Days
Interim Reports
Interim/Progress Reports Dates
Report Cards
Report Card Distribution Dates 2015-2016 School Year
Grading System/Report Cards
Integrity of Academic Work
Personal Education Plan
Family Educational Rights and Privacy ActsFERPA
Title One


Student Supports and Activities

Scotland County Schools 2014-2015 School Calendar
Guidance Counselor
Policy Code: 6125 Administering Medications to Students
Senate Bill 911: Care of School Children With Diabetes
Annual Health Status Update Forms
Carver Middle School Clubs
Student Office Workers
Soliciting and Fundraising


PBIS Behavior Expectations Matrix



Mission Statement
It is the mission of Carver Middle School to provide a nurturing environment of educational
excellence in which students can soar as lifelong learners.

Vision Statement
Carver Middle School provides each student with a safe and nurturing learning environment that
supports them academically, socially, physically, emotionally, and artistically. We will prepare
students to be 21st Century digital citizens who communicate through critical thinking,
collaboration, and creativity to become college and career ready. By appreciating diversity and
cultural heritage, staff, students, parents, and community members will work together to create
accepting learning environments. We will increase pride in our school and community by
creating relationships among these participants.

Belief Statements
As Carver Middle School staff, we believe:
1. All students will succeed with support and data driven interventions.
2. All students will be provided with multiple, individualized strategies to succeed.
3. All students will be engaged in real-world learning through rigorous instruction.
4. All staff and students will have good relationships to promote learning and
5. All staff members will provide all students with equal access to curriculum through
data driven instruction that yields positive results.
6. All staff share responsibility for meeting the needs of each student by connecting
school, home, and the community.
7. All staff members are accountable for student success.

PBIS Eagle Creed

As Carver Middle School Eagles, we S.O.A.R. above the rest:
We are Successful.
We take Opportunities to excel.
We are Accepting of others.
We take Responsibility for ourselves.
School Mascot: Eagle
School Colors: Royal Blue, Black & White


2015-2016 Faculty Staff

Dr. Amber Watkins, Principal
Charlotte McMillian, Assistant Principal
Jordan Reilly, Assistant Principal
Tangula Diggs - SS
Catherine Gates STEM
Dina Gunnells Math
Sharla Huneycutt - ELA
Sandre Lane STEM Math/Science
Dorainer Leak-Davis Science
Jeremiah Moore SS
Karen Ritch Science
Sara Russell ELA
Niki Williams Math
Lyndell Commander ELA
Sinquest Harley - Science
Dara Hyatt Math
Gerald Jarmusch SS/Science
Margaret Leviner - ELA
Samantha Morgan SS
Shannon Matthews - Math
Vincent Parnell ELA
William Russell Science/SS
Bobby Jo Sonon - Math
Jan Carriker - Math
Lamont Graves SS
Estella Johnson SS
Christi Liles Science
Tim Thomas - ELA
Bryant Thompson ELA
Hashan Tyson Science
Barbara Wheeler - Math
Ginny Bateman--EC Teacher
Nikki BowenEC Teacher
Donna ClarkPCA
Rose Fitzpatrick EC Facilitator
Shawn Hamilton- EC Teacher
Georgia Hunt -PCA
Wanda HarmonEC Teacher Asst.
Joy LindeyEC Teacher
Janet McClellanEC Program Specialist
Dennis McFattenBehavior Support
Betty Murphy EC Teacher Asst.
Sharon Stephens--AIG Facilitator

Louann Albright--CTE
Casey Bormet --PE
Jamie Bream - Band
Linda CovingtonCTE
Jennifer Fore--Band
Roshein McClain CTE
Rodney PattersonPE, Athletic Director
Marianne Peters--Music
Joanne Peterson--Art
Roosevelt PridgenCTE/ STEM
Christi Blue Math Interventionist
Virginia Covington Reading 180
Susan Hendrix Instructional Coach
James McLean CARE Coordinator
Kim Phillips - Social Worker
Angela Purcell - Media Specialist
Linda Smid - Counselor
Emily Smith Mental Health Worker
Rebecca WinterNurse
TBDISS Coordinator
Sherry KellyReceptionist
Bonnie McLaughlinBookkeeper
Sheila WebbData Manager
John Baldwin
Brenda Gibson
John McLean
Beverly Jones Manager
Sandra Britt
Pattie Morris
Sharon Pate
Rosa Stewart
Sheronica Smith School Resource Officer


Student and Parent/ Guardian Rights and Responsibilities

For more information, please visit the Scotland County Schools Bulletin and the
Scotland County School Board Policy Code 4300-A: Student Rights and
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
1. To teach the child self-discipline and respect for authority.
2. To see that the child attends school regularly.
3. To see that the child is prepared and has necessary materials.
4. To familiarize the child with the discipline policy and regulations.
5. To provide the school with a current telephone number through which he/she can
be reached during the school day.
6. To come to the school to get the child when necessary.
7. To be available for conferences when necessary.
8. To cooperate with the school for the benefit of the child.
Student Responsibilities
1. To be aware of and follow system-wide policy and regulations and school
guidelines regarding acceptable behavior.
2. To refrain from disruptive behavior which may interfere with a teachers right to
teach and a students right to learn.
3. To refrain from physical force; verbal abuse; threats; blackmail; the use, sale, or
exchange of alcohol or any illegal drugs; smoking or use of other tobacco
products; stealing; vandalism; and any other illegal activities.
4. To seek clarification from school personnel concerning the appropriateness of any
action or behavior.
5. To attend classes regularly and punctually with necessary materials and
6. To follow policy and regulations for every event considered part of the school
program, regardless of the time or place.
7. To furnish identification at the request of any staff member.

Civility of Parents, Spectators, Other Visitors and School

The Scotland County Board of Education seeks to promote mutual respect, civility and
orderly conduct between and among Scotland County Schools employees, volunteers,
parents, spectators, and the general public. The intent of this policy is to maintain, to the
greatest extent reasonably possible, a safe, harassment-free workplace for teachers,
students, administrators, coaches, staff, parents and other members of the community.
To view the policy in its entirety, please visit the Scotland County School Board
Policy Code 5021: Civility of Parents, Spectators, Other Visitors and School

Student Attendance
Attendance in school and participation in class are integral parts of academic
achievement and the teaching-learning process. Through regular attendance, students
develop patterns of behavior essential to professional and personal success in life.
Regular attendance by every student is mandatory. The State of North Carolina requires
that every child in the State between the ages of 7 (or younger if enrolled) and 16 attend
school. Parents and legal guardians are responsible for ensuring that students attend and
remain at school daily.

School officials shall keep accurate records of attendance, including accurate attendance
records in each class. Attendance records will be used to enforce the Compulsory
Attendance Law of North Carolina

When a student must miss school, a written excuse signed by a parent or guardian must
be presented to the students teacher on the day the student returns after an absence.
Absences due to extended illnesses may also require a statement from a physician. An
absence may be excused for any of the following reasons:
1. personal illness or injury that makes the student physically unable to attend
2. isolation ordered by the State Board of Health;
3. death in the immediate family;
4. medical or dental appointment;
5. participation under subpoena as a witness in a court proceeding;
6. a minimum of two days each academic year for observance of an event
required or suggested by the religion of the student or the students parent(s);
7. participation in a valid educational opportunity, such as travel or service as a
legislative or Governors page, with prior approval from the principal;
8. pregnancy and related conditions or parenting, when medically necessary; or
9. visitation with the students parent or legal guardian, at the discretion of the
superintendent or designee, if the parent or legal guardian (a) is an active duty
member of the uniformed services as defined by policy 4050, Children of
Military Families, and (b) has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has
immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support
In the case of excused absences and short-term out-of-school suspensions, the student
will be permitted to make up his or her work. (See also policy 4351, Short-Term
Suspension.) The teacher will determine when work is to be made up. The student is
responsible for finding out what assignments are due and completing them within the
specified time period.


Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process and
may be taken into account in assessing academic achievement. Students are expected to
be at school on time and to be present at the scheduled starting time for each class.
Students who are excessively tardy to school or class may be suspended for up to two
days for such offenses.
The principal shall notify parents and take all other steps required by G.S. 115C-378 for
excessive absences. Students may be suspended for up to two days for truancy.
If a student is absent from school for five or more days in a semester, the principal or a
committee established by the principal shall consider whether the students grades should
be reduced because of the absences. The principal or committee shall review other
measures of academic achievement, the circumstances of the absences, the number of
absences, and the extent to which the student completed missed work. A committee may
recommend to the principal and the principal may make any of the following
1. the student will not receive a passing grade for the semester;
2. the students grade will be reduced;
3. the student will receive the grade otherwise earned; or
4. the student will be given additional time to complete the missed work before a
determination of the appropriate grade is made.
Students with excused absences due to documented chronic health problems are exempt
from this policy.
Excerpts taken from SCS Board Policy Code 4400: Attendance

Skipping Classes/School
Skipping classes or school may involve one or more of the following:
1. Late for class with no written permission or excuse from a staff member.
2. Unauthorized absence from one or more classes during the school day.
3. Leaving the school campus for any reason without authorization and/or properly
signing out.
4. Absence from school without parental permission and/or knowledge.

Class Tardies:
A student tardy to class must have a pass from the staff member causing the tardiness.
That staff member must write the excuse note. When out of class for meetings, students
must report straight to the meeting location with the designated staff member(s), and
report straight back to class with a note to return. Elapsed time between locations,
without prior permission or supervision, could result in consequences for skipping. If the
tardy is unexcused, the student must satisfy the consequence for being tardy.


Attendance Explanations and Additions

1. When a student is absent from school, parents are asked to send an appropriate note
with their child to explain the absence. Appropriate notes are doctors notes or
parents notes with date of absence, reason for absence, and parents telephone
number. The student should give this note to their homeroom teacher, to be turned
into the office.
2. When a student arrives on campus at any time during the school day, he or she
becomes the responsibility of the school and must report immediately to the office
with a parent/ guardian to sign-in. Any student who needs to leave school during the
school day must have a parent/ guardian sign them out and they must also have the
approval of the office.

Checking InLate Arrival

When students are late for school, they miss valuable instruction. However, we
understand that emergencies happen. When late, parents/ guardians must sign in tardy
students. They must report straight to the office. The office will be responsible for
verifying the tardy and issuing an admission slip. Excessive tardies will lead to a
conference and/ or home visit by the school social worker, Attendance Liaison, CARE
Coordinator or administration. Excused tardiness (Section B of Attendance)official
notes are required.

Checking OutEarly Dismissal

Students and parents must choose between their school obligations and responsibilities
and those demands not related to school.
1. Students who leave campus without permission from the office will be subject to
appropriate disciplinary action.
2. Students will not be called out of class after 3:00 P.M. unless it is to attend a
scheduled medical appointment. An appointment card must be presented in order to
call the child out of class.
3. In order to protect the safety of all students, only those individuals listed on the
student information form by the parent/ guardian will be allowed to sign out a
student. Anyone checking out a student should be prepared to show a picture ID.
4. Valid reasons for checking out are the same as those for excused absencesSection
B of Attendance.

Attendance at School Functions

Students represent Carver Middle School wherever they go, especially at school
functions. These events are an important part of students lives. Student conduct, school
spirit, and attire all contribute to the impression CMS makes upon others. The same code
of conduct consequences that are in effect during the school day are also in effect for all
school-related activities/functions on our campus or any Scotland County school campus.

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Unexcused AbsencesSchool Procedures

1. The principal or his designee shall notify the parent, guardian, or custodian of his or
her childs excessive absences after the child has accumulated three unexcused
absences in a school year.
2. After not more than six unexcused absences, the principal shall notify the parent,
guardian, or custodian by mail that he or she may be prosecuted if the absences
cannot be justified under the established attendance policies of the state and local
boards of education.
3. After ten accumulated unexcused absences in a school year, the principal shall review
any report or investigation prepared under G3 115-C-381 and shall confer with the
school system attendance counselor, to determine whether the parent, guardian or
custodian has received notification pursuant to this section and made a good faith
effort to comply with law. Depending on the circumstances, the principal then
notifies the District Attorney or files a complaint with the Juvenile Intake Counselor
(GS 115-C-378).
4. Upon exhausting all considerations contained in the above first three steps, the
student will then be subject to the requirements outlined in the Scotland County
Board of Educations attendance policy.

Student Code of Conduct

For specific Code For Student Conduct policy explanations, consequences and more,
please visit the Scotland County Schools Informational Bulletin and the Scotland
County School Board Policy Code 4300-B: Students Code of Conduct.
Statement of Purpose
The primary purpose of the Scotland County Schools is to promote learning for all
students. Good teachers, a safe learning environment, and regular attendance by students
are all necessary to accomplish this purpose. In order to promote a proper learning
environment, the Scotland County Board of Education has established a Code for Student
Conduct as a guide to students, parents, and staff in meeting expected standards of
student behavior both at school and in attendance at all school-sponsored activities.
Rules of behavior exist in our society to ensure that the rights of individuals are protected
from interference by other individuals and to ensure that the purposes for which society
exists are effectively accomplished. The statement of individual rights embodied in the
Boards Code for Student Conduct is provided to establish a common understanding
among students, parents, and teachers of the rights and responsibilities of students
concerning their behavior in school. The Code for Student Conduct states what behavior
is expected and why it is expected. It is to serve as an instructional guide for teachers and
parents in their efforts to teach students some of their responsibilities as members of the
school community. It is also to serve as a reference for holding students accountable
when their behavior violates one of these expectations at school, traveling to or from
school on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity either on or off campus. In order

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to assure the rights of every person at school, each student is responsible for observing
the laws of the United States and the State of North Carolina, the policies and rules
established by the Board of Education, and the rules which are specific to his or her
school and classroom.
This statement is not intended to restrict in any way the authority of principals to make
such rules as they are authorized by law to make for the governance and operation of
their respective schools or the authority of teachers to make such rules as they are
authorized by law to make for their respective classes. Each school and each grade level
has unique situations which require special provisions. In particular, the establishment of
procedures for orderly school operation must apply to each school situation. The
procedural requirements for the conduct of discussions, distribution of materials,
sharpening of pencils and the like must be determined by each teacher. Likewise,
procedural rules for the use of areas outside the classroom such as the media center,
lunchroom, or hallways must also be designed for each situation. The staff of each school
is expected to establish such rules as are needed.
The Scotland County School Student Code of Conduct consists of the following policies:
Policy 4300 Student Behavior Policies
Policy 4300A Student Rights and Responsibilities
Policy 4300B Student Code of Conduct
Policy 4301 Authority of School Personnel
Policy 4302 School Plan for Management of Student Behavior
Policy 4310 Integrity and Civility
Policy 4315 Disruptive/Disruptive Behavior
Policy 4316 Student Dress Code
Policy 4318 Use of Wireless Communication Devices
Policy 4320 Tobacco Products-Students
Policy 4325 Drugs and Alcohol
Policy 4328 Gang Related Activity
Policy 4330 Theft, Trespass and Damage to Property
Policy 4331 Fighting, Bullying, Assaults, Threats and Harassment
Policy 4333 Weapons, Bomb Threats, Terrorist Threats and Clear Threats to Safety
Policy 4340 School Level Investigations
Policy 4341 Parental Involvement in Student Behavior Issues
Policy 4342 Student Searches
Policy 4345 Student Discipline Records
Policy 4351 Short-Term Suspension
Policy 4352 Removal of Student During the Day
Policy 4353 Long Term Suspension, 365-Day Suspension, Expulsion
Policy 4370 Student Discipline Hearing Procedures
Policy 4400 Attendance

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Carver Middle School upholds SCS Board of Education policy 1710/4021/7230. Please
see SCS Student Information Bulletin for specifics regarding the Bullying policy. In
addition, students will receive a copy of Carvers bullying pledge, along with educational
information throughout the year in order to help identify, reduce and stand up against

Dress Code
For more information, please visit the Scotland County Schools Informational
Bulletin and the Scotland County School Board Policy Code 4316: Student Dress
The Scotland County School board believes that the dress and personal appearance of
students greatly affect their academic performance and their interaction with other
students. The board requests that parents outfit their children in clothing that is
conducive to learning. Generally, dress and grooming standards as determined by the
student and his or her parents will be deemed acceptable. However, the board prohibits
any appearance or clothing that does the following:
1. violates a reasonable dress code adopted and publicized by the school;
2. is substantially disruptive;
3. is provocative or obscene; or
4. endangers the health or safety of the student or others.
Before being punished, a student who is not in compliance with this policy or a school
dress code will be given a reasonable period of time to make adjustments so that he or
she will be in compliance. Disciplinary consequences for a student who fails to comply
after being offered this opportunity shall be consistent with Section D of policy 4300,
Student Behavior Policies.
The purpose of a dress code is to communicate the schools clear expectation that the
focus of school is to promote learning. In order for students to learn in a safe and orderly
school environment with minimal disruptions, they shall attend school in clothing that is
neat, clean, safe, and which covers them appropriately.
Students will not be allowed to attend school wearing clothing or accessories which
interfere with the maintenance of good order and discipline, or which otherwise disrupt
In accordance with this dress code/policy, Carver Middle School will enforce the
following dress code:
1. Midriffs shall be covered and appropriate neckline must be evident at all
times. Attire that exposes cleavage may not be worn.
2. Shoulders shall be covered (three-finger rule) and halter tops, tank tops,
muscle shirts or shirts with large arm openings are not permitted, though
sleeveless apparel is acceptable.
3. Undergarments (bra straps, boxers, etc.) shall not be visible.

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4. Pants shall be worn at the waist and not sagging.

5. Belts are required to be worn if pants will not stay above the waist.
6. Shirttails that hang at the top of the back pockets may remain out. However,
shirts that cover the back pocket shall be tucked in and must remain tucked in
throughout the day.
7. Shorts, dresses, and skirts shall remain at least fingertip length in front and
back. Therefore, bandage skirts and other tight, spandex skirts/ dresses that
move above the fingertip mark of measurement when walking, bending and
sitting are not allowed.
8. Leggings may not be worn as pants, and if worn there shall be an outer
garment that meets dress code (fingertip length, not see-through, etc.). Form
fitting, spandex jogger pants are considered leggings for the purpose of this
dress code. Pants with back pockets are not considered leggings and may be
9. Clothing with holes, tears, or see through shall follow the dress code as
stated above. Therefore, no skin should be visible above the fingertip
measurement. No revealing tops or pants are acceptablemesh shirts and seethrough shirts may be worn if another shirt is worn beneath.
10. Shoes must be worn at all times.
11. Sleepwear (i.e. pajamas and bedroom shoes) shall not be worn.
12. Sunglasses, goggles, and head covers (including but not limited to bandanas,
wraps, scarves, hats, earmuffs, and hair nets) shall not be worn on campus
during school hours, or in school buildings, and must be placed in lockers at
the beginning of the school day and retrieved only at the end of the school
13. Clothing and accessories, as well as messages on clothing or accessories, shall
not be lewd, vulgar, provocative, obscene, degrade individuals or groups, or
promote violence, alcohol, tobacco, or illegal substances.
The foregoing is intended as examples only and in no way limit the scope of Carver
Middle Schools dress code.
Certain excerpts were taken from SCS Board Policy Code 4316: Student Dress Code.

Use of Wireless Communication Devices

For more information, please visit the Scotland County Schools Informational
Bulletin and the Scotland County School Board Policy Code 4318: Use of Wireless
Communication Devices.
Cellular phones and other wireless communication devices have become an important
tool through which parents communicate with their children before and after school.
Therefore, students are allowed to have such devices on school property. They must be
in lockers during the school day. If cell phones are out in class, visible, or not in lockers,
they will be confiscated by a school staff member.

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With school phone procedures in place for emergencies, cell phones are not
needed at school during the school day. In addition, with one-to-one technology,
students personal electronic portable devices will not be used for instructional
purposes. Therefore, personal electronic portable devices/ cell phones are not
needed during school hours. The items must be placed in lockers during locker
visits each morning and may be retrieved at the end of the school day. This is
also important for the security of your valuable items.

Picture phones and handheld computers with photographic capabilities present

many unique challenges. Therefore, students shall not use these devices to send
pictures of other students by email or by other electronic means during class. In
addition, these devices, if used in academically reprehensible conduct (cheating),
will be punished in accordance with Section D of Policy 4300, Student Behavior

Students in violation of the above rules and expectations, and if their actions violate the
board policy (4318), students will have their devices confiscated by school officials.
Students who fail to comply with a request to turn over such devices will be disciplined
in accordance with Policy 4300. Confiscated devices shall be secured by the school
administration and released only to the parent/guardian of the student. Neither the school
nor the Board assumes liability for the loss or damage of these devices.
The following consequences will be enforced for students in violation of this policy:
1st Offense
2nd Offense
3rd Offense

Confiscated/Parent must pick up after school (3:30-4:00)

Confiscated/Parent must pick up after school (3:30-4:00)
Confiscated/Parent must pick up after school (3:30-4:00)

Failure to comply with a request to turn over such devices will be disciplined as a
separate or additional violation of Policy 4315. Nothing herein should be viewed as any
limitation upon school personnel to impose additional disciplinary sanctions under the
Code of Student Conduct or applicable law, as circumstances may warrant. School
administration shall use reasonable means to secure confiscated devices, which shall be
released only to the parent or guardian of the student. Students, parents, or guardians
shall have no expectation of privacy regarding information, data, communications, or
photos present or stored in such devices. A copy of this policy shall be posted or made
available in all classrooms for the benefit of students and staff.
Principals are hereby authorized to ban all student portable electronic devices from their
campuses on days during which statewide, end of grade, end of course, or other similar
testing will be conducted.
Search of Wireless Communication Devices
In accordance with policy 4342, Student Searches, a students wireless communication
device and its contents, including, but not limited to, text messages and digital photos,
may be searched whenever a school official has reason to believe the search will provide
evidence that the student has violated or is violating a law, board policy, the Code of
Student Conduct or a school rule.
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School-Wide Behavior
The school-wide rules at Carver Middle School are what would be accepted as good
behavior for middle school students.
All employees (faculty, clerical, cafeteria,
custodial, substitutes) of Carver Middle School have certain responsibilities; they have
certain authority to correct students when the need arises. Any student corrected by an
employee of CMS is expected to abide by such correction.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports

PBIS is a support system designed to encourage students to engage in appropriate
behavior. It is integrated throughout the school environment from classrooms to the
cafeteria. PBIS provides clear, consistent, school-wide expectations in every area of
student involvement, including after school activities. This year, Carver Middle School
will continue to implement this initiative throughout all school activities, in order to
ensure that all students know behavior expectations in hopes that all students will be able
to participate in PBIS celebrations.
PBIS Matrix:
A PBIS matrix exists to outline the school-wide expected behaviors. This matrix, located
at the back of this student-parent handbook, sets forth school-wide expectations for all
students. Our expectations are also represented by an acronym, S-O-A-R.
The following creed is recited each morning and will lead students and staff members
into the opening of a positive day:
As Carver Middle School eagles, we S.O.A.R. above the rest: We are Successful. We
take Opportunities to excel. We are Accepting of others. We take Responsibility for
Having clear and consistent expectations school-wide helps students to know how to do
the right thing.
PBIS Incentives:
Throughout the school year, students who are eligible will be able to participate in PBIS
events and activities. Examples of PBIS incentives are as follows: participation and
attendance at the field day, school dance, talent show, student-faculty games, and free
items from the school store, and more. At the beginning of the school year, students will
receive a PBIS calendar of events, along with the required number of points for them to
earn, in order to participate in PBIS activities. Students will be responsible for keeping
up with the points they earn.
In addition to not earning enough points, students may not attend PBIS events if they
were suspended from school, or received more than one in school suspension assignment
during the time period designated for earning points for that activity. When students are
absent from school, they are unable to earn points for positive behaviors. Students will
not earn points in classes for unexcused absences.

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Therefore, not having the minimum number of points, being suspended from school,
being assigned in school suspension and being absent from school during the time period
designated for attending and participating in an activity, may result in a student not being
able to participate in the event. Students will be responsible for keeping record of points
and the above. Through their records, students should know for which events they are, or
are not, eligible to attend.

PBIS Bounce
The purpose of a bounce is to provide students with an opportunity to take a break from
the classroom environment, in order to reflect on behaviors that may have caused
disruption. This is an intervention that we hope does not result in an office referral.
Students are sent for a short period of time, to another teachers classroom, to complete a
reflection and to continue to work on class work. When students return, they should be
ready to continue with instruction. Two or more bounces within a day will result in an
immediate discipline referral. Three bounces within a week (5 school days), may also
result in a discipline referral to the office. Any time a student is bounced, the teacher will
contact the parent. Bounces are always documented and may be reviewed by the parent
at any time.

Activity Participation and Discipline

Any student who has excessive detentions, bounces, or has been assigned BIP or OSS,
may not be allowed to participate in certain activities. These criteria will be set prior to
the activity, in order to inform the student of behavior requirements leading up to the
activity. These activities include, but are not limited to, field trips, after school dances,
PBIS incentive events, 8th grade social, and more.

General School-Wide Rules and Expectations

(Please also refer to the PBIS matrix at the back of the handbook)
1. Follow directions of authorities the first time they are given.
2. Stay in designated areas.
3. Gum is not allowed on campus.
4. No vulgar or offensive language.
5. No throwing of any objects anywhere on school grounds.
6. Be on time to class.
7. No horseplay or physical contact.
8. No loud noises, hollering, whistling, etc.
9. Food and drinks may only be brought onto campus for lunch purposes. They must
remain in lockers during the day, and retrieved only for lunch. Drinks that have been
opened are not allowed on campus.

In The Hall Behavior


Walk on the blue line on the right side of the hallway.

Report directly from one class to the next, or to your designated location.
Do not run, loiter, or group together in the halls.
You must have a planner as a hall pass if you are out of class.
Keep moving, and travel quickly and quietly to your assigned location.

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Cafeteria Behavior
1. Students are allowed to talk while eating. However, students are not allowed to be
excessively noisy or talk across to another table.
2. Stay in place in line. If you jump ahead in the cafeteria line, you will be escorted to
the end of the line.
3. Take all trash and trays to their proper place.
4. Leave the table and floor around your place in clean condition for others.
5. Food, drink, and ice cream are not to be taken from the cafeteria at any time.
6. Students must remain seated while in the cafeteria.

Care Of School Property

All students should have pride in their school. Carver Middle School belongs to students
and staff. It is everyones responsibility to help keep it clean. Anyone who damages or
destroys school property will be expected to pay for that property, and appropriate
disciplinary consequences may be assigned.
1. Dont write or mark on walls, bathroom stalls, or furniture.
2. Put trash in cans.
3. Wipe feet when coming inside from the outside.
4. Flush the toilet.
5. When walking from building to building, stay off the grass.
6. Keep your feet and chairs on the floor.
7. Drinks and food must remain in the cafeteria.

Care of Technology
In a one-to-one computer environment, it is important for all students to carefully handle
technology devices, while also respecting the equipment, and using these tools only for
instructional purposes.
1. Students should follow the procedures set in each classroom for retrieving, using and
packing up computers.
2. Students should not use technology inappropriately, and should not violate the
acceptable usage policy and school and classroom rules and expectations.
3. Student computer privileges may be suspended at any point, for inappropriate usage.
4. When using computers in the classroom, students will be assigned a computer
number. Students are held accountable for the condition and security of the computer
in which they are assigned.
5. Students are required to log in using only their login information, any time they are
on a school device. They may not use guest settings or another students login
information. This can result in disciplinary action.
6. If technology items are missing at any time, the school will conduct a full
investigation in order to find the missing item.
7. School electronic devices contain tracking devices which will be used for more
extensive investigations, should administration suspect that an item has been stolen.

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Care Of Personal Property And Theft Prevention

Students should keep up with their things. Books, coats, band instruments, technology
and other items brought to school are the responsibility of the student. Students should
not leave these things lying around where others may take them or trip over them. The
best method of theft prevention is to be conscious of the possibility of theft occurring and
strive to eliminate these opportunities. The school is not responsible for items that are
lost or stolen.
Listed below are a few tips to help prevent theft:
1. Never leave anything other than clothing in the physical education dressing rooms.
Valuables should be kept in school lockers or home. Band instruments should never
be left unprotected.
2. Do not bring large amounts of money or valuable technology to school. Do not show
others your money.
3. If you take jewelry off, be sure you do not leave it on your desk, in the bathroom, etc.
4. Never leave your purse and valuables unattended.
5. Never leave anything of value on your desk when you leave for any reason.
6. If you are staying after school for practice or club meetings, practice the same theft
prevention habits you would follow during the school day.

In School Suspension (ISS)

Every Carver Middle School staff member would like for students to attend class
regularly, be on time, be prepared for class, and afford others in the learning space the
opportunity to participate in an academically stimulating environment. Staff members
and administration strive to address inappropriate or disruptive behaviors in such a
manner as to determine the underlying cause for the behavior and to assist students in
displaying behavior that will allow them to remain in school and meet the academic
expectations required of all students. However, no student will be allowed to deny others
the academic attention they deserve, desire, or need. Therefore, students that fail to
comply with classroom and school rules and guidelines may be assigned to ISS as a
consequence. The purpose of this intervention is to allow students an opportunity to
improve their behavior in a strict, isolated setting where class work can be done and
credit received.
ISS Rules and Procedures:
1. If you are assigned ISS, you will report to the ISS classroom with paper, pencil, and
instructional supplies.
2. Students will remain in this classroom for the entire time assigned.
3. There will be no breaks or errands during a students time in ISS.
4. The ISS teacher will supervise bathroom breaks.
5. Students will be required to attend ISS for the amount of time he or she has been
placed in it. If the student is absent, he or she will be required to make up the time in
the ISS classroom before returning to regular classes.
6. Computers will be available in ISS in order to ensure a smooth academic transition
for the student to work on classwork assigned online. Students should remain
focused and normal technology usage rules apply.
7. Like a normal school day, while in ISS, students will be allowed to ride a school bus

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to and from school. Students should report straight to ISS when they arrive at school
after receiving breakfast. Attendance will be taken in the ISS classroom.
8. Any student receiving a discipline referral while in ISS may be placed on Out of
School Suspension.
9. All additional ISS rules created by the teacher and posted in the center will be strictly
10. Students can be denied privileges to attend or participate in clubs, plays, sporting
events, dances, assemblies, and any other extracurricular activities while in ISS.

Transportation: Bus Misconduct/ Rules/ Consequences

School transportation service is a privilege, not a right. Students shall observe the
directives of the driver at all times. Permission to ride any bus other than the one
assigned to the student requires a note from the parent that must be turned into the main
office at the beginning of the school day, and approved by an administrator or principal
designee. When a bus driver observes misconduct, a written report will be sent within 24
hours to the Principal or designee of the school to which the student is assigned.
Level I Violations:
Any Profanity
Vandalism Cut seats, Write on seats,
Broken window
Tampering with bus or equipment
Disrespectful Behavior
Physical abuse (fighting, pushing,
Abusive language toward others
Opening rear bus door while bus is in
Refused to identify self
Mandatory action taken for Level I
First infraction: 5 day bus suspension
Second infraction: 15 day bus
Third infraction: Bus suspension for
remainder of school year

Level II Violations
Disobedient/ Failure to Follow
Moving about while the Bus is in Motion
Eating and/or drinking on the bus
Putting head, hands, feet out of window
Inappropriate language
Throwing objects inside bus or out of bus
Parent Problem
Mandatory action taken for Level II
First infraction: Conference/ warning/
notify parent
Second infraction: 3 day bus suspension
Third infraction: 5 day bus suspension
Fourth infraction: Bus suspension for
remainder of semester
Fifth infraction: Bus suspension for
remainder of school year

Prohibited bus behavior earns the same disciplinary action and legal charges as if
the violation occurred on school property.
At no time shall a parent/guardian or other unauthorized person board or delay a
school bus. Verbal or physical abuse by anyone to a school bus driver earns
disciplinary and legal action.
Severe bus violations may result in a 10 day plus suspension on first offense.
Bus suspensions are to include both morning and afternoon routes for the regular
school day and all after school bus routes (tutoring, Scholars, etc.).

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School-Wide Procedures
Morning Arrival
Although we encourage students not to arrive at school before 8:00a.m., students may enter the
building at 7:45a.m. No student will be allowed in the building until 7:45a.m. If a student is on
campus before 7:45a.m., they must remain in their vehicle with adult supervision. At 7:45a.m., a
staff member will alert students in vehicles, to let them know that it is time to come into the
building. Students must come into the building and report directly to the gym. Students may not
be outside, or in any area without adult supervision.
Each student is encouraged to be at school by 8:05 each morning. The morning time will be
used for homework, academic interventions, clubs, silent reading and reflection, academic and
behavior incentives, etc.

Morning Procedures
1. Gymnasium: Before the 8:05 breakfast bell, all students must go to the gym and sit in
bleachers as directed, in the correct grade level section, and in the next seat on the row being
2. Breakfast: All students will be provided with breakfast daily, through the grab-n-go method.
Students will go straight to class with breakfast and will eat in the classroom. Each class will
have procedures for eating breakfast, cleaning up, and for beginning instruction.
3. Classrooms: Unless prior written approval has been given, no students are allowed in any
classrooms before 8:05a.m. With grab-n-go breakfast, all students will report to class daily
with the 8:05a.m. bell.
4. Tardy: If a student arrives at school after 8:30a.m., they must report to the main office with a
parent/ guardian to be signed into school. They will receive a tardy pass from the office to
report to class.
5. Lockers: Students will go to lockers and the bathroom each morning with their class.

Dismissal Procedures
1. All students must walk with their classes to their destination (car circle or bus lot).
2. Three bells will be used to dismiss students at the end of the school day. Each bell will be
assigned to a specific grade level.
3. Bus Riders:
a. Announcements will be made to inform students of bus arrivals.
b. If a students assigned bus is present, they must load the bus immediately. Students will
not be able to hang around in the bus parking lot.
c. If a students bus has not arrived, the student must wait in the cafeteria, remaining seated
in the designated area until their bus arrives on campus. The staff member on duty will
inform students of their bus arrival.
4. Car Riders:
a. Car riders must report directly to the front of the school with the first bell.
b. Students will not be allowed back into the building, unless there is an emergency.
c. For student safety, parents/ guardians are expected to follow the traffic pattern as directed
by school staff. Extreme caution must be taken when leaving school grounds by car.
d. Parents must pick students up in the circle. Students may not be picked up in the staff
parking lot.
e. Car riders must be picked up no later than 3:45p.m. each day!

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Transportation Changes
If there is a change in a childs transportation, parents/ guardians must notify the office in
advance and the office will advise the childs teacher. Written notification that includes a parent/
guardian signature must be sent to school. The note will be signed by a school administrator,
copied and filed in the office. A copy will be given to the bus driver. This is done to ensure the
safety of our students.

Book Bags
Students are encouraged to use book bags to transport all needed material to and from school.
Book bags must remain in students lockers during the day and are not permitted in any
classroom. Students may retrieve book bags at the end of the school day. Gym clothes must be
in a clear or mesh bag. These bags may only be carried to the gym and back.


All students will have a locker assigned to them for storage of books and coats.
For security reasons, students may only use school issued locks.
Lockers are to be kept neat and orderly at all times.
All lockers are the property of the Scotland County School System and are subject to
search by school officials at any time.
There will be a $5.00 fee for any lock not returned at the end of the year.
Students who bring their lunch and some type of canned or bottled drink are expected to
keep these items in their lockers until lunch period.

Change of Address
Parents, it is most important for school staff to know where to reach you for your child. Please
inform the office if you have a change of address, telephone number, employment, or
employment phone number. This is most important for your childs records and safety.

Use of School Telephones

Students are not allowed to use school or classroom phones except with permission to call home
when it has been determined that they are too sick to stay at school. Also, students will not be
called to the office to receive phone calls.

Lost And Found

All students should be careful to safeguard their personal property. In the event something is
missing, the student should check by the main office to see if it has been turned in. Also, the
student should leave his or her name and a full description of everything missing so that they
may be notified if the items turn up later.

All visitors must report directly to the main office upon arrival on campus. Visitors not reporting
to the office will be viewed as trespassing. Students are not to encourage friends to visit during
the school day, before, or after school. Students will not be called out of class to visit with
friends. Students will not be called out of class to accept any phone calls.

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Student Store
A paper, pencil, and pen dispenser will be available in the main hall. No student is allowed to
sell any item or solicit business for any individual or any group, for any reason, without the
consent of the principal.

The following procedures will be used for all record-keeping:
1. The class record document provided by individual schools shall be used and shall be official.
2. All evaluations used to determine student grades shall be recorded in the teacher class record
document. These documents shall be maintained until the end of the following school year
by the principal.
3. Attendance shall be recorded daily and reported to parents on report cards.

Parent/ Student/ Teacher Conference Days

Two Parent-Teacher conference days will be scheduled during the academic school year.
Parents/ guardians should try to schedule appointments with teachers when the conference
schedule forms come home. This will ensure time to have quality dialogue with each teacher.
Students will attend school for a half day and will be released from school at 12:00pm.
The dates are as follows: October 2, 2014 and February 26, 2015.

Interim/ Progress Report and Report Card Dates


Interim/ Progress Reports

September 23rd
December 2nd
February 24th
May 4th

Report Card
November 2nd
January 25th
April 11th
June 15th (mailed)

Interim Reports
Regular communication with parents/guardians by means other than formal report cards is
required. This communication may include the following: scheduled parent/teacher conferences,
written notes, letters to parents, telephone calls, proficiency/deficiency reports, and samples of
students work sent home. Particular emphasis will be placed on contact with parents/guardians
of students who are experiencing difficulty and/or in danger of failing a course or grade. Interim
reports to parents shall be made not less than once during each 9 week period. To ensure that
parents are properly informed, teachers shall maintain a record of all significant communications.
Parents will be required to sign that these reports have been reviewed.

Report Cards
Report cards will be issued at 9 week intervals. These will be used to inform parents of students
progress. The report card shall be a cumulative evaluation and shall include academic
achievement, attendance, and other pertinent information. A standardized report card shall be
used for each grade or grade span (as appropriate) throughout the county.

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Make-Up Work
Students are required to make up missed work due to absences, including out-of-school
suspension. Arrangements to make up the work must be made when the student returns to
school. As a rule, a student will be given the same number of days he/she was absent to make up
work missed. All make up work must be completed by the end of the last scheduled school day
prior to the end of a grading period, in order for students to receive credit. All work not made up
by the last scheduled teacher workday may be recorded as a grade of F. Exceptions for
students with extenuating circumstances may be allowed by the principal after consultation with
the parent, student, and teachers involved.

Academic Grading Scale (Excerpt From SCS Academic Policy)



90 100
89 80
79 70
69 60
Below 60 or
excessive absences

Superior Mastery
Progress Toward Mastery
Partial Mastery
Not yet Mastered

*Mastery is synonymous with proficiency; thus, a student mastering 80% of objective-based

work is deemed proficient in that content area.

Grading Criteria (Excerpt From SCS Academic Policy)

10% Homework
40% Class work (includes class work, quizzes, etc.)
50% Tests (includes unit tests, projects, common assessments, essays, etc.)

Carvers Student Recognition

Students are recognized for the various honors, including by not limited to:
1. Distinguished Honor Roll = All As
2. A/B Honor Roll = As and Bs
3. Perfect Attendance
4. Soaring Eagle
5. A and A-B Honor Roll
6. Positive Behavior
7. Academic Achievement
8. Principals Award
9. Perfect Attendance
10. Student of the Month

Integrity of Academic Work

Cheating, plagiarism, and falsification of verbal or written work compromise academic integrity.
The teacher will contact the parent, and the student may not receive credit for the assignment.

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Personal Education Plan (PEP)

The Principal or designee is responsible for ensuring that teachers identify students at each
school who are at risk for academic failure in compliance with G.S. 115C-105.41.
Such identification shall occur as early as reasonably may be done. No later than the end of the
first quarter or after the teacher has had up to nine weeks of instructional time with a student, a
personal education plan for academic improvement shall be developed or updated for each
student at risk of academic failure who is not performing at least at grade level.
The Principal or designee shall notify the students parent that the student has a personal
education plan and provide the parent with a copy of the plan.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts-- FERPA

FERPA is a federal law that governs the maintenance of students records. Under law
parents/guardians of students or students if they are 18 years of age, have the right to inspect
records kept by the school about the student and the right to correct inaccuracies in records.
Access to the records by persons other than the parents/guardians of the student is limited and
generally requires prior consent by the parents/guardians and 18 year old students. Directory
information, such as students name and home address may be released without
parental/guardian consent. Colleges, Universities, scholarship services, military recruiters, and
other organizations that wish to notify students of opportunities and information, etc., also have
access to Student Directory Information. Parents or students who are at least 18 who do not wish
any directory information to be released to any organization must sign, date, and return to the
school the FERPA memorandum that may be picked up from a grade level Guidance Counselor.
Copies of the Scotland County Board of Education Policy JR-A Confidentiality and Access to
Student Records may be obtained from the Principals or Superintendents office or from the
SCS Website.

Title One
Carver Middle School is fortunate to operate a school wide Title 1 program. Each elementary
and middle school in our district is eligible for this distinction. Title 1 grants provide financial
assistance to supplement services to improve the teaching and learning of students. Ten
components must be addressed in order to obtain funding under this federally funded program.
One of these components includes parent involvement. As a parent in a Title 1 school, you have
certain rights available to you. Please contact the school if you have any questions or would like
more information about any of the following topics.
As required by the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001, Title 1 Part A
Information is available at our school to include but is not limited to the following:
The School Improvement Plan
Qualifications of your childs teacher and/or teacher assistant
Professional development opportunities for teachers and assistants to ensure highly
qualified personnel
Opportunities for parent involvement and input

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Scotland County System Report Card

School Report Card
Notification if your child is being taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified for more
than six consecutive weeks.

Student Supports and Activities

Student Support Staff
The purpose of the student support program is to help each individual student mentally,
emotionally, academically and socially. Each support staff member welcomes the opportunity to
talk things over with any student, parent, or teacher. Students must obtain a pass from the
teacher if they wish to consult with a student support staff member. If the staff member is not
available, another staff member will be asked to speak with the student, or an appointment will
be made for him or her.

Policy Code: 6125 Administering Medications to Students

It is the policy of Scotland County Board of Education to serve students who must
receive medication during school hours. Every effort should be made by the parent/guardian and
physician to limit the need for medication to be administered during the school day. Medication
as used in this policy is defined as being those substances recommended by a licensed physician
being either prescription or non-prescription (over-the counter) medications.
School employees designated by the school principal to assist with the administration of
medication to students shall receive instruction from the school nurse addressing the specific of
this policy and its procedures. The school nurse will provide annual training for designated staff
in an effort to ensure safe dispensing of medication to students. Students may carry and selfadminister emergency medications as requested in writing from the physician and
parent/guardian on the Scotland County Schools Medication or Procedure Order Form.
School personnel, as designated by the school principal, may assist with the administration of
medication to students if a Scotland County Schools Medication or Procedure Order Form is
completed and signed by both the students parent/guardian and physician.
No liability will be assumed by the Scotland County Board of Education or any of its
employees as they comply with the instructions for the administration of medication as provided
in writing by the students parent/guardian and physician while complying with this policy and
procedures. The Scotland County Board of Education or designee will assume no responsibility
for students who self-administer medication without complying with this policy and procedures.
Medications must be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled.

Senate Bill 911: Care of School children with Diabetes

In accordance with new legislation concerning the Care of School Children with Diabetes, the
Scotland County School System would like to provide all parents with a summary of the
information included in Senate Bill 911. All students have a right to a free and appropriate
public education without discrimination. This includes children with disabilities.
1. Scotland County Schools shall make available a registered nurse for assessment, care
planning, and on-going evaluation of students with special health care service needs in the

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school setting.
2. An individual health plan should be developed by the parent/guardian, the students diabetes
care team, and the school nurse.
3. Children should have immediate access to diabetes supplies and diabetes treatments as
defined in the Individual Health Plan. Roles and responsibilities of the parent/guardians and
the school will be defined.
4. Training on the care of students will be provided to all Scotland County School employees.
Different levels of training will be implemented depending on the employees involvement
with a diabetic child.
5. Children with diabetes automatically qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and
upon request by the parent an accommodation plan may be developed.
If your child has been diagnosed with diabetes, please inform the administrator. If we work
together, then our children will have a better opportunity to be successful in school.

Annual Health Status Update Forms

It is our objective to keep all children safe and healthy at school. With this in mind, an Annual
Health Status Update Form will be sent home with every student at the start of each school year.
Please complete this form and send it back to your childs teacher as soon as possible. This
information will be used to develop a plan of care for those children with special health needs.

Carver Middle School Clubs

There are several opportunities for students to participate in student organizations and clubs at
Carver Middle School. This year, students will have multiple clubs for which to choose. There
will be a weekly/ monthly club time for clubs to meet and plan events and activities, prepare
products, and to reflect on their purpose. Staff members will be advisors for these clubs. We are
excited to have many different opportunities for student involvement and engagement!

Student Office Workers

Each day an eighth grade student is selected to assist in the office with certain duties and errands.
This is an important position with a great deal of responsibility. An effort will be made to allow
all eighth graders at least one day to serve as an office assistant. However, chronic misbehavior
or absenteeism will cause a student to lose this opportunity. Some students may have the
opportunity to work more than one day if they are in good academic standing and have had
discipline problems.


The only fund raising activities allowed to take place on the campus are those that are
sponsored by a Carver Middle School organization and pre-approved by the principal or
No candy or food items can be sold during the school day.
No outside organizations, groups or individuals may conduct any type of fund raising on
the campus at any time.
Violations of this policy may result in the cancellation of the fund raising activity. Nonapproved fund raising on the campus will result in the confiscation of the items and disciplinary

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