Newsletter October 2024
Newsletter October 2024
Newsletter October 2024
Principal’s Message
Upcoming Dates
Cyber Security
Months of Recognition
Orange Shirt Day commemorates the history and the legacy of
residential schools, and the strength and fortitude of residential school
survivors and their descendants. On Monday, September 30th (National
Truth and Reconciliation Day), our school commemorated the day with in
school activities, including the art display on the front gate and by wear-
ing orange shirts in recognition of the day.
September is also the time for our annual Terry Fox fundraiser,
along with a school-wide assembly and walk which was held on Septem-
ber 27th. We thank students and families for their donations in support
235 Kingswood Drive of continuing cancer research and carrying on Terry’s marathon of hope.
Brampton, Ontario
L6V 3B3
Need School Bus Info?
Phone: (905) 457-9971
Fax: (905) 457-6598
Check to see if your child’s bus is late
or for other transportation related questions & inquiries.
Safe Arrival
Principal: N. Berardi Building Bridges to the Future!
Vice-Principal: S. Robbs We stand for...
Dear Kingswood Families,
It seems like only yesterday we waved goodbye to everyone in June, and yet somehow September has al-
ready come and gone. We were thrilled to see so many parents and family members at our open house and
we are looking forward to another successful year in partnership with you. September also brought about
our annual re-organization process, resulting in class changes for some of our primary and junior students.
While saying goodbye can be hard, we know students will soon feel right at home in their new spaces!
September is also a time for students to become accustomed to school routines and for our younger stu-
dents, this process is especially important. Please join us in reinforcing the need to be on time for school
and prepared for learning! Children can and should be given responsibilities such as organizing materials—
including helping to pack their lunch, their backpack and materials needed for class. Starting the day with a
nutritious breakfast and having healthy snacks throughout the day will help students reach their potential
and function at their best.
Our School Council is another way for our parent community to get involved with and contribute to school
life at Kingswood. Thank you to parent members from our 2023-24 council who volunteered their time at
open house to set up the tables with popcorn and juice boxes to help fundraise and recruit new members.
Check your email for a reminder about elections on October 3rd. All parents and guardians are welcome!
We are aware that each child will approach the new school year with many different feelings.
They may be excited, or perhaps nervous. Some children could be quite worried and anxious. All
of these feelings and emotions are natural responses to what our children have experienced
over the past two and a half years.
Anxiety can show up in different ways. Your child may tell you that they are feeling fearful or
overwhelmed, or you might notice things like frequent headaches, trouble sleeping, irritability or
emotional outbursts. Your child might seem withdrawn, or overly tired or restless. Being watch-
ful for signs of anxiety can help you to provide support early, before the problem worsens.
Not all stress can be avoided, however, most we can reduce. Having tools and strategies ready to
cope with stress is important. This will lessen the negative effects on your child(ren) and your
family’s wellness. For example, try some grounding or breathing techniques.
Take care of yourself so that you can be at your best to support your children.
Talk to your child(ren) about the return to school. Check-in regularly to see how things are
going. Here are some conversation starters.
Learn more about how to support positive mental health for your child and about the vari-
ous supports and resources available to PDSB students and families including the Be
Well Support Line.
Tool Kits – Support Guide: Your Child at School and Study Habits
To read more, including translated versions of this information, please visit: How to Support a
Mentally Healthy Back to School for Your Child - School Mental Health Ontario (
If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health visit
for further information about school and community resources.
A compiled resource guide including identity and ability-specific mental health resources can be
found here:
For updates and to follow along with the work of the PDSB Mental Health Resource Team, find
them on @MHRTPeel.
Since 1994, parents and students from around the world have celebrated World Teachers’ Day (on October
5) to commemorate the work of teachers and their contributions to society. The board will recognize Octo-
ber 4, 2024 as Peel Teachers’ Day in our schools. On October 4, take the time to thank your child(ren)'s
teacher and let them know they are making a difference and are truly appreciated.
This year, Peel Educational Assistants and Designated Early Childhood Educators’ Day falls on October 25.
Peel District School Board appreciates the important work of Educational Assistants and Designated Early
Childhood Educators, and the contributions that they make in the lives of children, families and community
Throughout October, you will have the opportunity to learn more about:
Identifying and understanding unusual patterns within the digital environment,
Understanding the broader cyber security landscape and potential risks,
How to implement strategies to ensure security measures are put in place and remain effective through
the evolving threat landscape.
Get ready to sharpen your cyber detective skills and check out the CAM homepage today.
Walking or rolling to school also benefits the environment. Eliminating just four short trips per week can reduce emissions
by up to 100 kg of carbon dioxide per year. Families that participate in active travel to school can prevent almost 1,000 kg
of carbon dioxide per year and save money on fuel costs. Also, when more children walk or roll to school, and fewer par-
ents or guardians drive their children, the areas near school zones become safer for pedestrians.
This is why our school will be participating in the International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 2. On that
day—and throughout the month, if you can—walk, wheelchair, bike, blade, scooter, skip or hop to school… but don’t drive!
Does your child/teen have an intense sports or arts training and competition schedule that makes it
difficult to attend school regularly? Peel District School Board’s Peel Region High Performers Program
(HPP) offers flexible timetabling to accommodate student-athletes and artists with demanding prac-
tice, competition, rehearsal, and/or performance schedules.
As always, parents are encouraged to report absences in advance to the Safe Arrival system.