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Electronic Voting Machine Information Sheet

Hart InterCivic E-Scan

Name/Model: E-Scan
Manufacturer: Hart InterCivic
Federally-Qualified Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trail Capability: Uses paper ballots

Brief Description: The eScan is a precinct-based, optical ballot scanning system. After
marking a paper ballot, the voter feeds it directly into the eScan at the precinct. The ballot
image is stored as a Cast Vote Record on a flash memory card that can be retrieved and
tabulated when the polls close. eScan's capabilities include functionality to reject
overvoted, undervoted and blank ballots, thereby providing second-chance voting at the
precinct. 1

Detailed Voting Process: The Hart InterCivic E-Scan system functions much like a
traditional paper balloting system. Upon entering the voting precinct, the voter will
receive a paper ballot; the voter then shades in the paper ballot with any standard pen or
pencil and inserts the ballot into the E-Scan machine.

Past Problems: Not many problems have been reported on the operation of the Hart
InterCivic E-Scan. However, the E-Scan has been known to have problems reading
creased ballots.2 Most of the reported problems are with the E-Slate system, which uses
an entirely different technology.

From the manufacturer’s website, available at: \www.hartintercivic.com/files/hartfacts.

Version 1.1 of October 29, 2006.

Electronic Voting Machine Information Sheet
Hart InterCivic recently made news by agreeing to comply with a trusted voting open-
source mandate, meaning that they will allow their software to be examined for flaws by
interested parties.3

NASED Qualified: Yes4

For more details, go to VoteTrustUSA.
Information from the NASED website.

Version 1.1 of October 29, 2006.

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