The Western Australia Flood
The Western Australia Flood
The Western Australia Flood
Australian flood
By: Isaiah Gadsden
What Happened?
Two races, white and black, were on friendly terms and did most things
together such as feasting. The whites felt that they were more superior
because they had better weapons, so they broke off all relations with the
blacks. Some time later it rained for many months and the overflowing river
forced the blacks to their hinterland. Once the rain stopped and the river
receded the whites were gone.
The people who lived were the ones who did good
Flood was to kill all men except for the men who werent corrupted
The group who lived werent corrupted like the other men
Both groups who lived tried to get away from the flood when the flood started
The western Australian Flood started out as a way to destroy the people who were sinning
Only the people who did good lived through the flood
Since they made an attempt to get away from the flood they lived
The majority of the western Australian population believed in equality. They thought that
every human was equal and all of nature was equal as well.