A long time ago on t}le earth, the belief of the Bagobo (people) was that Sandawa,
he was a person. As for Sandawa, there was a woman-whom he married, (who was) Matutum.
There was another (later) time when Sandawa he felt love for Mibulo. And naturally since
Sandawa and Matutum were spouses to each other, Matutum' she was
Jealous. She picked up the batten that is used for weaving. She beat Sandawa on the head.
Ttrerefore if you look at Sandawa (Mt. Apo), you will see something here on its head (that
has been) split apart. That is where Matutum beat him with the batten. Sandawa was angry. He
kicked Matutum. As for Matuturn, she was thrown far away. As for these ctrildreu (of Sandawa
and Matutum), ttrey were divided up. There were those who accompauied Matutum to the south.
Ttrose were the Blaans, Tagakaulos, Tbolis, Kalagans, Manobos. These other children (who) stayed
with this father of theirs, Sandawa, they were the
Matigsalugs, Obo Manobos, Guiangans, and we Tagabawas. From that time on sandawa he was
transformed into a mountain.Matuttun andMibulo, they were also gansformed into mountains.
Ttrat belief of these Bagobos is, as for Sandawa he is or.u grandfather. Therefore when the
Bagobos call him Grandfather Sandawa, it is because he is our
g:andfather. Therefore when we call him Grandfather Sandawa, it is because that one is our
A long time ago now, when this earth was still new, there was a person living here
on earth named lumabat. Lumabag he believed in God. And he had a child narned Tagaliyung.
Now at that time, Lumabat, he was uansformed because he, he was a believer. He kept going
uP there to heaven. As for those Unbelievers, some were transformed into bilds, some were
transformed into
monkeys, some were transformed into rocks. Now there is a rock that has a (human)
resemblance Orere between these provinces
of Bukidnon and Cotabato. And there is a rock you can see that is covered with thorny vines.
That is the truth that there was something transformed into a rock. He ca:ries his backpack, and
his head is covered with thorny vine leaves. ltrat is what was a person, but he was transformed
into a rock at the time Lumabat was
Transformed. Now there was a certain woman; she cooked millet. And because it was still too
hot to eat then, the children, they were snatching it away from
eadr other. She beat them on the head with a ladle. As for those children, they were transformed
into monkeys. That is why there are many monkeys nowadays. And the mot}er, named Green
Pigeon, she was transformed into a bird. You can hear that bird when it speals, saying, 'Mm,
mm, my child, was burned, by millet. Because naturally the drildren were burned by millet. As
for that bird, it is named Green Pigeon. That is why she pities her children burned by millet,
transformed into monkeys. Even nowadays you can hear the green pigeon speaking saying,
"Mm, mm, my drild, was
bumed by millel". For naturally it is the speech of the Tagabawas; in my estimation, it is
Tagabawa. Now there are also birds whose origin is Guiangan, becausewhy else would you
hear therir speak, saying, "Ipifr6r6";koel is the name of the bird. In my estimation, as for the
Guiangan (people), they also were transforrred into birds at
That time. And there were also Obo Manobo (people) who were transformed into birds,
because the monarch bird can be heard speaking, saying, "I am an evil spirit, I am an evil
spirit." Obo Manobo are its words. Even male hornbills, which are large birds, the male hornbill
it says, ko ko kungkekow. That is when some were transformed into birds, and some were
transformed into rocks at
ttre time when Lumabat was transformed. Now where was Wari?As for Wari, he had
accompanied Lumabat up there to heaven. Now when Wari arrived there up above, he looked
down here below, seeing many bananas
that had ripened. Then Wari said, "I for myself am surely going home, I am surely going home
to the earth'". *Now if,, said Lumabat, "you go home, do not be responsible for eating your trail
food here in the sky. Do not eat the trail food until you have already arrived there. Because if
those dogs fight each other, then we will cease doing it for you (letting you
down)." Then as for Wari, he could not control himself. Because he was hungry, he ate the trail
food there in the sky. Lumabat ceased (letting him down).