Non-Standard Measurement Lesson Plan

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(Miss Scully/1st Nonstandard Measurement/4-27-15 [Day 2])


TOPIC: Non-standard measurement

-Measurement: finding a number that shows the size or amount of something (how
long, how tall, how far apart)
-Unit: a label or way of measuring something
-Non-standard measures: different ways of measuring (paper clips, cubes, straws)
-Standard measures: regular ways of measuring (inches, feet, yards)


1) Given teacher instruction and practice with manipulatives, TSWBAT measure
objects using various non-standard measurements to teacher satisfaction.
2) PA Common Core Math, Grade 1: CC.2.4.1.A.1: Order lengths and measure them
both indirectly and by repeating length units.



1) Introduction/Anticipatory Set (4 minutes)
i. Welcome class. Argh, mateys! Last time we were here, we practiced
comparing measurements. Today, pirates, were going to learn
something new, but it still has to do with measurements. Before we
start, lets review good pirate behavior. Good pirates pay attention,
follow directions, dont play with their name tags, and raise their
hand to answer questions unless the teacher says so. Pirates also get
treasure at the end of the class if theyve been good. Now lets check
out this video!
ii. Play Sid the Science Kid Exploring Measurement video from 0:12 to 2:30
iii. When the video ends, explain the objective for the day by saying, Okay,
pirates, today were going to learn how to use non-standard measures
to measure objects, just like they did in the video! Measuring things is
when we find a number that shows how long or heavy something is.
Before we get started, I have an important question. Why is it
important that we know how to measure things?
1. Expect answers like:
a. So you know how big things are.
b. So you know how to build things.
c. To know how much youve grown.
d. To know how heavy something is.
2. Affirm students answers and say, Great, now lets move on to
learning about what the kids in the video were doing.
2) Development 1 (3 minutes)
i. Ask, Who can tell me what non-standard means?

1. Expect answers similar to the video, such as using something

besides a ruler or using a shoe to measure the classroom or
when you use something besides a ruler.
2. Youre right! Non-standard measurements are when you use
something other than a ruler to measure. Its just measuring a
different way, like how Gerald did with his body in the video.
Sometimes you want to know how long something is but you
dont have a ruler. So, were going to be talking about some
other non-standard measures today in class. Now take a
minute to talk to your friends at your table about what nonstandard measurements are.
3. Move throughout the classroom to gauge students understanding.
If students are confused, reassemble as a class and reiterate what
nonstandard measures are.
ii. Im hearing some great answers. The other way to measure is called
standard. Standard measurements are the regular way of measuring
things, like with a ruler. If you want to build a pirate ship, you would
measure wood with a tape measure and get an answer in feet and
inches. Thats a standard measurement. If you measure your desk
with straws, would that be standard or non-standard? Think about it
for a second and then talk to your partners.
3) Guided Practice 1 (5 minutes)
i. Bring the class back together by saying, If you can hear me, clap once.
If you can hear me, clap twice. I heard some great answers. If you
said that using straws to measure is non-standard, you are correct. I
think were ready to move onto some examples. Were going to work
together to fill out this chart. I have some pictures and words of
standard measurements and non-standard ones. Whenever I hold up
a picture, give me a thumbs up if you think its a standard
measurement and a thumbs down if you think its a non-standard
measurement. Then Ill place the picture on the correct side of the
1. Hold up pictures (such as paper clips) and ask if they are standard
are non-standard. When holding up a picture, also hold up a real
version of the object so that students can better visualize and
understand the difference between standard and non-standard.
Affirm students correct answers and explain their incorrect ones.
Place the picture on the correct side of the chart.
2. Once the chart is finished, pass out copies of the completed version
for each student to have as a reference.
4) Development 2 (6 minutes)

i. Now that we know the difference between standard and nonstandard measurements, were going to practice measuring! Even
pirates have to follow rules, though, so lets talk about those first. Its
really important that you use the same item to measure one object,
like they said in the video. If youre using paper clips to measure your
book, you have to use all paper clips, and they all have to be the same
size. You cant use a few paper clips and then some blocks. You also
have to put the tool at the very beginning of the object that youre
measuring. The other rule is that you cant leave any spaces between
the items that youre using and you cant overlap.
ii. Hold up unifix cubes and say, We can use these cubes as a
nonstandard measurement, for example. See how theyre all the same
size and I didnt leave any gaps in between?
1. Walk around to show students.
iii. Then hold up a pencil next to the cubes and count out loud for the students
to show them how to measure with the cubes. Explain, See how I used
XX# of unfix cubes to measure my pencil? We would say that the
pencil is XX# of units long. A unit is just a way of labeling something
that you measure.
5) Guided Practice 2 (6 minutes)
i. Say, Everybody put your pencil down on your desk. Were going to
pass out unifix cubes to everyone so that we can all practice
measuring our pencils together.
ii. Allow the students a few seconds to play with the unifix cubes and then
direct them in measuring their pencils. Say, Ok. Now that youve had
a chance to check out the cubes, lets measure. Remember all of the
rules that we talked about. Put the first cube at the very end of the
pencil. Then add more cubes until they line the whole pencil. Make
sure you dont leave any gaps.
iii. Walk around the check and help students. Remind them that we can use
the word about in our measurement. For example, their pencils might
be about 4 unifix cubes long.
iv. Show pictures on the Promethean board of correct and incorrect ways of
measuring things and call on students to identify why they are either
correct or incorrect, thus reviewing the rules for measuring with
nonstandard units.
6) Development 3 (2 minutes)
i. Say, Im really impressed with how hard all of you are working! I
have a quick question: would it make sense to measure your desk with
paper clips or straws?
1. Call on students to answer and explain.

ii. Would it make sense to measure your finger with paper clips or
straws? Why?
1. Call on students to answer and explain.
iii. Say, Right! When were measuring things, first we have to think
about how big the thing is so that we can decide what to use to
measure it. It wouldnt make sense to measure your desk with paper
clips because it would take so long. But straws are bigger and it
would take less straws and less time, right?
7) Independent Practice (20 minutes)
i. Were finally ready to work on our project. You are each going to
get a paper with a chart on it. (Have this projected onto the
Promethean board to explain to students.) In one column are different
objects that are in the classroom. In another column there is a space
for you to write the tool that youre using to measure an object. In the
last column you will write how many units you used to measure. If
you used 6 straws, you would write the number 6 in that column.
1. Fill that out as an example.
ii. Pass out worksheets and allow the students to look them over. Ask, Are
there any questions about the worksheet?
1. Answer any questions.
iii. Say, There are different stations around the room and at each station
youll see a card with something that you have to measure. There will
be two different tools there for you to pick from. In front of the tool is
a card that says what it is called so that you can write it on your
paper. Youll pick one of the tools and measure whatever object is
listed while I set a timer. When the timer goes off, you should have
the tool and the number of units written on your paper. Then youll
clean up the tools and when I say, Go pirates! youll move to the
next station. After weve all gotten a chance to measure each object
once, well go back through and you can use the tool that you didnt
use the first time.
iv. Ok, take one minute to explain the directions to the person sitting
next to you.
1. Allow the students to talk to their partner for a minute. Walk
around and check to make sure students understand what to do.
v. Alright, pirates, it sounds like were ready! If you have any
questions while youre working, please ask any of the teachers.
Whenever youre finished, youll go back to your seat and Ill come
around with treasure. Now this is group 1, you may go to the first
station Count students into groups and then dismiss them to the

vi. Walk around and help any struggling students. Provide necessary
scaffoldsfor both struggling students and accelerated students (see
below). If the class as a whole is struggling, reassemble and clarify as
8) Closure (4 minutes)
i. When everyone is finishing up/the period is almost over, bring the class
back together. Say, If you can hear me, clap once. If you can hear me,
clap twice. Lets clean up each station and put our tools away, then go
ahead come back to your seats.
ii. Allow the students a few moments to clean up and return to their desks.
Collect worksheets. Pass out treasure.
iii. Say, Alright, pirates. Raise your hand if youre a pro at measuring
with nonstandard units! Wow, nice job. Before we finish math for the
day, Im going to pass out a small paper to each of you. Then Im
going to show some pictures on the board, and without talking, youre
going to circle whether or not the object is correctly measured. Its
just like we did before.
iv. Pass out papers and go through the pictures.
v. Collect exit slips.
vi. Argh, mateys! You did such an excellent job at following directions
today! Thank you for all of your hard work. Now tonight you can
show your parents or friends at home how to measure with
nonstandard units! Maybe you could even show them your treasure!

1) Promethean board
2) Projector
3) Laptop
4) Sid the Science Kid Exploring Measurement video:
5) Standard vs. nonstandard measurement chart
6) Pictures to fill in the chart and real-life versions of the pictures
7) Copies of the completed chart to pass out as a reference
8) Unifix cubes and other nonstandard measurement tools
9) Pencils
10) Worksheets (regular, assisted, and advanced)
11) Microphone
12) Labels for tools
13) Labels for stations
14) Exit slips
15) Powerpoint during guided practice for correct/incorrect measures
16) Powerpoint during closure for correct/incorrect measures
17) Treasure for kids (stickers, money, etc.)

18) Extra video for review, if needed:


1) Wear a microphone so that students with hearing impairments are able to clearly
hear my instruction.
2) Provide advanced worksheet for accelerated students for independent practice.
3) Provide assisted worksheet for struggling students for independent practice.
4) If there is extra time, review non-standard measurements with the following video
5) If there is not enough time, students do not have to complete the entire worksheet.


1) Formative: I will be walking around and listening to students as they think-pairshare to make sure that they understand what non-standard measures are.
Students will participate in a thumbs up/down activity while we fill out the chart.
I will be listening to their answers about which measurements are
correct/incorrect and why. Finally, I will be checking students as they work on
the independent practice and I will collect their exit slips.
2) Summative: I will not be conducting a summative assessment, but the students
will later be assessed by the school and this material will be included.


1) Students:
i. Were students engaged for the duration of the lesson? If not, what
adjustments could have kept them involved?
ii. Were the students confused at any point?
iii. Did the students offer answers to questions?
iv. Did the students accurately use the non-standard measures, according to
the rules discussed?
2) Teacher:
i. Was I professional in my preparation and interactions?
ii. What changes would I make to this lesson if I were to teach it again?
iii. Did I engage the students?
iv. Did I pace the lesson properly?
v. Did I make adjustments as needed throughout the lesson?
vi. Did I manage behavior?


Pirates Name:
Picture 1: ___Correct
Picture 2: ___Correct
Pirates Name:
Picture 1: ___Correct
Picture 2: ___Correct
Pirates Name:
Picture 1: ___Correct
Picture 2: ___Correct
Pirates Name:
Picture 1: ___Correct
Picture 2: ___Correct

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