Sept 15
Sept 15
Sept 15
September 15 - 28
Spirit Night at Chick-Fil-A: Sept. 24
Art Night: Oct. 1
Dragon Fire: Oct. 1-9
Clothing Drive: Oct. 9-10
What better way to kick off the new school year than with spirit night?! These events are typically held
at local restaurants, and a portion of the proceeds is donated to our school. We try to hold a few spirit
nights at different locations throughout the year. Here are details about our first spirit night of the new
school year:
Chick-Fil-A at North Hills
Thursday, September 24, 4-8 p.m.
Parents to donate clothes (can be dropped off in carpool the week of 10/5 or in the front office)
Parent volunteer(s) to sort clothing on 10/9 (2:00-4:00 p.m.)
Parent volunteer(s) to help Saturday, 10/10
Please contact the School Counselor, Kelli Williams, if you are interested in volunteering on 10/9 or
10/10. She can be reached at or 919-881-4897.
Cheer on your teachers! Tell them how great the garden is looking and thank them for their
hard work (Seriously. They wheelbarrowed soil across campus in heat and humidity!)
Ask them which garden box is theirs and what they have growing. Check the progress and
share what you notice.
What is the school store: A small store run by the PTA; Located in the hallway across from the
Media Center; Where kids can spend between $0.05 and $1.00 to get supplies or something fun for
When is it open: Fridays from 8:45 to 9:10 am (starting 9/25/15).
What do we sell: Pens, Pencils, Pencil Lead, Sharpeners, Erasers, Pencil Grippers, Highlighters
(often scented), Notepads, Bookmarks, Rulers, Etc. The selection varies throughout the year and
includes some seasonal things.
Want to help: If you are interested in volunteering to run the store, please be on the lookout for a
sign up coming out soon. If you have any questions, contact Derrick
Weaver: or 919-673-7526.
How do you say, autumn in Spanish? You say, otoo!