Dragoneersept2 14
Dragoneersept2 14
Dragoneersept2 14
Sept 2
Sept 12
Upcoming Events
September 5
Early Release
September 11
Dragon Ensemble
September 18
PTA General Meeting and
Open House at 5:30pm
Music Class News
We are off to a great start in Music! Please
remind your 4th and 5th grade students to bring
their recorders to music class. If you need to buy
or borrow one, come see Mrs. Zelasky.
September 11
at 8am is the first Dragon
Ensemble Rehearsal.
Volunteer Registration
Don't forget that volunteer registration takes
place in the library media center every school
day between the hours of 8:45 and 3:45 through
October 31. If you think you may want to
chaperone a field trip or help out in a classroom,
please register now. It takes one - two weeks
for the background check, so please plan
ahead. You'll need to bring your driver's license
number and your Social Security
number. Thank you for all you do for our
Douglas students!
Carol Owen, MLS
Carpool Notes
Would you like to make carpool move more
efficiently? It is very helpful for those of us
reading numbers at carpool if you hang your
carpool number from your rear view mirror.
You can easily do this by tying string to the top
of the card or clipping the card to a child's
skirt/pant hanger and hanging it from the mirror.
When cards are clipped to the visor or placed on
the dashboard the glare from the sun,
windshield wipers, the dark reflective strip at the
top of the windshield, etc. make it difficult for us
to read the numbers. We appreciate your help
and your patience.
Welcome Mr. Burns!
We are thrilled to introduce our new principal,
Mr. Derek Burns, who comes to us from
Maryland. You will have a chance to meet Mr.
Burns at our Open House on September 18
BoxTops and Labels for Education
The next BoxTops collection deadline is October
24th. Please neatly trim the General Mills
BoxTops from participating products, put them in
a plastic baggy with your child's teacher's names
on a piece of paper and send them in to your
child's teacher or place them in the collection bin
outside the media center. Please make sure the
expiration dates are clear on each trimmed
BoxTop. For a complete list of participating
products, please visit BoxTops4Education.com.
We are also collecting labels from Campbell's
products. Each label is designated a certain
number of points that we redeem for
merchandise that the school can use. The labels
are the UPCs and beverage caps from
participating products. For a complete list of
products, please visit labelsforeducation.com.
If you have any questions, please contact Holly
Kubovcik at hollykuborocks@gmail.com Thank
Douglas Community Garden
Keep a lookout for information on the produce
we donated to Plant a Row for the Hungry this
summer from our very own community garden!
We are still harvesting and taking in donations!
As we get ready to plant for the fall season,
please consider volunteering with me to help our
students learn about how we grow food and how
we can use this food to serve our community. If
you are new to gardening and want to learn
more, I would be happy to share what I know!
Send an email to parent volunteer "Garden
Lady" Liza Coonse at
elizabethcoonse@gmail.com to learn more
about volunteer opportunities and needs in the
produce garden.
We will be announcing BUS DISMISSAL
via Twitter this year as well as upcoming events
and information. Follow us on Twitter for all the
most up-to-date happenings at
Douglas: @DouglasESDragon
Sneaker Talk from Mrs. H
Welcome back to all our families and students. I
am the Physical Education teacher and each
month I will have a special recipe for your family
to try along with PE news. I will begin with a
shout out to everyone for raising $11,173.07 to
aid in our fight over heart disease. Jump Rope
For Heart was a huge success because of your
beautiful hearts. That was the top year EVER for
TENNIS SHOES, tennis shoes, tennis shoes!
Please make sure this becomes a fashion
statement for our children every day, not just PE
day. We have recess every day and walk/run a
few laps. Our Fitness Testing will begin mid-
September and end with our mile run test in
October. I am so looking forward to sharing
many health and recipe tips with you over
coming school year.
Fitness fact for this month: Did you know
Coconut water is great for rehydration? Check it
out on your next fun trip to the grocery store!
Have your children let me know if you make this
smoothie for your family:
Strawberry Smoothie with Pineapple juice or
coconut water
2 cups pineapple juice or coconut water
10-12 fresh strawberries
2 tsp of ground flax seeds for extra fiber
(any grocery store carries these)
ice cubes
Blend together for a high protein breakfast or
afternoon snack for the whole family
ENJOY!!! Have a wonderful time walking and
playing with your children!
Por favor, asegurese que su estudiante tenga
tenis todos los dias. Es muy peligroso para las
ninas correr y hacer educacion fisica en tacones
y sandalias. Gracias
Kim Hamilton(Mrs. H)
PTA News
WE need YOU! Don't delay - join the Douglas
PTA! It's easy - join online under PTA link from
the douglaselementary.net home page and look
for your membership form in the next
Monday folder! Join us for our General PTA
meeting on Sept. 18th! Remember - your
membership helps fund needs of the teachers,
educational and fun extras for our children as
well as school improvement projects.
School Dance Committee Chair needed!
This year we will be hosting our first school-wide
dance. Help us think of a fun name for our
dance, coordinate volunteers, plan decorations,
set up, advertise, etc. We need your energy,
excitement and creativity to make this excellent
for our kids!
General PTA Meeting September 18 @ 5:30 in
the gym
PTA Board Members
President: Christy Iannelli
Treasurer: Doug Strickland
Secretary: Sarah Naftolin
VP Fundraising: Tonya Denning
VP Fundraising: Tene Williams
VP Programs; Ana DeHart
VP Membership: Ann Heydlauf
Faculty Rep: Marvin Duval
Contact us by emailing
If you are interested in leading a before school
or after school club, please contact Mrs.
Spickard, Magnet Coordinator, at
aspickard@wcpss.net or 919-881-1425