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Holli Duke


Recommendations to Achieve Equitable Access

Recommendations below focus on providing equitable access to technology for all students,
learners, and educators in the Brooklawn school. This includes Internet connection speeds and
infrastructure support that allows learning to occur anywhere and anytime. Access to high
quality digital resources, virtual instruction, and technology-enhanced learning supported and
aligned with the standards must be ubiquitous. Students are enrolled at Brooklawn for 30-120
days. As a result of this short term enrollment, our goals for providing equitable access are
adjusted accordingly.





Pedagogy and Instruction

Students: What opportunities should be available to students in regards to technology, trained
staff, online/ blended courses, & media tools to support anytime learning.
- students should have learning opportunities provided by staff who are using the most up-todate technology to enhance learning
- students at our school should have access to at least one blended or flipped classroom
experience while enrolled
- students should have at least one experience with online media tools to support anytime
Teachers: What plan do you have for teachers to enhance their knowledge & use of digital age
learning experiences?
- All teachers should attend one of the three technology professional developments (PLCs at
Work Plan, Top 15 Tech Tools, or Technoversity) offered this school year and implement new
techniques learned to enhance student learning.
Administrators: What plan do you have for administrators in regards to the facilitation, use &
support of technology?
- All administrators in the building (associate principal and counselor) will present one new tool
at each faculty meeting and promote the use of technology by making it a part of the classroom
walkthroughs which provide feedback to teachers on their pedagogy.
Schools and Districts: What adjustments or additions need to be made to the school policies to
promote & support digital learning?
- The district should provide more technical support staff to ensure technology is working
properly, to support teachers who are using more technology tools in their daily lessons, and
promote consistent use of technology that enhances learning.
- Schools should add a technology component to the PLC work with curriculum, restructure time
and/or physical space to provide equitable access

Curriculum and Assessment

1. What plan do you have for providing staff and students with access to high quality curriculum
and assessment resources?
a. Encourage teachers to access digital portals such as the Gheens website, Schoology, and
Bblearn (JCPS Online) to access high quality curriculum and assessment resources that are
readily available.











Holli Duke
What cost effective digital tools can you recommend to help provide equitable access? (ex:
Google apps for education)
Schoology, Google Drive, Flocabulary, BrainPop, Scratch (coding), Duolingo
What plan do you have in place to help staff collaborate about digital curriculum? (Ex: district
license for simplek12)
95% of our teachers have access to Schoology and are using it to share curriculum,
assessments, data, and PLC meeting notes. Our resource teacher is working to get the other
5% access.
Professional Learning and Leadership
What PD strategies do you have in mind that will reach all of the staff in the building?
All State Agency teachers among our 14 sites will attend the PLCs at Work that has a
technology component teachers will learn and implement in their classrooms.
I plan to offer a professional development on my Top 15 Tech Tools in January closer to the next
professional development deadline for hours in order to increase attendance.
I plan to present one new technology tool at each faculty meeting.
State Agency teachers will be offered Technoversity in the summer of 2016.
Data and Information Systems
What learning management system do you recommend your school adopt to provide a space
for all teachers to share instructional resources?
State Agency has adopted schoology and 80 out of 84 teachers have joined.
Continue to implement systems such as the Individual Learning Plan (ILP) to help students with
college/career exploration.
Continue to implement systems such as STAR diagnostic testing in reading and math as well as
Study Island for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.
Policy and Procedures
How can you change or improve the following to ensure equitable access in your school?
wireless high-speed broadband Internet access: We just upgraded from 2 megs to 10 megs in
January 2015.
Network Access for personal devices: Teachers can access a static IP address to bypass the
filter so they can use personal devices to enhance learning. However, our treatment partner
does not allow students to have personal devices. We also have access to JCPS wireless and
JCPS wireless guest.
Plan for providing devices to students in need: Our next purchase will be computers for our
computer lab. We just purchased four laptops for our middle school classes to share. We also
have 18 iPods, 35 iPads, and 20 existing laptops. All of our middle school classes have 4-5
desktops and 6 out of 9 high school classrooms have desktops. All of our classrooms have
Times when students can use school computers and internet: Teachers use Study Island and
Read, Write, Gold daily for Response to Intervention. We also have a technology teacher with 6
classes of STLP. Teachers check out the other materials (laptops, iPods, and iPads) for use in
their classrooms.
Hardware and Infrastructure

Holli Duke
1. Plan for purchasing devices or implementing a bring your own device initiative.
a. We could not have students bring their own devices as this is in violation of the residential
treatment facility rules. However, we could purchase more sets of iPads for use in classrooms.
We currently have one cart of 30 for 120 students.
2. What ideas do you have for allowing access beyond the school day and building. (Ex: wifi
hotspots in buses) This particular component will be very difficult for my school to implement as
the students live on campus and are not allowed access to any types of technology. However, I
can compile a list of technology that each cottage has (Xbox, desktops, laptops, tablets, etc.) to
see if any access beyond the school day could be possible. There is also the option of asking
the cottages to take students to the library on a rotating basis to access technology beyond the
building. This could be a component of the students homework which they have weekly. The
school will research and implement hardware and software infrastructure available 24/7/365.

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