Chapter 3 BC SC Probe 8

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Human Body Systems

Animals have two main
types of systemsthose
that obtain and use
nutrients and remove
waste, and those that
control the functions of
the body.
Animal systems cannot
function properly without
other systems.
Humans have a natural
system that protects them
from foreign invaders.

A network of roads carries people and goods throughout a city.

Similarly, a network of blood vessels, thousands of kilometres long,
carries a living fluid throughout your body. The driving force is your
heart, beating continuously day and night, over 40 million times a year.
Why does your body need this system? Why is blood called a living fluid?
The heart is the engine of the body, but where does it get its fuel? All
living things require a fuel, or source of energy. Humans get their
energy from the food they eat. How does the body change the energy
that is stored in food into the energy that is needed for physical
activities and other life functions?
The human body can be compared with a complex machine. Like
any machine, the body is made up of a number of systems. These
systems work together to make the body function properly. Each
system depends on every other system. If one system does not work
properly, other systems will likely not work properly.
In this chapter, you will examine human body systems to understand
the special functions that these systems carry out. By the end of this
chapter, you will understand how human body systems are interdependent
and work together to ensure that the body functions properly.

Unit A

Cells and Systems


The Respiratory System


Oxygen enters a unicellular animal simply by diffusing across its cell

membrane. The cell uses the oxygen and produces carbon dioxide,
which diffuses out of the cell.
In larger and more complex animals, specialized cells work together
to move fluids. For example, the respiratory system is responsible for
absorbing oxygen from the air and removing carbon dioxide from the
blood. Other systems are responsible for distributing the oxygen
around the body and collecting the carbon dioxide.

Adjust your reading pace to

reflect the importance of the
material. Read more slowly
until you have grasped the

The main organs of the human respiratory system are the trachea
(commonly called the windpipe), the lungs, and the diaphragm
(Figure 1). These organs are contained within the chest cavity. The
chest cavity is surrounded and protected by the rib cage.
nasal cavity




rib cage

Figure 1
The human respiratory system

The diaphragm is a large, thin sheet of muscle that spreads across the
chest cavity below the lungs. The diaphragm is largely responsible for
breathing. As well, the muscles between the ribs help with the
movements of the chest that make you breathe. Breathing is the
regular movement of air into and out of the lungs. When the
diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs contract, you inhale. The
chest cavity becomes larger, and air is forced into the lungs. When the


The Respiratory System


diaphragm and the muscles between the ribs relax, you exhale. The
chest cavity becomes smaller, and air is forced out of the lungs
(Figure 2).

air moves into

the lungs


air moves out

of the lungs


diaphragm contracts,
muscle flattens

diaphragm relaxes,
muscle is dome shaped

Figure 2
The contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm is largely responsible for breathing.

When you inhale, air moves through your mouth or nose and into
the trachea. The trachea is a hard, ridged tube that leads to the lungs.
You can feel the trachea in your throatit feels something like a
vacuum cleaner hose! The ridges are rings of cartilage that support the
trachea and keep it open at all times. At the top of the trachea is a flap
of tissue, called the epiglottis, that covers the opening of the trachea
when you swallow. This prevents food or water from accidentally
entering the lungs. Have you ever had food go down the wrong way?
Sometimes, if you swallow quickly or laugh when you are swallowing, a
little food or water gets into the trachea, and you automatically cough
to remove it.
You can control your breathing to some degree. You can consciously
or intentionally make yourself breathe faster or deeper. You can even
stop your breathing for short periods of time. Breathing, however, is an
automatic body function. Therefore, you do not have to think about
contracting and relaxing the muscles that help you breathe. You
continue to breathe even when you are asleep, and you would continue
to breathe even if you were unconscious.

All animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide in the process of
respiration. Large animals have many trillions of cells, so they cannot
depend on diffusion alone to ensure that each cell gets the oxygen it

Unit A

Cells and Systems


requires. The respiratory system does, however, depend on diffusion.

Oxygen from the air diffuses through cell membranes into the
bloodstream. The bloodstream then distributes the oxygen to all the
cells in the body.
The lungs have many tiny air sacs, where gases are exchanged
between the air and the blood (Figure 3). These air sacs increase the
amount of surface area that is available for the exchange of gases.
When you breathe in, or inhale, air that contains oxygen is brought
into the air sacs. The oxygen diffuses out of the air sacs into tiny blood
vessels, which surround each air sac. The oxygen is then distributed
throughout the body by the bloodstream and diffuses into the cells,
where it is needed. Carbon dioxide, a waste material that is produced
in the cells, diffuses into the bloodstream and is brought back to the
lungs. The carbon dioxide diffuses into the air sacs and is pushed out
of the body when you breathe out, or exhale.
blood low in O2
high in CO2

blood high in O2
low in CO2

Figure 3
The inside of the lungs provides a very large surface area for oxygen to diffuse into the
bloodstream and for carbon dioxide to diffuse out of the bloodstream.


1. Identify and explain the processes by which animals obtain the oxygen
needed by their cells.
2. Even though you can control your breathing to some extent, why is
breathing considered to be an automatic body function?
3. Explain the difference between breathing and respiration.
4. Where does diffusion take place in the respiratory system?



The Respiratory System



The Circulatory System

Life for a sponge is very simple. Seawater acts like a transport system,
carrying nutrients and removing waste. Diffusion across the cell
membranes moves the seawater into and out of the cells of the sponge.
As you have learned, a complex multicellular animal cannot rely on
diffusion to deliver oxygen and nutrients to its cells. A circulatory
system brings every cell into almost direct contact with oxygen and
nutrients. In fact, no cell in the human body is farther than two cells
away from a blood vessel that carries nutrients. The human circulatory
system has about 96 000 km of blood vessels to sustain its 60 trillion

Working with a partner,
construct some key questions
to guide your reading of the
circulatory system. Locate the
information needed to answer
your questions by scanning the
text for new vocabulary.

As its name suggests, the circulatory system circulates blood around

the body. The blood carries oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich fluids to the
body cells and picks up carbon dioxide and other waste to be
eliminated from the body.

Open and Closed Circulatory Systems

In an open circulatory system, like that of the snail in Figure 1, blood
carrying oxygen and nutrients is pumped into the body cavities, where
it bathes the cells. When the heart relaxes, the blood is drawn back
toward the heart through open-ended pores.
In a closed circulatory system, like that of the worm in Figure 2,
blood is contained within blood vessels. The earthworm has five
heart-like vessels that pump blood through two major blood vessels.
Animals with more complex circulatory systems have larger blood




Figure 1

Figure 2

The snail has an open circulatory system.

The worm has a closed circulatory system.


Unit A

Cells and Systems

blood vessels


vessels that branch into smaller vessels, which supply blood to the
various tissues. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are
called arteries. Blood vessels that return blood to the heart are called
veins. Arteries branch into smaller and smaller blood vessels. The
smallest blood vessels, called capillaries, are so small that red blood
cells must travel through them in single file.

Twin Pumps
The heart is not a single pump in humans and other mammals, but two
parallel pumps separated by a wall of muscle (Figure 3). There are four
chambers: two atria (singular is atrium) and two ventricles. The atria
are receiving chambers for the blood entering the heart. The stronger,
more muscular ventricles pump the blood to distant tissues. The right
atrium accepts blood that is low in oxygen from the body and sends it
to the right ventricle. The right ventricle delivers this blood to the lungs,
where it picks up oxygen. The left atrium accepts the freshly oxygenated
blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle, which then
pumps it to the body. The body cells remove oxygen and nutrients from
the blood and add carbon dioxide and waste. The blood completes its
journey by travelling back to the right side of the heart.

Make connections to your prior
knowledge. Ask yourself,
What do I already know
about the human heart? What
new information is here?

oxygenated blood
blood vessels of the
head and brain

blood vessels
of the lungs

deoxygenated blood
direction of blood flow

blood vessels of the body

left atrium
left ventricle
right atrium

right ventricle
blood vessels
of the body

Figure 3
The human circulatory system is a closed system with a four-chambered, double pump.


The Circulatory System


A One-Way Flow
Valves, which operate as one-way doors, are found in both sides of the
human heart. They keep blood flowing in one direction in the heart.
The first set of valves is located between the atria and the ventricles.
The second set is located between the ventricles and the arteries that
carry blood away from the heart. There are also valves in the veins
throughout the body. These valves prevent blood from flowing
backward as the pressure decreases.
The Beat Goes On

Blood is carried to the heart by the veins. As the heart relaxes, the
atria fill with blood (Figure 4(a)). The atria contract and push the
blood into the ventricles (Figure 4(b)). The ventricles then contract
and push the blood against the valves that separate the atria from the
ventricles. The closing of the valves produces the first heart sound,
lubb. The ventricles also push the blood into the arteries
(Figure 4(c)). The ventricles now relax, and, because little blood
remains, the pressure is low. As a result, blood is drawn back toward
the ventricles from the arteries. This causes the valves to close,
producing the second heart sound, dubb (Figure 4(d)).

If the average heart rate is

72 beats per minute and the
average human life span is
76 years, the human heart
beats about 3 billion times in
a lifetime.







Figure 4
The valves of the heart keep the blood flowing in one direction. The closing of the valves produces the lubb-dubb sound
that can be heard with a stethoscope.


1. Why do sponges not need a fluid transport system?
2. What is the difference between a closed circulatory system and an open
circulatory system?
3. Draw a diagram that shows the movement of blood through the four
chambers of the heart. In your own words, explain the movement of
4. Explain the role of valves in the heart.


Unit A

Cells and Systems


A Life Saved
Lives are saved every day by scientific knowledge and technology.

Delaney McIntyre (Figure 1)

was born on October 13, 2002 in
Nanaimo, British Columbia. Her
parents were excited about their
brand new baby girl who weighed
10 pounds! Unfortunately,
Delaney was not healthy.
Newborn babies are supposed to
cry, breathe, and turn a lovely
shade of pink when they are
born. Delaney did not cry or
breathe and she turned very blue.
The hospital staff immediately
called for a pediatrician (a doctor
who specializes in caring for sick
Medical doctors are often like
detectives. The tools that they

Figure 1
Delaney McIntyre


use are based on science and

technology. The pediatrician in
Nanaimo used a special monitor
to determine the amount of
oxygen Delaneys blood cells
were carrying. Her blood cells
were not carrying enough
oxygen for her brain cells to
survive. Additional tests revealed
that Delaney was born with a
heart defect called transposition
of the greater arteries.
In the heart, blood without
oxygen travels through the
pulmonary arteries to the lungs
to pick up oxygen. Then the
blood, with oxygen, returns to
the heart and is pumped out to
the entire body in a large artery
called the aorta. In Delaneys
heart, the aorta and pulmonary
arteries were connected in the
wrong spots. Because of this,
Delaneys blood could not get to
the lungs to pick up oxygen
before being sent back out to the
rest of her body.
Delaney was taken by
helicopter to B.C. Childrens
Hospital in Vancouver
(Figure 2). Some of the best
medical experts in Canada work

there to take care of sick

children from all over British
Columbia. The heart specialists
gave Delaney medication to keep
her sedated, so she would not
move and require too much
oxygen. The team also kept her
on a ventilator, a special
machine that breathes for the
patient. After 11 days, Delaney
had successful surgery to move
the arteries to their proper
positions. Thanks to the
excellent care from the staff at
the hospital and the use of
scientifically developed
diagnostic tools, medications,
and equipment, Delaney has
fully recovered and is growing
up as a healthy, happy girl.

Figure 2
B.C. Childrens Hospital provides
specialized care for injured or sick




The Excretory System

The activities that take place in all the cells of the body produce
different types of waste that must be eliminated. The carbon dioxide
that is produced diffuses into the bloodstream and is eliminated by the
respiratory system. The solid waste that remains after our food is
digested is eliminated by the digestive system. Other types of waste are
dissolved in water and eliminated by the excretory system (Figure 1).






Figure 1
The human excretory system is designed to remove certain types of waste from the body.

For unicellular organisms, getting rid of waste is just as important as
bringing in nutrients. Without a way to get rid of waste, a cell would
soon poison itself and die. Multicellular organisms, such as worms,
insects, and humans, are faced with the same problem, but on a much
larger scale. Not every cell is designed to remove waste, however.
Specialized cells work together in the excretory system to remove waste
from the body or to store waste until it can be removed. The process of
removing waste is referred to as excretion.
When cells use the nutrients that are delivered by the circulatory
system, they produce waste materials that diffuse back into the
bloodstream. It is necessary to remove these waste materials as soon as
possible. All the blood from around the body must therefore pass
through the kidneys in a fairly short time. About 1 L of blood flows

Unit A

Cells and Systems


through the kidneys every minute. This is more than flows through any
other organ in the body.
Proteins in your diet that are not needed for growth and repair are
broken down in the liver. This provides some energy for the body, but
it also produces a very toxic substance called ammonia. The liver
changes the ammonia into a less toxic waste called urea. The urea is
then dissolved in the bloodstream and carried to the kidneys.
Each kidney is made up of millions of tiny tubules, called nephrons.
Each nephron is connected to the bloodstream by a small capsule of
very tiny blood vessels (Figure 2). Blood pressure in these blood vessels
is very high, so the waste is pushed across a thin membrane into a
tubule. In each tubule, the waste is dissolved in a small amount of
water, which is then collected in the ureter. The ureter carries the waste
to the bladder, where it is stored as urine.

net of small
blood vessels


When You Have To Go...



As urine collects, your bladder

stretches slightly. Nerves in
your bladder sense this
stretching. They send a signal
to your brain when
approximately 200 mL of urine
has collected. Your brain
interprets this as the need to
go to the washroom. If you
ignore the signals and 600 mL
of urine collects in your
bladder, you will not make it to
the washroom!


ureter carries
waste to the

collecting duct
carries waste
to the ureter

Figure 2
The human kidney contains millions of nephrons, which filter waste from the blood.

Water Regulation
The excretory system has a second function in most animalsit helps
to regulate body water. Just as the contractile vacuole of the
paramecium and amoeba prevent these cells from swelling, the
excretory system of the human body ensures that the water balance in


The Excretory System


the body is maintained. People whose kidneys are not functioning

properly experience swelling, especially in the feet. As well, they often
have high blood pressure because their bodies cannot get rid of the
excess water.

TRY THIS: A Filter Model

Skills Focus: observing, creating models, predicting
In this activity, you will create a model of a filtering excretory system.
1. Fill a funnel with aquarium charcoal, and put a small beaker beneath it
(Figure 3). Fill a second beaker with about 25 mL of water, and add a
few drops of food colouring.

Figure 3
2. Pour the coloured water through the funnel, and collect it in the small
beaker. Compare the colour of the filtered water with the original.
(a) Predict what would happen if you filtered the water again.
3. Test your prediction.


1. List the main parts of the excretory system.
2. What organ, other than the kidneys, plays an important role in excretion?
Explain the role of this organ.
3. Briefly describe the function of the nephron.
4. Where does diffusion take place in the excretory system?
5. Getting rid of waste requires a team approach in the body. What body
systems are on the team? Describe how these systems work together to
get rid of waste materials that are produced in the cells.


Unit A

Cells and Systems


The Digestive System


Unlike plants, animals cannot make their own food. They get energy
either from other organisms or from food products that come from
other living things. They use specialized cells to break down food so
that it can be used by their bodies.
Digestion is the process that your body uses to break large food
molecules into smaller molecules. Your body uses the smaller
molecules for fuel and as building blocks for growth and repair.
Chemicals that help to speed up the process of digestion are called

Digestion Along a Canal

More complex animals, such as earthworms, birds, and humans, digest
food along a tube or canal that has a separate entrance opening
(mouth) and exit opening (anus). Because food moves along the tube
in only one direction, each area of the tube can have a specific
function. For example, one area may have muscle cells to grind food
into smaller particles. Another area may produce enzymes to break
down large molecules. Other areas may be devoted to the storage or the
absorption of digested molecules.
In the human digestive system (Figure 1, on the next page),
digestion starts in the mouth. Chewing the food breaks it down into
smaller pieces. The salivary glands secrete a liquid called saliva, which
moistens the food. Saliva also contains an enzyme that begins to digest
starch. When the food is chewed sufficiently, it is swallowed. It passes
through the esophagus into the stomach. The stomach secretes very
acidic gastric juices, which start to break down the protein in the food.
From the stomach, the food moves into the small intestine. Two
other organs, the pancreas and the liver, contribute to the chemical
digestion of the food as it enters the first section of the small intestine.
The pancreas produces a fluid that neutralizes the acid arriving from
the stomach. This fluid contains enzymes that further digest the
proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the food. The liver produces a
chemical, called bile, that breaks down fats. Bile is stored in the gall
bladder until it is needed. Food entering the small intestine is a signal
to the gall bladder to contract and release bile.



The Digestive System



DigestionA Long Process

The average length of the

small intestine in humans is
between 6 m and 7 m,
depending on the age and size
of the individual. The large
intestine is an additional
1.5 m.

As the food passes through the several metres of small intestine,

digestion is completed and the nutrients are absorbed through the
intestine walls. From the small intestine, the remaining materials pass
into the large intestine, where water is reabsorbed and fibre and other
waste materials that were not digested are stored. These waste materials
are eliminated through the anus.

salivary gland


Diagrams play an important

role in reader comprehension.
Look at Figure 1. Then look
closely at each step of the
human digestive system and
follow its path. Try to visualize
(make a mental picture of) the
sequence of steps.


gall bladder

small intestine

Figure 1
The human digestive system is
more complex than that of other
animals. Several different organs
have specialized roles in the
physical and chemical digestion of
food and the absorption of

large intestine



What function is your model cell
specialized to perform? Could you
expect it to perform the functions
of the digestive system? Could it
live without the functions of the
digestive system?


Unit A

Cells and Systems

1. Explain digestion in your own words.

2. Using a table or diagram, summarize how human digestion occurs in
the mouth, stomach, and small intestine.
3. Aspirin removes the protective mucous coating that lines the stomach.
Explain why taking Aspirin tablets may cause digestive problems.


What Is Going On In There?
Patients with digestive system disorders can swallow a new
space age pill that will help diagnose them.

Millions of people in Canada

and the United States suffer
from diseases of the digestive
system. These diseases are
estimated to cost the health-care
system billions of dollars every
year. To diagnose these diseases,
there are several tests doctors
can do, involving surgery, scopes
(long tubes with cameras that
are fed down the throat into the
stomach), and various forms of
X-rays. Unfortunately, all of the
tests have some uncomfortable
side effects for patients, and
sometimes the information that
is provided for doctors is
insufficient or not accurate

gastric juices in the stomach.

The SmartPill contains a
miniature thermometer,
pressure sensor, and pH sensor.
The sensors pick up important
information about the
conditions inside the patients
digestive tract. A tiny
microprocessor and radio
transmitter inside constantly
beam the sensor data out to a
small receiver worn by the
patient on a belt. After about
24 hours, the SmartPill passes

The SmartPill (Figure 1) is a

small device about the size of a
large vitamin pill that a patient
can swallow during a regular
office visit to a doctor. The
device is made of a material that
is safe for the patient and will
not be affected by the very acidic

pressure sensor


out of the patients system and is

flushed down the toilet! The
doctor scans the sensor data that
was collected by the receiver on
the patients belt. A computer
then analyzes the data.
The SmartPill demonstrates
how technology can be used to
further scientific knowledge.
Such technology provides safer
and cheaper tools for doctors to
use in helping millions of

temperature sensor
pH sensor



on/off switch

Figure 1
The SmartPill allows doctors to gain important information that they can use to
help diagnose and treat diseases of the digestive system.




Organ Systems Working Together






blood vessels







All your cells are organized into tissues, organs, and

organ systems. To keep your body healthy, all your
organ systems must work together. In your
circulatory system, for example, blood carrying
nutrients and oxygen is pumped to all the cells in
your body. Without circulation, the cells of your skin
and digestive system would not survive. In turn, the
circulatory system relies on other systems: the
respiratory system supplies oxygen; the digestive
system, which includes the stomach and intestines,
provides nutrients. Organ systems can be organized
into two main groups. The first group of organ
systems supplies nutrients and removes waste. The
second group of organ systems regulates the body.

Supplying Nutrients and Removing




cell waste


oxygen and
food nutrients
food waste
cell waste

all cells, tissues, and organs



There are four organ systems in this group: the

respiratory, circulatory, digestive, and excretory
systems (Figure 1). The respiratory system,
consisting of the trachea, the lungs, and the blood
vessels that are contained in the lungs, is responsible
for absorbing oxygen from the air and getting rid of
carbon dioxide. The oxygen is needed by all body
cells to carry out the cellular processes and carbon
dioxide is produced as a waste product. This
exchange of gases takes place in the blood vessels in
the lungs. It is these blood vessels that connect the
respiratory system to the circulatory system. The
respiratory system relies on the circulatory system to
distribute the oxygen around the body and to return
the waste carbon dioxide to the lungs to be exhaled.
The digestive system, made up of the mouth,
esophagus, stomach, intestines, and liver, is
responsible for breaking down the food we eat and
making the nutrients available to all the cells of the

Figure 1
These four organ systems work together to supply
nutrients and get rid of waste.


Unit A

Cells and Systems


body. This system, too, relies on the circulatory system to distribute the
nutrients to the cells and to collect waste materials that are produced as
the cells do their work.
The fourth system, the excretory system, plays a crucial role. The
excretory systemkidneys, bladder, ureters, urethracollects waste
from the bloodstream and excretes it as urine. The kidneys act as filters
through which the blood flows to be purified. While filtering waste, the
kidneys also regulate the amount of water in the body. The excretory
system ensures that our bodies are not poisoned by the waste that is
produced in cells.
These four systems interact with and rely on each other to keep your
body healthy.

Regulating the Body

Though many organ systems play a role in regulating the body, the two
main systems are the endocrine system and the nervous system
(Figure 2).
eyes and ears pick up signals
and send to brain

brain interprets
signals as danger,
sends signal to
adrenal glands to
produce hormones;
hormones cause heart to
beat faster and breathing
rate to increase

spinal cord

brain sends run

signal through
nerves to muscles

muscles contract
to run away


Figure 2
The endocrine system and the nervous system sometimes determine how other systems
do their jobs.


Organ Systems Working Together


The endocrine system produces hormones (chemical messengers)

that travel to other organs and tell the organs how to adjust to what is
going on outside and inside the body. The nervous system detects what
is going on outside and inside the body and sends electrical messages
throughout the body.
In some situations, the nervous system and endocrine system work
together. For example, if a cougar jumps into your path, your eyes (and
perhaps your ears and nose) detect the cougar and send an electrical
message to your brain through the nervous system. Once you recognize
that the cougar is dangerous and you decide to run away, your brain
sends electrical signals through your nerves to the appropriate muscles.
The signals cause your muscles to contract, and you begin to run.
Meanwhile, other nerves carry messages from your brain to your
endocrine glands. Your endocrine glands respond by pumping
chemical messengers into your blood. For example, there is a small
gland near the top of your kidneys that releases a chemical messenger
called adrenaline into your blood. When the adrenaline reaches the
cells of your heart and your respiratory system, your heart starts
beating faster and your lungs take in more oxygen. As a result, your
muscle cells suddenly have more oxygen and nutrients available to
them, and you can run faster.


1. Name two organ systems not mentioned in Figure 1 on page 78.
2. Choose any two human body systems. Explain how the two systems are
interdependent, that is, how each system helps the other system do its job.
3. Which system, the nervous system or the endocrine system, is best
suited to detect danger? Explain why.
4. What is the difference between a response by the nervous system and a
response by the endocrine system? Explain.
5. If you stepped on a tack, how would your nervous system respond?
What other organ systems would be signalled? Explain.
6. Categorize the following as either organs that supply nutrients and
remove waste or organs that regulate the body.









7. How do nerves and muscles work together?

8. Speculate about what would happen to skin cells if the circulatory
system failed to work.
9. Explain why organ systems that regulate or control other body systems
are important.


Unit A

Cells and Systems


Protecting the Body

The human body is a fascinating system of systems. All of these
systems must work together to keep the body operating properly. Most
of the time they work well and the body functions as it should. There
are, however, environmental conditions and other organisms that can
negatively affect how the body functions. Micro-organisms, such as
bacteria, that cause diseases are referred to as pathogens. If pathogens
are able to enter the body, they either interfere directly with cells or
tissues, or produce toxins (poisonous chemicals) that can affect the
normal functioning of the body. Fortunately, the body has developed a
number of ways to defend itself from invasion by foreign organisms
and their toxins.



The Largest Organ

The skin is the largest organ of

the body with a surface area of
about 2 m2. It ranges in
thickness from about 0.5 mm
(on the eyelids) to about 4 mm
(on the palms of the hands).
The top layer of skin cells is
constantly being replaced by
new cells, so you have an
entirely new skin about every

The First Line of Defence

The bodys first line of defence consists of physical barriers. It works by
keeping foreign invaders outside the body. The largest organ of the
body, the skin, is a physical barrier that cannot normally be penetrated
by bacteria or viruses, unless it is broken (Figure 1). Micro-organisms
cannot normally grow on the skin, partly because we wash the skin
frequently and partly because the skin produces natural acidic oils and
sweat that prevent micro-organisms from growing.

Figure 1
The skin is generally a very effective barrier to
any foreign invaders.

Where the skin leads to the inside of the body, such as in the mouth,
nose, eyes, and ears, the body has other physical barriers that prevent
invaders from entering. The nostrils have hairs that filter out particles
of dust, dirt, and any micro-organisms that are in the air. The ear
canals have a waxy material that traps any foreign particles and
micro-organisms that enter. The eye produces tears, which have a


Protecting the Body


Tears with enzymes

destroy bacteria.
passages trap
Cilia sweep
Sweat on skin
kills bacteria.

special chemical that kills bacteria. The lining of the mouth, nose, and
trachea is covered with mucus, a sticky substance that acts like
flypaper. Micro-organisms stick to the mucus, and cilia on the cells of
the lining sweep the mucus and accumulated debris toward the mouth
and throat, where they can be removed by coughing or swallowing. If a
micro-organism gets past the hairs and mucus and ends up in the
stomach, it probably will not survive the very acidic gastric juices that
are secreted to help break down food (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Though all of these barriers are effective in keeping foreign invaders

out of the body, they are not foolproof. Invaders do occasionally get
inside the body. A second line of defence must then be called into

The human body has several

features that prevent bacteria from
entering the internal environment.

The Second Line of Defence

Stomach acid
destroys bacteria.

The circulatory system acts as the second line of defence by circulating

white blood cells. When invading organisms enter the body through a
break in the skin, special white blood cells move from the bloodstream
to the injured area. These white blood cells detect, capture, and destroy
invading organisms the way that an amoeba captures food.
First, the invaders release a chemical signal that alerts the second line
of defence (Figure 3(a)). The chemical signal causes increased blood
flow to the injured area and attracts special white blood cells
(Figure 3(b)). The white blood cells engulf and digest the invaders
(Figure 3(c)). The body can then heal the tissues in the injured area.
The remaining fragments of dead white blood cells and digested
invaders are called pus. The presence of pus is a sure sign that the
second line of defence is working.




Figure 3
Injury or invasion by foreign organisms causes a response by the second line of defence.


Unit A

Cells and Systems


Breaking Through the Defences

Although the two lines of defence are generally successful in protecting
the body, they are not always able to stop the invasion. For example,
there are other ways that foreign organisms can enter the body,
without encountering the first two lines of defence. Microscopic
pathogens can enter the body in food or water. The tragedy in
Walkerton, Ontario, in 2000 was caused by drinking water that was
contaminated with deadly bacteria called E. coli O157:H7 (Figure 4).
E. coli produce a toxin that can cause chills, fever, and other potentially
fatal symptoms.
Disease-causing organisms can also be transmitted when insects and
ticks suck blood from the body. For example, mosquitoes can become
infected with the West Nile virus when they draw blood from infected
birds. The virus can then be passed on to humans when the
mosquitoes feed on blood from humans (Figure 5). The bacteria that
cause Lyme disease are transmitted mainly by deer ticks and
black-legged ticks, which are present throughout British Columbia.

Figure 4
E. coli O157:H7 (magnified 6500X)
look harmless enough but produce
a deadly toxin.

The Immune System

When a pathogen does get past the first two lines of defence, the bodys
immune system is called into action. All foreign organisms contain or
produce a chemical called an antigen (from antibody generator). The
antigen signals the body to produce antibodies. Each antigen causes the
production of a specific antibody that attaches only to this antigen
(Figure 6).

Figure 5
Pathogens can be passed from one
organism to another by insects
such as mosquitoes.


binding site

antibody type 1

antibody type 2

Figure 6
The body recognizes antigens on harmful micro-organisms and produces unique
antibodies to attack them.



Protecting the Body


Antibodies also attack toxins and prevent them from attaching to a

cell and interfering with its function (Figure 7). Scientists have
estimated that the average human body may contain more than
10 million different antibodies, ready to respond to almost any invasion.
receptor site

(a) Toxins attach

to receptor

(b) Antibodies
prevent toxins
from becoming
attached to
receptor sites.

Figure 7
Antibodies attacking toxins

Not everyone who becomes infected with a pathogen develops

serious symptoms. A properly functioning immune system can disable
the pathogen with antibodies.

Figure 8
Vaccination stimulates the immune
system to produce the appropriate

The use of antibodies to fight a pathogen is called an immune

response. In many cases, the first exposure to a pathogen causes the
body to produce its own antibodies, which protect the body against
any future attacks by the same pathogen. In other cases, temporary or
permanent immunity is achieved by vaccination (Figure 8). In a
vaccination, blood plasma that has been exposed to the pathogen is
injected into the blood stream of an individual. This causes the
immune system to produce antibodies as protection against future


1. Explain why pathogens are a threat to the body.
2. Name and briefly describe the three lines of defence that the body uses
to fight infection.

Figure 9
Do you expect your model cell to
perform the functions needed to
protect the body? How is your
model cell affected by the bodys
defence system?


Unit A

Cells and Systems

3. The electron micrograph in Figure 9 shows a white blood cell (blue) and
E. coli bacteria (pink). Describe what is happening. Which line of
defence is in action here?
4. Compare the features shared by an amoeba and a specialized cell in the
human defence system.
5. How do antibodies protect the body from attack?
6. Explain two ways that we can become immune to diseases.



Inquiry Investigation


Factors that Affect Reaction Time

The nervous system is an elaborate communication network. In the
brain alone, there are more than 100 billion neurons or nerve cells.
Like all cells, neurons contain a nucleus and cytoplasm. Unlike most
cells, however, they have a direct connection to other cells because of
the thin projections of their cytoplasm. These connections make the
cells a network. Figure 1 shows two kinds of neurons. Sensory neurons
carry messages from sensory cells to the brain. These specialized cells
are found all over the body, particularly in the sense organsthe eyes,
ears, tongue, nose, and skin. For example, you have sensory neurons in
your skin to detect changes in temperature or pressure. Motor neurons
carry signals from the brain to muscles, causing movement.











Every move you make relies on the network of neurons. For

example, catching a falling ruler seems fairly simple, but millions of
cells inside your body must work together to make the catch happen.
(b) The message from the
eye travels along a
chain of nerve cells
to the brain.

(a) Sensory
in the eye
detect the
of the

(e) The muscles in the

fingers contract, and
you catch the ruler.

(c) Your brain
interprets the
message from
the eye, and
you decide
to catch
the ruler.

Figure 1
Neurons are specialized cells that
carry signals among different cells,
tissues, and organs.

(d) Your brain

sends a
down motor
neurons to
muscles in
the fingers.

Do not rush when you are
looking at diagrams. The
longer you look, the more you
will notice. Learning slowly
sometimes results in learning

Figure 2
Between sighting the dropping ruler and catching it, there is a long chain of nerve cells
and their messages.


Inquiry Investigation


Figure 2 shows the series of events that must take place as nerve
signals travel from your eye to your brain and back to your hand to
make the catch. Your reaction time is the time required for you to react
to a signal. During this time, the signal goes from the sensory neurons
to the brain and then to the motor neurons and muscles.

How do certain factors affect reaction times?


For help with writing a

hypothesis, see
Hypothesizing in the Skills
Handbook section Conducting
an Investigation. For help
with creating a data table, see
Recording Data and
Observations in the Skills
Handbook section Designing
Your Own Investigation.

(a) Write a hypothesis for the effect of each of three factors on

reaction timehand dominance, temperature, and fatigue.

Experimental Design
In this Investigation, you will measure the distance a ruler drops before
it is caught. You will use the distance as a measure of your subjects
reaction time.
(b) Read the Procedure, and make a data table to record the data you
will collect.

ruler (at least 30 cm long)
cold water

large plastic container


1. Ask your subject to place

the forearm of his or her
dominant hand flat on the
desk. The subjects entire
hand should extend over
the edge of the desk. The
index finger and thumb of
the subject should be about
2 cm apart.

2. Place a 30 cm ruler
between the thumb and
forefinger of the subject.
The end of the ruler should
be even with the top of the
thumb and forefinger.
Release the ruler. Measure
the distance that the ruler
falls before being caught
between the subjects
thumb and forefinger.
Record the distance.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 twice

Step 2

4. Record your subjects

dominant hand.
5. Repeat steps 1 and 2 three
times for the subjects
non-dominant hand and
record your findings.

Step 1


Unit A

Cells and Systems


Procedure (continued)

6. Have your subject clench

his or her dominant hand
into a fist and then
unclench it, vigorously and
repeatedly for 2 min.

7. Repeat steps 1 to 3 with

your subjects dominant
hand. Record your
8. Ask the subject to immerse
his or her dominant hand
in cold water for 1 min.

Step 8

9. Repeat steps 1 to 3 with

your subject's dominant
hand. Record your

Do not keep your hand

in cold water longer than
1 min.

Step 6

(c) Why should you do more than one trial for each hand?
(d) How does hand dominance affect reaction time? What evidence
supports your answer?
(e) How does fatigue affect reaction time? In what part of the
Investigation did you collect evidence to support your answer?
(f) How does temperature affect reaction time? In what part of the
Investigation did you collect evidence to support your answer?
(g) If reaction time changes as temperature falls, do impulses move
slower or faster along nerves at low temperatures? What other
factors affect reaction time?

(h) Did the results of this Investigation support your hypothesis?
(i) Describe some possible sources of error in this Investigation.
(j) How could you improve the procedure for this Investigation?



Inquiry Investigation



Review Human Body Systems

Key Ideas

Animals have two main types of systemsthose that obtain and

use nutrients and remove waste, and those that control the
functions of the body.

diaphragm, p. 65
breathing, p. 65
trachea, p. 66

The respiratory system absorbs oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide.
The circulatory system distributes blood containing oxygen and nutrients.
Kidneys get rid of waste and regulate the amount of water in the body.

epiglottis, p. 66
respiration, p. 66
arteries, p. 69
veins, p. 69

Different parts of the digestive system and other organs play special
roles in the digestion of food.

capillaries, p. 69
atria, p. 69

The nervous system transmits messages throughout the body: sensory

neurons send messages to the brain, motor neurons carry messages
from the brain to muscles.
The nervous system and endocrine system regulate what goes on inside
the body.

ventricles, p. 69
excretion, p. 72
nephrons, p. 73
urine, p. 73
digestion, p. 75
enzymes, p. 75
hormones, p. 80
pathogens, p. 81
antigen, p. 83
immune response, p. 84

Animal systems cannot function properly without other systems.


neurons, p. 85

The respiratory system brings in oxygen and the circulatory system

distributes it around the body.

sensory neurons, p. 85

Cells produce waste that diffuse into the blood stream to be filtered out
by the kidneys and eliminated from the body.

reaction time, p. 86

Unit A

Cells and Systems

motor neurons, p. 85


The digestive system breaks down food and the circulatory system
distributes the nutrients around the body.

Humans have a natural system that protects them from foreign

Physical barriers such as skin, mucus, ear wax, and tears keep invaders
out of the human body.
Special white blood cells engulf and destroy invaders.
The immune system produces antibodies that destroy invaders.


Chapter 3 Review


Review Key Ideas and Vocabulary

1. What is the name of the tube that allows air
to enter the lungs?
(a) bronchus
(b) esophagus
(c) trachea
(d) epiglottis
(e) nasal cavity
2. Which sequence represents the blood flow
in the circulatory system?
(a) right atrium right ventricle lungs
left atrium left ventricle body
(b) right atrium left atrium lungs
right ventricle left ventricle body
(c) right ventricle right atrium lungs
left ventricle left atrium body
(d) right atrium right ventricle left
atrium lungs left ventricle body
(e) right atrium left ventricle lungs
left atrium right ventricle body
3. Which structure is part of the excretory
(a) epiglottis
(b) esophagus
(c) neuron
(d) nephron
(e) atrium
4. What is the name of the chemical substance
that is produced by the liver to break down
fat in the small intestine?
(a) gall bladder
(b) saliva
(c) enzymes
(d) gastric juices
(e) bile
5. Which body system(s) is (are) responsible
for providing cells with oxygen?
(a) circulatory system
(b) respiratory system
(c) digestive system

Unit A

Cells and Systems

(d) circulatory and respiratory systems

(e) circulatory system or respiratory system
6. Figure 1, on page 76, shows the outline of a
person about to eat an apple. List the
structures that the apple passes through, in
order, from the first bite until the waste is
7. What is the advantage of having digestion
take place along a canal rather than in one
8. Give an example of an organ that plays a
role in more than one system. Explain its
role in each system.
9. Explain the connection between an antigen
and an antibody.
10. If the bodys first two lines of defence are
effective, how is a pathogen able to gain
access to the bodys internal environment?
11. Suppose that you are a hockey goalie. Describe
the sequence of events in your nervous system
that enable you to make a save.

Use What Youve Learned

12. Fluid movement is the most important
function of the human body systems.
Explain what this statement means. In your
explanation, answer the following questions:
What fluids are involved?
What body systems are involved?
How are the fluids moved?
Why are these fluids so important to the
13. Explain why multicellular animals need
(a) a respiratory system
(b) an excretory system
(c) a circulatory system


14. What would happen in the circulatory

system and in the whole body if the heart
valves failed? Why would this be a
dangerous situation?
15. You are at a restaurant where drink refills
are free, so you drink four glasses of pop.
Assuming that you are healthy, why does
your body not swell? How does your body
take care of the excess water?
16. Organ systems interact and are
interdependent. Explain what this
statement means.
17. Pus around a cut or sore may look
dangerous, but it is actually a good sign.
Explain why.
18. Explain how the health of an animal would
be affected if disease damaged an organ that
(a) delivered nutrients
(b) removed waste
(c) informed the animal about
environmental change
(d) controlled other organ systems

Think Critically
19. How could an animal use specialized cells to
improve its fluid transport system?
20. Compare an open circulatory system with a
closed circulatory system. Which do you
think is more efficient? Give your reasons.
21. Obesity among young people is considered
to be a serious problem in Canada. Research
this problem using the Internet and other
resources, and answer the following
(a) What is the definition of obesity?
(b) What proportion of young people in
Canada are considered to be obese?
(c) What are the main causes of obesity in


(d) What can be done to reduce the rate of

obesity among young people?
w w w. s c i e n c e. n e l s o n . c o m


22. Explain why you think the body needs to

have three lines of defence against invasion?
23. Use the Internet and other resources to
research Lyme disease or the West Nile virus.
Prepare a report that addresses the following
the cause of the disease
how the disease is transmitted
symptoms of the disease
treatments for the disease
safety precautions
w w w. s c i e n c e. n e l s o n . c o m


24. As the captain of your schools football

team, you are responsible for selecting
players to be on the team. One of the criteria
for evaluating potential players is reaction
time. Explain why reaction time is an
important factor for athletes. Then describe
a procedure that you could use to test a
players reaction time.

Reflect on Your Learning

25. In this chapter, you have learned about the
interactions of body systems. How might
this influence your decisions about how you
look after your body?
26. Smoking is a factor in about 87 % of all lung
cancer cases. How do you feel about lifestyle
choices, such as smoking, that have a
negative impact on health?

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Chapter 3 Review



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