Neffpeter CV Oct2021
Neffpeter CV Oct2021
Neffpeter CV Oct2021
University of Minnesota +1 (360) 839-0118
Dept. of Soil, Water, and Climate email:
1991 Upper Buford Circle
Saint Paul, MN 55108 Twitter/IG/TikTok @icy pete
P. Neff | CV 1 of 13
Bachelor of Science, Earth and Space Sciences September 2005 - June 2009
Department of Earth & Space Sciences
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Thesis for honors distinction: Validation of Mt. Waddington ice core paleoclimate record:
stable isotope and melt stratigraphy correlation
Advisers: Eric Steig and Ed Waddington
Neff, P.D., Andreasen, J.R., Roop, H.A., Pundsack, J., Howe, B., Jacobs, G., Lassner,
D., Yoshimi, G., and Timm, K. (2021). 2021 Antarctic Subsea Cable Workshop
Report: High-Speed Connectivity Needs to Advance US Antarctic Science. October
1, 2021. University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Neff, P (2020). Amundsen Sea coastal ice rises: Future sites for marine-focused
ice core records. Oceanography 33-2, doi: 10.5670/oceanog.2020.215
Winstrup, M, Vallelonga, P, Kjær, HA, Fudge, TJ, Lee, JE, Riis, MH, Edwards, R, Bertler,
NAN, Blunier, T, Brook, EJ, Buizert, C, Ciobanu, G, Conway, H, Dahl-Jensen, D, Ellis, A,
Emanuelsson, BD, Keller, ED, Kurbatov, A, Mayewski, P, Neff, PD, Pyne, R, Simonsen,
MF, Svensson, A, Tuohy, A, Waddington, E and Wheatley, S (2019). A 2700-year
annual timescale and accumulation history for an ice core from Roosevelt Island,
West Antarctica. Climate of the Past, doi: 10.5194/cp-2017-101
P. Neff | CV 2 of 13
Steig, EJ, and Neff, PD (2018). The prescience of paleoclimatology and the future
of the Antarctic ice sheet. Nature Communications, 9, Article 2730, doi: 10.1038/
Emanuelsson, BD, Bertler, NAN, Neff, PD, Renwick, JA, Markle, BR, Baisden, WT, and
Keller, ED (2018). The role of Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea anticyclonic
circulation in forcing marine air intrusions into West Antarctica. Climate Dynamics,
51(9-10), 3579-3596, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4097-3
RICE Community Members (incl. PD Neff) (2018). The Ross Sea Dipole -
Temperature, Snow Accumulation and Sea Ice Variability in the Ross Sea Region,
Antarctica, over the Past 2,700 Years. Climate of the Past, 14(2), 193-214, doi:
Neff, PD and Bertler, NAN (2015). Trajectory modeling of modern dust flux to the
Southern Ocean and Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,
120(18), 9303-9322, doi: 10.1002/2015JD023304
WAIS Divide Project Members (incl. PD Neff) (2015). Precise interpolar phasing of
abrupt climate change during the last ice age. Nature, 520, 661-665, doi: 10.1038/
Neff, PD (2014). A review of the brittle ice zone in polar ice cores. Annals of
Glaciology, 55(68), 72-82, doi: 10.3189/2014AoG68A023
WAIS Divide Project Members (incl. PD Neff) (2013). Onset of deglacial warming in
West Antarctica driven by local orbital forcing. Nature, 500, 440-444, doi: 10.1038/
P. Neff | CV 3 of 13
Steig, EJ, Ding, Q, White, JWC, Küttel, M, Rupper, SB, Neumann, TA, Neff, PD,
Gallant, AJE, Mayewski, PA, Taylor, KC, Hoffmann, G, Dixon, DA, Schoenemann, SW,
Markle, BR, Fudge, TJ, Schneider, DP, Schauer, AJ, Teel, RP, Vaughn, BH, Burgener, L,
Williams, J and Korotkikh, E (2013). Recent climate and ice-sheet changes in West
Antarctica compared with the past 2,000 years. Nature Geoscience, 6(5), 372-375,
doi: 10.1038/ngeo1778
Neff, PD, Steig, EJ, Clark, DH, McConnell, JR, Pettit, EC and Menounos, B (2012). Ice-
core net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at a temperate-glacier
site: Mount Waddington, southwest British Columbia, Canada. Journal of
Glaciology, 58(212), 1165-1175, doi: 10.3189/2012JoG12J078
Current awards
Solicitation: Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology
Title: 80NSSC21K1615 Constructing radar snow accumulation time series to improve
understanding of surface mass balance processes and recent climate in coastal West
Period: Sep. 01, 2021 - Aug. 31, 2024
PI: P. Neff (lead), Future Investigator: J. Andreasen (PhD student)
Funded amount: $134,994
Previous awards
Solicitation: University of Washington Earthlab
Title: From Risk to Resilience: Connecting Communities to Coastal Hazards through
Interactive & Immersive Design
Period: May 1, 2019 - Jun. 30, 2021
PIs: H. Roop, P. Neff
Funded amount: $57,524
P. Neff | CV 4 of 13
Solicitation: Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
Title: Towards the integration of climate science education in classrooms
Period: Jul. 1, 2018 - Jun. 30, 2020
PIs: H. Roop, P. Neff
Funded amount: $32,000
Expanding the West Antarctic ice core array to capture Pacific coastal climate
University of Minnesota, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences October 2021
More than manuscripts: redefining “successful” science (invited keynote w/ Heidi Roop)
Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany (remote due to COVID-19)
December 2020
P. Neff | CV 5 of 13
Antarctic coastal ice cores: high-fidelity records of ice-ocean interactions and
atmospheric change
Dartmouth College (remote due to COVID-19) April 2020
Paleoclimatology and the pressing question: how much Antarctic sea-level rise, how
Twenty-Fifth Annual WAIS Workshop, Stony Point, NY September 2018
Antarctic ice memory: atmospheric chemistry and dynamics from layers and bubbles
Binghamton University October 2016
University of Washington Earth & Space Sciences Undergraduate Service Award 2009
P. Neff | CV 6 of 13
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
EES 231/431: Glaciers, Ice Sheets & Climate Fall 2016
Guest Lecturer
Climate Models
EES 105: Intro to Climate Change Feb. 2016, 2017
Carbon Monoxide
EES 218: Atmospheric Geochemistry Feb. 2016
Neff, PD. Augmenting West Antarctic Weather and Climate Observations with an
Expanded and Updated Ice Core Array. (Remote due to COVID-19) Workshop on
Antarctic Meteorology and Climate, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, June 21-23,
Neff, PD, Petrenko, VV, Etheridge, D, Smith, AM, Crosier, E, Thornton, D, Jong, L,
Beaudette, R, Harth, C, Langenfelds, R, Mitrevski, B, Curran, M, Hmiel, B, Buizert, C,
Murray, L, Trudinger, CM, Dyonisius, M, Ng, J, Severinghaus, J, Weiss, RF. 14CO in
Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH
Abundance from 1870 AD to Present. (Remote due to COVID-19) 16th International
Global Atmospheric Chemistry Scientific Conference, September 12-17, 2021
Neff, PD, Petrenko, VV, Etheridge, D, Smith, AM, Crosier, E, Thornton, D, Jong, L,
Beaudette, R, Harth, C, Langenfelds, R, Mitrevski, B, Curran, M, Hmiel, B, Buizert, C,
Murray, L, Trudinger, CM, Dyonisius, M, Ng, J, Severinghaus, J, Weiss, RF. 14CO in
Glacial Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH
Abundance from 1870 AD to Present. (Poster, remote due to COVID-19) American
Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 1-17, 2020
Petrenko, VV, Hmiel, B, Dyonisius, M, Smith, AM, Neff, PD, BenZvi, S. Characterization
of in situ cosmogenic 14CO in glacial ice and applications of ice core 14CO as a tracer.
(Poster, remote due to COVID-19) American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, CA, USA, December 1-17, 2020
P. Neff | CV 7 of 13
Trudinger, CM, Etheridge, DM, Buizert, C, Hmiel, B, Krummel, PB, Langenfelds, RL,
Manning, M, Mitrevski, B, Neff, PD, Petrenko, VV, Severinghaus, JP, Smith, AM,
Vollmer, MK. Rectifier Effect due to Seasonality in Convective Mixing in Firn. (Oral,
remote due to COVID-19) American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, USA, December 1-17, 2020
Neff, PD. An Antarctican’s Adventures in Social Media. (Oral, remote due to COVID-19)
West Antarctic Ice Sheet Workshop, virtual meeting, September 30, 2020
Neff, PD, West Antarctic coastal ice cores: high-fidelity records of atmosphere-ocean
forcing on outlet glaciers. (Oral, remote due to COVID-19) US Ice Drilling Program Ice Core
Working Group Community Meeting, virtual meeting, April 2, 2020
Neff, PD, Petrenko, VV, Etheridge, D, Smith, AM, Crosier, E, Thornton, D, Jong, L,
Beaudette, R, Harth, C, Langenfelds, R, Mitrevski, B, Curran, M, Hmiel, B, Buizert, C,
Murray, L, Trudinger, CM, Dyonisius, M, Ng, J, Severinghaus, J, Weiss, RF. 14CO in Glacial
Ice from Law Dome, Antarctica as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from
1870 AD to Present. (Poster) American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, USA, December 9-13, 2019
Neff, PD, Kuhl, T, Etheridge, DM, Petrenko, VV, Smith, AM, Boeckmann, G, Crosier, E,
Thornton, D, Jong, LM, Labudda, S, Curran, M, van Ommen, T. Five drills across four
decades: large-volume ice coring for atmospheric gas concentration and isotopic studies at
the high-accumulation DE08 site, Law Dome, Antarctica. (Oral) 8th International Ice Drill
Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 30 - October 3, 2019
Neff, PD, The brittle ice zone in polar ice cores. (Oral) 8th International Ice Drill Symposium,
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 30 - October 3, 2019
Neff, PD, Steig EJ. Paleoclimatology and the pressing question: how much Antarctic sea-
level rise, how fast? (Oral, invited) Twenty-Fifth Annual WAIS Workshop, Stony Point, New
York, USA, September 16-19, 2018
Neff, PD, Petrenko, VV, Hmiel, B, Smith, AM, Buizert, C, Etheridge, DM, Dyonisius, M.
14CO in Antarctic Glacial Ice as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH Abundance from
1880 AD to Present. (Poster) 23rd International Radiocarbon Meeting, Trondheim, Norway,
June 17-22, 2018
Neff, PD. Coordination for multi-centennial ice core perspectives on coastal WAIS/Marie
Byrd Land climate variability. (Poster) Workshop on Antarctic Surface Hydrology and Future
Ice-shelf Stability (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory), Palisades, New York, USA,
February 21-23, 2018
Neff, PD, Petrenko, VV, Hmiel, B, Smith, AM, Buizert, C, Etheridge, DM, Murray, LT,
Dyonisius, M. 14CO in Antarctic Glacial Ice as a Tracer of Changes in Atmospheric OH
Abundance from 1880 AD to Present. (Poster) American Geophysical Union Fall 2017
Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, December 11-15, 2017
P. Neff | CV 8 of 13
Neff, PD The role of ice cores in constraining future Thwaites Glacier evolution. (Poster)
Twenty-Fourth Annual WAIS Workshop, Coupeville, Washington, USA, October 8-11, 2017
Neff, PD, Fudge, TJ, Medley, B. Peeking below the snow surface to explore Amundsen Sea
climate variability and locate optimal ice-core sites. (Poster) American Geophysical Union
Fall 2016 Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16, 2016
Neff, PD, Bertler, N. Trajectory modeling of modern dust transport to the Southern Ocean
and Antarctica. (Oral) Southern Hemisphere Climate of the Present and Past / Joint
SHAPE-SWEEP Workshop, Santiago, Chile, November 2-4, 2016
Neff, PD, Bertler, N, Fudge, TJ, Steig, EJ, Conway, J, Medley, B. Amundsen Sea coastal
domes: targeted Holocene ice core sites. (Poster) International Partnerships in Ice Core
Sciences 2nd Open Science Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, March 7-11, 2016.
Neff, PD, Bertler, N. Trajectory modeling of modern dust to Antarctic ice core sites. (Poster)
International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences 2nd Open Science Conference, Hobart,
Tasmania, Australia, March 7-11, 2016.
Neff, PD, A review of the brittle ice zone in polar ice cores. (Poster) International
Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences 2nd Open Science Conference, Hobart, Tasmania,
Australia, March 7-11, 2016.
Edwards, R, Vallelonga, P, McConnell, JR, Bertler, NAN, Curran, MAJ, Sigl, M, Fudge, TJ,
Anschuetz, H, Neff, PD, Emanuelsson, D, Bisiaux, M, Goodwin, ID, Smith, A, Taylor, KC,
Moy, A, Fetieng, W, Ellis, A and Winton, VH. Dating Antarctic ice cores using high temporal
resolution black carbon records. (Poster) International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences
2nd Open Science Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, March 7-11, 2016.
Petrenko, VV, Hmiel, B, Neff, P, Smith, A, Buizert, C, Etheridge, D. and Dyonisius, M. The
potential of 14CO in glacial ice as a tracer for past cosmic ray flux and atmospheric hydroxyl
radical abundance. (Poster) International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences 2nd Open
Science Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, March 7-11, 2016.
Neff, P., Bertler, N, Fudge, TJ, Steig, E., Conway, H. and Pyne, A. Amundsen Sea coastal
domes: targeted Holocene ice core sites. (Oral) 2015 WAIS Divide Ice Core / SPICE Core
Science Meeting, La Jolla, California, USA, September 22-23, 2015.
Neff, P, Bertler, N., Fudge, TJ, Steig, E, Conway, H. and Pyne, A. Amundsen Sea coastal
domes: targeted Holocene ice core sites. (Oral) Amundsen-Bellingshausen Sea Coastal
Domes Workshop, Loveland, Colorado, USA, September 19-20, 2015.
Neff, P, Bertler, N, Fudge, TJ, Steig, E, Conway, H. and Pyne, A. Amundsen Sea coastal
domes: targeted Holocene ice core sites. (Oral) Twenty-Second Annual WAIS Workshop,
Loveland, Colorado, USA, September 16-19, 2015.
Neff, P, Tuohy, A, Bertler, N. and Edwards, R. Antarctic and Southern Ocean Mineral Dust
Aerosol Transport Pathways: Forward-Trajectory Modeling and Source Constraints Derived
from the RICE Ice Core. (Poster) American Geophysical Union Fall 2014 Meeting, San
Francisco, California, USA, December 15-19, 2014.
Bertler, N. and many (incl. Dadic, R, Emanuelsson, D, Naish, T, Neff, P and Tuohy, A. The
Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) Project – Did the Ross Ice Shelf Collapse During
P. Neff | CV 9 of 13
MIS 5e? (Oral) American Geophysical Union Fall 2014 Meeting, San Francisco, California,
USA, December 15-19, 2014.
Tuohy, A, Neff P, Bertler, N. and Edwards, R. 1000 Year Record of Heavy Metal
Contamination from the RICE Ice Core, Roosevelt Island, Antarctica. (Poster) American
Geophysical Union Fall 2014 Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 15-19,
Neff, P, Fudge, TJ, Medley, B. Amundsen Sea coastal domes: high-resolution Holocene ice
core sites. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research 2014 Open Science Conference,
Auckland, NZ, August 25-28, 2014.
Neff, P, Fudge, TJ, Medley, B. Amundsen Sea coastal domes: high resolution Holocene ice
core sites. IDPO Community Workshop on Ice Coring, Irvine, California, USA, February
26-27, 2014.
Pettit, E, Neff, P, Steig, E, Clark, D, McConnell, J. The neglected middle child: temperature
and water content in the percolation zone. Twentieth Annual WAIS Workshop, Sterling,
Virginia, USA, September 29 – October 2, 2013.
Neff, P, Bertler, N, RICE Community. Roosevelt Island Climate Evolution (RICE) project
update. (Poster) 2013 WAIS Divide Ice Core Science Meeting, La Jolla, California, USA,
September 24-25, 2013.
P. Neff | CV 10 of 13
Mandeno, D, Pyne, A, Bertler, N, Neff, P. Ice coring at Roosevelt Island: Drill design,
performance and refrigeration solutions at a low altitude “warm coastal” Antarctic location.
7th International Workshop on Ice Drilling Technology, Madison, Wisconsin, USA,
September 9-13, 2013.
Pettit, EC, Theis, JM, Neff, PD, Steig, EJ, Clark, DH, McConnell, JR. A new polythermal
regime? An advection-dominated seasonally layered accumulation area at Mount
Waddington, British Columbia. (Poster) American Geophysical Union Fall 2012 Meeting,
San Francisco, California, USA, December 3-7, 2012.
Neff, PD. Ice-core net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at a temperate-
glacier site: Mount Waddington, British Columbia, Canada. New Zealand Snow and Ice
Research Group Monthly Video Seminar, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New
Zealand, September 5, 2012.
Steig, E, White, JWC, Markle, B, Neff, P, Fudge, TJ, Schoenemann, S, Ding, Q, Taylor, K,
Orsi, A, Severinghaus, J, McConnell, J, Rupper, S, Neumann, T, Kuettel, M, Mayewski, PA,
Fegyveresi, J, Alley, R, Gallant, A, Dixon, D and Jones, T. WAIS Divide ice core evidence of
changes in climate and ice dynamics in West Antarctica, Holocene to present day.
International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences, First Open Science Conference, 1-5
October, 2012, Presqu’île de Giens, France.
Steig, EJ, White, JWC, Vaughn, B, Neff, P, Schoenemann, S, Markle, B, Ding, Q, Fudge,
TJ and Taylor, K. A high resolution stable isotope record from central West Antarctica
covering the last 62,000 years. (Oral) European Geophysical Union General Assembly
2012, Vienna, Austria, April 22-27, 2012.
Neff, PD, Steig, EJ, Clark, DH, McConnell, JR, Pettit, EC, and Menounos, B. An ice core
record of net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at Mount Waddington,
southwest British Columbia, Canada. (Poster) American Geophysical Union Fall 2011
Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 5-9, 2011.
Neff, PD, Steig, EJ, Clark, DH, McConnell, JR, and Pettit, EC. An ice core record of net
snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry: Mt. Waddington, British Columbia,
Canada. Northwest Glaciologists’ Meeting, Portland State University, October 14-15, 2011.
McConnell, JR, Flanner, M, Fritzsche, D, Kahl, J, Kreutz, K, Lamarque, JF, Layman, P, Neff,
P, Nolan, M, Pasteris, D, Steffensen, JP, Steffen, K, Steig, E, Vallelonga, P, A history of
industrial heavy metal pollution in the Arctic since 1750 from a developing array of ice cores,
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark,
May 4-6, 2011.
Neff, PD, Steig, EJ, Clark, DH, McConnell, JR, and Pettit, EC. 2010. Mt. Waddington Ice
Core Project: NWG 2010 Update. (Oral) Northwest Glaciologists’ Meeting, University of
Alaska, Fairbanks, October 8-9, 2010.
P. Neff | CV 11 of 13
Current PhD Student, primary adviser
Julia Andreasen
University of Minnesota Graduate Program in Land and Atmospheric Science
Reviewer: Nature, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Quaternary Science Reviews, Journal
of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Earth & Planetary Science Letters, Journal of Glaciology, Annals
of Glaciology, Antarctic Science, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Research
UMN Soil, Water, & Climate Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee, 2020-present
Council for Advancement and Support of Education 2020 Gold Level Circle of
Excellence Award, “Ancient Ice and Viral Videos from Antarctica” Category Video /
Video on a Shoestring. Video produced by Kiyomi Taguchi and University of Washington News.
Quantarctica Theme Editor, 2016-present Ice core data editor for Antarctic GIS tool,
developed by Norwegian Polar Institute, supported by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic
Washington Green Schools “Clime Time” K-12 Teacher Seminars Climate science
expert coordinating and presenting at trainings across Washington State, 2019-2020 under the
“Towards the integration of climate science education in classrooms“ project funded by the
Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. including trainings in Tacoma,
Richland/Pasco, Stevenson, Aberdeen, Pullman, Walla Walla, Chehalis, Spokane/Colville, and
Wenatchee, WA.
Ancient air and viral videos in Antarctica, UW News, Dec. 12, 2019
“WW2 Aircraft still THRIVE at the SOUTH POLE! | Plane Savers S2-E5” YouTube
video, Aug 17, 2019. (91,000 views) collaboration about DC3 polar aircraft with Mikey McBryan, of
Buffalo Airways, Yellowknife, Canada and known from the History Channel’s “Ice Pilots.”
‘Terrifying’: Scientists dig deep for missing piece of climate puzzle Sydney Morning
Herald, January 27, 2019
P. Neff | CV 12 of 13
Antarctic scientists begin hunt for sky’s detergent Nature News, November 20, 2018
The 19th century air molecules that could change climate models Discover Magazine,
November 7, 2018
Science Adviser, Hulu’s “The First” Advising on polar science for episode “Where Life Is,”
streamed on September, 2018.
Why does ice make that sound? University of Rochester article exploring sounds in viral
“Antarctic ice drop” video, April, 2018
Viral “Antarctic ice drop” Twitter video Posted February 28, 2018 and now >20,000,000
views. Featured by The Weather Channel, Science Channel, NHK (Japan public broadcasting),
Seeker (1.3 million views), and many other outlets.
American Geophysical Union Congressional Visit, Sept. 13, 2017 Washington, DC.
Meetings with NY house, senate offices (Gillibrand, Schumer, Zeldin, Espaillat, King, Slaughter)
Ancient Ice, POST Rochester. Article about U Rochester Ice Core Lab.
Science & Citizenship: A Teach-In, University of Rochester, Mar. 2017 Co-organizer,
speaker; faculty from five departments speaking about science’s role in society
Classroom Visits & Public Events, 2016-present Sammamish High School (Bellevue, WA),
Lopez Island Grange 1060 farm community talk (Lopez Island, WA); Blue Hill Consolidated
School 8th grade class visit (Blue Hill, ME); “Ask a Scientist” farmers market table (Brighton, NY);
Cobbles Elementary School K-5th grade school visit (Penfield, NY); National Building Museum
ICEBERGS event (Washington, DC); Rochester Museum & Science Center summer camp
(Rochester, NY)
Science Advisor, New Zealand IceFest, Sept. - Oct. 2014 Content creation, review for
“Antarctic Time Travel” exhibit, invited speaker, Christchurch, New Zealand
Radio New Zealand – Our Changing World, Aug. 8, 2013 “Melting Ice Cores from RICE”
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