Lesson Plan 2

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2nd lesson plan

Saagarika Rajan Babu

Week 3, Lesson 9
Year Level: 10

Lesson Duration: 50

How can these specific individuals maintain a healthy

Learning Outcomes
Students will gain the ability to create a daily plan for individuals to incorporate
healthy lifestyle. This plan will be specific to culture, age, period, community, and
geographical location.

Links to AUSVELS standards covered

AusVELS Strands, Domains and dimensions applicable to lesson:
Communicate scientific ideas and information for a particular purpose, including
constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language,
conventions and representations (ACSIS208).
Cross-curriculum priorities
o Asia and Australias engagement with Asia
o Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
Cross-curriculum priorities
Asia and Australias engagement with Asia
This priority will ensure that students learn about and recognise the diversity within and
between the countries of the Asia region.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures
This priority will ensure that students learn, understand and respect the Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.
Intercultural understanding
This priority will ensure students learn to value their own cultures, languages and
beliefs, and those of others.
Interdisciplinary Learning
o Listening, viewing and responding
o Presenting
o Reasoning, processing and inquiry
o Creativity
o Reflection, evaluation and metacognition
o Health knowledge and promotion
o Building social relationships
o Working in teams
o Managing personal learning

Higher order thinking

o Create
o Evaluate
o Analyse
Computer room (alternative setting)
ICT application
Formative assessment
o Student participation in class discussion
o Student involvement in group discussions

5 mins

Sets learning goals: working in a group students will create a daily plan
for a specific individual that incorporates healthy lifestyle (balance of
exercise and diet).
The plan that students create should take into account factors such as
age, gender, culture, community, and geographical location of the

10 min

Students will be explained how they are going to be assessed for this
They will be introduced on how to use prezi, and Edmodo.
o A group has been created on Edmodo for year 10 science class
o Students will be given the group code to login
o The inquiry project sheet has been uploaded on Edmodo, students
have access to it
o Other learning resources have been uploaded in the library of
Edmodo and can be used by students
o Students can communicate with their classmates and their
teacher by posting a note on Edmodo
o App called CK-12 will be very useful for this unit
o Students are required to upload the draft and the final version of
their inquiry project on Edmodo
The inquiry project discussed in this lesson will be used as summative
assessment for this unit. Working in groups of 3 students will create a
plan for an individual and present it using prezi to the rest of the class.
Students will be assessed on their presentations.
Create, Evaluate, Analyse


10 mins

Class discussion: Students will explore how diet and exercise options
differ across the globe due to external factors such as climate, culture
and available resources
Students will explore the influence of each of these factors in detail in
different parts of the globe.
More focus will be given on cultural and religious practices on healthy
Evaluate, Analyse


15 mins

The class is divided into groups of 3-4 students each group. Groups to
choose 1 topic from the list for their inquiry project (inquiry project sheet
given below). Students to start group discussions. Teacher to move
around the class to monitor student progress and provide assistance and
feedback as required.
Students conclude their group discussions and present their ideas to
their teacher and their classmates in the next 5 mins.
Create, Evaluate, Analyse

Teacher to check for evidence of learning against learning goals.

7 mins

Teacher to evaluate student progress on the given inquiry research topic

for each group.

Conclusion of Lesson
Students reflect on their own learning progress and to ask teacher for
assistance if they require.

3 mins

Inquiry project sheet

How can these specific individuals maintain a healthy lifestyle?
You are to choose one of the research topics given below and address the
following questions wherever possible.
What food sources are available in that geographical location?
What are the food practices of that culture/community?
How can this individual incorporate a healthy diet?
What exercise options are available in that geographical location?
What are the traditional games/activities of that country?
What are the common health conditions and diseases observed in
that location?
What is the daily routine of this individual?
What are the work timings of this individual?
What day-to-day activities can this individual do to keep
himself/herself active?
What will be the effect if this individual misses a right diet and
Research topics
Research topic 1
A 40 year-old man working as a software professional in India.
Research topic 2
A 30 year-old single woman working as a teacher in Australia.
Research topic 3
A 16 year-old male student schooling in Malaysia.
Research topic 4
A 50 year-old Aboriginal man living in Australia (Northern Territory).
Research topic 5
A 32 year-old pregnant woman working as a nurse in Philippines.
Research topic 6
A 35 year-old businessman who runs a bakery in Dubai.
Research topic 7
A 25 year-old female University student studying in Italy.
Additional class resources will be available on Edmodo. You are also
required to upload your draft and your final presentation on Edmodo.
You will be given time in class next week to do research and to work in
your groups. In your last lesson, you will be required to give a presentation
to the whole class on your chosen research topic using prezi. This
presentation will be your assessment (summative) for this unit.

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