Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Duration: 50
5 mins
Sets learning goals: working in a group students will create a daily plan
for a specific individual that incorporates healthy lifestyle (balance of
exercise and diet).
The plan that students create should take into account factors such as
age, gender, culture, community, and geographical location of the
10 min
Students will be explained how they are going to be assessed for this
They will be introduced on how to use prezi, and Edmodo.
o A group has been created on Edmodo for year 10 science class
o Students will be given the group code to login
o The inquiry project sheet has been uploaded on Edmodo, students
have access to it
o Other learning resources have been uploaded in the library of
Edmodo and can be used by students
o Students can communicate with their classmates and their
teacher by posting a note on Edmodo
o App called CK-12 will be very useful for this unit
o Students are required to upload the draft and the final version of
their inquiry project on Edmodo
The inquiry project discussed in this lesson will be used as summative
assessment for this unit. Working in groups of 3 students will create a
plan for an individual and present it using prezi to the rest of the class.
Students will be assessed on their presentations.
Create, Evaluate, Analyse
10 mins
Class discussion: Students will explore how diet and exercise options
differ across the globe due to external factors such as climate, culture
and available resources
Students will explore the influence of each of these factors in detail in
different parts of the globe.
More focus will be given on cultural and religious practices on healthy
Evaluate, Analyse
15 mins
The class is divided into groups of 3-4 students each group. Groups to
choose 1 topic from the list for their inquiry project (inquiry project sheet
given below). Students to start group discussions. Teacher to move
around the class to monitor student progress and provide assistance and
feedback as required.
Students conclude their group discussions and present their ideas to
their teacher and their classmates in the next 5 mins.
Create, Evaluate, Analyse
Teacher to check for evidence of learning against learning goals.
7 mins
Conclusion of Lesson
Students reflect on their own learning progress and to ask teacher for
assistance if they require.
3 mins