Office hours:
Before School 6:45-7:15am
After School 2:15-3:00pm
Algebra II
Youngker High School Spring 2016
Welcome to Algebra II! In this course, mathematic topics you have previously learned will be extended to
mathematical models in order to solve complex real-world problems. From learning to recognize patterns,
relationships between variable quantities, and interpreting those patterns, you will discover how to find
solutions to problems. In the process, you will rely on symbols to represent and explain mathematical relations.
Our main goals for this class is to build various skills through mathematics, such as communication and critical
thinking, and becoming mathematically literate.
The student will need to come prepared and bring the following materials to class each day:
Student planner
Beginning of Class
1. Once students enter the classroom, they should sit in their assigned seats.
2. Students should begin working silently on their bellwork, which will be on the screen at the front of
the room.
3. Shortly after the bell rings, all students are to be in their assigned seats.
4. If a student is not in the room when the bell rings they will receive a tardy.
Three tardies is equal to one class absence.
5. Students will wait quietly for Mr. Carrillo to give further instructions on the
days activities.
During Class
1. Students are to remain on task throughout bellwork, instruction, activities, etc.
2. Students should remain seated unless granted permission to sharpen pencil, etc.
Ending of Class
1. With approximately 1-2 minutes left of class, students will organize their desk and clean up.
2. Students are to remain seated until Mr. Carrillo verbally dismisses the end of the period.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to modify this document to meet the educational goals of this class and BUHSD.
Attendance is based on the school policy outlined in the Youngker Student handbook. Students are expected to
attend every class and be on time. Missing class or arriving late will diminish a students understanding of
course content and often result in missing assignments or poor test performance. Students should be to class on
time, unless accompanied by a pass written by a teacher or an administrator. Students are expected to assume
full responsibility for class attendance and are accountable for all work missed because of absences.
Student with excused absences will be allowed to make-up assignments. The due date of missed assignments
will be based on the number of excused days absent. Example: If the student misses 2 days then he/she has 2
days to make-up missed assignments. THERE IS NO MAKE-UP FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES.
All homework assignments will be due at the beginning of class. Students are to place their homework in the
appropriate class bin. If it is not turned in by the time the final bell rings to signal the start of class, then it is
considered late. When the final bell rings, the teacher will collect the homework from the basket and place it in
a bin on the teachers desk for grading. Any assignment turned into the teacher or the basket after it gets picked
up will be marked in the grade book as a zero. However, the teacher will still provide feedback on the
homework as students have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Any extraneous circumstances in
which an assignment will be late should be discussed with the teacher either five minutes before or after class.
Your grade will be based on grade averages in the following categories of homework, exams, quizzes, midterm,
and a comprehensive final exam. Each category is weighted according to the percentage given below.
1 Midterm
1 Final Exam
100% 90%
89% 80%
79% 70%
69% 60%
59% or below
To help create a safe learning environment for all students to succeed, the following policies will be
STRONGLY enforced throughout the classroom:
1. Leave drama at the door and be ready to work on math
2. Keep objects and body to yourself
3. Electronics will be used outside the classroom unless otherwise directed by
the teacher
4. Stay in your assigned seat unless otherwise directed by the teacher
5. Only the teacher dismisses the class
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to modify this document to meet the educational goals of this class and BUHSD.
If any student chooses NOT to follow classroom or school rules, then progressive steps will be taken:
**The teacher reserves the right to skip steps based upon the severity of the violation.
The student will need to:
I believe that every student has the potential to succeed, and it is my responsibility to provide them with the
proper tools and skills to succeed. Teaching is not just about the content being taught but also about providing a
safe place for all who enter the classroom. With this, our classroom will be both positive and welcoming to all.
All students are encouraged to express their opinions and ideas while being respectful of each other. Together,
as a class, we will create this safe place for everyone to learn and grow from one another.
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to modify this document to meet the educational goals of this class and BUHSD.
Period: _________
Your signature indicates that you and your child have read, understand and agree to the information on Mr.
Carrillos Guidelines & Course Outline, and our aware of the expectations for this class in this document.
Student (Print) ______________________________ ID#____________ Date__________
Student (Signature) _________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian (Print) ______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian (Signature) _________________________________ Date_____________
Phone: Home__________________________ Work_______________________________
Cell_____________________________ E-mail_____________________________
Best way to contact: _________________________________________________________
Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to modify this document to meet the educational goals of this class and BUHSD.