Satellite Communication Lab Manual
Satellite Communication Lab Manual
Satellite Communication Lab Manual
[Document title]
Prepared By:
Engr. Iftikhar Rasheed
Lecturer, Telecommunications Engineering
Serial No
Lab 1
Lab 2
Lab 3
Lab 4
Lab 5
Lab 6
Lab 7
Lab 8
Lab 9
Lab 10
Lab 11
Lab 12
Lab 13
Lab 14
Orbital Drag
Lab 15
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This equation is often expressed in logarithmic terms and forms the basis for the link budget.
Before introducing (1) in logarithmic terms, it is important to realize that dB-measures
are relative figures. If we however introduce a known reference, the dB figures become
absolute measures. You will find dBm (rel. to 1 mW), dBV (rel. to 1 V), dBW (rel. to 1
W), dBHz (rel. to 1 Hz) and so on.
Often two or more terms in (1) are combined. Gir/Ts is one example. Eq 1 is sometimes
expressed as C/No. In this case the noise bandwidth in the denominator on the right side is
excluded. (1) in logarithmic terms:
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Front End
The GPS L1 signals (Maximum = 24 signals) at 1.575GHz are received at
the antenna and amplified by the Low-Noise-Amplifier (LNA). The RF frontend further filters, mixes, and amplifies (AGC) the signal down to the IF
frequency where it is digitally sampled by an ADC.
Baseband Processor/CPU
The ADC samples of GPS C/A code signals are correlated by the DSP and then
formulated to make range measurements to the GPS satellites. The DSP is
interfaced with a general-purpose CPU, which handles tracking channels and
controls user interfaces. TI OMAP integrates both DSP and ARM processor on
the same chip.
The processor runs applications stored in memory. The OS is stored in nonvolatile memory such as EE/FLASH/ROM. Applications may be loaded in
User Interface
Allows user to input/output data from the receiver using input commands via
microphone, touch screen, and output MP3 to the earplug.
Allows the receiver to connect to the USB port.
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Q2: Has the gain and directivity changed by adding the second element in hardware?
Q3: What changes has the alteration in length mode to the gain and directivity?
Q4: How do these theoretical simulated plots compare with the real plots in hardware
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The ground around and under antenna is a part of environment in which any actual antenna
must operate. This interaction can be analyzed depending in where they occur relative to two
areas surroundings the antenna the reactive near field and the radiating for field. The reactive
near field only exists very close to the antenna itself. In this region the antenna acts as
though it were a large lumped constant inductor or capacitor, where energy is stored but
very little is actually radiated. The interaction with ground in this area creates mutual
impedance of an antenna, but also often increases losses.
In this radiating for field, the presence of ground profoundly influences the radiation pattern
of antenna. The interaction is different depending on the antenna polarization with respect to
the ground. For horizontally polarized antennas the shape of the radiated pattern in the
elevation plane strongly depend on the nature of ground itself as well as on the height of the
antenna above ground.
For single dipole above perfect ground:
1. Run NEC-Win and construct single dipole and save as dipole-1. If already saved
them click open file on the tool bar. Open the file dipole-1.
2. Change Z1 and Z2 to 0.025m.
3. Click on file then save as in the ground box just below the toolbar set the ground to
perfect ground and ensure that the frequency is set to 1500MHz.
4. Click run on NEC button and then examine the azimuth and elevation plots produced,
dipole over real ground:
5. Construct single dipole with previous readings as constructed for single dipole above
perfect ground in as save as dipole 2 again.
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Q2: Are the plots similar in shape in the perfect ground and real ground in elevation?
Q3: Are the plots similar in shape in the perfect ground and real ground in azimuth?
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Q1: What do you mean by LHC and RHC polarization?
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Histogram Equalization:
As can be seen, image4.JPG is in low contrast i.e., although pixels can be in the
intensity range of 0-255 they are distributed in a narrow range. To see the distribution
of intensities in image4.JPG in its current state, a histogram can be created by
calling the imhist function. (Precede the call to imhist with the figure command so
that the histogram does not overwrite the display of the image in the current figure
window.) Figure, imhist (I) % Display a histogram of I in a new figure (Fig. 2).
Adding Images:
To add two images or add a constant value to an image, use the imadd function.
imadd adds the value of each pixel in one of the input images with the corresponding
pixel in the other input image and returns the sum in the corresponding pixel of the
output image.
Subtracting Images:
To subtract one image from another, or subtract a constant value from an
image, use the imsubtract function. imsubtract subtracts each pixel value in one of
the input images from the corresponding pixel in the other input image and returns
the result in the corresponding pixel in an output image.
X= imread('image5.JPG');
J= imread('image4.JPG');
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Multiplying Images:
To multiply two images, use the immultiply function. immultiply does an element-byelement Multiplication of each corresponding pixel in a pair of input images and
returns the product of these multiplications in the corresponding pixel in an output
image. Image multiplication by a Constant, referred to as scaling, is a common image
processing operation.
Dividing Images:
To divide two images, use the imdivide function. The imdivide function does an
element-by- element division of each corresponding pixel in a pair of input images.
Image Resizing:
To change the size of an image, use the imresize function. imresize accepts two
primary arguments viz.
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The command below decreases the size of the image by 0.5 times.
F = imread('image5.JPG');
J = imresize(F,0.5);
Analyzing and Enhancing Images:
The Image Processing Toolbox supports a range of standard image processing operations for
analyzing and enhancing images. Its functions simplify several categories of tasks, including:
Obtaining pixel values and statistics, which are numerical summaries of data in an
Pixel Selection:
The toolbox includes two functions that provide information about the color data
values of image pixels specified. The pixval function interactively displays the data
values for pixels as the curso is moved over the image. pixval can also display the
Euclidean distance between two pixels. The impixel function returns the data values
for a selected pixel or set of pixels. You can supply the coordinates of the pixels as
input arguments, or you can select pixels using a mouse.
Image Analysis
Image analysis techniques return information about the structure of an image.
Edge Detection:
One can use the edge function to detect edges, which are those places in an
image that correspond to object boundaries. To find edges, this function looks for
places in the image where the intensity changes rapidly, using one of these two
1. Places where the first derivative of the intensity is larger in magnitude than
some threshold.
2. Places where the second derivative of the intensity with a zero crossing edge
provides a number of derivative estimators, each of which implements one of
the above definitions.
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Intensity Adjustment:
Intensity adjustment is a technique for mapping an image's intensity values to a
new range. For example, image4.JPG is a low contrast image. The histogram of
image4.JPG, indicates that there are very few values above 80. If the data values are
remapped to fill the entire intensity range [0,255], one can increase the contrast of the
image. This kind of adjustment can be achieved with the imadjust function in
addition to the histeq function already explained. The general syntax of imadjust is.
J = imadjust(I,[low_in high_in],[low_out high_out])
Where, low_in and high_in are the intensities in the input image, which are mapped
to low_out, and high_out in the output image. For example, the code below performs
the adjustment described above.
J = imadjust(I,[0.0 0.3],[0 1]);
The first vector passed to imadjust, [0.0 0.3], specifies the low and high intensity
values of image. The second vector, [0 1], specifies the scale over which you want to
map them. Thus, the example maps the intensity value 0.0 in the input image to 0 in
the output image, and 0.3 to 1. Note that one must specify the intensities as values
between 0 and 1 regardless of the class of I. If I is in uint8, the values supplied are
multiplied by 255 to determine the actual values to use. To use imadjust, one must
typically perform two steps:
1. View the histogram of the image to determine the intensity value limits.
2. Specify these limits as a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 so that you can pass
them to imadjust in the [low_in high_in] vector.
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Law of Atmospheres:
The challenge is to use excel to model how the density of atmosphere decreases in the
troposphere. Density is the mass of air per volume (=M/Vol). The atmosphere in the
troposphere is relatively dense, and particles in the atmosphere collide frequently (they
move with some average velocity v and have an average temperature T). This implies that
we can use the ideal gas law (remember PV=nkT?) In fact the more accurate form of the
law of atmospheres is:
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Next let us convert km to meters and store all the values in column [B].
You now have written your first Excel program. Calculating the density is a little
more complicated, but the general idea is the same. For every altitude, h, which is
stored in column [B], we want to calculate the corresponding value of the density
and put it into column [C]. Lets calculate the density. Recall the formula; put in h=0
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meters and solve. We can calculate this even without a calculator since the exponent
is equal to zero. So at h=0 is o (i.e., o =1.21 kg/m3).
Next we need to determine the density at an altitude of 1km, then at 2km. So insert
1km (convert km to meters first 1km=1000m) into the above formula. Youll get:
Now check out the graph. Put your cursor to the bottom of the Excel sheet and click on Alt.
vs. Mass Density (simple). The graph should appear. It shows how density changes with
altitude. The graph is actually displayed below. Look at the green line.
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The above plot shows the altitude versus mass density for three different temperatures.
Which of a, b, c (the green, blue and red lines) has the highest temperature? Explain.
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The satellite will be flying at an altitude of 350 km. Read off the value for the
The best vacuum produced on Earth has a density of ~10-20 g/cm3 (or 10-23 kg/m3).
Compare this value to the density in which the mass is flying.
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Lets first look at the formula for the simple atmosphere again and decide what it really
tells us. In the exponent we have a balance between mgh and kT So we actually have
three more variables: m, g, and T (in addition to the altitude h).
In previous lab we assumed that all these values remain constant as we go to higher and
higher altitudes. What do you think, is this a reasonable assumption?
Can you assume that the gravitational acceleration is constant at higher altitudes? Explain.
Can you assume that the composition of individual molecules remains constant? Explain.
[Hint: What is the chemical composition of the different atmospheric layers? And what do
you think might happen if these molecules have different masses?] Can you assume that the
temperature remains constant? Explain.
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If you said no to the above questions you were correct! The three assumptions of
the simple law of atmospheres are not completely correct. So how does the
gravitational acceleration change with altitude? This is something you can figure out
yourself Remember Newtons second law? And remember the formula for
Newtons universal Law of Gravitation? Look up those formulae and write them into
the two boxes below.
F= ___________________
F= ___________________
Combine them and solve for the acceleration. Recall that the radius is actually the
distance to the center of the Earth, so substitute R=Re + h, where Re is the Earths
radius and h the altitude.
a = ___________________
Next we can change the simple law of atmospheres to substitute for the
altitude dependence of the gravitational acceleration. Insert the above expression
for g (or actually a):
= ______________________
Lets analyze how a changing gravitational acceleration affects your model. On
the bottom of the Excel sheet click on the sheet saying Atmosphere. Look at
column [E] it should be the same as what you calculated in part I. Just for
practice, repeat the previous exercise of typing hi into column [B], and i into column
[E] of this sheet.
Next, type the above formula (equation 7) into column [H], starting at cell [H11].
To practice try it yourself. If all fails follow the instructions below.
Click the cell [H11]; Type =1.21, then type *exp(-
Type *, then click on 4.8079E-26 the value of m Excel will insert
Type /, then click on 1.38E-23 the value of k Excel will insert kB
Type /, then click on 293 the value of T Excel will insert T
Type *, then click on 6.67E-6 the value of G Excel will insert G_
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So all in all, the assumption of a constant acceleration was not perfect, but what do
you recon. Was it a reasonable assumption nevertheless?
And to be honest, we would not have known this unless we had really calculated
and plotted this. Okay, lets look at the other assumptions. It turns out that the
temperature of the atmosphere is NOT constant (the temperature is much cooler at an
altitude where planes fly an increases, decreases and then increases again see
plot below). This behavior is too complex to be described by another theoretical law.
So we are going to do a trick. For every altitude, we will insert the measured value of
the temperature. Guess what we have actually done this for you; and even plotted it
the blue line above incorporates this temperature dependence. We have combined a
theoretical model with real data and we have now produced a semi empirical model.
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Since the chemical composition (thus the mass per molecule) changes somehow
(lets not worry about the details), we will need to insert measured values for the
mass as a function of altitude. The good news is you get a break (again) because we
have done this for you! (The data are in column [D] in the Atmosphere spread
sheet, and the vales corrected for varying molecular mass are in column [K].) Like
in the case for temperature, this part is semi-empirical. The black line in Figure
is now our best model it is called the MSIS model (the red line incorporates
an additional change in temperature as you will discover in the next section).
This final model, the MSIS model is used by professional scientists at NOAA,
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association.
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Orbital Drag
Because the atmosphere extends beyond 1000 km, it can interfere with the motion of near
earth satellites, for example the space satellite in near-Earth orbit. The atmosphere will cause
an air drag, which will cause the satellites orbit to decay and eventually down the satellite
(in fact, as the satellite re-enters, there is a good possibility of it burning up in the lower
parts of the atmosphere). A satellite in circular orbit experiences an acceleration given by;
a= __________________________
Insert the expression for the acceleration into Newtons 2nd Law
F2nd = _______________________
Newtons Law of Gravitation is
F2nd = FG =___________________
Combine both equations and solve for the velocity
By squaring both sides and then multiplying by m you get the associated kinetic energy:
Ekin = m v2 = ________________________
Look up the expression for potential energy:
Epot =
Why is the potential energy negative? What does that mean?
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What about the potential energy? How fast does it decrease compared to the mechanical
Drag Force is
FD = A CD v2
Where A is the area of the satellite and CD the drag coefficient. The work done by the drag
then is
WD = FD s = A CD v2 s
Where s is the distance traveled (for one orbit s=2r=2(Re + h)).
Lets conceptually think about this formula it depends on the front surface area of the
satellite perpendicular to the direction of motion, and on the volume V = As which the
satellite displaces as it travels the distance s. It also depends on the ambient air density
through which the satellite travels, and on the square of the velocity. (Remember the
kinetic energy is also dependent on the square velocity since E = mv2. Also recall that
m = V = As.) CD is the drag coefficient and depends on the properties of the medium,
in this case the air.
Now we have all the formulae we need for the Excel spread sheet. Next you will write
these formulae into the flow chart on the next page.
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Q1: What would you expect would happen to the density of the atmosphere through which
the satellite is flying? Explain. What effect might this have on the satellites orbit? Explain.
Go to the spreadsheet page entitled Atmosphere. In the cell for "Percentage of Temperature
increase for MSIS Model (X%):" [E5] enter 10 for a 10% increase in the temperature.
Q2: Go to the page entitled Altitude vs. Mass Density and examine the curves on the
graph. How are they different from the previous graphs? Describe. Draw the new curves into
the previous graphs. Comment whether the graphs are consistent with the answer you
provided to question 1.
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