Windowdecember 2015
Windowdecember 2015
Windowdecember 2015
"Send out Thy truth and Thy light; let them lead us." --Psalm 43:4a
December 1, 2015
Have you ever tried to get a special gift for someone you really like? If you are like me, you try and think of
something exquisite or exotic maybe something funny; but chances are you cant hit the nail on the head and
they wont tell you. It can be exhausting to say the least: picking up a gift, putting it back down, texting their
friends, going to a million on-line sites. Then you finally pick something you like and you sit nervously to see their
reaction when they open up the gift; is it a frown, fake smile, quizzical look -It just never works.
Christmas is Jesuss birthday and the book of Micah is very clear about what he wants. Listen to Micah 6:8
He hath showed me, O man what is good and what the Lord requires of me, but to do justice, and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with God. Micah is certain that God wants us to be just, to love /show mercy and to walk
humbly with God. There is even a conversation in verses 6-7 about what God does not want. He does not want us
to be showy with our gifts; nope .nothing big, new, fancy, or costly for Him. God wants us to show one another
His love through our own actions.
Yep!!!! When faced with a choice between right and wrong, be courageous and chose the harder right- the
just way. When asked to forgive or help someone who has sinned and is not worthy - offer forgiveness, grace and
mercy. When confronted with platitudes and accolades from someone else for your service, simply acknowledge
that It is not I, but the Christ that lives in me-be humble. This is what God wants from us.
We have 25 days until Christmas so why dont we try to just give God what he wants:
Memorize Micah 6:8
Be Courageous and Do the Right/Just Thing
Read about grace and forgiveness and give it to someone.
Take no individual credit for any good deed this holiday season, as a matter of fact try to
do something for someone secretly. Something that will help them or make them smile.
Give it anonymously.
Merry Christmas
& Happy New Year
I would love to hear about your gifting
Our prayer is that you may
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you
and all those you love !!!
Felicia, Samuel & Adam Hopkins
December 2
Hosted by: Pathfinders SS Class
Choice of Chicken, Beef
or Vegetable Soup
December 9
Hosted by: Hayley Jo on the GO
Baked Ziti
December 16
Hosted by:
Join us for
Hayley Jo on the GO
Chicken & Rice
Music Ministry
of St Paul UMC
Friday, December 11
6:30 p.m.
Lobby of ACUs Williams
Performing Arts Center
contact: Kelly Modisett
Wednesday Night
Can you believe it is already time to see wreaths and nativity scenes?! Im ready. Christmas is my
favorite time of year and St. Paul is a wonderful place to celebrate Jesus.
November has been a wonderful month for St. Paul kids! Last Sunday our Sunday School children visited
the Beacon Sunday School Class and did a Thanksgiving Interview with their members. We got to learn a
few things about the Alexanders, the Coodys, and even Vade Giles. Whod have thought that we all love to eat
and share memories at the Thanksgiving table?
We are gearing up for some awesome Christmas time crafts to go along with our Sonshine Chapel time
and Sunday School lessons this month and I personally cant wait to make playdough with Kool-Aid packets!
I hope you were able to attend the St. Paul Birthday party on November 18. We had a great meal and
beautiful decorated tables. Generous St. Paul folks donated 140 coats to be donated to Johnston Elementary
students and I was excited to see the racks and tables overflowing with love. We were also happy to deliver
several packs of socks, hats, scarves and even a couple sets of pajamas. Way to go church family!!
As we enter this season, I am praying that each and every one of the children we meet and interact with
will encounter the true spirit of Christmas.
God Bless!
Robin Swartz
December 2
Maedene Armer
Kim Turnbull
December 6
Lela Russell
Bryan Tolliver
December 18
Carter Logan
December 19
Shirley Hunt
December 20
December 7
Tommy McAdams
Ruby Jo Day
Joshua Martin
Haili Rowton
December 8
December 22
December 9
December 23
December 10
December 24
Caleb Bullock
Marilyn Jordan
Teresa Bridwell
Matthew Brothers
Shotti Burton
Kelly Modisett
December 11
Rachel Ritchie
December 12
Kellye Cole
Nan McAdams
December 14
Matthew McRoy
Michael McRoy
December 15
Happy Collins
Dan Solomon
December 16
Bill Armer
December 17
Christy Hamaty
Davida Swint
Don Fite
Greg Perry
Wanda Hamblin
Bobbi Jay
Phil Guitar
December 25
Doris Dillard
Mary Hartmann
Jana Kappel
December 26
Jim Hays
December 27
Mindy Bannister
Mark Bullock
Arlean Dameron
December 28
Jan Lineweaver
December 29
Bob Bailey, Jr.
John Slaughter
Wanda Spence
Activities at a Glance...
Tuesday, December 1
Wednesday, December 2
Saturday, December 5
5:00 pm Contemporary Service
Sunday, December 6
Second Sunday of Advent
Monday, December 7
Tuesday, December 8
Wednesday, December 9
Friday, December 11
Monday, December 21
Saturday, December 12
Tuesday, December 22
Sunday, December 13
Third Sunday of Advent &
Music Ministry Sunday
Wednesday, December 23
Monday, December 14
7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 3
Thursday, December 24
5:00 pm Worship Service
7:00 pm Worship Service
11:00 pm Worship Service
Friday, December 25
Tuesday, December 15
9:00 am Caring Hearts Visitation
9:30 am Staff Meeting
Wednesday, December 16
10:00 am Prayer Team
5:00 pm Communion Service
5:30 pm Fellowship Meal
6:30 pm Childrens Christmas
7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
Thursday, December 17
11:45 am Staff Christmas Party
5:00 pm Board of Trustees
Saturday, December 19
Saturday, December 26
No Saturday Service this week
Sunday, December 27
First Sunday
after Christmas
9:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Worship Service
Monday, December 28
7:00 pm Boy Scout Troop 3
Tuesday, December 29
Sunday, December 20
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Wednesday, December 30
Thursday, December 31
Office Closes at Noon
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ of the Northwest Texas Annual Conference,
Each Annual Conference in our South Central Jurisdiction may endorse a candidate for the episcopacy
and those persons lifted up from each Annual Conference are the persons most likely to be elected by
the Jurisdictional Conference as a Bishop. On behalf of the entire Northwest Texas Annual Conference
delegation, it is my joy to share with you that on September 22, 2015 the Northwest Texas Annual Conference
delegation unanimously endorsed Rev. Dr. Jimmy Nunn for the episcopacy. Simply put, we have told all
the other Annual Conferences in our Jurisdiction, We have a guy here in Northwest Texas that ought to be
considered for election as a Bishop!
As most of you know, Jimmy has been elected a Jurisdictional delegate 4 times, a General Conference
delegate 3 times and is now leading the Northwest Conference delegation for the second time. He has
served as the Director of Administration and Mission in the Northwest Texas Annual Conference since 2011
and was the Director of Church Development 2009-2011.
Some of the reasons our delegation has endorsed Jimmy as a candidate to be elected Bishop are:
He has a humble and authentic faith that points toward a trust in God; he has been a proactive catalyst for
innovative and effective ministry to the Latino/Hispanic Community in the NWTX AC; he has built a strong
conference staff that equips local churches for effective ministry, especially in the area of communications;
he has assumed significant leadership in prioritizing the conference budget that took the NWTX AC from a
position of financial vulnerability to financial stability.
It has been 24 years since a person has been lifted up from the Northwest Texas Annual Conference for
consideration of election as a Bishop in The United Methodist Church. The last Bishop elected from the clergy
of the Northwest Texas Annual Conference was Bishop O. Eugene Slater at the South-Central Jurisdictional
Conference in San Antonio in 1960. Many capable and faithful ministers have served in our conference over
the years, but we believe that Jimmys ministry experience in the church in recent years has uniquely prepared
him for the challenges of the office of the episcopacy. At the South Central Jurisdictional Conference that
meets July 13-16, 2016 in Wichita, Kansas we will elect three new bishops for our Jurisdiction.
During this important time in the life of The United Methodist Church, we believe that Dr. Jimmy
Nunn is the kind of leader that The United Methodist Church needs as a Bishop. The only downside of this
endorsement is the potential loss to the Northwest Texas Annual Conference if Jimmy is elected a bishop.
For one to offer themselves up as an episcopal candidate requires deep faith in Christ and a love for the
church. Jimmy has both. So lets surround Jimmy and Mary Nunn in our prayers!
Every Blessing, Dr. Burt Palmer
Sr. Pastor, Polk Street United Methodist Church
and Gifts...
In Honor Of:
In Memory Of:
In Memory Of:
Kathryn Morrison
Lucille Edwards
Sue Warren
To Memorial Fund
Evelyn Kirby
In Memory Of:
To Memorial Fund
Karen Aldridge
James & LaVerne Boynton
Ann Bridwell
First Financial Trust
Jim & Cheryl Holmes
Fred Lee Hughes
Eddie Palmer
Janice Pugh
Scott & Michelle Senter
Kay Spiva
Maurine Davis
To Memorial Fund
Evelyn Kirby
In Memory Of:
In Memory Of:
J. Harold Hughes
To Memorial Fund
Evelyn Kirby
To Music Ministry Fund
Gary & Kathryn Grigsby
Elizabeth Hughes
Glynell Hughes
Robert & Cynthia Hughes
In Memory Of:
To Memorial Fund
James & LaVerne Boynton
Ann Bridwell
David & Jamie Cauchon
Eddie Dismukes
Bob & Ardis Gillette
Jim & Cheryl Holmes
John & Mary Huber
Evelyn Kirby
Michael & Sue Roers
Mickey & Linda Wheeler
To Music Fund
K.O. & Marilyn Long
To Shared Ministries Fund
Chuck & Jean Kay Erwin
In Memory Of:
Debbie Phillips
To Memorial Fund
Evelyn Kirby
Grace Johnson
To Memorial Fund
Evelyn Kirby
Dennis & Amy Newquist
Maurine Davis, Reba Wheelers sister, died Sunday, November 15, 2015.
Services were Thursday, November 19, 2015 in Winters, Texas.
of the
Candy Cane
Hard Candy
Reminds us that Jesus
is like a rock,
strong and dependable.
(Read Psalm 31:3)
Peppermint Flavor
Reminds us of the gift of
spices from the wise men.
(Read Matthew 2:11)
White Candy
Stands for Jesus as the
holy, sinless Son of God.
(Read 1 John 1:7)
Cane Shape
Is like a staff used
by shepherds in
caring for sheep.
Reminds us of Jesus,
our Good Shepherd.
(Read John 10:1-18, 27-30)
The Letter J
Is the first letter in the
Name of Jesus, our Savior.
(Read Matthew 1:21)
The Color Red
Reminds us that Jesus is
the Gift of Gods love.
Reminds us that Jesus
shed His blood for us.
(Read John 3:16 and
Revelation 1:5)
The Stripes
The large stripe reminds
us of the cross
on which Jesus died.
Three small red stripes
remind us of His
sufferings from the whip
on His back, the crown
of thorns on his head,
and the nail wounds
in His hands and feet.
(Read John 19:1-30)
525 Beech
Abilene, TX 79601