Final Project Sbhussey
Final Project Sbhussey
Final Project Sbhussey
Principal Investigator:
Susan Hussey
(typed/printed name)
Susan B. Hussey
As the faculty sponsor, my signature testifies that I have reviewed this application thoroughly and will oversee
the research in its entirety. I hereby acknowledge my role as the principal investigator of record.
Faculty Sponsor:
Reviewer Name
North Carolina State University
Institutional Review Board for the Use of Human Subjects in Research
In your narrative, address each of the topics outlined below. Every application for IRB review must
contain a proposal narrative, and failure to follow these directions will result in delays in
reviewing/processing the protocol.
1. Briefly describe in lay language the purpose of the proposed research and why it is important.
The focus group will help the Johnsonville County Board of Commissioners make financial and
planning decisions regarding recreational expansion in the southwest region of the county.
2. If student research, indicate whether for a course, thesis, dissertation, or independent research.
Research proposal is for a course.
How many subjects will be involved in the research?
Estimates or ranges are acceptable. Please be aware that if you recruit over 10% more participants
than originally requested, you will need to submit a request to modify your recruitment numbers.
The original focus group will consist of approximately 25 to 30 members.
Describe how subjects will be recruited. Please provide the IRB with any recruitment materials that will be
The Chairman of the Board of Commissioners will contact the district baseball and softball
directors. The district directors will contact local board directors who will recruit community
Disclose any relationship between researcher and subjects - such as, teacher/student; employer/employee.
Focus group members are constituents of the board members but no know direct personal
relationship exists.
If any of the above are used, state the necessity for doing so. Please indicate the approximate age range of
the minors to be involved.
1. In lay language, describe completely all procedures to be followed during the course of the
experimentation. Provide sufficient detail so that the Committee is able to assess potential risks to
human subjects. In order for the IRB to completely understand the experience of the subjects in your
project, please provide a detailed outline of everything subjects will experience as a result of
participating in your project. Please be specific and include information on all aspects of the
research, through subject recruitment and ending when the subject's role in the project is complete.
All descriptions should include the informed consent process, interactions between the subjects and
the researcher, and any tasks, tests, etc. that involve subjects. If the project involves more than one
group of subjects (e.g. teachers and students, employees and supervisors), please make sure to
provide descriptions for each subject group.
Participants will be involved in focus group and community meetings. Participants will be asked
to share opinions and to sign a waiver regarding their participation in the focus group.
1. State the potential risks (psychological, social, physical, financial, legal or other) connected with the
proposed procedures and explain the steps taken to minimize these risks.
There are no known risks to individuals who agree to participate in the focus group.
2. Will there be a request for information that subjects might consider to be personal or sensitive (e.g.
private behavior, economic status, sexual issues, religious beliefs, or other matters that if made public
might impair their self-esteem or reputation or could reasonably place the subjects at risk of criminal or
civil liability)?
No personally sensitive information will be requested. Individuals names and recreational
affiliation will be requested and phone number, for those who agree to being contacted by the
moderators or Board of Commissioners.
a. If yes, please describe and explain the steps taken to minimize these risks.
3. Could any of the study procedures produce stress or anxiety, or be considered offensive, threatening,
or degrading? If yes, please describe why they are important and what arrangements have been
made for handling an emotional reaction from the subject.
No, any stress felt by participants will not be induced directly by participation.
4. How will data be recorded and stored?
A recorder will keep minutes of the meetings and online data will be collected by participant
surveys and meeting attendance records. All data will be compiled by the moderators and shared
with the Board of Commissioners.
a. How will identifiers be used in study notes and other materials?
Personal identifiers for meeting attendance will be provided by the participants. Personal
identifiers in the survey are not requested. Comments made in open public meetings (not
This does not include any form of compensation for participation.
1. What, if any, direct benefit is to be gained by the subject? If no direct benefit is expected, but
indirect benefit may be expected (knowledge may be gained that could help others), please explain.
The only potential benefit to participation is having their opinions voiced regarding the potential
recreational expansions. Any direct benefits will only be gained by use of said facilities.
Please keep in mind that the logistics of providing compensation to your subjects (e.g., if your business
office requires names of subjects who received compensation) may compromise anonymity or complicate
confidentiality protections. If, while arranging for subject compensation, you must make changes to the
anonymity or confidentiality provisions for your research, you must contact the IRB office prior to
implementing those changes.
Describe compensation
There is no financial compensation for participants.
Explain compensation provisions if the subject withdraws prior to completion of the study.
If class credit will be given, list the amount and alternative ways to earn the same amount of credit.
1. If you anticipate that additional investigators (other than those named on Cover Page) may be
involved in this research, list them here indicating their institution, department and phone number.
David Jones, Board Chairman
1. Do you have a significant financial interest or other conflict of interest in the sponsor of this project?
Yes, as I have a child who participates in recreational sports.
2. Does your current conflicts of interest management plan include this relationship and is it being
properly followed? Yes
If a questionnaire, survey or interview instrument is to be used, attach a copy to this proposal.
Please provide any additional materials that may aid the IRB in making its decision.
Hussey, Susan
Course :
Title of Article :
Bibliography Citation :
The research study article addresses the positive and negative impact that organized sports participation
has on school-aged children. The research states that while being active helps to combat the nearly 33% of
youth who suffer from obesity and other health conditions linked to an unhealthy lifestyle, it is the
responsibility of coaches, parents, school personnel, and other athletes to promote a safe and moral playing
environment for our youth.
The article states the study aimed to explore the physical, physiological, and social impact of sports
participation related to the participants. It is recommended that a child should be at least age 6 before joining an
organized sports team and that sport specialization should not occur until the early teenage years. Participation
positively affects the general health of players but there is the potential for injury, from accidents and from
repetitive motions in children that are still developing and growing. Mental health can also be positively
impacted through increased self-esteem and self-confidence (especially in girls), through the feelings of
comradery that can develop within teams, and leadership and time management skills that develop. Through
pressure from peers, coaches, and/or parents, mental health can also be negatively impacted potentially causing
feelings of inadequacy and increased stress levels that can then affect other aspects of their life.
Sample size and demographics are not specific for the results shared within this article. The sampling is
based on youth participation in sports across the United States and it is stated that roughly 75% of US families
have a child that is involved in organized sports which is estimated to be at 45 million. Of that population, the
article addresses the percentage of players that quit the sport, become injured, and other valuable data but it is
not directed toward a specific sample size of the population. Overall the sampling was sufficient in addressing
the nationwide trend of youth sports participation and the potential for its positive and negative impact.
According to the article, one of the risks to youth athletes is the training, or lack thereof of the coaches
responsible for these players. Less than 20% of the 2-4 million coaches have received formal training,
according to Merkel (2013). The article also includes statistics regarding the negative impacts of participation,
for example the article indicates that 2.4 million emergency room visits each year from sports-related injuries in
youth aged 5-24 years of age. Although the article does speak to both sides of the issue, the statistics and
concrete data is more prevalent from the perceived negative impact of youth participation in sports when
participation is excessive.
89.5% of respondents are taking this class (ECI 510) as part of their graduate coursework.
2. If taking this class as part of a degree program, what degree/area of study are you seeking?
Nineteen responses were received which included: Digital Teaching and Learning, Masters in College
Counseling, School Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and Instructional Technology. Seven, or
38.9%, are working towards a counseling degree and 11, or 61.1%, are working towards a digital/technology
Note: One respondents answer was ghjjb which was removed from the calculation.
3. How many classes have you taken in your degree program?
The majority of respondents have taken two to nine classes in their degree program with 37% having taken two
to five classes and 24.3% having taken six to nine classes.
4. How have you taken classes towards your degree?
The majority of participants have taken all their classes via distance education through online only classes.
Part One of the Question: Which of the following programs have you used in your classes while
seeking your degree?
During their instruction towards their degree, the majority of participants have used YouTube for class
assignments while a minority has used Gliffy or Animoto.
Data from this question is difficult to fully interpret as Qualtrics did not capture and report the entirety of the
question. It appears that Twitter and Weebly are used more often than the other web tools but without clear data
regarding Other, that statement could be incorrect. I do not know if this is a reporting error by the website or
as a new user I did not format the question and its responses correctly in order to be able to interpret the results.
6. What program that you have learned in a class while seeking your degree has been the most useful in
your profession?
This was an open-ended text response question. The results are shown below.
Weebly (3); Twitter (2); YouTube (2); Qualtrics (2); Moodle (1); Adobe Captivate (1); Google Drive and Google
Docs (1); Google Apps for Education (1); iMovie (1); and VoiceThread (1)
More participants indicated that Weebly has been the most useful program for their profession that they have
learned while seeking their degree.
7. Briefly describe how you have used the program (chosen in question #6) in your profession.
Have you used the program (selected in #6) with your students in a classroom assignment?
Responses were almost equal for use of the program with students.
10. What opinion did your students have of the program?
Only six participants responded to this question. Of those six, 83.3%, or five, said that their students Liked it
Very Much while one responded with Liked Extremely.
11. What is your favorite technology tool that you have learned about in one of your classes? Briefly
describe why it is your favorite.
Open-ended text responses shown below.
47.1% of participants are Extremely Likely to recommend their chosen technology tool to a colleague.
Participant Demographics
13. What is your gender?
The majority, or 65%, of respondents identify themselves as Caucasian. Based on the text responses to the
Other category, the African American percentage should be 35.3%, or 6 of 17.
15. What is your age? Please select the appropriate range.
The majority of respondents fall into the 18-25 years old range for a total of 47.1% with an additional 29.4%
falling into the 26-35 years old range.
16. What is your current profession?
The focus group membership should be a representation of current and former participants. Current
participants, either through parental involvement or coach/board involvement, are aware of the current
situations and possible conditions facing the recreational program in their area. Previous board members or
coaches are aware of challenges that the organization may have faced in the past and how it was overcome or
simply historical knowledge of the program.
Initial questions will be provided via a Google document and link will be shared with participants so they may
complete on their devices or on a iPad/laptop that will be setup at meeting site. (Question list will be presented
to focus group and possible revisions may occur based on feedback before presented to attendees at community
meetings.) After a brief introduction and summary of the meetings agenda, each local recreational board will
break out into their mini-focus group for a short meeting to discuss their groups opinion on the expansion and
to determine any pros or cons that may exist if the expansion occurs at their facility. The mini-focus group will
also discuss any pros and cons that they feel exist for expansion at the other local recreational facilities. The
mini-groups will gather together to share information gathered during their breakout session. After the initial
meeting, focus group members will discuss the possibility of rotating meeting locations amongst the local
recreational fields. The district recreational board secretary will be in attendance to maintain the attendance list
and keep a record of the minutes of the meeting. An audio recording will also be taken in the large focus group
sessions to allow privacy within the mini-focus group sessions and to encourage more participation than may
occur if the meetings were video recorded. The initial focus group meeting will be scheduled approximately 5
months prior to the first community meeting with the anticipation of meeting once a month to finalize meeting
agenda and priorities.
4. Following are key terms in the problem or question that are not clear and thus need to be defined:
a. Need for Expansion
b. Area for Expansion
c. Community Opinion of Expansion
d. Cost of Expansion
e. Focus Group members
f. Timeline of meetings and breaking ground